Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    THL BEE: OMAHA, EU)AY, APK1L, 26, 1912.
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The. Omaha Daily bee
Entered at Omfe pomtoUu w jeoood
elaaa matter.
Sunday Be. h year a
Saturday Bee, one jrw H
Lnr Bh without Sunday), one year ii
Ulljr Be and Sunday, on year
DkLiVERtL) BT CABnltit
Evening Be (with Sunday-., par mo... S
Daily Baa (including Sunday). per mo..66c
Daiiy Be (without Sunday), Pr mo... c
Addre ail complaint or uregiuarlUa
a oeavcry to ray circulation myi.
Remit br draft. expr-je or postal order,
oasmbu ta The Baa Puaiiahlna ooBipaar.
Only -cent alamos received la payment
or email aeoouata. Peraonei ensue,
-cape oa Omaha and eastern axciiatia. not
Omaha The Be Building.
Sout Omana-Sl! N ak
Causal HiuUs1 ttcoti St
Llnooli-i Little Building.
Chicago-IMS Marquette Building.
Kansas CHy Reliance Bulldinc.
New York West Thirty-third.
Washington T k'aurteenln be. M.
Communication ralauuf te ae and
(dltonal matter aneuld be addraaaed
Omaha Be. iLdl tonal Department.
f tau of Nebraska. County of Douglas, Mi
L-wtght WUuams, cireulauoa man'
at The Ba PuBUahiaa eornpeny. beta
duly (worn, ear lual Um average daiiy
circulation, tea spoiled, uoueed and re
turned eeptea, lor tna moot of Match,
fjv ataa aMua.
Clrcutslieo Manager.
Subscribed la my preeeno and swora
u atior ma iu tin day of April, uu.
RottaUiT HUiVfUH,
Notary PueUc.
... tabeerlbese
leavla tk city
akaeld kaa .' Tk
la the. Address
ckaaae aa aftea aa see
Tad I uur J must b. political
dlAMM. '
It took an automobile, though, to
put Hlauh Jackaon out
, Bcora Bother on ovr In Iowa
for aioo, Lafaratu Tounc-
"What eauaaa aprtaf ftrarT" aak
eorraapondant Poaalbl tprlng.
It BaTr rain but It poura, and II
navar buraa out abort of thraa flraa.
t It at loaat fl rea. mart color to th
tracedr to aar bow that Ua ihlp waa
oa fir. .
It la to ba hop4 ona ft thla
aouthtrn flood will raaxu tba Florida
STaTglada. a.
On Indiana man In aerr twalr
la an officeholder. Hurrah for the
abort ballot!
It la lingular aaouih that all tha
Han-attar truat paoplt art oppoaln(
Praaldent Tart.
The aif bta ar oapaclallr dark In
Taxaa and Wood row Wllaon thlnka
tha dart are, too. '
Tana to which Oaorg W, Parkin
aeranadao tha colon) a-h Car
Ululr Waa Good to Ma."
Oovarnor Wllaon baa raooverad bla
allaw, but ha mar navar hop to gat
back thoaa loat delegate.
St Lotjl boaata rlp atrawberrlea.
Baaa baJUcallj apeaklng, It might alio
mtnilon Ita orarrlpo lemon.
Praaldent aiaderO la right la con
eluding that tba Vnltad BUtaa doaa
not Inland to UUrveot If ther It no
saad tor It "
Kansas City finds It difficult to
keep it ball team Infused with the
Kansas City aplrtt of progress. And
ther are others.
Benator Bourne's undying faith In
tha people being always right waa
put to a severe teat 1b the adverse
Oregon election returns.
Rumor hath It that Colonel Bryan
has aeT Brother Charier to work on
new ateam roller, one with long,
hart teeth In the cylinder.
Mr. Bryan agaia wants It distinctly
understood that he la not a candidate
for the presidential nomination thla
time. 1 But neither la the colonel.
Banker Worse seems to be living
hi life In installments of tlx monthe.
For the last two years the physicians
hav beea periodically giving him
jaat (bat much more.
