12 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Character of Crop Beports ii Infill ; eating Grain Market CORN MAK1TT.T IS CONGESTED VtMt Cm Hlaher Wbri It Ap r mn Thaacf Ike Market I Ovrrbeaaht Snorts faaae OMAHA. April S. INI The action of tbe wheal market Is MuS Ine entirely on the character of crop reporte coming In daily. Aa the winter killing over the soft wheat, stale east or tne Jiiaaiwippl are fairly well estab lished, report from Kanaaa and Ne braska will be watched closely. Added to tbeae conditions, the trade ia veiy bullisli. enconraKed on th- iuy!nc side by the active rash dctnanti. This ebarcer vt buying uiignt easily, put valuta ull higher. riain day snows nore plainly th con gestion In the com market. Tse advance today wan due to the scare among the snort although reports from tne country advise shelters working and railroads pre paring lor a heavier movement. There u a renewal of cash corn demand and cn va.ues arc strong. Wheat values reached the high points made a week ago early In the session. While tha market showed good strengtn. It acta overbought for the moment. Cash wheat was He higher. Hhorta caused the sharp upturn In corn and new high prices were made. The market la contested and unless tha bull leadere turn sellers prices arc apt to go still higher. The cash corn waa excep tionally strong at ltrac higher. Primary Wheat reel pis were Xo.0M bushels and shipments 733.0") bushels, against receipts last year of lUOuu bush els and shipments of rTJ.KJO bushels. Primary corn receipts were bush els and shipment acM.Ucl bushels, against receipts Last year of lOT.Ouu bushel and Shipments of l,0St.9 bushels. Clearance were 4.009 bushel of corn, J 0UJ busnels of oats, and wheat and flour . equal to 1JT.0 bushels. Liverpool closed VtiM higher on wheat and Hd higher on oorn. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat-No. i hard: 1 car, ll.tfci,; cars, Sir. No. I hard: 1 car. S1.07V No. I mixed: t car, tl.tWIt, No. 4 mixed: 1 car, Sl.tsy. Rejected: 1 car, 104t. Corn-No. 1 while: I cars. 7',c; No. t whit, a ears, 110: I ears. 71c; No. I color, t car, TCc: No. I yellow: 13 ears. 7tyr; 1 car, lac. No. I yellow: I cars, "lc; 1 car, 77Vc; 1 car, no. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. J4c; No. 4 flint. I rar, 74c; No 3 mixed: 1 cars, T7c; 1 car, 77 V: Jo t mixed. cars. 77V; 4 cara. 774c. t cars. Tic: 1 car, 7A,c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 7r; I cara. Tic; I car, 7SVjc. No grade: 1 car, c; 1 car. 40c; 1 car, Ko; 1 car. Mr. Osis No. 1 whits: 13 ears. Mc. No. 4 white: 1 rar, Mc; 7 cars, so,c. No. I yel low: 1 car, SoVrf. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, Kc. Usaaka Cask Fnees, WHEAT Na I hard, Sl.f7H4.M1: No. I bard, 41 WStJi.14. No. 4 hard, il.KHtf Li. CORN No. I whits. 7M4". No. I white, 7M:sc;- No. 4 white. 7iff7IV: No. I yellow, JWHc: No. I yellow. VVIte: No. 4 yellow, Us7tc; No. 3. TTSrT7c; No. a 7077Hc: No. 4, 7S'sc: no grade, canrtAe. OATH No. 1 white. Mi44MWc; standard. Mwtc: No. I white, SMtOMe; No. I whits, UMc; No. I yellow, Httftohc; ' No. 4 yeUow. KneHc. BARLEY Mnltlng. SIAMMS3; Na. I feed, Sea; heavier than feed, Strait IIVE-Jso. a mvMc; No. I. Homo. Carle Recelpta Wheat Corn. Oats Chicago II is M Minneapolis It7 Omaha 41 U S Dujuth M CHICAGO 01111 AND PROVISION! reatares af lha Trad las aad t loalag Prtc-ee aa Board af Trade. CHK'AOO. April JS.-Corn sold her to day at (lc a bushel. May delivery, the Mgheet price In Chicago, for a number af years. It was also the first time this season that the option had gon abov tha afe level. Hhort sellers wera In alarm aver th small amount of tha cereal not already under contract to he shipped away. Tha close, which waa firm, showed a advance of 4lV lo Mk net. Other leading staples, too. , all scored a gain wheat tlo to SnHc. oats, a shad to W and provision 7V to 3c. Violent action In tha corn trad re volted chiefly from stop-loss orders - on tha part of short who were confronted by tha beginning of lake shipment and by the fact that recelpta here, though somewhat larger had proved relatively rant, out of all proportion to the needs of dealers active on the bear side. .At times the pit waa la such a turmoil that price) varied as much as a full cent be tween transactions made at tha same Instant In different Parts oc tha crowd. N evert heleas, even at tha height of the flurry there was no heavy selling of any af tha future. The bulge, nowever. was aald to have brought from the country a avalanche of requests for bids. Bales to arrive here war reported to aggregate 7t. bushel. Tha scare regarding the m eagerness of the corn supply did not appear to be connne to uoicago. Valuta averaged about lc higher In nearly all outside marketa. During the session May prices here fluctuated from 7vtic and In the and wera at Ws, a rise of I4c compared with yesterday. I'nloadlng of a great deal of wheat by tonga took out soma of tne ardor of tha bulla In that grain. Crop reports were conflicting, especially from Kansas. The main Influence against tha hears re me from tbe strength of corn. July ranged between ll.usH&l on, and U.I, with the cke nervous, but S,tjSc up at II. ns, 01.1. Sentiment regarding nata reanoeitxl If. tha main on the course of corn. Vpper ' and lower limit for July wera MSot 440 and My. Tha close. eeSfsMW;. represented a net gain of a shade. Provisions ranged sharply higher. The causa of the advance was on account of corn. fash Quotation were as follow: Article! Open, High. Low. Close ! Yes y. Wheat .1 I May.lt lf', l lt4 l tua,, i , u July.,. WttW 1 Kil 4HS,1 1 Re, Corn"! " 1 ! 