Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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V.H Www. Wl.
Electric Iroas BurtuHiruilto.
&. r. Chaream, Seatlat, : Brandela
aTettlee Goes to JiU-WU Nettles,
Mlored. arrested aa one of the negroes
irho held up Frank Davis Saturday night,
m aenteEcee to twenty day la Jail
labo? XcPowell Te-alg at Riihop
William Praaer McDowell of CbJaacn.
UI apeak tola evening at the Ftrat
Methodist church, Twentieth and Daven
port streets. Ills talk ia under tlie
auaplcea ot the Methodist Brotherhood,
and the public la invited.
rtoaaast la Bounced Edward Plaaa
asu negro, who nerved a term in the
Lancaster penitentiary for stealing dia
monda aereral years ago, waa given two
daye by Judge Foster to quit Omaha and
MTer return. Pleasant and Blanche
Pleaaant were arraated aa vagrants.
amiltoa to afaaafe nay At a
meeting of the Mate elaaa ot the Omaha
High school, held In the aaaembly room
at this school yeaterday. Rex Houl
ton waa unanimously elected to menace
"The Royal Family." the three-act oom-
edy which will be preaented by the elaaa
at the Brandela theater the latter part ot
Creightoa to Select Behatera Ths
three college elaaaea In the Crelghton
"'.T?tt department of arU will bold
their second preliminary elocution eon
teat In the college debating hall Saturday
ffflrnitnii Thar .m mm,w-..mib .
tea tan ta. eight tram each elaaa. From
thla number eight will be ehoaea to ap
pear In the final conteat to be held 'n
Colonel rettemaa, a lawyer Colonel
A, D. Fetlerman, for eighteen yeara an
Omaha newanapor man,. now on tha dry
hall run for the World-Herald, graduatea
, 6aturday from tha Cretan ton College ot
lw. Colonel Petterman took up law
aa a aide lesue. at the aame time eon
' ttnulng hie dutiea aa Inapector general
' of the Nebraska National guard and aa
nnhlli. HhMM
Xaee Cap Baapa Twine U Tear Twloe
In one year Mra. Bernard Kohn, US
Bouth Thirty-fifth : avenue, haa Buffered
' tha breaking of her right knee cap. Tues
, day afternoon while aha waa shopping In
, Brandela atore her knee collapsed with
' out any cauae whatever. She waa taken
to her home and It waa found that the
cap had aprung out of place. About a
year ago the aame accident occurred to
Mra. Bernard under almllar conditions.
8ha' la confined to her bed, but la doing
' Tooth Would ha Cowboy Joeeph
Otto, a young Philadelphia!!, haa applied
to the local charltlea for aid In aecurlng
a position. Ha will do any kind ot work,
- be ears, but prefera to go on ranch If
aomebody will take him on. He eame here
two or three weeka ago and haa been
doing odd Jobs, "but la not earning suf
ficient money to take care ot himself and
hta mother -back home. Ha waa a watch
maker and hta oyealght failed, ao that
ha haa become near-alghted, which pre
vent! nun tram following hta trade.
Murderer's Death 1
Defeats Necessity
of Filing Charges
Jim Muoe, who murdered Ma wife and
'Florence Banna In a terrific Imbroglio
on Cuming street last Friday sight died
yeaterday morning at T:B) o'clock at Bt
Joseph's hoapitaL - , ,
A oharga ot murder weal to have been
filed -against ' Muae Veaterdar, ' follow
ing the findings ot the coroner's . Jury,
which Inquired Into the cue Tuesday.
' Though otherwtae Injured In the fight
lest Friday night, death' waa- due to In
juria auetalned when he Jumped tram
the aecond atory ot tha hospital Tueeday
Bight In an attempt to escape. Follow
ing thla escapade, ha waa taken back to
jail and lodged In tha aame oell with
Bebaatlano Pugtlal. held for tha murder
f Constable J. A. Woods.
Thursday Bight Muae'e oondltlon waa
such that It waa necessary to take him
to the hospital, and aa examination made
by police surgeons showed that his back
had been broken In tha lump for liberty.
The lower part ot hta body and hla lege
were paralysed aa a result.
' : An Inquest will be held today by
Coroner Crosby to determine tha cauae
of Muse's death.
Large Sums Given
, to Wesleyan Uni
Subscriptions are coming in fast for the
Nebraska Wesleyan university fund. The
various committees la the state have an
tar secured tttvm and hope to have $300,-
by thla evening. The campaign will
last but eight days, and It ta hoped that
the entire MOt.OM will hare been obtained
In thla period. The committees have been
working but four daye and have already
halt ot tha required sum subscribed.
