13 '"he jee'- Jnp aa z i re p)a THE BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY, MAY 1. 1911 .r -- jfe-Y What Love The Peasant Girl, always loved by a duke. f The Longest of Days 1 Ily BEATRICE FAIRFAX. "What! Keep a week away? Seven day nd nlghta? Elghtscore eight hour? and lover" ab sent noure. Mora tedious than tha dial, elghtscors tlmfl' O, weary reck'nlng!" Shakespeare, v in MMint of the following letter: 1 have Imn keeping steady company about five month. Whan wa nrst mn, o.TT.. thraa ntaht a week. About three weeks ago wa had an argument about how many nights a young man ahould tail to see hla lady Wand. H claims Wednesdey and Sunday! are tha proper night. But I thin aurerent. How many nlgbta. and what nlghta are proper? A Patient Girl." My dear girl. Love recognises no calen Aar iinu.nla. When these who love , are together, tha clocks fairly rend their mechanhnn la making their nanae ny. When thoee who love are apart, the nail la no longer tha emblem tor the aloweat traveler. It la the hand ot tha clock. The wisest (lock maker never made a timepiece that waa satisfactory to thoee who love. Tha wise men ot old marct lesaly divided tha month Into four week, and tha weeke Into eeven dsys, were not conalderlng tha rights ot the lover In the di vlilon. Had they remembered the long, long daye that Intervene between the atated perloda for a lover's call, there would have been two Sundays In a week. For, my dear girl, your lover la right In demanding Sunday evening aa hla. From time Immemorial thli haa bean a day eet apart for Jovers. It la a day of exaltation and peaoe for the devout, and In a way that la not leea glorify ing It la a day ot exaltation and Joy to thoee In love. It la the day when something Intangible get In the blood ot thoae who love and make them confuse ' earthly worship with the divine.- And It la my honest opinion that they axe none tha woree for thia confuting ot loves, and that the Great Spirit that' made them and or dained the manner of living and loving abaolvee them of any aacrllegloua mo tive . - Two evening week are not too many. If, he la a working man, and aometlme haa other demanda made on hi time. It la probably a many evenings a bs can well spare. ' Ton owe many evsninirs to your parents. I wonder fome times If girls In their pur suit of amusement and company of their own age realise the loneliness of their parents evenings after evenings T They went tha young folks to hava a good time, and when they ars made to feel that this good time consists hi being away from them their tragedy ot parent hood begins. Arrange to spend a number of evenings ovary week with your parents, and with . them alone, Don't demand as a reward for etaylng at noma that you hava some May Astronical This I a quiet month la tha heaven. The) days are continuing to get rapidly longer from thirteen hours and fifty-twe minute on the first to fourteen hour and twenty-four minutes on the 14th, and fourteen hours and tltty-sU minutes OB the list The tun enters the twins on the let. It naea on tha 1st at 5 5. on tbe Uth at iA and on tha (1st at iM. and eta at 7JT. 7: and T:L The sun Is between two and one-half and three and three-quarters minuses fast throughout tha month. Noon occur on tbe 1st and glat at 11JL and on tha 15th at IMS., Mercury, . Venaa and Saturn are too near-the sua to b seen at any time. Mar le la the evening twilight. It sets job the fifteenth at midnight- Jupiter, although technically still a morning star, rises aw the lath at l-M p at, and thus promises to become a caosplcioas object during tbe summer. It Is. however, rather far sooth. Tha moon Is tuH oa tha 1st, m the jut quarter oa lbe th. new on tbe 1Kb. In first quarter an tbe no. end full again ea the' 1Kb. It la In conjunction with Cretghtoa t'nlvarelty "observatori. Stories Are Made Of The The Stenographer Society GirL need you and want you. Olva them a little more of your time, and. If It would make them happier, give them some of the time demanded by your lover. The hours are long when you are away from him, I grant, but tha beat way to make them shorter does not He la gaalng at the moon. It Ilea In being a helpful and happy daughter; In raising yourself to the plana on which your parent tand. In this wsy, and In this way alone, they get a better understanding of your longings, your little troubles, your little ambitions It la an exchanging of sym pathetic understanding, without which no girl can be a success aa a daughter, or aa a wife. TOO MUCH OF GOOD -THING 1 Hundreds of cases of homes broken up by tile absence ot love hava found their way Into the