Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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' Every new whim of faahlon
correctly mirrored In thla comprchenalve aseemoiag ot
mode for Spring and Summer.
We are ahowlng many mode It that are charming afternoon
froeki a garment atltable for many oeeaelone dainty patterna In
fanlarda nlain or changeable chiffon taffetaa. plain or stripe Toilet.
crepe de chine and crape de meteor
- aa the aiyles and fabric
S13.50 v 822.50
Site St to 40. Writ tor our
n tXTfs
1118-1520 IA&NAM STEZIT .
Expert Kepairing
Watch and Jewelry
Bet f Wet. Um
Friti Sandwall Co
I0S South 15th' Street
F't ....
Juet after the neon rVesa'l!hlradMte4
ail hi prodecesson e tne q'ueetloo. who
fired first. He said the ennvlrta open
fir and Chief Brig we the first to re
turn tire. He aald be believed Rrlafa alao
find the second (hot. which killed Blunt.
Phelps aald he waa with Lloyd Blunt
when b urged the officer not to shoot
while hit brother wit with the convict
He eould not recall whether the officers
made any reply,- - - - ...
Pbelp bad liven bit bora to gherlff
Hyer aad waa iMInf with George
Pflug whea the shooting started. In
eroea -examination Murphy pointed aut
that Uie witness, daapltt hit preeent
poaltlre testimony, mad no remark about
the shooting ef Blunt at the Urn ht aald
It occurred, alao that Pflug. wh wat
with blm told a different story.
Ed at end t of sprlngfleld teaUfted ht
urged Brlgis. Chaae and Trouton to be
careful, but they disregarded Ma plea.
arln To with them." He tald ha
believed Brtgra fired the flret shot Hi
aald be did not kaow wh killed Blunt
' V rld 14 Mayer.
TBCtTatSEH. Neb, April X-8peclal.)
-Cavtd U Hoytr died at Mt borne la thle
eity at -J o'clock Sunday evening after
batng In (ailing health for many month.
He waa gad yean, 4 mouth and I
day.- Mr. Meyer wat a native of Penn
sylvania. Be bad Uvea In thla county
for many year. Tt widow end two
on. Mm D. Moyar of University
Place and Jemea U. Moyar at Tom.
Colo., survive. -Th. PunereJ wae held
Tuesday afternoon, t
Ma BMaeL '
ST. LOCI Mo.. April bWokn Samuel,
aid t be the Inventor of the Maaon
Jar. to , dead. He , wat at yean old.
Samuel waa th. found, nrwt pn.
dent of the Olaaa Blowan' union, aad
waa bora la Swansea, Wale.
, Mania MeelaHty.
Martia Morlarity. aged 41 yean, a
stationary engineer for the L'nioa Pa
etfl. died at hla borne. It Ohio street
last nliht. ' H la eurvtved by a wtf and
four daughter. The funeral will be held
Thunder morning at I o'clock from
Bacred Heart church, laterment In Holy
Sepulchn cemetery.
rierk Paffer.
NEBRASKA CITY, April -pclal.)
-Word waa been reserved here of the
loath ef Clark Puffer, at Riverside. Cat.
Mr. Puffer laid out the town of Talma,
Otoe county, and for yean owned the
major portion of the town alt.
. Cartto-lmvtr.
atlas Jenie Berniee Davtes aad Curtle
r. a insert were ualted 1 aurim i.
the Toung Men's Christian aaeoctatloa
pawn at I e clock Tuaaday afternoon.
- M. V. Hlgbes. officiated The bride
Are you tired-
heiac "always tirwT aerroaa. Irritable tired of bar.
tag your doctor teal yoa that If yoa doat knock oft aad
rat yoa'll go all to pieces? If o
Cat m bottle of Daffy' Pare Malt Whiskey Immexti.
ateiy. It will drive away that "Urecl fe41ag." make yoew
ewree Ilka traa aad , sead lb rich, red blood H-gig
tiroagh yon syateaa. .
It' a took aad stimulant, abeotutety pure, throng h
ly malted aad very palatabi.
Atora tnaa BO year of aaqaaJIfled aatiafaetioa plac
tt at taa bead of all pjealtJi tonic.
Sold by all draggista, grocen aad Uqaor dejalar
or direct 9140 a large bottle. -
. The Daffy Halt Whiskey Co-, Rocbewter, X.
