Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Co of Supporting a Motor Car
1 Bis; Ceaeeraa Ease the Strata oa
Car Owm Praat Tea 4a Sevea.
teea Per Ceot.
(Vic President and Designer Hudson
Motor Car Company.)
Famine with Income averaging- S.0OJ
to $2,500 can afford the modern motor ear.
Uad I written thl article tore or five
years ago I would have written tt:
"averaging RCn to 15,'XO."
Since then, aa with every great Inven
tion, there baa been amasing progress.
A dosen years ago the average family
could not afford the expense of having
a telephone In the house. Today In most
cities tnere are about aa many telephones
as there are homes.
The telephone In earlier years was a
new means of communication. The auto
mobile Is merely a new means of trans
portation. It Is fascinating to the aver
family hecause It allows them to
travel faster from a power source under
their own personal control than any
other method In the history of mankind.
As was the case wtlh the telephone
with every great Invention engineering
progress baa placed It. within th reach
of the average family Quickly. .
This bas coma to pass with the auto-
II ,obll-e new Invention to facilitate per-
-Xonal transportation. '
r Analyse the average man's ownership
of the modern motor car.
We will grant that a portion of his
savings or Inheritance take care of the
purchase price of the motor car. costing.
tAt mmv Imkwppti 11.01)0 and .000.
Averaging up the yearly mileage of all
automobiles. It Is found that the average
car Is ued 4,000 miles a year this Includ
ing summer trips, week-end trips, the
trip to and from the office and evening
That makes an average of about 333
miles a month. For gasoline the cost Is
$3.75 a month, for approximately twenty
five gallons are necessary. Lubricating
oil will cost about ILtU a month. If he
owns no garage of his own $10 a month
Is the standard garage charge.
Then comes the matter of tires. Most
tires give about 5.000 miles service some
as high as ft.OJO miles. Tire cost. then,
spread over a year, will be about 111 a
month. Allowing for puncture repairs
$1, the cost is 113 a month. Often this
cost will not exceed $10. but I am giv
ing the outside figure. The reliable auto
mobile dealers take car of adjustments
on their cars. ' 1 '
There you have approximately 2fr-
addlng up J! I figures aa a maximum
char, amiJLhen I state that figure I
o if Iteration th fact that th
iiu most abused of ail ma
lic of supporting an auto-
i mechanism, of course.
It. for there are fewer
r, fewer to adjust and
Judgment to be care-
Fat you choose a simple
Fee of supporting a car
f rage I have given.
whose Income Is In tbe
I $2 a month, the owner-
Fomobtle leaves approxl-
bousehoid and personal
(ildering the broadening
clal benefits a car brings,
Irenes It make In a man's
and th simon-pure en
dive a family It is worm
nd a good deal more.
Iderful trips and tours at car
ol the year ar poasluie.
another -economy.
lot these tour by Other meth-
them up for yourself maks
motor car stand out aa an
I reasons why the automobile
to stay.' The bicycle, being an
iicle, was a "fad" at first It
in and then the fad ceased. But
I passing of the fad the bicycle
ed on a sound basis. It became
Lortstlon necessity to thousands
titmen and office men. In (he hey-
the bicycle fad less than 100.000
hachlnes were purchased each year
I merles. But last year this country
urned" tOO.OOO bicycles, and there Is
leady Increase of 50.000 bicycles each
flier never was, nor ever can be, a
"id" period with th motor ear. For
constitutes the ultimata means of In-
vidua! transportation. That fact Is
enerally recognised.
tin keeping with the subject of owning
' motor car comes the question of bow
Yung will an automobile last That of
'course depends basically upon th car's
design and materials.
Then comes the Important Item of the
care of the car by the motorist
The average motor car Is the most
abused piece of machinery In existence.
Tet look at the years and years and
years that most cars run. This exempli
fies the progress which has been made in
this industry and th sleepless nights
engineers have spent In designing and
constructing a piece of machinery that
could stand the strenuous us to which
tt Is put
But a car well cared for can give life
time service.
Take the railroad locomotive. Every
few hundred miles It is carefully exam
ined and oiled. At every two-minute
! stop the engineer gets out with his oil
' can and lubricates the moving Joints of
the steed of the rail. The locomotive baa
i an expert mechanician In constant at
tendance. It runs on rails that an like
t - U.1 ff,w
Contrast this w!M the treatment of
en automobile with the roads It must en-
modem motor car u a transportation
masterpiece, for It performs with as
much certainty In the taymaa's hands as
does th locomotive controlled by aa ex
perienced man.
Imagine, then, what the motor car la
the hands of the layman who will en
deavor to care for It can be capable of
at very small expense. Care of a car is
vital in determining Its cost to tlte
In caring for a car the first requisite,
j naturally, is knowledge of the car.
