TIIE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1. 1912 Hi ft ri'fei 4- BRIEF CITY NEWS es moot Prim It. Zlsetrl Irons Burgeae-orendea L. r. Ckmnhill, Dentist. 4:1 Brandei Xlactrl riu Burgeaa-Granden. BlToree la ftruut Luclle H. Robin son has been (rutted a 'divorce from Georg B. Kobinaon. CaUefa Ida Oo Xast Dr. Stookey and Rev. David Yule, financial agent of Bellevue, have gone to New York In the lntereat of the school. Kra, aapaer Ask DlToroe Susie Shepherd haa filed a petition in the dis trict court aaklng for a divorce against I Wayne B. Shepherd. leaking Carta BuaOj-ard The police) vera aaked to look for ChrU Bundgard. Dane, aged a years, who disappeared Monday, Ha rooms at South Tenth treat former Vrssldsat at Ballana Dr. Pa'td R. Kerr, former president of Bellevua college, add raised the student In chapel Monday, and was warmly am. enthusiastically welcomed. TJee af Ante tint-H. K. Fredrlck aon haa tendered the good roads com mute of the Commercial club the free use of bis seven-passenger Chalmers to be used whenever an automobile la re quired. . Oarsaaa aUagara SIT Daaoa The Ger man singers of Omaha will give a benefit dance at th German Home Wednesday Bight. Th proceeds will be used to aend th Omaha singers to the Baengerfeat, which will be held in St Paul, Minn., next week. Finished Baoafa That W. T. Stinger land was punished sufficient by his fall HOTEL GOTHAM 7Hotelofrei?nei c elegance, located in Newark's social centre Easily accessible to theatre and sliopptnL districts Swte m mti beau 3iD5? DnUe raca wrtk bathe - 3 lPa82 PCCIAi. DISCOUNTS JXro MAY ro OCTOBER Wetherbee ffWood F.fHiAve.yFiftyvfirthSt NEW YORK. CITY down a flight of stairs on Douglas street Monday afternoon was what Judge Foster thought and discharged him. Stingerland received a black eye, a lacer ated bead and other bruises from his drunken fall. Prisoners Pie Gains atelsaae "I was fool enough to get drunk. Judge, and If you will let me go. I'll be sensible enough to go back home and remain sober." That plea from Otto Hendrlckson of Florence, won blm his discharge from custody In police court. He was arrested as a drunk and disorderly person. Ananal Ma.tinf Announced Th an nual meeting of the women' auxiliary of Trinity cathedral and Gardner house will "be held on May 14. On the following two days the annual meeting of the council of the diocese will, be held. The sermon will be preached by Rev, Charles C. Rolllt. aecretary of the sixth mis sionary diatrtct of Minneapolis Seek Bead Man's sWletlT.a An effort Is being made by Cole-McKay Under taking company to find relatives of John C. Whined, aged 74 years, who died Sun day In a local hospital. Whltted waa a laborer and had lived In Omaha four years. He la believed to have had -a brother named Henry Whltted, but the city directories fail to show any man of that name. Candidates to Speak Th Walters and Porters' club of Omaha will give Its first annual banquet at Holmes' hall. Twenty-fourth and Burdette streets, Wednesday evening. N. T. Marshall, a New York attorney, will apeak, as wlli also th following: James C. Dahlman. Charles H. Wlthnell. A. C. Kugel, John J. Ryder. Dan B. Butler, Thomas Mr Govern and J. B. Hummel. Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising iBaHD AbsoIutelyPure The only Baking Powder madejrom toyal Grape Cream ojTartar Don't beDeceived Read the Label Alum BakingPowder will not . ft af m aaaaaa. make healthful rood GRIMMELL GENEROUS DONOR Contributes $483 to the Citizens' Union Campaign Fund. ITNASCIAL STATEMENT FILED Candidates Bear (.ara-eet Bardea af Espeeae, Xeble, Faakheaser, Swaaeea aad Farmy Caatrtk atlaa; 'iO Back. According to a financial statement filed with the county clerk the Cltlsena' Union haa received t4.Kl.5t In donations, of which came from Charles H. Grlmmel, listed aa "Secretary and treasurer of the Texas Land A Cattle Co." If tbia waa hla own money Mr. Grlmmel was the most generous donor. Other donations varied from SI to .L32. according to the exhibit. Candidates bore the largest share of the expense. W. A. Redlrk donated S3 April 11 and and April S cam through with tlX more. April 3 four of his col leagues on the state Neble. Funk houaer, Swanson and Fu ray each gave tan Caadldatea (esse Across. Total expenaea accounted for before the prim arte figure l.ro.43 with 34 ex pended since, making JJ.blJ.48 altogether. As total contrlbutlona before the pri maries amounted to SI 301. 