mH BKti: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL L't, 1912. ,1 V mm rninm nmm W wvwMAAt V V Wilt V tlWlilV 6171 Complaint Against Western Sewtpaper Union Kot Serious. COLLEGE IS SET.TITO TOO LOW JCr, Jwln Sara tea It la tae First Cesalalat Ra Baa Hear Of that Case's Were Betas Sola Th Ckraplr. ' George A. Joslyn la not Inclined to re gard seriously tha proceedings Institute1, action th Weitorn Newspaper union In order to bar It declared a trust "Tha agitation haa been started by a competitor In business, and I court moat thorough Investigation, for I feel certain that such an Investigation would demonstrate conclusively that there s nothing In the charges, which are moat ridiculous," he says. "I think It la the tint time In history when a complain' haa been mada that goods are sold at too low a price, and that la just what the chargea amount to. "It Is complained that we are selling our ready prints at a price that prevent) competition. There la no charge that wc are selling them too high, but instead too low. 'This la a proposition where wa are "furnishing the country publisher his wares at living prices, cheaper than he can produce the aame articles. They arc with us, and so la the public. X have no feara of the loutcome." Mr. Joslyn, who Is president of th Western Newspaper union, has just re turned from tha Pectflo ooaat, where he I am offering a splendid nonfad ing, shineproof blue serge made to order for $20. This offer also in' eludes some nice grays and browns, Every garment stylishly tailored ancfrperfect fitting WILSON MacCarthy-fc'iUan Tailoring Co ' 804-800 South Sixteenth St, FINEST BEER f r-i rr-i-i nnniirr even DncvvL&s An Honest Wholesome 1 Beverage for the Family Served with the meals ft helps the appetite and di gestion. BLATZ CO MP AWT TOE SAME GOOD OLD 3 FIRST APPLICA TION DARKENS GRAY HAIR faded hair If you don't want to. Why lock old or unattractive? If your, baa is gray or faded, you can change it easily, queckly and effectively by using Wieih's Bage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. Apply a little tonight, sad la the morn ing you will be agreeably surprised at the results from a single application. The gray hairs will be less conspicuous, and after a few more applications will be restored to natural color. Wyetb'a Sage and 8ulphur also quickly removes dandruff, leaves the scalp clean "A nA healthy, and proa '- A of the hair. It Is a ' Creasing which may be V th perfect safety. and keelthy, and promotes the growth clean wholesome be used at any time Get a fifty cent bottle from your drug gist today, and aee how quickly it will restore the youthful color snd beauty of your hair and forever end the nasty dandruff, kot Itchy scalp and falling hair. All druggists sell It under guaran tee that the money will be refunded if you are not satisfied after fair trial. Special agent Sherman at McConneu. I t, -, i , i 'ii .I.' pent two month at Me suburban home in Hollywood, near Los Angeles. Mr. Joslyn returns tn good health aad feeling much stronger than when he went away last February. He aaya last winter waa unusually ae ret on the Pacific coast and as a re suit considerable of the fruit eapedall that of the citrus sextettes, waa Injured. All of the southern eoaat towns are grow ing rapidly and strangers are flocking in, buying property and locating, he aaya. Another Effort to Be Made to Open the Burlington Depot Announcement again la made that the Burlington freight depot Eighth and Farnam streets, will be formally opened After three different datea for the open ing were aet by the Commercial dub aad each waa cancelled on account of bad weather and other reasons, the club will soon aet another date with the determina tion actually to hold the formal affair. Representatives of, the club will con fer with General Manager O. W. l.fg and General Freight Agent C- E. 8 pen In the near future to make plana and a program for the occasion. When these have been arranged the LM members of the club will be called to meet at the club rooms directly after luncheon ho tr and proceed In a body to tha depot -the newest, largeat and most modem fre'ght