II THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 4. 1912. ?HE OMAHA DAILY BEE OUNDED BT EDWARD ROSE WATER i VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR ES BUILDING. FAKNAM AND 17TH- Entered at Omilit postolfte a eeoond- terms fif SUBSCRIPTION. Bndnv B. IM T H.5S stardar Be, one yw W SJ eaily Be (without Sunday), on rear HOS auv Bee and SundaT. ono Tr e DSLIY&RKD BT CARRIER , Ivralng Be (wittt Sunday). pr mo.... is "any Be (including Sunday), per mo. &c ally Bm (without Sunday), per m.-..e Addreea all complaint or trrf ulartUes hI d olivary to City Circulation Dope JT REMITTANCES. a Remit by drait. eipreea or poatal oraer. mayable to Th Boo Publishing company. Rjnly J-cent etemp reoolvod la perownt small account Personal cnocka, x mm on Oma&a and aaatarn excttans. not Nccapud. omcEa. Omaha Th Boo Building. - South Omaha 811 K Si- CouacU Blurts Scott St Lincoln 3s Uttl Building. . Chicago IMS Marquette Building, Kansas aty Hellene Building. ; New York-M Wul Tturty-third. Washington 7 Fourteenth BL. M. W. CORRESPON DENCB. C Communicatlona relating to newe and adnonal mailer ahouid a artdrasssil umaha Be. Editorial liepsrtspent. APRIL. CIRCULATION. 50,109 lata of Nebraska, County of Dour sr. JJwight Wiluama, circulation manager l Th Be Publishing oompany. being duly wcrn. aay that tlia avarage daiiy circulation, for th month of April. 1KL2, was aw.lur. DWIOHT WILLIAMS, , Circulation Manager. Suberr.bed In my proMno and sworn !u bafor sue this 2nd day of May. ltU. ' in SB I i tUJVtMl Hb.MiiH, I Noiaiy futuie. ) Safcec libera leavtast tk 4ty I aaaaawrmrtlr akoald ausea Tae Bee aamlUd to these. Addreea j will bo caaeseg aw Ite a re. i What bream a of tbote Massachu ' Mtts minute man? Why not submit the Thaw csm to referendum vouT ' Coniressmsn Oardner seems to i kavs) bond his own row falrlr well. The pries of writing paper Is to (o f np. Will that niske our love letters I say dearer ? Th month ot Mar la siartlnf out as It tb weather man were on hl good behavior. For some unezplalnable reason Governor Wilson's boom seems to I warp In the sunshine. la Its nonpartisan seal our amiable democratic contemporary has' com mended two more democrats for commissioner. Th spectacle ot a temperance re former enforcing his demands at the point ot a pistol Is most Impressively temperate In effect. If all the persons who "lust missed taking the Titanic" had boarded the vessel It would have sunk under Its burden of passengers. A New York botanist says th chestnut trees ot this country ar doomed. W shall continue to hay few chestnuts, though. Georgia, whare Woodrow Wilson once practiced law, went against him. Oh, J erosalea , Jerussale m , how often 'would I, and y would not A man In on ot our smsller Ne braska towns has plesded guilty to selling oysters ' that hsd - been watered. That's s new one on us. Th 'Cltisens' union candidates bar recalled their decision to oust , Chief Donahu that is to say, they hsv recalled It at, least until after th election. la referring to President Roose velt's cabinet officers as "rigorous men," Prof. Hart doubtless msd a mental reservation as to a certala attorney general. . Tea, but suppose, as waa th case la the primary, th mayor and all th city councilman but two, were candidates for re-election, who would then appoint th election officers? Too may as well begin to assure yourselves thst whichever side Is beaten In our impending city election. th other will, a usual, rend th air with charges ot fraud. Intimidation and corruption. If the good people of Lincoln who hsv just adopted th commission plan of city government will keep their eyes on Omaha for a few days they will learn several lessons of now not to do It If thpse Judges snd clerks ot elec tion who have bees officiating In our polling place year after year np to and Including our last primaries are all "untrustworthy," Omaha must Indeed be in a bad way. Why thee keep-it-dark methods on th part of the Water board In disposing of S7.000.900 of water bonds at privet sal Instead of pub licly