Daily Bee All Hie Newt All The Time The mse gives its mtei sally paaimtaaa of the happenings of th whole world. ... EDITOEIAL ' PAGES ELEYI3 TO TWISTY. .VOL. XII NO. 270. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKXIXO, APRIL 27, 1912. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. THE Omaha. zzZ&Gxpa&r Where Style are Newest WSksxffG)ffa Where Quality is Best SemCccaay S.&H. Stamps Given HmV&foGMagr Unusual Money-Saving Items iri the Store Famed for Its Better Qualities Bennett Special $15.00 Suits are the Choice of Hundreds of Men WHO KNOW GOOD CLOTHES AND GOOD VALUES. They're made by America foremost tailoring organisationsmen who do not know how to make Inferior clothes. Every suit Is all wool, carefully tailored by hand, perfectly finlshed and many men who hare compared them say they are the equal of the suits selling in most stores at (18.50 to $23.50. Erery material and pattern Is represented in the matchless llnea at ilb.UO-in siiea and styles for men and young men. Other salts, equally good In their class, arc priced at $10.00 to $26.00. Men's and Young Men's Suits, $10 The suits In this lot are from our regular stock and were formerly priced up to $18.00. Broken lines is sufficient reason for the reduction and., although you won't find every site In every style, there is every site in the assortment. All wool materials in various worthy patterns in sises for both men and young men. Some blue serge suits in the lot. Don't forget-up to $18.00 values, Saturday only, at $10.00. Boys' $8.50 Suits. $4.75 About 500 finest all wool suits in thla lot made for atyie and service in equal degree. They are broken llnea and Include some of oar fan.oua Duplex aurte that have an extra pair of pants to match. Val uta up to $8.(0, to close, Saturday, li.ti. Boys' Blue Serge Suits. $4.00 15 00. t.u and are proving epeclally helpful to parents who like to draaa their boys well at the minimum of coat. Each price represents a savins of (l.M to li.M when compared with other selling standard Other salts of worthy materials. In Norfolk, double-breasted, Husalan and sailor blouse styles at si.s ana up i MSB'S SIIPSB ralBooejta; formerly priose, t&JOO. oa sals Saturday at, $3.75 1,000 Blouse Waists at 26c All of these waists arrived only Thursday of this week and there la a splendid assort ment of patterns and colorings for your choosing. A sperlsl purchase brings the price from 40c down to 24o for Saturdays selling only. Manhattan Wash Suits We are showing this splendid line of waah aulta again thla season because It has given auch universal ratlsfactlon in the pal. All tub-tested materials. In a variety of styles and colorings, tsc to $3.fia the suit. ore felt, straw, cloth aad creak hats en caps In every new shape and color, 2&o. to $2. Xadiaa aad eewhoy play salts, fl to $!.. ' Pants Sale There are about 1.000 pairs in thla sale and each price shows a large re duction. 8lses and styles for men and young men. Four lots on sale Paturday at Sam, SI.BO, U8and . $1.50 Men'a Sl-SO rrjr Shlvta with Soft Collars to Match-Priced New llnea of shirts with military or oft collars to match and starched or French cuffs, solid colors snd neat pin striped patterns. (1.00 and 1.S0. Fine blue Amoekeag chambray ahirta with soft collars, guar I'd fast colora. 