, .4. ::;-,-y -w-tewfv.ti -.3 'vste5Sa "J THL UMAHA Sc.NDAV HLky. M'UIL is Wli TOAMC INSURANCE LOSS ToUl X ltck to Oat Hundred HiHioa SIkn. KOT Igg.T TO CBIPPLE AST Lease lane tarried W ill Be Weil nkso Skated iui( Maay Cm. tm, and Thaa Blaw a Leseewed. tSa alaJatng of th hner Titaate tU o-aw- LW6 (aula aboard furniahee tain ximbw eaavy insurance loam, not oai,-" la liwlw Lloyds' and Iba ajenn im-a.ala. carry iritj the line on th ship a ad 'Vega, mat to toe American and stlai aad accident insurance com rone. Pefintta figure cs u th Insur ant Jot .ll aeokably not to obtainable far oa.ieV ra. but it ta eetlnated saw at figures varylne from IM.Wu.tid to tMk- UUtatpalanr Haartlr I Mail a, The projty tea -will email inauraac at ram 4UyMMW to ttS.0Oa.rWI and the i.vdUnder will be payable an We and ac cident policies Mid by men who went dawn wtih tbe IVtated aMp. It la uikttr oul tbu tlx HX and accident liausrsairs carried by Join Jacob Attar. BrTajaihl OuaSeabean nd other asttttoaserev sew kaowa-to be lost, 111 ooe ran Into many millions. Because tot the nature of the I cataatrogbs -double Indemnity ts payable om aracOcatly ovary acctdaat patter car ' ted by tht atca. TbJs imm v no daukt ba well das trtt uaasl aad la not thoaght will crkpps anr tartaWtlaa. A aeureh of the acaMcat sawn of tba United Bute tear of iba Load an atuvrantee aad Aottdaot at Ckteege showed that several fuyllstea axra carrtad by that camparsy an MB resorted aa massing. The forraywive tint lata ap pear to ba about V-- fills to eon alterably reduced by reinsurance. IleariVst or IJaade' less!. On the atila Itself there it Ad ta bgua baan K.mm of man at Insurance-, H to Loader. Lloyd. It to understood that Johnwa A IDkOo of New Verb placed th line. Whea news tt tba atar reached London he morniag of tin collision vntlerwrter At Uerdai batatkt ratnauranea for arta tf tsetr HtaCHy at vary high ratra. Traa la tt heaviest laaa ever italnd by Uoyai and crowaa a eaaoa of ex tiauaely beary loam Tba ownera of tba ahip maintalnad n loaaranca fund. o which tba balaaee at tbe flrat of the 1 year la aatd to bavt ban 157300. a'aatBeaaataaa aMd rioatera. It la not tbawarbt that many of the rrew of Ma vara aayed and the ateam alilp cotnoaar to Noble to famlllea of pallors tor fiaia at .'BO W to ts.000.000 under tha Eng Uib arerlameR'a compensation act. t'ompanlaa wrltlnr world-wide tour ists floaters avad certain 1 roups of Lon dnei l.loyda tbat carry this kind of rtak will recate torn very heavy louses u nestiiy alt tourists secure coverage or this kind and on such a liner as the Trtaalo tka valuea of wardrobes, aecurl tlas and Jewelry would run high. lawk) MlpsFh M CMaace. wbead wife and daughter era aa tha TltaaJe but boat aamea appear amanf tha aianiyara, la weO known to Chicago casualty la suraaea men. He Is a member of tba firm af Tyler & Hlppaab. wnlab aaaaea teailaosirianls of piste glaaa for tba Mat rvolttan Casualty. Globe ladeonrity, Naw Jersey Plate Glaaa. Ueyde riaca t.lana. Casualty Company af k merles and aUer companies. Two sons of Mr. tltppaeb were among tba victiBU of tta lraqaoto theater fire. Teavrlere Advertise ,aoo,0X, Tba Travelers of HarUard aa aarrylaf adt ertlatmenta In daily iiapari tbreuab otal tha country to the effect that the rovipaay'a loss Is estimated now at U ac.OMi The oomnuny presents 1U state ment aJoog with f ta figure, anew lag tba. tha kMS will no 'materially radaca tt urpiv. This eopaa on accident aad Mt policies aad tr'alers accldeat tlcbeu aoM ky ataamariip agenta ladUldaai bones Nat Hear. NEW TOSC. April U-fpeotl.)