advertising for bids, . opening them publicly aad making the award publicly ' What ar they afraid of? . Suppose those M aaaacb use ti dele gates hd sees elected la eoaven- tloa in at aad of by primary. Suppose Roosevelt men to have been chosen delegates by a fluke, but nailed down by reeelntions Instructing tor Taft adopted by a clear majority of th convention. Would they have vote their Instructions? And would th colonel generously renounce 'their Why a Pmidential Primary ? Why a presidentlsl primary If it does not accomplish wbst it purports to do? Here in Nebrasks Mr. Brysn snnounced In advance, thst if be, himself, were elected s delegate, snd Governor Harmon wss the high man for president, he would refuse to ac cept the instruction, but would re sign snd go to Baltimore In bis in dividual capacity to fight against the people's choice. By the signal victory scored by Chsmp Clsrk Mr. Brysn bss been released of this al ternative. Presumably, then, as a delegate so instructed, Mr. - Brysn should be an out-and-out Clsrk msn, or st lesst willing to say that his first choice Is Clark. It is smstlng to find, however, reprinted with ap proval In the Commoner, this inter view tsken from the Baltimore Sun: "Who la your choirs for the nomina tion?" Mr. Bryan waa asked. Ha smiled and gave the answer h has given many times before: "I have not expressed any preference." "Will you not announce your prefer ence nowr No." ha replied; "I have no cholo now, except that I hope to see a progres sive nominated. "But. Mr. Brysn." he waa told, "th Clark victory In Nebraska and the Wll- aon victory In Oregon have both beea aarrlhed to your Influence. Have you not taken any position Is the matter at eiir "No," he said. "I have not. I have carefully avoided taking any position. aepaclally In Nebraska, where I have continually reiterated my refusal te take aides. The only place In which tried to exert any Influence was In my own pre elnct In Lincoln. I was afraid a one sided vote there as between Wilson and Clark might he taken as an Indication that I waa either for the man who lei or that I had no influence among my netshbors. Bo I asked the workers thsr to try to st th vols as nearly even sa pnaalbla and eusgeated that the demo crats asree among themselves to vote half snd half. "Two voters were nearer to me than the others and I sdvtaad them to pair off. on to vote for -Clark and the other for Wilson. I was triad to find the vote In the precinct sJmort a 1 1 Clark got IS and Wlleon 11 Bo I am proud of my precinct. I munt aay that I would a lit tle rather have had the vote II to IT, and Wouldn't have cared which had the 11" Mr. Bryan has msd his slogsn, "Let th people rule" (provided they rule according to his directions), and has gon so fsr ss to ssy that a platform la as binding for what It omits as for what It contains. But It this is all tb sffect a presidential primary has upon Mr. Bryan In his representstlv capacity as a dsl gste, what Influence should such a preference vote hsv on ordinary people? A, ' Contract Conviot Labor. For many years every attempt at national legislation to control con vict labor has met with defeat It ha been opposed by formidabl sel fish Interest, and now that th Booher bill, which. If enacted Into law, would practically do away with this system In tb penltentlsries, has passed on house, It, too, may expect to meet with this ssms opposition, but th prospect is fair tor Us enact ment. I Tb Outlook, In discussing this question, contends that contract con vict labor In state prisons is rsally worse In a wsy thsa ordlnsry slsv- sry; (hst th contractor, who buys th time of tb prisoner at a stlpu lstsd flgur and gets out of him all th work he can, become his mas ter Just as much as th slsve owner Is of the serf, but th Slavs ownsr, hsvtng monsy tied up In his Invest ment, Is earsful ot tb physlcsl wl fsr .of his cbsttel, white th con tractor Is not Tbls point certainly demands con sideration, ss doe also th point that free labor outside th penitentiary Is forced Into