40, 15c fine combed maco hose In troys, blues and black; Saturday ISs the pair. New belta. all colors, toe aad Tea. Boys' Initial belts, sse. Neckwear In solid colora and all of the newest patterns, according to the style and quality, Sao, sse and frOo. Rlteaiae union aulta with the aew closed erotea, strictly high grade gar ments, made of fine Sea Island cotton and eilk lisle, the suit, IM and $140. French Cuffs and for Saturday , $1.15 II 00 Psroaknlt union suits, whlta or ecru, see. 11.40 fine maco union suit In white, blue and ecru: Saturday, ft Sc. Fine Poroeknlt shirts and drawers re duced to, the Varment, too. Men s new 13 00 silk lined rough hsts In the latest ahadea for spring wear. Saturday. S.ta Men a new cloth, English walking hats tR nobby styles, very sneclsfly priced gl.50. Soft and stiff hata in all of the wanted rough and smooth materiale and all blocks, (3.00 and SiSO. New caps for n.sn and young men solid colors and checka in the wanted fabrics and shapes; 50a, TSe and tl-OO. WOMEN are proud to show "Dorothy Dodd's" to their friends. , Others always admire their dainty ness and ckarm.' . : ' , "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes have the happy faculty of appealing to all women. They're individual, they're different. . Fresh Candy Specials Fresh Huff eta chocolates-the kind with the soft, creamy cen-ters-regulsrly 50c the lb., Satur day. 2c. ( bnrolate dipped maraschino cherries, worth eOc the lb., Satun day only, .inc. Fresh salted peanuts, worth 20c t 1 V. O.tn . . i . 1 n-i-r,-.-ii"iririimrnn -i i. - u ji. Roses at 39c the Doz. They're) worth 91.00 sad fl.30, and the offer is for Saturday only. Carnations worth BOr and 70c the dose, Hatarday only, 29c. ' Also special price oa Gerani ins. Ferns, Hyacinths and other flowers. . .. Toilet Goods. Drugs He Satin Skin cream ..lee II. SO Oriental cream tee 60o box Java rice powder ......are Pond's :6c slse Vanishing cream, ISe "Odorahun" prevents all odora caused by perspiration Sea 15c box K. O. rice powder. .. .toe Mine. Isabella 50c powder Me JSe bottle of Kuhifoam Its !5c tube Ssnltol toolh paste lee 24c box Colgate's or (Jolf Queen tal cum powder J So !0c, ",-lh. bottle peroxide.. So 10c Rose-Nail polish So 2&c cake Mennen's akin soap ....Ida 10c cake Palmollve soap x lec cake Jergen's glycerin soap. . . .To He. pint bottle beef. Iron and wine tonic See l&c pkg. atothene for preventing damage by moths 10a Moth balla, per lb se A Great Array of Saturday Bargains in Ready-To-Wear 100 Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits Worth $15.00 and &CI95 518,00, Saturday. . V The whys mid the wherefores of these many Saturday bargains do not interest you as much as the price pail. Therefore, suf fice it to say that all of the styles are new, the quality fully up to our high, unvarying standard, the savings real and genuine. A small charge for alterations on the sale gar ments is necessary. The suits at .& are entire new lot; just re ceived from our resident New York buyer. Novelty and plain tailored styles with silk and contrasting trimmed reverssome are satin and lare trimmed. Values. $15.00 to $18.00, Saturday, $9.5. $25 to $39.50. Suits. $18.95 Thla sale Is continued from Friday and Includes plain tailored and fancy suits, in all of the favored shades and styles, In slies for women and misses. The fancy models are trimmed with ratines, laces and silk braids. $15 to $20 Coats. $10.95 About a down novelty styles showing the newest wide revert and side effects. Trimmed with Isres, Bengaline silks, ratine, aatln braids and fabrics of a contrasting color. Sizes for women and misses. $15.00 to $25.00 Wool and Silk Dresses at $9.95 Dresses one lot of foulard. 1 1 n gerte and serge dresses worth up tu (10 00. priced for s a t u r d ay's selling. . $4.95 HtiTti and low neck ntyt. of fln French nerKt-H with lu trtnimim, plain tailored wool dreane... Hk drr with Marram lac collar and rerr and pratly foulard drw aaa with Itu and border Irltnmluga $6.95. $7.50 Wool Skirts at $4.95 Light and medium colored aklrta of tropical weight wool materials suitable for spring and summer wear. Not an old atyle In Ilia en tire assortment. 