THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1911 POLL FOR CITY BEAUTIFUL Some EetidenU Start leriy on the Spring Cleanup. TLYSS TO EATJI BUBBIS3 AWAT t Owitn, Renter ill Inliol Mrs AU Mb 1b attfatt ta Give AU settles m Mrnr Delhman's request tint Wdnes- eav be made a elvte "cleeaf op ay. aed that property owners remove all rabbets that baa accumulated e urine tha winter baa beea responded to earlier rhaa was erptrted. Street Commissioner Tom Flj nn haa already received notices from a dosen ciusena that tfoev have foIos-ed tha mayor's Instructions and want the street cleaning department lo remove the pile of rubbish they save lathered up. Mr. Plyna will put several trama to work Thuiklav haullnc away tha product of the clean-up raid. Wednesday la the day fixed by the mayor aa a loeal nolt day from Business, devoted to making the ally "atora beautiful." Home owners, renters and bustneae men are all ra anssted to Join In tha effort t to make the City clean. Wead's Auto Stfllen While He is Looking While the new automobile of T. D. Weed of IM South Fortieth street waa In front of lit South Thirty-second street Monday night, three young man tot into It and drova away. Weed saw them drive away. He could furnish only brief de STipliona of them, Tha machine was re covered at Albright Marries Lleeaaes, The foflowlna- marriage Mci have Age. ,.... ....a ,.... beea Issued : Kama and Address. Alvrn P. Kern, Omsha May Bradea, -jmahm. Harry W. Thornton. Omaha Mary K. Yatea, Omaiia... David B. Hmllh, Omaha... .., Pearl B. Wagner. Omaha.,....,...., Iopolt Reiser, South Omaha. Margurst Hob, IKxith Omens,.. , Clare SwenUar, Invlew, Neb,. Mabel ftobtneon, Flatrrvtew, Neb.., Everst T. Jonee, Omaha. ...... ...... Marjorte B. Qulnn. Omaha....: Itrdney C. Jewel, Omaha.........,.,, liella Brennen. Hamilton, Pa........ Oeorae W. Hansen. Omaha EtbeMa A. Van Nor, Omebe. ........ .....n ..,.ai ...... ...M ..n ....a ...ti 4..m ... ...u .... You will tone up your system and fed better for Ulrinf,hthnorni NATURAL LAXATIVI Bast staii far CONSTIPATION iootnacne Gum STOPS TOOTHACHE Iasiantlr CI ds (r. p aasj daasw. AleWatesmeaewsnAlia . C. arr b CM., ni, tanav . Tc::rs old, c:Lcm C3FFEE ttset Dm dry rsjM. Drtak I cop e IHi awsrb Mrad. Ooeerve OS lua-iodj w4 lee riranisi at IU araeaa. Old OoMea sarMles b'-li ll I ta geoi coDee thrmiia and Rreugh. PiarM coffee trowwabMHirdlaataltetheamt slonooa cap that caa grace a break law. tst or tee oil afosddwatf. bt age Um teal uaaretaa. a patBd at your jroeer . TOM MOTMfJtSt Bes 110108 ssant Tacr am raw Uada si Soknav Teawe sad "stbaw." I I I IwaaarT. . -TV Avoid Blends! Send us your order for Hayner BOTTLED. IN -BOND Whiskey You KNOW it U good and pure the Gorernment't Green Stamp orer the cork U your protection. N3 MATTES what othen may promisg ao Batter bom acmptirig thair callus may actm sg if they offer BottUd m-Bomd whiskey ' and remember there Is ooly ona way yoa can be satrg of getting; pure, straight wbiskry and that a to iutitt cm Bottled -m-rVrnd. STrOacf sum Thafs what we offer yoa Hay- aer rrrvste btock bottlcd-ln. fiond wTimkey rich, 35 f(ihz- litcosayouia L ., ... I sodadav . and oelicwua arotVd rear Direct tillery and all art on tw sru id t,M erradurpapmd. .ftjAYNEW wUaiuy like Ma-the Gov. I WHISKE emmenr s Grees Stamp over theogrk jassm asanrim r that k is Bottled -rnBood fully aged, tall 100 proof, full yvr Rienstrre and mwiuni I llsiiiiiiijj that at comes to you juat k left the doUUery. m til originai punty and tnorinrsa. Not las r-d Bottled. tquslsy livcred. W tiers esse caa yoa boys m-noua wtuaaay at Bus THE HAYNER DISTILLING