competition with th prison labor. Still another la th unsanitary condition too often pre vailing In prison labor quarters. Th Outlook effectually replies to an ar gument regularly advanced in favor of the prison system, that It teaches oonvleta trades they msy use sfter they lesve prison, by Instating thst tbs trades followed In the prison are seldom worth anything to the free msn. A federal law stopping Inter state trade in. goods msde by con tract convict labor would unquss tlonsbly end these evils, although It would leave other evils equally re quiring attention. Same Old Crop Killers. Th Oldest Inhabitant probably would have to stretch bis memory to recall a spring when th whest crop was not killed, thst Is. by ths premsture predictions. This spring has been no exception In that regard. Some two weeks ago reports were sent broadcast thst wheat in Ne braska and other big wheat states wss away below par and In places so worthless thst the ground was being plowed up for other cereals. Promptly the wheat market got the crowds. Prices began to soar. They thrrstened to outdo core, which for months previous hsd been sent to an absurd ascent by the ficti tious conditions which It Isy In ths power of the bulls to create. Then the rains cams, as rains nsuslly do at this time of year, and the ground began to get greener aad the prices trembled, then tell. In part of Nebrssks, Ksasss and other wheat states, more reliable re ports ssy, an enormous crop ot whest will be harvested this year, and all over the wheat belt the crop Is liksly, barring adverse conditions from now, te be very fair. The crop killers, like the poor, we hsve always with us snd they are usually doing the bid ding of the speculstor, if. Indeed, they sre not the speculator himself. No need to become too exuberant over the prospects of a bumper wheat crop, but those who have made In vestigations for the legitimate pur pose of finding out wbst the situa tion is, sre entitled to some credence snd they say prospects sre promis ing. Good Men for Commissioner. Another candidate for commis sioner in the prlmsrte whom The Bee Is plessed to commend sgain for the election is Albert C. Kugel. rep-; resenting the Tenth ward in the present eity- council. We need bsrdly sdd to whst we said before in these words: Mr. Kugel la on of th highest type of th mechanic, a claaa that oonatltute uch a substantial part of our commu nity. By trade s plumber, now conduct ing a plumbing bualnea of hla own, he baa the good will and confidence of both fellow laborers and em pi oyer. As plumb ing Inspector, and later as councilman, h has mad a credltacl record. He baa been constantly accessible to hla con stituents, responsive to their demands, tndefatlgabl In attending to the public business entrusted to him, snd as com mlaaloner could be counted on to apply the same Intelllsence, common sens and Industry In the performance of bl duties. Mr.. Kugel demonstrated his pop ularity, and the high esteem In which he IS held, by the handsome vote accorded him in the preliminary race, which is sure to be repeated In increased site and decisiveness In the election. British and American Inquiries. Appsrently the relstlve tempers menu of the Briton snd American are fslrly reflected In the respective conduct toward the Titanic Investiga tion. A senstorlal committee was at the docks In New York to meet the owner and remaining crew ot ths ship with an official inquiry, which baa been pushed with vigorous In difference to any prearranged plans of qusry. In London, nearly three weeks after the disaster, the British announce their readiness to enter pon n investigation, but they will pursue a regular court procedure with the questions, cbsrscter and number mspped out beforehand. ' Yet, as a matter ot fact, the Brit on could hardly have got to work any sooner, since they hsve not hsd the men at their disposal for wit nesses. But th comparison Is quits striking, typtcsl of ths wsy the two people do things. We do not know but thst In this esse methods, st lesst, ot our