100 Silk Waists, $2.19 Fancy and plain tailored new styles In a good assort ment of plain colors and striped designs. Hsve hlgn and low necks, Isce yokes and three-quarier sleavea All colors to harmonise with your new tailored suit- Regular values, saturaay, Lingerie waists la high and lew seek styles, with peplums; made of all over embroideries or trimmed with Isce and embroider ies; all new this seaon; 11 H and ll.SO nl-Ok. lies. Set day only.. -'- One let ef fins ehlffoa waists In about a dosen different atyles, th most of which are of "dressy" design: formerly $ S and 17.50 each: Satur day, or while CA qc. lhy last v.5J Silk Kimonos at $5.50 These are the new Kmplre styles and have satin rib bon trtmuilngs-are fitted at the waist line. fcxcsp tlonal valuea at It 10 each. Silk and satin kimonos In Isrge floral patterns and colorings: one number la the popular Oelaha style and Is fastened with cord and tasaela: qualltlea better than you are accuatomeo to nuying at - "Dou ble-Servlce" House Dresses at $1.95 Msde of the finest quality striped Sea Island percales In all good light and medium colors: high and low neck styles. In sll alses. regularly priced at 2.&0, fur thla Saturday only, li.se. 10 0 hease irassss la s t a a r s , low seek etylsai dark and sud. lam e e I e r s aaatly tailored i SI. 8S valaes stardsy ealy 89c Saturday Night Specials Ona lot ef vtrlDsd p. reals waists In tailored ati-a: have stiff rolltrs and cuffs; up to $1.75 values, 'from :30 to JO XOc p. m. only Klgk sad low seek white lingerie and evtle waiata with coutraa eninroinery trlmmlngss: up te tt tt vslnes, from S.10 & to uo o. m O' Madame Grace Tred Corsets IMPAI.T GRACE AND SLEXDKR XESS TO THE WEARER. No woman can hojie to have a perfect-fitting suit or gown meeting the latest demands of fash ion unless she wears a corset that is right. Madame Grace Corsets Piiced at $3, $4,. $5, and up to $25 . And the Famous American Beauty Corsets, Priced at-- $1. $1.50, $2 and up to $5 give the proper length of waist and sllmness of the hins reouired bv the newest spring and summer fashions, which are more pronounced than ever, to the graceful, clinging lines. The New Models are Better than Ever this season finer In material and workmanship and more than ever close copies of fine Parisian modes, s-.nort corset lores will attend you and advise you i-nneernins: the DroDer model for your figure snd requirements if you wish. All corsets selling 3.0tt or more are perfectly fitted free of charge. "'.J' .y". j ..ii i j due I Pi I . Ii 1 ft ML Women's 50c Union Suits, 39c Fine ribbed, umbrella styles, with low necks and no sleeves. . Have good torchon lace trimming. Slies four to nine, inclusive. Women's extra fine $1.00 union HnlU In umbrella styles, full torchon lace trimmed; priced for Saturday at 69c. Boy's I'oroekntt union salts with short sleeves: knee length styles In all sites; slightly Imperfect, but wearing qualities ara not Impaired; 60c values, Saturday, 87c. Children's low neck, sleeveless, knee length union suits In all sties; a regular 25c value, Saturday, i9r the garment. Gloves Women's double finger tipped, ex tra heavy, pure silk thread gloves In white only; 16- button lengths; worth $1 the pair, Sat'dsy 69c Women's twn-rlasp silk glove , In all staple shades and black and a kite the famous Ksyser make , 75c and CI.UO a pair.. ,. ; , . Woaua'e litis leBgth, 10.00 washable toeaaia - g-levss, ail lies, Saturday only IMS live pair Hosiery Women's silk hoot hose with very slight Imperfections; colors and black; 5c values Saturday, any. Women's silk lisle hose; fsst black; full regular made; an eg. ellent 60c value, Saturday, 89c the pair. Wtnti'i high grade, fine gauge lisle hose In gauii weight; full fash loned and of fsst color, tuo values, SOt the pair or three pairs for I1M. t'htldran's 26c, fins or coarse ribbed school boss In