- Mr. Bryan says there are plenty
other progressives beside himself to,
rua for the democratic nomination,
rosslbly, but he takes migbtr good
care how he call names.
Our Omaha Woman 'a club bravely
confesses to being nlneteenv years old.
bat at that It baa aot reached the
point ot requiring aa age declaration
in each application for taemberahlp.
Despite the tact that Mlas Clara
Barton lived to be 19 year old, the
yellow journals tell us that grief
killed her. Weil, there la consola
tion that this great woman gave grief
mightr long chase.
: Presumably, Omaha will some day
get that second rupply main from
Florence which the water company
offered to build six year ago, and
which the Water board baa aot rat
'thought worth while. -
The democratic World-Herald eas-
tteualy admits that Mayor "Jim"
looks Juat at good to it as any other
candidate for commissioner Jn the
running. ' Of coarse, there It bo
political bias la this judgment
. All Amendment Endoncd. .
On the faoa of the atii! partial re-
turna of the primary it it clear that
all fire of the proposed amendment
to th couatltutloa of Nebraska hare
been endorsed, with tha result that
ther will go on the official ballot for
the election bearing the la be la of all
the political parties, and hare
counted for -them all the straight
party tickets east. with the
ers!im of presidential contest turn
ing upon .national asUSa thla mean
that all theaa amendment! are right
now aa good aa adopted, and that we
need onlr await their promulgation
by the authorities that canvass the
vote. Assuming that ther will carry.
they will aa a matter of fact become
effective) even sooner than that, far
under our court decisions an amend
ment ia part of the constitution from
the moment a majority of the votes
are recorded la its favor' without
waiting for count or canvass. It
well enough then to recapitulate
what changes are 'soon to ba Incor
porated into our fundamental law,
enumerated aa follows: P
1. Initiative and referendum, by
which both measures of legislation
and constitutional amendmenta pro
posed by popular petition may be
enacted br popular vote, and laws
paased br the legislature mar be held
In abeyance through a referendum
for popular approval or rejection.
2. Biennial elections secured
through the abolition of ' off-raar
state elections, and the aitension for
one rear of all terms of state offices.
which would otberwlaa hare to
filled In odd years, after. the ysar
1. Increased pay for members of
the legislature applicable to the com
lug legislature, making the compen
sation 400 Instead of 1300, and also
shortening the time for Introduction
of new bills from the first forty days
to the (flrst twenty days of tha aea-
4. A board of control tor stats in
tltutloas eosalatlng of three salaried
members, not more than two from
the, same party, appointed for all
jeart by the governor, and confirmed
by two-thirds vote of the aenatt; the
board to sasume and .exercise Its pow
ers over all Charitable, re,'ormat6rr
and penal Initltatlona maintained br
the state, beginning July I. iu.
I. Home rule for cities having a
population of more thari $.900 by
vesting the Inhabitants with power
through a charter convention, to
frsroe their owa plan of. municipal
government, and adopt modify or re
peal the aame br popular iota.
' The Mexican Preia.
The tone ot the Mexican- press, st
least a good part ot It la verr un
friendly toward the Uaited States on
the matter of the president's recent
note to our official representative at
Chihuahua, which- contained, an am-
pbatlo warning against furtherdepfe
dstlons upon American life and prop
erty. The Mexican papers choose to
regard thla communication dUtlnctiy
aa tddreaaed to Oroscb, the. rebel
leader, whose belligerency ths Amer
ican government baa refused to recog-
nlie, and their, criticism It aa Illogical
and incontinent as it la unfair.
for instance, 'wh'lU several ot the
rspers are attacking the etblca of
diplomacy that would thug communi
cate wnn ; an Irresponsible rebel
leader -and declaring that If the
United State has aay thing to say let
It say It to the commuted authority
in Mexico, the El Pals, the yellow
Journal ot Mexico, naively observea:
How oaa w aspect of the government ot
Mr. Madera, for example, that Jt pen
Ian Paacual Orosoo for th shodtlng 'of
the America, Fountain, sine It ha aot
bote able te defeat th rebel chief, much
las capture htm? .