CXDMPANY, DeptClOS KANSAS Bern, a. TKOY.OBIO f irsaliahaS vra wmu W0MA5 coi- ADA PATTEK80!. High Price of Corn,,. and' Stock Cleans .; Y Out the Country 1 pity the altlmate consumer.'' began A. B. Schoenaour. , who to from) Plain- View With aJlaad of stork. "Tha nrtcna wa are obtaining for cattle and hoga ap pear lo me to be prohibitive thouch son- dltlona warrant thorn. Fead la ao scarce and the tupply of livs stock ever grow ing leas Ouit I wouldn't be surprised thai tha live stock market will bump up a tea? mors notches la a short while." 1 Bchoenaeur -says that there are prac tically no cattie left In Plaroa county , and hoga are rapidly beta shipped out Though there la still available corn la his section tha prices stockmen have to pay for It snaka It oaosasary for them to ship all at their stork to market. "We are getting good prices now, but t don't know wbsn our limit will be reached,'' he said, -t . Successor to Katz : Chosen by Hebrews At a meeting of tha directors of tha Towns Man's Hebrew association Julius Rosenthal of Council Bluffs waa elected lo tha dlreetorats to guocaed tha lata naauiel kata. It waa announced that the association bow haa IBS members. Wsdnssdsy evening aa sntartaUiIng pro gram will be given tor tha members at Temple Israel. J. T. Maxwell, physical director of tha Young Mea'a Christian aa. aociaiioa. wui asuvar an address oa "Physical Training.- J. Kopold will mystify tha audlsnes with a tsw card tricks. Miss Rabin and Dorothy Rock- mor win render vocal and plane solos. Two Big Suits Filed Against a Hospital Edna E. Blaine has filed Bull agatnat tbeOraaba Oennral hospital, asking dam. ago to tha amount of IIU.OUU, claiming that whlia at aa aaoonaoloua oondltlon following aa operation aba waa placed la a bod boated with hot volar bottlsa and bsatad bricks Tha beat was so Inlsoss that -her right foot wag shriveled to such an extent that aha cannot use IL Thomas W. Blaine, her huaband, filed another suit against tha hospital an tha same) grounds, asking for 0,OM. DATE SET FOR THE H S. FINAL HONOR CONTEST The final contest among tha twelve honor students of tha Omaha High school asalor claaa far placee on the 1111 com. inenoament program will be bold Monday aftaraoaa. May at, la tha assembly room at the school. There will be fifteen Judgea selected fram too school faculty, and only thla a umber will ba allowed Jwhlla tha try ouu are la progress. Essays must ba delivered orally. From tha twslva con testants sat will ba chosen to deliver their papers at tha graduation exercises, whlsh will ba kstd Friday srsnlng. J una M, at tha BraadeJa theater. r tosi to TRY this whjskcy our rrnrsnWw yvm will find it aii we claim aa fine aa yoa ever tasted and. the teat rataa yoa ever aasy or yoa may send it back at otar umism and we will return your Wtpay tiwa CNAMU lensssabsr yoa take ss Vi e take afi thm nkal wo stand si tha sspsnse II wa tad rai atTan serrnjum ca. sakMMUnnHaal a wmoii snsi ss.e f H"- It H iin1.rn.ut satBOS vakaw iMkas aa isnMMW mmeurt a - 'T - j j L J I Owes) lal Ada. Cat. Cabv. leata, saaav. Be B.atesOOW.WvrarZtelVM 1 aaSleaobKarrbiaarsMlal leftUJSarri CITY, MO. CAFTTAL t5O0,O000 Pal. Pas r. 1 . "i temp rostjasw. arwa tism,U. ss,Bam. ilrSaasiWal. Bs. SEERESS PLEADS ROT GUILTY Kn. C E. Koore Arraigned Before U. 8. Commissioner OaaieL CLAIYS OEDAUZD PEHSTISS Boaaid Ovov For ladaestssewt by Ornad Smrr la aowtosabos tm abla So Clew Ball rtwd at at.oee. Mrs. C H. Moors.. alias Manama Car- mea. alias H. Karma, and pussisaor of several other cognomens under which sha practiced elairvoynney and aatrol ogkaJ readings, was