1 Makers of cars, as a rule, mske pron
1 iton for this by laeulng books oa tbe sub
1 Ject Occasional scrutiny of those books
. combined with the fact that the auto
mobile has given many business men
good mechanical knowledge-also has a
tendency to give maximum life to the
car. For, fortified by knowledge thus
gained, a proper care of tbe car is com
paratively easy.
And, properly cared for. there is
scarcely a limit to tbe period of service
which a family may enjoy from a single
1 automobile That fact also enters Into
tit addition of a modern motor car to a
famliya possession.
Averaging up all makes at automobile,
you ill find that th average con of a
car a ll.MW. Tbe arena msn usnal.'y
wantl a six car. And th average motor
It driven by the maa who owns it
The automobile Is n longer th toy
of the rich, as the facts related above
will prove. Look at the man. behind the
wheels of the next medium priced car
you see. Sou will see that be is no
Not so long ago yon beard tha cry that
the ownership of an automobile must be
a sln cf great wealth or of the wreck
less spendthrift. The automobile, accord
ing tc the reckoning of the time, could
nver be the property of th ordinary
tradesman or village plumber. .
That was In the old days, eight or ten
years ago when there was no absolute
certainty aa to what the cost of main
taining any particular car would be.
Today that is a certainty.
Th consequence has been that of late
years it has not been possible for the
motor car Industry to produca all th
automobiles th American pnblle de
manded. Complied records show that there are
thousand of families whose Incomes
would warrant the purchase of a $4,000 or
$5,000 car.
There are come hundreds of thousands
of families able, throueh Income, to pur
chase the $2,010 car.
But there are actually millions of fami
lies able to meet their obligations in the
purchase of cars costing lees than $3,400
and this knowledge comes from reliable
The price of suporting a modern motor
oar, when carefully analysed. Is found
to be easily within the means of thou
sands of famine who nave not stopped
4o consider that tha automobile's up
keep cost Is as small aa tt is. Th facta
are surprising once a maa realise them.
Interesting news to the motor car
owner Is the announcement Just made
by several of the large tire concerns of
a reduction In prices to the consumer,
amounting In some cases to 17 per cent.
With th dealer, however, there has not
been so great a drop, the step having
been taken largely to stop price cutting.
It Is said, by middlemen, who pay little
heed to the request of the manufacturer.
As an example of the drop from the
owner standpoint, a 54x4 Inch tire that
formerly sold for around $37 can now
be had for about $31.
The tire concerns throughout tbe conn
try report a thriving business and one
of them last week declared a dividend of
100 per cent Another, reorganised only
recently. Increased Its stork from $20,
006.090 to $45,000,O0O.-New York Herald.
F. H. Faohman. a traveling salesman,
arrived In New York recently tu a Brush
runabout with which he covers his ter
j ritory and In which he recently made a
; round trip between Ssn Antonio. Tex.,
i aod Detroit. Mich. His last Journey added
1 1.000 miles of prctlcally continuous travel
: to a record of 6.000 miles which he had
I made before he left the Lone Star state.
Mr. Hachmann experienced all kinds ef
road conditions but the worst part of
his Journey was west of the Mississippi.
In Oklahoma. Kansas. Missouri and Iowa,
Although his car is still coated with
gumbo, shell dust and alkali. It la still
In good running condition and he Intends
to continue using It in h i commercial
After transacting business In New York.
Mr. Bachman will again take up the trail,
striking Into Pennsylvania.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returns.
The Choice
of the Majority
H There are more Overland cars being bought today than any other similar type
of car produced. We average five sales to the other makers' one. Have you ever
stopped to figure this out? Has the full force of this significant fact been brought home
to you? Po you imagine we are selling more merely because we are making more?
fffl We are marketing the greatest number of cars purely and simply because we can give
jJ more for a dollar than any other manufacturer in the business.
fljT The greatest number of people to-day who are buying high grade popular priced
cars are chosing the Overland. Figures prove this. Does it not occur to your
sense of reasoning that this vast majority of shrewd buyers cannot be wrong?
fl The unparalleled value of this car has moved the motor buying public of every
jJ civilized country under the sun. The response is world wide. What belter guide
can you have as to how to get the best and most for the least amount of money?
The exceptional worth of this car has been proven. Not in any one way, but in
J a thousand different and distinct ways. Yet there is but one big practical reason
why you should buy an Overland. Its purchase gives you more actual car value for
less actual money than you can get from any other manufacturer in the world,
fjf The only apparent and practical difference in popular priced cars to-day is the
jJ difference in price, and this is entirely due to the wide difference in the size of
the plant that produce thefn. A comparison of current market prices places this
evidence in your own hands. By that we mean just this: Take our magnificent,
powerful Model 60 shown here. This car is priced at $1200. By actual comparison
you will find this car the duplicate of any other $1500 car made. To be more specific it
has the power, the speed, the seating capacity, the wheel base', the construction, the
bearings, the comfort and finish and on top of that it will give better and longer service.
