Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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t 27 inch Fine Swiss and Batiste Flouncings f
I All Orers and Waist Fronting
many unusual combination effects all choice new de- I
sisms worth ud to $1.00 two AA A I
IX lrtfo nn Kuriroin cnlinroa
f 45 inch Embroidered Skirtings at 98c Yd. g
it Exquisite new designs in English eyelet, floral AA f
t ana new comDinauon enecis; worm to Jfll x
X ati Knrtrflin Annnra.flt VflrH w V w
V W-S,. B
18 inch Corset Coyer Embroideries at 10c Yd. 1:
Also flouncings, wide edges, insertions and gal- AA
t loons, worth 20c big bargain square piled I III
htrh with hi bargains aL vara.
, Special S&1 and Display of Imported
Embroidered and Lace Trimmed Robes
Fine Batiste, Sheer Voile, .Linen and New llatine Fab-.'J
rics richly embroidered in eyelet, heavy relief and t
rope stitched effects combined with new ratine, mucrauie I
and filet laces all partly made at,
each ....$2.98, $3.08, $5.93 up to $19.50 J
$1.25 IRISH 90-inoh Belfast Irish" Linen, g'rnss
DRESS LINEN ..bleached, snow white and every
AT. 79c YD. thread pure linen ex- l"JA
cellent for ladies' suits, coats, art work, etc.; HI
xr v
I $1.25 value special at, yard.
I "White and mam colors fqrfBkirts, coats, chil- JA
I dren's frocks, etc 2-mcu widths, worth I III 1
Brandel is thoroughly equipped to supply Ombii demand for, .
RUG8 o( besutjr and rich character that are at the aame time prae-" ;
ttcal for us In your home. We specisHi In English Wilton and '. !
Roubait Ruga In various sites, seamless ' and revealing the moat
exquialte color effect. On account of the wonderful variety of their ;
colorings. RoubaU Rugs are adapted to room where a harmonious . ,
color scheme 1s essential.
The Season's Newest
Lasts Are Here
Celealala, Piaist ana Oxfords, at prices
that appeal to every class. Wettest Uss,
ateat, dntl leathers, tieses, etc, la the
satarte aues. Fall raage ef site
Ferfeet It hi able salesssea.
lever li the littery ef this store hare we isewa sack a
variety el styles at sack meeerate prima. Tkls 1 ladeed the
oaslity" store el OeuUa, as, offers the best value tor the
eaey at ail tJsves.
16" &. DOUGLAS.
Improving Since
General Delivery Windows to Be
L Cloied After Kay Fifth.
hmu briMtaw Letter Meat File
- OMeripllftM ef Tees atar
tar Attcraeoa Win They
1 . May Ha W la Saw.
Beginning Sunday May I, mwil ee-
fevarr wtodowt will ha cloaed aa Sunday.,
' . tha iNicral dlvcrv patron of tt pot
. etfica racelvlna' the Men. earvlc u car.
'rWr patrsna. Tba order ta cloaa the aaa
. r4 dllirarr windows aa Sund.ra la la-
wsd by Poatmaatar Mia C. Wharton.
, rAmr tmrml Arii'y caller who npecti
. au Jmsortt;; kttr nay aarur aXIrery,
; howavr, by ealHnc et Window No. U.
: tha afftc at tba aartvlant upaitnttidit
" ,ef etty Salivary batora I o'clock the Bat-
. brday previous. Ha will be required to
. llesve dearrlptioa of the latter With tba
. ielerk at that window. .
Wlnoow No. U wiU be evened from M
- o'clock Sunday sMrnlnc tor Mlvery of
- 'tetters for which proper amnsemenu
'have ban and the Saturday previous,
History teachers meet
HIetary teachers at the state arc.t
Beat in Omaha Friday and Saturday of
, this week. Wbrre thvy hope to prtcct aa
ort&nixaUon.' 7h tRUIneas ntectlnc win
I be bald In the library oors at ts hick
(school building -
: la adalttoa to the hwsuMM matUnc of
The htstery taacbera who ara'ptonaarlnc
71a tld aaoranaat. tbare will be a aaaiber
nf eajoyaale fcatma. Friday evenki;
tbare. wUI be a dinner at the Fasten
kotat. at Thick Prof. Halt at Barvard
warrant? win be the cm at hooac
t that moOot tba . iifiMar wis talk
.-aa Ckdaa. FmC HUt mt taw TJatverstty
wt Kefcrestca wtn mat a pager and Mkm
VarAht at rka Canada UK3a scbatd v3
the Recent Rains
The Burlington's crop report tor Uw
week endlnc April XI, the data for which
was lather prior to the hey rain
of laat Saturday end Hunday, IndKatv a
h aaunactory aorHiitioa tnroucnout
a cnater portion of Nebraska, ao tar a
winter wheat la concerned. Basins a
full crop upon a prentaa of m. on th
different dtvtatene of the road the eeM
mate at the date of the report waa a
Omaha dlvtaton. ; Lincoln. 7; Wymore.
