THE "BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. VAT 8. 1912. 1 wmm : IffisilkninigilPdDwieF AbsoIutelyPure The only Baking Powder madejrom . Royal Grape Cream qf Tartar Don't be Deceived Read the Label Alum BakingPowder will not make healfhjul rood BRIEF CITY NEWS atase Soot M It. SIMMs ?n-Burgass-Oranfian. Koto Oyollst U Tin F. H. Roy Holds, a motorcycle operator, iu floe $2.50 and costs for spasdlng. Asotlm OMtaoaa Vaioa Masting Tho Luomt club will hold a public mtotini In tho Interest of tho candidates (or commissioner tndorsed by tho club at tho Lyric theater Friday night BobVed la gouts Omaha Car Two pi cit pockets "dipped" til in money from tho perron of William Kalreat. 1717 Caa tellar atreet, while ho was enroute home from a ahow. Ho was on a South Omaha car when the theft occurred. Iowa Woaiaa Sons Away A quarrel i with bar husband caused Mrs. Ruby Pike, ated 10, to leavs both husband and a 3-year-old baby la Creston, Is., and come to Omaha. She was found with friends by O. C. Chestnut, a brother-in-law, and Influenced to return home. Burning uooeeds 'enfold It. J. Pin nine has been chosen to tha directorate of the Omaha Loan and Building associa tion to succeed II. J. Tenfold, who will o to California. Others elected on the board are E. A. Permelee and M. M. Robertson. Imitating a Tom Cat Whils walking his beat early In the morning Officer Dchwangcr saw the form of a man upon the roof at UM Burt street Ha arrested the nocturnal visitor, who gave the name of Frank Stewart. Stewart was fined HO snd cost's In police court. He could not explain his presence upon the roof. lini la Grarsyard Noticing a man skulking about his house at night I Ed wards, aoj gpragua street, telephoned the police. Before Officer Russell arrived Edwards procured a revolver and pre vented the man from running away. The prisoner gave the name of Cecil Robb and his residence at Forest Lawn cemetery. Central CaadtaaUs peak aMaay Ths mass meeting at Washington hall. Eigh teenth and Harney, Friday evening will be the most important one of the cam palgn aa far as the Cltlsens' union can didates are concerned. It la presumed that Mayor Dahlman'a tirade against the Cltlsens' union delivered In tho same hslt Wednesday night will be answered and a lively meeting Is expected. Aside from the Cltiiens' union candidates, who will be called upon to speak, there will be addresses by Bophus F. .Neble and Charles A. Alden. Kay to the Situation Bee Advertising. hsm-w: jyjr Is Yours a Case of Nerves? Hot flashes, dizziness, fainting spells, hysteria, headache, bearing-down pains, nervousness all are symp toms of irregularity and female dis turbances and are not beyond relief. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is that of a famous physician unusually experienced in the treatment of women's peculiar ailments. For forty years it has been recommended to suffering womankind. Hundreds of thousands of women can bear witness to its beneficial qualities. Perhaps its aid is all that is required to restore to you perfect health and strength. Now is the time to act. Your Druggist Can Supply Yon Accept No Substitute Every woman may write fully and confi dentially to The Invalids' Hotel, Dr. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y., and may be sure that her ease will receive careful, conscientious, consider ation, and that the best medical advice in the world will be given to her, abaohUdyfree. In addition to this free advice. Dr. Pierce will send a fine French cloth-bound copy of his great 1008-page book, "The Common Sense Medical Adviser," to any woman who will send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. "It .tavtoj My life" wtHm mm. Rnorr icorr. rf -wwm GMSxk, Mi.-, stews 1, Bo L "I aWvty fee swi ffrv WOTM, SUwd, SJC SMt. twHtsj ta sop'? ta u iottm m hm TW OCU MM 1 kskd ItJWDSMtkM, bIssTCswum tm4 lasesmuoai. I ma ssstd m Mbejctar. Ttss onHt uej I wovmJ bra m tmm aa fjsrari . toot 1 WOTaist Mt easStca. MflMOUtl fjii iniBtw htm dT J. Pl4vw's eTvfnsi nwrntrOosA. b I MarMS I. ttk. 1 M t I n. sat trmm e fe.iAlMtMttMtH tt I .id tt mrwmi mas . SW 4ottm mad toot Dr. H, crisoaa. Otfe tar M I ta n I wk) Ml. Sm. B S.M mt Urn, I Saw km bmmm ini I I mm M a I ' suta gut Strcssctkca liew mm Bsrwds i "On the Square" Slate Candidates to Make Campaign in Autos Mayor Dahlman and the other alx can didates en the "On ths Bquara" ticket (or councllmen have arranged (or an auto mobile campaign of ths city (or Friday and Saturday evenings. Meetings will N held at a large Dumber of places where speeches will be mads from autoa. Friday Night: sixteenth and Cass streets. T:B; Sixteenth and Nicholas streets, 100; sixteenth and Locust streets, :W; Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue. :; Twenty-fourth and Grant si rests. Idlewlld hall. Twenty-third and Cum ing streets, .; Mats hall. Cats City club, W