Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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pVERY Piano sale made here carries
N-4 with it an Iron Clad Satisfaction
Contract to the buyer.
It's this policy backed by the very
best instruments produced at any given
price that is responsible for the rapid
growth and ever increasing success of
our Piano department
You'll not find a Piano that we
will not match quality for qual
ity at a positive saving of $50
to $W0 to you
A strong statement you'll say, but
it's a statement we're prepared to back
today, tomorrow any time, any place
by the most careful and thortugh
Nine Grand Special Baragins
Sacrifice prices in rder to reduce
our stock quickly these prices for
Saturday only.
Terms to Suit Your Own Convenience
11600.00 Player Piano, 25 rolls muale ......
1 $660.00 Player
rolls muale
11600.00 Player
rolls music
11(25.00 Player
rolls music
1 I1.0B0 Player
rolls music
Piano, 35
Piano. 16
Piano, 25
Piano. 25
rolls music
I $700.00
rolls muslo
1 $750.00
rolls music
1 $650.00
rolls music
a aaa
Piano, 15
Piano. 15
Piano, IS
Piano, 26
Asaerleaai "lilenteneat Bed stead."
Breadelsi "Tbe Ooooe Bjtri."
Oeretyt Burlesque.
Xnfi BvlHtnt.
Orphevxal vaoaevule. todsy at the aeretv. Straff
a Orpbeam theaters.
'Th (M Girl" at the Braadcta.
"The Goose Olrl," a drama In four acts,
from tbe novel of the same name, by
Harold McGratb; dramatlied by George
l. Baker and staged by James W.
Castle; under direction of Baker
Oeatle. The caat:
iFrau Bauer of Black Eagle Tavern..
Marie Van
Officer Hoffmeyer of the Royal Police
Warren Towneend
: Ludwlg. Prince Recent of Jugendheit
Brian Darley
i Hana Brumback, a Oerman-Amerlcan
James H. Lewis
Leopold Deitrlch. a youns vintner..
Robert Ellis
Heine.' who knocked off the Duke's bat
Buy by Name
PAD en
am 1 I
Eanaryk bak
Costs more frfi you wish
to make. '
Costsyoa 4i PAD "
no more. w CORD
COOOC moST CO., etsacee. easrraa
Gretchen, tha Ooosa Olrl
Vlrtinla Ackerman
Princess Hlldegarde of Ehrensteln....
Florence I. Nelson
Grand Duke of Ehrensteln. .Albert Veasle
Arthur Carailcbael. American Consul
at Drleberg. .!....... Victor Sutherland
Count von Herbert, Chancellor of
Ehrensteln Sidney U Mason
Colonel von Wallensteln, Chief of
Secret Service Charles O. Parley
Herr Ooldberc, a eoclallM.. Gerald Rowan
Herman Bruenner, bead gardner to
the palace Gerald Rowan
Grtngolre, a Maysar Gypsy. Gerald Rowan
"Every bullet baa Its billet." sans a
poet Ions ago, but soma bullets find their
mission ends In love and not In woa. For
example, look at all tha bullets that didn't
hit Captain Arthur Carmk-hael aa he
and Teddy charged up San Juan hill.
Suppose any one of them had bit him In
a place other than tha fleshy part of
tha lee; above the knee what might have
happened' la Ehrensteln! But the hurtling
bullets missed him as they flew In furious
whirl, and ha was eared to bring a throne
to tha sweetest little girl. To be aura,
he got the girl ha wanted, and tha
Well, perhaps Harold McGrath ought
to have the credit, after all. Ha has
made considerable Improvement In this
matter of stealing Infanta of royal birth
aad concealing them until later on In
Ufa, when they are auddenly restored
through tha mlnlatration of noma com
mon person from England or America.
Balfe began It, when he awtped the dear
little daughter of tha count, and had her
sing about dreaming of dwelling within
marble halls; Verdi muddled It up dread
fully, because ae could not control tha
hasty temper of the Contl dl Luna, and the
aad taking off of both Leonora aad Man
rtco followed; Anthony 'Ope 'Awktna man
aged tha matur a trifle better, when he
sent out Rudolph Raaaendyll to aave tha
throne of Run tenia, and his plan was
slightly Improved upon when George
Barr McCutcbeon drafted a Lorry G ren
tal I to prevent tha war between Maura
tama and Lusltania or was tt between
the Olympic and the Kronprlnxen Lulse?
and wed with Princess Tteve, just to
show the world what a real American
could do If ha turned hla hand to being
a king. And then there was tha Inspired
genius that showed us that "The king of
Kronberg la not tha king of Kronbarg,
and ret the king of Kronbarg Uvea:" And
tha Castles did a pretty fair Job of adjust
ing hochwohlgebornen affairs when they
humbled the pride of Jeateo. And others
have tried H at various times.
