Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Your "Build" does
not worry me, and
it should NOT
worry YOU, for I
am "Johnny -on -the
- Spot" with a
positive guaran
tee to FIT
any size
or any
build of
man with
the real
sort of
suits at
! 0
I I Short, stout.
1 slim, lean.
i i sum, le
M tailor
Ml sized n
j j Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. j
' Magic lp
OTHING can equal
Absorene for quick, easy and
thorough cleaning. It acts like magic.
Dull, dark, grimy wall paper is made to
look like new fresh and inviting. The
oiled-darkened window shades that you
are about to throw away can
be cleaned and used lor a
long time to come.
n . ,
Wall Paper Cleaner
ii so easily used simply wipe the wall
or shade once with Absorene and the dirt
and grime is absorbed. Absorene is read
to use no mixing or fussing and it leaves
no dirt or litter behind h. There is no
hard work no drudgery no rubbing.
And Absorene is absolutely harmless it
can not harm either the hands or most
delicate fabrics. A Urge can costs but 10c
Fee Sale By
Onika WhiMru was ''. Dlilrtmuas.
W V TMIar k C . DIMrtta'"". OwaSe
Piiei 04w rwnut m"" '
rowBfll RlwTIB. Hirlt-HiM Dfus CV, Dmnbe
im. H. Porwtrfc. OU RMmurttn. O. M. Droes
Absorene Mfg. Co. ?l2,mo
Jfekm mt H W FMmt ni Jhrf SM.
State Inclined to Demand that
Broom Factory Use More Men.
('tractor Declare He ta Oter
etarked aad teaaittoae at Prime
Make It lataosalhle te Work
Fall N.ber.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. May -(Special Telegram 1
The Board of Public 1-ands and Build
ings and Clinton R. of the Lee
Broom and jPuster company, contractur
for the labor at the penitentiary, will
meet tomorrow to thresh out their dif
ferences. Acording to the contract tha
Broom company is to take the labor of
33 convicts daily, but since the day of the
escape of Morley. Dowd and Gray it has
been using from 12S to 175. Its first ex
cuse was that the disturbed conditions at
the prison made operation on the broom
plant at anything near its capacity an
Imsossibility. Later, when prison affairs
resumed the normal Mr. Lee complained
that he was overstocked with finished
goods and could not use the men.
The board, however, has been charging
htm UP' with the number of convtcta he
was under obligation to employ. The
charging wu all right, but Mr. Lee's
company has not paid and the board is
determined that ha shall pay up. use the
number of men he agrees to take or
quit tha Job.
The atate not only w-ants the money
the convicts can earn to help pay the
expenses of the prison.' but the enforced
Idleness of the men Is considered bad.
The myi themselvs prfr to work rather
than be idle.
Tha board take the ground that It Is
none of Its afairs If Mr. Lee la over
stocked, but thatt he Interests of the
state and that of the prisoners must be
Amherst Compear Hoaae.
Tha Amherst Telephone company has
been granted permission by the railway
commissioners to .Issue o.320 of bond to
erect a new building and make other ad
ditions to Its plant.
Carl Funk, president of the Uncoln
Crockery company. In the hands of a re
ceiver, has filed a petition In involuntary
bankruptcy. His assets are placed at
PS.J10 and hts liabilities at 0.977.
Beet Workers leave.
Five hundred Russians left Uncoln to
day over the Missouri Pacific for Albert
lira, Minn., where they will work In the
beet fields during the summer. The party
consisted of men. women and children,
entire families going, and all, even the
little ones, will work In tha beet fields.
It required nine coaches and five bag
gage cars to transport the party.