1 T U h '-Si&lll n 1 mi,! ' s! 754 J7'i?7H Julr.!777.tmi Kepci7i,'l it's Oat-) I Mav.S!SW4( ti, Julr.,M'rHS MS.i 8ept.;44S 4,l 77SI f7S US 44 M 440 1 '44( MVs e ora l May. IS m luso uins um US UK rsa KM lOfcUj July.iM 47 Vl H 7 llttSl H 77 it- is II U 77H; 1 IC Lard I h as lhsa . May. July Mat Hit 1 7 571, I Sept-i i TV I JSitj M 74 i 10 W rt May.l lit 14 S jlH- 1 Nat July.! M S S S9 I M l a l JO aepciie 4IS-1 I'tsh quotations were aa foilowa ruui K-nrm, winter patents. Kite a: winter straights. SJaejiai: sprlna patents, best herd. x.:Mii.j; suaigbu. K"oS; bakers. ti.iwtf4.2B. RYE No. t. K4TMC. UARLEY-Feed or mixing, isctill 45 lair to choice malting, si.eeji jj, , l?:iTl,,,',,r' ."""i clover. , PTUmsioNB-Mea, pork. IW aOols 42 y"- Total clearances of wheat and flout were equal to 13;,0 bu. Primary r cep ts were Mt.000 bu . compared with 2U.WXI bu. the correspond! na day a year ago. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow. Wheat, a ears: corn, si cars; oats, a cara: bogs, 14 tW head. Chicago cash Prices-Wheat: No t red. ll.USl.iiV No. I red. Il.us9i.u4 1 bard. H.UtJl.t; No. 1 hmri I a ul l.UH; Na 1 northern. 1.17i.tiW: No 2 aortbem, tl.lisjl.Xr: N. l northern, b' u 41 ttv. No. apnag. . Latm .M N, ' , v .iva.i. i u. a spring, 9crli at velvet chaff, ll.40Si.ii; gurum, tl.aisji.ii vara. ie- s. i'roonsc; .-o. white, list rtc: Xo. yellow. 7H4jae: No. 4, c: K. 4 white, TsftaSc; Na. 4 yellow 77e. Oats No, white. SV4fSsi.e: St. t white. 7,fISe- No. 4 whru Eva sac: standard. 4V4eV- Rye: No. ? Barley. lss-l.a. Timothy seed! i tll.e. Clover seed, lli.svti J i. VEAL-tesdy at Uc. MK9-Heady; receiots, J4,07e at mark, cases Included, ITeJITTie; ordi nary firsts. 174c: firsts. 1SV BITTER Steady; creameries, 8431c; dallies. UVOc CHEESfeSteady: daisies. W4J1c: twins, ls'.tiitV; young America. lVsc lHc: long horns. U'ilSrC. POTATOES Steady; receipt. J4 cars: Wisconsin. 1 IKiLK; Michigan and Min nesota. SI 471.39. POI'LTRY Alive, dull; turkeys, 14c; chicken. 13H& NEW VOIK GENERAL MARKET Qaetatloaa .t the Day aa Varieaa Coaiaiadltlea. NEW TORK, April S.-rIjOl"R-Flrm: spring patenta. K.iatii.); winter stralghta. S4.i'34.8: winter patents. J4fi). spring ctesrs, S4.50lj4.l0: winter extra KO I. ft.nui4.n; winter extra .o. t, .is 61.. Kansas straights. Raufie.eS. Rye flour, steady: fair to good, S4.Mr4 l. enoice to tancy. S&.054.3u. CORNMKAL Firm: fine white ard yellow, I1.7L41.A); coarse, 11 TOtjl.Ti; kiln aneo. n itx. RYE steady; Na t, tc. c t t Buf falo. BARI.ET Quiet: malUng. 1.SL. c I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Soot market: firm: No. S red. II. elevator, export basts, and II II f. 0. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Dulutb. I 2Mi i. -o. d. arioat opening navigation, r u tures market wss firm early on reports of reduced acreage and dust storms in the spring wheat states, but lost the gain under profit-taking prompted . by more favorable advices from Nebraska and Kansas, but closed firm at net uncnansed to Vtc net higher. May closed at II. i'; July, U.I4MU.1M,; closed at fl.h.; Hep- t ember closed at II.HV Keceipu. ii.joj bu.; shipments, ion bu. CORN-ipet market strong: export, 7c, nominal, f. o, b. afloat. Futures market nominal. No receipts: shipments, 1 171 bu. OAT8 Spot market, steady, futures market was nominal. Reosri'ts. , bu. HAY rlrmer; prime. t tutt.m: no. 1, II. U: No. :. l.4Mil.s: No. i. II . FEE1 Kasv: western snrtng bran. lUr pound sacks, 13 00; standard middlings, ion-pound sacks, $3 00. HiOEtiMteaay; central Aroenca, jinc; Bogota. S,t'.'Sc LEATHER Firm: Hemlock firsts, B 627c; seconds, 24t2c; thirds, MrH'nc; rs iecta, Iftc. PHOVIKION8-Pork. firm; mesa, W0 fl.J: family, tw.uotra.w; short clear. tll.lMfa.OO. Cut meat, steady; pickled bellies, 1 to 14 pounds, lovttsilc; pickled hams. fi2i!.ft. Lard, firm; mlddis west prime. 110 70, I0.o. refined, steady; continent 111 W- Kouth America. 111.10. compound. 9x.2a4ia.lo. tallow urm: prim city nooa. I l-lc: special, effc; country, 'iC-. BITTER Bteady: receipts. 5.1(1 tub; creamery specials, 13c; ciesmery extras, aatfcc; creamery firsts, Ii433r; creamery seconds. !4tjJlc; state dairy, finest, SUttKc. crlKr.rtK Firm: receiDts. l.s ooxea "tats whole milk, current make, average tancy, lbc; under grade, lJ7?to. kirn. 4tUc. iuu-meany: receipts. i,avi cases; fresh gathered extras. IZrrZlHct first (tor- ge packed. Iltfiic; first regular packed. o:ii-; seconds, m01tv. POULTRY Alive, steady: western fowls, 14c; turkeys, lie. Dressed, steady; western fowls, H HO 17c; turkey, lMjBc. Cam aa'd Wheal Reglaa BalUHa. United Htata Department of Agricul ture Weather bureau' report for tha twenty-four hour ending at a. m., TMk meridian time, Thursdsy, April 26, 1112; . UHAHA UlkTRICT, 'ten itstlons. High. . Rain- Low. fall. ky. M .00 Cloudy 44 . Cloudy W .00 Clear 41 .00 Pt. cloudy .00 Cloudy M .0 Pt. cloudy 41 .at Pt. cloudy 14 . pt. cloudy 4i . .M Pt. cloudy 41 ,0 Clear 41 .00 Clear 17 .SO Clear 41 .0 Pt. cloudy II . Clear 47 .00 Cloudy M .00 Pt. cloudy fid .01 Pt. cloudy 44 , .oo Pt. cloudy ,.' Cloudy 17 .00 Cloudy 17 .01 Cloudy U .10 Pt. cloudy Ashland, Neb.. 74 Auburn, Neb... 7s Broken Bow .. 71 Columbus, Neb. 74 CulbsrtsiM), Nb. a Fairbury, Neb . it Fairmont. Neb. 71 Or. Island, Nb. 74 Hsrtlngton, Nb 7 Hastings, Neb. 74 Holdrege, Neb. 71 Lincoln. Nab... 74 No. Platte. Nb 7 Oakrlale. Nab.. 74 Omaha, Neb.... 74 Tekamah, Neb. 71 Valentin, Nb. 71 Alia. la. 71 Carroll, la 71 Clartnda, la.... n Hlblsy, la 1 HI0111 City. la. 71 Minimum temperature for twtlve-hour period ending at I a. m. UIsTRkJT AVKRAOKS. No. Temp. Rain- central. stations, mio. ms, Columbus, O..... 17 tsl M m 41 43 Louisville. xv.,.B it Inrlia'polla. Ind. II to Chicago, ill 14 4 8t. Louis. Mo... II 7 U 4) 41 lea Moines, Is, U . , .10 Mlnneapoll .... 44 . Kan. City. Mo. 71 9 . . Omaha. Neb 17 74 41 .00 The weather at much warmer in 'the western portion of the corn and wheal region, but continues cool In tha eastern portion, and temperatures at or below freesing occurred In the Chicago,. In dlanspolls and Columbu districts Light showers wera scattered aver the western districts. U A. WKI.MH. ' Local Forecastsr, Weather bureau. f. l.oaU (leaeal Market. ST. LOU1U, April .