THE 'BEE: OMAHA." TUESDAY, : APRIL 30, 1912 10 - GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Winter Wheat Belt Gets Good Soak ing Oyer Sunday. WET FOR THE SPBISG PLOWING Tatars WnkraH fcy the Rata. TThteh Makee readltleaa l a Aavsrssle far Seedlag Frteee May Um Uafr. OMAHA, April 3, 1911 i Mot advice this morning Indicate Hull rainy and cooler weather spread ovv, nuch of the winier ben- 'ihis win be of consideruule bcm-lil to points Texan, Oklahoma and Kansas and suouiu - change toe aa-mii'itm ot the trade e.tu Siva aome reaction in wln-at aluts, ec ine market Is depending greatly on Heather conditions until after the gov ernment report May on abandoned acreage. Vr. weather i adverse to the prenar . atlon for a new corn crop and is certainly a moderate null lector, r'ine warm. Clear a earner is needed and unless tt is form coming tanner all) be Muff to let to 1 of any reserve left, and It is a long way . to tlM harvesting of tne 111 crop. I Rain over the hard winter a neat belt weakened valuea The marhel is a wes i thei affair and with good growing con i ditioos some improvement la pasajblo. lean wheat aold kOsc lower. I nfavorable weataer for seeding and delivering com, brougut out or I ders ol good chalacter. v tt tt gouu re ceipts and a change to warm clear aaather, valuea outfit to ag lower. Cash , corn whs Htfic hluer. Primary wneut recHpt- ware bu. i and receipts war Ul.uw bu., against to iaelpts last year of eO.ojs bu. and etilp iBients of tWJlv bu. Primary corn receipts wera I77.CO bu. and shipment were lo,u bu., against j receipts last year of 7M.ii bu. and auip Iwenta of 4II.IMI bu. Clearances were 119.00 bu. of corn, 2) ibu. of oata and wheat and liour equal to 4111,00 bu. I Liverpool closed AatrHd lower on wheat .and -unchanged to Hd nigher on e jrn. Tha following cash saiea eere reported: W beat No. I hard: 1 car, II Ht. a curs. li.HM,; 7 cars, II. la No. I hara: 1 car, il.Hi, 1 care, U-Wt. No. I hard: 1 car, li.ol. No grsoe: 1 car, fl . No. spring: 1 car.; 1 car, U la. No. 2 mlxeu: 1 jeers, fi.M: No. I mixed: 1 car, tl.W). 'No. ml led: 1 car (poor), $194. Corn: No. jl white: 11 cars, 7c. No. 4 wnlte: 1 cars. Tie. Ao. I color: 1 car, ;c. Mo. 4 color: 1 car, J7tc, No. I yeiiow: I cars, i4,o; tears, ;"c; 1 car, Im. No. 4 yellow: 1 'car. 77je. No. mired: I cars, ittic No. I nixed: I cars, ;iric; 4 car, .aVic; fears. TsHc; I ears, iac. No. 4 mtsed. 1 car, ,77Sc; 4 cars, 17c; 1 car, TsSfcc; 2 oars, !!, 1 car, TV; 1 car, isc. No grade: 1 car, -70c; 1 car, tslic: 1 cor, Svc; 1 car, 7c; 1 ear. tsc; 1 car. sic; 1 car, sue. Oats; 'No. I whits: A cars, tuc. No. 4 white: 1 car. toe; a cars. atiac; 4 cars, eitsc No. ,1 yetlow: I cars, Hnc; 1 car, 66c; 1 ears, iMhoi 4 cars, &4le; No. I ysilow: I cars, (Mtac No grade, I ear, iH,e. . ttaaaaa Cask fru-es. WflEAT-No. 2 hard. $'4; No, t hard,,, No. 4 held. H.iMy !. i cuHN-N. I while. J,ti7c; No. 4 white. 77-vvTSc; No. t color, I',1c, No. 1 yellow, iv.M,c; No. 4 yellow, 77 o lWe; No. i !w.t; No. a, 7M.'C, No 4, 'iJUVttc; no grade, eUtiTuo. I OATS-No. t white, eeltt; standard, rHi1c; No. i wulta, etojoc; No. 4 wnlte, Mti,So; No. J yeiiow, MfcarstVjO, No. 14 ysiioa, U'u!Al,c. I UKt.hX-U.t.u, m1 U; No. 1 lead, sutiwc; heavier feed, eWvilOs. Mifc-Av. X, tttjaiK; No. I, 7isc, ' tarlat Keeelpls. Wheal. Corn. Oats. Chicago Juinneapolui m .Umaha ........... Uiuutn II hi 1U ..m ,. w .. 14 CUtCAUO tiKAliX ADiU PHOVISIOMI reatarra al tha 1 radiaa and Claatas Prlers mm Hoars) at Trade. CHICA(H), April a-Korty-flva hours f drenching rain, uartlcularly In Kanssa, ,lorrcd aiieut ownera today into a selling jsiampede. Uespita a violent reaction, tha market cloaed weak, -lsvie uniler Hat ,urday night. Corn showed lti'c- net gain, oata. finished Irregular Mro lower to'ac sulvaaca and provisions varying from Uxc 'decline to lie lucreaae. Hun quantities of wheat went on sale jthe nstant the trsdlng begsn. No one 'was tound to prove that tne rains and k.w temperature were of benem to tne wheat all over tha west, It waa tha news from Kansas, however, mat caused the biKseet commotion. A large part of the acteaae in that slate was in doubtful .position which rains could make goo.) or Iwhkm mora high winds and ory weather 'inigiit bring to ruin, i 1 Notwithstanding tha evidence that a tiandsoma crop In Kansas could now be ;tskea for granted, tne eumensnea of jtwo leading experts Indicating tnat toaeea there and In other statea were greater (than popularly euiposed proves so In 'tuna wltn tha hopes at tna bulla that .value autldenly veered above even the jrecura breaking IlKuree of last week. jMora conservative longs, tliougn. sottb on (the bulges and gave little need to a inotable decrease In ths United States .visible supply. July fluctuated from 11.11 to II li. with last sales ltjl4,c net lower, ... Corn developed firmness Tor a while, but the msrket closed easy. July ranged from T7rtVV to 7Sc and in the end waa ftfilc. lust ec above Haturday'a close. caan giadea wcie stead)', with No. 2 yel- 'W littC Uouluatlon sales 'were the order In ,Vay oata July varied between t4e and r-ct ctoseo ee net owner at aeHc. t'rgent buying apparently for some lm- Psnt speculator, carried provisions dly upward today, but aalea declined iltllBoal aa fast In the last half hour. At lone time all pork faturea were aa high as or above. When the session ended the .average level was substantially the same a Saturday night .ArtKWl Open. High. ) Low. Cloe.l Sal'y. V heatl I 'I I Way.illM,S! ! Jiuy. 1 lltil ! bept.l s"l ' I l-ei Corw- , tay.ef, . Jut- 77S,I',! VptTlil,y7 Oats-1 Msy.jSTHtJM July.HSoSl Wept.ltt".! I"ora i 1 is: 1 HV 1 teHi I ' I Win 111 Uls.lllSa 1 U I I aH 1 V4il 1014-4 tJ TMi T!J 79 J5'4 1 us 1 ii 1 si (KviTHi K MV ,: i,mu is Mi,w1, May.l U I 94 a dealt. It iS-IV, Si lairo i t r.lsIS-t II 24 4S l7i tt tM UK IS S I UK is; MM II w II 34 U4t 11 1 11 i:h Kept.. 11-;! 