Yet thla paper and othera denounce
our government for not appealing to
Jiadero. We have, a a matter ot fact
appealed to him. The onlr Inference
it that Americana are to "be damned
if ther do and damned )f ther don't1
The Neuva Era, a more conservative
paper, makea a nasty fling at our
"dollar- diphmar,"-aruses the ad
ministration of playing politic! on the
eve of election and denounce Ita
action In general. The El In
tranalgente commenda the Madero
government's "clear, correct and en
ergetic manner" ot resenting Presi
dent Tsft't warning note, and pro
ceed to acold the Catted State se
verely. The Mexican Herald, the prin
cipal Engllah language paper pub
lished at the capital, reprints several
of these stinging editorials, which
carries the current of bitter anti
Americna feeling to the Americana in
It ia discouraging to know that
Mexico is Infested with 'revolution
and outlawry against which the gov
ernment la proving Itself utterly im
potent leaving American life and
property unprotected, and ret resent
the slightest remonstrance on our
Government Doing a Good Work.
Without any blare of trumpets or
studied advertising, the federal gov
ernment through two of Its re pre
sent tire. Labor Commissioner Neill
and Judge Knapp of the court ot
commerce. Is serving the public la a
verr Important capacity br ita prom
ising attempt to mediate the differ
ences between the fifty-three eastern
railroads and their engineers and
thus to avoid a atrike. It auceessfal.
every interest, public and private,
will be under obligation, and It seems
more thaa likely that the effort wiu
incceed'. , -
It would be a genuine calamity for
the engineers to quit their work and
enter upon hostile relations with
their employers. Every part of the
country would be affected In the end
and everr line of business injured.
Should the government avert such
disaster. It will. Indeed, perform a
large eervice.
Apparently both aides to this issue
have welcomed mediation. The engi
neers, to whom it was first proposeJ,
took promptly to it and the railroad
managers were no less willing. That
of course, is proof sufficient that
both prefer peace and industry to
war and Idleness. Under such clrcum
stsnces a satisfactory solution should
be worked out Back ot these two fic
tions, however, ta the principal party
to the dispute the public, whose In
terests mutt be paramount .
AdvertiiiiiE Omaha tor Omalians.
The Commercial club'a publicity
department, has proposed something
worth while in the plan for a tym
posium of Mess and expressions to
advertise Omaha in all Ita phases of
business and educational life to the
people ot Omaha. Thla may be done
by meant ot a series of lectures at
tbe Auditorium, possibly accompan
ied by exhlblta or illustration.- Thla,
ot course, is one of the many detsils
to be worked out. -
But the plsn. Itself, Is commenda
ble. It It not a reflection upon the
Intelligence or local Interest of the
people of the city to aay that ther,
In common with the people of moat
everr city, are not aa familiar with
their city's resources and advantages
aa they should be, both for their own
personal welfare and that of their
city. Omaha Is a much larger,
stronger and better city than many of
Its good, people may realize. A
scheme that will help to enlarge
Just appreciation will certainly be
worth while. And Its valuable Influ
ence Fill run far beyond local line.
Omaha haa done many profitable
things lu the way of publicity, but
thla plan rather unique and might
be tried with verr excellent result.
Of course, this one thing will be
borne in mind that no special interest.
la to receive special benefits.
Apropos ot tue comfhg Massachu
setts presidential primary, an Inter
esting advertisement appear in the
newspspert there, being subscribed
with the name "Massachusetts Roose
velt Committee," which concludes an
appeal for their favored candidate as
follows: . '
Remember you don't have to be en
rolled In any party ,to vote at thla
That Bounds verr much like a re
minder of f up old open primary law
which worksd as a special invitation
for democrats to vote on the selection
ot republican nomlneea. '
We have no sympathy with the
proteat against the Real Estate ex
change being turned Into a "political
camp." If Its members are all play
ing tbe political game, why should it
not o a political camp? At office
seekers, real estate men have become
aa plentiful as lawyers, and why
should ther not plar the game for
the tame reason; and la the tamo
way, aa other politician t
The projected grand circuit aero
plane race centering at Chicago In
September haa Omaha down for one
of the stops. Time it so as to let tbe
bird men drop in on us during Ak-
8ar-Ben week, and we will give them
a taate ot real high flying.'
