Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Neat and Dainty Little Wash
Dresses. -:- Reasonable Prices.
Dresses for ages 2 to 6 years percales,
chimb ray g and ginghams of good washable
colors, in French and Russian styles, long
sleeves and high neeka or short sleeves and
low neck some have a touch of embroid
ery or feather stitching, others have band
ings of contrasting colors.
Prices range by easy stages from $&50
down to 65c.
Rompers and Creepers ?jjJ
Rompers and creepers in chambrays jTtOO 2
and ginghams plain colors or in checks or stripes
at, per suit, 75o and 50c
Write for our catalogue.
1S1S-1520 7ANAM 8TEZ2T
(Ceatlausd tram First Peg)
week lb matter tu repeatedly brought
B la U cabinet and dlaruooed at Wogtn
Mr. Mouutt he MM la the ette X
fcav AM that Mr. Tift took the tattle
tm ta anerovla the coerce I followed.
Mr nmsry is at the seat affect.
-Be thle m It may. however. Mr. Taft
ked. and could not bar felled to bar,
fall biformetlea a t tb aetlft taken.
Xvery Important earner of thle kind In
volving a Question between two depart ot tha admlatetratlea wss always
threshed eut ta full eebtaet aad thla waa
saweelally trua at ta eueeUons at thla
particular aatura betwoea the Department
at Juetle and UK eecretary of ommree
kara today declared that Colonel Kaon,
rait la right la eonnectloa with FtaaMant
Taft regarding tha case at the Interna
tional Hanraatar compear. "
Mr. Bonaparu aaaartad that tha Rooee
rtlt rabtnat took up far d lac nation taa
hammer eaaa attar Mr. Taft had re
turnad from tha Philippine, ar la Janu
arr ar T .binary, law, end that wMla ha
oould aot wr ta it. It wa hla kaet
ballaf that Taft took part In tha confer
aaoa between and taa aaMmt.
Tha lattara la tha eaaa. Mr. Beaeparte
said, ware not written at tha time , tha
eaaa waa considered by the cabinet. ,-
(Continued tram First Pata.)
. Maaara. Oerfleld. Straua. Bonaparte aad
Certelyou have autad that thla aanio
ular eueatloa waa discussed store than
eaaa la tall cabinet matting. I dearly re
member Mr. Taft beta praeant at eae
auck dlscusslea aad tabled part la It.
Moreover, I remember that Mr. Taft baa
new bee preaident three year aad twe
men tha aad It la aoaaenea to ear that
durtag that time ha baa aot had the full
eat opportunity to act ea the harvester
was if he ae desired. .,
"When he came back from hla trip
bread t went erar with hha aot aaly
thla eaaa, but ovary ether eaaa et Im-
Vertaaea, such aa that at the Tin
Coal and Iron company, which I thought
mtcht by poaatMllty bare any bear
ing on the general policy of the admln
bnratlea. If he thought that the action
i took la tha hamater eaaa waa la any
way Inadequate or feprehetMtbte, It waa
hla fluty when" ha wai In ' my cabinet
te proteat and It Waa area more hla duty
tier he beeatne president te aot at one,
"The action, wmrk, after yeara at la- 1
action, ha actually took laat weak meet
have beea takaa In cetluaton with tha
gxrliaer-democraUo amator who Intro-1
tfaced the reeolutlea and could only hare
beea takaa with a rtew to the efteot ea
the Maaaechuaetta prtmarte.
i n. immm wusireiee an in. un i.rvn
between tha altitude of Mr. Taft aad
pnyaelf toward big boslncce. and. Indeed,
toward every epeetad ot waatnaaa. 1
handled and hare ajwaye handled every
ueetloa et big bwataeak aad ot all ether
kualnaaa. aot from the standpoint at
party or factional advantage and without
aha leaet regard te my wa pereoaal
fortune or to tea poll Ural fortune nt
any one site, bat ea Itt merit, aad with
the aota ebjeot et helping reach a aatla
taetery solution at buataeav paohlama ta
the interest of tha entire people at the
parted Btetee.