Dresses at
$13.50 and up
Utsses' and women'
Value that are
going to act folks
talking. Just the
klad of a dree
every womaa areda
for all aorta of Im
promptu "allp-on"
wear lneipenalv.
yet thoroughly atyl-
Charming Frocka
for the aew aeaaoa.
For the junior, for
the email womea,
and the women that
wear the normal
One-piece dreeeee
are the "order of
the day", conee
quently we bare put
great deal of
atrea on diraaee.
both American and ParUlan, U
at price that are aa Interesting
825.00 829.75
complete catalog''.
haa been making her home with an aunt.
Mrs. W. U Stewart, at 40 rarnam. The
groom la tha ton of Mr. and Mr. M. C.
Wlngert of Wood River. Neb. He le In
the lumbar bualneet at Arnold, Neb,,
where the horn will be. Attending them
were X H. Davie, tn uncle, and Mr.
C." R. Davie, alatar-ln-law of the bride.
Mlaa Marlorle B. Qulnn, daughter of
Schuyler C. Wulnn. and Mr. Krneet T.
Joaea were married by Rev. Charles W.
avldg at hla realdenoe Monday evening
at f:N o'clock. They wer oeompaled
by Mr. and Mr. Harold C. Craw.
WA8H1NOTON, April ItA brad eantl-
Injunction' bill, such a measure tt baa
long been advocated by labor leaden
throughout tha eountry, waa favorably
ra ported to the houss today by Chairman
Clayton of the Judiciary committee
The Mil provide that injunction In la
bor dleputee ah all only be Issued after
the defendant have had opportunity to
aiake anawer to the eomplalnt agtlnat
them. It alao provide that courts shall
laeue reotralnlng order for 'but aeveri
iltyt and ttieee only when the oomplaln
tnt ehowe that be will be don Irrepar
able Injury If the order la not leaned. ;
Blanket Injunction an ipeclflclellr
provided againat and the right of work.
Ingmen to peaceful assembly It reiterated.
Striking employee an given the right at
meeting, aateadlng financial aealMaac to'
Uielr fellow striken and aiding them
every lawful way to win their victory.
The right of boycott and the right to re-
(use to patronise la established In one
eeotlon of the MIL
A minority report probably will be auk-
mitted by republican memben of the
committee. He van republican memben
ut the committee en Judiciary have Died
a minority report to the Clayton, eon
tempt bill reported last week, denounotug
It aa a meaeun ealculated to meet poli
tical eslgenciee of the day and oaa that
would destroy the function of tha courts.
The bill I deeerlbed aa uneonatltutloaai
Tne minority of the commute off an a
substitute for the relief aeked by labor
PARIS. April M-The lMth aaraa of
th aorktiy of Fnnch Artiste, which wot
inaugurated by President PalUerea thlt
afternoon, la Interacting, not on account
of the ouallty of th eihibtta. th aver
age of which Is pronoun at te . be
mediocre, but because ft shows to a
greater extant than any resent exhibi
tion th working of new force aod tea-
denclea In French art.
Tha cosmopolitan character of the
salon la more than aver emphaaieed this
year by the various schools of Europe,
which an represented by their meet
eminent exponent The American ex
hibitors auvjber nearly Ma. Their work
la rated high la technical twenty, but
there la aa abeeace of imaginative work.
HA WARDEN. la, April M Aa a me
mo bl I party of eight or boot ttudeatt
went off th embankment at the ap
proach ta th Moux rtver beta weet at
ken thla evening. Ruth Vale, Helen
8m Kb and Amanda Frit, all aged It,
wen seriously Injured. Th chauffeur
and otben of th party escaped with
Government Filed Suit Against Hu
rt iter Combine at St Paul
ma Corwaratloaa aad tlabteea
ladlrtdaate Aiw Naea aa Da
feadaate Preaeeatlea t '
t Be Peaked.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. April .-Sult
against the International Harvester com
pany, charging It with being a monopoly
la restraint of trad and enlng that H be
Ldlasolved. was filed by the government
In tha United Btates district court here
A petition In equity naming seven cor
porations and eighteen Individuals as be
ing the reaponetble brads of the tleO.OO,
401 harvester cvorporstlon sets forth the
charge that the defendant controls a ma
jority of tha trade In harvesting machin
ery In the United States "to the grave In
Jury ofth e farmer and the general pub
lic." It asks that a receiver be appointed
to taka charge of the corporation 1 busi
ness. If the court aeea fit
Another petition filed sake Judge
Charles A. Will lard to order the issuance
of subpoenas for all defendants not re
siding In this district, the subpoenas to
be returnable Mar 4, when the eorpora
tlona and Indtrlduale an to enter their
appearance. Tne defendants. It was an
nounced, will have until June I to enter
their pleadings and the trial probably
will be set for the October term of court
PrsMrcatloa Will Be Peaked.