"It It were not for the undue in
fluence exercised by the emloyert
upohlhe employee, I would be speak
ing today aa an ex-presldsnt of the
United States," Mr. Brysn Is quoted
aa taring. . Tell tbat to the marine.
Beven toilea of concrete sidewalk
are about to be hud la Breathitt
county, Kentucky. Which movea the
Courier-Journal pertinently to re
mark thla ia better than paving with
cold lead. Yea, or hot air.
Omaha'a national tanks mske a
gratifying ahowlng in response to the
comptroller's call. It the banka all
over the country do aa well, pros
perity prospects muit be encourag
ing. .
Larva Taak far Weaaaa.
Brooklyn Eagle.
President Taft ha made - a woman
chief ot the new Children's bureau. The
taak of universal motherhood la thus put
whr It batons. Vila Julia C Lath
rop of Chlcaf cannot be Mid. to tBjoy a
Came aad Care.
Baltimore America. '
Can't sat can't sleep, can't work, cant
sit SOU symptom of. a malady begin
ning te infect tbe greater part of th
male population of the country. It I
curable only by sitting two hours each
day oa the hard benches of a lbas bail
park. -t
Saaflelaa Balk Pbllaathrepky,
Baltimore American.
Th boos In Cong rea ha rejected John
Rockefeller's tmeXO fund for th
benefit of humanity. Altruism and Phil
anthrophy find themselves regarded with
auapRion at every corner in this evil.
thinking world, and the earn I always
peeping behlad the purest motive to Ond
out what I back of them.
Wlre-leaa mm the Seas.
Baltimore Amerteaa.
Every Urge vessel provided with th
wtreiea outfit should be required by law
to carry two operators and to maintain
continuous eervice when oa a voyage.
Suck a law, like other reoulremanU for
safety, would not bear hardly oa ship
owners, since with unlfarai requirement
peseenger and freight rates would be ad
justed to meet the seceeaary expense.
h wlrelea is too valuable ta be out of
service at aay time. - - - -, . ,
EooW Backward
ill. is Day ffn Omaha
April 28.
Tliirty Years Ago .
The ality-tblrd annlverearT of American
Odd Fellowship waa oalebratad br tow
lodge her, with a number at breUwreji
from Council BluIIa. Rod Oak and Ke
braaka points as their guest. A parade
with T. J- Staler aa (rand marshal, and
C H. Frederick. H. Boise, K. Hartaoo
and A a BIllUix s as aasauaat marshals.
a followed by aaaiveraary axerdae
at Odd Fellow hall on Dodge street and
more axercUe sad a ball in the evenina.
tha entertainment being furalahad by
Mrs. Carlton. Mr. ahepard. Mlas Edith
Btuht William Tutle, Mr. M. Elliot,
Rev. W. S. Cope land. Albert Stunt, Mas
Lucy Straight, E. C Cooper and Pro-
feeeor Irvine' orchestra.
A music and literary entertainment waa
give ta Crelghton hall for tbe benefit
of Holy Family church, under dtreetlea
of Professor EL A. O'Brien. Among thoee
participating war Mlas Mary Rush, th
Ml Jennie Deton sad Sadie Riley,
Mrs. Charles O. tender. Mr. F. M. Mc
Donald, the McCrsry brothers. Ml Bla
de Crowley, Ml o. McCaffrey, Mia Ella
Kennedy. Mlas Ella McNamara and Mr.
i. J. Nellrt.
Dr. A. Uorel I th happy father of a
fine large boy, which arrived Monday.
The Omaha telephone exchange offloe
ia being fitted up In fine style.
The south half ot th trad oa Farnam
treet hiU has been finished, and th
workmen laid off pending the letting of
the contract of th north half.