OO. Saturday night: Sixth and Pierce streets, 7:; Tenth and Marcy atreets, I 00: Thirteenth and Vinton streets, 1:3; Eighteenth and Vinton streets. Its, Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets. f.OO. To Formulate Plans for Boosting the City of Omaha Committees representing ths Ad stub, ths Real Estate exchange, ths Manufac turers' association and ths Commercial club will meet with B. V. Farrlah of the Commercial club publicity bureau Satur day to formulate plans for ths "Know Omaha Better" campaign. Many Ideas (or a general advertising campaign are coming Into ths publicity bureau and a week of real lira events Is expected. Why He Was Late. -What mads yea so later "I anet Smith eon." "Well, that Is no reason why you should be aa hour late getting home to supper." "I know, but I asked Mm bow he was feeling, and he Insisted on telling me about ale stomach trouble." "Did you tell him to take Chamber lain's Tablets?" "Sure, that la what ba needs." Sold by ail dealers. RANDBIS SALES ATIBDAY. Bis fperUI Create at Oaaaaa'a Greatest Store. SALE OF WOMEN'S DRESSES. Saturday Brandels Storea will place on sale several hundred Women's Suavmer Dieeess fins lingerie dries rs. real Unea summer dresses and other charming wash (recks la the cleverest styles dresses that are worth up to will go at VM- Dresses that are worth ap to II OS will go at SIM. 8AX OF IMPORTED UNTR1MMED HATS. Fine hemps. French chips and M liens. In large dress shapes, wroth fLM, will go at tua An kinds of flowers for trlmatec ta bsat-coiOTS. and-large gametes mt Me. Frtaatfel Pales In the stomach, torpid liver, lame back and weak ktdneya are soon relieved by Electne Bitters Guaranteed. 0c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. alldlea Permits, C. U Smith. 21 Dodge, addition to frsme dwelling. fl,ft: Kai tiardmer. Slet Kansas avenue, brick dwelling. lAawv. The Pure Product of Nature's Springs. You will feel bttCTmd do bctterfor using- JKJunyadiS uanos Vater NATURAL LAXATIVE lXZ-k Omam on Artslag lor CONSTIPATION WOULD STEALTHE ELECTION Thi it the Charge Made by Dahl man Against Citizens' Union. GREAT DISORDER LOOKED FOR Dahlman Kays He (tela the List of Ja4oTe and Cierke I'atll the Last Mlnete for antra from tho other Side. Major Dahlman. In a algned ststement. charges the Cltiiens' union Hh attempt-! Ing to steal the election from the plain I people by delaying the voting on fl morning of May 7 until workingmcn have gone to their day's work. This la w hat will result, he says. If an attempt It made to elect Judges and clerks at the polls on election day, as tlie Otlitns' union desires and for which purpose they prevailed upnn the council to reject Mayor Dehlman'a appointments. Further Major Dahlman declares ihere will be red "riots" on election 'lay If this plan is carried out and all the in order will be Induced by the CUiienV union In an attempt to discredit the seven opposition candidates. "The attempt of the Cltlien' union candidates and executive committee," the statement begins, "to have reject si by the city council the Hat of Juilses and clerks submitted by me, absolutely in compliance with the lnvr in every par ticular. Is nothing more or lesa than an attempt upon the part c; the Cttlxens' union managera to steal this ele-tlnn from the plain people of the city of Omaha. Trickery Flaaaed. "I was Informed several weeks sgo by an active member or the Cltlsens' union, who In a good friend of mine, that the organization Intended to present to me a list of judges and clerks that It wanted to have appointed fur the primary with the hope that I would reject the list and give them campaign capital. For that reason I held hack sending my lift to the city council until 7 p. m. of the very last dsy, waiting (or them to come In and then. Intending to surprise the Otl itns' union msnageis by appointing part ol their number. "But Instead of carrj'lng out their orig inal plana they evidently feared that I would do something, of the kind, so waited this tlms until my list had been sent to the city council and wss out of my hands, knowing full well that 1, aa any man of principle would do, would rsfuss to change my appointments when made. And I aerve notice now that I will make no change unless they show better reason than they have In ths past. reed Offlrlele Crook.. "Did they come to me saying that this man was not a voter of the precinct, or that any other man was Incompetent. or, In fact, make specific charges sgslnst any man? No. sir. The Cltlsens' union managers, and by that I mean the sacred little bunch which runa the union, and not ths hundreds of honest cltlsens who have been misled Into affiliating with the organisation, has deliberately hrand-d SS0 Judaea snd clerks of election of ths city of Omaha as crook, and not to be trusted, without giving s word of proof against one of them. If the Cltl sens' union