WAflHINOTON. April M. Tne proaeen-
h ,.r tha Harvester suit. It wsa de
clared at the Department of Juitlca to
day, will be expedited aa mucn as poaw
bi. Because of the Importance of the
leeoe. Attorney Oeneral Wlckeranam will
file a certificate of expedition, the effect
of which will be to ronove the case from
tha district court of Minnesota to ta
ii.ii.ri mataa circuit court of appeala
for tha eighth circuit. This eliminates
the district court and te tnat went
k.taau. aa t. tha lUDnnM COUrt.
where It hi generally conceded the ease
will be finally dotarmineo.
tv. ufiiat Boeaibla date at which th
rat can come to laeue Wort Judges
Sanborn, Hook. Adams and Smith, eonv
riin iha aiahth circuit la "about August
a. Tne defendant must make their ap
pearance In court by June , ana tney
will nave unUI July 1 to answer the petl
Una. Th government muet file Its
rapllcatioa by August a Under ordinary
elreumeunoae, the ease will then be at
o, notes Telecraa Itvas Boaapart ta
Harvoeter Matter.
NEW TQRK. April . -Colonel Rooss
velt returned hera this morning from the
campaign In the Massachusetts prlmarl
aad spent the early part f th day at
me ottlaaa. This afternoon h planned
te gc to bis bom at Oyster Bay.
i Colonel Roottvelt again contradicted
President Tett In a statement today re
garding the to-celled Harvester trust
Colonel Roosevelt tald:
"I waa positive that the harvester trust
matter had been diecuased la full at
least eec at cabinet meeting after Mr.
Tart returned. Mr. Benaparta now tends
me the following telegram.
Baltimore. ADTft K Date 'Of cabinet
mettlnar whea barvestar trust dlaoueeed
Hhee if st ft Janaary. MM. probably
-n. aMloa of Mr. Tart la this oaee
la not compatible with even th feeblest
kind ef food Intention!. "
(Continued from First Page.)
Into telephone communication with the
-I am going te get that man's nam.-
sald Senator Smith. "It be wlU not per
mit disclosure of his Identity w will at
other means to get K."
What waa th Information In th
mysterious meeastgsT" anator nmun
waa aeked.
'Dunn baa not dieclooed It on the
ttand. but I know what R waa." aald
tha senator. "It shows that the White
Star people bad Information about the
fate of the Tltanta noun baton tney
made tt public.''
"Did th message refer t aa attempt
te relneun th Tttaaler"
"I teanet aay bow," the senator I
Mr. v Franklin ugeeted that tha ooca
mlttee call on the Wester Union ta
produce th meets g. "W want thla
matter sifted to the bottom and we want
yon to bar every massage, sent or re
ceived' that baa any bearing oa the
disaster," aald Mr. Franklin.
a eeellea Uteboata.
"Mow did tt happea that the Titanic
bad only twenty Ufeboaur aeked Sen
ator Smith.
"That waa a matter for th builder.
ttr, and I suppose that It met with the
requirement of the British Beard of
Trade," raptied Mr. lamay. "Otherwise
the chip never would hav left port"
"la new of thla experience yoa hav
Jo gone through, do yea not think It
would be better to have the number of
lifeboat required oa ehlpe based
passenger capacity Instead of tonnagef
"I think." said Mr. lamay. "In rttw of
th ctaatroph that the wbol question
ef life saving appliance aad devtcoe
should be carefully gone Into te determine
Just what should be don."
"If th Titanic bad carried double r
treble the number of Uteboata wo
there act have beea more Uvea saved?"
aeked senator Smith.
"An yoa willing te admit that yea an
la favor ef as tncreaatog th a amber 7"
Deloejatea tar Tart.
I SAN JUAN. Porte Rico, April Ml Th
; territorial repabnoaa onveatloa I
, elected Mateo Fajardo and S. Beha ado
gate to the Chicago national eenvwatloa.