-WH EAT-Firm; track No, I red. I1.174JLU; No. J hard, U.llerl It. COHN-Hlgher. track No. I, aOOaHc; No. I white, stVKPee. OATS- Higher, track No, t RUc; No. t white, M4ie WHEAT-steady; May, li.ir; July, llOfMM.te't. Heptsmber, ll.W. -- CUKN-Hlgher; May, ttVic: July. 7Tc. OATH Steady; July. Mc; May, 47SC RTE-l.'nchanxed, Mc. FIt'R Steady: red winter patents. St.PHI6.40: extra fancy and straight, MM tji .; hard winter clear. H ioajt l'i. BEKIv-Timothy, S14.00. IX)KNIiKAL-.n HHA.N-FIrm; sacked, east track, U HAT-Weak; timothy, ClOOtMO.W; prat rle ,K1 0Ott.00. PROVIBIONS-Pork, unchanged: job bing, liasa. Mrd, unchanged; prim steam, v.assnv.u. ury as it meets, un changed: boxed extra shorts, 114.7V clear rlha, IW.71; short clears. III SV Karon, un changed: boxed extra ehorta. 111.71; clear ribs. 111.74: short clears. II!. J. rKil'LTHY-iiull: chickens, UHe; spring, lsc; turkeys, ic; ducks, 11c, geese. Sc. BI'TTER Firm: creamery. rc EUUB-Oteady at ITVe. Recelnts. Bhlpments. Flour, bbls... Hwnt ii.ixs) Wheat, bu . KOW Corn, bu 74 'V ( (. Oats, bu w J4.0J 41,i Kaaaas City Orala aad Freetsleaa. KANSAS C1TT. April St. WHEAT taan, uncnangea to we nigner: a. hard. SI OMl.14; No. X. ll 7an.lSi No. I red. 11 U44I.U: No. t IMOpl IS. voHN-ltrJc nigher; No. I mixed, xiHe aHBc; No. a Tuuc; No. 1 white, HOSw uc; o. , svc. oath uncnangea; no i white, hj B4c: no, M mlxea, MC ' c. Closlngjprlcea of futures: -WHfcAT Msy, ILIkS; July. (l. , 8e- trmber. WShsirtsc. CORN May, svso; July. WS-STiVc; Bep. temper. 72c no. OATH-Jniy, arte; September. 2a. KVE MJc. HAY Cnchanged to me higher: choice timothy, t.4tA.vt; cholc prairie, kl 44 4 BITTER Oeamery. V: first. tc: aeconaa. r; pacKing nocg. DC. EUa Extras. SOVc: flrsta. l.c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu .) i,a) Corn, bu igsTB) ., Oata, bu .t4,M - 4.0) ' Mllwaakee Mrwla Market. MILWAUKEE. April SS. WHEAT Xa. 1 northern, Sl.la4Tt.i4; No. S northern, 11.14 41.17; No. S hard winter, SLh)4l.u. .May, i.iee cho ; atuiy, si-res. CtiKN-No. S yellow. 1s453c: No. white. Jar; No. I UtfUc; May. 411e; July. 77Sc asked. OATct-dtandard. tMnWtc. BARLEY-Malting. S1.3s4rlJa Lt-rerpjal ctrala Market. tXVTERPOOL. April sV WHEAT Apot, firm; No. S red western winter, S ind; future, firm:. May, la d; July. 7 keSd. October. 7s ld- . , CORN Spot, steady: Atnertcaa mixed, nw, A SMI; American mixed, old, 4 Usd; Amerlcaa mixed, new kiln dried. 4s PSAr future, firm. Msy. 4s rd: Beo- w, aa asso. Pf.ORIA, I1L. April !l CORX-H'gher: trek, x. S white. TMsc; No. S yellow, Tse Na 1 mixed. 7c: No 4 mixed, 7c. 4 ATS-No. S white, track, sic. nominal. Wndard. track. ;c; No. i white, track. 3.Vt aomioaL THE BEE: NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Leading Issue Backward with Spe cialties Hon ActiTe. HAST SHAKES KISE 15 PSJCE High rrleed Caal lasaea Make Calm .When l Learaesl I naerstaaa ; lag la Reacked la Strike sltaatlea. NBW TORK. April iS.-Tradlng on the BtocU exchange today waa characterised by relative backwardness In the leading Issue, hut this waa Isrgvly offset by fur ther activity and higher prices for many specialties. . Reading was a boat the only one of the speculative favorites to show more than a fair degree of strength and animation, selling up to lTO4, It highest price since llv. ana leaving all other stocks far be hind In volume of dealings, buying of this stock seemed to be of an accumu lative character and was doubtless founded on something more substantial than the virtual settlement of the anthra- elie strike Over a score of Issues, embracing the Industrial equipment and metal or cop per share, took part In today's move ment, foremost of these being American Can common, which rose to 294. aa against 71 In the early part of tha month. There has been an unuaual amount of bullish Information circulated in con nection wtlh thla stock and the move ment has attracted widespread attention, but (hero la little reason to assume that anything like dividend returns in Can common are likely for a long time. When It became known that the sub committee of the anthracite presidents had arrived at what promised to be an understanding the higher priced coal shares were taken up and on moderate dealings rose from a point to 6 points. The rise of 4 point In People a Uaa was explained by a decision of the Illinois appellate court favoring the company. The final hour was marked by a revival of activity In which Heading. Lehlga Valley and American Can common were carried to higher prkes ami increased strength was shown by sach real market factors as Union I'ac.i.c and United Ststes Rtcel. I Profit taking msde Irss than the usual Impression on prices and the closing waa mainly wltbln fractions of the top. The Baltimore A Ohio road for March reported a handsome Increase In net re gardless of very heavy expenses charged to operations snd equipment purchssee. Although Atchison managed to effect a considerable caving In operation. Us gross returns were so far under those of the corresponding month last year as to result In a net l of liv.u. Bonds were Irregulsr, that department falling to keep pact wtlh the movement In stocks. Total aalea. par value, amounted to fc, I ;.). I'nlted Mtate gov. ernmenl bonds were unchanged on call. ftumoer of sales snd leading quotation a bond today were: aim Milk. Las. Class. llhCkalawrs sM . 14 is asmisssmisS Lpesr ... Astemss Asrh'Siivral ,. ABMrirss swst sagsr u MS S ll.vsa HH a. set ii I.M atisj e h M IT as US l.M la sas t Lew at. let IM l,m it 'a in l.m itiit ".'Hi 'X S us s MS US us ISS s 1st MS in is 1st t tS let iaS in 14 ws US s rs us 171 TS s 1S ITS 1st nsa tea Aissrlraa C. A F AmerUaa Cetloa Oil.... Aiaarlraa H AL SI4... Am. lea Serarlllsa Anerlesa Usseet ASMrlcaa Lacemetlea ... Astertcaa I. A k 4 " as M, let Hit 117 144 S 'iilt ' s A R. r An. steal rnaa4rlsa.,. Am. Sugar Meflslsi rn-ss t. a T , Aissrksa Toserc s4... Amsrleaa Keiiisa Assesses Mis is Ce... AleSlssa Ati klssa pM Alleatle Cos a Use...... Uslllssoea A Okie DriMekeai St set a,4w iss IMS 14 m m m mi hi l.m io ion, l.m js M 1.40 U', UH I.SM IMtt t Braeair IUSI4 Tr Csastliaa esrltls rsl Leather Osslral Lsstksr sf4 tstral st Nssr israay... CTiesasaska A Ohis...... Chicago A Altea... Chlcass O. W.. see..... t'klesss O. W. St4 rlwso A N. W Cklsaaa, M. A