St; McCook, at per cent
Since hut Saturday, tba divWona of
the road have all been vtilted by rain
that have bean from one-half to nearly
four tnchec.
.At the time of aecurlnt the data for
the. report! the bad showtn; mad on
the Wymore dlvtaton we du to the tart
that the (round had beea very dry and
the heevy wind had Mown the aotl away
from the note of the srowmc winter
wheat. Brace then, th rein bar revived
the plant, that were uppod to have
been badly injured, until the (rata ta
aid to be about a promtstnc a etee
where In the Mata
Th crop reports show that eate are all
(own and gowtiur rapidly while ptewlnc
for corn I. well under way.
The aeeaoa la marked down ae balnt
about two weeks kite, but thla is een
ddtred favorable to everything; but ges
tures. It le contended that the enot
weather haa heM the fruH back sad that
there ta IHtle dancer of It belnc mjura
by treats or frifea.
While th pestutae have baea backward
K le sent that the sraae 1 srowmc rap
idly aa ewBMWt of the ebeiwletit metal or
sad that sirlmals oa the rensa are dolac
....THE. ...
The big Sale of the
Famous Suit & Cloak Co.
' Will Start
' Owing to the en
ormous size of the
stock carried by The
Famous, it will be
necessary to place on
sale the Ladies' Suits
and Coats and Wool
Dresses first. "We
want to say that this
stock comprises all
the latest and newest
modes that are up to
the minute some are
slightly soiled and
mussed, but the bulk
is in fine condition.
The Chance of a Life
Time to secure a fine
suit or coat at well,
nearly for Bothing, as we
must move the stock
quickly. -
Silk, Parties, House and
Graduation Dresses will be
paced on sale later.
13th indFarnan Sts.
Reasons Why!
Guy Lisgett Tells Why
the Pantorian Is
Omaha's Biggest
And Best
Vhei I ittrttd working for th
fsmorlum fourteen fear as the
Oeanlnf and Dyelnc bualne.. was In
a very crud. .lata of development.
Clean. were )uwt besinnlns to uee
Caeolln. for cleainnc purpoaea, but
there w. no machinery used nor no
rUiod of recovering th uaed (aao
Une. Today every riesnlns and yln
concern that pretend, to be of any
conwquent-. at all ha a modern plant,
equipped with laaor-eavlng machinery
ann appuencea.
Althoush aasM, aoppllea, rent, etc.,
hv. Increaaed M per cent to kW per
cent durtnf th. paat fourteen year
th ent fur rleaninc your clothe, ha
not advanced at alt, du. to the Intro
durtlon of Iniproved method sod ma
chinery. Krom the very Mart I hve made a
tudy of th. Cleanlnc nd Dyeing bu.l-
neaa, reading everyininK 1 could nnd on
th. aubject. vlaltlne and talking with
cleaner in other cutee. and even don
ning overall, and working for week
at a tint. In both the Cleaning and
Dyeing department In order to get a
praetlral aa well aa theoretical knowl
edge of the buetnvM.
Th. knowledge gained haa beea a
greet help to me In Ming that our
cum omen got flrat cuua work, aim It
hie en. clod me to eelect aaet.tant.
who were competent, and le know
when they were nut doing their work
a they .hould.
Th P.ntorlum haa bought every
new machine and adopted every new
method that haa beea put oa the
market to aid th cleaner, and. out of
all thia maaa, we hav arlacted for our
big plant thoM machine, and method
that have proven to give the beat re
sult. Our plant today la one of the
large and beat In the V. and the
work turned out la not eurpaeeed In
any city..