cousins are more im pressive thsn our own, and yet no criticism, is to be made ot the Ameri can for prompt and vigorous grasp ing ot this situation. W had no tlm to loss, Owner limay had an nounced his Intention ot sailing for London on th same day ot his ar rival In Nsw York, and other ship men dsslred to mske a hasty depsrt urs. Whstever wss done must be done without delsy. Our Amerlrsn senators wsre alert to the necessity ot the case, whether the British would hsv been or not. But the Important thing la that London should co-operate, - as 1J ssems anxious to do, with the United States In getting at the facte that need to-be brought out of this distressing situation. London has elected to follow much the ssms line of Inquiry as that laid down In Washington. With both sides of the sea pressing for ths right action to forestall another such tragedy all minor differences may wall be wstved. ' The Bee's offer to send a ahort hand reporter if "Ralph" wanted to mske an answer to Jim Is not taken up, but meets with this response: No. thanks, I won't need a shorthand reporter, for, not being a candidate, I esn't vary wait become sa Wsu to this campaign, as the mayor wants m io do. Permit ms te thank him, however, tor hla favorable advertising of my bualneaa methods, tor, since the mayor In hla cam paign speechea aays that I am a crook, ths people will st ones conclude thst I am noL-Ralph. In the interest ot full measure and the rule ot the people, The Bee puts It up to the voters. A msrgln ot one-tenth ot 1 ner cent on $7,000,000 would be 1 7,000, and one-tenth ot 1 per cent each year for the thirty years thst our wstsr bonds run would be $:10,000. Keep it dark. CrMsalasj the Dark Here. Baltimore American. Mr. Bryan seems to faav dark horses sa his Bind. pcially when drscuaalng republican prospects. It would be inter est! n te know whether ha uuhi dark horse te capture th democratic nomination sad whether the sum ae gis with B. ' A Ssirw Winner. Brooklyn Eagl. Th candidate who wants to get solM with tb plals people of th Vnlted State wlU quickly outline a tariff policy for knocking tb rubber truat over th rap, with th result that automobtl tires are brought within the reach ot toe wage ssraer sad th tiller at th soil. Peril stf falletkeaie Oratory. New Tork Sua. Th wis rule which admenlahas orat ors te mind their gestures was broken with ratal affect la the Houae of Com mon recently. In tb midst of sa Impas sioned defense et the new bom rule T. P. O'Connor delivered a sentence describ ing th peace sad Harmony it promised te Ireland. By way; of emphaslsansj hla point he raises sis arm aloft and struck with the fun force of a btscsurmrth's hammer, not the empty air, bat th shift ing 1!k bat of T. U. Hesly. Amid th aroaaed protest of HesJy snd the de lighted applause, of the souse, th re dsubtabl Tar Pay" abandoned hue slo-queace. EookinBackwani 'HiH Dav In Omaha I I 1 - Thirty Yeau-a Ago The final teat of Omaha new water work system took place thla evening. The scene on Faraam street was pho tographed at th beginning of ths dis play. A local council of th American Legion of Honor waa Instituted last night at Knights ot Pythias hall by Deputy Com mander E. D. Titus. The following offi cers were choaen: Commander, Nathan J. Bum ham; vie commander, O. R. Rathburn; paat commander, F. J. Mc Shane; paat vie commander, A. L Ewartslatider; collector, A. N. Ferguson; treasurer, K. T. Duke; orator, Sol Prince; guide. C. Specht; chaplain, F. E. Bo wen: truatee. C. N. Diets, Smith R. Campbell and a R. Wyatt. Th School board deadlock on secretary continues, but with Connoyer holding ths Job. The Isst of th monthly exhibitions st Crelghton college took place yesterday, consisting of readings and recitation. Th participant Included Master Jobs McCrary, Master Thomas Flynn. at as ters Thomas Denney and Joseph Mo- Grain. Master William Barrett, Master William Flannlgan, who recited Moore's "Fir Worshippers." Medals also went to Muter John Riley. Master Frank Mo. Crary, Master Charles Donahue, Master John