sll sites, Mat unlay, pair, IsHe. Children's Coats at Rarfl Reductions it h.t will aanarlallv aooeal to mothers . i .kiu. 7-m katwaen the asea of 3 and years Is made of an extra fine quality white serge. Home of them sold up to 16. All In ff"l "IC one big lot Saturday at Another Una of girl's coats for ages of to 14 years Is msde of blue serges snd tan mixtures, with large collars and cuffs to mstch. Kach of these prices show reductions ot an average third $8.95 - $6.95 - $5.00 - $2.75 Peter Thompson suits of extra quality blue and black serges, for ages 8 to 14 years, that bsva formerly sold at $5.00 and $7.60, gr- nr to close, Saturday J47J Veroales sad gingham dresses for girls from to 1 1 years of sse. In a fins assortment of patterns, style and colorings; specislly priced at Ho. A. 7 SMstjsasfk A Sale of Electroliers Three Extra Specials for Saturday Only Eight styles of electroliers & gas lamps in large sizes with heavy bases, metal trimmings and Cathedral glass shades; values up to $12, Saturday, $5 for your choice. Four atylea of electroliers with Cathedral glass shades and brass bases; regular $15.00 values, to close, Saturday, S7.B0. Gas and electric desk lamps with Cathedral glass shsdes-an entire new line, which wa think you will agree la exceptionally low priced at S3.0O each. 51.50 Tea Kettles. No. 8 size tea kettles, nickel plated over a heavy copper bse; an extra good quality, like the illustration, regularly sold at $1.50; Saturday, or while they last, $1.1 . Tea B, I R, Ureea Trading Bumps free with each kettls. Water Buckets. 15c 10-quait galvanized water buck ets; perfect goods of a good heavy quality; Saturdays IC- special price only 1V 14-tina wrought steel rakes with curved teeth, 39c. 1 2-tlne malle able steel rakes with Q broad shanks UK Roller Skates In a Sale Saturday 100 pairs of boys' and girls' ball bearing roller skates, that regularly sell at $2.00 the pair, Saturday only at $1.25. . 100 pairs of boys and girls' roller skates, purchased at a conces sion and of fered as a leader for Sat day only, 4.1c Child's sulky with heavy rub ber tires and extra long handle; $1.75 valuea, Saturday, 98c Sunday Dinner Needs in the Big Pure Food Store . .. , , . . . n.. in i. ... I I . r i I ' n t.ni.. . I M ........ Bennett! Excelsior - flour, the sack, gl.ftO Bennett's Best coffee and 20 stamps 3-V 17 lbs. Oranulated sugar for $1.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 4 bunches fsncy home grown asparagus. 4 lbs. fancy new potatoes. Largs cucumbers, each Large Juicy lemons, doien Solid new cabbage,' lb ( bunches home grown spring onions .. 3 large bunches, radishes Fsncy rhubarb, lb. . :...2.V r.. .23c . ...Kc 20c .V 3e . ...10c Be Our famous Redlands oranges, shipped direct to us from Kedlsnas, caiuornia, none wuor sivu anywhere, the doxen, 13c, 20c, 23c, 30c and 33c in i " 3 lbs. Bennett's Best coffee snd 60 stamps for ,$I.OO Assorted tess and 75 stamps, the lb....Kc Butter. Eggs 1.000 lbs freshly churned liliatl'l Oapttel ere em.ry tatter. In I -lb krloks of guaranteed weight. 33c Freshly laid eoua try eggs, per doien. 20c Spaghetti and 15 st'ps, can 13c 3 pkgs. Toast o corn flakes and 10 stamps for 23c 4 cakes York Rose or Violet toilet soap for 23c 3 cans Eagle Lye snd 10 . slsmps 23c Peanut butter and 15 stamps, can 13c Quart bottle clder or malt vinegar and 10 stamps 20c Large can Snlder'a pork and beans and zu stamps 20c Store Closes Saturday Evenings at 9 O'Clock eaSaaaaaWkaaaaWMtiWaaiaaMsaaasaaM W afe jj Van Camp's hominy and 5 stamps, can. . . . 