Ian t It reasonable to eupnoee that
with my fouiteen years' .xpertence and
rtudy. with a perfectly equipped plant
and t or St trained employee that we
can do better work thaa teea exper
ienced concern.? Well, we can aad do
do better work, and more of It, thaa
any other two place, in Omaha.
Mend u. your work, whether bo uee
rurnieMnxa or wearing apiierel, and
we will do It properly, promptly and
et reeeonable prWea. We guarantee
Phone Dougla. Ms or IndL and
a wagon will call. , - ,
1 J L r C gwrTw niei. ri..l.s
i d " l r,uMr-
CaMiajlt Ibalbare riiV ' itfSZt
bay troaiar. bat a gMratne snartav any Lg C" mm w o.n. m4 ma
Dr. Xlar itew LB Wsr. r- cco- ZTZTt
eaCkaa. ewanla. hwaaaeae ant wtTlsa i w Be m r. t. James
K Tbrj an fftMwawJ hwjav ., , . Far sale ! Baatas Unat Cs , v . I - "tJinrS. "7
A. C.VaaT, TylerW'lJM'Lesvr 1 secured Xs'sll easeaTIrear' lK'" ,' "lU" UJma -a
1515-17 Jones Street
ay &lgfwM, Vres.
I J We Sell Pictorial Review Patterns Be- II
JJ cause They are the Best Patterns Made. K Jf
The Purchase of Suits Was a
Very Large Oxie
The Savings to You Are a Fourth
to a Third
These large purchases are always a source of great sat
, isfactloa to Omaha women and thejr come about through
our always being able to take advantage
of the conditions that force manufacturers
In mid-season to lei their surpluses go at
fractions of the actual value. In
stead of paying a full pries for
your suit, as you expected, you
save enough to complete . your
wardrobe for the sum that ordin
arily suffices for the suit alne. In each lot
are aizes for women and misses and atyles to
please various fastidious tastes.
'Every suit is built along only correct lines.
The plain tailored models are specially note
worthy, ahowlng snug-fitting collars, high
effects In the back, skirts In perfect harmony
with the coats, new ideas in the cutting.
Any alteration, that may have to be made
are In charge of expert fitters, man tailors
and pressors,
Here's an idea of the price part:
For plain tailored and novelty
serge suits in black and n&w.
values from SI 5.00 to SI 8.00. . V
l A 2Se"V
Ie-e33P-v 1 LW-.
, A i X lvvj i'i aar "
I if I '
For suits - of Scotch mixtures
and coarse tweeds in smart, plain
tailored effects; $22.50 and $25
values' at -
For novelty and plain tailored
cream-white, plain colored and
fancy mixture suits; $25.00 to
$35.00 values at .
A. special purchase of 1 5c
and 60c Jewelry novelties In
cluding bar pins, brooches. La
Vallleres, belt pins, tie pins,
cuff links, and other novelties
goes on sale Wednesday at 6c
for your choice.
25c and 50c EL
Values at . .
' Notions
VaderpriMd, for Wednesday nyi
Wire hair plna. parkagw ..... .le
1 .pool black darning ooRon
2c bolt of i yanla of white nr col
ored embroidery edging, Wednes
day for ...100
10c halt of 4 yard of white f in
toning braid for So
Three 4c rar.le nickel plated aafely
plna, all alxe for so
100-yard apoola black or whit ma
chine thread, .all numbera, Jl
pooio for ao
t&c fancy mounted aide and back, to clone, each Se
l6(bunch of linen tape containing
five different width 10
Corsets are Reduced
They're broken lines and odd lots, else the reduc
tions could not be so great clean, wanted models
with all alses in the assortment but not In every style.
Borne of them, formerly sold at $1.60, while others
are worth as much aa I2.G0.
High and Medium Bust Models of
- Coutila and Batistes
Values from $1.50 to -y f (Lill v
$2750. Wednesday..... 1 i V U
The extra long aklrte are peculiarly adapted to the ea
on' moat favored atylea, while th. non-ruataole boning
and Ihe extra .irons hoa aupportera make them apeclally
deelralile from a quality standpoint.
Trimmed with laces or embroideries.