11 U J2-4J U fi! JtiUe-l I May.f K 24 I Juiy.j 1 tS) N fT4 14 m rV44.'KTV- M M 2 N to?; M 44 l4t I t2W 10 rl m m 1 w 7H, FWJL'R Firmer; winter patents, (4 14 W; winter straights, MSwS: spring pateata. V.uHr a spring straights, 14.1s lgow, ceaers, ei RVE-No. X IfcSe. or mixing. mctytlW: fair to choice malting, tl 1.24. RB:I-TimoOiy, t7.outji.uti, clover, Hi iB 5-S4. PkoVlrilONS Men aork. tl 50Blrn. Ujo. Ua tierceaj tuX; short ribs, t loose) J9.IB. Total dearancee of wheat and flour were equal to busheM. Primary re.epts ware s&4, auseeis compared vith eW.tfs) bushels the oorreepondtng day a year ago. Tne visible stipple of wheat lit the lotted States decreased 1117.0 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff est ocean passage decreased 1. :..tMu boahete: estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. S4 cars: corn, 2M cars: oats. Ml cars; hogs, .n head. Chicago Casb Pricea Wheat: No. 2 red, tl .14)1.17; No. t red. tl.UwI.fcH. No. : fcarc. liviia: no. i naro. ll.lwi.K No. 1 northera, 13 lnl 11 , No. 2 north em. 1 1 . (i i x. no. norrnem. a o. 1 spnng. No. I er fcl.lf; No. 4 spring, tl JU2; ve Til durom. tl 15. ft ern. n.iTttl : No. 2 nortnern. tl.leul.lJ: HI II LI 1 vet cUaff, f 'arn - a 'a-JtiC; No. i yellow. 7Vrtac; Na 1 74 ej-:;.a 4 white, T767e; No. 4 yellow. ,7Mc, Oats: No. 2 white, K.tr5,c.- No. 1 ahlte. s.-.t'c; No. 4 White. Kcsmc; atsaosrd sisjsc. j kTe-No. 2. Ifc'ec : fi Ki.t:r-avt)ii ; TiMOTHr eKtD-rewi:aj. ruovER SKKU-ra-twrssia. . ' mnt.t-war.: creamenea, ttSl, .da'r-es. M3r. . fcijia-bteady; receipts, 2S.4 cases, at mark, rases Included. 17V: ordinary firsts, lic; firsts. 18c. VliEKSK-Hteady: daisies. ltHtjISV: twins. la,tiikV: roung Americas, liwsj Ioc: long horns. l.itilR1. PtlTATOKS Wrsk: receipts, 1J4 ears; Wisconsin. Michigan and Min nesota. fl.lS&!.17. POrLTRY Steady; turkeys, 14c; chick, ens. ISc. VEAL-Steadv at 7?IJ. NEW VOBK CKNERAL MARKET ttaatatlaaa af tbe Day aa Varlaas CoMssodltles, NEW TORK. April a-FLOCR Steady: spring patents, 7 36&S.; winter urn .hi. ml Win.', flB' winter Himu, f.lOoiK: spring clears. t4.5t)4.; winter extras. No L 4 S4.; winter extraa. No. r M.to4.10; Kansas strsignt, 515. Rve flour, firm; fair to good, 44.SS 9d.iv: cnoice to tancy, sa-wnw-e COKN'MKAL-titeady; fine white and yel low. tl.WiiilU; coarse, I1.7W11.M; kiln dried. .15. . M HVE-Htesdy; No. 2, sc c. I. , Buf falo to arrive. HARI.EY-Hteady; malting. fl.254Jl.Js; c. I. r. Butralo. WHKAT-Sput wheat, Irregular: No. 2 red. 11.214 elevator export basis and 1 2H f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Dututh. 11. f. o. b. afloat, opening navigation. Futures market declined early on rains in the far west, rallied on renewed buy ing and the decrease in the risible, but again weakened under heavy unloading by longs, closing lc net higher for May and i,c higher to IV lower for the new crop months May. tl .231 .24, closed 21.23; July, II., closed II 17V September. l.H'4ii 1W. closed 11.14 Receipts, 51,Jt bushels; shipments, 214, 77, ... CORN'-Spot market, firm: export. Me nominal f. o. b. afloat, ruturea market as nominal. Receipts, t.tto bushels. OATH 8pot market, easy; standard white, i3'MMr, In elevator: No. 2, ttiHff 44c; No. t. sir; No. 4. tiMrttVsr: natural white, and clipped, 62aic on track. Futures market nominal. Receipts. tl,S3t bushels. FEKK-Market barely steady: west ern spring bran. 104-lb. sacks and stand ard mixed in 100-lb. sacks, 1-. , HAY Firm: prime. tl.SMfl.W: No. 1, tl.U: Na, t. Il.45tfl.lai; No. 2, 11.10. HC)lt-Klrm ; state common to choice, 111 crop, S2s.aMt40.OI; 1910 crop, nominal; pacific coast. 111 crop. Hi.tMi4.w: tsie crop, nominal. HlDttit-mredy; Central America, 2414c; Bogota. 23,24ic LEATHKR Klrm; hemlock flmta, 2U 27r: seconds, ttnae; thirds, 21tf22c; re jects. 15c. PROVIHIONS-Pork. steady: meaa.mtt J 1 20.50: family. K0.50trt1.St; short clear. ivMsjIO Ml. Beer, firm; mess, 1 14 orx 14.M; family, tl4.50vl7.0O; beef hams, ta 50 tjW.gO. Cut meats, steady; pickled belllea, 10 to 14 pounds, lltjllc; pickled bams. 12W13'V. Lurd, easy; middle weat prime, lisnoell.10: reflnrd. firmer: rontl nent. 111 60; Boutb America, IlLTi; com pound, wVe. TAU.OW-Flrm; prime city hogs beada, 4"c; country, ',tnV: special, 7Hc. UU'iTKR firm; receipts, 4.614 tubs; creamery sprclsls, MV; estrat, 4c; firsts, t3HUtc: seconds, Mjilo; tiilrua, is 9 Wc; atste dairy, finest, tst(32ec; good to prime, tannic; common to fair, tttjiHcj proossa sueclsls, 2ittt2So; extras. IKxti ic: firsts, fcVtWMc; seconds, 24t25. t'HKI-;K-Kasy; receipts, 1.3M boxes; state, whole milk, current make, whit specials. IS-V; skims, aifllVc, tUOl-l'nelUed: receipts, 23,114 cases; fresh gathered, extraa, HHH.'!c; fresh gathered, storage packed, )4iHto; fresh gathered, reguiar packed, leaM; fresh gathered," seconds. IslflSVo; western gathered white, 2tHlHtc t. I.oals ueaeral Market. T. LOUI8. April .WHKAT-Caa, , higher; track. No. I red, tl.Jotfl 21; No. I bard. . ' t orn nnu; trsca, no, x, sk; no, White. H4e. OATM-Weak: track, no. s, sic; ixo. 1 White, 54jil,c. Cloning 01 ritturei: WHKAT-Weak: Mity, I1.15H; July, tl.lKV,: September. ll.otVfc. court weak; stay, eic; auiy, miev 7c; Beptember, 7A,. OAT.I-Weak; May, tic; juiy, aQ;c, ItYK-tnrhanged; 14c. t iDi'k-Hiin.r: red winter patents. !C.2u7.u; eitra fancy and straights, 14.74) tj hard winter clears. H.BUtJl.. riKKi- rimotny. iio.ov. t'ORNMKAb 13.40. IIRAN-Huli at tl.ePSl.41. HAY Weak; timothy, IW.OO4J3.0O; pral. rle. KI OWlKOO. PRoVlhlONM Pork, unenangea; joo- blng. 114.5. Mrd. unchanged; prim steam, fa J0rl0.vs. Dry sslt meats, un changed: boxed, extra shorts, lo.7s; clear ribs, Hi.(S; snort clears, sura, rwon, unchanged: boxed, extra shorts. UL75; clesr ribs, 111.75; rhort clesrs. II tit. PotiUt Hi meeay; cmcasns, tisc; springs, 4tc; tuikeys. 14c; ducks, 110; T?jJ: nt: t ten vuiet; creamery, iiunv. svllUD ottaoy, at lsc tverelpta, Shipment. Flour, bbls 12,oo t . 4."0 Wheat, bu . s.u"f Corn, bu !. ") Oata, bu K.OOO . , 42, Kansas City tirala aad rrevlstaaa. KANHA8 OITT, April 2.-WHKAT- Caah, He lower: No. 2 hard. tl llttttl U; No. t, I.V41.I4; No. I red,'; No. I. ll.llVivl.l. ; CORN'-4c lower; No. t mixed. 18l No. 1 toOWHe; No. I while, lVJe, No. miwisic. .... OATS-We lower: No, 1 white, ITHttSte; No. 2 mixed. 5u,'.7c. Closing prices of ruturea: WHEAT May, II O1; July,. 14J 1.04t; tleptember. ll.tKVh. . CORN-Muy. SVWC; July, l.NtJ.ic; aep- tember, il'ac. OATH July, oze; oeptemoer, -vv RYB-ti4e.- . HAY Unchanged to R.Ot lower; choice timothy. tn.isr.i; cohlc prairie. t73.o 1 1 r.ri ;reamery. sec; iirsvs. seconds. &c: packing stock. He. EUOS-titrsa, 20" v; flrs'.a. ivc. Recelpta. Shipments. Wheat, ba ' Corn, bu 17.") Uala, bu si.viu u.w Mlaaeapolla tiralu larket. utVNKAPOI.18. Aorll 3. WHEAT st.v 11 12: Julv. II. 1H.: September. 