Th realdent ot. the south tide of Dodge
street, not to be outdone by thoa en th
north aid have begun setting out tree.
Twenty Years Ago
The question. "I There Need of Re
form in Municipal Government r wss
dlacuaaed before th Current Topic
club at tha Young Men' Chrlatlan as
sociation room. Rev. Dr. Duryea,
founder and president .of th club, pro
dded and opened the argument He waa
followed by J. W. 'Adams, who pointed
out many glaring avlla in tb local city
government and waya of remedying
them. Thomas Kllpstrtck and -Rev. H.
A. Crane also advocated reform, as did
others. '
It waa reported th county board had
corns to term with the Nebraska Cen
tral Railway company oa a proposition
to fcuu IKtt.0 of bonds to aid in build
ing a bridge over th Mleeourf river tor
th projected road.
Over at th court house rumors were
rife of a hot Urn when County Com
mlaa loner Paddock returned from Now
York, wher he had gone to attend a
meeting of ths Union Pacific board of
dlrectsrs. Th fua centered on pledgea-
broken by th other eommlaaioners dur
ing Psddock's stwence, that Bone but
democrat! get office at th disposal ot
th board. . Mike Leahy we appointed
superintendent of th court houSB,
where Paddock had a man named
Potter of South Omaha, a dyed-in-ths-
wool Jackaonian, for tb place.
Methodist dignitaries began arriving
for th general conference of that ohurch,
which met Jier. Present ware thee
bishop: Bowman of Bt, Louts, Foster of
BoMon. Merrill of Chicago, Andrew of
New Tors. Wsrraa of Denver. Foea of
Philadelphia, Hurst of Washington. Nlnde
of Tope Ita. Wslden ot Cincinnati. Mai-
lalieu of New Orleans, Fowler of Ban
Francisco. Taylor of Africa. Vincent of
Buffalo, FlUgeratd of Minneapolis, Joyce
of Chattanooga. Newman of Omaha.
Tholuea of Calcutta and OoodaaU of Fort
Tea Years Ago
Jamea Brown, 1B11 Harney street, a bill
poster, waa hurled from a wagon In
runaway at Sixteenth and Jones atreeta
and cut on th face and head, though
not dangaroualy Injured.
Tbe Jackaonlaa club hold a aotabl
meeting, notable because of the Jneon
slstehcle of expreulon. Jefferson waa
forgotten, th Declaration of Independ
ence referred to as a dead laaua, Bryan
mentioned but once sod David B. Hill
praieed and eacorlated. Dr. A H. Hlppl
said ths people were tired ot hearing
shout Jefferaonlanlain and demanded to
know mors about taxes and municipal
ownership. C. J. Smyths said democracy
had alwaya been right, but some demo
crats had been wrong. In this connec
tion be lambasted Hill and Cleveland.
Judge W. a Shoemaker denounced such
"humbug sa fro silver and th Kaaeta
City platform and stood tor straight ua-
tarrlfled democracy.
H. C Miller, democrat waa given hi
title te th offloe of county clerk over
Charles Unltt, republican, by Judre
Victor Rocewatar returned from tb
east having been In Washington, New
Tork and Baltimore on business
pleasure, t
It Is an 111 wind that blow nobody
gooo. cam true in the case of th
storm that blew th old billboard down
a-Mayor Bemla, a It led to Mayor
Moore determining thst ths efty should
have ordinances regulating such struc
People Talked About
John Roy of Manchester, N. H-,
grandfather to mors grandchildren, it
believed, than any other man la New
England. Mr. Roy Is the fa tiler of nine
children, all of whom are Bring, and hla
grandchildren number seventy. He Is
n years old.