terminal on the Missouri river. The Wv to the depot and the formalities of the opening will come In the list of the club's home trade excursions. A month following a second excursion to the Union stock yards is planned. This trip will be personally conducted oy Everett Buckingham, general mausgvr. whose Invitation haa been before the nrlub for some time and recently was ac cepted. Water Bonds Are in Much Demand Among the Buyers Bond buyers who hare been reeonnoi tar ing for the Omaha water bonds, expected to go on the. market soon, think tbey have unearthed a deal by which the Water board waa to dispose of ths bondi through a preferred syndicate without ad- vertlalng for bids. The board la contem plating the issue of 17,000, 0 of the ., 000 authorised, of which about KeAOM will be needed to pay tha purchase price. and the remainder held for Improvements and extensions. Several syndicates ware formed la the esst to bid on these bonds, one of them heeded by Kountse Bros., being said to have an understanding that Its offer of one-half of 1 per cent premium on a H per cent basis was to be accepted, irre spective of the state of the money mar ket The report la that the cheapness of money haa brought on two other bids. one offering five-eights of 1 per cent premium and ths other three-tourths of 1 per cent premium, which last en J7.00o.000, would be better by (17,100 for toe city. Agents of ths bond nouses who have been here seeking Information have, how ever, been referred by the Water board members to their lawyers, and by ths lawyers told that there was nothing yet Hospital Patients v Are Hustled Out on Cold, Wintry Night The building damage! by fire Wednes day was burned down twelve years ago when it wss occupied by the street rail way company aa a car barn. The flames broke out on a cold night In February. The thermometer registered several de grees below aero. ' The frame buildings standing' south of the present structure waa then the Methodist, hospital. About twenty pa tients, many of them very ill, were In the hospital at the time and ae the frame structure was threatened firemen carried out the sick. Ons woman, who had undergone a re cent operation, was forgotten. A fire man waa passing through ths hall when from behind the door came her plea: "Mr. I -amen, you're not going to leave me, a a you? Be picked her up and carried her down stairs, the heaviest load he ever carried, for she weighed He pounds. Beveral street ears were burned and much other damage wane, hut all the patients in the hospital wars taken to p laces of safety and streams of water turned on the hospital building, which was saved. Pauls of Florence Are Again in Court Divorce court did not entirely settle the differences of John S. Paul, former mayor of Florence, and his former wife, Mrs. Nellie Paul. Paul went Into county court yesterday with a suit against his wife, the bone of contention being the house ahs occupies at 71 State street Florence. Paul started aa action la forcible entry and detainer, asking that Mrs. Paul be forced to vacate the premises. The Paul divorce became fully In effect April 1 Paul ordered hW wife to surrender the house, declaring It his property. She said It waa as much hers ss his and re fused to evscute. Ths esse hss been set for hearing Saturday morning. YOUTH FOUND SHOOTING CRAPS WITHBILLIARD CUE A frantic mother rushed Into the office of the ju venule court yesterday morning. She singled out Mogy Bernstein, proba tion officer. "Mogy. Mogy," she cried, "that boy of mine la shooting craps. Won't row esiua and get him." She ted the Juvenile court official to a pool halL Mogy looked abound, but saw no crap shooters. "Over there." said has another." sss him by that tabes shooting crass with a stick." The proprietor will be proas iieusd. ss the boy Is aaoer age. Tha nasthee was gtvea charge at ths yeaag fellow aad warned him that she weald have bint MILLARD IS IMPROVING, WILL RECOVER SPEEDILY The cradirHsn sf Joseph H. Ml Bard eras reported to be very aneeh better yesterday earning. Ir. W. o. Bridges, tike attaad ing physician, looks for a speedy reoov- MARRIAGE AGENT QUITS JOB Tint of Talk of