450 Pieces Brown-and White Fire-Proof
Cooking Ware on Sale Wednesday at
Reduction of One-Third or More
20c indivl tea pots, 10c
10c individual cream
pitchers for . . . 6c
35c 1-quart covered bak
ers for . . . . . 20c
1- quart bean pots . . 29c
Six ramikins or individ
ual bean pots . . . 29c
2- qt. mixing bowls, 15c
6-qt. mixing bowls, 49c
Wednesday Pure' Food Store Specials
Coahlaattoa for Wadaeeday Oalyi
to-fbr ran R C. baking powder '.13c
One tmn Evergreen com .lc
1 bottle Bennett1. Capitol extract 18c
i bottle Omllarl olive nil tie
Pull cream rheeee and
IS .tarn pa, lb. as
Pickle or boreradl..h
and IS atampa, hot. loe
Imported bonetea. aar-
dln and IS atampa.
can. for lae
Bennett' Exoelolor
flour. Sack ......sxsa
S-eound - caa ' Bennett
Breakfact coffa. and
40 atampa tic
Aaaorted teas 'and
atutpe. lb. ' 4se
Tea alftlnga and IS
tain pa, lb.
Pint can OalHard's pur
.live oil reduced to 40a
PlowM aad Wafetabl, naokac . Sa
Large tec can tJbby a
- Happy Vale , aapara-
gua for SSe
Van Camp'a bon.1ny and
10 atampa, can .:..10e
Large can Hnlder' pork
and beana sad T
stamps for ....... .toe
X cans Kagle Lye and 1
atampa for SSe
Tea Bars SenaeM' Bar
gala Soap sae
Large can Bennatt'a Cap
itol Hawaiian pineeppie
for , BOo
Seeded retain, aad 1
atampa, package UHi
t lb, to Jap rice ...SSe
te-lb. sack "Queen of
the Pantry" paatry
flour and 4 'atampa
for $1-M
WT.JkSM u mm aFJ
rauiTs AND
large bunches home grown asparagus, SSe
. .5c
S large bunches home grows rhubsrb
J large bunches home grown radishes
New beets, carrots and turnips, bunch
Solid new cabbages, lb
Fancy spring onions, 6 bunches for
Large Juicy lemons, doxen
Bia bl&xsj nn
Tew Keaat mtau tm ear -
leg OxeiUiT u Mt te Bnae
te vm m tber ra.
NtMt equipptrd dental offlr la
On.ahaV. Hiht ria4e tUntlstxr mt
rAaorbssbl prtcvvx Porxiavtn fili
tnfs. Just Ilk th tooth. All tiv
surt:mn8 trtwrefuHy sterlissxi after
c. Or rat i on.
Coi-Mr ISth aa4 ranam Sts,
Tama rxeoom. razToa mixxsK
Women are the, buyers; the pa
per that g b e s to t hie home is
read by the omen; The Bee is
1 "the paper that goes to the homes"
Two Marvelous Bargain
Offerings VJednesday;
The values our buyers secured are be
; yond question superior to any pre
viously shown. For Wednesday we of
fer two big specials - 4
375 Beautiful New Dresses
Most wanted colorings and weaves in
silks, also fine line of wool fabrics, in
cluding serges, newest designs, made
tosell up to $30.00, on sale AC
Wednesday, at, choice VUe5JiJ
' '200 New Tailored Suits
Made to sell at $25.00 and $30.00, all
v sizes, i6 yrs. to 46-in. bust, cream ser
ges, diagonals, whipcords, etc., plain
colors and fancies; greatest lot of val-
Satisfaction and a Big Saving Is
An Assured Fact Here.
$5. CO Trimmed Hats $1.98 The
newest styles in Milan, chip,
togal and heinp, values to $5.00;
.in two lots, Choice, 98c, $1.93
J12.00 Trimmed Hats $5.00-31)0
beautiful new hats for 'your se
lection, easily worth $8.00 up" to
$12.00; your choice at. . .$5.00
Let us show you where you can save at least 50 on
the new hat Oome in Wednesday. We guarantee Wil
low Plumes and All Millinery. .
Wish Goods Dept.