But none of these aver succeeded as did
Harold McGrath, for ha elevated a goose
girl to a ducal palace, with aa Immediate
prospect of being removed ax once to'a
kingly throne aa queen-consort of tha
man aba really loved, all the while secur
lrtg for the American diplomat tha one
girt ha could ever love, although aha
wasn't quite a princess; aba had ta be
Just a countess, for the law '"that never
50c Wash (jijfM
Ties, 35c; 4R
3 lor $1,00 Jf
A Suit Opportunity
Young Men's and
Men's Suits $14.75
Our clothing buyer who is now in
the New York market placing his fall
orders had an opportunity to "pick
up" 520 Men's Spring Suits at a con
siderable price concession, The suits
have been on display for several days
in our Farnam Street windows and
will go on sale here Saturday morning.
The values are great, you save at least
$5 and up to $8 on every suit Judg'
ing from our standard of value giving,
which is considered authoritative in
the clothing world, you will recognize the
instant yau see the garments at'S 14.75 that
this is a real suit opportunity that does not
often cime your way.
Clever Heid Caps
for Young Fellows, $1.00 and 50c
English Cloth
Hats Special
Young chaps who are
painfully exacting In their
dress requirements will
find thst we have antici
pated their every want la
the way of hat fashion
you'll never net so much
class In a hat at the price
aa we offer tomorrow at
Stetson Hats
Every wearer of a Stet
son Hat Is positive of the
fact that hla hat la the
very laat whisper In fault
leaanesa and correctness.
If you've never seen the
entire collection of Stet
son hats, this Is tbe one
store In Omaha where tha
entire line la represented.
83.50 UPWARD8.
A List off Men's
Goods Bargains
Value giving that will estab
lish a new record, and at such
substantial savings as should fe
attract a throng of purchasers f
to our Men's Store.
Complete assortment and
size range in all items quoted,
but we would suggest early at
tendance at this sale.
Men's 50c 'Porosknit'.' Underwear,
39c Garment.
This world known make of under
wear, the quality which la known by
thousands of men In Omaha.
In white and ecru shirts are half
sleeves, drawers full, ankle or ath
letic knee length In a complete range
of sizes.
Men's $1 " Porosknit" Union Suits,
An unheard of low price for these
garments. In white and ecru, short
aleevea. full ankle length and ath
. lota; knee length garments. All alzes.
Men's $1 Nainsook Union Suits, 69c
Garments of fine small checked
crossbar nainsook, made -with easy
giving elastic waist band, halt
sleeves or sleeveless, knee length.
All sties.
Men's $1.00 Sea Island Union Suits,
Garmenta made of fine quality Sea
Island cotton, trimmed in blue ailk
finishing, half sleevs or sleeveless.
Athletic knee length, in all sizes.
Men's $1.50 Soisette Pajamas, $1.
Extraordinary values coma In
white, blue, tan, hello, pink. All cut
full and with matched silk frogs.
Men's $4 Terry Bath Robes, $2.85.
Full site Bsth Robes of fine Im
ported Terry Cloth In bright colored
designs. Made with roll collar, out
aide patch pockets, matched neck and
walsj cords. (Main Floor.)
Men's 50o Silk Hose, here Satur
day 25c
Men's 50c Suspenders, here Satur
day 25c
in am in r I - P J
breaks nor bends" forbids an Amerlran
to wed with royalty. How sad! Tha law,
not tha tart that Hlldegarde wasn't a
princess, for she la a very eharmlnc
young woman, and we are all right glad
that she cams to America to live among
us. Also, It'a lucky for President Teft
that tha play wasn't produced In every
theater In Massachusetts on Monday. If
It had been, the talk ot good old Teddy
and tbe Hough Riders and Ban Juan hill
would surely have decided the day In
favor of the colonel, who was only a lieu
tenant colonel at that time.
Aa to the play Its story follows the
story of the book very closely, and as the
press agent says everybody has read the
book. It's no use In repealing It here.