Steering Couplet to lor. C W. Saridge, DOES SOT LIKE TH WO&X Ssvtdce Says that CtvU Casjos Toe Hear Pivreee and Bo Waata All resale Mar ried ky Mia Guiding love-lorn lassies and sturdy swains, -swung nke a furnace." from Charles A. Furays marriage license em porium in the county court office to the matrimonial knot factory of tha Rev. Charles W. Savldge, pastor of tha Peo ple's church. Is work that does not ap peal to pretty Mrs. Catherine Gibson. She tried It in the court house for two and a half hours yesterday morning, and then resigned the position. "Shs has withdrawn from tha field and I am going to get someone else," said Mr. Savage. "She doesn't like the work." Mrs. Gibson Is a friend of Mr. Savldge and la much Interested in his work. Her husband Is a baker, away from home day. Time waa heavy and shs was lone some. Mr. Savldge Induced her- to try hla plan, which for some time be had In mind. Mrs. Gibson was under Instruction to approach marriage bent lovers aa they entered the court house and urge them to be married by a minister instead of by the county judge or a Justice of the peace. If they should have a sectarian preference aha should direct them to a minister of the preferred faith; if not, they were urged to have Mr. Savldge per form ths ceremony. There were few lovers yesterday morn ing. Those who did come seemed to have their minds fully mads up and were not Inclined to give ear to Mrs. Gibson. Sweethearts Relate to Listen. Possibly the looks of ths young woman waa ons causa of the disinclination of the aweetbearta to listen to her. She la a dainty little thing, with wavy brown oalr and a pair of more or lees bewitch ,ng brown eyes. Shs wss prettily gowned and atop her head was ons of these cute little bowl-shaped, pink-flowered toques. Shs was so formidable looking that ths maids looked daggers. Mauser rifles, machine guns snd torpedo boat destroyers at her. It seemed they feared she might be planning to become the third corner In one of these dreaded triangles that you read about "My Idea Is that most of ths divorces result from civil marriages," said Mr. Savldge. The Justices many them and think no more of them. Tha ministers try to watch over ths couples thsy marry, to guide them and look after their well being. They pray with them; I often do that A civil marriage gives ths young people no realisation of the secretness of ths marrlags tie. I want someone to be at tha court houss to urge ths peo ple to bo married by a minister, some ons of their own faith if they have a preference; if they have not then I will marry them." Son of Hermann the Great to Appear at Beefsteak Dinner An additional feature' haa been an. nouneed by the Omaha Ad club for Its vaudeville show to be held Monday night la the Brandcta Pompelaa room. It Is Don Carl Hermann, enly living son of Herman the Great snd sols hair to the secrets of that great conjurer, who will give a twenty-minute exhibition of leger demain and sleight-of-hand. In the announcement to he sent out by the entertainment committee, members have been warned to "keep their money In their socka and leave their Jewelry at home, lest their gold be In another's pocket and their diamonds on another's shirt front; for Hermann does Just that sort of thing." Hermann has lived In Omaha mors than a year, although he calls Vienna, Austria, hla horns. Hs has an art studio here. Another feature of the Ad stub's beef steak vaudeville, as hss been announced. will be the appearance of Max Martin, violin virtuoso. Hs la modestly announced aa the second Kubellk and la well known throughout the country, having played on a number' of theatrical circuits. He received a great hand when he appeared here at ths Orpbeum last winter. Omaha and Lincoln Highs Are to Debate Here This Evening A handsoms sliver trophy cup, donated by the local Alumni association of Am herst college, will be competed for by the debating squads of ths Lincoln and the Omaha High schools at ths Crelghton university auditorium thla evening. The Capital City lads have won the trophy twice lo succession during the last three years snd if they succeed In securing the Judges' decision