The Initial subscriptions reported by
Charlea 8 trader are aa fotlowa:
M. B. Cameron M.-J J,H
Bev. Jacob Adriance, Fremont lOflo
Bev. Hiram Burch, University Place 2.0M
State Journal company, lanooin l.Ow
Mra. Martin Duey. Cheater MOO
O. N. Magee, Lincoln 1.000
Ralph R. Leech, Aneley . 1.000
Jl. i sfwiiijari Lm, t;uioi J ar savt. .... am ww
Mrs. C. C. White, University Place.. ,
C. O. Anderson. University Place.... lt.Qut)
W. C. Atkins. University Place 1.0N
T. M. Wimberly. University Place.. Lj0
E. D. Currier, University Place LOW
J. L. Claflln, Unlvemty Place LOuu
W0. Bishop, University Pldce LOUD
Bee. L B-nachreckengaat. Uni. Place' Mi
Chancellor Fulmer, Unlveralty Place e
O. Oretsel, University Place ISO
Bey. N. A. Martin, University Place 6W
There never waa a time when people ap
preciated the real merits ot Chamber
lama Cough Remedy more than now.
Thla la shown by the Increase la sales and
voluntary testlmoniala from persons wbo
have been cured by It- It yoa or your
children are troubled with a cough or
cold give it a trial and become acqainted
with Its good quell Use. For aaie by all
dealer a.
Rourkes to Return
r . Home on Wednesday
, The -Rourkes will play one more game
- with the Dee Moines and then travel to
BL Joseph for a senee of four games,
after which they wtlf return home, ar
riving here next Wednesday.- May L
when they will take on Dee Moinea for a
aeries of four games. Eight games will
be played at home by the Bourkea on
. their next stay. They will then go away
for four gamea and come back for a run
mf alirtfMt. Tti dm, h tm erill fc
home almoat every day during May.
The eiad Haa
a seen vm iiver inariwa ana nowei
stoppage tUea before Dr. Kinga New
Life Plila, tha new 'reaTUlatora, Sets. For
aaie by Beatoa Drug CO. i
Kay to the) aiialk Bee Advertialnc.
Gayety Girls Selling Bees
I I. 1 MAJU ; J.
Like real, honest-to-roodneas newsies,
Maria Allen. Ray Lynn and Nellie Flo
rede of tha Columbia Burlesque company,
playing the Oayety this week, sold The
Evening Bee In the lobby after the mat
inee yesterday afternoon.
It waa for charity and after it had
been announced from the stage that the
proceeds from the sale of the papers waa
to go to tha Titanic sufferers, there waa
Husband's Suspicion
is Confirmed When
' r Police Locate Wife
jealousy ana euBpwMuei Tvauenar rn
In good work tor the firat'time since the
coining ot the two words, according to P.
A. Beeson ot the State Furniture com
pany, Beeson led Sergeant Barouelson
and Officer Lehey ' to a room In the
Triumph hotel. HI Bouth Thirteenth
street, where bis wife, soother woman,
aad two men were found drinking beer
and In compromlatng positions. Accord
ing to his story, his wife told him early
la tha evening that she wanted to. go to
a show with a lady friend, and when
she declined his offer aa escort, he Im
mediately auspioloned that all waa not
what It should be. and he followed her,
later notifying the police.
Tha woman denied that aha waa Bee
son's wife and gave the name of Haael
Clifford. ' The other woman gave tha
name of Pearl Meyers, and the two
. . . ' . ;
""rr ' fecU' as m
pushing and shoving to buy.
The Pretty giria sold more than halt
their supply la tha theater looby aad then
went Into tha streets to compete with the
newaboya And Mozy Bernstein waa
there to sea that the boys did not resent
tha strong competition, tor strong It was,
even though thw girls refused 40 give
back to the purchaser any change.
That didn't bother the purchasers.
men P. Collier and A. Cummlnga. O. E.
Vllet, clerk at tha Triumph hotel, wait
arrested for keeping a disorderly house.
Beeson told the police that be did not
Intend to prosecute his wife In polios
court, but would Immediately start ac
tion for divorce. All were released on a
U cash bond.
Vllet waa fined 1 and coats by Judge
Foster, while the bonds of the two men
aad two women were declared forfeited.
The ten me tournament win be finished
at Crelghton university this week and
the four beet players will comprise the
"varsity tennis team. This leaves but
week for the team to practice for Its
first battle, as Wesleyan will be played
on May eo the Crelghton eourta. Adams
la the only man who la certain of a
place on tha team, aa Buschmaa ot last
yearn team, la not playing up to his
usual form; Smyth and Duffy are likely
men, although both are emtio for Inter
The Bakery Behind the Biscuit
Many bakeries in New York, Chicago and other
cities are being condemned by health officers as un
clean and unsanitary. How often do you inspect your
bakery? Our two-million-kiollar, sunlit bakery is your
bakery when you eat ,
the cleanest, purest, best of all cereal foods. Over a
hundred thousand persons visit "the home of Shredded
Wheat" every year. Government inspection is good, but '
public inspection is better. Every detail in the process of .
making Shredded Wheat is open to the public. Nothing
so .wholesome and delicious for breakfast as Shredded
Wheat Biscuit served with hot milk or stewed fruits.