"Mr. Taft baa treated thla hamater
treat queetlea la a way to enow that he
pubaidlnsua the Intaraata at the people
ae a Whole te the psrpaea et eeurta
aaliarei edvantake for haueslf."
aULTlMORB, Md., April .-Chartaa
? Benaparta. atteraey canaral la PTeal
deat Raoaavaet'a rablaat. ha a apaeeh be
tore the Teuac Mitft RoomrtH laacwa
low Scientific
Corn nomovcr
lmu, UntU Safest. Qulckutl
blackleg the way of a crowd of women.
Wo pulled the men out by the lega and
any .way. wa could. They ware rather
Rmp; didn't aaem la have much aprlng
la them at all. Aa aooa aa we lot the
man eet et thle boat we lifted the Italian
women Into the boat and It waa lowered
Woolner eald that aa tha laat oollapalbla
boat waa betnc lowered he and a friend
Jumped for It
"I menagad te eatck hold of the gua
wala. Aa 1 did e I felt my lege m the
ea. Thaa I waa puliad Into the beat"
Senator Smith aakad the wltaeaa If be
aw any abaanoa of dladpllne oa tha part
ef offlcen, of the crew after tha ahlp
"I aaw no lark of It." he aald.
The wKneeo aald they rowed away from
the chip for about a owner ot aa hour,
whoa an off! oar came along and ordered
the boat, to tie up to each other. He
eald eo attempt waa made.te la back to
the wreck and that a on. ot the women
urged ft. They drifted about aattl dawa
when Fifth Officer Lowe rowed up
unloaded a number of hli peeeengert and
took ea aallora. ; -
He eald he waa going te the reecua vC
ome men who were afloat on a raft."
bald the wltneeaaa. "Ha raeniad them."
"Have yea any complaint to make ot
the dlectpttne ot the crew or conduct of
tha efflcarar aeked tha aanator, ,. .
"Abaolutaly aoBe," aald Woolnea, :
Operata Bride Reealled.'
He waa eacuaad, after, eaator Smith
had thanked him tor kk toatlrnoay and
Harold BrMe, eurvtvlag operetar at the
Tttaalo, wee recalled V, the eta ad. Me
pravloualy had teetlOad la New York, the
day after the Carpathla dookad.
Bride wae flrat aaked bow auwb be
received for toUIng tha atory et hie et
perlaacee on the wreck to a New lark
aewipapar, and be eaid be got HMe. -
wka did you laat eae Captala SmlUr
aakad kenalor Smith.
"When he went evar board from the
bridge about three mlnutea before I left
the chip urealf." aald BrMe.
"Had every oae elaa gone whaa yea
Jumped Into the waterr "
Tea, thare were eevorat oa the deck.
I don't knew who-aome were aallora.
Whoa the eoiapelMa boat fell Into the
water It tell over me. 1 warn out and
grabbed It Tnea I got away about 1M
feel from the aide ot the Titanic Juet aa
It aunk."
Didn't you aay bafore that yeu caw
the captain after yea got la tha waterr1
"No," eaM Bride. "Tha eaptala left by
way ef the bridge bafore Operator Phil
Itpue and I did. Attar the captain told
ua we could go, wa eteved oa tha boat
a while aad PhlUipoe cent another C Q.
D: After that I doa't think he got aa
atuwar. If be did be dM aot tell me."
Dtd you eea PhllUppa afterr
1 aaw him walking dewa the deck
aft aa I waa helping get out the eetlapal.
bte beat'
"Thaa you aevar aaw aim again t"
"Ne; be died later, before be got te
the Carpathla la a Ufaeeat"
Say gecd-bye te every touchy, terturng.
crippling corn and bunion erery ainreee.
ing dlrt-eceumulaUng. footslargmg
www inere. a new ana aulce way
a aura and ante war to eomototeiv rid
yeuraetf at all auch peaky, ireubleaoma
"BiNQO-'-thara the new marvel!