11.074. tjl Cash: No. 1 hard. I1.I5H; No. 1 north ern. 11.14k: No. 2 noitlKtii, tl.liVt; No. t wheao tl IH. WARLKY Terfjtl so. CORN No. I yellow, 77lij7c. OATS-No. I whit. MffciHc RYK-No. t '. BRAN In MO-lb. sacks, s i in R-Klrt oatents. K.lotsi.: sec ond patents, 4 Tsit&.W: Mst else re, S3.s0 3. SO, second clears, I2.404j1.s5. Milwaakee Grata Market. SIILWAIKEB. April 3.-WHKAT- No. I northern, ll.2otjl.21; No. I northern. No. I hard winter. II rettfl.U; May. 11.11 bid; JUiy, 11.1101 .11 v txiKN no. a yeinow. siib&h-; ro. a hhe. ttc; No. t, mem; May. By; Julv. TT'tc OAT8 Standard, s4rnr. BARIJCY-Msltlnf. M.1.2s. FUAX-C.UVsv:.!. Pearta, Market. PEORIA. 111.. April .-4X)RS Steady; No. 1 white ;M7V; No. f yellow. ?tw, No. t yellow. 7HSV7W: No. 4 yellow, f7"e (:,: no. 1 mtxeo. ."fl'tcjiSc; no. 4 soixev, nssTV: sample, s4t74c OATS ite.d) ; No. 2 white, lsc: stand ard, s7c. No. 3 wlilte. t,i,c. No. 4 white, ieSc. . Llssrpaal tirala Market. I.IVERPOOU April tl.-WHCAT-apot strong; No. 2, red western winter, ta ad: futures, easy; May, s Si; July. 7a Wd; October. s S- X)KN tipot American mixed new nominal; American mixed old. firm, 7s American mixed new, klla dried, quiet. as sa; futures, steaay; slay as .tea; e umber. 5s Osaaka Hay Market. OMAHA. April 9.-11 Y-No. I. taint) UK; no. x. i Mm no. s, iiaoaii4: No. 1 middling. i-D tai.). Na 1 low. land. tu.v.u1al'alfa. choice third and fourth cutting. taoutiM., first and aee ond eutung. tSOWia.; No. 2, IU.j4 save, w. e. ieeiw t'attaw Market. NEW TORK, Aprfl -CTTOX-pot rsseed quiet 14 points decline; middling uplands, U.c; middling gulf, ILtsc No site. OTTON Futures baraiy steady. Oloe- Ing reds April and Nay. Il.rar; June. ll.c: Aogvst, U 3c: September, li ne: October, ll.tsc: Norember. ti tle: Deo lL47n January aad 2 ebruary, lLtle; U.f7c, ' NEW YORK STOCK MARKET General Tone of Trading it Hesitat ing and Dull, SOME ISSUES EISE 6HASPJ.Y ' Beadlag PJesassed aad Tkal Stack Beata rrevloas High Record. NEW YORK. Aorll St.-Aside from an other sharp advance In th prominent an thracite shares and mors or less obvious manipulation! at higher pricea In various specialties, the general tone of today's market waa hesitating and dull. t.sftt week a sensational trad na In Reading waa reeumed on a moderate scale, putting that stork well above Ita previous mart record, while Leh ah valley also figured at a higher figure than it haa recently attained. The movement In these securities seemed to be no less speculative than before. Intrrnatlooal Harvester shares, fnllow- Inc the news that dlsiinlutloa oinceedlncs against' It would soon stsrt, declined over 2 points and made but slight recovery. united ritatea steel. Union Pacific and Amalgamated Copper wera relatively heavy, but the two first named showed greater strength In the lsst hour. - Trad- era seemed Indisposed to buy or sell steel, pending the publication of Its quar terly atstement tomorrow. Aa for Union Paclflo Its earnings for March were not calculated to Inspire any venturea on the buH aide.- The backwardness of Amalga mated Copper waa the more striking In view of the activity and strength of some outside copper properties. There were gams of 1 to 4 no Ints In a score of specialties. Including National Blecult, American Writing Paper pre ferred. American Sugar, Virginia-Carolina Chemical and Pullman Palace Car. In the laat hour the entire market gave better account of Itself. Reading roe to Its beat of the day and ecnpseo all prevlnu high prices by more than I points. The closing waa dull, but strong, with a 13-polnt jump in Central of New Jersey, controlled In large part by the Reading company. There were sympa thetic advances In the general list. Among adverse speculative factor war the general political situation, dissolution proceedings and a few nnsatslfartory railroad reports Northern Pacific reached small net decrease for March, but the Rock Island system lost over 2250.00 in net for that month. Tha oaly supreme court decision of Interest to the street wsa on which favored a (I 111 line and a Hsrrlmsn aubsldiary against ths slats of Wsshlngton. ... Railway manager In tha middle weat eonflrrned accounts of Irreparable dam age to winter wheat, but reported an in creasing demand for equipment. - Th local bond market waa Irregular with a lower tendency. Total tales par value. 27,104. 000. United Statea govern, msnt bonds were unchanged on call. Number of salsa and Medina gustation vw HwnuB iwaay wsrt .. , s!T . Ue. Ckes. Aiilt-rtsisms snt ., ASKliwslet leeesr Aatrlils Atrlcsltsral Aaerkss beet augsr. Aaerlrsi tas aswrlrss't.'; V asierlras Csltss oil., aaiertcts 11 a k st Aa. loe aersrlties. ... AsMrlees -laassee ... Awtrless LseeesSMve Asnrloss S. k..... Si s4 V ,. .. ..... , u.e W14 Sue lut, U14, 14 .. JL ' . i '. ft. er esw tm V Hi l0 " .- l.lsK 4fl 44j . at. as, 4 U 44 - ,et- Am. I. a a. sd Aa. atwl Feaasrlea let 17 Aa. vssr MetiaUM.... Lest ism. n Aaerlrts t. A T I.WS IH lS let Aaerlcss Tobecee sf4... , Ms lm, iwi, m its . n.i. nwiee ,, ..... JS Aaa-eses Mtstag ru,..,, I.SM tta, - It - Aiies it ie ltett is - lk AttkiMS pnt f.. , let uut, nuts im siisstn isst la as sal it) lit . iteli Maimers Okie.. I. we Matt im h bMhietiesi iesl - let u lie, lik Snklr Rsl4 tr l.M Uw its, u lMSIs rsellle !. IM H4 SHW fealrsl Lestker 1.4M I n n . Cwitral testser set r N4 stk St 14 Ceatrsl sf New Jersey .. la) Irs Itj 194 ITmsHsss 45 Okie. M M s ( hlc.SO A Altos :. Mtt Ctluse t). W.. sew ft 14 1(4 - I twss a. w. ,14 its It It 1 rtlrise N. W m SM 1411 141 141 Csitiee. M. m t P ... us lists it us c, c a St. 41 (Vsniils P. 1 v., St .S Mt BU CeienelA pmitltera..... If 44 44 44 I I4IS lint 14 I lla 14W H4 Onrs rradeets Dsltelre 4 H4en IMsw A Rle Oiasds. D R. o sr i ti4s ri 171 41 II DiMiiien' tecsmiaa IrM 11.SM 114 M4 Krle IM rt 44 UV Sttt Hit 44 luta sne ts tie. Oeseral Kienrle Orest Nsrtkera M Uresl Nertsera oes etft.. l.nt ims rs um Mlw.un ISI 41 4S 4S SS) US, u4 sns lH 1SH Ililnotl Central intersoreusta Met laler. Met. sta laternalloflal Harvester .. later. Utnas art 1.S0S M HIS !. IUw luk 114 11 11 "1 IS7 Istersatleaal raser St. sat UI4 lalaraalMsl rssi 1.4a 114 k leea Usalrsl ..... ..... kaaaas Cttr Seat ken... tat n sj K. C. e. ht J4 ft a Lsrlass oas ass istsl let laraisTine m naasviite.. wa iss Mlaa m St. Lsala 111 UH 141 ' Its , ' 41 4t 41 U4 Ul 11 17 u . r. 1 . m... iss it! stlsnsrl, K. T M4 l a , a. a t. prs.,,.. 