In this year's contest the cup will become their permanent property. The Immigrant question wll be dis cussed. The purple and white squad, com posed of Edwin Landale, George O rimes. Barney Kulakotsky aha Carson Hatha way, alternate, will uphold tha negative. The Lincoln team has not yet bees an nounced. Vice Principal C. E. Reed haa an nounced the following Judges for the event: Superintendent Oeorge E. Martin of Nebraska City, Superintendent C Ray Oates of Blair and Principal Allen It Cong don of Fremont Taxpayers Turn in $20,000 in One Day Taxpayers turned in $M,m to ths city treasurer Wednesday and teas mors re ceipts were Issued than on the same day a year ago. Real aetata taxes bernms de Unqaent May 1 and property holders sre new appearing to pay them, thus avoid ing Interest Ordinarily It has taken from tea to twelve days to get receipts out when the annual rush to avoid delinquency began, bat Treasurer W. O. Ure announces that all will be served as soon as tbey apply this yesr and urges promptness la pay ing up. Tab WsnlBi. fOsa't 1st moeaseb, krer nor kidney f euble down you. whan you can quickly rawa tbem with Electric Bitters, tse. For a' la by Beaton Drug CO Kay ta tbs Mtnatsser-Bee Advwrtlstng. HexM tram ftiert THsw fted PMIpott of the Vnfm Pacific's st 'ertistng departmeat Is some from the Ps -tflr coast, whither be went to pilot the last of this season's ceieaist trains. WORKED 50 YEA5S WITHOUT SALARY .Aa Interesting Negro Charac ter Who Didn't Want Ware. HIS OWGINADhWAY Solved tie) Money QaartiotTorTl Plan ofH; Own An old negro who died last year I nwimrou isxupiea a runout poslttt in one of this country's busiest mhr. factories, having worked there lor ill years without salary. Darkey Johnad been slave tn th. family of ths founder! of the iohae-, company and alter the war John "just naiuiBiir i)4 arouna, sound him' elf work lo do. did it In hla own and cams la time lo regard hit position at ons of much importance Hiiauthori tative ways-are re smiled upon by the management and taken at a matter o( courts by otbsr darkiet who were employed I hers la fact, John rather inougm tnt running- of the factory de pended on him and It hs wat tick for a .day would tend word down lo lay off hit imaginary subordinate until hs could get back But John's greatest oddltywtt hit eumuue towaru money tie pretended not lo seed sny Evidently he would tiavs thought it belittling to draw money like ordinary wage earners. On day some one asked "What it Johns til ryr" Whereupon it wat discovered John drew no tslsry. This looked like curious oversight until k) wst learned that John hsd, with tbs silent consent of those "higher up." solved the money question in hit own way When he wanted cash hs got It in odd turns and at add timet at tnt pay window. The orders were to 1st John have what hs1 wanted, but John's natlvs shrewd neat wat thown in ths fact that ha never drew in excess of a retsonabt amount. Ths arrangement tnited him entirely and aeraed to help preserve bit Wit ally and Importance to Pretend. John wat always Oevotedly loyal to hit bid master and lo thsVrsal business be bad founded. Hs wst 1 stout champion of "Tuxedo" tobacco. skHs regarded fcimtelf at sharing in lbs gSsalog lams f tbs wonderful amoks produced by lbs raiivrson process, vsosa sail ths best possible shipments Job tbs anxiety of a full uarrnsr in feces. Hit death removed a tail pknurtjut character. TUXEDO T0BA( The Pip SttaoLfj for Can the Pipo Staolt for. TeWe-Awir barV foondcrof Ih RvA. Patter1 Conwany discovered est thai resulted ia the famous original granulated "Tuxedo." Taxedo wpTtatnU the gresj REGISTER NEXT SATURDAY All Xuit So So Who Would Vote at Citr Election on Kay 7. THOSE MOVED MUSI HUSSIES Voters Who Were Iwora la at the Reseat Primaries Mast also a Rastered Before They Coa Vats. Interest In the election May T Is In- ereutng aad an effort la being made by of vie organisations, tn teres ted business men and ths eandidatst to poll ths larg set number of votes ever east at an Omaha election. To this end attention Is being called to the fact that voters who hsvs not registered must register Ssturdsy, when registration