(IT The value of a car can be justly judged by the demand for it. We are the largest
a producers of thirty, thirty-five and forty-five horse-power cars in the industry.
The public have forced this condition. We njver have been able to supply the
demand. This year we will make 25,000 cars. Right oow we are shipping 125 cars
a day. We have over 2000 immediate orders on hand. It is not unusual for us to
find three to four hundred shipping orders in one morning's mail. We export more
cars each year than the entire annual output of any automobile plant in Europe.
This gives you some idea of our tremendous capacity.
T Model 60 is a thirty-five horse-power, five-passenger touring car." It is big, hand
some, powerful, comfortable and efficient. It will give you years of service.
According to the run of market prices, it is a $1500 car for $1200. In order to got
this much value for $1200 you must buy an Overland "60" or pay at least $1500 for
some other make. Which shall it be?. See our dealer below and decide early.
Handsome catalog on request.
The Willys-Overland Co., Toledo, Ohio
The Van Brunt Automobile Co. Distributors
Council Bluffs-Sioux Falls. OMAHA, 205 South 19th Street
Xlr Model et-T-waesI bass, Ul Isca U. I ana nnsrlar VXII TY
VUtV 1 . 4Hs4H -.. Jfc T alt wns, 4 iaes O. P-t VCL
i, r I . !,,.,. Arm ml laasas aa kleek mrt snes Ssiee, we as lease asJ us i-
V useisMr. gM-eteMsr.S2sm. Tea sad Ms, t
THE Ear Splittng Blast of the ordinary Barbaric Horn
has caused many an Automobile accident! To avoid
accidents use
Warm Without Offense
is the only certain, reliable, efficient economical
horn for your automobile.
conforms to all tlio requirements of your city
is better than any bulb horn because its warning
is always distinct whatever the tumult of traffic,
is better than any electrical horn, for the first
cost ends expense. Nothing more for batteries,
is better than any other exhaust horn, for it
operates with the foot and NEVER CLOGS.
Any motor car a.encr,
accessory dealer or gar
afo will equip your car
with Jericho or Jubilee
.and the bill will be
leas than $10.
Fmdall - Faichney Co.
Over 1;000,000 Used
Note this factyou men who buy tires.
The amazing demand for Goodyear tires cornea
iter a million have been used.
It comes after men have tried them on some
200,000 cars.
After those tests after 13 years this tire now
outsells all others. Half your tire cost will be tared
when you find out why.
Our Patent Tire
Thi BMMjrpe tire, a) we
make it, is controlled by tbe
Goodyear patents.
It depends oa its flat beads
of 120 braided wires, vulcanized
into the tire bate.
- These bands permit us a
hooklets tire a tire that isn't
hooked to the rim flange.
So your removable rim flanges
nay be curved outward. And
the tire, when wholly or partly
deflated, rests on a rounded
No Other Way
type don't adopt sa experiment.
Get tha tire o( which on million
bar been tasted out.
No Extra Price
No-Rim-Cut tires are made 10
per cent oversize, to give you
an overtired car.
That means 10 per cent more
air 10 per cent added carrying '
capacity. And that, with the av
erage car, adds 23 per cent to
the tire mileage.
This added mileage, plus the
saving of rim-cutting, cuts tire
bills in two. Yet these patented
tire these oversize tires now
cost no more than other stand
ard tires.
Their sale in two years baa
increased 600 per cent s
No other way bas yet beea
devised to make a safe tire of
this type. Single wires or
twisted wires woa't do.
So th wide
spread demand
(or tires that
can't rim-cut is
ceatered oa
Goodyear No-Rlm-Cut
When yon
change to this
No-Rim-Cut Tire
With or Without Noa-Ski J Tread.
Book, beied aa
13 years of tiro
aukiaf. is filled
with fact yaw
ahaald know.
Ask a to EBail
it to ye.
Tela Compear aes a fieeeetioe
lutmf with int ecaee
IB Ueearear aaaa.
Tel. Douglas
4100, Boll.
"nv aha BEES
Of Automobiles and Accessories
Nebraska Buick Auto. Company
XdseoU araaoa, 1. JJTTl iSKZifVZZSlt-VSn W. H
Buick mi
Welsh Cars-.
VanBrunt Automobile Go.
Overland and Pop
Oeaaett ainff Xa,
Oauaa. .
Prices $1,150
to $1,700.
Marloa Auto Company.
a w. Mcdonald, Mgr.
2101-2103 Karnam fit,
Salesroom -Cor. Tenth and Howard J!s.
Omaha, Nebraska.
HUDSON 2205-2207 Farnam Street
Wjlhra flnfrtmnfiiU fin
motor car 2203 Farnam Street
Underground Gasoline Systems
For private and public aaragts. h. R. Ginther, :
acent, rnosie. nawr wis.
RENT your vacant house. Why let it
remain empty and non-preducing?
Find a tenant through the "Houses
for Rent" column of the Bee.
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