court of domestle relatione, but the other day waa the tint time Judge Goodnow wa asked to decide a caae la which too much affection bad caused a husband to flea In terror. John Recklnger, a grain dealer, living at 4807 Oakland boulevard. Chicago, was compelled to leave home because his wits loved him too well. He didn't object to being loved, but be wanted a few minute spare time In which to eat, sleep and earn a living. Mrs. Becklnger, on the other hand, loved her spouse so much that she couldn't bear him out of her. sight. She followed him like a shadow. When Recklnger waa at work his wife would suddenly bob up and shower him with affection. When be leaat expected It he would be encompassed by her arm and a smacking kiss would resound on his cheek. On tha street, In street cars, no matter, where Becklnger went, ha could not escape the love of his Wife, so he finally left home. When arraigned on tha charge ot con tributing to the delinquency ot hla two children Recklnger asserted that he wa willing to support his wlfs and family and even live with them, but that his wife's lnfautuatloa for him made It Im possible for him to do either. But, Judge," exclaimed airs. Recklnger, clinging affectionately to her husband's arm. "JL want my husband. Judge you don't know now I lore that man. I don't want him to leave me tor a minute. I couldn't stand It If b did." 1 cannot force any husband to live with his wife." said tha court. "This seems to be a difficult situation. No wife ought to Interfere with her husband's business by following him around. On the other hand, a husband ought to Jolly hi wife aa much a possible." Recklnger waa then ordered to pay hla wife CM a month and tha couple left tha room with Mrs. Recklnger still clinging fondly to her husband. Whew." whistled Judge Gwodnow. "that a the worst problem I've tackled for some time." Chicago Inter-Ocean. Happenings, MOOJC IK FIRST QUARTER. Jupiter ea the Id and loth, and with Mara oa tha Nth. WILLIAM F. RIGGS. Omaha, Neb. , ., . I ... These ud a of Bomuee, The Athlete. The Simple Little ' Country GirL Married Warren Leaves They had gotten np lata that morning, and everything seemed to go wrong; warren waa mora Irritable than be 1 been since his return from the west. In raising a blind. ,' .', It had slipped from hla hand and flew up around tbe rol ler. And when ho tried to jerk It down, the roller cams too, bringing with It a lot of dust. Fortunately Helen was la an other room and did not hear hla em phatin ooraroenta Then It did not add to hi amiabil ity to have a shoe string break a he hurriedly laced up hla shoes. And when b started to put on a collar and found It rough and frayed on tha edge with a rasping oath ha tor It acroas and threw It on tha floor. "How many tlmea hava I told you not to put ' any frayed collars In this drawer?" he demanded a Helen came la "Oh, did you find a frayed one? I thought I went over them all before they were put away." "Well tha time to go over them I be fore you send them to the laundry. What's tha use to pay M4 cents to have a collar laundered and then tear It up? Now hero," hurriedly going through tha pocketa ot a suit and throwing It on chair, "this la to be pressed. I'll stop by the tailor's on my way to the oar. Ana that light gray .overcoat pressing-you'd better give him that' When ha hurried away after a hestv oreaaian, Helen waa aonactoua things had gone worse than on any morning since hi return. 8 he felt guiltily at fault about tha collar; she knew nothing Irri tated him mora than to gat on that waa frayed. Always Helen had striven to have his cwthes In order. Evan though ah had to neglect her own and Winifred', aba never put his laundry away without first seeing that there were no torn button holes and no button oft At least that causa for Irritation ah could prevent It waa Just II o'olock when tha phone rang. It waa Warren and hi voice wa plainly hurried and anxious. "Haa tbe man com for that suit yet?" "Why, yes. dear," woaderingly. . "How long ago?" "Why, about Oh, soon after you left." "Might hava knowa It-Just mr luck. Left a biu book with some papers and about m la that coat.' "Oh!" Helen gasped bar dismay. "Now you get an your thing and go down there as quick aa you can. Bay yon made a mistake that you sent the wrong suit. Oat It back before as press us It tf he's not already dona K. And call ate up as soon aa you get back." It took Helen only a few moment to put oa bar hat and allp oa a long coat over her boose gown, ana almost ran the tw blocks to tha dingy little tailoring shop. Oa an "A" shaped board before the door waa tha usual sign