1 rl rseinc ,.. ts.sw 41 Natueal Blareit I. MS let Natleael L4 ISS in, N. 4t. ft; et'M. M sf4.. MS an. to Nee Tent tntrai . we use tta i'" n. Y, 0. i ...:: .: kh Nertalk a Weatsea. I MS III 111 111 Nans Aavertraa SM lH Ml, M4 Nartaara rtcim l.M in 111 111 Ferine Hall - t Feeearl.eel assi isisi la uw raasla't IMS est ill .. 111 r, K . v. m em. b. ie w . PHUbsrsk Coal ......... I.W ri . I.-H Fretata ttael Car ....... I M 14 M nilsias raises Car l.e. 14J . Ill 111 Rallea tlesl selsg.... a " KaaSlas ...1S HO 1I4 l"H 117 R,MiMte taet I.ISS l ResaMle Meal set ., t4. kerk llUSI OS t eat Reek hies OS t. .... . I.HS .at M 17 a a- r. ss SfS... sea era va Laau . W M a. I. a W. eld t .... ra av.Sk.mal4 I... IS H M SaattMra Pai-lflr ... l.M 111 111 l.M . 11 .... - M , 14. 11 .... U.SM 41 11S l 74 44 K 11 seaiaara Bellwar ... gallesr sej easae Ceseee ... Teeae a Psrltw ...... T . St . U W T . r. h. aw, era t'alaa racltte Unus PaeirM st.... .... 11 ttt trr la sis, si si I alia states Realtr.. 7 UH 71 111 11 51 Me tl 41 M 4 ItaS Sistas Raseer, t SM 4 U Ualtel states steel .... I . . Ileal set t t,, t-weear Va-aeatiss Cbeejleat WataaS Waaaea 4 tt Tl 111 HI taM 1.14 U tl 1 tt M 11 ! St M ' Weatera atsmass .... Weatacaenae glacrle 7W) Waaars tatea Waeallas a L. a ' ' Lealsa Valley....... fla Ceseee ........ Its, 1M HSS sa 4 r.-, I l 1 U Kl M Rar OasaKSStea .... IS Aaarriraa Teaacee s m I ' lsidM Staek Market. tnvnnv Aoril IX ABvadcan securities moved Irregularly within nerow llmtie during the first hour today. Trading waa light. At -Mooav the maraet ,wsa quiet. with pricea ranging from above to 1 below Saturdays New York closing. - ltet Wall street saiea oepresweu slues and made ths rloetng easy l.ndoat rtoaln stock quotation: CasaM. aaeeer ...1 HtLaaawtlM Naa..l Sa acaeaat .. a a iaiaa-. m . -i ,"i MXee Yse Cential..m iZmnim I Seem Wasters .114 AUkaea ...... " " a st -I . M440suira m Waatsrs. ' aaltlaiars 0le..llt seasarlwsta , 4 taatias Parlr ..Mlftaa Misss - a Okie. SI RaeStaa I CM. Otaat Weatera ISajBaasaen Jt JH4 CSl. stll SV M" . ra pa Bears aa busibmb ra ...... Dearer A tUe ... l'sk rseuv tn a, an - a, pre si mZ HM-. auet r S. tat a'4 B a St4 1M 4. M H 7 Wsaaaa eras True .. as pet tl llllaeM Caetrsl .,..! HILVKet Bar. steady at 75 U-ltd per ounce. - aiiiNRT ZMattea per cent. v.. a aiaceaint tn the aoen mar. ket lor short trill k W Mr cent, for three moatbr' bills, t l-M per cent. ' readttlea at Ttaaewry. WAHHINOTON. April at-At the be gtnning of bustnes today the eoadttiee) of the United Statea treasury waa: Working balance la treasury office, ta. iattW. In hanks aad Philippine treaa urv. tn.Vt-wj. Total balance la gesveral fund tt54. Sr.. Ordtnary recelpta tsat urdar, t,Ly;7 Ordtnary dlsbursemewta. tl,7K.tlaV (aafadt ls dat taat becal year. 212.iM.407. -a agalnat a deficit : 11 aPI-OH at this time last year. These figures ex clude Panama canal and public debt traataactloas . . , - Near Verk Massy ' Market. NEW TORK. April 2.-MOXET-On call, stead v. 2t3 per cent; ruling rate, r per cent; closing Wd. 24 per cent; of fered St 24 ner cent. Time loans: slXtV days, 363 per cent: ninety ds.' 3,) xu Dee cent: MX months. .".UA per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEK-tStH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Easy. . with actual business in bankers' bills, at 24.8444 for sixty-day bills and at 14.17 lor demand. Commercial bills. M.SIt,. SILVER-Mexlran dollars, ate. BONDS-Government. steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotatlana on won today wer (s follow: ' - 0. . rat. t, rat .. lM later. M M. 4a.. 4S Ss ceases 110V Masse 0. a M, rag ll eo 4a Slu, so seseos 144 X r. fa. in la .... 7t o. a 4a. tat 114 u a: sea. 4a mi.. M 4e eaopsa u L. A N. ssl. 4a ... ss Alllsa.'sal. let is... srtau.. K a T. 1st M. . K Asear. Ax Is Wli es 4a 7'. A. T. T. n. M..1U "ejls. Parttle 4a 13 Aaa. Toeeeea -N R R sf M 4s M ea 1M . a. T. C. t !a.... tt Arsaaur Ca 14a.. ! da deb. M t AtrSMee tea. 4a.... N7. T. N. I- AH. a e. M lea's ct. sa lean 04 av. la 1MSN-.. A W. 1 t. 4a.. M AC U let ..... M Ma cv. M 114 Bal. A Oats at MKe. rsrlflc "Ss le n to sa I saw as I. W. IVtl ... If Pees. ea. !e lilt. 11 Break Tr. cf. 4s.. 17 , Me ess. M 11 H at OS. ts 14 Read IB( gas. tt Caa. Leather 4a M. , A . F l 71. '. sf K. I. I U..ltl ' sea. la r Cbea. A Okie I a... 14 St. L. . W. e. .. t e ret. la do IM gal4 M M Cstcess A. Ia.. Hl. A. ie 4a t C. I.ID1 M... Mge. Far. nl. 4a 11 fa as M H as ea. .... Kk C. k I 1 M k ,ds 1U ret. . K C. R. I. A P, e. 4a. J7'-aHa. Rallwar It 17 o r( ta aw, 4e xes. 4a. i.. 11 Cole. Is. U 7al7slea Paclfte. M....IS1 (la. MI4. M an. 4a. 1. let C. A I. r A a 4a sta, to let rat. ... St D. A H. ev. M Hill t. Rubber ta.... 14 D. A ft. 0. M 17 I', g. Keel MII4...1SI S raf. la SINVa -Tar. rhast. is.. Mannera' la ....... 74Wabask let (s W7- Erie s I ........: a So 1st m ex. 4a.... fa - aa gas. at rawwestera M4. aa.... ar . 4e ee.. 4s. ear. A.. Mawaat. Klec. tr. la. s aa earl's Wte. Ceslrsl, 4a ... 7 anas. glee. aa. aa.laifato. Pee. er.j la.... M 111. Caa. IK raf. 4s KPsbssss la .- 11 later. Met 4a t! Dim. -niataa. , 4 . j Beetea Cloatag taaetatleaaa. BOSTON. April a Closing o notations on stock wer as follows: Allowai ai Mokaek 4 Aaaal. Casper S4 Nevasa res. ta't A. Z. U A I M Nlslausc MIsM ... ' Anises Caa. ' . lNertk lutla ...,r.. t a. a o. c a m. iNnk una ........ t Cal. A Art loss...., 1tra Dsauslss ..4... 44 fat: A Heels IM Oecaola ,.,..4..IU restssslal , 1... M Vlalaey M Oes.. aaasa C. 0... Itakaasea 14 Raat Reus C. S ... llkuserler ,M Prsstlla ll8userler A S. at....- 1 nirwi. -Cae. . l44TaaMtak 44 Grant Oa et I'. S B. A M... t oreene, taaaaas a . es pre Isle ltn.,1, Uassar.. :7IHak res. ., 14 Kerr ! tt tak Cepear Ca ! Lass Caeear 44 4 W Ulnae S la lalla theser 7Wsivsrlae 11 Mlaal . Cesser B . , . , New Vsrk Mtwtng Stack. NEW YORK. April .-a" losing auottr tlons on mining atock were: litre- .....,.....3salattle Cklef ........ I Brssaarlrk Ol ...... tMeikaa 14 Cam. Tuaeel stack.!.. lSlletsrle II 4a banes I llupklr ..r Its Caa. cai A Va aOBt.ndart Ires miter lltYellew Jackal ts Lean.tlla Cos.: 1 ... eottere. Bank Clre rings. OMAHA. April 2 -Bank clearing for today1 wera K.IM,2a.'lt and for the cor- respondlnf day last year ta,a4,222.. ( . . t OMAHA OKNEHAL MARKET. BUTTER 74.' 