10c 35c can Llbby's Happy Vale green asparagus for 23c Maple butter and 20 slsmps, dan 23c 2 cans Evergreen corn snd 10 stamps . . .20c Iten's -Tourist or Gra ham ere ackers and 10 stamps, pkg 10c 85c bottle large Queen olives for 60c Meat Specials PORK SHOULDERS. .......... i . . .9c PORK BUTTS ....WtC POT ROAST 12VsC, 10c, 8c PORK LOINS 15c VEAL ROAST 12Vic, 10c HAMBURGER, 3 lbs. for. ........... .25c FRESH CHICKENS 10V3c CORNED BEEF, 4 lbs. for .25c 9-lb. pkg. LEAF LARD. $1.00 M0RRELL HAMS 18y2c REX SKINNED HAMS 162c BACON 18V,c, I6V2C, 14VjC traOat T TO 1. at.) PORK CHOPS.... 12V2C WHITHER ARE WE TRAVELING? This riaaet 400,000,00w If lies Ansr fraisa tke Spot It Oeee pled Last Year. Tke feeUnc that we get back every year ta the praciaa aolat In spaes that wa euwHeil a year actors tr very eoa5 forUaar to sons people. We like Sa thtnk tbeu ear piaaat Is jotXX eerily round ef snciaTTaa: eT aato tan sViptlai at Jm a snanar at tasx. awsa-iuv wa do nut act aaadk at aU. Taw aoaot as agaea mm Iks er ear earth aw Jiiasaiy 1, Bar Is aleaut. aw aaang aV.aaMU aatea tern toe gnacw waraaj as aawa an Jamas L aiX ant si 3anB7 aajscsi xt wu aw ar astsajr asaauBb aa ifte aaoiai 1 drnaaf sia Horn an SO, xA pat'.al wiMerwais aa, U ssssc Jaiaree some eoszktieattJtre- V3!krm jaiexd: Jir Cwcoirex sc oner er-later retrasuwa jtterjC' is in eMdenae, ttaac Aa? ati3 aathj ' Stat attraataiitt sDnenea;. is xostiajs ashar antat. JtaC. UararCsaazas linn aalai jai ; some ef the things that are known about thl. salar motion. First suspected by the great astronomer Herscfael, It was demon strated seventy rears ago by the Bus siaa Struve that this movement carries the sun sad its system through space with Inconceivable velocity In the dlree- tloa of the constellation Hercules. Later Xadler of Dorpat announced that the sua was moving around a central orb, la a neriod of li.OAOUO rears, but modern astronomers find no evidence that the sun Is deviating from a straight line, among authorities there has been con siders bis raase as te the exact point toward which tha sua Is firing, but it will be found that they Dearly all agree that the sisal direction Is tawara the eansteuattoa of Hereolae. near the point first aielfn a ST Bersehal aad. Strove. We read: - i saiw'Jri! nasaual Mm mj&c ah at vefortrr rSoot gauaa asraas a kcpkc. as i.-mlie aiUL 3U3! maansi cansutrc tor : th anaani- txioatT f - saoe imm . j large- modem aaonom l onlw Aet jsnr asDnmn. wltiia? ttle anm amvsas vfth a assart off afiPaV Swtt new awrraigi. ssr icia could be projected with the velocity of the sun its energy and penetrating power would be Increased list times, and It a shot could be made that would withstand the enormous pressure and heat gener ated it would penetrate l.SM feet of solid steeL Practically, however, s steel shot moving at this velocity and striking suck a thick, solid steel plate, would be In st Willy fused by the beat generated from Impact. , The earth's mean velocity toward the apex la. ot course, the same aa that of the sun. while Its orbital velocity is eighteen and a half miles a second. The star called A Cygru, in the constellatloa ot the Bwan. la the nearest star visible In our latitude. While the sua moves nearly 4M.eW.OaO miles In a year It would take Ms. sM years for It te move ever a space equal to the distance that acparataa as from the nearest star. In the sun's flight toward its spex It will take over V,Oj years for It to pass the star Vega. bet since Vega su a stow nsoUoa at nsM ancles to tkt sua s amloa It fotlaws loa-. Lhs saa wfcl aevar saae very near that star. -Whale the sau aaovaa at 1 rata anal prababiy la a straigJat Una the earth, owlmr u Its motion around the sua, describes a huge spiral in spaae." . Knowledge of the sun's motion has enabled astronomers to make the "base line" used for their observations as long sa they chooseas many times M.ooo.ono miles ss the number of years tnat iney wait between measurements, rorroeriy the base Una was Umlted to ,". miles the distance across