-Ua Insurance eVnpanlee believe that the loaaeg wiurit be extreraely Urge oa acoount o tbe loss of tha Tttanir. Hanry Bla,k, Ue wholesale jeweler of Jeraey CI,,'. was probably tha most herty h-,red. Ma po tides totaling O. t f.. aUttaabauae of the Equiubl estimatfa teal eeeapany'a loss at about IMMK. Tka Muttaal Ufa and tha New York Ul kava na flg-Jrra The Mutual 3a'Dt lifa'a losaa probably will ba 3ft(.fd, ' Tha total loaa appears to ba aa liMnbaied that It win sot be serious ta any cajmpaoy. TraX anarlaa Inauraaea aa the Titanic, piaeOI by Johnson Kfflns. touted i'.t" and praetieaJly aabausted tha woriffa atarket. About U.MMH was In Ue-.'de. fiecretary Wyekoff Vaoderhaaf of the vdJIiiiamaburfh City Fira waa aa) board tha Titanic. Hla name to not yat among tha list to ba saved. Ha has a wtfa and two aons at bama la Brooklyn. He Waa " elected secretary la September, tft. BEATS THE MODERN ARTICLE Baalish St pert Baeterae Ressaa Canaeat Better Thaa Fred art af Today. Twenty square feet of the Kamea wall at Caerwent. England, has beaa demol ished by a aatarai movesnent of the salt An aaeldent of this kind seems to be tha only thing tbat la tha natural course of events can really daima a Roman wall, of which there are several hundred ml lea attii stanaing na ceataoa- An mxyvn the union ataseum says that tba secret "We do net know te met bed of Ha . corapositton. bat tt to far asuodar thaa any modern cemamV ba deilsrss. "In deed, when soma part af each wan hat to be dislodged tt W necessary ta ana d uunifte. "All wa knew to that peuaded Hla to (onalderafela alamaat la tba aamecd. fmt she rest. Raaaaa walla are baJH with ttoae aad ttle from eevereta hot to a. "Tbe finest aneebnen la End land la tba waq which ere ears Wsrthiinihejland froea about Keweaatle to CarUala. keebuul aloas the ridges of a satire af email hills vKch tali sheer ta tha north. Tba racing of this wall ta still In admiraMa pteaervattoa ta moat aerts, aad where he hewn stone baa braaea away ye ens see the hi tarter asasa af rubfata and ee coeat wblah tarsi tba atafflas. - Tha Caerwaat wail aeema to have baa tha brcakis away af a length af the facing. One may peaetkaOy any that KoKat walk) are abeerutaty endurta ezcapt for tfea sMaytBd of tha subseti. .VothlBg touehan tba aament; tt la harder thaa tfea it one Itself aa a rale. But when tha sabsoil gets motet aad I can as. dto aeteri is the walls are natural accidents. Saw Tork tua. FerakMent Advememg . Is the Koad t Big Returns. Lion Bonding Company . . ; v'i - I - Srr x F . " t i A 1 t - e a? pry) My ,- i V UxLr L cs- J " By BEKRIt HAVBENS. While the bonoinc sustnesa belonca In tba field of Insurance business, it differs tram all other iusurance In thla par tkealar: Insurance fire, life, accident, etc. ac crues to the benefit of tba principal or hla heirs, ex centers and administrators. A band dots not accrue to the benefit of tha principal, his heirs, executors or adntlntatratora. hut ta given for the par ticular benefit of a third party toward wheal ho Iwa assumed certain obliga tions. Wbila in ordinary Insurance there are only two parties In Interest, the "Insurer" nwarausa company) and. the "insured," hla hetra. axeevtors, etc.. In a bond tran aanttaa there ar three: I. Tba "obligor" or principal (the per son who hinds himself or gives his bund ta another). 1 Taa "obligee" (the person ta whom another is bound ar the person to whom tbe bond Is given). 