56 and mounted to S4.301.5. alnce, there remains on hand In the union' treasury S1.&&07. Of this S1.SS.47 remained from tha.pre prlmary campaign. Since the primaries fir candidate Redlck, Neble, Funk houaer, Swanaon and Furay have each donated M additional. (kaa Clark Caasea Rich. Champ Clark vote In Nebraska cost the Omaha-Clark Political club d.OSt.W. A statement of receipts and expenditures was filed with th county clerk. Nothing remains In th treasury, very dollar raised having been used to boost the democratic aspirant for th presidential nomination. AK-SAR-BEN BUTTONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED Th new 1911 Ak-Sar-Ben buttons have been received at Samson's headquarters and the dtstr'butlon among the members will begin. l..s design of th new button Is on of the prettiest th knights have ever had. On a shield of white and gold, two swords of green and red are crossed, with th nam "Omaha" at th top. On one of th swords Is printed Ak-Sar-Ben. GOOD ROADS COMMITTEE APPOINTS DELEGATES H. E. Fredrlrkson has been appoln ed a delegate from the good roads committee of the Commercial club to attend the Wyoming good roads meeting soon to be held at Laramie. H. L. Mallo has been itppolnted a delegate from the committee o attend th good roads meeting to be irld at Tabor, la.. May 10. iPuglisi is Held Without BaH for Murder of Woods Sebastiano PugltsU murdered of Coa st able Woods, waived examination yester day morning In police court aad was bound over to th district court without bonds by Judge Foster. Funeral of Morse Was Held Yesterday Funeral sei vluoa for the lata W. V. Morse, pioneer merchant of Omaha, were held at rl o'clock yesterday morning from th family residence, 1922 Davenport street, with Interment In Forest Lawn cemetery. 1 Th services were held by Rev. E. H. Jenks of th First Presbyterian church and by Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Saints' church. Mr. Mackay read a poem which he said waa a favorite of Mr. Morses. Many friends and associates , of th lata Mr. Mors were present at th church. Th pail bearers were: Active William R Hughes, U C Nash, L E. Congdon. Milton Darling. E. M. Morsman, jr.; Charles B. Keller. Honorary O. W. Wattles. Henry W. Yates, C. 8. Mont gomery, Thomas C. Byrne. O. W. Me- geath and Fred II. Davis. Northwestern Crop Report Optimistic Th report of the Northwestern mad for th week ending April 28, the com pilation for which was mad prior to the heavy rain of Saturday and Sunday, Is even more optimlstle than that of the Burlington. The report covers th main tin of the northwest, th Bonesteel coun try and the territory front Fremont to Hasting, Everywhere the soil la re ported In splendid condition, winter wheat coming on rapidly and th pastures good. Taking up station by station over tha system, th report indicates that even last week th ground waa plenty moist for the growing crops. In some localities winter wheat was somewhat Injured by dry weather early In March, but haa Im proved very much during April. The general average of tha condition Is placed at M per cent, with soma sections even better than this. CREIGHT0N ELOCUTION WINNERS ANNOUNCED Th results of th final preliminary elocution contest between the members of th college rlsases of CrelRhton uni versity held last Saturday afternoon, Is announced: Nine of th twenty-four who competed war chosen to appear In the final contest to bs held In th university auditorium May IS. Those who were chosen are: v Steve Boyle. John Beveridge, Raphael Hamilton, Paul Harrington, Louis Kavanagb, John Polskl, Henry Sul livan, Omer Sullivan and Paul Tobln. STRANGE ROMANCE NEAR END After Ten Tears of Courtship by Kail lovers Meet for First Time. TO BE WEDDED THIS MORNING Rodaey r. Jewell of Oasaka aad Mlaa Delia Rreaaaa af Peaaaylvaala Fall lata Kark Other's Embrace. Rodney C. Jewell went to the Union ela tion yesterday morning to meet