When Lafoadle Hearn married Ms Jape
nee wife, all of hi wife' family accom
panied nun to hla new quarters. Ha
tlons that be had sine live dependent on
him wife, wife mother, wife's father.
wlfe'e adopted mother, wife's fstber's
father, three aervanta and a Buddhict
John Shell, MS year old and th eldest
white man ta Kentucky, recently rode
from hi home at Laurel Fork to Bar-
bourviiie and back on a mule, a total
distance of thirty-eight miles. He haj
never aeea a large city, and asw a rail-
road and electric light for tb tint time
nine year ago. Hi oldest son It 81 and
his youngest R. In all he bad eleven
Courtlaad M. Cunningham, a
telegraph operator, who ha just died In
Brooklyn, served In the crvU war and 1
asld to have Intercepted a m tea age from
the confederate government ordering Gen
eral Robert E. Lee t make aa invasion
of th north. He at one turned the' mes
sage over to th federal authorities, with
th result that General Mead vrss or
dered to Intercept Lee. . The kettle of
Gettysburg followed, and Lee plan of
lavaetoa was thwarted, t- I
IneDeti Later Do
AMU Waltla faa- that Water Mala.
OMAHA. April V-To th Editor of
Th Bee: The suceesatve coalhr con
flagrations eoejht to wak eur eeopl up
to the ttutioo confronting ua. No one
can re eon bla find fault with 01- fire
department, bet Ua beat efforts have
beea unable to prevent total lea. On
reaaao. If not the main reason, la the
Inadeejuat water aupply and defective
water preasure. Omaha ha outgrown
the single main that bring na eur wafer.
and should anything happen to cut that
off while a fire la raging th poastbtlitie
would ba too frightful to contemplate.
With bonds several time voted tor the
porpoe. why abould we be compelled t
wait longer Is have thl source ot dancer
removed f R. J. B.
Haa Twenty Oeya te File Kaklktt,
OMAHA. April K.-To the Editor of
The Bee: In the Evening Be ot
Wdnadr yon published an article with
the heading. "Something Wrong Hue,1
calling la question the honesty of the
Cltlsea's union.
Thl article did not appear in the Morn
ing Bee. -doubtless for th reason that
you had realised tbe blunder which you
had made.
Section IS of th corrupt practice act
require every political committee to file.
Mior election, a atatement ot money
received and disbursed. Th Citizen's
union filed such statement with Vrank
Dewey, county clerk, on April I, showing
receipt of n.tlxjt sad disbursements ot
section require each candidate to
file a statement within tea days after an
lection. Tbe statement to which you
refer aa having bean filed with City
Clerk Dan B. Butler are the (tatements
which were filed after the primary and
war made oa the nth or ltth of April.
eectloa 1! of the law require political
committee to (11 (tatements wlthlo
twenty day after election. The Cltlaen'l
union will, within twenty day after
April I, file Ita statement which will In
clude all of th matur which appeared
In th statement filed by tbe candidates.
Th Cltlsen's union will be very glad t
have you check it up and, If you find any
discrepancy or entry which need ex
planation, you ar st liberty to mak the
fact public.
, By lis Publicity Committee.
See America First
New Oeepel of Health wad
Happlaeaa Worth Preaeklag
aad Pvaatlelag Thee Day.
Chicago American.
Breathe there the man with soul so dead
Who never to himself bath said,
"This is my own, my natlv land?"
Probably not, but can ther be anything
lea patriotle for men and women who
affect pride in tbelr country and Its free
Institutions than thst they ahould remain
blind to and Ignorant of the Innumer.
able plcturqu spots, world-famed won
ders of nature, health reaorta, mineral
spring, magnificent mountain, lax sad
river sonury and unrivaled sea beach
which ar te be Men east, weat, north
snd south within tb borders of their
own United States?
, Yet ther ar soores of thousands of
men snd woman who call themselves
good American, whs would resent any
Imputation thst they lack lov ot coun
try, yet who have never taken th trou
bi to explore beyond a radius ot 1M or
m mil of their owa homes, but who
seek cros ths seas In Europe, Atl
snd Africa delight for th eve snd th
mind which ar literally at their feet
la their own land.
"See America first" Is familiar advice,
known rather In th breach than In th
observance, yet if It were heeded a It
should be millions would enjoy the bless
ings of travel and chant of scene snd
havs their heart stirred and thlr tnlnd
refreshed by wonders snd beauties far
more an trancing than thoee offered by
France, Italy, Swttserlaiid. Germany,
England, Egypt and Syria combined.