Is trying to get friendly with judges and clerks by any such tactics they are liable to (all. That Is not. ths way I make friends. "As I have said before this rejection of regularly and legally constituted election boards Is nothing more than a deliberate attempt to steal ths election (ram the people; to give our city a bad hams by inducing disorder and riot at the polls Tuesday morning next in the organisa tion of election boards on the spot, and to so delsy matters that our friends, the men who earn their living by the swesl of their brow, will have been forced to go to their work before voting, while the Ilk-stockings who can go out In their automobiles to vols any time In the day will do the big voting on election day." The Cltlsens' Union says Msyor Dahl man la wholly responsible (or the serious complication brought about. In a state ment the publicity committee makea tht following assertions: "Mayor Dahlman la wholly responsible for the fact that no election o(flclals have been appointed for the city election next Tuesday. Solsly because the mayor and hla allies undertook to secure the appoint ment of a list of men, some of whom are not trustworthy, and because he refused to Include In hla list any namea suggests! by ths Cltiiens' Union candidates, who have a right to representation, Mayor Dahlman has brought about a serious complication. "The Cltlsens Union has forced the hand of the mayor and he stands before the people today In the position of under taking to dominate rhe entire election Insofar as he can use, to hla own ad vantage, untrustworthy election otflciaia. Where la the mayor's self-heralded 'squsre deal' and 'fair play' pollen He Is neither square with the people, nor fair to tile opponents, and yet he is the mayor of thia city running (or a third election." In his statement. Msyor Dahlman ssyi ha held the list of judges ajid clerks un til T p. m. of Ihs lsst day, expecting a committee of Cltiiens Union men to come. when lie wanted to surprise them by showing them tha names of several of their number In the list. Hs says It la evident they changed their tactics (or one of the Cltlsens Union ' active mem bers'' had told him they would present him with a list for which he was wslting. j FRIDAY BARGAINS Value-giving that will establish a new record, and at such substantial savings as should attract a throng of purchasers to our store. Complete assortment ami size-rang iu all items quoted, but we would suggest nn early attendance at this sale. Women's fine quality Lace and Cause, Lisle and Silk Hose, black and fancies, BOo quality, for . ...23c Women's long or short length Lisle Thread Gloves. "Kayser makes" (nil light colors), 50c aud ?5c qual ities 15 Women's high grade Goat Seal. Angora Goat aud Wal rus liW, stylish shapes and sour trimmings, 16.00 to $8.00 grades, at $2.15 Women's line Lisle finished, lull taped Vests, 16c quality 8i Boy' Genuine Porosknlt Athletic cut or short sleera Union 8ults, sixes Zi to 34, 50o quality, at ...-39C Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, now patterns. 1ea 9 to 18, $S trades. Friday $1,69 Boys' Baud Shirts, beautiful patterns (Cade: cuke), 60c to 75c grades, at 39 Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Shod, b.o'seu sires, II. B0 grades, Friday only 79 ChilJren's Washable Suits The washable percales, ginghams and galatca which we are featuring for little boys are posi tively NOT afraid of the water! Thoy will not only hold their color, but their perfect shape after tho most vigorous laundering. Every mother of . a tot should see our beautiful Baits at 95c, $1.45, $1.95, $2.45 3k&rtLjfui "ft STETSON LAST The" appearance "of a man's footwear often carries great weight when a big order or an important position is in the balance. With STETSON SHOES on your feet you can devote your mind unreservedly to the proposition in hand. When you "make good" a little credit is due THE STETSON SHOE. A dollar saved is sometimes a dollar wasted. You realize this when you find that in THE STETSON SHOE there is a perfection of fit, finish and style that no cheap shoe possesses. Look forth RED DIAMOND -.mblem of QUALITY Hayden Bros 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha "SUUont coitmore by the pair bat U$ by theytar'. y e is a lesson in food purity and quality which should be learned by every housewife. Prove yourself a willinjj pupil, madam, by trying it today. One meal will make you "letter perfect" in Tip-Top quality. Pure, clean, different and delicious it really is best RefusA Substitutes Look for the name TIP-TOP on every bat Rasa I . K THE TWENTIETH CENTUKY FARMER Is tbe Leading Agricultural Journal of the west. Its columns are fill at! with the beet thought of the day In matters pertaining to the farm, tha ' - ranch and the orchard, snd It Is a factor In the development of the free! - western country. . --. ?