of: Suits sponged and pressed las Paats Uo Ladies" suits no Inside was an unpleasant odor ot damn dolth. The tailor, a small swarthy for eigner, wa pressing a pair of pant from which a faint steers arose aa he dam pened them with a sponge. "Oh, I I made a mistake. I gav yoa the wrong suit this morning. Ton you haven't pressed It yet?" "There 'tis ma'am," nodding to a row of suits that kung behind him. AU eon. Want to take it now?" Aa be took It down Helen stepped for ward and felt tha coat out there waa nothing fn It "Why-Mr. Curtis said he left some thing In feto pocket Did you find ttr Thouaaad Other Types Dwell in the ieaimi bat OSS MAS Would So for All Fiction. Copyright Oil. NutoMl New Assooiatloa. The Mysterious Creature. . Life the Third Year Some Papers in the Suit He Sends to Be Pressed. By MABEL HERBERT URNER. Tha man shook hi bead. "Nothln' la pocket." . "Oh. but Mr. Curtto waa quite ur that ha left a billhook. " "Nothing In packets," stolidly, a ha clumsily wrapped Ui suit In a aswspaper. Not knowing what else J.o do, Hslsa took ths awkward bundle and hurried home. There aha searched every pocket but they were empty except for a sub way ticket aad a tobacco stamp. Then aha called up Warren. "Thought so," when ah told him. Fn see him oa tha way home. He'll find ha can't get away with thla aa easy as h thinks." "But Warmn, be didn't look guilty or Belf-oOMCtoua He seemed vary natural. "Oh, he's shrewd enough to hoodwink you. Tou didn't thing be d give himself away, did you?" "But dear, are yew sura you left it In that coat? Have yoa looked everywhere clear "Of course I'm sura. Beceuee you're al ways forgetting where you put things don't think I am. I'll settle with that man tonight It wa almost I whan ha earn home. In a glanos Hslsn saw that be had not recovered tha bill book. "Did you go to ths tailor's? ah aaked cautiously. "Tea," curtly. Bh knew Warren always hated to be questioned, that ha always wanted to wait and tail thing in hi own time. But now she could not refrain from asking: "What old ha say, dear?" "What aid he say?" Irritably. "Bald there waa nothing In tha pocketa, of course. But -he looked guilty as ths devtL He'll find be can't put across any monkey business with me. I told him if ha didn't hand ever that bill book by o'clock tomorrow morning I'd hava tha officers there. And by George I will.' "But dear," hesitatingly. "I don't think ha looked guilty." "Huh, what do you know about It? Ha oould fool you without half trying. He put up a pretty good bluff with ms, but I could see through him ail right I can always tell when a man's guilty. Never been wrong on that yet And thla man- hub. It's el nob. I bad him dsed up be fore r been In that ehop two minutes. He'll hand over that kill book la the morning don't you lea any sleep about that" Lota that evening aa Helen folded up the counterpane and turned down tha bedclothes for the night aha happened to move back tha chair en which War ren had thrown hla suit that morning. And there on the floor waa tha bill book. "On, Warren, Warren." Joyously. a she ran eagerly bate the front room. "Look, dear, bar It la!" He turned sharply. But there waa aa answering Joy In hi face. "Where did yoa find ttr he demanded. "Under the chair ea which yoa laid the suit this morning." "Suppose It never secured to yoa to look there before?" sarcastically. "Why, Warren, yoa said yoa were sure " and than, as she saw the gathering scowl en his face, she (topped. Bhe bad lived with Warren long enough to know that one of tbe things that mad him moat furious was to be proven In the wrong. And ah stood there with the bill book la r hand, that be would rather have loat K than to have her find It In thla way. In a flash she thought of at! Die thing he bad aald, of his sauraao of lta be ing In bia pocket and of hla positive repeated assertions that tbe tailor had looked guilty. But for the sake of peaoe en must make him teal that she waa not thinking of these things. Even tbe secret realisation of hla own eockaursneas when be had been wrong always Irritated him. And thla wa aot tbe only time Helen bad found It expedient to smooth things over to this way. Ovsr and over again there bad come up Incident la which she bad to pretend that be bad aot been wrong, even when the facta ware aa ab surdly dear as they were now. Moat men, when tbey hav teen go Drawn The Untamed Mountain Girl The Heroine of Orient. positive, bate to admit that they were wrong but Warren never admitted It And It alwaya threw htm Into a rag if any one tried to prove him wrong, or even let klm know that they thought he waa whatever the fact