' They bar beta instructed far Preatdwat
' Tart. The convention endorsed tha ae-
tieoal and Insular adminlstrationa.
TALLALLAH. La-. April V Tlftk
j Louisiana eXegatt te the republlcaa aa-
tioaai convention: l. w. ureea, Lake
, Prwvldeaoe and W. P. Inatey, Delhi. Ia-
ittraeted tor Taft.
ttca e Thame a Dwta. isttdam dipt-
matte rBor ta tha Stat apartment,
aa become ee crttbml that aia raaatlva
have beta errmnaimed from Iowa aad
Main Building
At Morningside
College Burns
SIOUX C1TT. la., April K.-The main
building at Mornlngaide college wat
totally destroyed by fin thortly after
11 o'clock tonight, with a lost of M.M4.
Nothing Is left but the outer trails. The
firemen wen helpless on account of
poor water pressure. Nothing was saved
other than a few books, secured by
students, who formed chain gangs and
rushed into the burning building.
Jhe building waa of two stories and
composed of brick. The origin of the
fin la unknown. Morningside college
has been closed Indefinitely. The. loss
la partly covered by Insurance.
ftailroad's Proposal
Meets Disapproval
NETW YORK, April aJ.-After a aeerlon
lasting until midnight the conference
committee of managers of eastern rail
roads gave out a statement declaring
that they bad proposed that the Inter
state Commerce commission act aa
arbltraton of sthe engineers' demands,
but that the proposition had been de
clined by th Intentate Commerce com
mission and that Chief Stone of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
alao bad refused to accept the memben
of the Intentate Commerce commission
as arbitrator
As an alternative the committee sub
mitted to the government mediators,
Meetra Knapp and NellU a proposition
providing' for a commission of seven,
one to represent the railroads and the
engiaeera, and these two to select five
umpires. In svtnt tbeee rapreeentattvet
fail to agree on tha five umpires It Is
proposed that they be appointed by the
chief justice of the United Bute.
President Yuan Shi
Gives First Message
PEKJNO, April SX-tuan Shi Ki
preeldeat of th Chine republic, de
livered hi first praaldentisl massage In
the form of a speech at the opening
today of tbe session of th advisory eoua.
ell, which la practically a provisional
The most Important matter at present
the preeldent said, la finance. Foreign
capital la essential to China and the
government was drafting the principle!
of a financial reform. It waa negotiating
with tbe power for an Increase ef the
customs due and th abolition of th
llkln. or transit taxes and th reduction
of tht export taxes.
Pending the big loan the government
would, he aald. issue short treasury
NEW YORK, April tt.-Th will of th
let Major Oeneral Frederick Dent Orant,
U. a A., filed ta the turrogatt'a offlct
today, leave bit en tin aetata to bit
widow, Ida Hoaon Orant Th will was
executed at Fort Sam Houston, Tea.,
August n. Hot, aad In R tha general
declare that he left all to her because
of aaauranoa that th children, who
had already been provided for by tht
will of hit deceased mother would re
ceive whatever further aid they needed
through bat widow aad upon her death
th estate would be divided between
them. Tha two ehUdrta an Clyatat B.
Orant, III, who la a captain of en
gineer In tht United States army and
Prtnoees Cantscuane, countaes of Bper-
anaky. The value of the estate hi not
Kobert ecM Thome
Dorothy Htar J K
AiV." K
, Aa ""l" CibblM
Wict Ficltctt -i7
Jen i-y-Hrrierea
eeats a eser. Mes a rear. At ell beebebamerTeeOejearr Ca Casta aie. eVwTerk
t 1912.
New Tonic Tona Vita In Use
.at Health Resorts for
This Trouble.
If you are nervous and run-down with
little vitality or ambition, and feel gen
erally miserable and half-sick, you an
suffering from nervous debility. If so
yon should investigate the new tonic
"Tona Vita" and find out what a great
record It has made since first Introduced
scarcely a year ago.