Tha company works with energy to give
life to tha heroic commonplaces with
which tbe dialogue abounds, -and the
varioue theatrical situations that make
up the action of the play. It la not the
fault of any one in the company that
tha audience at tha Brandels last night
was not moved to enthusiasm. Miss Ack
erman Is a beautiful girl, and acta her
role amailngly well; Miss Nelson Is also
pretty and capable, and worthy to be
either a princess or the wife ot an
American diplomat. Maria Van has a
comedy role that she makes much of.
Among tha long role of men In the com
pany. Mr. Iye wis and Mr. Rowan deserve
commendation tor well enacted roles.
The play ia sumptuously stsged; the
scenery being massive and appropriate
and beautiful. The engagement ends on
Saturday night, a matinee being played
on Saturday afternoon.
Loral Katea af the alaae.
At the American "lieutenant Red
Head" la atlll entertalnlns large audi
ences at each performance by hla ming
ling of matrimonial and military mat
ters. It Is one of the finest of farces, and
Mr. Perklne and the other players are
getting all the fun out of It. The regular
matinee wil be played on Saturday after
noon. Next week the bill will be "The
New Boy."
All tbe members of Pouchot's flying
ballet at the Orpheum this week are
German girls and received their lnetruc-
tlon at the Hoyal Ballet trhool In Ber
lin. In speaking of the art of "flying."
Mile. Baumler eeld": "The real art con
sists la not whirling aimlessly around.
Attach any untrained person to a wire
and he danglea helpleesly. We have been
taught bow to control our motions when
our feet sre off the floor, and that Is the
main thing, it la done by noiotina the
toes, Just as In ballet dancing, aave that
you step on the air and not on the floor.
The way one places her leg or foot gov
erns her movements, and If you will
wauh closely you will notice that the foot
ads as a rudder and steers us wben
'Of course the wires are handled by
men and machinery and tha men are
taught Just how to handle us. but at the
same time we have to govern our own
aerial movements abaolutely. The long
fltSGta over the audience to the baieonv
are all controlled by our foot movements.
It tskea a long tune to achieve results,
because you have only your own sense
of feeling to gutue you. That's why
aerial work Is so hard and so few Indulge
la it."
Last Friday night's amateur contest at
the Gayety waa such a auccess In the
way of creating new laugna that a simi
lar, though funnier, amateur contest wui
be staged tonight directly after the per
formance of "Tha College Glria," which,
by the way, ta the laat of the Gayety'a
regular season bookings. Ladles' matinee
"The Jsrdln de Paris Girls." current at
traction at the Krug. la one of the few
burlesque shows that will nil an engage
ment on Broadway thla summer. Tnis
show will open at the Columbia theater.
Forty-seventh and Broadway, early next
aca season we managera i
the two burleaoiie wheels select the best
snows four or five and give them a few
weeks at the leading new York burlesque
Fire, supposed to have been started by
rats gnawing at electric, wires In the ele
vator shaft, caused a Ids of about 16. 900
worth of property last night In tha Car
tercar building, liU Fa . nam street, which
Is owned by W. K. Foshler, Nebraska
Cartercar agent. The largest part of the
damage will be occasioned to eighteen
automobiles, which were damaged by
water. It is thought that SIW each will
cover tha loaa from tbla source, however.
One machine stored In tha basement
worth about 11,500. was entirely destroyed
and another on tha first floor damaged
to tbe extent of about SMO. Tha loaa to
the building is estimated at tlM). On
tha third floor was stored about 11.000
worth of. the household effects of Rob
ert Hlnckel, loading Inspector for the
Burlington. This property was damaged
about two and is fully Insured, as waa
all of the other property.
All of the cars In the building were
the personal property of Mr. Foihler, the
agent, and he says they were fully In
sured. The fire had a good start when
Pleiareaejae Scrap Viewed aa
Wroalu Moaatalaa at
Loaa Raaae. s
The home of Dave Tween on the West
side. Lander, Wyo, Is quarantined for
scarlet fever, but that does not prevent
Tweed from seeing everything that hap
pens In the town and surrounding gaun
try. Tweed owns a powerful field thus.
After breakfast he began to take In the
sights, as uaual. With his glas he swept
the horizon to the north, south, east and
weat. After a view of the cardinal points
of the cotnpaas without seeing anything
of began on the quarters.
Away to the southeast an the side of
Table mountain some moving objects
attracted his attention. Bringing the
glass to a focus he saw the objects were
elk, eight of them, and that waa a vio
lent corn-motion In the family. Two large
bulla were engaged In battle, probably
for the presidency of the herd, while the
rows stood s round and watched tbe com
bat. For ten minutes the fight waa terrific.