1, Mb. cartons, 23c; N.' I in 40-lb. tub. tJc; No. t, lfi; packing, .A cllEEfE-lrri ported' Swiss. '3r: Ameri can bwisa, 2tc; block Swiss, Mo; twin, lac; daisies, lie; triplets, 2V; young Americas, xte; blue laoel orlca, t; Uto- aerger, 1-10. ix ; i-io. a c. FISH (treah frosen)-Plcks-sl. Ic; whits. He: inks, lac; trout, X2c; large erapgnaa,' lll'.. kpanish mackrel, 1; el. lsc; tiaudooks, hxr; flounders, 13o: iraen' oat flab. 16c: roe shad, tl each: skad roe.- oar pair, tltro; salmon, 10c; halibut, llo; yel low perch, ec: outtaio. sc; ouiiueuu, no. POOLTriY-rbiler. lu-uOXyvwi per dox; trnlngs. An; hens, laaytJc; cocas,, lie; ducks. Isnaio; see, Jet; turkey s, lo, pigeoiii, per oox,- i av. autve:. nans, uu; uiu roosters, ac; stags, 10c, oio ducaa, tun leMthsreu. svc: geese, tuil faatnered. ao: turkeys, lie; pig tuna, per do., sta; bom srs, per du.., squalM, Na 1,; mo. I, We. " ' - Kistr cut i-ni'.E-ito. i no, ltvjc: No. i ribs, lse; No. 1 ribs, ll; No,. 1 caucxa aVc: ,o. 2 Ohucka two: No. a chucks, 7o; No. 1 loins, too; No. I eotna, no; a i loiaa, laiae; no. t rounoe, taaaa. No. I round, liu, no. rounds, ua; no. 1 plates, 'ivi no. 3 Piatas, .anc; No. 1 platea, sc. Rlba-No. 1. lc: No. 2. lSUc: No.' L llW. Loin: No. 1. Sue; No- l, 17t; No. 3. We. chuck.- no. I, ; No. t, o; AO. J, )c. , Bound:. No. 1, Iliac; No. x, uo; no. s. itc. riates: , no. l. ic; n. a, esjc, no. s; sc CUUClUsN. i. oj no, A Tfcot ato..aV trRuria. tTC ABPlea. Kslra fane Res Devla. per bbl at.A: VvinaasDa. bar bbl.; t, tsocy Missouri pippiae, per bat.,; Idabo Jonatuan, xtra uttoy, er bos. tz.ev; nastnngioa opitaenperg. par oov- st.att: waaalnatou H. tteauty. uer box, C at; Wasnlngioa Stymto WltMaaps, per box, (.It Bananas:- Fancy aeieot. per bunco, t. -o-aa, aumoe, per nuooa. ,j 7tMX.7k. iMtea: Anchor bread, hew.1 ai l-i s. PUS. In box, per box, U .; Droas- edary. braao,. new, ,au t-ia. psg in box. per box, la, tla: Ctuilornia, par cus of 12 No. It Pkg.., tie; per case of tt No. 13 pegs.,, par csum at so no, a pAa li; bulk, ta at and sv-lo. boxes, par atu tav; bsw Tujkith. a-crowa la tv-lb. boxes, per las, lac; -crowa in tb-ia. -boxea, mot ,b , sk; i-srowB in to-ib, eoxsa, per i,. i.e.. ti.ana .XrulL; .biertda, at siae, per trata ts; at a. as. per crate,, ev-444 time, per craie. ea.a. Orapta: Malaga is pals., Leawu: umootaxa aaleoied branu. extra tancy. He-lew eatua, oar box. is; latma latnooeira, fancy, e senses, per box,; sr-a sixes, eo uer boa iea; caUltornaa lemons, sat) aaa stses, per box. HMmJ-ub. - Orange: Ceu ,vrta vanastda - tuaua. Navels, avalaa tauoi, -Ua-l-l;aiM lia-a0 sixes, par oex, gt.ts; aatra ceaoeoa, all Si see, pee eoa, si, saepnant erano, Ua-lav-i.-ale-sta aiaas. par box. . aw-lae-ia sues, per baa. 4f .at f.nesppies. av-aa-st Msee, per craaaa SA, gtrawoeriiee. , aevaaaaa, an wa S4 utnts. fcuiTABiJBoeta. eld crop, per IU, 2e. vsuoage, Wlecoasia. per lb 41; new'Cauloruta. per lex, c Celery, cei Iturnla auaioe, per do-, f-! Floradae la tna rouan. twee ooa per case, aa as. en cumbers hot bouse, per baxv tttaa- tgg Plant. tan.y s tonus, per ova., es.vs.arsr Itc, sxtra tancy. wtute. per dotv, ts. txttuot, extra tancy leaf, par woa..- ts. unions, Cailtornaa, wkHe. boiling, per Is.. -,. .r Ucoasin, ye-eow uiobe, per is, ; red utoee. par lb., so; apaiush, per crate, XI A matey, nutey- eouthersr per do, Diinchtt. Wile. Paraatps, fancy aouts ern. par eos buncbee. s7m;. rrampa. per la , 2'. Putatuea. aiisaeenta Had favor Kariy Onto seed, per .be,. H i: Minneeol aauly Host aeeo, per bav, .4B, luae lltumpti sesd. per ba, al-ea; Was cvuaia white toa. per bu., tt-a. Rutsv bxgoa, la sacks, per lav. Ike. loose toes, r MrTMia. a- oaa.. crate, 14. 7a. cuoata ear a-sak. carrter. fUa, turaipa. paw ua.. 'ISCEiAANIvOLb Airaonos. taj-rav-gona. per !..-tsiec; la sack lots, lc tea Cocoaauts, per sack. 4i. rilkert. per la., lac; ta sack Iota, lo less, pesvnata, roasted. In sacx tota. par lb, ic; raavated ,ee than sack lots, per lb., lc. raw, par itx. 4c Pecans, large, per lb., lie; Ua aavc Wis. lc ease. W auoeta. aew ctoa, 1AU. Cailtorsw,- par to, 17c; la aaek tot ic 4 cuter, near Nehawska.- aer li aaal: bbl.. ta-a, -paw-te-gal baa, tJ; New tor Moil a, PA la-aaJ. !, !; per Je-gal- a., ts-a. ituaey. aew, .-a arsmawi, IV fa. Krout, per le-aal. keg. fi-Vb; par e-gai' aeg. tl-as. Ceffa-e Market. . ' NEW TORK. April 2K-O0FFxB- Future maraet closed steady at sat ao vairr of from to t potnta May. 11 54c; June, ll.tsc: July. tl.TSc; August, It.tlc; September. Il.fc: October, u.ttc; No rember. 11 Sc; December, tl tic: Janwanr, tx Mr: Februarr. ll.Ttc: March. tl.tSc. Baaea. Xi.W beata .Spot coffee oulet; Rle No. 7. 14isr: Samoa No t c. Mi to. guiet; Cordova,. naSlftc sominal. ST -fOVIS. Mo,. April . M.-WOOI.T Steady; territory and western saediuma, tstjiac; CM tnedluma. UOlIc; fist, JaVaiie. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET! Ecceiata of Cattle Moderatt! and Val vei Arc About Steady. ' . '. " f HOG PBICES ASE IIiaZGTJLAIl Osealeg Is Strsag, latter Prices Be- eesae Steady, Clowe la Dell aad . Weak laisaka . ike , I p : srltk Bask.' ' .' SOUTH OMAHA. April 29. ltlt Receipts were: cattle.' Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monuay- 3,et a.aii i.iX same day last week... t.9o r a.ta) ;.tn frame 2-weeks aau , e,taa a.. fMUne 3 weeaa ago , 4.U44 : S,a43 24,sal came I weeks ago 1,-41 ; Mia l.ttvi cam day last year.... 3,73 . I.aii i. The following table ahows tbe receipt of aattia. bogs and sneep at south Omaha tot toe year, to oata as compared wltn la-l year: Uli. 1H1 . inc. Lnc Cattle 21,21 241,427 ltogs l,Ht..U au,asl aw.ate) Soeep 7i.M4i M.47 'lit folio wine table allows tha range of pricea paid for hog at South Oman for tne last tew pay, wltn comparisons: irate. int.!ijvi.iv. April 1 Apr), jo IfeUiM tail k us: a i a ai, a si t ortsi a4 t MS I W( t sai t 6a at, ai 1 ICi-4 t 41 April ui April 2Z - I S SS I il t ll t 1 V) I 4 K 41111.431(431 April m April jt April aal I l I I 4lw S ft J 44 I I 1 41 t I 401 t 3t t 20 t 11 .' J B SSf s 4l .4 aa aiuii 7 41 i a sa, ill t I ll 7 li, 7 e.; - l Sal i 2b, S JS 4 44 April 2i Ami Jki I .Vti s aoi ,all i S H, l ai e i j. April 3 . Vl 44 an - Sunday. .... ... Recelpta and disposition of live Mock at th Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for tne twenty-tour hours ending at I o'clock p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. 