St. P.... C. ('., C. A M. L. nshesile t. A I tslarsee A mitseea ObnsslisatsO Uaa tVrs Pnslurts ma m M 111 l.m it 111 7114 141 lias 41 H I "4 1W 111 II II IMS It 4 44 144 US I7S a 41 IS . BS s 1TS ls ' 4H ! S U IMS s 14 S X last ut. HIS l.1oa ITsi uelsesrs A Hadsea...M. Uanver A Hie Onaee..,. R A II. O M nil mis "ii" "ii" ' 171 44 US, Illstlllaia' SersritMs .... kels Kris 1st Sf4 4.SM 14 Itrls H pfd tleaeral Ktertrts a 114 IT as iitvi in SM 41 ,,, HO IrMi 1; lee tit us ana u w l.m ins in TS ass W'i m ii 14s m its 'rina 'sis' i.m ws ' us t.m isis 1M14 i.m isss iu Orsat Nerihsra Sf4...... rjeesl Northers Or Pill. Illlsel tsstrsl talsrharsush Met. ....... lalse. Ms pht Intsrnstinaal Harvester .. liter. Maris s4 intsrsaiieasi rsssr Istsrnsilntial Psai , Iowa letitral Kaaaas Otr eslhsra.... k. a. as. N Ms Uas ui4 IMS i"3 M 4'S Lealsvllle A Nltksilla.. las A It Leals St.. St. P. A . . St.. MlaraH. K A T st . K A T. are.... 4S 141 i. m M ii. ioi 's l IM res its !4 S ' 1H ITS S sllisseH Pacltta Ktttoeel klsrsli Naltaeal Lss4 IMS ITS s ITSS M 11U R R st at M f4 MS Ksw Ysrk Coetral N Y.. O. A W NereMk A Wsstara.... Nnetfc Ajseelrsa l.m an 1S MS 1US MS I. tl'S S ltiti IM-t liS IMS Nsrtksrs Paeuia 1st m ins Parlfl Usll v Pennsrlvssla Psspls'a Oss fles ls SI t m IMS IMS I.SM 114 IMS m leas im l.ir yss S " i it" tit' la MS MS Ml .Tea r jars sa fast Ts as Ts 1S 4.s KS MS SM M IS tea ms ms M a sa ev r.. a ax. 1..... PlllssaesS real .......; Pn l steel "' SNUlassa raises Csr..., Vitiwsr kissi Ssrls. Pssatss IMS . M teal MS T S inj Resettle steel Remslle St est M .... Rssk IsUsa O a or isisM re km ... at. I. a T M sM. . Laals a W s. u w r4 lee. SseffteM S f SssiHera ssein. setssea esliee I""e a-H in tH wi MS MU "SS ana .aaaa Ts l.ISS M e't ' m MS MS 'S IM US MS S M .m 1TIH l"S HM M 41 S l S 1 n I SM sa. aai4 sst MM TIS TS TIU m m n ns 4. Sea MS 4a 4 ssav SM ISS ASS SS't tm i is as m ns ns its Ma us sis ms MS TS M t . 1 ea MH M M m is nt rs , r e fas 1U Ms , lass MS MS m . km ns us iss S'wusets k Tsiaa Panne T . M. L a w T , M L W pf4... raise Paclrts Vslss Psriei p4 rstte SlslaS "Mltf... rsias Mates Rssear... Vsliaa Malea Most.... n a ,ae sf tlak Oe.w Ya kesllaa CVeatcat Wshssh Wskssk S44 . W'sMsea Mairlsa4 .... Weaier rakM wwim a Lake an "klsh Vsllev CSISe fSseee Use CseselUats ASMre-aa Te'-rre IM MIS MIS H Tsui as lea Tm tea ear. BM.MS saaraa. ' leaetalew ataeV vlarliel. rnNtlON. Anrll Jt.-Amer'een tile ooened ateade tnrtav. ytret were about "ncheneed. hut later the -market advanced under the lead of ranacaen Padrle. At r-oon prices ranged feorn un. ehamred to tSe higher than yeaterdaS New vor ciosine. Asnalgainatsd Ccamse waa In demand in the sfternoon snd the rest of the Hat hardened an additional fraction. The dcMMnr waa steadv. taradon rloMng stocks: Cwassia, sssasy TIsLosla.Ule a N H4 a seaeaM Sli.. K. A T u AMal Cec S Y Com rsl ut Asaeaasla a Norfolk a w ill Airlines IMS 4s a M s pea ....laasOMaris A w n ' BaitlsMea A OkM...li:SPsnae7rvsaM 04S t-aaaAMa PsetfV ...Ml,Kt MlnM s Oaoassaka A A.... UsHssAin 17 CslaSBS 0. W M SnntSera R IMS Csl . Mil A St. P.. 114 s st , Da Assra. MsSeMlesrs Pacltfca....lt Datnar A RM O ... Mst'assa PatTM. 17?s as fA MS 4 ... ..MS Brio MSl' A Meet . rS An IM M 47S s . IKS As a) pel asiWssaak vrsan iraaa . ws aon.............. js llllscaa Cseteal IM SILVER Bar. etsady at ST U-Hd par oa. MONET-tMJA per cent. The rate of discount in ike open market for snort aad three aontkar bill la Ss9 I a-i par coo. . CoMdlrlans at TveMewry. WA8HINOTON, April Sk-At the bearis nlnAT of buslnaea today the rasndttton of the United atatea treesury wsa: Workln balance In treasury, pa. 75 jm. In banks and Fhlll prune treasury. ACiTI.21. Total bslaacw la general fund was S19.4W Ilk Ordinary receipts yesterday. SLl-SsaTS. Ordinary dlscsirsernents. At.an.4SA Pefleii. to. data tM fiscal year La fl 4,144, ML aa OMAHA. FRIDAY, APRIL agalnat a deficit of C 71 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. tcw fork Money Market. NEW TORK. April 3.-MONs!Y-On call, steady; twtjS V" crM- ruling rale. 1 per cent: dosing bid. per cent; of fered at V, per cent. Time loans, easy, ixty days Ii, per cent; ninety day. 3S JV per cent: ix months, J'.Tes1 per cenL PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER Close: per cent, riterllng eichanue: steady with actual business In bankers bills at J4 for sixty day kill and HTM 'or demand. Commercial bills. 44.SSV SILVr-K Mexican oaiiars, sic. BONUS Uovernment. steady; railroad. Irregular. Cloeipg quota tl una on bona today wen at loi.es a: , t nt I, reg....tStstsr. k. St. ISs... lata 4s ceesoe lw Japss M US X. S. 2a. rag UUS as 4Ss' KS s eessos KSIt, C. Do. 1 Is.... 71 B. A 4s. rs 114 L. A aaa. M 111... US s cesses 1I4SU A N. ual. M... M Allla-Cast IM M... MSM. K. 4 T. Ut M. MS Asm. A. M tl Sa 4HS ITS A T AT. cr. Ss-.Hsls. fsrinc M S AM Tosscos M.... ssx. R h.etM.4SaM a. 4a Ubsn. Y. C . IS-... Arsvesr A Ca. 4Sa-. se esk. M MS Af klsss tea. .M. ... MSN. Y . K. H. A H. ca. is. 'MS cv. M IS as c. M !'). A sr. 1st e. 4. n A C. U 1st M IS ee ea. M IITS Bsl A Okla M MSNe Psellts M-...... . 4s ISs as la w MS as a W. IS"- 41 O A L. rls. M... Ms Break. Tr. C M. . TS Peas. Sa I4U. ITS l ea. at na la IMS 4s to. M KUS ISe. lastssr Is.... M Readln res as.... MS -. af M J. f U .ISISS. L. A A F. fg. M S iliss. A Okie ISa. laS 'an sea. M ITS e rat. la. US at L S. w. c m.. MS rsiraas A A. ISs. MS s IM (oil as.... IIS C. B a U J- M... MS8. A. U M M 4a tes 4a M lo- Pae. est. 4.... 1S C. M. A . r. i M . ra. M MS c n. i. i r. t k ns rar ta u as rfa. M Sa. Rsllesr as. UTS Cble l4. la 7S as es. M Tl rats. Mi A M ta tlalse FacttM M....MIS II til 4Sa. M 4s es. ss. ISIS A H. ca. M MS k lit I rat. 4a... MS A R. O. M M l s. Rakber M....IMS lo rat M I7SI'. A Sleet 14 4s IsTS Dtsttllsrs' M 74l,vs.'sr. iSsn. M. . S Ens p. L. M- MS-W'staak IM i ...m 7S as 1 A si .... sss As T. la. Mr. A.. MU Waetera M4. Ma serha TSWaM Rise. n. i. MS nss. Kite. av. ll..1sjsWla tsstrsl 4s.... MS III res 1st rsf. M 4Mo. Par. cv. I M latM. MM. ISs.... fcltPeeeau. Is lllk P.I4. ! Bestea Cloaleg Maetatloas. BOSTON. April SS.