arraigned before United States Cbmmlesianer DanW yesterday aftarnooa, pleading not guilty to tha charge of defraudlnf through ths malle. Bba waa bound evsr to tha grand Jury which will convene next September. Her bond waa fixed at SLOW which sha was unable to pay. Tha woman waa arrested Saturday evening after an tavsstlgatloa by tha local post office authorities, aha had sold then sha would plsad guilty and ask tba mercy of the court, following ths example of M. Saaka. who pleaded guilty to a similar olfenea and was sentenced to Leavenworth Saturday to ana year and a day. Baaka's arrest and conviction, it Is said, caused a voluntary desire on bar part, to quit bar profaaetoa and gat eft ' with a minimum sentence. Mrs. Moore waa oa tha stand tor ever aa hour, during which time aha waa under ths groslltng of I'nlted Stares District Attorney Kowetl. who bad with him a voluminous plls of literature and let tare from victims from all parts of the country. Sha confessed to adver tising la different papers throughout tha middle and Pacific west and receiving money from persons whs solicited In formation from her conoamtng tbs past and future. tins followed ths same system as did Baa ha, but probably not so comprahe naively aa did he. - aha agreed In tba anginal adrsrUsemanta. aO of which read mora or less similar, to answer any throe questions put to her for flvs 2 -cant stamps. In this sha required only, tba parson's data of birth. 8ha bad several follow-ups, those being aa offer to aand a complete horo- ps, ooverlng im person's prospscts lo tha gravs, for A, a book of secrets and mysteries for It and aa electric bait. also for H. ,. ' Tha defendant admitted having prso- tloed palmistry, alalnroyancy . and aa. trnlogical rsadiags In finnvsr, Belvldsra, uL; Albuqaerqus, N. M.l Baa Francisco and Omaha. Sha claimed shs had only been la ino business, however, glass but summer, remaining at Baa Frandeoo but a tsw weeks before soralna bora a month or an ago. Blnos being bars aha had pent a week In Bslvldero, III., whero aha bad seat out advsrtlsemenu to news papers, signing Madams Charlotte. While bars aha haa beea going under tha name of Mrs. C. H. Moors. Mrs. Moore's attorney, L. J. Ta Pool, of Omaha, endeavored tp have bar eaaa coma before the grand Jury la Llaculn. which will begin IU sessions Msy K and have the caa triad during' tba spring term af court la that city. Tha reason that Mrar Moor had never practiced in that city gave tha court there aa Jurtadietloa lo Indict or try her. Sh must remain here until the Septem ber term of court before shs can be la dle tad by tha grand Jury and bar caa com up for trial. Her couaaal said yesterday that shs waa' not yet pie pared ta gfvs tail. - Mrs. Moor Is a very attractlrs woman bad clalma aa bonaat belief la spiritual, lam. calling herself a -high priestess" of the cult. Sh says that the disciples of tha- faith after study and practice tor a certain time, become "ordained" and base powers sf occultism sufficient ta allow communion with tba daad. AU tba mysteries at spiritualism shs claims to bs well versed m and firmly mala- i tarns bar belief la the doctrinal aba baa taught. BIG CATCH IS MADE OF FISH ON THE PLATTE Carrying with them two gunnyaacke willed with a catch from tha PUtts rtvsr, Oeorge McDarmont of lilt North Seven' teehtk street and T. a MoKanna of ISM Nicholas street, returned to Omaha ysstsr day moraine. Besides thla haul they bad a limb of a tree oa which wars "allied" two fifteen-pound catfish, m aa several baas. Ths sack for tha most part contained erapple and catfish. "we've been oat a week." said