"Bin Co," the fruit ot mair adenaflc
aainda, ttrele.i laboratory reoaarca and
ozperMaca. Pot "Ptf gt eo t and !
Bain', aoae tuet Ilk. thati form
drtea op-and yaa pick eat tbo whole
bkaaaed ihtng-eodv, eeed. root aad an
ae eaaily, yoa can t help
ahoutlng "Olory to Btnaof No cutting
ae bteedtne-ae blood potaontngl No ta
Jary ta beaitkr fleek! Ne eclcky atock
incat Mo bothereoaie atrapa-aa htmpy
crjtiea mw. .w. e. mi aaaoy
at veer wmn ar w.
111 Ra IMrHt CL, OkMCK 111. a.M tit
mat W mm ea euoaevi in, o, lk
mmm mitm. mwm wtm-mmr. n m m
Mim U tmmmn e-i M Ml a
ja' 1 aw wjaa,
Several Hundred Delegate at Con
weatioB Opeaint; Today.
Maua at CeatervlUa Tbewarbt to we a
Leper Dowtlaiee a Hire reetai
Ceach Ta Take Ml at Ta
(Vram a Staff Correrpondent)
DES MOIKES. la.. April .-Speelal
Telegram.) never al hundred delegataa te
the International Kindergarten union ar
rived In the city today to attend the
annual convention, which wtll epea to-1
morrow. Mabel McKlaaey,
of kindergartens la Brooklyn, la
dent of the eeaoctatloa. A report to be
prorated at thle meeting will eboer that
tha total enrollment la kindergarten,
now la over a quarter million la the
United Rtatea aad that the a umber la
rapidly Increasing.
It may be aecawary tor the federal
government to assume charge ot Herman
Hlrsehfleld. a eeppeeed leper, at Cea
tervtlle. Ia. Ha bad at flrat agreed ta
pay for a apeclal car ta take him back
to Bay CHy. Mich., but today ret Jsed
to do so. Hla case will be placed ta
charge et the federal aothorttlee.
Six mea ware appointed by the Greater
Dea Molnea eommlttee today to visit Win-
tenet aad eeafsr with the Buelneaa Mea's
Cemmeretai league ta that city regarelag
the Dee Molnea-Red Oak railroad. Frees
the esnferenee the local mea will learn
how much Wmtorcet will be required to
ratoe by taxation tor the aiupuccd railroad.
Joba N. Smith, prominent attorney, ta-
tay pleaded la district court tor a reduc
tion at boadc la the case In which be M
accused ot obtaining money by falsa pre-
sea. He waa to have beea taken to
Omaha to appear la court to answer the
charge of cheating hla father-la-law at
Sprtngview. Neb., out of IMOO. But the
federal eaaa will not be brought up until
tha state ease la disposed of. He is
seeking reduction of bond, la each eaaa.
Spring Never Has
Pound the State in
Better Condition
"I have lived In tha cand hill country
of Nebraska almost twenty-five year
and during all that time have never la
the early aprlng seen the prevpaou for
a good season as right aaw," aald A. D.
Mania of Merrlmaa. registered at the
In former yean during April, ae a
rule, the eeuatry baa beea dry, vegeta
tion baa beea alow to start and cattle
Have act keen able to Mok much ot a liv
ing. Thla aprlng conditions have beea
L We bad a heavy fall at anew
during the winter, many time the nar-
sjal It went off early aad the water
soaked lata toe ground. Then during
March there was still mere enow aad rt
melted gradually. The result kae beea
that the ground to thoroughly soaked
and the aandy eotl to tail ot water. All
et the lakes are beak full aad assay at
the old beds where there baa isldcm
beea. water la recent year are Oiled up
In tact. It wa eeeatd ha short at rata
during May aad Jim ear supply at
water would carry aa through, giving
pleat tor clock, sa that we would wot
U look te ike supply trem the wetu
or the treama. .