might be. And bow Helen with quick tact said laughingly. "Well. dear, yea are right; the bill book was In your coat pocket and It must bare fallen out when I went te give It to the tailor." His positive assertions of the tailor' guilt she could only Ignore, but she went on lightly aa though she bad en tirely forgotten it. ' .. It wa so stupid f me aot to see that today. And Delia swept in there too that prove she never moves things. Tou know, dear. In aomewaye Delia la gat ting very careless. If ths deesnt do bet ter I shall have te (peak te her. Bh really must dust mor. carefully than aha haa in the last few weeks." And Helen tactfully s verted the threat ened storm. THE ELIXIR OF YOUTH By JAMES RAVENSCROFT. Simpson's limb are getting shaky, A an older person's will. And their Joint are often achy And Inclined to tlttness.-8tlll. When the home team makes a homer He bop up and swings his lid. And It Isn't misnomer Te refer to him as "kid," For bs execute a hoe-down And be bugs himself with Joy, He's all there at such a show-down. Just a aottv a a boy. Simpson' role hag quit a 'quaver. Which he vainly trie to cut From hie language, which la graver When hea ArAnm htutnM When tha umpe make a decision Detrimental to his team. Then In tone of wild derision He emlta a vocal stream Thai's aa robust aa appalling. That's aa Inety-lunaeil aa Bet you. when It comes to bawling out tne umpire, he's not eld. Also falling seeing powers Sometimes make blm fume aad fret During long aad tsdleu hours At bis office desk. And yet. From the last row In the grand-stand Down to second be can see If the runner beats the ball-hand And la safe, or ought to be. Kor can yet any pitcher eyes Get the nearest near-by strike by; He may fool the umpe, but never Simpson's fifty fan-power eye. i Fast Is. Slmpooa la another Sore when living through a game Scarcely weald hie wife or mother - M Recognise blm for the same. Waxing year and work and woniea sup delightfully away When be leave the grind and huniee To the diamond land at play. Where a romping, red blood boy-part Changes place wit the man. Ah, tha alwaya bubbling boy-heart Lives forever In a FuV for The Bee by Nell Brinkley the The The Bathing GirL Princess. Back to Br ELBERT Hl'BIURD. B. F. Harris la president of the Illinois Bankers' association, Mr. Harris Is slso a farmer, and helne a man ot common sense, kaowa perfectly well that bankers can enly do a safe and sound business where the farmers are prosperou. Mr. Harris to tha Inventor and Inno vator ot farm dem onstration by the aid of experts. Tha plan provide for the employment of field demonstra tors, a he ro among the farmers In each vicinity aad discuss tbe farmer's nar tleular problem with the farmer and hla family. This expert Uvea with the farm. er. asts with thsm, works with them. The federal government he Mans of giving advice te farmers, and la certain neianors lecturers ars sent out and atareoptloon v!ew( auiiplled. It seems that the Farmera eluh tn Champaign, III., spoiled for tha aervtoea of one of the government'a expert. The man waa a little alow In getting around, and so these Illinois farmera with the help of Mr. Harris, Just went ahead aad maoa a young man from the slat agrt cultural collets to go out and Instruct Inspire and eneourag their farmers. This young man waa horn oa a farm, attended the little red school hniu had gone to college and studied the farm rowem irom every poasiDl aspect. Further than this, be owned a farm. Ha waa able to animate other and be be lieved in his mission. Bo they hired thla rouiunter end he went from farm to farm and opened up ma magnetb it waa found that In every vicinity there were farmer anxious to r 1 J The Manicure Lady. "I like them gloom that Tom Powers draws," said the Manicure lady. They lock so kind of glum. I wsa showing soma of them to the old gent last night and I thought the poor old fellow waa going to burst Into tears. Tou Oeorge. tha old gent waa In a fair way to be gloom himself. Ths mortgage en the house waa due, or thereabouts, which wsa bad enough In Itself, but to make matters woree. brother Wilfred hsd a poem that he bad bad accepted by one ot our worst young msgssines, and ths minute the old gent got Into the bouse the kid had to grab him by the button hole and read the whole two st antes to father. It wa a fierce bit of eompoat Uou, too, kid you can bet your Ufe ea that It want something like this: "I long for Ufa I do not with to die Beraues the seasons all too swiftly fly. And, Ilka a ehooting eter at last ws sink Into tha earth and aea no more stare wink. Tls true that now and then wa bate