1 Cattle Hogseheep.H'rs's. C M. 4V St. P. Ry.. I 1 .. . 1 W abash Ry 4 1 .. Union Pacific Ry... 2 17 7 1 CAN. W.. east.... 6 1 .. 1 C. A N. W west... U ' M 1 4 C, St. r, M. O.. s .. s C, B. st v).. east.... I f. 1 1 C, B. at 4J.. aeat.. II ,11 ... 4 t C, R. I. A P., eslt. I .. .. Illinois Central Ry.. 10- t .. 1 Chicago O. W. Ry.. 1 - " I- -.. .. Tol receipt:. .IM ; ",1 , U Disposition-Aead. ' catti. Hogs, oneep. Omaha Packing Co..... U 64 .A Swltt A Co v ,it 1 nut 1,1k tt l,oa MM l.a! IM "ii Cuoahy. Packing Co.... ill Armour sV. Co.......' 2 BChwarti-Boirn Co....... .... 1. w. Murpny , - Morrell , M at. Cialr, , Benton, V anient .A.. a ..... Hill Son..... 2!S ' ' F. ft. s.awlsre.w.a.e.r. 44 -.r.-- - Huston Co...:.! 44 J. B. Root CO '-. I . J. H. bulla .'.'... 44 .... v U wolf .'..;..;. : 8. Werthetmer 2. ...... rl. F. Hamilton . It Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... 44 ' ... Cilne M .'. Other buyer ... 22" ' roul,.."...,r.:..'"....-.l.7M . 1,711 1,422 CATTI.K There ws a nioderste run of cattl toaay, muck tne same aa on last Monday and the duality- ot tne offerlnga was very good on aa average, Aaeices of liberal - receipt '-it eastain market and somewhat lower Prices mere had a rstner depressing influence, on th esrly trade. . but -tne local . demand was . acilve and wltn considerable Inquiry from ship pers trade waa reasonaory bnta and price in mucn th earn note ties aa at tha cloa of last .- - The market tor cows and nailer wa lao fainy active and fuliy ateady. in some cake desirable heller stock may have aold a little stronger then laat week, while on the other hand the common canning gntdss wars Inclined to be dreggy anu In sorns instance aold a shade easier. There waa a decidedly active demand for atoeksro and- feeder the latter part of last week and a very lair Clearance waa rnavde, .eWnoagn prices snowed very little Improvement. Today with only a moderate supply on, sai. both yard traders and country buyara went after tnem ' In- good shape and -pricea were strong to iwilso mgnr ail erouna. lauotauoa en .cattl: , Uoeo to e botes beef steers. 17.; fair ta guoa eel steers, tf, . eommoa to tair seel steers, H-vau' w: good lo cbelo Mlfere, e.evtpi.M; good to uholc cows, it aavt-'v, tair to aoeu eswa, 44 losst.av; oomowa te isar cow a,; good to thole Mock er and feeder,; good a lock era aad feeders, ts.2S4j4.isi ooauaoa I leu - Blockers . and . leeaere. ee.ee4SB.. aioca nailers, W aSaea.s; viai oauvaa, buna, stags, eta.. M-eveys.taV r steprwaootauv Bauea: tmur STKERB. i. rrl ' Na Av. Pr. . ta 14 M la 1 71 ' a Na; II.. j... n. tat I ss a..'..'. .....He. let ..... lit T M ..... tl t tt .....UT1 I al 1 ta 1SH 1 U 11 II-1 at .....llii I al MM 1 M UM t 44 Ua4 I W .....Met I 44 . ttv....:...-uas 1 4.. ......... U44 114 M ....... llU. t It is.c m St.- 1141 7 a . at....) laal 1 St 44..... lnt I M tt... lt I M 144t IB - -i.,....,....iMt 4 aa ti..: UM I SB H 1TM I at M ... UM. I M 1 list 4 14 IS. 1MB I I M ..US I tt U.... Ut 4 1 m mi 144 1. it.. .a un I a ...lltl 1 as M.., Ula IM a).......'..ias I at a .ut t ts s. u :i t tt M. a-.-- Ml l et IMl.t 4 MTfcalRS ANU rUalfklrtS. I...,.1. 4M 4 4 4. Ml l S....J 4M I . - 14 kl 1 IS....,-.... Ml I IS ..ft. 1st. t.. at s It UM I M it...!...;..-4 H U ft! at ' I - COWS. I..... ma tit .....- mi I i. ......... m 4 i it Mt IM I..- t i I tsat I M a . BM I as 4 Hit 4 a l, leas a as if. ...... 4." IBM 4 14 , 14 4. 4M 4 It 1 4, Ml I at II-.' t. M 4 1 ' t V -",!Br4na"' t.......... at I M.. ........ "4 at-..-... T; Ml I M . MS 4 M ... mi 4 a ..n t m ... 714 4 TS ..mi t a ...was i a . '. MS 14 ,. 4T4 i a ... M 4 a . M "....- l....: its 4 I. ..lie' 4 7 ' I 11M 4 71 '" I X. , 4 1 - 1 I.. ........ MM IM. . I 1 .I1M 4 M . 1. !.... Mas lie 1. -: """calves. l...."...'.. Ml L a in ' ....m i n I a - '.-.MS IS ....144 4 at Mt 4 tf ....lite 4 U :...UaB 4 4 . n 4 a . m i m . M I M . im la . in 1 a . MS IM I -j.- M I 1.. a- i "y . it! i a 1..... l... MS .4 it I.. HIM L. STOCKERS AD FEEbEfcJ. si si it tt rn 4 I MB I M I ! - i!!:r mas . i- m im it. n la U...., til 1 ' HOOS-Heavy rscetpt ' oa ch" raaro gave packer eonetderebie leverase inihe hog trad An tnsijMd rf rowing htgner est a light supply. I he local mar ket opened trong. Became Meooy aad doeed weak, tar IT eVwaaod from all eu snare bad aa active tone aad appeared "o be fairiy kroas. out, it tapered off aa boob aa- the assre orgeat orders were filled and late movement proved dull. Tbe run waa eetlmated st aa sesd. running front enolc beaviee down to eotnanon ttgnts. Bulk eoSsisted ot botcher and ml ted offerings.' snippers favored tea si., i n i ri kuicoers a a rule aad pur chased about tt per. ceo 4 the total. Clearance at 11 ecaoe-we prscUca., coma let a . i - Beat heavy bog on sale brought 17 R lMMirJcal with - Saturday- tow. wniaa bulk beet up ta better shape than roe weighty ceases after trrrt round, weights af jgt poitnda and- test selling from 17.4V downward, saiea seeow CA wer scare. Me. av. Mt IB . tt m O.: IM . Ul 1 , k. Pr. Ks. - Pr. 141 ftt MS tit I J tt 1X.......Mt M t Tt - . .i s tt t la Sl......tli M t ft i j u , a ai ' 1 1 M Ik' ft M ITS 7 7, ...Mt all n.......nt tie ...lie : .! M IM ...tit ce lt " ft t. M S I aa - - part.... , m Tl ! Bit at. J" la, n.... ja 1 4 M ..1M 4 t tt 47 Mt ...-lltu - tl 3 us 1 4 S4..:....:ti ::. I tj. M IM ... T M - II 144 M I 71 I M ..... 4 ... 7 r. Ml IM 7 71 M.... ...HI tl tt! JJ 174 ... 1.4 M SS IM I ' 42 II! M 17, ..,.... .... t a i; ,.im am 71 It 1.. I li Jt ;.SB ... 171 11..:... .114 134 IB ' 47 Ml Mt I 71 7 747 174 1 W Kl 4S J 7 TS ..... 3 US 7 . JJ.. IU M 775 ... :...: M.itt 114 a is a...... Hi ... it "M...., ... it M 147 let It, - U ..... TV 4S 7 M 71.' as M 1 t7H 41 at 1M II Tt Ml It 7t1U 47....:. .fo ...III Hi im 71 -a ta .. im n .SI IS 17- fl-v.'...t4 14 u. lit ... 1 7 a m t jm . PIOS. . 111 im ... tk it....... 71 ...'