Heat the Biscuit in oven to restore crispness, then pour hot
milk over it, adding a little cream. Salt or sweeten to. suit
the taste.
The Only Breakfast Cereal Made in Biscuit Form
1 i ii )! ,. an in i isswaaaeaaa-saoi i
for Charity
either. From the short tlmo It took to
Oil those "newsies' " handbag, it can
be Judged that they did not meet many
(aa they called 'em) "tightwad."
The money taken In by the trio will be
turned In to The Bee to be forwarded to
New York, where there are now
many suffering from Ue Tltanlo catas
trophe. The girls will sell The Bee after
each matinee thla week.
i Improvements at
uarier liaKe rarK
Are Soon to Begin
Park commissioners have received the
second carload of material for the orange
peel dredge purchased with money given
by Mra. Bellna C. Cornish, tha donor of
Levi Carter park. As soon as all ma
terial haa arrived the dredge will be as
sembled and used on the Iowa aide ot
Carter lake. The south bank of tha lake
will be built up for the boulevard, which
will run that way.
Preparation Is being made to begin the
season's work of dredging at Carter lake
The hydraulic cutter dredge haa been
made ready and a dike la being built at
the new boulevard entrance to Ievt Car
ter park, near Sherman avenue, to re
tain tha mud that will be taken from the
lake bed.
Tha Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Bee Advertising is the Road to Business
Three Hundred Heavily laden Cart
Bumped Into MiMouri.
Sear Folaoaa and Bellevae Baaklas
Watera Are Eatlag Far lata tha
Lead aad Coarae at Stream
May Be Ckaaaed.
The Missouri river continues to out
away the banks and low lands In Iowa
r Folsom and almost directly op
posite Bcllevue. The Burlington had h
large force of men at work trying to
stop tha damage, but eftorta proved
truitlees. The work consisted ot dump
ing Into the river KM condemned box
care loaded down with scrap Iron, bags
filled with sand and rock.
So strong waa the current where It aet
in agalnat the shore that these can
loaded with tons of Iron and stone were
picked up aa If they were blocks of
wood and whirled away from the points
where it v. as intended they should bo
Orchard Is t prootrd.
In several places the current cut away
portions ot several farms, one ntan los
ing an orchard ot forty acres, the trees
In which were from a foot to eighteen
Inches In diameter, They were under
mined and carried into the river. Ero
sion Is going on very rapidly. The land
is underlaid with sand and aa thla la
washed out, the soli above drops away
In great tracts, aa much aa five and ten
acres at a time.
The tracks of the Burlington were sev
eral Hundred feet back from the former
bank ot the stream. For three miles the
river haa cut up aa far aa these tracks
and a long section ot the roadbed t
dropped out ot sight.
May Divert Channel.
A mile eaat ot Folsom there Is an old
creek bed that la now quite a large
sitsd st res m. It empties Into the Mis
souri nearly opposite the south Una ot
Casa county, Nebraaka. Between where
the cutting ia now going on and this
creek the tend Is level and low. Fears
are axpreesea mat If the river cuts
through Into the creek the channel of
the river will follow the cut and the
main current will move over from t
to five miles east, leaving Plattsmouth.
Nebraaka City and aeveral other towna
inland. In this avsnt It would leave the
Burlington's bridge high and dry over
a aand bar with tha river running eight
on ten miles eaat of Pacific Junction.
Rissie is Sentenced
for Abusing Father
Evidence showing that Ernest R. Rla
ale, aged 4t yeara, haa abused and Par
scouted hie father, Chris Rlasle, of 1307
South Tenth street, for years waa
brought out in polios court when Rissie
waa tried.
Mr. Hiaaie. tne parent, aged years.
testified that hla son had worked only
now and then during the last fifteen
yeara, and In that period he had mis
treated him frequently. The father raid
his wife died only recently and that aha
had prevented the son from Injuring him
when aha was alive. Now that hla wife
Is dead Rlsala asked the court ta protect
him from the son.
Rlasle made no defense and waa i
tenoed to forty-five days la JalL
Deal ide Them With a Velli Bexaova
wih we aiv 0rug.