-Cloing quotation on stock were as follows: AllesM 44 Mohawk 41 Amal. Co soar : MSNsasSa Con 13 1 A. I. L A g NllMlnf Mlara .. . TS Art ions Can tSNsrtfc BMta IIS B C. C. A t. . 7SNsrtk Use IS rsl. A Arlten 73sOI4 PoMtalan ...... II Cal. A Herla 4M osreola IITS raaleBslal MSQalarr Its Cap. Rsnss C. C... 41SHhcnBns 14S Rsst B.itts C. M.... 14 Superior MV) r rank in lf.duperler A A M .. I Olraas I "ob IS Tamarack 44 Oranhr Cos ITSP A R. A M... M arsons (Saanea .... 4 So pti 4TS lale llorsla Copper.. TIM'tak Cos It Kara Uks tSI'tsk Copper Co..... 4S Iko Copper M Wtnoos IS lA sails Copper t WMaerlse Ill MISMl Coppar 4 Sew Vara vllalag Stock. NEW YORK. April a.-cioslng quota tlons on mining stocks were: Alles m'Uttle Cklsf '. , BrsMelrk Cba IMcitraa Ml sM. Tsnnsl stack... 10 Ontario ., 4a ban da ISOphtr ..In ,.1M .. M ..ID rsa. Cal. A Ya k! 0ta.n4tr4 ..... Irss stlrar 1 Vallosj, Jacket Um4IIIs Caa I UffsrsA Bank Clearings. . OMAHA. April M.-Rank clearings for torlav were 12.911.934.44 and for the corre sponding day last year !.4t),B.4. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BITTKR No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, S5c; No. 1 In 40-lb. tubs, 21c; No. 1 lie: packing. Jar. ( HFESE-Imported Sari, SSc; Ameri can Mwlaa, W,-; block Swiss, 24c; twins, 21c; dalaica, 22c; triplets, 22u; young Americas, 22c; blue lahel brick, 22c; llm berser, 2-lb. 2te; 1-lh. 12 c. rfsil (fresh froteni Pkke-al, Sc; white, lit" pike, lac; trout. Sic; large crapples, 12Klbc: Spanish mackrel, lkc; eel, lee, haddocks, 14c; flounders. 13c: green cat fish, Inc; roe shad, 1 each; ahad roe, per pair, Use; salmon. 10c; halibut lie; yel low perch, Sc; buffalo, Sc; bullheads, 110. POULTRY-rollers, K.OOsO.Ou per dw; apr.ngs, 3uc; hens, 16trl7c; cocks. He, ducks, I Mi 30c; gee, SSc: turkey. Oc; pigeon, per do., 31.30. Alive: hens, 13c: old roosters, 4c; stags, 10c; old ducks, full feathered. 14c; gee as, full feathered, te; turkeys, 14c; pigeon, per do . eye, horn era per doa. S2.E0; aquaba, Na 1, SI M; No. I 40c. 1OULTRT-Brollers, SS.0fttf7.M per do; springs, 20c; hens, lnc; oocks, 11c. ducka IkqAW; geese, 16c; turkeys, 23c; pigeons, per do., 11. LD; All: hens, Me; old roost er, Sc; Msgs. 10c; old ducks, full feath ered. 16c; (eees, full feathered, to; tur key, 14c; pigeon, par doa, 0c; homera per do., I2.H; aquabs, No, L UJ0; Na i Rlba-No, L lTwe; Na a 1414c; Na a Use. Loin-No. L lo; Na a o; Na 1 Use. Cbucks-No. 1, Sc; Na i IVo: Na a 7a Rounds-No. 1, 11140; Na 3. lOso; Na 10c. IMsies-Na I. 4o; Na , eko; Ko. a t40. XoiNS-Na X Uc; Ma v UHc; Ma a CHUCKa-No. L Sa: Na a 7Ao: No. a FKL1T8. ETC. Apples: Extra fancy urn LBvis, per vei., pa.ao; v mass pa, pr bbl.; 16; fancy Mlseouii Pippins, per bbi.. M m; inano jonatnan, extra fancy, oar box. KM; Washington Spttseoberg, per box, K 5tl; wasnington it. Beauty, par 00 X, 3.; avaaungtoB otyman wineaspa, per box, $2-40- Bananas: Fancy salccb per bunch, 11 SMJl sO; Jumbo, per bunch, el.letM .K. Liatee: Ancnor brand, new, a 1-lb. Pkgs. In box. per box. brom- edary brand, new, a) 1-lb. peg In box, oar box. 13. Figs: California. Der case 01 13 Na u pxg., sue; per case 01 M no. II oka . H as: per case oc so r.a ( okas- 12: bulk. In Ss and 40-lb. boxes, oar 1,. mm: new Turkish. 6-crown In sV-lb. boss. per lbs., lsc; (-crown In av-10. boxes, pur 10., lsc; 7-crown in sv-iu box, per ia. 17c. drape fruit: Florida, 3t sis, per crate, M. Mas, per crate, .; sv-d4-4 ilea, per crate, Ss.SOl Qrapea: Malaga in kbia, f tasa,.ui. iemons: umoniera ctelected brand, extra fancy, JOu-k) aisea. per box. Sa; Loma LimonMra, lancy, a Mae, per box, M.av; sw-sjv aisea. SVC per box tea; cauiornua Mtnons, sso-ssjt', sisea, per box, M-Jlvso-O. Oranges: Cali fornia camellia niana, itevei, extra fancy. M-U'-lio-17S-ju-214-2SO si sea, per 1 - as M- Ktrm eSnaen ell alb. aue k,.M Is, kiepbant brand. lSs-ls-17s-Jvs-Jl a sss. per box, H su, ivv-na-u sis, per Box. U is. Pineapples SV-M-24 Maea, per cralo, I. Straw barn: Louisiana, par case of M pints, n an, VKUkrTABLES Baets, old crop, par lb., Ko. Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., 4c; new Calilornia, par lb., 4c Celery, Cal ifornia Jumbo, per dux. 11.44; Florida, la tlie rough. 4vac doa, per caa. S3-3s. Cu cumbers hot house, par box. roa. Egg Plant, fancy Honue, per dox.. 32.4. ciar Uc extia fancy, wulte, per doa.. Us. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, par doa., Mc unions, Calilornia whits, boiling, par to. lc; Wisconsin, yellow Globe, per lb, Sc; red Globe, per lb., le; Suanlab. per crate. Aa. Panley. fancy aoutbem, par dot., buncbsa 6o7sc. Parsnips, fancy aouth era, per doa bunch se 4otf74o; Paranlpa per lb., 2c. Potatoes. Mlnnesma Red Rlvar tarty Ohio need, per bu, l.74; Minnesota kvarly Kuaa aeod. per bu.. 11. at. Bila Triumph seed, per bu., SI -40; Wu eonaia while atock. per bu.. Sis. Ruta bagas, In sacks, par lo. lc Tomatoes. FHvda. per a-baa. crata 43.74; Cuban, per e-kak. carrier, rkj. Turnipa, par lo, 2VC MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, tarra gooa. per lb, las: ta sack lota, lc lam Cocoaauta, per sack. SAOA Filbert, par lb., 14c: In sack iota.' lc leas. Peanuts, coasted, la aack lot, per lb, Is: roasted lea than sack lots, per lb, Sc; raw, per lb, 4c Parana large, per 10, i.e; in sac lota lc lea. Walnuts, new crop. UU. California, per lb, l.c; In aack lota lc lens. Cider, new Nehawaka. per IS-gai. S bbl . el; per Sv-gal bb, S&J: New York Mott a per nVgai. kbL. ti-a; per 34-gal. bet, Sk.ss Hooey, new. 34 rrajno. 33.74. KreuL Par ns-gaL ksg. SJ.7I, s( 4-jsl. keg. SL3. BKKF CUT PRICICS-No. 1 rtha lSVl: No. 2 ilbs. lasc; No. S liba u4o; Na 1 chucks. u; Na S chucks. sc. Na S chuck, TSc; Na I sren. Sac; Na S narts. 17c: Na 3 loin. 14Ws. Na 1 rounds use: Na 2 rounds. Use; No. 3 round, lie; Na 1 plate. 7sc; Na X p-atee. c; Na S piatsa sc. Cattail Market. NEW TORX. April Sl-WITO! Spot, closed quiet: rotating uplands, lufsc; nud dllng gulf. 12 Mc; sale 74 bale. Futures closed steady; April. U tie: May, 11.41c; June, Il.a2c: July. 11 43c: Au gust. 11 ale. September. 