Donahue, Master John Kelly and Maater Frank Dohrlng. The beating apparatus Is being put Into the Psxton today. Additional cars will be Installed en the Hsnscom Park line within a week. A complaint has been filed against George Hart man for maintaining a barbed wire fenc Inside th city limits. t'sptaln Marsh has issued sn order granting free transportation to tb mall carriers of th city over his street ear lines. The many friends ot Mrs. B. It Arm strong will regret to learn ot her serious Illness. Mis Frances Bueter of Nebraska City Is th guest of Miss Jennie Dellon. F. O. Hamer ot Kearney Is registered st ths Metropolitan. Twenty Years Ago These ten new members were sleeted to the Gentlemen's Roadster club: Dr. II. dullck, C. B. Breldanbeckar. J. A. MrShan. E. J. Cornish, C. H. Watworth, Charles Offut. C. a MoPherson, H. M. Jewett. Frank Rocco and Dudley Smith. A fly wss picked out ot the ointment at th general conferenrs of the Metho dists, s wolf In sheep's clothing ss It ware, when an tin poster In fine minis terial attire was arrested snd sent te Lincoln, where h was wanted for ob taining money on false Pretenses. H had woiktd Ills trick among ths breth ren of th conference, borrowing II and III her and there to "cover temporary necessities," until It was discovered that he cam from nowhere without creden tials. The W Judge and clerks of th Isst lection were finally paid oft by ths city. John T. Cat hers failed to carry through his Injunction suit to block pay ment, President Perkins of the Burlington railroad and' a group of ether officials were In Omaha on their minus! tour et their road. Frank Cooper, president of ths Ksnsss City Stock exchange, was th guest of T. W. Blackburn, sa old school mat. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Buckner of Chicago war th guests of Mr. and Mrs Ira B. Mapes. Mr. Buckner waa Inspector of sgencles for ths New Tork Llfs In surance company. William hals. a teamster If years ef sge, wss killed by a caveln ot an em bankment near Gibson, where he was working. , Ten Year A go Omaha got the rump of a rain that fell heavily and general over th stste, which waa much in need of moisture. Joseph 8. Pyles wss burled In Forest Lawn cemetery. Funeral services wars conducted by ths Rev. c. W. Savldga at ths undertaking parlors of ' Brailey A Dorrsnce. The body of a man found floating In ths Missouri river proved ts bs that ot Henry Tlenken, who had disappeared a few day before from hi boms at West Point C a Joy of Alliance snd A. It Modi, sett of Rushvtlte. big; cattlemta te tbs stats, wb with Bartlett RIohards of Ellsworth, C F. Coffey snd E. C Harris of Chsdron, William Femdoa of Brown- lee snd Daa UIU ef Gordoa. had just re turned from Washington, where they went to urge the passes of the sand leasing Mil, expressed little hops of sue oeaa. They were discouraged by their Interview with Secretary Hitchcock of th interior, who. though reserving thorn courteously, gar them so premies. Captain Thomas Swobs, United States army, and Mrs. Bwobs arrived est th ller Grand, where tbey intended to reside until the captain recehred his new ap pointment Their son, Dwtght M. Bwobe, s traveling passenger stent for ths Union Pacific, arrived from Chicago to spend th day with tbenv Captain and Mrs. Bwobe had beea la ths Philippine. Actor John Drew wea at the liar Grand, having com to present his new play. "Th Second la Com man." at th Boyd. President Dowllng ot Cmghton univer sity addressed the graduates ef Cretgh ton medical colleen oa "Th Neceasgty for EsnwMnase la Religious Matters." People Talked About Jacob B. 8chmldlapp. a CinnnnaU eape taliat, esrs any family ot Br members or lee ran live es hit wk and an gt. "When I was a young msn. be says, "I lived en S3 a week. When I sund tl.n a year I saved tea- Mrs. Anna B. Pttser. sister of Champ Clark, Is one of the Colorado eWecstas to th democratic national convention. Besides a vote for tb speaker. Bister Anna will bring along a eottarett of pink rlbsoa for the Missouri kua dawg. John Hays Hammond