boards will sit In all election precincts at ths regular polling places. Voters who failed to register last fall may register Baturdsy and voters who hsvs not registered aad have moved since the last election must reglstsr at their new voting pises. Voters whs registered last fell but have sines moved must secure transfer slips from ths registration boards and their new voting plsos. Those who were "sworn In st tbs recent primaries are not registered and to vote must register. City Clerk Dan Butler Is notifying a large number of voters to reglstsr Saturday If they de sirs to vote. The Omaha Ad club, be lieving a smell vots Is poor advertising. la working for a "big registration April n and a big vote May 7," Ths Commercial dub Is also urging all to reglstsr. It Is using large sited mail ing cards. . Meningitis Causes BiU Karpis' Death Another victim ot spinal meningitis Bill Karpis, It years old died st th Omaha General hospital Wednesday. He had been there two or three weeks. Spe cial serum had been need and aa Its provement noted, but death followed after relapse. Karpis wss the son ot Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas Karpis, (It Houth Fif teenth street. His funeral will be pri vate. In conformance to orders Issued by the health department. There la toe but one other ease of spinal meningitis known to be to the city. Precautions against other cases have been taken by physlcisns, who are co-operating In preventing further fatalities. In the existing case the serum, supposed to be the only known remedr, has been used snd recovery Is probable. rPOBBQIJE-i is now one of the largest woodworking; center in the Middle West Tbaee Is wwts tee lJOt wore. Tve larre S ask sad Dm MflS. Tee Sw Ceae PseSwSee. TweCawrck gslselsss liasse. eddttses to tMs. yraaMeaOr all the ass aaa sssswiarransa; tsmeise sad leqsire atfclinonai aeip. ITf 1 111 ae ti 1 ' 1 f UaSrr tsw gwt soe as Out we as DUBUQUE INDUSTRIAL CORFORATIOIibsKTuIn-a to fatly sutured' toosecc) snd the tpedilj process by which it is treated. I - We have had to increase our factory lacunars to keep pace wun the extraor dinary demand for Tuxedo, Now we ksve begun to ten the wonderful of its success. It's a hMaaaaeaf for it. .efSSBrS5!-"- Taxedo advert iufV- at original si. iptrndid qiuUCe snprcccdci that gteg beceo stk Iki Kps Smoke Wfe made it Its ftiends tobacco kind of tmole enyrfTnr been widely but unsuccessfully i -""y rjucrson tobacco nas quality TUXEDO TOBACCO ' TkneV ntmctf TVrefe TMes J? " "! triumph of the P"JtaSa!!!M By special treatment on'tg and- fullest mellow and f of bite. It in e7W ng to the 11 before the Company It wat only been to could he possible. Tuxedo Tske ; quainted derltrt wholesci All the delight iai irooji itrw ft: OVerV irnitiv fatterscV I eflecijern( and Ihioat wat ths ideal of the Omaha Club Takes On White Waiters A new deal at tha swell Omaha club. greeted the members when they came In to lunch and found a 'new corps of whits waiters In ths dining room. In place of ths colored boys Who havs heretofore sttsnded ths tables, Ths whits waiters hsvs been especially Imported from Chi cago, and are likewise distinguished by white eanvas uniforms. Ths displscsd colored welters srs supposed to be bunt ing ether Jobs st ths different' hotels snd restaurants of this city. GOLD DUST makef dM-washlng easy The use of a little Cold Dust in your dish-water will, make your dishes whiter, sweeter sad cleaner than they ever car be without it Unlike soap Gold Dost does more than clea: the surface. It oesdecpafte "eras and hidden food parti les, and sterili xs everythinf t touches. - ' Gold Dost does all the haxi part of the work without you issistnnce, because it begins tc Itssolve end clean the . mo ment it touches the water. When you have to was! dishes 1095 times a year, the Gold Dust method of saving half your time and half your labor means something. Gold Dust ia sold in SO size sad laUge pack sgee. The large fschsf e anasng "Lltl GOLD DUST 7WmSJtmm mnk' Three Pteafew alius. Lais auulreed bhoe. Aad tka.Soe.o4tk Biases lit Balsa. eased 1W ce from ill harmful eneCtiTllitT;il,n. orders, until (he recent vast