MADISON. Xeb.. May 1 (Special. )
Charles A. Randall, chief fire warden of
the state addressed a large gathering of
the citizens of Madison lakt night on
fire prevention. Mr. Randall spoke en
thusiastically of the Importance of this
work and what a little care and precau
tion would mean in actual dollars and
cents to the people- of this community
tie told of the work being done elsewhere,
pointed out the hssard and danger of fire
traps and Inflammable rubbish and called
attention to the fact that Madison; not at
II different from many other amall
cities as well as larger place, still had
a few, notwithstanding there waa a great
improvement over the conditions aa he
found them wThen he last Inspected the
The broom that
sweeps cleanest.
i wears longest and
Is easiest to use 1
thetfE. Full, firm
tip, strong stitching,
proper balance,
handsome finish, no
skimping of broom
straw thesa are
soma of its superior
features. '
Is sold by your dealer. When yon order,
say "Send ma a UlT broom." Yon can
get tho sjght kind for any use and your
sweeping tasks will be vastly easier.
Botton, Mass. DaTCsport. Is Liacoln.NeK
FREMONT, Neb., May t (SpewsU
Farmers living .along the Klkhorn and
Platte rivers are making more complaints
than usual this season on account of
promiscuous shooting around their prem
ises. A number of Instances of stock be
Ing shot have been reported, and last
week a young man by the name of Loss,
while at work In his father's field, wss
hit by a bullet and seriously Injured.
Practically all the country near those
livers tn this vicinity Is posted with "No
hunting or shooting allowed" signs, but
to no purpose. An effort will probably
be made ta have a law passed by the
next legislature prohibiting rifle snooting
in thickly settled communities.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., May !.-8pe-tal.-Whlls
Walter Green waa cleaning out
the bottom of a well for Ralph TJaden
Tuesday afternoon, April . a heavy,
ragged rock fell down from near the top
and crushed his skull. Medical attend
ance was summoned, but despite all that
could be done the unfortunate man paased
way at I o'clock Wednesday morning.
Deceased leaves widow and several
J children to mourn his death. He was
bout i years old.
Ajflf ST. LOUIS. MO. I
HAS s woriH-wide rcpotztm
amoiiaT traveler. is up-to-
date m every feature al way well
famished has every comfort and
mrm) it-ace amtfe ciafc. tmflet. pai
lUasonaMe Bate ,J'
W0L Locatrd la the
Mittr Oaf tbe theatre and
r sbcpppui district txumiCTt
jr - v to all car lines sad to
T all atabooa.
HASTINGS. Xb.. May t 8prll.-
The Nebraska, lnsurjcent com ml ties of th
Modern Woodmen of America, has Joined
with the Insurgents of other states la In
junction proceedings at Des Moines, la.,
and Springfield, 111., to prevent the en
forcement of the Increased insurance
rates by the Modern Woodmen of
America. Chairman J. V. Beghtol has
received word from M. L. Corey of the
Nebraska law subcommittee that suit
was filed at Des Moines Tuesday.
Pi-eached the first sermon In Omaha
alxiy-two years ago. two years before the
town was laid out. He w as W yesrs old.
Leidy Defends
Himself with Gun
at Thurston, Neb.
rKNlER, Neb., .May 1. --(Special Tele
gram. The village of Thurattun, five
miles north or Pender. Is developing a
Miter saloon fight. T. J. t'oUgan, mho
has run a saloon there the last year, re
cently circulated a petition for a IK-mae
for the coming year and died it with the
village board. A rrmunfltram-e was sub
sequently circulated and ftUd with the
board. The two new members of the
board of trustees, scenting trouble, re
fused to qualify and tl.e old board an
nounced a meeting fur last night
Rev. 1.. K. Nreklrr of Pender, who had
been Instrumental in circulating the
remonstrance, snd Rev. J. M. Ieldy of
Bancroft went to the meeting to represent
the remonMratrs. Rudolph Hedtger. a
bartender In the Col i an saloon, ap
peared Hnd took Krekter to task for
something he had published In the Pender
papers about the petition. About this time
Pat Rooney appeared and wanted to take
pait In the controversy. Leidy devoted
htmtelf to Rooney and left Krekler and
Hediger to themselves. Hfdiger then
struck Krekler. who made no resistance
and started away. He returned, however.
to get his hat which had been lost In the
skirmish. At this point a crowd of men
came out from the saloon across tne
street snd urged Hediger to go after him.