Pasture la atUt at weeks ahead at
I usual nana and right new a tha
MllevHho aew grace to fully tore lacbat
high aad green. Cattle are filling them
aeree with thle new graea and, while
they are pretty thin, baeme at a week
they wlU begin to take oa flesh. lndloa
Qoae are that ft to rang te ae a great
year tor eke eattlemsa and M high prteet
continue they are going to make money.
-Throughout our sect leu ot the stake
the, cattle In. us were very light, ! would
not aay to aseeed I per cent Otsr catrl
iwieara have gotten the Mea that M pay
to teed during the winter, and ounce
auently they are not losing many et the
animals." - -.,-
Transport Buford
Leaves for Mexico
SAN FRANCISCO, April a.-Tbe trans
port Buford, bound for the west coast
at Moxtoe, cleared at m a clock tonight
ta the teeth ot a heavy southeast gal.
It carried forty enlisted mea aa a guard.
SAN DIBOO. Ck Asm M-Toe tor
pedo boat doatrnon Preble aad Parry,
the largest venule at the flotilla, slipped
: at the barber at aooa today aad
went to sea with sealed orders. That
they are bound tor the west coast at
Mexico la the general ballet although
naval officers decline to dhwuaa tha prob
able destiaatlOB at the eject rorere.
BPRI.NOPIELD. Mo.. Anrll M-tWmte
Governor Hadley'a order that the local
officials must aot allow the scheduled
boxing contest between Cert Marrle and
Luther McCaxty te take place her next
many aigM. tha county proaacutor, eaM
today he wouM aot Interfere It the bent
waa atld fat compliance with the Mate
laws regulating prise furhUna.
Maaon. who ta a member ef the club.
under whose aueptcee tha furht at to be
given, said the governor would have to
call out the miutia to stop the tight
The sheriff eaid be would aot act with
out orders from the prosecutor.
ST. JOSEPH. meL. inrfl mN.
Lea) peraoae ware converted durtag the
nart-Magaaa evangelistic campaign d
six week, which cleeed her sue wh
Two thaueeals dollars wae raised far
me evangvasm at aandara meeting.
Hart and Magana go from St Joseph te
mmburgh. Pa.
WaSHI.VOTQN. April Sk-Tarlff die- j
euasloa la the sonata win bagta Wis weea
after prolonged bearing la the finance
committee over the various detnecratli
measures sent ever by the house. Sea
ator Cummins of Iowa will Introduce
tomorrow the bill which he has drafted
to make a sharp reduction ta the Iron
sad steel schedule ot the tariff law.
Ha will speak oa It Wedneeday. Demo
crat aad some of the progressive re
publicans expect they may reach some
common ground ea the basis ef this
Mil wtth a view to forcing revision
legislation through the senate. Senator
Mmmons ot North Carolina I la charge
et the house Mil and expects to call
H up Tuesday.
Toeaerrow the poatoffice appropria
tion bill, eae ot the heaviest ot the
supply measures. prabaMy win be passed
ta the bouse.
The MU tor direct popular election ot
United State aanator already passed
by the bouse, but amended la the create,
to provide far federal supervtstoa. may
be brought up ta the house tomorrow on
motion at the boaee contorcco to
accept the senate amendment Tkta. If
adopted, would aneaa the enactment of
the tow. The eaaferac had beea dead-
ked aa tha eenate. amendment tor
The senate raaamlttoe aa eommeroc
ad the house oemmrttee oa merchaat
marine are eoaatderlng answers designed
to ensure the safety at ecaaa traffic la
the tight ot the THaate disaster. The
senate committee probably thla week will
recommend a MU to require tw wireless
telegraph operator ea all ocean pas
senger craft ot mere thaa MM ton.
Many measures alfeetUnr reeTulattoe of
ocean traffic have beea Introduced la
both house aad ptessuiC I being besught
to bear from outside ta cxpedM leg!.
latloB to remedy the eendltlona disclosed
by the Titanic Asa star.