Do you know that "Ton Vita" la now
pronounced by hundreds of physicians aa
the most remarkable tonic known. Do
yoa know that "Tona Vita" la used in
high-class sanitarium and health resorts
as g nerve food and tonic? Do you know
that during the past year mora than fifty
thousand people have stated over their
own signature that "Tona Vita" has
completely restored their health T
Mr. James L, Hlckey. of S North
Davidson Street, Buffalo. N. T.. the well
known National League Umpire, la one
of these. This la what h sayt: "Th
Zion Men and Women
Beaten With Clubs
ZION CITT, April l.-Rlotlng, which
may result seriously, started lata this
afternoon after employee of an Indepen
dent manufacturing concern attacked a
group of Mt Zion men and women at a
prayer meeting. Both men and women
were beaten with clubs and black Jack
and a number wer terioutly Injured.
Th fight cam aa tha climax of a week
of trouble between employe of th In
dependent concern, which recently bis
begun operations hers, and tha church
people, formerly followen of John Alex
ander Dowte.
Aa a protest against th us of tobacco
by tho employes of the manufacturing
companies, tha Vollva people have been
holding prayer meetings in front of one
of the plants twice each day.
Immediately after th tight at the
prayer meeting. Wilbur. Glenn Vollva or
dered the large alarm bell rung and mon
than LOM memben of the church gathered
at tha auditorium and discussed plans for
resisting further attacks by employee
of independent companies who filled the
streets tonight and threatened to "clean
out tha town."
Elder F. M. Royal and Joteph Bishop
war th most terioutly Injured nt tht
prayer meeting fight. Both wen beaten
until they wen nearly unconscious and It
is thought that Bltbop't tkull waa frac
tured. More than a third of the 1M Zion
women In attendance at the meeting Wen
beaten, bruised- or trampled oa durlnf
A Remedy No Family
i ; Should
No matter hew healthy a human being
may be It br safe to say that not many
months an passed without tome obstruc
tion of the bowels. In ether words, consti
pation, even If only temporary. The
bloating, the dull feeling may start after
the evening meal. If a laxative la not
taken that night It, la certain that sleep
will not be sound. Vid you will awaken
unnfreebed. . ..
Hence. It is Important tor you and for
all the members of rour family that a
good, reliable laxative be alwaya kept in
the bouse for just such emergency. It
le sun to be needed, and when needed
you want It at hand. No family that la
careful of its health can do without such
a nmedr. But tbe eueatlon of which
remeey to nave on band la aieo of vast
The laxative moat hlrhTv recommended
by the majority ef Inteltgent Americana
aa being best tor babies and grownupe
Did yours sign his name like these? They are
the curious result of a search among the records
of old Virginia, and form one of the attractions
of an unusual number of The Century.
Boutet de Monvel, the famous French artist,
was sent to Assisi to make illustrations for
"Everybody's St. Francis, "by Maurice F. Egan
which begins in the May issue. One of these
is an exquisite plate in color Boutet de
Monvel's color.
W. Morgan Shuster writes of the part the
Persian women played in the recent crisis.
Hardly ever has the real question about the
tariff been put so well as it is by Oscar W. '
Underwood. v
F. Hopkinson Smith's story, "Ask Lord
Roberts," is typically characteristic of this
In estimating the May Century, note these
One of the best discussions on the Judicial
A good portrait of Henry James.
PennelTs pictures of Chicago.
Robert Browning," by William Lyon Phelps.'
Do you know how good The Century is these
months? Why not buy this number and see?
nature df my profession frequently neces
sitated irregularity in sleeping and eating
and as a result I became a victim of
nervous debility. I had bad headaches
and Indigestion. My nerves troubled me
alto and I did not get sufficient rest from
my sleep. I would become fattgued very
easily and waa about prostrated by hot
"I had tried other meant to restore my
normal condition when a friend tug rested
the tonic "Ton Vita." I took hla advice
and am glad of it My appetite improved
at once. My headaches became less fre
quent and have gradually disappeared
and I am no longer nervous or depremve
My stomach Is now In perfect condition,
in fact I am thoroughly rejuvenated."
We hav an agent in every city who
will refund the purchase price If "Tona
Vita" falla to completely build you up.
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., lth
and Dodge; Owl Drug Co.. lth and Har
ney: Harvard Pharmacy. Mth and Far
nam Bta., and Loyal Pharmacy, KXT-l
North lath Street haa the agency for
Tona Vita In Omaha. The Approved
Formula Company, Dayton, Ohio.
th ruth by th employes of the Inde
pendents. At the close of the meeting tonight
Overseer Vollva ordered bis followen to
reassemble at 1:30 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing to resume services in the front yard
of a factory, who employe offend by
using tobacco.