in. MsM WsWrfWOrtriaJef fllKppa aW1"") RKeVeawsafsuTeai atoCiasisiilisCbsnsa. Address 0) Tuxedo Tobacco cannot irritate the throat The special process by which it is made takes out all the stuur. snd confirmed pipe s stokers can enjoy their pipes to the utmost knowing that there trred throat afterward 'atterton To- ait Mtki, ' PATTERSON'S TOBACCO fir Gentlemen best made it famous! , aidce aW . .osM you tnd you net the no results of harkable Patterson process, all uality. all the mild, fragrant, delightful tobacco tint the. Patterson process alone can produce The patented process by which all the otic it taxen out oi looacco was uis- the founder of the R. A. ss came into being. to removing bacco I smoking. limtelf, he old pipe it how the into being name tnd historv The lhIo it now be- . This meant lovers will be 'uxrdo smokers. to be still more Mm more widely W WWW tetlo To Fine Ibto- others. Th cuulstion grew to fast that tm crease in factory facilities. Thsft why loublffffi othelsw mot?w tTlew the n J3 There's contemplative pleasure in it Old Age Is tha kind of bear that you . like to think of ' before' you drink for there it much pleasure In looking upon the sparkling fluid and realising that you are going to have a good, satisfying drink. , The Amber Bottle keeps Old Age over para, by preventing light from decaying It. Ask for the amber bottle. Free Land yprmation The Twentieth Century Fanner, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils,' climate and farming conditions in all parts of the rjountry. - It is willing to give out this information, free if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc. , How to get irrigation lav.ds, location of projects, laws governing same, etc, . ' - . Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. . ' ' " Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska A little Bee want ad EYerybody reads TUXEDO TOBACCO TUXEDO TOBACCO aa Pip Smoko for CmA the Pip Smoli for GoatltfOsM .UXEDO TOBACCO jipt) Smoke) for Csitlsmaa) be Pipe Smoke for Gentlemen American likes to tee merit ws why the Tuxedo success it at snrcess. From the beginning it quality of Tuxedo that made ka jump for there wat no advenia- ng until the present series of noticrsj which you arc reading from day to day, We didn't venture lo advertise while the urprtsmg tale kept to far ahead of all tr cRortt lo nil the orders. With a increase in facilities wc are ready at to ten tnc great story. wonderful qualities of thtt h its freedom from "bite" and irri- .li ahiln, ith and throat have been nasseJ along by Tnxtoxs enthusiasts until its fame hat spread over tbc entire fVho makes Tuxedo smoking root ceo?) The R A. Patterson Tobacco Company,' of Richmond, Va , with an experience of over fifty yean in thit kind of smoking tobacco. They originated thit populari kind of smoke and their product haa been widely but unsuccessfully imitated. Only Patterson tobacco bat Flltrrtosk quality . ' 1 WHAT THE BISHOPS SAW Large Body of Clergy Visit at ' Tobacco Factory , On the occasion of a religious coatsr ence in a Southern city, a conference sttsnded by a large company of clerical delegates from bothiidesof the Atlsntlc,' lha tnsnsger oTjrtlg tobacco Iscetry sent an InvltaUbn lo the members to corns and teeifew and by whoa tobacco was msqasav Therflvitatlon wat accepted by prscJ lha entire body, many famous opt among them, and the factory wst inspected ova more interested group of men Evidently most of thai visitors were wholly unfamiliar with tbs . methods of tobacco ' making. Tbey, asked many q nest Ions of tha officers, snd employes and seemed particularly! attrsctsd by details of tn rsttsraoa process by which 'Taxedo" tobacco frsgrsakj Ming Its receives its mild, duality as t tmoke una old Ditnup came to toe tactory) times during the penoa ot tno csrtsiniy acquired unusually full Ins, n on a ajbject thai seemed lo inter i deeply. Ths factory maaseemsnt wat very cordislly congratulated not enly ea tha conditions prevailing in ths factory, but oa their success in producing a tobacoaj 04 auQ wnoeaxmtlv niga, qualitgy. does the business. Bee want ads In V ) iawawiewawwssJ sntfM"li -I