the earth's orbit. The result has been the reoognl- ,inn nf "nmiier motions" of the StaTS, as distinguished from the apparent mo tions that are dae ta oar own usjni through space. Says Prof. Dean: ma MMritihiv interesting phenomenon of two grest drifts of stars moving In opposite directions hss recently been dis covered. About W.0OS stars were dealt with In this investigation. The fast mov ing drift IS flowing away from the eon .ii.tt.n At th Serpent Bearer. The slow moving drift l flowing from the constellation of the bynx. The twe nf atara'anoear to be nearly Leoualty divided and are completely Inter mingled with each other. The pnenomenon Is explained on the theory that two great universes have been drawn together, probably by mutual attraction, aad are now passing through each other. Be cause of the enormous distance between Individual iters the chances ot collisions between them ara very small. It must not be assumed thst the discovery of the phenomenon of the two opposing stellar drifts has upset the theory as to the position of the solar apex; on the contrary. Its position calculated In this way satisfactorily agreea with that found by the other method." Popular Astron omy. J KING CORN RULES THE WORLD Development of ladlaai Sfalae the Aarlealtaral Marvel of the Agar. The steady spread and development of Indian malse Into a world crop baa been the agricultural marvel of our age. The eora of the Bible, tne corn or ureai Britain, Is our wheat, not our "king crop." But all the world has come to know and bless the generous grain Though upwsrd of M per cent of the J,50aK.oe or the l.TVl.OOOO bushels which constitute the world's yield. Is grown In this country. Argentina. Hun gary and Italy, yet the cultivation of oorn has been gradually diffused around the globe. Next to our western hemisphere and Europe the most Important areas an now planted in southern and southeastern Asia, chiefly in British India, French Indo-Chlna and the Philippines. In Ul the Philippine crop amounted to 14.J7C.tet bushels. The culture of corn Is now gen eral la Africa. It la the Egyptian fellah's staff ot life, and ia even produced for export In the Union of South Africa, where the product la known aa "mealies. ' In Mexico the tortilla, prepared from the grain, la the chief food of the masses. Canada and Cuba raise corn, and it ia grown In a small way In Australia and New Zealand. Save ta Ireland, it is rarely used aa human food throughout northern Europe. Outside of the Vnlted Ststes the culti vation of corn la most extensive in south ern Ku rope centralised In a group of ttatea comprising Africa. Hungary. Roumanla. the Balkan States a-J Beesaraltls, in southwest Russia whera tha production ranges from fiufl.aw.00fi to 0.MQ.M)e bushels annually. Corn t aot only our king crop, it Is also an uncertain and variable one. Last year, for instance, there was a great de cline In the world yield. The aggregate product ef the four leading countries was more than KO,eH),0M bushels less than the crop ef Bit, and .0OJ.000 bushels short of the reruns' for IMS. Tiro yield In 1911 In tha United States was about xx.ooo.00) bushels and In Argentina about 1S,0U.M bushels less than in 151. There were relativs shortages hi Hungary aud Italy. Just why this should be so our agricultural statisticians have not mads clear, and there baa been no sinister rumor of an International combination to restrain the acreage planted. Phila delphia Press The Clad Haws' la seen' when liver Inaction aad bawd stoppage flies before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the aew regulators. Seta. Fo- mU h ItMtftn hrnc fa. Variety la Baked Potatoes. A vsriety may be secured by baitlr.s potatoes with a slice of bacon Inside. Tha bacon is put into a bole nude by aa apple