Not only that but th million of
Americans devoting their leisure months
snd week te making ths acquaintance
ot their ewa country would escape the
deadly peril of ocean voyaging and aavs
untold sums now lavished foolishly la
the attempt to aatlafy laaatlabl European
notei Keepers, couriers, guides snd laxxa-
ronl. (
Ths Alps, ths Rhlns, th English lake.
th Scotch highland have their beauties,
But they are Infinitely surpassed la
majesty, wonder, ptctureequenee aad va
riety of attraction by th Rocky tnoua-
the Grand can yon of Colorado,
TeUowaton park, with Ita geysers, boil
ing spring, wondrous crater formations
snd Its proueion of game, ths Toeemlt
valley, the mountain and like of
Alaska, the Glacier National park In
Montana, tbe Pike's Peak district, tb
Adirondack, th Hudson river, Relondo
beach, th Golden Gat. Palm beach. At
anuo vity. tne curt of Mslm snd a
thousand other American beauty spots.
In half tbe time taken bv a tut
steamer in crossing the Atlantic, and
with practically no risk ot Uf or hmb,
th American tourist ta search ot health,
recreation and the delight to be found
In scene of wonder and beauty may take
a luxurious train oa tbe Great Northern.
tbe Northern Pacific, th Santa Fe, tbe
Colorado A Southern, the Union Pacific.
th Denver A Rio Grande, tha Southern
Pacific or any one of a scora of th other
great railroads, aad have aa "opea see
the wonders afforded to the
traveler In California. Colorado, Montana,
Arkansas, Utah. Nevada and ether state.
Car la bad. Baden-Baden and other re
nowned spaa la Europe are surpassing m
attraction and health restoring qualities
Colorado Springs, th Hot Springs and
French Lick, which ar muck easier of
and, bestdea, are our own pos-
See America first" is th new gospel
of health aad happiness tor American
to believe ta snd practice tat their day,
week sad months of leisure. '
Master ef Xede-ra laveatleauk
Denver Republican.
While opinion may Mill differ ever the
COeaQoa of actual good accomplished by
th discovery of the poles snd th Inven
tion of th aeroplane, there ess never be
any dispute concerning the great gaU 1
by dvtnxauon through tb dls-
of win less telegraphy. Marconi -
ba wea th right te gratify hi every
heart desire. May km reward be is
keeping with bis great service to mar '
kind. ,
"What happened te your aviator friend
at the meet? Irtd he fiv Intn (imir'
"Na He wee Uft hhiiul . nA mv
flew Into a paaaiso." Baiumor Amer-
That' lust Hk our wiiiti sMnmi
always knew he wasn't qualified fur the
' What' tb trouble V
"He ent m vegetable see fie for my
i tower garoan. - uetroit jrn
"Do you bailer poUtica make Strang
"Not these days," replied Senator Sor
ghum. "Politics doesn't give a man a
etiane to sleep st ali." Washington
"Hsv you a spare cigar about you,
old chap?"
"Certainly! But I thought you were
sums stop emoKjng r
."So I am, but not too abruptly. I've
already quit smoking my own cigar."
.nnsi anoune. .
Grocer What are you doing there?
Clerk Mr. Jones ha ordered s buohei
nf TMM.fnM mwiA I'm. t L. . L i I
' nviini nun up iu
Bradsueet. Boston Transcript.
Mrs. Jenkins waa (tending before th
mirror arranging bar thin hair when
ber bald-headed husband entered the
"Say, Emiy." he began, "why dos t
you do your hair th way you used
"Why don't your retorted Mrs. Jen-klna.-Llppincott's
"Men In the olden tlmee vim A.llrh.AA
If they got a lady glove"
"Now they're as slum . . Mn Iu ir h.v
get th mitten. "-Baltimore American.
A Hebrew Woman on the ear enlne
home had a little boy with her.
--nor, ois I her' asked tb conductor.