An eminent skin specialist recently
discovered a new drug, othlne double
sirenKin, wnirn la ao uniformly suo
ceanf ut In removing frecklee and giving
a clear, beautiful completion tcjat it ia
sold by Beaton Drug Company under an
absolute guarantee to refund the money
ir it rana.
Don't hide your freckles under a vail
get an ounce of othlne and remove them.
Even the first nlaht's use will show a
wonderful Improvement, some ot the
lighter frecklee vanishing entirely. It
la absolutely harmless, and cannot In
lure the moat tender ekln.
He sure to aak Beaton Drug Company
for the double atrenath othlne: It la thla
that ia sold en the money back guar ah tee.
liysicians Delighted by What
New Tonic, Tona v ita,
Has Done.
Tired out. run down halt sick people
are not ao numerous aa they were a year
ago. "Tona Vita" the great modern
tonlo has proven as successful In the
United Statea aa in Europe, and many
thousands of Americans have been built
np and restored to health by thla medi
The physicians who Introduced "Tona
Vita" In this country are enthusiastic
over the remarkable success of the medi
cine, and those who have been restored
to health are also glad to tell what their
experience haa been. Mrs. Smith, of
Rochester, N. T., a trained uurae for
sixteen yeara end a graduate ot Bellevue
Hospital, New Tork City, eaya:
"I have had no optwrunUy to take suf
ficient rest and during tha pit year
thla has told on mo. My nerve began
Quickly Banishes
And Stops Hair From Falling
Scalp Itch Goes Over Night and
You Use Parisian Sage. '
. i
No potsonoua sugar of
lead no sulphur no dye
Tha cleanest, daintiest,
moat refreshing and delight
ful hair tonic in the world la
not use it you are dally
missing a glorloua treat It
la simply splendid tor men.
women and children. It la
aold at drug and department
stores and toilet goods count
era for only t centa a largo
bottle Aak for PARISIAN
8AOB for your own protec
tion. The girl with the Au
burn hair la on every carton
tnd bottle
7 1
1 1 ill v.j
Saves fwim
in tAc kitchen
"Ye tnrfeetl. ( sore tip btlinf my
own bread mad started buying
I save hour in the kitchen
time for ray garden, my
"Is TIP-TOP BREAD good?" "Why, of course it.
good: better by far than the bread I used to bale."
"How it it better?" "Why. it ia made from the
highest grade materials, baked just right, ia wonder
fully appetizing and delicious), and aKraye uniform.
, Juat try k and teat it yovrtelf, only be tare yoa get
the real kind. Look for the name "TIP-TOP" on
every loaL
The Favorite Rye!
of Six Generations"
the U.
Its age Is guaranteed by tne ,
u. s. Government
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for itself.
When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealer.
Schenley DhWflHnf Co, Loceeco, Pa. '
f'rw Sorter, (1
I he OUJlday liee )
i to trouble me. -1 have not been sleeping)
well and my appetite and digestion were)
not aa they should be. I tired easily and!
did not have the vitality to withstand)
a hard day'a work aa formerly. Thla
tonlo Tona Vita' waa recommended to)
me and I decided to give It a teat.
have been greatly benefited In health i
strength by thla medicine. I sincerely)
believe the tonic to be highly roerltorlood
judging from my own experience,"
Do you lack strength and vitality? Do)
you take cold easily and sleep poorly J
Ate you nervous and depressed? If ad
you are a aufferer from nervous debility!
and should at once get a bottle of Tona
Vita and see how quickly it will build
you up.
Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Kth)
and Dodge. Owl Drug Co., ISth and Har
ney; Harvard Pharmacy, !4th and Far-j
nam Sts.. and Loyal Pharmacy, 967-1
North 16th St. ia the agent for Tons)
Vita In Omaha. Tour money will be re
turned to you It you are dissatisfied with
the tonic ; The Approved Formula Coj
Dayton, O.
All Hair Worries Cease When,
out all dandruff and atopd
hair from falling In two
weeka It atops Itching ecalpj
In II houra
It la a hair aourlaher and)
promptly puts life, lueter
and beauty Into dull, faded,
and ill-looking hair.
Mrs. Geo. Brown, No. H
E. High BL, Rockvllle, Con a,
writes: "After I used th
flrat bottle of PARISIAN
AGE my hair stopped fall,
Ing out and I have never had
any trouble since. I do ao
think there le anything bet
tor for falling hair or Itch'
Ing scalp than PARISIAH
and hare some
tewing and other
lii hi j
m ill
M TaV I I !! TV
.Properly aged with a
mellow, delicate flavor that
you can't beat
4 times distilled makes
it absolutely pure.
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle is Mated whh
S. Government Stamp.
With Happy Hooligan. Littl
II nmm. tfut KatTznmmnuir Kidm
and th who! murtsong family