llfea plan When pestered by a dellratasen man. But. Just tha same, of death I'm kind of ahy- I tona for Ufa. I do aot wish to die." 1 don't blame the old gent for being a glom after hearing that kind ot versa," said the Head Barber. "I can't say that I blame blm for being a gloom anyway. Think of all the game that tbe Qiante and Yankees are liable to lose thla year. That ought to be enough to make anybody sort of gloomy." "There s a lot more than bass ball to make the eld gent gloomy," said tbe Manicure Lady. "Mother haa brought a whole lot of bar new neighbors np to the house, and oa the square, George, of all the old ben yoa hav ever seen, thee to the went I think that tbe eld man la having hla proud spirit broksa by it alL He never was no hand for strange lad lee. anyhow, which I think to a mighty good trait to discover In a married man. Good ness knows, George, Boost of tbe married The Modern Little Broadwayite. j-.. the Farm get the skilled advice and counsel of thla able outsider. ' And so the good work waa continued and thla man aad ether were hired at fixed salary, clear beyond what any bank ' cashier receives. .... It baa been found that thla re moaet ra il on farm movement ltk the aid of ex. pert, haa given a tremendous atlmulua te the bullosas of the farmer wherever it ha been employed. It tends to la- J crease land values, brings tha farmer : together, makes them think, (uppllee I them friendship, inspiration, encourage. mnt consolation. Thla la all apart of tbe gnat move off "Back ta the Farm." It will result 'n .,, agriculture being taught la every puMte -' school, and eventually la every county ' of every state of the unloa there will be agricultural high schools. Mr. Harris believes that the farmer, of all men, should bs happy, prosperous and Intelligent Tha trouble la the past baa"'' bora that tha farmer haa lived eieoei -that ha has been Isolated from bis kind! -that he ha felt the pressure of economlo needs, and much of the time be has been able to hear the mortgage gnaw Bight ., and day. - , . Now thing are changing. Tha farmer ' la Interested la government quesUene. He Is absorbed to many theme outside ot ' bis own particular work. He baa A broader outlook and bigger hope aad a firmer faith than vr before la bis- tory. , . On great and Important betterment A which will grow out of thla "Back ta the Farm" aaltatloB la the matter ot good. -' roads. Whea the farmera ee operate- ; with tbe banker and owner of autoroeu '' biles come la and Jota bands with bath, then thia matter of good roads will act remain a mere question of theory. The j good roads wilt coma. Political plans, beautiful and benefl-' cent that contemplate turning water Into wine, kerosene Into s rater soup, and boulder Into bread by use of tha ballot. . or tha red flag, will all fail. It I work and only work that count ' -(Copyright UU. International New Service.) men that come In bare te have their nelia did, la men la which the trait to sadly missing In, as the poet sera. Don't try to ! tell me different George f know!" i "There's a lot of married men that never thinks of anybody except thetrf wtvea." declared tbe Head Barber. " know com ot them, tor that matter, that hardly ever doe that much thinking. But . I don't guess that your father la a bad ' old scout around the house, because man that can rear such a beautiful J daughter aa you, kiddo. I some man, and , I ain't telling that to Bwney." , "Ton was awful good to tn alwayavtt ' George," said ths Manicure Ledy, "btrt I think you are getting too old bow to be all the time banding out that hot-ale , Oetting back to the todies that called ear ' us. this to he way they pestered poor, father: ...y "One of them asked father If be knew ' that woman's greatest and purest auafloo, was to vote. ,.r "The greatest and purest woman I knew in all my Ufa waa my mother,' said the ' . old gent 'and aba never west tot a,, voting place. 8he might hav want into ' some place adjacent thereto, aaid the ' old gent to sea that my father got home, but ah never voted." "That made them an aort at bitter ti-V ward tbe old gent George, and before the algbt waa over blm and Wilfred went out Into tbe dark to wait until stark time' a thsm todies left, no matter If sue - time happened to be morning. There" oomea a customer, George." 1 ' ''( A Barke lew's Reflewtioeui. ". ' What makes a maa hav to smoke good clgare la aot te be able to afford-. them. u Being agreeable to people vow doat cere tor is sbouVJje moat disagrees t - Uiing. A woman never entirely loses faith nv her huebanra brains till she heara him . . argue politics. ..-..,..