"Five year." said the woman.
"He looks It." th conductor retorted.
Yes." atd the woman, "he has hsA
lot of trouble." Atlanta Georgian.
mum mxmw
t AbsoMety Puro
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks the world over
The only Baklnsr Powder made '
from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar made from grapes '
'iti.e-t '
Bracing Vacations in .
Glacier National Park
Seaton Dluly to October 15, 1912
AH b ready hotels, trails, hones, euidet. Yoa can tpend
a week of solid cotnfurt in a modem hotel, or you can "rough it" up
in th mountains. Specially conducted tours a feature.
Outingt $2.00 to $6.00 per Day
The Kreamt are filled with trout the tnowopped mount
alna call the eagle sails above - great glacien glisten in the sunlight
dower (way in the Drees ta tng of pine and Iproce la fa tha air, Lake
McDonald. Avalanche Basin, Sperry Glacier, St. Mary Lake, Cut Bank Peas,
Lake alcDermmt, Iceberg Lake, and all tha hsndreda of otaer spectacular eoenio
leeturee of thai atagntfloeat new national rasi r await the too net.
Spend your vacation ia Glacier National Park go thia very bosuuer.
10 Pwctig of Str&itig LHerahire
Call phone or aend at once for this nttutual literature
the Glacier NatioBal Park Library. Send tooanta in stamps for tbe
Glacier National Park aad the Pacific Coast via the Great
Northern Railway. Summer Tooriet Ticket on a!e daily
sntU 6ept. 30th. Convention Pareaon maaydays. A J Great
Northers Coast Train rua via Glacier Maoooal Park.
W. M. ROMnnS, District :
S15 Bui
Crossett Shoe I
ratsi sBAasi
r j
4tof6 eseiywrierw
fi-' a
I . I
I CI . M M A W-r
Jo Chappie's News Letter.
I have s new strnogra pher ehe came to
She teid m that shs wrote th Graham
system; , . .
Two hundred word a minute seemed to
her. she sal, like play- .
And word for word at thst; ah never
uased 'cm.
I gave her some dictation, a letter to a
And thla, aa I remember, was now ths
letter ran:
"Dear Kir: I have your fsvor, snd in
reply would a; ate
That I accept the offer ia your of recent
I wish to aay. however, thst under no
condition . .
Can I afford to think of your free Unee
proposition.- '
I hall begin tomorrow to turn th matter
The copy will be ready by August Is, J
about. . 4
Materiel ef this nature ahould set befl
nuhed unduly. ft
Thanking you for your favor, I am yourstl
very truly." M
the took It down in shorthand with ap-H
parent ease and (race. II
She didn't call me back, all in a flurry:!!
Thought I: "At last I have a girl worth 1 1
keeping 'round the piece, 1
Then aald: ".Now writ It out; you, I
nulnl hurrv.": ,1
then ehe truck a key. '
And after thirty minute this la .what
aha haaded me:
Deer air. I have the reaver and la m
Pile 1 alt. - ti
And I except the offer aa yoa havs raA
I wish to see, however, that snder anyl
condlshun . - .
Can I for to think of your free land
I ahsll be In tomorrow to, turn the
' M outer out - 1
The Cap will be red and .will Cost tVX
Material of this nation ahould aot nstj
N. Dooley. '
Thinking yon . have the f sever, I ami
yours very trueiy. l
enure coueeuoe. or i cants for booklet. It tell th com
plete story snd contain many beaaural views, ti"-g
An Aeroplane View "of the park.
Also, ask for details at to tpedal low (a ret to
' Agesxt,
Kb Be, Dew )
n . u
j meres d cofflon-ined
looks too.,
Here's a Spring Croasett ia which
the comfort feature is heavily em
phasised. Broad tost broad, flat
tresdi room enough i, tbe heel te
It fit good snd feel good.
Demi cadet blacker ea the Pea
sant last.
Lfwfc ACrteTmuXeW'
KiAJ.a. leu,.
O t sS a '
doie umaha Agents
u uwuil 0IIDBS
- r