3. The "surety" (or the one who is bound or gives security for another). The Instrument fixing tbe status of the "surety" la called "bond." A bond la "an okltgstloa by which a person binds him self. Ha belre, executors and adminis trate to nay a certain sum af money on or before a future day, appointed, under condition, however, that tf the Obligor shall do a certain act or pay a certain amount of money on or before a tti apaeiftod, tna obligation shall be nint and void." BooaV are required by persona and corporations In all walks of lite, from tha peddler of tardea truck to tha millionaire distiller. Wherever a per mit or Nreane Is necessary a bond Is re. HuWrd. Aay contractor having deal Inn with tha government, whether It Is a Job for lioa or for a tS.W.OW battleship, has to furnish bond. Tha constable needs K aa Wall aa tba Judge, tbe malt carrier aa wall aa tha postmaster: tna statutes prescribe bonds for deposits In banks of state, county and municipal funds: build in, contractor as a rule are required to give bends and beaklng aad commercial Institutions have long since made It a rule to bond their officers and employes. In times pant, theaa bonds were fur nished by Individual persons for accom modation. Unpleasant experiences by ewvtta (Ilka Pemet) of aid had with hla Mead Pythlaa, for whom he had become bondsman), and loasea sustained by okli aeea aa much aa the largely Increased demand created by modern business eon. dlttone, have to a great extent eliminated personal surety and created a necessity for ftnaaelal concerns which, for tha consideration of a certain fee (premium) could relieve tba personal eurety from very dai'tirons ebHnttoas and at the satm ftme offer adequate security to the insured or obligee. Ccanrns euretalng theaa functions are railed boadii or surety companies. They ara ander atate aad federal supervision and aabtect n periodica! Invearlgatton as to their rapflal, surplus, reserves, loans and Investments In much the same man- A aoenee la neceseary In each state where ueh company transacts business, aad hi moat sutaa a paid up capital of at teas. foaWAn la required. pTsbraeka la one af the few atate west of the Missouri river which haa taken a hand this line af modern activity, heretofore entirely monopolised In the east. The Lion Bonding and Surety company, whose financial statement Is pabttebad In this issue of The Bee In accordance with tha provision of law. la advertising Omaha as an Insurance center, snd Is also entered In Iowa snd Kansas, snd la now contemplating branching out into several additional gtatee. Tha accident department of thla com pany was organised about one year ago It has been conducted along lines of con servatism and with the object in view at establishing a reputation which would stand tha test of time and make a raputa- a upon its own merits. The officers habere that this can be done best by rient - Of Hartford. Connecticut Ample Capital Up-to-Date Conservative CAREFULLY SELECTED and WIDELY SCATTERED RISKS Fair and Liberal in Adjustment of Losses 1 SOLICIT YOUR FIRE . TORNADO INSURANCE Alfred C. Kennedy, SOLE AGENT 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone 722. KEttccms -Aft-Sec 1 7T V vi JS' tX f cl -- v Acci&tit Jpt. placing before tbe Insuring public, policies which are In demand and free from technicalities. It la Issuing four different forma af policies, two of which are particularly adapted to the demands of the farmer and those engaged In manufacturing in dustries. Its commercial policies are more particularly deal tried ta meet tha demands of tha buatnesa and professional men and have been in good demand alnce they were placed in tha hands of the eel ling fore. While tha last season waa a hard one In all lines of Insurance, tha Uon auc ceeded In securing an exceptionally nice buslnesa regardless of the fact