aad other friends of Major Archibald Butt, wbe was tost oa ths Titanic, have started a camps Iga for th erection ef a sBonament te him in Washington. It is slaaoad to snake ta tribute national by saving congress ap propriate t2as,ea for th purpose. General Bajasma Frankua Tracy, wa fought through th rru war wtth a regiment which he organised snd served aa secretary of the navy la the cabinet of Preatdesit Harrises, eiebrat4 tb elghty-eecood annlreraary ef bis Mrth by putting la s goo stji work at his tew office in New York. In Other Lands Same side XVlghts ea Whs Is Trmasptrljur Aaung the aTsar sad fs sTatlaaa ef ta Bsrtb. A Setatealaur Ftalah. la all the annals of crime there is ne climax with modern trimmings ss sen sational snd plctureaqu as the finish of th motor car bandits In Paris, this week. In many respects the battle was similar to that fougnt in tb Hounds ditch section of London on January 1 Mil, which lasted nine hours, occupied ths attention of 1.MS armed policemen, two detachments of soldiers, some artil lery, a firs brigade and thousands ef spectators. Destruction ef the besieged building by fire ended the battle in Lon don. Dynamite did the business in Paris. But whst ths Parte affair lacked In duration waa offset by a succession of brief thrills, pictured in all their aba dings by batteries of cameras and moving pic ture machine. Jul Bon not leader of th gang with ten murders and scor- of robberies to It credit, took refuge In garage, from which a hall of bullets fired by a cordon of policemen snd re publican guards failed to dislodge him. The manner in which ths climax wss reached and Its photographic reproduc tion elevatea the event above the common aad gives It distinction never before at tained. Two attempts to dyramlte the building failed. Each one was a thriller but the third, which was successful, ex ceeded the thrills of sll thst hsd gons before. A police lieutenant carrying flvs pounds of explosive, crawled up to th bslldlag behind a load of hay, planted the deadly package and lit the fuse. One may well believe the "the suspense wss agonising." ss the account antes. There was breathless-silence, "broken only by the click of the clnemotograph as It took In ths scene, treeing ths thin, curl Ing smoke of the fuse blown hither snd thither by the breeae." A fissh. a puff, a loud report, and the building was wrecked. Many a desperado in the old and new world hav been shot to desth under conditions squally spectacular. Ons of the James boys. Black Bart, Sontag, Psks Wells, Ths Big Springs train rob. bars, and ths Banders, shuffled oft ef fectively before smsller audiences. Ths Nebraska eonvtct chased to death on a Sarpy county road six weeks sgo, pro duced a spectacle less heroic, but equally thrtllmf. None hsd ths sdvantage of bat terlea ot cameras snd moving picture machines to Immortalise the spectacle and furnish red heedlllne for nickel odeons for years to come. The 1st Mon sieur Bonnot Is la a class by himself, eee Ham Rale aad After. Home ruls for Ireland Is moving through ths second stags of discussion in the British Commons, which will probably occupy a week, after which ths bill goes Into commute of th whole for final re vision. The determination of the ministry tu press ths bill to th concluding stsge and send It to ths House of Lords by June 1, demonstrate th unity of th '.liberal party allies, only on of whom Joined the opposition on th cruclsl first vol. Ths debate now proceeding as ths customary mesne ef relieving minor party artillery of Ita load, and la fashioned for campaign purpoaea. That th bill will be sent up to ths lords at an early date Is ss certain ss anything human. Its enact ment Into law and th Inatallatlon of aa Irish parliament In College Oreen Is so generally accepted by London corres pondents thst some of them ar specu lating on the effect Irish statesmanship will hav en th eonatructlv statesman ship of tb empire. Hitherto sll Irish na tlonalists debarred themeelves from ac cepting office under the government. They occupied a