1 1 tne: October, II He; November, 11.74c: iMcember. Il.stc, January. 11. 74c: February. 11. 77c: MaxcuY IU.A4C 26, 1912. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Beseipta Koderate and Val ues Steady , to Strong-. HOGS ACTIVE AID HIGHER Parkers and Skippers Bid for All Stork on Market Laaabe Arc Twenty-Five ta Thirty-Five Hlgker m sheep. SOUTH OMAHA. April SS, 1SU. Recelpta were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep- Official .Monday Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday. Letimate Thursday.. 138 S.12) H.SM . 4.7M . .ji3 17.83a 'U.Vi .M Four days this week. 14.170 ft Mi K.sfl ame days last week..lt.l7 54.171 -A.7K Sam days 3 w'k axo.u.53i K.iii 52.141 same day 1 w'k ago. l.m 22.S6 1I.S3 Same oaya 4 w'ka ago.31.SJ 47. 1W 54.830 tame d last year.. 13.44 :i'2 The foiluwlng table show the receipts of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha fur the year to data as compared with la.st year: 1SU. 111 Inc. Dec. tattle S1I.K1 SM.7U1 ....... &S31 liogs l.n.90S S14.718 4U7.US Sheep 73S.JS7 SW7.747 152.440 ....... Tha following table show the range of prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with comparison: liate. D12. iil.ji?i.iie.a.lW.lis). April A 7 evsi 4 tai S 9lH l S M I M 42 April ll I 6 38i I S 1 i 42 I I 4J April 22! 7 15't 4 SOj S 01 1 S 9HI I 34 I 35f April 33i 7 42Vi S (61 7 01, Jl 4 3S 4 34 April Ss 7 4Jl S 7 ; 7 t S ! 4 34 S 24 April Si I S 74j S 12 S 3 4 31 t 24 'Bumtay.' ' Receipts and disposition of live stack at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha Neb., for tne twenty-four hours ending at 3 o clock p. m. yesterday. RECEIPTS-CARP. . Cattle. Hog. 8h p. HT'a C, M. ft St. P 1 Wabash 1 S Missouri Pacific.-... ,. 1 Union Pacific a J7 1 C. A N. W., east.... 7 S C. A N. W., west... 17 17 C, 8t P.. M. A O.. 4 4 C, a As Q.. east.... i 2 C, B. 4k Q.. west.... SS C, R L A P., ea.4t.. I 4 C. R. 1. At P., west .. 1 Illinois Central 1 1 C. O. W 1 1 April 14. 7 0 , II 66, 4 W, t J7 4 43, 4 4 April 17 7 71, I 04 aH S td S 41 I U April Hi 7 7K: S OS II 141 1 4 62 4 J3 4 61 Aunl ui I SSIel t 9k I 89 it Ml 14 All 51 Total receipts.... M 111 Si S DI8PO8ITI0.N--HKAD. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 170 1.484 1.S08 Swift and Company 44 1.42 J,l Cudahy Packing Co.... 437 1.407 US Armour Co S M 1.141 Schwaru A Co 1 IM ' Murphy TVS Morrell S ; Mlnclalr la .... ' .... Krey Packing Co 21 W. B. Vansant Co....... S3 .... Hill rion S4 .... Huston A Co 10 J. B. Root A Co 14 .... J. H. Bulla !1 L. Wolf 3 McCreary A Kellogg.... 17 .... ' .... H. F. Hamilton X . Mo. ft Ksns.-I'alf. Co.. 7 Clin ft Christie t Other buyers SM .... 1.174 Total 2. 270 S.J04 7.04S CA'ii'l.E There waa a vary moderate run of cattle today but the quality of the offerings continues to show Improvement rikht along and buyers nave no occas- slon to complain on that score. Oemand Irom both dressed beef men and shipping buyera was quite activa and1 tit market ruled ateady to strong for the . mora de sirable beeves, both heavy and light. On tne snorttea and warmed up cattle sell ing from $t.5tj7.50, trade has been more or less uneven thla week, and the feeling was rather bearish this morning, al though prices could hardly be quoted any lower, in tact, vaiuea in general are not materially different from the close of last week, the best grades being possibly a little lower, and the medium and common ktnua possibly a little lower. Ilemand for cows and heifer continues food from a II source and the moderate flesh supply generally changed hands readily at fully steady prices. Outside competition for the good helfry grades has mad a very strong market lor any tiilnr of this kind, but the Increasing proportion of medium and common cows and the competition from southwestern graasers made a rather uneven market tor ordinary canner and cutters. Com pared with a week ago however, the general market for butcher and fanners how no material change: Outlet la broad aad the undertone fairly healthy. Situation ' In stocker and feeder I very unsatisfactory. While supplies hats been aocumuiating in yard trader' hand tha country demand has been disappoint ingly throughout, value have worked teadlly lower and the ordinary run of lock cattle and feeding steer a Is any where from Butdfioc lower than fen davs or two weeks ago. Inquiry for stock heif ers and cows continues quite brisk and there has been very little declfn on thla class or stock. Quotation en cattl: Uoot) to choiCA beef steers, n.aOtM.Sa; fair 10 good beet steers, 17 or-tr .ErD; aommun to fair be! tesra 34.0007 ; good to choice half era 84007.60; good ta choice cow. R. lout. 71. ilr to good cows, 14.i54IP.SV; common to fair oowa. B.7!4.7t; good to e bo tee stock er and feedera, K.Tttfi.OO; fair to good mocker aad feedera, 46.04. 74; com man to fall Blockers and feeders. M.40ta4.2i; stock halters, S3 S0kj.v; veal calvea si.A) l.a: nulla, ataga. ate, eA-vu.wu Representative salsa: , BEKF STEERS. Na a.,. i . .. ii. ,. a,, m ,. i ... 73 .... II.... M,.. I ... A. PT. Na Av. pr. W I S 4s 4 M Ml 7 M II I M 1M1 7 li 1M4 7 M lit! 7 1M1 I M IMi I M ..... TM t M 114 7 M 134 1 M 1W1 I M 114i 1 U till I M .... a ... ....... 14J4 I M ...... .lira 1 m 171 1 MT 7 M lilt 7 T4 IIM I 74 IIM 7 74 IMS 7 II 111 7 74 117 7 1774 7 It lUi 7 M IIM TM 1344 I H Mm IM 1411 I 21 1444 4 1411 M - till I M MH 4 M m 4 a 1144 4 a ii:- 4 ii 171 It isii 4 a Mil 2 Is 41,.,. M. .. IT.,.. ,.. 13,.. 21,.. ' U ... 17 41 14 .... M ... ...,.111 1 M ..1111 1 II co.t a. ..mi 4 m t .. MS I 74 4 .. u 4 It II ,.M I M ..tc W .. 11 14 I ..140 a I,... .. Ill a a 14 ,m 4 75 n ' HtlFtKS. IT ( M Ml I MID un t a ,.M 4 .. TM 4 M sas s ac I II BULLA ..in 4 4 1. mm la TM 4 M t, . IM 4 M I I.