that the entire field organisation had to be built up from the beginning. Its work waa confined to the state of Nebraska until TisBBkaBeMaBnanea is State Mutual Life IV Assurance Company I 0F WORCESTER, MASS. 1 j 7k I Inrorporatedl i I I sfgTj . tftlt I I KmbodlM every desirable feature known to modern life assurance W. H. INDOE Central Agent 632-654 Bee Building Omaha, Ndb. 1 I Insurance Co. of Omaha Accident 2ef. August when It entered the atate of Kansas. Tbe agency force is built up from ex perienced ealeemen. many of them selected from the best commercial sales men In the west. A few of its best representatives have been engaged In school work the greater part of their Uvea, Tha management haa Insisted from tha beginning that Its representatives In the field should he exsrt In their ranvass, believing that the best medium of ad vartialnf la satisfied policy holders and aa agency forco that the genersl public will respect 'snd take Into Its confidence. The company is expecting to enter new territory lust as fast aa It ran develop capable men to take charge of the same. There la plenty of room for good, live, clean, progressive men In this work. a I CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION Stat of Nebraska, office of Auditor of Public Accounts. Lincoln. Feb. 1st. mil It is hereby certified thst the Orient Insurance Company of Hartforu. In the Ktate of Connecticut, has com plied with the insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies, and is therefore authorized to continue the buslneas of fire and marine Insuran-. e In this state for the cjrrc:i. year ending January 31st. ln. witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year first above written (Seal) SILAS R. BARTON, Auditor of Public Accounta. C. E. Pierce. Ijeputy. U orrtoma W. A LINDLT, President and Genersl Manager A. W. FIELD Ktrat VIoe-presldeut U M (IBKE Second Vice-President M. WEIL Secretary L. J. ll'NN Treasurer KIEI.rv RICKVTTS RICKETT. Atiorneya PR. ITU F. ATKINSON SupL of Agents PR K B. MILLER .-Acting Medical Director snxorOM A. W. FIELD. Meld. RUketts A Kkkett M WEIL. President National Bank of Commerce. Lincoln U J. Dl'NN. (.ashler oty National Dank. Lincoln l. B TROIHEY. President l'nal Natlooal Itauk. Fairbury I.. M. KEKNK. resident Fremont National Bank, Fremont CAUL J. GVBNZEU ltudge A Guensel Co. Lincoln FRED P. MASON. Lincoln W A LINPLY. Lincoln Annual Statement The Security Mutual Life Insurance Company OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA DECEMBER 31, 1911 Real aetata (unencutt. tiered) Morlamae loans I'ollcy loans t'remlum notes Water bonde - Cash In office ('ash in banks Ledger balances and bills receivable Total ledger assets Accrued interest and rents . Inferred and uncollected premiums, net AH other asaeia Total non-ladgtr assets Groea assets Dsduct non-admlttod assati Tola! admitted Net legal reserve Installment death claim mot due) rreniluma paid In advance Unearned liitereat and rents I'npald accounle Btaic. county, municipal, and federal tax Total Admitted surplus to policy holders - OOBrAmATTTB Tesr, itot l07 10 ll 1111 Assets :77.t.ta 174. 