position of Pott against ths degradation of Ireland, and consistently opposed all ministries which antagonised horns rule. One a responsible government It sat up In Dublin th political genius of I re la ad will have abundant opportunities at horn snd In ths larger activities ot th empire. "To th British public, writes th London correspondent of th New Tork Evening Poet, "the Irish lead ere have hitherto figured very much ss did Boths snd D Wet during the Boer wsr. They hsd beea thought of ss first rets fighting men, who resourcefulness la a sort of fllllbustartng tactics had flea brought trouble to ths Imperial force. Recent history has revealed to us m the former Boas? raiders men who can slay a worthy and distinguished pert In ths building up of a new South African union. It will tsks only a brief experience of e ssrsrnmestt at Dublin to show that the Irish Issdsrs, too. pnmss other snd greater ejaaUtlea thsa their undoubted skill la attack." Head Waval Rivalry. Expressing ths characteristic British view of naval supremacy in th New Tork Independent at April 11. th 1st W. T. Stead, editor of the London Re view ef Reviews and victim of ths Titanic disaster, lamented th conditions which Impelled nations to "wasts ths money" la maintaining certaia standard. But he foresaw the ssrsssary end of sll ths rivalry, for h said: "Th discontent and Irritation occasioned by this pes tilent naval competition Is lessened by tbs comporting reflection that It Is rapidly searing Ita end. For my own part I am strongly ef opinion thst none of thee great monsters, dreadnought snd euper-drea d nough ta will ever fire s hot In actual war. They are Ilk th cumbrous armor which reached the maximum of weight and vnwteldlneas Just before the discovery et gunpowder mads armor an anaonronlam. The Dleeel motor engine will aeoassitstc th scrap ping ef sll ths dreadnoughts, and th airship and ths ssroplaae will reader th const ruetioa sad repair ef these monsters Impossible, The sate Count Aehrenthal saw dearly years sgo that tbs future lay la the air. For my part as a pacifist I would willingly give up ene of the new super-dread noughu If I might spend the ten. ON Merit ng which It will cost upon tb airship and ths araoplan. which will lp out frontiers, render fortresses untenable and destroy th bases where fleets are equipped.- ' eee Heaadast Warktasnssra la Paris. Tb housing ef the working classes la Paris b) dally becoming a mors scats problem. Only a small proportion et them can find accommodation. Tb statement Is msd that there are about W.SN exutut persona la the etty whet earn leas than M a week, and who can hardly find shelter. Tb arte ef work s's reesas has bean constantly rising. hks rents hi general, and. whereas It wss still possible for workman tit- i teea years saw ta Bad a room with a kttcbea for himself aad hi family at t s year, th price has bow risen to M er mere. OM five and six-story huues. built fifty sr MS rears age. which had beea- inhabited snoot I y by work-people, are aew being palled down ta every quar ter, aad bread nsw, asudtfa spai-usest houses sre going up In their piece, with Data which rent from tl 50 to XS.eW s year. Work people are being driven far ther and farther towards the fortifica tions and beyond, but even along th fortifications great modern building are rising. In which the flats are let for SO or 11,000. and workmen can only look at them from the street. PASSING PLZASA5TSH3. Agnes And did he say that I looked Intellectual? Gladys O. no. Indeed! I assure you he said nothing disparaging. Life. "Are vou la favor of the recall, Mrs. KnottsT" "Tes, as long as thev don't try to have It applied to the proceedings in Rene." Chicago Record-Herald. "That old sailor friend of yours plsys a good came of ball." "It ought to come natural to a tar to b good at a pitch." Baltimore American. Hiram I tell ye. them there rich feller I easy marks Hank-T don't say. Hiram Yea; the paper say Spendlt was tsken In by one of them frats. an' an' won't tell how It happened.