-., 1 1 4 I I I IMS I M ..las IM . .11M I M ,um 4 a ..Ik 1 ..lit 1 ,74 I a , m t m ..111 IX 111 4 11 1 ism 4 a 1 CALVtia. m la t ci ia 3.,, m 4 m 1,,. at 4 n 4 Mi I 74 I 4.,, S3 I Ti STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. a a 4 a a iiu 4 a u. 47 s a 4 M77 IS' HOGtV-Paeker and shipper vied with each other In buying up offerings in the hog yards, brisk competition producing a higher grade and an early clearance. The session waa short and active, prov ing entirely satisfactory to selling inter ests. Bulk of a nvederate run sold at figure fully A dime higher, tight and mixed grades frequently showing ad vance of hstylAe. while sale of weighty stuff oeldem reflected the larger gains. Popularity of bacon and light mixed classes was generally ascribed to the picssncs of good-Meed order, (or under weiguts originating on the coast. Regu lar shippers purchased over 16 par cant of the total aupply. Recelpta were estimated at SM head, and most shipments carried fair weight and quality, the same aa on all day re cently. 8vread between heatnas, butch er and light (bowed a tendency to nar row and til range in value sMared ta he augntly a mauler than oauai. The beat heavy hog on aol brought 37... as compared with yeatarday top of 37.4. while bulk moved wiibla the 7.4ar7A spread, bacon atufx brought 37.4B07. and leas, but aaiaa below 17 g were few and acaltered. Ke, A aa. Pr Xe gp. SB. Tr. Il::::::; c v,.m a is tr a ia ia m t a . aa im ib . .1st ... I a . aJ. Ml )k M ITJ 44 t M 44 4 ... I 54 M 1 ... 1 M M 14T 134 I ii M IM M J M 7! ... ! 54 St IT! M 7 44 71 217 14 7 ii M 175 ... 7 i M tti a 7 ia M 12 : 4Jij a; ... I M Mi 11 J Ii 44 IS! ... 7 i'S M Ui 4 14 71 Ml M I ITS M IM 1!4 t 45 44 MS M 7 M 71 til 11 1 44 71 13 M 7 4e 14 IM 44 t li 47 174 ... 7 M M IM ... 1 IS 47 MS M 2 M M Ill ... 7 44 44 m W 14 U MI ... I 4s M Ill IM 1 M i IM ... 1 41 M 2: 44 7 M 51 IM IS 7 44 17 SI ... 7 M il Ill 131 I47S 7 iJ4 ... 7 M C 7 M 7 41 S 41 SI M I M 17 IM ... IS 7 Ml M T M 1 m 1 111 li Si IM I M M M IM 7 I M ITi SIB. T4. ...... lit M 7 5 42 771 M TM - 71 177 13 7 M J3 MI ... I II IM ... IM M 75 M 7 iS TS. Ill 44 7 &S 7 lit U I OS 77... Ut IM 7 4 74 ,241 M I IA 0 IM 4 7 M SS ... I 71 UI ... 1 54 41 171 M 7 ii ill ... 7 M 4 M4 M 7 Is M tn M 7 a ft 51 ... I S St il 20 7 44. M 741 M 7 15 4! 2M H Ik 44 2Ti M 1 44 14 241 ... TM II Mi ... 71 71 IN MTU M M3 IM I 74 13 244 I 7 14 47 714 ... 7 74 M IM 44 7 44 44 TM ... 7 74 M Ill ... 7 U M 271 44 7 7 ' 24 IM 7 M M IK ... 7 M M 211 ... 7 5 M 171 ... 7 I Ill 14 7 ie II Ill M I li !t IM 7 S 72 II M I 44 Tl....... IM 7 US 74 77 ... T 45 M 2M U tils' 41 1W) ... TIS Tl 25 MTU Ii -IS IM 7 44 ..,....! H Til U Ol ... Ii 71 M ... 7 it 7 31 IM 7 Si 71.: 231 M 7 ii 32 17 T ii M , Ill MTU 44 HI 44 7 ii 41 211 ... 7 ii 44 241 M T Si 77 Ill ... 7 H 1 I3 M 7 54 47 723 IS 7 U 42 Ill ... I U 71 134 14 7 54 II 112 ... t ii 4T M 7 IS TP 131 ... 7 Si M I 2M 7 ii 4 Bt M I 4 M 211 ... 7 ii 41 25i M 7 40 71 Ill' 4 7 ii 44 2M IM 7 44 , . .2Si IM 7 Si SHEEP Lamb prices went upward by lean and bounds, the market ruling 254 35c higher on an apparently heavy sup ply. Receipts were -estimated at fifty- five loads, but the run Included twenty- seven loads that were consigned through eastern feeding stations and actual offerings were by no means excessive. Packer bought recklessly ATrom the (tart. tne excited condition 01 trade being due directly to supply figures In tiie east and supply prospects In general. Esstern values are on the boom and as soon a tha remainder of the winter-fed crop Is out of the way the volume of marketing probably will become very small. Bulk 01 today run consisted of lamb. the same as recently, and plenty of Mexi cans arrived to give the display an extra good appearance. Killer were Inclined to favor this class of stock, but, every thing moved off quickly, the S otock clearance proving practically complete. ine Belmont Mexicans reached xs .an the highest price paid since Mevv of 1M0, and other classy strlnirs cnanged hands at SS.70ne.7e. t-horn western lamb found an outlet at 17. 7017. 76 and less. There were no fat ewes, fat wether or feeder nock of consequence on sale, and very little stuff sold to shearers. Three days' buy on country account amounts to 3,700 head, mostly fat shearing lambs. compared with last week a close lamb show net sdvance of fully tnsrtfnc and sheep are also relatively higher, although tne amount or improvement in ewes and wethers Is doubtful. Hardly enough sheep have been coming lately to make a teat of value. Quotations on sheen and lamb: Good to choice lambs, 3x.eMio.H0; fair to good lambs, I7.7Mi8.S6: shorn lamb, l7.tXsSi.7i; fat shearing lambs. 37.50uS.00: handy yearlings, 7.00S7.5O: heavy yearlings. S6.eo trT.w; good to choice wetners, xe.auOT.w; fair to good wether. K.lotitj.sO: good to choice ewe, 360(J4.0; fair to good wes, cb.sU410.vU Representative aalea: No. Av. Pr. 7 25 S 70 770 S 80 4 00 7 26 5 10 I 0 S 15 700 S 44) i 70 293 shorn lamb 47 2S3 fed lambs , 85 ail shorn lambs 87 43 Mexican lambs 101 fat lambs, cull t 54 shorn lambs 43 424 shorn weather at 20 shorn wethers, culls 78 543 fed lambs 71 34 fed lambs, culls 64 120 shorn yearling... HO 261 fed lamb 76 St. Loals Live Atoek Market, ' ST. LOl'IB. April 26. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,300 head: market strong: nstlve shipping snd export steers, S7.6tsSiv00; dressed knd butcher steers, lc. .iwoT.ao; steers under 1,000 pounds, St.5oni6.76; stocker and feeders, S3.0Mi7.7S; cows and heifers. 33.7514.26; canners, S3.ko5.ta; bulla, ll.3Wr4.ii; calves. IS.'-Oue-Ofl; Texans and Indian steer, S.6Otf;,50; cows and heifers. S3 SftJjsi&O. HOOB-Recelpt. S.W0 head; market 69 HY higher; pigs and light. K.254T7.86; mixed and hutchera, 7.rOtt.0O; heavy, S7.l4MrS.00. 8HBKP AND I.AM RS Receipt. 2.900 head; market 250 one higher; native mut tons. 35.75437. 