The animal reared and plunged at each
other with lowered antlers and tore
around at a fearful rate. Time and again
they were thrown to their knees, and
arose to renew the mad rushes.
After the fight tbe victor stood over
the defeated elk for a few seconds and
then walked slowly away. The defeated
bull scrambled to hla feet and Joined the
others In tbe search for food and the
incident waa closed.
Tweed is very likely the only man who
ever witnessed a bull elk fight through a
field glass. The glass revealed three
other elk on Table mountain some dis
tance from the scene of combat. Swing,
ing the class northward along the range
Tweed saw a bunch of seventeen elk
browsing on the side of 8quaw Creek
canen. near tbe timber Unev-Cbeyenna
Dodge County Sheriff
Raids Crowell Saloon
FREMONT, Neb.. May l- Special Tel
egram.) Sheriff Condlt raided Joha
Storm's saloon at Crowell thla noon on
a search warrant Issued on complaint
of County Attorney J. C. Cook. Tha in
stitution waa found running In full blast
snd two full wagnnlosds of liquor wars
taken possession of. Hlorm waa brought
to Fremont this sfternoon and pleaded
guilty to keeping liquor for sale without
first having procured a license and not
guilty en two of the olher three counts
of the Information which charge Illegal
sales. He gava ball for hla appearance
at the next term of the district court.
Though no one haa ever taken out a
stats license to sell liquors at Crowell
during tha laat six months, a saloon has
been running there almost openly.
How Mr. Geohrr tares Saiall fhaace
'frona the Poeketa af the
Every American, regardless of age, sex
or income, spent tl.CS for peanuts last
year. Aa some, the present writer In
cluded, did not buy sny peanuta at all,
more or leas people must have apent a
great deal more. At all events, ths
peanut bill of thla rotintry for the laat
twelve montha waa tl'S.000.000. The con
sumer paid that.
To take the other side of the industry,
one peanut man down In Virginia, who
waa a little farmer nine yeara ago, la
now worth nearly T.,0.0U1. Every cent
of It waa made out of peanuts. Thla Vir
ginian has now one of tha largeat and
finest plants In the south.
Walnuta may carry off the palm among
nuta, if the vote of epicures Is taken,
but the peanut Is undoubtedly the most
generally popular nut there la. The vast
trade In It la not generally realised, nor
that of recent years tha hard labor In
planting, picking and threshing peanuts
Is being almost entirely eliminated. Ma
chinery is steadily replacing the Yamtltar
negro on tha peanut farms. There are
garurplows for breaking the ground, for
sowing, for sorting and cleaning ca most
complicated process), and now there haa
come Into use a machine for burrowing
Into the ground and digging up the tooth
some "goobers."
With all this mechanical evolution Vir
ginia 'Is beginning to lose her historic
supremacy as the peanut state. She atlll
leads, but only by a narrow margin.
Oklahoma and Texas, with large capital
Invested and fine plants set up, are stead
ily wresting her honors from her.
Out in these states of the southwest
as much as 1,000 acres are laid down In
peanuts at one time, yielding with expert
management 30H.O00 bushels.
Tha peanut la the typical American nut,
but it has many rivals. Something like
tl2.O99.00O worth of nuts come Into this
country a year. Of foreign nuts the wal
nut la the "top notcher" among these
nuts Imported. I'p to the end ot August
of tbla year t2.W0.OM worth of walnuts
had come In, despite enormous advances
la tbe culture of the Persian, or English,
walnut in California.
The Imported nuta represented 11.000,090
pounds, the Callfornlan nuta 11.000.ona.
Cocoanuts come next on the list of these
foreign auts. The nuta In the shell to
talled only Jl,01i,68, but the cocoanut
meat, for tha moat part ahredded, dedi
cated or otberwlae prepared, brought tha
figure up to R.1M.U1.
As ths whole nuts enter duty free, no
record of their weight Is kept, but of
tha unprepared meat the prodigious quan
tity of .4t.M pounds was Imported.
That America ta not losing Its tasta
for any kind of nuts, but rather liking
them mora and mora, la proved by tha
circumstance that notwithstanding the
rapidly augmenting domeatle production
the Imports do not tall off at all. Nearly
tl.600,000 worth of almonds cams In laat
year (despite the fart that the California
crop was fully that value), and close to
11,000.01 worth of Brasll nuts.