I.eidy then pulled a gun from his pocket
an ordered the crowd to stop at once
or there would be trouble. The village
marshal appeared and quieted the dis
turbance. Warrants have been issued for
parties on both aides, but so far no ar
rests have been made.
MA I -IKON'. Nob.. May t-(Snecial.-
The cae of Jennie Hallett against James
W. Ransom to recover part of the pur
chase money on a land sale was argued
by Koaler ami Tyler, attorneys for Ilia
prosecution, and Mpes and Kelsey for
the defence and went to the jury this
forenoon. About 3 o'clock the Jury re
turned a vcrdttt finding that the plain
tiff wa entitled to recover M from the
The remainder of the afternoon wss
takn up with the caaa of the estate of
8amuel Cong ram, In which one of the
heirs of the estate objects to offering the
ea me for probate.
At the conclusion of theCongram estate
case the case of ihm Tesk against Carl
Te-ke will be taken up. This Is a revivor
of Judgment and several thousand dollars
Is Ipvolved.
It is the Intention of the court before
the end of the week to dispose of the
case of the atate agatnat I see Henderson,
a ntatutory charge; the rase of 'Kamrsth
agalnat Baleen for 1 1 ;.- damagea. or
Johnson against Jacobs, an apial case. '
Key to tha Situation Bee Advertising.
Girl Bride Leaves
Aged Husband on
Honeymoon Trip
FREMONT. Xeb.. May !,Vllliam
Schwanke. wealthy and aced of Stan
ion waa disillusioned tn his beliefs re
aardlnff the compatibility of ace and
youth when his pretty lyear-old bride
who waa Miss Viola Modra. brought their
honeymoon to a sudden termination here
yesterday afternoon and shipped her bag
Kase back to Stanton.
8ehwanke. who Is a former resident of
Fremont, and the Ctrl, a daughter of
John Mudra. Stanton Jeweler, were
married at Stanton on Monday afternoon.
With the exuberant Joy of young hus
band fik-hwana planned their honeymoon
trip to Colorado. They came to Fremont
Monday evening on the Northwestern No.
R, Intending to leave over the I'nton Pa
cific the following day for the wes.
Trainmen say that Instead of wearing
the happy smile of a bride on her honey
moon Mrs. Schwanke wept aa the traa
pulled out of 8tanton.
Yesterday afternoon the girl-bride ap
peared at I nlon station snd cherrsd her
baggage bark to 8tanton. according to
depot employes. Her pretty cheeks bore
traces of tears, but she offered no ex
planation of changing the destination of
the trunk.
The explanation came few minute,
later when Schwanke appeared. He had
evidently given up hopes of reconcilia
tion, for he told a friend at Union sta
tion he waa going bark (a Stanton t
change his w ill. In which he had provided
that his girl wife should Inherit his prop
erty, and incidentally to ask her father
to tear up a tl.MO check which he said
was a nuptial gift to her parents
roaeollaattna of Teleakoae fsa
aaales Briaaa A boat wv.
eral aaaaea.
The Luckiest Deal Ever Consummated
Beautiful Evening
Gowns and Dresses
A purolmsp ami sal1, tlie magnitude of which has
never In-fore lieen attempted by Hayden Bros, or any
other Omaha store.
One Thousand Beautiful New Gowns and Dresses
secured from a prominent New York Dress Making
establishment at a Great Sacrifice.
Over 59 Models Shown in all Sizes.
For Gowns and Presses,
worth $10) to 2'J..)0
For tJowns and Dresses,
worth $j;.00 to $3o.0()
Elegant Gowns and Dresses, worth $;;3.tfl C A A
and up to $.'.0.00, rhoiee V.W.WW
Taffetas, Foulards, Eoliennes, Messalines, the
most Itewitt'hing styles in a wealth of beautiful mater
ials in every conceivable color. '
See Our Sixteuth Street Window Display.