! SHKtP-The lamb' market was wildly higher again thia morning, trade becom ing so excited that no one attempted to quote specific advance. Individual sale, chosen at random, were sufficiently eloquent- for descriptive purpose and moat seller were content to let the price list speak for Itself. Between extremes the market ruled 254175c higher, shorn iambs and sheep usually ahowing tne greater advance. The session was short and sensational, though -very uneven. Re eons for current advance that are the most remarkable since the high period of UM). appear in short receipts and the inevitable certainty of a bare spot tn supply during the last spring and early summer. Todays run consisted of a tr.odeat 4 400 head, mostly lamb with nd without fleece. The Belmont lambs were head 11 net a. bringing the - even money, HOOD. This price. not only ' smaahes all previous top record ot tn season, out it is also tne highest paid since April of 111, when limit of 110.10 was made. In March o 111 tops reached 110,1. the highest price In the history of the trade. Other at tractive fed lambs In the Tleeco changed hand today at 19. TS. Shorn Inmhs hrourht H.S5. 28.4 and M.7S. The beat, price, paid for h! claaa of stock last week waa 17. tt,, Wooled year ling that were nothing to- brag about aold foe tt.00. shorn veariinas landed at 17.5a and shorn weather' moved at t8.S0 .av There waa nothing doing on country account, packers buying the entire crop. Quotations on sheep snd lambs. Lamba. good to choice; t.SOtJ10.00; lambs, tair 'O good. lambs, snorn, e.wrei, yearlings, handy, r .oe.2S: yearling hearv. r.50jf7.; wethers, good to choice, 17 0067.40: wether, fair to good. tS.lOe) 7.00; ewea. good to choice, m tutys.K; awes. fair to good. t5.tttM.40. Representative-sale: " ' " " No. -.-, Av. Pr. 471 fed - lamb..'... i J0 W 17t horn lamb 421 (born 'wether U 174 thorn lamb 447 fed lambs.... IM fed ewee and wethers at so kM fed yearling and. we f IM fed yearling.... TV M 100 CHICAGO HVR STOCK MARKET i . awaaaaaassssaae) " Hmm IstBWfr 'ilfll 1 Alt ' A at 4kfS 4. 4 4 t A D AVAkl Tat st I. n IV. AUV7, t A 11 II ev. . 4Btf3 iw 4y-4 ass raat 1 A . ..a.. a liaat ktatrhdae JB.l"J7 nCalll , II14W ie-Vl rirttuj 1 1 btwve. 6.1--8.0i): Tf teer., wrtjirrn jv.wv'i.iv, a ftml feederm, M.30&t.75; cow and blffri SS -taw. - jwa. a lk iVkaVdl " HuOS-ltcctlptB, te.ooe head; marfcrt jjvetiv. una wr; ngni, i.w4-i.i-i, mlxM, 7.WH.OO;- hwy, OT.aOttS.O); rouprh. i uias. 4ri.Bu, nuia va tedy and prices c up: native, to. 00 ire.w , western, t.afe-w. .- . n. ,.. SHMW1S4A: western. K.510.20. , , i ... .-at. Lsait Lin atock Market. T lail'IS 'Anrll .-CATTI,E Re- eelnla a um head including tut Texans: native shlnnlna and exoort Steera 17.7&4J1 too;, dressed and outrner steers. ttt.nxr 7.74; steers under 1. out) pounds, ta.50J.7; tocker nd feeders, I7.464i0; cows and heifers tt nneja.Hi: canners. s4.1me.1s; bulls, avftajs).); calves. K .IsMtl.ll; texst and .Indian ateers. n-suwi-w; cowa anu heifers, HWwK.oo. '. HOtlS-Receipts, W.O00 head;-market, 10c lower: piss and lights, tatosj.): mixed and butcner, es-Wve-ra; boom heavy. eS.00CH.l0. ; aurien and 1JIMRS Receipts. I.Sn head: market' Sic to lot- higher; natlv muttons. tamna, si.bviv, culls and bucks, ttWUifaiJ: atockera. n.mtrjn. ; v. i : Kansas C lly Uw Stark Market. VANHAa nTV Anrll 2I.-CATTI.K Bacelnta AOOI head Including 700 south. srns: market strong to ISc higher; dressed beef and export steer, 7.7si.75; flr to food, te.lMt'7.41: western steers. It.OOaa 10: Blocker nd feeder. 15.004r7.ft: southern steers. Ii.s0to4.s0: snuthera cowa, 4,DOtil.l6; nstlve cows, tl.nuvj-7.00; natlv heifers, X4.3UaB.w-, nuns, t.lSwe-ei caivea. I4.6"4r00. HOU8 Recelpta 7 10 head: ' market, tedy; bulk ot saiea, 7.7otlSOO; heavy, p.KCnOt; packer and butcher. 7041 aot; light, l7.lew7.l2Vi; pigs, . 8HE.1.P ANU LlkWi-neeeipie, ii.aua heed: market 40p to SV higher: lamba. r Wtjio.00; yearlings. f700v.2: wethera te-Ooa.X; ewe. le.OOv.Ot; itocker and feeders, t4.00taa.00. ' St. Joeeek Lie Stork Market. ' T JOHKPH. Mo.. ADril .-CATTL- Recelpts, 100 Head; market iow; steers, tt.7itili.i0: cowa and heifers, H.V7.7J; calvea. M.264T7.0). ' Miinfa RM-elnta. 7.401 head: market week: too tt 00: bulk of sales. t7.BDsyat. SHKEP .AND -UA MBS Receipts, 4,500 heade, aaarket higher; lamoe, -'Ms-i-. Stsek la Slgkt.' - Receipts If live stock at th flv princi pal western market yesterday: Cattle, Hog. Sheep. South Omaha....... l a !. 2,401 St. Joseph 1.60 7,400 .M Kansaa city........ awn i.avv ii,aa st Louis 2,an ltooo Chicago aVOnt la. Out Knot Total - ss.160 ' ' M.004 K,20t ..... -- Metal Market. NEW TORK. April 21. MET A LS Standard copper, -dull; spot and April, tl&54ttsl&.1l: . Mar and June. lis. Baa. .a: July snd August,- tl5.t2H4jla.17i. London maraet quiet; spot, aw ias so; luturee. 71 lis xi. - Arrivals reported at new York today were Mt tone Custom house returns arrow exports of M 231 tons ao far thla month.. Lake copper, I1.12tiff it!; electrolytic, gle-Ujajr IA12W; casting, lia-tt1 tjruYtTH. Tin, strong; spot snd April, I 37S-&44 46; slay, tat JOejateO; June, t44,C4rts.e: .July. 4t.75vi 17W; August. l4t.l7WttA tt. London market easier; spot. 1.212; futures. M. Lead, quiet; ta.HKMW. New York: H.004J4 W, Esst St. Loula London market quoted at CM Na. SoeJtex. -oulet: ta Wati.. - New York; I etara.aa. East St. Ixiuls. London mar ket quoted au C lea. Antimony, quiet; Cookson's, IS 01. Iron, Cleveland war rants, tt Ktd in- London. Locally Iron was firm. No. I foundry, northern. tlS-S 4la.7l; No. 1 lU OOtjli S; No. 1 southern aad No. 1 southern, soft. 115 254 la. 7a. A reliable tappllea sf Gratis. NRW YORK. ' April - at, The vislblB supply of grgia In th I'nlted State Saturday. April 27. a compiled by the New York Produce Exchange wa a lot- Iowa: Wheat. 41.74,0t bushels: decrease. XtlT.tM: in bond. 7.4S1.0U4 bushels: de crease, I4.W bushel Corn. . a.MC.Mt bushels: derreeu. ttt bushela. Oata. 11.M1.440 soahels: decrease. 100 bushels: bond. trN.Ott bushels: Increase. 277.41 bush4. Rye. .711.0a bushels; Increase. DM baahela Barley. L33t. bushels: decrease. bushels: in bond. 41I.OS0 bushel: mrrease, tl. bushels. The visible supply of wheat in Canada last Saturday waa 27.409 00 bosheis. aa In crease of Ha, 40 bushela Pkltadelpkla riwdsc Market. ' PHILADELPHIA, April 2s. BUTTER One cent bigher; western ereeroery, 37c; extra. Mc: nearby print. 2tc. EGOS Steady: Pennaylrania and other nearby- firsts, tree eaaea. It tt per case; current recelpta, 14.6: weatera current receipt free. esse. a-2s. ' CHEESE New York tuM creara new, Ue. . - ' Oils aad Mast). SAVANNAH.-Oa.. April .