A great delicacy that reaches the big
cities along with these latter Is the cream
nut, probably the moat "exclusive" of all
note. These are also known aa paradlaa
nuta They are fine of taste and high
Pecans are grown In twenty-three
states, Texas, with a total production of
approximately 2.000,000 pounds a year,
running far ahead of any other stats,
three times the quantity. IMilaiana
comes next, and Mississippi grows a good
Filberts are a very popular Imported
nut. This country gets about 1600,000 worth
ot them yearly. New York American.
Key to the Situation Bea Advertising.
Wear-nifht Kaallah.
Advertisement: "Wanted, a white girl
to cook."
Doctor's sign In Denver: "Hpeclallst
all diseases."
Seen In Vancouver: "Afternoon ten
served at all hours."
Card at pay desk In a cafe: "Tour face
la good, but It won't go In tha cash
tsys a western paper: "Miss Zellu
Rock Is gaining strength slowly, for
which her friends feel very thankful."
Boston Tranacrlpt.
Nate te Crack.
The fellow who depends entirely upon
luck Isn't to be depended upon.
Some people lead such placid lives that
mothlng ever seems to happen to them,
not even the unexpected.
Many a woman who wishes shs hsd
been born a man would be surprised to
know that her husband shares the wish.
Home people are congenial not because
they like the same thlnga, but because
they hate the same people.
The quarrelsome man ahould bear In
Mind that a chip on the shoulder never
won a Jackpot,
Tha Kutiday school kid who sings "I
wsnt to be an angel" la really In no
special hurry about It.
It la Just aa well to remember that
woman's eboe laoea are almost aa easily
broken aa her heart atrlnga.
Tart sometimes consists of. knowing!
enough not to know too much.
Tha man who haa most respect tor hie
Alma Mater Is ths one who Is graduated
from tha echool of experience. New York;
For Tender Faces'
I Indtapenseble for those subject to red.
nan, toughness, and oiner uTueiwna
oMheikln. A shaving luxury. No mug,
nosoggysoap,no germs, no waits of
tlmeor money. In nickeled box . SJe. , at
stores or by maU. Liberal sample free.-
Addres"Cuticura,- Depuxs, dosmo. ,
PgWywTi miiimi
Wmk . Mlawrabl. If jm ha. Kl4ny
Bl4r InHiwIgj, Dll tptwacl psna. UUiitwu. Ntrr.
wKisVwxaa, Falsa la tit back, avast fMI Ur4 ait
ovar. tt a aackac of Matbar Grajr'a AROMATIC-UCA
P. Uta tiajtvaant aarb ear. It Bavr
fa Ht. Wa aava taan taattaMaUla fro trstafttt
patvpl was aav ad tala waodarfal rnad.
Aa a ratralitor tt haa ao aqual. Aah far Mottar
Orar'a AJwaatte-Laaf at Drutnrtau ar aaa f
mall for M tU gampla FRE8- AMraaa, Tfea
MrHbr Pray Co., U hoy. N Y.
Mu Wimslow's eooTHiNO sybup baa been
utd for over 8IXTY YKAKSbr MILLIONS of
is the beA remedy tor DIAKRHOIA. It I, Ib.
tolntely harmless. Be sure sad ask for "Mrs.
siasktws Sootaing Syrup," sad take ao ataeff
dad. Iweaur-gve ceau a bottle..'
Tbe absolute vegetable parity ot S. S. 8. haa always been one of the
strongest points in Its fawor, and ia one of tbe principal reasons why it is
the most widely known and nniranally used of all blood medicines. A
great many of the so-called blood purifiers are really nothing mora than
strong mineral mixtures which act so unpleasantly and disastrously on .
ths delicate membranes and tissues of tha stomach and bowels, that even
If such treatment purified tha blood, tha condition in which tha digestive)
system Is left would often be mors damaging to tha health than the original
trouble. Not so with 8. S. 8. it is ths greatest of ail blood purifiers, and
st ths same time is an absolutely safe snd harmless remedy. It is mads
entirely of ths healing and cleansing extracts snd juices of roots, herbs
snd barks, each of which is in daily use in some form by physicians ia '
their practice. Years of work sad research hawe proven 8. S. 8. to contain
vefythiag Bevesi&ry to purify tha blood and st the same time supply tha
system with ths purest snd best tonio affects. 8. 8. 8. cures Rheumatism,
Catarrh, Bores and Ulcers, 8 kin Diseases, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poisoa
snd all other blood troubles, snd it leaves ths system in pervert condition
wben it has purified the blood. Book containing much valuable informa'
tion on ths bloocj and sny medical advice desired sent free to ail who write,