Mo- Derment, "and have a toad that will mat va tor ulu a long time." BODY OF EMIL BRANDEIS EXPECTED HERE NEXT WEEK Hugo and Arthur Brand eis art awaiting word or tha arrival of ths steamer Maa kay-Bennstt, which la bringing to Hall' tax the body of their brother. They ex pect the body te be brought direct to Omaha aa soon as tha ship docks at Halifax, arriving here about Friday, Tha body will bs forwarded to th crematory at Davenport. lav. and returned hera. Th private funeral 1 to be held seme time aext weak. RAISIN DAY CELEBRATED AT THE OMAHA HOTELS Batata day waa celebrated at Omaha In many of th leading hotel aad cafes. At tha Merchants hotel tha bill af fare showed 'Roast Veal with Raisin dross ma." "raisin fritters, with wtn saoca. "Hot com bred with mrslna." "Raisin salad." "Ralslnd pudding with sauce,' "Raisla lea" and RESTFUL NIGHT PASSED BY SENATOR MILLARD Th condition of J. H. Millard, who has basal confined to bis bed for over a weak with tonal II tla was reported to be very much Improved yesterday morning. Aa easy and restful night waa pssssd by Mr. Millard aad ha was abi to sit up tor awhile. Births aad Deaths. Birth John and Blsa Cuaalngtjta, as noura nineteen in street, aoy: J. Oi and Aana Mcintosh. KM South Twentieth avenue, gin: asm ana niona Koeethal. UU) Burden at reel, boy: David and ieona ctrana. tMume county hoaprtal. ooy: tun ana nana rope, ana anea avenue, boy; Loola and Ben Rice, ait Grant street, boy; IV C. and Mary San derson, -alt South Twenty-atxth street, boy; Phillip and Faun! Sokaloft, aiif Nldhcloe street, boy; Joseph and Mary Flyan. ICU Caateuar street, aoy. Deaths Char lea Tilled. U years, MM Doturlaa atreet: Loula Kraene. a venra. ims California Street; Hewey C. A neon. M years. Twenty-dfui ana uodre streets; Joha K. Hall. C yeara, ton North Twenty-eie-ht atreet: Emma s h T J yeara. Twanty-foorrh avents and Har.' oey: Jvm C. Whtual. 7 vMr. mwk and Poppietoa avenue; Axes Caristlaosoa. 7w rnnmn street; Tony im hard. years. CM Sooth Twenty-ninth street; Kick Proctor, a yeara. Fi. i Dr. Lord's Conduct Not Unprofessional Charge of unprofessional conduct, brougnt against Dr. 1. P. Lord by mem bers of the Dour las Counts Medical aoclatloa because Bewspapexs publlanod and "featured" article ahojit a Loreau pvrionneo. or ma pnysician. have been dropped. Ths society's hoard of censors haa reported that Dr. Lord did not seek tha publicity ha waa given and la no way waa rexpoaslbl for h Tha operation was Derfarmed mm llttl girl lnmats of th Child Savin e in stitute. Dr. Lord donated his nrrw. Because th operation waa an nmunai ona It news value waa unusual and th newspapers rave It considerable apace. Members of th society suspected Dr. Lord of procuring tha nabllclte aivi rn ulatcd charge against him. Packing Hsmi FORT DODGE la anrft a-9iuui Tlegrm.-Ths Cora Belt Packing com pany stockholders this afternoon leased tbs local pecking plant to Bulsburger ft Sons. Chicago packer, for a term of yeara. The plant haa not operation far th hut month. ivuib u 1 - UUVaaVL 20 Below Omaha Prices-Hot One Day, But Every Bay Full Carload of Beautiful Bedroom Furniture JuJ Received, in Oak, Maple, Mahogany and Walnut . , oYtm-T'; fn.M rr-n : nihil If IP ..."v;-.. I 5 -111$ I' ...... r f . B'.;.. ';.-; .'.' ' .Tsr 27x54-inch Velvet Rags at. 27x54-ineh Axminster Bags. . . . ... . . .