4;,iot ao ll.lst :i:l.n t7l,4. W. Famam Smith & Co. ALL Unliable CoajnanJes prompt and W. H. DALs5.Jtlaaar Inauraiice CEBTIWOATB 0 "inrBtlCATlOB" HTATK OK NKBRAHKA. OI'FK'I" OF AI'MTOR OK l-l'BLIC AC- C'Ol'NTB. Lincoln, Feb. let. 1 1 3. It Is hereby certified, that tha Phoenix Asaurance Company of Lon don Hi F.nglasd has compiled with the Insurance Law of this mate, ap plicable to eui-b Companies and Is therefore authorised to continue the business of Fire Inaurance In thla Hiate for tha current year ending January 31st. mil. Witness my hand and the seal or the Auditor af fublic Accounts tlM dsy and year flrat above written. HILAI4 R. ItAKTON. (Real) Auditor of Pvbllc Aocounta (. K. IMrrte, leputy. fillTWeATB:0 BTJBiiOATlOB HTATF. K KKBRAKA. OKFK OF Al'DITUR OF PlilLlO AC CO0NTB. Uncun b lf1 mt It la hereby certified, that tha London and Lancashire Fire Ineiir anoe I'o. af Liverpool In F-ngland haa complied with the Insurance Law of this estate, applicable to such Com panies and Is therefore authorised to continue the business "f Ftre and Tornado Insurance In this state for the currant year ending January tint, lilt. n'ltuH wnv V. . ,i I ana the aaal Af the Auditor of Public Accounta tbe Fell & CZBTmOATB Of WBUOATIOkT STATU OK NKBRAHKA. OKFK'B OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOCNTrl. Lincoln, reh. 1st. mi lt is hereby certified, lhal th Casu alty Company of America of New Tork In Ihe rltele of New York haa complied with tha Insurance I -aw of this itale, applicable to auch companlea and ts therefore authorised t continue the buslneas of A.-ctdent. Liability, Fidel Ity A Hurety. Plate Olaas, titeara Boiler, Burglary A Theft. Fly Wheel. Auto mobile. Properly bamages A Workmen s Collective Insurance In thia State tor Ihe current year ending January :iet, 1)11. fammary af Beyort liled far tha Tear Zadiag- Deeesnher Wet, 1HL INCOME Premium .. . .i.a.754.;i All other sources J,S44 47 Tota 1431 SSt.CO DISBURSEMENTS Paid Policy Holders Il.:7:,933.4i All other . pavmcnts ... l,?J-. lt-ts olal I3.5.j.ia ADMITTED ABfKTS fi.lOI.Sd J. LIABILITIES Uer-aid Claims and Kapenaes t 4 Sil 3 L nearned prtrmlunia .. All other liabilities . .. Capital Htock paid up Surplus beyond Capital Htock and other liabilities .. l,ltt,4j.71 111.912.11 SI.Sda.SXB 7 T 50.00.1 W 25.17;.:i) 55.173 tHOl.iti Total Witneae my land and tha eeat of the Aaditor of public Accounts the day and rear first above wrtcen. SILAS R. BARTON. (Seal) Auditor of Public- Account K. fierce, ueputy. 12th and O laTBMB AT DICaiCBKB tl, 1U. .$ , . aaatta UMIUTXBB TATltUaTT Of suWarTB, .lABtXtTIJii, Liabilities 1:11. t il oil M.0: oo 30,Jst.0 4M,02".I M0.HI IMt ,II4 Oil I 3.s;t s,t4 :.t:o unit l, 471. on :o.io.ti 1320 FARNAM STREET KINDS OF INSURANCE ami rat a torvicei loasoa adJuateU from will do the irat. Dept. day and year flrat above written. hll.AH R. HAI1TON. (Baal) Auditor of Piihlln A.coiinls. B. I'leroe, Pepuly. ITBBniZClATil OF BtrBWOATIOaT HTATF. OK Nr.HRAHKA, OKFIt'st OK AUDITOR OF PUBLIC AC COUNTS. Lincoln. Fan. 1st. I'U It la hereby certified, that tha Queen Insurance 'on pany of Amer ica of New York In the Stale of New Turk has compiled with the Insur ance Law of this State, applicable to such Companies snd Is therefore authorised to continue the buslneas nf Fire snd Tomsdo Insurance In this atale for the currant year end ing January tlst. 1911. . Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. IILA14 R. BARTON, (Seal) Auditor of Public Account. O. B. Pierce. Deputy OBBTtriOATB OB " FTBMCATtOaT STATU OF NKBRAHKA, OFFICr! OF Al'UlTOR OF PLUl.IC AC COt'NTS. Lincoln. Feb. 1st, ll! It la hereby certified, that the London and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Company of Toronto In Canada haa compiled with I ha Insur ance Law of this mate, applicable to euch Companies snd la therefore au thorised to continue the business of Accident. Health and Mate Glass In Pmkerton Co. GENERAL INSURANCE 218 Hoard of Trailc Building teth and Karnsru Kls., thnalia. Phone Douglaa 147. CIlTTflMTI or PUBUCATIOB. fTAiB OF NLHItAShA. OKI H K OK AI'DITOR OF PUBLIC AC COCNTii. Lincoln. Feb 1st. Hi: It ie hereby certified that the People National Fire Insurance t'o. of Wilmington. In the Slate of Dela ware, haa complied with Ihe insur ance law of this stste. applicable to auch companiee. an'l la tliirelore au thorized to continue Ihe buelneas of fire, tornado and hail insurance in thia state for Ihe current j ear ending January 11 t, llt3. Wilnes my hand and the ssal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year first atw.ve written. 