hta fian cee. In ail thetr ten yeara of courtship he never had seen her and she had never seen him. She waa to have worn a rod ribbon on her coat sleeve and when Jewell mad a canvass of all th girls and women who got off th train, be couldn't find a ribbon. He took from his pocket a photograph of hla bride-to-be and studied It closely. It was Miss Delia Brennan of Harwood, Pa., for whom h waa looking. And as he looked at th picture, a de mur young miss walked up to htm. "Aren't you Mr. Jewell?" ah aaked. Jewell scanned her from bead to foot Then ha looked at th photograph and again at her. "Yea," he answered, and th pair tell Into each other's arms. Weddlaa Is I'laaard. Unless plans go awry, they will b mar ried early this morning by Father Bronageeat at St. John'a church, and their correspondence-courtship of more than ten yeara will have reached th customary climax. Jewell became acquainted with tha girl through a little message tucked away In a shirt he had bought In Chicago ten years ago. Th little not said, "Who ever buys tbls shirt, please writs to Mlae Delia Brennan, etc and Jewell, then XI years old, was romantic H wrote. She snswered. The correspondence thus waa started and haa sine been going aa fast as Uncle Ham's mail service would allow. Two or three letters a week paaaed between Chicago and Omaha and Har wood, Pa., and tha embers of lovs wer fanned Into a blase. They eichanged photographs from ttma to time and kept each other Informed on th changes they had mad In disposition, appearance, finances and tha Ilka, until neither could stand being separated any longer. So now they are to be one. Jewell took his fiancee from the depot yeaterday and bid her from curious friends In a boarding house. To all queries about her, ha would answer that she had had a hard trip and It was his duty to protect her while sha reeled. Jewell operate a motorcycle and Is employed In tha delivery department of Beaton's drug store. He Is (7 years old and Miss Brennan Is SS years old. The place of residence after their marriage he Is keeping secret. Ad Club Invited to Inspect Boulevards Announced as a meeting of surprises the Ad club's weekly luncheon at the Hen shaw bote! yesterday, consisted of sur prising various members by aaklng them for talk. Th beefatek dinner and vaude ville waa the main topic of discussion. C. U Oould of th Ford Automobile oompany invited tha members to an auto rid over th boulevards In the southern portions of the city. Th Invitation was accepted and a date will be set for the drive. It will be an Inspection tour to arouse Interest In bet tar boulevards. Lee Huff of fh Bulck Automobile com pany waa also a speaker. A letter from William Kennedy, a for mer member of the club, now of Arkan sas City, Inviting tha Ad dub to atop off In hi city on their way to Dallas, was read by Victor White, chairman of th Dallas committee. C. W. Erwin Buys Into Worland, Wyo., Bank C. W. Erwin. for th last year con nected with th Corn Ezchang bank of Omaha and prior to that a bank examiner for Nebraska, haa bought an Interest In th First National bank at Worland. Wyo.. and will go there to reside. Mr. Erwin haa severed his connection with tha Corn Exchange and has been elected cashier of the Worland bank. His official dutlea begin May I, though he will not take up th work until a few days later, being compelled to remain In Omaha te eloe up som business matters. Prof, Hart to Speak to Palimpsest Club Prof. Albert Boshnell Hart of Harvard university will be th guest of honor at the dinner of th palimpsest club Wednes day evening. He will be th principal speaker, his subject being th "Presi dency-" Th dinner will be served at tha Omaha club at J o'clock. MUSICIANS WILL COME IN LARGE DELEGATIONS Assurance haa com to Victor Parrtah, outages' of the publicity bureau of th Commercial club, that SW delegates will be la Omaha to attend th convention of th Amertraa Musicians' association from Mar 8 Jao At MU 75 local orders Boys' Combination Suits $3il (They are worth $5.00) Parents who desire to buy the boy a very high quality combination outfit should see our line at $3.95. Knickerbocker suits with an ex tra pair of knickers