50; lambs. S7.00iiv.50: culls and bucks, HOsou.26: stockers, S71.OOij4.1je. Kanaaa City Lie Slock Market. KANHAS CITY, April 26. CATTLE Recelpta t.OOS hend. Including 300 south ems; market strong to 16c higher; dressed beef and export steer. l7.7iUH.50; fair to good, W.4(njr7.46; western steers. Think of the Hot Summer Coming Comfort then means much to the employer as well as the employe. More and better work can be accomplished in a cool, well ventilated office such as is afforded by The Bee Building. . . The spaciousness ot tbe building U made prominent through the large court and good sized offices,direct ly connected with - 0 u t s ide exposure, which aids in form ing air passages through the whole structure. Other conveniences of Bee buildine ten ants are assured through attentive janitor service and speedy elevators. Kow is the time to move into THE BEE BUILDING A few vacant offices are listed: 1 AaVS asA AJ Adjoining roam caa b ranted sin-!a or rv suit. At present both room are divided by teaporary wood and (las partition: have an east axpoaur on sevaQtaeotk treat and are very dealrabl rooma ItA I liUxlStyj feat In !: has two north window and a private office partitioned off lnalde thla space Thla room would be particularly wall uii4 (or aa area tact or studio. 36a i"Yonta on Faroaan a treat and la almost In front of ale vator laodln. Slie tyxl!M. or 144 aQuar feet. Partlu4 ta affoi-a privaU vtflc and racepUoa room. SM Reception Room, private offlcs, two larsa closets. lar- workroom with two nartk windows ldsaU offica tor anclaaar. archltaoi Vsctor or other uoatA 11-rxlS la aisa IKnt. thus hat ins azcallaat natural light. Tha apaca could la olvlOul so aa to tnak two very pisaaaat maa. Prta par sBosjia , wiju ISO Office th the northwest corner, neelng fonr isrrs win. 4m A fireproof vault for tha profession of valuable neonrs Is much In demand and ia afforded In .Uils room. TberV tTn tatal 0t S3 souars feet at noor apae and soms would kZ uppaa with paxUtlona to aatlafy coad tenant. Ta raits? area la per t - 4 -.--a-SSi, The Bee Bee Businesu Office Stiooets-M: stockers and feeders, iJJj; Asp TJaAn f - aaaratlt fk AS Vl! fDtlS. outnern steers. . iT--Vnva. Ha; "tv. cows. heifers. 4&3nlii.a: euim. c-- 'Recelpts. . Ldm"kJ?,i!!5 higher: bulk of sales. heavy: T 8047 : packers and buienera " ;.: lights, r. 4017.75: PUT it cHEKP AND LAMBReceipts. .59 head: market 50c higher: Colorado lambs. SS.10: lambs. K-iiv-: ""-JS. SS.ifSe.10; wethers, 3SO.m7.00; ewes Si. ASi; stockers and feeders, Si.oJtJo.. CHICAGO LIVE TTOCfct MARKET Draaaad for Cattle Stroaaer -HOC Flraa Skeep stieanB- cur.nn inoi catti.E Re celpta. 3.510 head; market strong to 150 higher; calves, 3c up: beeves, lo. ,.-r8.; Texas steers. S5.30437.S: western eera. S5.4547.46; stockers and feedera S4.Soe.S0; cows and heifers, fcSj7.50; calvea. S5.0A Cr. 1 . HOGS Recelpta. is. neao. niounyi 1 li.iuf- iih CT Jnt-j , v Iirrn bin .v '" mixed, S7.45b7.S0; heavy. 7.464iT.Ss.; rough. r. 45(17.45; plga, pt.,3ll.tw: ouia oa s'msEP AND LAMBS-Reeeipts. M.M head; market steady. i'oOc higher; na tive, S4.'5r-: western, aa.w-i,..Tv. ..e-, lings, S6.26fe o: lambs, native, SS.0OS9.4C; western. .264j4 St. Joae LIT. Stack Market. m iacvdu kfA . nrll PA CATTLE Receipts.'l.MA) head; market steady: steers. Sa.i5ia9.ov; cows ana neuwa, fa.sn,.,, calves. S4 Kti7.va. HOGS-Recelpts. 6. 0(0 head: market strong to 6c higher; top, 37.90; bulk of sales. r.X9!M. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, .toll head; market iO&85c higher; lamba, T-M iiS.lu. . . . stork In Sight. Receipt of live Mock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. 8heep. 8.h Omaha 2.2W S.500 13.500 St. Joseph l.Jt 00 Kansas City t" . 1.1. 1.3H0 . 500 S.500 2.000 Chicago 3,5(0 19.0UI 10.00 Total ,.10.0110 62.909 34,100 ' - Metal Mnrket. NEW YORK, April 35. MKT AL 8. Standard copper, dull; spot and AprIL $15. :?i 15.75; Slav. 315 55116.76; June, 315.574 il6.75; July, ll5.K-ai5.75. London market ateady; spot, :70 5s; futures, i;;i 2 tid. London market steady: spot. 900 10s; Arrivals reported at New York today were 76 tona Custom house returns show exports of 14,349 ton so far this month. Lake copper, 16.12'itiI6,Ji; electrolytic, 114 O091S.12H: casting. iA.2ujis.87Sk. Tin, quiet; spot and April, 3-14.5044.75; May, 344.45; June. 44.16f4.s); July. S43.lat44.tl. futures. 199 15s. Lead, easy; S4-10t4.20. New York: S4 0064.10. Eaat St. Lou!. London market quoted at 14 12 tVl. riot. firm; Sti.oOn7.00, New Ypjrk; M.60J 4.90. East St. Loula liale. 100.000 pennda, St. Louis, at S4.80, and 60.000 pounds at pj.SCip, Ixindon. 25 15s. Antimony, quieu Cookson's, SkOO. Iron, C leva I anil warrant. (4s Ittd In London. Locally Iron was steady; Na S foundry, northern, 115.254515.74; Na 3, I16.ul5.i0; No. 1 southern knd No. 1 southern, soft, Ili tHJ 16.76. ST. LOl'18. AprU a.-METALS-sed, firm at KlOafi.lk, Spelter, firm At A7 t3.l. Minneapolis firala Market MINNEAPOLIS. April 26. WHEAT May. ll.U'4: July, LU'l.lJSi; Septam ber, 11.05. Cash: No. 1 hard, 11.141; Na 1 northmern. (1.144; Na 1 northern, 11.12V No. S. Sl.lOSk. N- BARLEY-70.ySl.. FLAX-.C14i,4j2.15s..' RYE Na 1 She, BRAN In 100-lb. sac'ts, 324.04.60. FLOUR Flrt patents, .10(6.40; sec ond patents, 34.764,0.110: first clear, S.60ij 3.; ceond clears, 12. 402.)). Coffe Market. NEW TORK, April 26-COFFEE-Fu-turea market closed 4 points pet lower to 9 points higher: sales, 5.'"JU hags; April, 13 45c; May, 13.41H-; June, I3.6sc; July, 11.72c; August, 13.79c; September, 13.85c; October, 13.82c; November, 13 Sic; Decem ber, January and February, 13.7nc; March, IS.Kla Spot coffee, quiet; Rio, Na 7, 14V; Santos, No. 4, l,c. Mild, quleK Cordova, liny lSHc, nominal. Onaakn Hay Market. OMAHA, April 7S.-HAY-N0. 1, IJO 0OTI 31.09; Na & SI7.0O41 19.00; No. 3, 140f,17.0; No. 1 middling, S30MI21.0O; No. 1 low land, fl8.0ttil9.ta; alfalfa, choice third and fourth cutting, t21.00r2l 00; first knd sec ond cutting, S2O.4MT21.00; Na 1 SI&.0O44 30.00; No. i. ll6.0oyi8.OS. Sasjnr Market. NEW YORK. April SS-SUaAR-Raw. quiet; muacavado 89 teat, l4to; centri fugal M teat. S.9c; molaa 4k test, ASc: refined, quiet. ' Wool Market. ST. IADITIS, April 26. -WOOL Steady territory and -western mediums. 14ttl7c' fin medium. Iatji7c; Una lufclSc profsa1nl maa aaoial per ftAAM located on the court close .v. Buildihg Co. 17th anl Farnam Sta o sarftsxfta. -- f'f4 1, . " " , -If 112 : . 4 '