Three Killed in Grade
v Crossing Accident
CHICAGO. April M.-Three persons
wen killed and two seriously Injured
today on the Illinois Central nil
road track at North Rlveralde, a auburb,
when an automobile was struck by the
engine of a passenger train.
Al tha persons killed and injured wan
riding in a machine. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Puffer and Mra. C. M. Strelbt
wen killed. H. E. Puffer, father of Rob-
en. and W. V. Logan, both asiaamen tor
the Btudebaker company, wen Injured.
It tt believed the oocupanta of tha auto
mobile did not tee th tnln approaching.
JUNEA, Alaska. April .-Unlted
States District Judge Lyons today dis
missed three of the six indictments re
turned February 15, charging several
transportation and coal com pan ea and
their offioen with conaplracy In rettralnt
of trade in violation of tbe Sherman
anti-trust law. One Indictment was up
held and two others were sustalnsd tn
Do Without
Is Dr. Csldwel's Syrup Papain. It Is a
liquid laxatlve-tonlc. mild and never
gripes. Is effective on robust people and
can be given with eafatv to an Infant.
Children Ilka It because of theee gentle
oualitlee and because It la pleasant to
iue taste.
' It la tha beet all-around nmedr you
can have In the houee for any disorder
oi tne sinmacn, liver and bovreis, and
many people like Mr. J. N. Covert Nor
folk, Neb... and XI re. guaan Attebury,
Orant Neb., aay they would as soon be
witnout tne neceeeities as without Dr.
Csldwel's Syrup Panel n.
Anyone wishing to make a trial of thla
remedy before buying It In the regular
way of a druggist at fifty cents or one
aonar a large bottle iramiy atte can
have a sample bottle sent to the home
rree or cnarge ny simply addressing Dr.
W. B. Caldwell, eos Washlnrton Street.
Montlcello. III. Tour name and address
on a postal earn win oo.
Don't mlaa the big gas rang dera
onttretion at thla atore. Come tn and
aee how easy It te to cook In th
aummer and not awelter from the
heat of the stove. Your cooking
troubles are over if you get an A-B
gas range.
A dollar down (thta week only),
and eaay monthly Pwtymenta will put
on of these world renowned range
tn your hone. For further Inform v
tlon regarding A-B (& rang dub.
call, writ or phone.
.SmiC. iXlSISPiraty
Quality Laundry
every thought on your work to
tive 100 per cent quality and or.
wen ev a
re given Individual attention. f
nandiea to pieaae tne pergonal re
quirement of customer and put
la Sanitary Co?ers
Th only laundry tn Omaha car
ing enough for Ita customer'
birt to adopt thlg iperjatv
Both Phones.
Wagons Everywbera
Noon Day Lunch
rr Busy Baalaera Mea wh Want
aomsthtag Different at a
Moderate Frio.
A pleasant surprise awalta you.
W an catering to business men
becauae we know Just what they like
for aa appetising lunch.
Our place le abeolutely modern and
our service the best.
Try ua tomorrow. .
The Mandarin Cafe
1411 Tnagla atreet.
Base Ball
MAY 1, 2, 3, 4.
Friday. Hay ad, Indies' Day
Car leavea 16th and Karnam, 1:15.
Game Called 8:80.
(Cat Svery Say tils, atrery aright gill
Robert T. Haines and Company. Ray
U Royce. Pouchet'e Flying Ballet.
Wlnach Poo re, Henry Francla. Fid-
ler A Bhelton. Jetter A Rogers, Kenete
core, Orpheum Conoert Orchestra.
Prices: Night loe, 2ic tfrc ac: Mat
inee lc beat seats lac eacapt Stur
day and Sunday.
American Theater
fealgat. Kale. Tarn. Tame, an
w Aj Taa a. rcamm,
aad tha
wxo eosa rxaaa.
Next Week TB IIW BOT.
Btat Today, Ida Bight, J
Beet Beats, 0e
Xxtra HAT IlUIt, fTbampki
temal Wreetler.
The Last Rnad Show Thta Beasna
Wet, Base Bail Nile: There-. Colored
Cam Walk: Frldar, Amateur Con tee t.
Beauty Chorua of Girl Graduate.
Ladies Btsa Mattae Sewry Week Bay
Brandeis Theater
Tharwaar Pay eas e LOS
Beterdey Waits ee. ase a toe
The Beaaarat asmaane Brass
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