Specials for Wednesday
Embroidered Swlea Novelty, tfi
vary newest thing In bordered
gooda, all the aprlng colors, reg
ular ISe grade; at, yard.. ...sot
Buealne Bilk, In every populai
aprlng ahade, regular lOo qual
ity at i ..'..SSe
Opera Voiles, .Ilk etrlpee, light
and dark color.; at, yard.... sac
A new and complete line of ahlrt
Ing matlraa, In atrlpr and fig
ure. 14 In., wide, worth too
apeclal at ....... .IS
A new line of Dree. Otngh.m In
trlpea, cherk and plaidir? all
good colore; at, yard .11 Ha
White Goods Specials
for Wednesday "
Whit Plquee and wide welt Bed
ford worth 7Sc a yard, at.. ass
Checked or Btrtped Dlrnltle snd
Lawn, worth too a yard, at 10
French snd Peralsn Lawna, Wash
Chlffan. worth 0e yard. i.. SO
Plain Victoria Lawna. 40 lnrhea
wide, Worth 15c yard MVis
Handasrchlef Linen, J Ina wide,
pure, flax, worth 11.00 yd., ate
Plain Luna Lawn and Dotted
Swtsaea. worth 2c yard ,...lte
Special Wedndsday Savings i!, Domestic Room
Hops 36-Inch Bleached Muslin,
special ........... .7Hf
Farmers' Choice 36-Inch Half
Bleached Muslin. 10c ' value,
at .. ............. ,..7K
Hlllebors Dress Glnghain. all
the new spring patterns, 37
Inches wide 10c
Bleached Shaker Flannel, 37
Inches wide, good weight,
13 He value 100
White Curtain Scrim, good pat
terns, 36 Inches wide, 13o
valus .10t
Gingham apron checks, blues,
vreds, browns and greens, 7 Vic
vslue 5
Fancy Voilea with silk stripes,
good colors and patterna,
Choice of Shirtings,.' good pat
terns, 30 Inches wide, 13 toe
. value .. ........-.....lO
Lawna and Dimities, in all the
aprlng patterns, values up to
15c, yard ;
Percales, 36 Inches wide, all new
patterns, light and dark colors,
15c value ''X0t
Big Special May Grocery Opening Sale
We are going to start Wedneaday,
May lat. to make thia the banner
month of the year.i It will pay you'
to take advantage of thaa aalee.
Try v It ays
IS Ibe. best sraalat4 Bog-ai. .(1.00
10 bar Lenox. Heat 'Km All or Dia
mond C" Soap- . sSa
( Iba. best White or yellow Cornneal
for j..
I Iba. beat Rolled Breakfaat Oatmeal
for as
T Iba. beat Bulk Laundry 8 tare h as
lt-os. can Condenaed Milk S1
14-oa pkg. Macaroni, Omaha product.
at He
Jellycon or Jell-O. pkg. at TH
Orape-Nula. pkg.
E. C. Cora Fl.kee, pkg . .H
1-lb. can. Aaaorted Sou pa at TH
Peter'. Cocoa, lb.' " So
1-lb. cana Pork and Beana Vr
rake Blllco tkouring Koap .. S6
t lb. cana fancy 8wet Sugar Com,
at TH
011 or Muatard Sardine, can N
SicLaren' Peanut Butter, lb. If
H-lb. eoxe beat aelected Soda
Crackers ,...40e
Th beat Tea Blftlngs 1SH
Golden -an toa Coffee, lb. SSe
The beat Cnamery Butter, carton or
bulk, ux
The beat No. "1 Country Creamery
Butter, lb. so
The beat No.' 1 t)alr Butter, lb. as
Full Cream Cheese. , lb. ISe
Jenney Bros. Brlx Cheeae, lb....aao
Neufrhatel Cbeeae, each 3e
The beat atrictly freah Egga. doa Sue
We aave the people Xroia to
100 on vgtablea
bunchee fre.h Onions ...Se
3 heada rresh Leaf Lettuce
FYeak Turnips, Carrots or Beets, per
hunch -w...,..4e
Fresh Peea, per quart S'e
Fresh Wax or Qreeu Beam, lb., .lao
leh Cabbage, lb. 4e
'reih Aaparaxua, 3 buacbee for. .10
Fancy CaulilioVer, lb THe
t lua Pieplant or Rhubarb ......lee
Fancy Klpe Tomatoes, lb. loe
New Potatoes, lb. Se
S large &oup Bunches 10
large Cucumbara, ee. 10a, 12 Ho, lse
Freah Mu.hrooma, per lb. 3Se
Irge F.rt Planta, lb lSe
Fancy Head Lettuce, head, lOo, TH
Highland Navel Oranraa, per doxen.
at IS, aoa, a5s aad so
Tnante. r savbhaf rtaata, Sox. TH
IS pkg-s. r la war ec Wat-etaale leede
. fo as
Crockery Department
sfotea. aw