to match, made of strictly all wool fabrics, sizes 9 to 16 years. Patterns in grey and brown effects double breasted coats in the newest models full peg top knickers these suits arc most skilfully tailored and are extraordinary values. of the association at points all over the United States will be represented by theae delegates. There will be one delegate for each 100 members and no local order Is al lowed more than three delegates. The na tional association will entertain tha dele gates, paying their hotel bills, while the local orders are paying th traveling ex penses of their representatives. Newsie Stops Here on 18-Year Junket Julius Rath, a newsboy who started from St Louis In 1W7 to walk 600,000 mllei In eighteen yeara. arrived In Omaha yes terday morning at II o'clock, having cov ered 45. 000 mile. When he complete hla long journey at the Panama Pacific exposition In MIS, he will be given 130,000 by the St Louis Millionaires' club, Itath left Lincoln Saturday morning. II will stay In Omaha for aeveral days and will give lectures at a local theater. Selling papers and pictures and giving entertainments Is ths only way hs la allowed to secure monejr. Fifteen years ago Rath, then M years Id, left Bt Louis with a dog and not a GOLD DUST makes hard water as soft as rain water Every good housewife knows the value of nice, Boft, rain water for washing clothes and for all cleansing purposes. It isn't always convenient to secure rain water, however. Neither is it necessary. Gold Dust will soften the hardest water, and make it so near like the water that falls from the clouds that you couldn't tell the difference. Think what this means to you on wash day. There's a deal of difference between the action of hard and soft water for all cleansing. Just a little Gold Dost added to the water renders it soft and brings out the greatest cleansing value. Try it the next time you wash clothes or dishes. Gold Dost really cleanses so easily that it relieves house work of all its drudgery. Gold Dust is sold in 5C size and large picka.es. The Urge package means greater conomy. Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago Makers si Fairy Seep (th aval cake) The Favorite Rye of Sx Generations'' the U. S. & m I. V Its age Is guaranteed by the u. s. Government. Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company. Its Quality speaks for Itself. Whenyou buy Ry. buy Schtmley. At all dealers. Scberuey DattOHn; Company, Locasco, Pa. Any symptom or dl the resell yum reaauf- u Maras-riiM, Ceasiitata) first, than Ka Blllousneaa. witn scha. Backache. . witn weakness, i Backache, languor, ltalaris. Kidney and Liver Disorders. Wonv a nly Derangementa, Bella, Plmplea, neat Biu;ffienne, aarrousni aad Bieepieaaneea Oat eeeil! You eartalnrr vfll you take tnas sweet, uttl EaraWPIIie, All Drutrlata loo. IS. To Blackburn Product Oa, pay ton, Ohio. cent of money In his pocket. Durlnc tbls time he haa visited every larg city and capital In th world and baa worn out 462 pairs of shoes. GYM FEST AT Y. W. C. A. IS TO BE REPEATED Th gvm fest wn such a drawing cant at the Toung Women'a Christian assocl tlon Monday evening thai ther waa not even atandlng room In tha auditorium and fully 300 people turned away. For tue sake of thoae who were disappointed, the festivity will be repeated Saturday evening, Slay 4. About 109 girls and women took part in tha exhibitions given by ths seven clauses. Thar was a pantomime, a farce, and all sorts of fancy danoea In costume. The claaaea presented llttl Miss Lillian Dowler, their physical di rector, with a bunch of rosea, which was larger than their Instructor. klaaed fraaa Mead te Heel waa Ben Pool, Threat, Ala., when dragged over a rough road, but Buck len'a Arnica Salv healed ail his taw Juries, ftc For sal by Beaton Drue Co. " th COLO DUST TWINS do fomr work " xakWWkVJUIUtlaaj Famous for mellowness and purity 4 Times Distilled (CtrtUnanr wblakay not mora than twica) Bottled in Bond Each bottle is sealed with Government Stamp. Cm St Any Symptom!! tssalto? Constipation aa asaar as-. 99 of const! nation m ms ai. im to raluabl BMdicia contained la ! Sara's Oasiai Blackburn vvEsvuvau l sril-ATHMea