Legislation ratended to pave the war
for more stringent twrisam ot the life
saving law ha been oa ear sod by mayor
of a lrg number ot tab ettlee ta New
Tork, " ''?- .
The river' and harbor' appraprtafJoa
bin, amended from Kb bouse tons, will
be ready to report to the senate prob
ably tMs week.
STCR02& S. X, -April M VWeed ha
bean received here by Joba BUrreu, aa
ot the pre spsrsua .rancher near Tale,
that hla daughter. Mra. Anna LahBae,
and bar husband were Met ea the Tltaala.
Mr. and Mr. Laallnc who reside at
Vale, bad beea, ta rtalaad tor a
months' vtott and war ea their war
ne. A oouala ot Mc Sllfvea, Lydon
SUfeea, wag alee oa tha Titoate, bat wae
saved. He reported that nothing had
ia asea ef tha bodlea ot his releUraa
NEWTON, Kaa, April M-Elghlk dis
trict delegatea to tha repuMkaa national
oorrventlon: C R. Davldeon. Wwlta;
Harry Woods, Wellington, rhstractsd tor
KoooeeeH. William Allen Tilte of Ku
porto waa andoraed for aattonal eomrart-
' Aeeadeweanr Kllse Wire.
RANNA, Wye. Aprn t.-apecssl-Mru.
aedt Dereey. wlf ot gam Itoreey,
la dead arem a platot ahat Bred by her
husband aed dea tally. Doresy was about
to ge ea a atgkt soaft at the attoe Bad
Ms wtf aaylag eke waa afraM to amy
Moan, Decaey got aa eM ptotM trem bet
trunk and while showing his wife how to
i It the wsepoa urea dieetougea, the
ballet tisslng through Mra, Oeraay
body. The evtdenee showed the kUlnxt
wea accidental aad JJcraay. who M tor-
rtbty grieved ever the affair, wa aefl
ROME, April aV-The pope today oa-
ductcd hie audleacee seated ta a aedaa
chair. This gave nse to a report that
he wa again rndlepoeod. It aaa beea the
custom of hla holla to walk to the
audience chamber, bat tor a tong tiro
hi phyatclaaa have tug noted that be
permit himself to be carried, with a
view to .paring ta strength. Thai
method has aew beta adopted and prob
ably will coatlBue throughout the hot
season. It to axeasuaced that the pops'l
oondlUoa B quit aormal. -
KaaWad-Ch ajrrh.
Mkej Lena U Church had Caaiwa) W.
Cnaiand et Coralna. Ia- were Baarried
thle amlie he Kae. Charlee W. gavidga
Aoeesapaaring the couple were tha arid'
parent. Mr. and Mra Matthew 8. Churca.
Mln HUUe McOima aad Mr. M. M
Wklttack ot Cauaeil Bluffs war wtt-
Ratel at Lewd, . BV, Bwswa.
LEAD S. Dw April IMan were many
Barrow aacape ta A fire which deeuoyad
the North wertrra beset here early tMs
mm idng C F. Saeaa aad H. Tfttoy
lumped from a second atory winds
were rtesly hurt The hotel waa a
eupted by xataer.
MATSUCB, Neb,- April BVi (hpeclal.r-
Ahmeader Marshmna, aliaur mliiai
et Oege county, died Friday at ha) bam
Blu airing, agwd M year. He was
a MvO war veteran aad M servrrad by k
widow and two ohlldrea.
Eczemt Bepn Wht TTrtaj Wseb
Old. Arrm, ShouluWi u4 tnut
a Solid Sab. . Mlt Brvka Out
During TsetWnf. IMCcsri
SomuwJ Offltfrvmt, and Mi Wu
thdPictursof Halt).
"My ssa aes asea earn weak cid wees I
noticed a res Ho tmt ea km abaska, awa
walck a weaery ustissi i iyjasj
aad sTTsresays keeum
t I - ' a eskd sm. Tea JMei
--A aemt Mr aaeat tore
IrTvtrh e ee
Vr-T"' bettor. I lliiilil dw-
l- " ' tbsessefChttosn Sssp
w aad Omuneat, sad M a
fccsej. s)uainiiil Mings TMerep.
wea aa sa) cheek was sbneat beakat, aad ah
better. Whaa be was shoot svea wis I III
eM. ad ssja ef che eaawa was geaa.