-TURPEN-T1NE firm, 4at4Msc: salee. CM bble.; reeetpta. alt bbls; ahipnaeata, JsT bbis.; stock. U.I4S bsas.. - ROIN nrwt. aslea, !. bbls : receipts, 1.711 bbhv; shipmenta. I OS kWe; slue. 4T.IS7 bwa. vmete: Type B, KM: D. ta &, K. ttttaiiailH; F. C. H. I. K.; M. MiTV N. ea.:,WG. aa-ti; WW. t7etr.7i. Ssgar Msrket. NKW TORK. April .-Sl"GAR-Raw. ateady; Miswrovado. t teet. Ittc: eewtrif ugal. tt teet. l.Mc: moiaaaea sugar, a teat, UZcr refined, ateaer. BAY STATE VOTES TUESDAY Many Candidate Looking to- Xaui chnsetts Setult. . ' ACTITE CAMPAIGNING TODAY First Preeldeallal Prrfereaee- Vri aaary Ever Held la Stale Ballot Leas aad Cessplleated Coast Will Be Lose. BOSTON. April 2I.-The answer ot Massachusetts to tne campaign pleadint. either personally or by representative. of the flv candidate for th presidential nomination. La Follette, Roosevelt, Taft. Clark and Wilson, will be made at tha primaries on Tuesday. Owing to tne complicated ballot and the absence ot group voting It is expected no definite rexult will be known until the next day and it may be day or two later be fore the actual identity ot the thirty; tlx delegatee to tha Chicago and Balti more conventions 1 known. Thl will be the firt presidential pref erence primary ever held kt the Bay Mat. i A the campaign ha been on ot the most strenuous In year it is expected that 4M.0O0 voter will go to th polls. Th presence of both President Taft and Colonel Roosevelt in the Mate dur ing the closing hours of the campaign, the fact that they selected Massachusetts for their tint personal political encoun ter and comment from political writer outside th state, have been, taken as Indicating a possibility that Massachu setts may make or mar th political for tune of tbe president and th only liv ing ex-president. Whether Senator La Follette will be a factor on tha republican side and whether Governor Wilson or Speaker Clark will receive additional strength by reason of the Massachusetts primaries Is a matter of much debate, la giving Massachusetts presidential preference primary, th legislature failed to make any provision for circle voting by groups. On the republican ballot, there ar three set of delegate, eight for Roosevelt, eleht for ETaft end ma candidate also pledged to Taft. La Fol lette, Roosevelt and Taft appear In th president!! preference column. Ther ar sets of Roosevelt and Taft delegatee tn each of the fourteen congres sional aistncis, except tne rirn, where th Roosevelt candldatea will run on stickers. Republican voters must mark eight delegatee-et-large, two district del egates and for on ot th presidential candidate. Ther it a possibility, which la not re garded a probable, of a pledged Taft delegation of eight deiegate-at-large with a itat preference tor Roosevelt. It would also b possible to ehoosa a ma jority ot district delegates for Roosevelt throughout th tat with a total prefer ence rot In th state for Taft, It Is generally expected, however, that th voter will follow th marking of th eight name tn on group with similar preferences on the rest of th ticket. Pecaliar sltaatloa. Th democratic ticket I even mor un usual. There are fifteen candidate for delegates-at-large, ten ot whom ar pledged to Governor Foe, and on to Governor WUaon, while four ar without pledges. At least three of th democratic candidate for delegates-at-large who ar pledged to Govenor roes, seem certain of election, and It la a notable fast that al though Governor Wilson might win th presidential preference, he could obtsln but on delegates-at-large. -A In four of the fourteen congressional districts only two delegate ar named and ar therefore sure of election. Ot the three ar pledged to Fos and It I generally expected thst a majority ot th Msstschusetts delegation to the Balti more convention will be en record ss favoring him. although hs declare hi la not a candidate. Claim of th political manager vary greatly. General Edgar R. Champlln ot tha Taft forces predicted today that th president would eecure at least thirty. four out ot thirty-six delegate. City Councillor Hale, the Roosevelt manager, clalma victory In the ' Second, Third, Fourth. Sixth. Seventh. Ninth. Tenth, Eleventh and Fourteenth rangresalonal districts and a fighting chanc for th eight delegate-at-large. Governor Wilson has been th only democratic candidate to apeak tn Massa chusetts. Former Congressman Mc.N'ary, who I In charge of hi campaign, said today that th outlook Is encouraging. Th Champ Clark campaign has been almost as quiet Congressman Curley said today ha believes a great majority ot tbe democrats will favor Clark. Voting on Tuesday will begin In Boston at I a. m., but to most ot ths el tie and town,th balloting will be later in the oar and la three-quarters of them th poll will sot close until t p. nv Tire Blows Out, Killing Magnate ALBANY, N. T.. April 2.-HlnsdlH Parsons of 8rheaectady, vie president snd general counasl ot the General Elect rto company, was Instantly killed today In an automobile accident at Clin ton Height, three miles east of Albany. . HI chauffeur, T. J. Nicholson, sustslned a fracture of the left teg and la In a critical condition, Benjamin H., Welt ered. Mr. Parson' secretary, waa thrown a considerable distance, but escaped un injured. Mr. Parsons, hi secretary and chauf feur left New York thl morning to drive a new nlnety-horas power automobile to hi home. Mr. Parsons waa at the wheel, when, at Clinton Heights, one . of the rear tire blew out. This caused tha ear to swerve and then turn com pletely over. Th rear of th tonneau landed on Mr. Parsons' heed, crushing hi skull and causing Instant death. Nicholson alio wa found tinder th car. Mr. Paraon waa 4t year old. HONOR CONVICT COMES BACK TO HIS PRISON PHOENIX. Artx.. - April 2.-EugeaJ Mats, oa of Governor Hunt' "honor eoavtcta, walked np to the gate ot th Arlxoaa prison at Florence today, waa admitted and donned penal garb after having been on a month leave of ab- sewce to visit kis aged parent at Al seeda. N . M. Mats, whs kt 8 years old. Is serving a twecty-five-yeer eentemo far murder committed when he was It year 'old. NEW TORK. April DST GOODS Cotton goeda marked the rule and were sulet and very firm. Duck markets are sartlculsrly fltm. Jobbers aad retailers report a dull day on account of weather conditions. Br eased goods and men' wear markets are quiet snd steady. Rials Batter Market. ' ELGIN. IU.. April S.-Tne quota rle, committee of the Elgin board thla aXler aooa decided putter first st tar