-Phtladeiphla Record. "Prisoner at th bar. I find you hav been sentenced to prison twice before. What have you to say why I should not send you there again r' "I urge, your honor, th generally ac cepted feeling against a third term." Chicago Poet. Grlgga He here. Brigs, whst's that you v been saying about me? I've a great notion to give you s piece of my mind. Brlggs-Don't do it! I little thing like i M 'sN 9 tij I- t t -': in it i t Against Substitutes r a m . vi r 4 a. t gSaff MALTFn Mil 11 f aJne oa wiU aerW EPOSITS DIOth in the SAVINGS DEPART. MINT of the UNITED STATES I wiTrnviT Ti a w in THREE PES CENT interest is paid on sayings deposits and COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Tunds may be with, drawn at any time without notice. The combined capital and surplus la f 1,400.009.00, It te the eldest .bank la Nebraska. ' Established In 1851. United States National Bank of Omaha. Nebraska at. T. Bartow, rrsasisal, V M. aTeesesiBBk, Asst. Cash. . W. Vasuaa. Tie rise), m. I. Unless, Aae. Oaah. T. B. CeiSweU. Yloere. f. O. KoOlara, Asst. Oasa. Opea oa Satordave GUARANTEE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION ORGAMZKD JAXl ARt S, lSOt. PURE FKOTECTIOX LX81RAXCK. Assets. April 1, 11S. , f70e.081Jta Reserve Fnnd, April 1, iei2.". ST1.6MS.M Bee nri ties with state Depart, April L, ISIS S7S.050.0O (To Sex-are Oar Istsa ranee Ceettrarts.) Rate Pes? thoaeand, age SS (other ages In SBroportioa), SS.7S. Mortal it cost, per Sl.OOO Insaraaca, mean amoaat, year 1911, SS.10. OreosltosT Banks appointed Ilea. The eerarttr far pajrment ef rotare loses la luepwllon to tola! liens sustained ainc organtxaueo. Is In to rati at M.U ta ll.e. I .iron end la tUiawa siaiaa subs' pfwpaHai t enter eusarn LOOK IT OCB RECORD. HOME OFTICE, BSANDEIS BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. Telrrihosss Doagias T031. thst isn't worth dlvidlng.-Boeton Tran script. First Csllfornis Suffragette-Whlch can didate are you going to support? Second California Suffragette I cant support etiner one. in ' to ask him to dlnner.-Harper s Baser. HOT FRIE5DLY. Detroit Free Press. . rm very much surprised to find that MM Taft la not toe man . I theusht tie waa five years ago when booming him I first began; . , I loevd him aa a brother .then; I even made him president. I epread bis glory far and wide with me he was s sentiment. But look bow he repsys me now? Be cause bis methods I attack. And hit him every time I can, be thinks , It fair to hit me back. A friend would take a blow from me aa . often as I cnose to strike: A true friend really ought to aay: "Now close my left eye IX yu like." And If It plea me to call him naraee that have a grating sound. A gentleman, by friendship s rules to bold his tongue is ever bound: But now I find that Mr. Taft displays a very sorry lack Of courtesy. He thinks It fair snd square . ot him to hit me beck. Hs hurls his tlreeoms facts at me, hs publishes my letters, too. To show thst once I favored all , the1 things thst sow he seeks to do. No gentleman would fight this way-nog one with any gratitude Howeer attacked would turn upon former friend and be so rude, I have no us for Mr. Taft since every: time his eye I black 1 Ha disregard all friendship's rules and deala a good stiff wallop back. H OTEL GOTHAM 7 Hotel cTrcfTned d elegance, located in Newark's social centre Easily accessible to theatre and shoppirKL district!.. SPECIAL DiSCOUm t5XrJOS MAY re OCTOBER . Wetherbee V Wood NEW YORK. CITY Afainst Imitations .atr w m a as sbbs as ssssa ansr n eg Mad In the largest, best . quipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant In the world We do not moke "milk products Skim Milk. Condensed Milk, etc' Set the Original-Genuine HORLICK'S MALTED MILK Made from pore, full-cream milk . and the extract of select melted grain, reduced to powder forms soluble in water. Best food-drink for ail aee C7ASK FOR HORLICK'S Used all over the Globe made on or before May itaAiVit AJU IMUtA Wll UiSVW interest from May 1st m- a. Tasss, nsBrt, Oaaa, Until S:00 P. M. . . j-