$145 Gx9 Seamless Erussels Bags .......... $4.75 h& It y While fishln2 or golfing while f3S tfV JSVlT nmln& jOayhig tennis or ball, Xfl l these frafinmt Httle pockt piecea' 1 I K J&S' I i aw ttinthing, beneficial and ; 1 1 Fl 11 tTery dox Das ieU paciULges. II I I ill ' W Every package haa fire sticks. I I . : Every breath - ' V II Dreaervea teth-harriena atmctita II I I Jj It costa Bttle by the padaii ' I ( 7 I ' but less by the Box " ' FOUR BABIESJ ONE YEAR All Former Records of the Omaha Woman' Club are Smashed. FIGGIS TAXZ5 FEOX XEPOST One Leae Maa Atteada Aaaaal Meet las at th Clews Fveaeata a Raaawew f ptak Tha Omaha Woman's club yesterday afternoon bald th closing meeting of (hs year, receiving th reports of tha retiring officers, among which wsa that of Mra. Edward Johnson, chairman of th committee on courtesies. 7ns report waa greeted with applause when that portion referring to vital statistic was read. It Showed that wltntn th last year th club bad broken all af It previous records and that during th per iod covered four babiea had bean bora Into th families of club members, th mothers of th llttl oasa "being activa dub members. Yesterday there waa on maa present. He wsa M. D. Cameron, husband of Mra, Cameron, retiring president of tha club. Mr. Cameron Bat modestly In th iuamu u GET OUR RUG PRICES . . .95c j 9x12 Seamless Brussels' EugB.V.-li '. e.'$9'.75 mj t -x't... n-.: 1 background wreatned la amlle and pre sented his wlfs at th do of th meet IngTwtth a beautlfat Ms bouquet of pink Bwaee tears as Shed. In her closing epeech aa president. Mrs. Cameron said , that tier- husband had placed himself second la order, that tha Ulub might a served. Tears were shed by ths large assembly of members for th out-going officers. Smiles and felici tations greeted the new officers, of wnom Mrs. C W. Hayes Is president. Hand some bunches of flower aad verbal bouquets wore freely dispensed and .re port of retiring officers,, chairmen of special eornrolttees and standing com mittees and department leader were read. Th club la in prosperous condition, ac cording to th report of th retiring treasurer. Mrs. K. R. Hume, who stated there Is Si.r-1 out at Interest and ISK.U In the bank. The house and home com mittee, with Mrs. C H. Marley acting chairman, scored a success In economics by serving oh on eccaetea 23 people for tn.K. .... Mrs. Mary D. Stoddard, who ba loaned CO to be need by the daughter of an Omaha Woman's club member and grad- ta of the Omaha High school aa a scholarship In th University of Omaha, 1 Qniifth ifiimih vv.. rjuuui Guiana ill I .v I'- .: i' -, 9x12 Velvet Bugs at. .....v.;...; ...812.50 9x12 Axminster Bugs at. . . , . .815.00 j for. was mad an honorary member of tha dub. lira runtraa presented ths dub with a new gavel and fh -club's parting gift to her was a hand ao me pearl necxiac. PERSONAL JARAGRAPHS. . . m w .wk. Mnsitiw,sT Fkgl sMwas victor a. tsmuiFB. "7,"? T. ; ) trip lo liie Pacific ccM where to vmt IO SDt3I)u ill Wlliun ,wr - - --t . . ... . - aa ntahnn IScannell will uke Tart In the InstalUUon servicea or "w - Moines tomorrow nmnu. "'' ."IJiii nell will be very busy tomorrow and will not be able to leave th city. W C. Pike, elevator cenductor at th .' , , ; , i ...... ... hen nro union rncuic .,....,..&, - . moted to a clerkship in the office of Auditor Anderson of freight account. Balldlac Permits. J 'Jensen.- North Thirtieth street, f4me dweiling. tZOOO; R. Kaah, 2157 South Thirty-filth street, brick Ed Simon. Mil Sewsrd street. tl.W). Oat City Investment Co.. fe Brown street, frame dwelling. Gate City Invest- ' : V." n,-n ainti frame dwell- Ing ftJW: Gate City Investment Co.. a North miny-tnira "V-.V. Ing. 12,500; Sarah C. Bushby. 18 North Twenty-eighth street, fram dwelling. Kay to the Situation Be Advertising. ' tpiwiEacaHrp3 ' " I " - Well made Cortuia . . Stretcher , 75c a owui any ' ""inH jtf fj