81 LAM It. BARTON. ISeall Auditor of Public Accounta C. K. Pierce, lieputy. CXBTtriCATB Or rVBLICATTOB STATE toy Ni.HKAHKA. (FKiCK OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC AC VOUNTd. Lincoln, Feb. 1st. HI I. It la hereby certified, that the Mtchiaan Cmmercial Insurance Co. of Lansing in the Hiate of Slkhiran has complied with the Insuraa-e Law of thia tate. applicable to such Com panies end ts therefore authorised to continue the buslnesa of Fire and Marine insurance In this Stat for the current year ending January list, IBIS. Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, tit day and year first above written. 8 1 LAS R. B ARTON. (Seal) Auditor of Public Accounts. C- K. Pierce. Deputy. HOME OFFICE Hts. Lincoln. Xeb. .Il.tMOO D . i:.7Mvii . 1S.643 K? . 4.10(1 01) tia.ii . II.HI3 . t.lHTl ttia t.l ?j IS 111 IT l.ltS 1.41(1 1 ni.so l Sl.t3 m:.w 71.l i .!. SSI 13 SI.7 1.41T.M flint l.tjn.'s 1, 144. It ttf.114 :,t)7t 41 ABB innni Aasela for F.a'h durnlus 10 of Liabilities? ( l It S3 (Mi aa iui : 124. ta 13? Ot i'Jl.k IJB.'lt this office. Tall na and a aolidtor Phone, I). 1 0M; Ind. A-1M. surance In thla feiate for the currant year ending January 31t, 1D11. gaauauu-y f Be port BUsd for tha Tear Xadlag December 31st, ltlL INCOMci Premiums ... I 97 S3 All olher sources ..... 21,717.11 Total I t!.OI7.!7 lilSBUItSliMCNTa Paid Policy Holders I All olher paymenta ... I,3t4 0t Total I II.Mi.W ADMITTED ASSET :M71.I3 LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims and Expenses t rnesrned Premiums M 170 2t All other llabllltira ... 1,M 1.01.51 Capital rltock lld up loa.oto.ct Surplus bevond Capital Htock and other ilabllitlas ... 7,n; :l t:l7.tll.il Tolsl I2l.71.tl Wliness my hand and the keel of he Auditor of I'unllo Accounta lb day and year first above written. HI LAM R. BARTON, (Seal) Auditor of Public Accounta. c. E. ncrce, fepuiy, CBBT1TICATB OB rtrBUCATIOaT hTATK OF NEBRASKA. OFFICaS OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC AC OOUNTB. Lincoln. Feb 1st. Hit. It Is hereby certified, that the Re liance Insurance Co of Philadelphia is Hie State of Pennsylvania haa complied with the Insurance Law of this state applicable to auch Com panies and is therefore authorised to continue the business af Fir and Tornado Insurance in thla State for the current year ending January JlaL 113 Witness nvy hand and tha seal af the Auditor of Public day and year flrat above written. SILAS R BARTON. (Seal) Auditor of Public Accounta. C. E. Pierce. Deputy. CBBTXnCATB OB rCsUOATIOsT STATU OF NEBRASKA. OFFICII OP AUDITOR OF PUBUC AC COUNTS. Lincoln. Feb. 1st, 191S. It Is hereby certified that tha Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. of Hamburg in Germany haa com piled with the Insurance Tj- Ae .w. Stale, applicable to such Com pan la anu is inereiore authorized te con tinue tha business of Fir Insuranr In thla Slate for tha currant vau ending January tlst, 11 A Witness n.-y hand and th aeal of the Auditor of Public Account. day and year flrat a hot written, , SILAS R. BARTON. (Seal) . Auditor of Public Account. C. E. Pierce. Deputy.'