Hayden Bros.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Msy t-iSpe.Uil.i-The
taking over of the Hell and New
Home Telephone companies by the Lin
coln Telegraph and Telephons compaitv
of Uncoln has made a number of changes
st thla point. VV. H. Caman. who haj
been local manager for the New Home
company, has been appointed district com.
mercial superintendent, and K. C Salis
bury, who has been district manager fur
the Hell, becomes local manager. Mis
Laura Younkln haa been appointed chief
operator to succeed Miss Anna Craig, ra
signed. The business of the two tele
phone companies at this point will be
operated separately until the new build
ing on North Sixth atreet is finished,
which will be some time next fall. The
companies will then be operated aa on
John IHrn, a pioneer resident of Uagf
county, died yesterday morning at his
home near Ellis aged W years. He is sur
vived by his widow and four children.
Mrs. Emma Van Hamert, living south
west of Beatrice, was adjudged Insane
yesterday by the Insanity commissioners
and ardered taken to the asylum at Lincoln.
The drouin which has existed here for
the last year was broken yesterday or
the opening of five as loons by J. H.
Bunts. Joseph Shackelton, Wlnfleld rm
len, Frank Hohba and Homer Schenrk.
Two more will open their saloons tomor
row, or ss soon aa their bar fixtures ar
rive. They are A. Freehman and lavld
Awtry. Five saloons were opened at
Wymore. one at Barnestun and two at
Odell yesterday. The latter place has
been without saloons for years.
The marriage of Albert 8. Ledger and
Mrs. B. A. Fouts of Valley, Neb., was
solemnised .Tuesday evening at the home
of Mr. and' Mrs. C. A. Roff. rtev. J. A
Rousey officiating. The bride and groom
will make their home In tlckrell, whrre
the latter haa been engaged In business
for years.
Murders Believed
Due to Black Hand
hrtff poi tonight la avarchinft tho
urroun11nil country for membrrn of a
im-raM sl Ulark Hum! aority, wtrn rt
nald to have robtvd and muntfred John
OUchtno. a wealthy liquor dealer, and
Feter Nora, hla roacftman. The to
bod lea. riddled with bullets, wera found
between here and Cambria today. HotU
men tr Italian- and were returning
from Cambria where Oiachlnn had col
lected several hundred dollar whlci waa
nee u red by tha rohbera, Hevrral arreata
already have been made.
Konetrea MaltMiam for Kremnnt.
KKKMONT. Neb,. May l-tHpwlaU-Fremont
will have the name number of
aaloona thla tnr a laet At the count ll
meeting laat even I ng fourteen retail
licence and two wholesale licenses were
granted, besides one to the brewery
Five drug gift permit were also allowed.
Though several aaloona have changed
their (orations the number haa remained
the same for fmeral year.
Dlaratera' llajr ( llsjatlwara f'fllear.
HAHTINOB. Neb.. May J. -(Bpeclal. I
"iHggera' day" waa celebrated yeaierday
at Haatlnga college In observance of tht
anniversary of the digging of a awer
main by the atudenta In 1904 Tha ti
denta worked on the campua In the morn.
Ing, dinner wa eervvd at 1 o'clock, fol
lowed b speaking, and In the evening
tre annual tier man play and May day ex
erclM lotk plac.
You can say aroodhye to constipation
with a clear conscience If you use Cham
berlain's T.tblet. Many have been perma
nently cured by their use. For aale by all
University of Omaha
Girls Serve Breakfast
I'ndrr the direction of Miss Marie
Stevens, supervisor of the domestic sci
ence department of the I'nlversity of
Omaha, Mlsa Pansy Williams cave a
demonstration on the relative food values
of various foodntuffs Wednesdsy after
noon in the laboratory of 4his depart
ment. This Is the second of a series of
demonatrstlons that are being Uen by
the young women who an taking the
Thuritdsy, May 9, the young women of
the department will give a May day
breakfait from 7 to o'clock. All dishes
will be prepared by those who are tak
ing the domestic science work. Each girl
will have table and will serve a meal
prepared In Ita entirety by her. It la ex
pected that about 1M will be served.
9oaockSci!oi Shoesp.