"Perlag bk) lee Ih lag period, km toed sad
fee. west arebea eat M bsaa wMoh I cared
wtth Cuknis One esd Can nial, aunty
he avaal have beea a araw sathwer. Dunag
to ease ef wasaseg I nasi the OeekenSeeo
aad Ouan Owesimt eae. ead
was eve yean eM be we eke plifs et
heatth. Mn H I I was sen, aad seautl,
tat aed as head e saw Ms ear I bed
bees ofreM Ma be wewM mwer be weB, sad
I tad laat I ceo a gross deal to tbs Ceawaia
Bnaisiw." I lags ill sua. Mary W. kiaixy.
aVw. UN.
OuUsm twa and Oaataaaw ar asM
laV SsBBBatJyaal l T uwssb4pbw axNstk
U-a. bee, aedrfw, "OsMeara,'
X, Beetoa. tel. hmi asmtosaid
Two auhwato Pasawe
destrorc fewer livee thaa Bvvr
and kMaey dlaaaaea. tor which Electric
Bitter to the awarantoed i.isedj. fta.
Per eel by Beaton Drug Co. -
Constipated? Co To Your Doctor
II is tmpos&ibktobewdJL
rated. Waste products, poitoooos wbstance, most be nmcrrtd
horn the body at least once each day, or there will tetroobk.
Aik your doctor abort Ayer's Pifls, gently kxatrre, ail setibte.
He knows why they act dirtxtiy on the liver. (JLytfir
Features for 1912
A greater year for i greater paper
The Omaha Bee
All the newi that it real newt.
Mutt and Jeff
ChatfaotOT CTsatioM from the pa of "Bur"
, Tulm thai hart mad all tha world laugh
and trinied many a tad face into a amil.
Looking Backward
Hum daj in Omavha darin' tha hiitorr
tonuog periods of 80, 20 aod 10 Tnart ap,
Iwiwflj and intcrnetinfr rtrodnoed for
Be rwaders.
The 'Bee'i Wedding Book
A chronicle of mriag amrirfrrsariei of
Oinahavwn paople, annply and eatertaio
injly rJMailed from day to day.
Silk Hat Harry
lad dofoaa iitvestkm wko baa mora
troable thaa anrozi, bet trouble laat ia
- ao fanny it tnakot amwounnent for wrerj
: ' Boa rafdT.
Ktnjampier Kids '
Thete tw yonogBters who art tha icmrco
of Sandf f fan for thoaaanda of children,
promise many new tricks and delightful
... for this year. '
Nell Brinkley DrawiniJi
Nell Brinkley developed a new idea ia pen
drawlnga, and her iketohee of men and
women eauit by Copid, not only h&re ar
'., heauty, but also always teach a lesson.
Sherlockb the Monk
- Sherlock Holmes, works sleoth-woaders to
many people, bat Monk, the pictaTtMkteo
. .i tire, is more nwvelons in the fun-way
1 than Dr. Watson belis es Holmes to be in
a serioas way.
Daftyaa " - "
Nothing ao aunuaing hat beea ran in any
western newspaper ia many years as thee
humorous play-ou-words lines by Tad.
; Deiperate Desmond
; , ' ' A stago Yiiiaifl transf erred to pen pictures
and rerealed ia tha most laughable light to
make feajry Boa reader roar aad hold hla
- sides. . .
; Happy Hooligan
Poor, old Happy; he is oantinnonsly grow
r.,. .. unrttrrtairiing, and now he is on
tha road to new situations to win smiles
from all followers. "
Carpenter's Travel .Letters
No writer of the prestmt day sees events
and situations in each bteneting light as
Frank J. Carpenter, and none describes
them so graphically.