I Flags foruour Jiool Gclcbralioii
Key lo the Sltuatlon-vr Vulvcrtlilng
and arreatad by Dr. King's New Ufa
Pills, bilious headache quite and liver.
stomach and bowels act right. Only Sc.
For sals by Beaton Drug Co.
The strength
and energy build
ing elements in
ire equal to those
in many times its
cost in othir
mm fa
food it will cut
your meat bills
in half. Write
for booklet of
Faust Recipes.
g. Lamia, Ma.
District raart at Haallacs.
HASTINGS. Neb.. May 1 -(Special. I
Judge Perry of Cambridge convened a
special term of court today for toe trial
of the liquor cases appealed from the
city council and the case of Robert Mc
Lean, former physical director of the
Young Men's Christian association, who
la charged with disorderly conduct. He
is presiding as a substitute for Judge
Oungao. who is holding court elsewhere
In tha district. There are eight ll-uor
case pending, including that of the Has
tings brewery.
HCSek Paatar.neafsiaa.
McCOOK. Neb.. May Special. Rev.
Reed Tatt Bays, pastor of the First
Congregational church of thla city, has
resigned his pastorate her and July i
will go to Rochester. Minn-, woe re be
haa been ehoaen pastor of a much larger
Ctiwb at greatly increased Salary.
Dr. Wiley Has Resigned
but the good work for pure food and
, clean food will go on with unabated vigor. jThe best
way to promote the cause of pure food and clean living
is to eat
Shredded Wheat
made of the whole wheat in the cleanest, finest, most
hygienic food factory in the world. A simple, natural,
elemental food containing no yeast or baking powder,
no chemicals of any kind just pure wheat made diges
tible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking into crisp,
golden brown Biscuits.
Nothing so deliriously nourishing and satisfying after the
heavy foods of Winter as Shredded Wheat Biscuit and fresh
fruits served with milk or cream.
Make Your "Meat" Shredded Wheat
The Shredded Wheat Compao;
Niagara Fall. N. Y.
May Is the Month
for Frolic and Fan
And the month when boy
ad girla put their ihoea to
the hardest teat.
Nine O'Clock
School Shoes
an made for red-blooded
c h i 1 d r a children who
(Unc and run end jump and
play all aorta of gamea. Only
the bent leather is used for
these ahoea -the shanks
are re-enforced, the vamps
extend tinder the tip, they're
sewed by the i m p r o t e d
McKay proceaa and. besides,
they're nobby, dreaay shoes
Jutt tha shoes tha children want
and a flag coupon go with
every pair. Aak your shoe
dealer about ear plan to prerMa
a flag for roar school.
Free' Booklet!
A History of Our Rag
Written by Praacla Scott Key
1TI.. baautlfally illustrated hi
three aolora, will be mailed upon
receipt at ceats (or posts ge.
r5W0L QprWrAK.
The old idea of using Sage (or darken-
Ing the hair Is again coming In vogue.
Our grandmothers had dark, glossy hair
at feventy-flve. while our mothers are
gray before they are fifty. Our grand
molr.ers kept their hair soft and glossy
with "Sage Tea." which also restored
the natural color.
One objection to using such prepar
ation waa the trouble of making IL This
objection, haa been overcome by tha
Wyeth Chemical Company of New York,
who haa placed oa the market a superior
preparation of 8age. combined with Sul
phur and other valuable remedies for
dandruff, itching scalp, and thin, weak,
felling hair. ... - ,
The beauty of the hair depends more on
Its rich, even shading than anything else.
Don't have dry, harsh faded. hair, when
simple, harmless remedy -will, bring -back
the color in a few days; and don't
be tormented with dandruff. Itching scalp
and loose, falling hairs. Wyeth's Saga
and 8ulphur Hair Remedy will quickly
correct these troubles, and give color,
strength and beauty to your hair. :
tiet a fifty cent bottle from your drug
gist today, and prove this to your own
satisfaction. All draggista sell it, under
guarantee that- the money will, be re
funded it the remedy Is ant exactly as
represented. Agent, Sherman A McCon
nell Drug Co.