Heart to Heart Talks for Women
By EDa TOieer Wileox, Winifred Black,
' Kabel Herbert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Fraa
cis (yar&ids, Ada Patdrtoa, and many others
who write for women, what women want
to read,
Each week in the Sunday issue
Sereral big avecial stcwies of particular
interest to Omaha, Nebraaka aad Iowa
-e, ? pe e s
IjOmiC OCU.1UI1 III V-rUlUIS Baaday
Besides the laughable comic pictures and
the special articles by women for women,
Tha Bee will record dramatic eventa of im
portance; present exdoaire human interest
stories and give aa accurate account of
events of politics, with absorbing sidelights
. oa the two big political parties, their con
ventione and their presidential campaign.
Complete Telegraphic and Cable News
From all orer tha cirQued world every
day m the year.
. If yoa neglect to
Read The Bee daily during 1912
Yoa will mias these exclusive features, the
greatest aeries ever published in a Ne
braska paper.
Watch the Papers
This I'M
for More Partic
ulars of the
Greatest Fire Sale
Ever Held in
The Famous
Cloak and Suit
Stock Saved From
the Big Fire in the Bldg.
13th and Farnaci
Till Lucky Buyer, of This
lew Stock it 20c on
Tha Dollar
Whooping Coueh
dasle. mStUiiZoS
esWaeeMa.ewela(er- Veeerlsel Ci
1 ner m4
tttm Amkmi. TW atr taatterW mtjij ntatoBv
tatuhsflnt wltk mvrf hraifc makm Wassfcln
mmfi Kaslies tlvt UrM aaui mmfn tW aeatifk,
sswrUi rwrai algsMa, It tottviliaawis wmUn
tjMd aa iwaaMal tJsMftretraw Waktaf
TVwt reMau aw ta
ihiiirle. Of veer
si sum ef awa al, sas
Expert Eepairing
Watch and Jewelry
Beet of Werk.
friti Sandwall Co.
101 Bonth lBti Strwet
A Dandy Noon Day
lour at' a mcdarae artea, Jat
what tha suslneea men have beea
looking tor. 8 teaks, ehopa aad flak
cooked aed served in a manner to
lease the most critical
Mew departure your first visit will
ooavtBce you that we are carving the
beet lunch la Omaha, Try It tomor
row aad see for yourself Prompt
aad oourleoue service. ...
The Mandarin Cafe
141 BOVaV&AS WT.
trr-dTAXM v
John Says:
Ssaattfal weather
(Tear 1st of Kay
Seas cigar staves
I amade ef MmJ
IXtTV al awau
rv .J J
John's Cigar Store
16th and Horn? St, '
No Better Beer
sfswL:-! TaarSi1 M
. .wd
1 Mat Bvery Bay tila. avery lga Od
Bobert T. Halaaa and Comay. Ray
I U Korea, Poochet e Firing Ballet,
I Wlaech di Peore. Henry Francis. Fid
: ler d 8 halloa. Jetler a Rogera, Kenete
I scope, Orpheum Concert Orcnestra.
mcae: rignr iwc, xc see, ic: Mat
I Irtsc lee, beet seala Mo. axcapt Satur-
eay aae auaaay.
American Theater
tsaigat. stata. Ten Twam, aaa
wtttn a- mxnm,
aad taa
UBTTajnr aao mas oa
wrao ooaa nui.
Next Week TU ntW BOT.
Ma Today, tOS Stgkt, .
jardinde"paej3 giels
may kjellzy,
CftMpte TmmM3 Wtsi1It
Ta Last d Shew This Has son
CXTBdVaeaVaK aUTD Tinmug
,,ed.. Bass fcail NIU. Thura, Colored
. ake Walk; Friday, Amateur Coateata,
rieaaty Caarus ef Otrl Graduate.
Saury Week yay
Brandeis Theater
Tbaiaf Bay dew ta tlst
asursay Weelaee, see Ve so
Tba aaaairai 1