X :By Hershfield Desperate Desmond Claude' Kindness to a Young Stranger Has Surprising Results for Rosamond and Himself .1 4 .t '5 i ( I.-TO THE CZAR. Claud Eclair. peerless hero, and Rosamond, hi beautiful sweetheart, ar bow balac led la lb presence of to czar, when tb final entenc I to b pronounced upon them. It W a moment of cruel exultation for Desmond, who re joice In the fat that la now aim to , overtake tb belplee lover In the land of despotism and darkness. . WANT ADS tVaat aua received at aa; Unas but - fa lasar proper classlficaUoa must , bej presented before- tt o etock . for lb eesung adltioa and btfor v p. aa. for istoraiac and Sunday odi tioea. Want eU received after such hour will Dare their lint l-wavtioa uader Ui bcatUac nuw Ufa i CASH RATES FOB WAST AD. REtiLLAH CLASSIFICATION On - tasertioa 1H nt per word aad 1 ceatf per word for each subsequent ' ooseecutlvs Insertion. Each la ' - tJoa awde oa odd days 1 H-cen par seordj lXO per line V """"I - wbaa ad la rua without " . UNDERTAKERS. ; u; ANTI-TRUST UNDERTAKER. ' Caskets W trust price. Phone H. T. . Bras Cw 2 r -IIM and save money. .' , AMUSEMENTS ' X)MAllA tlLM EX. L&V" ' Motion picture machine and fJm bargain. AKNOVNCKMETTS " THIS IS WORTH 10c on your bill for repairing carpet sweepers or grinding lwn mower. Nam . ,.. Address and 'Phons.... ""'.: W do the work at your home or call 0-ves. K. n. anencs. w mm.. ' V ." nTHTrtW rtfiv t!ND"ER- J.A. VCIMU&MA, TAKER. t Mnhelmer. Kit Chicago St D. law. B-la. TlicWashWord" r6 thc Home 1 , W. pleas particular people, rsor satis faction and lunger life to your lineoa. Kimball L aundry BLUE WAQON8. .... Doug tit: Ind. A-tflt. UU Jackson. " tnnVXfirSrif.th St Everything r,AJlJ IJM N(W Mining Btylee r Bos , postpaid, ; try half doaen. It not satlrfactory money refunded. BBA- : Alfred C. Kennedy. anca V First Nat Bk, Bldg. Doug. TO. . THE TEKNA KUOP TXnner Favors, Leather, Bra, Oless and eUlver Noveltieei btaUonery, Baskets, Dolls Popular prices. Omaha's exclusive " sltl store. Ua Farnam. Phon D. ARKftsd. tit OTH, UPbTAIKO. ' OET your diamonds at Brodegaard s. WnKu vrrii.nJSAw. oatw mm, . M atorrlll. china paint ml Brandeis Th - OMAJ1A TENT CO. Tel. O DougUa Kteveneon, carpenter, cont Both phonea 1'Pholstenng, pmtic, furn. rrp. BX Far. HAVE Davis clean your wall paper. IX PARALYZED 11 YEARS For Lilt Subscrlptlona TO The Ladle Home journal fl The faturday Evening Post 1 Su The Country Gentleman l.W Th publieker will deposit 16,000 la trust for some public charity, Ue In terest of which will bring me t a month for lite. Must have lit In April or th m ( prise Is lost. Tour renewals count 7iPiV"V THE MAOA1M.NE MAN. UUliiAjrS, go, sttn HI. OMAHA. JiL-i kTli rpu mattresse renovated riimlnr D ItsT. ' Omaha BUI Poetlng Co. ttlt nar, D. HH. (liRT. TART. Locksmith. Lawn KjAJUj JAXILi Mowers gharpened. lOU8LAa Printing Co. Tel, Doug, eW. D. 8. Clrlimii. wig mfr.. 11 Frenaer Bla. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rata. In eums to suit m Be Bldg. pnon lwuc awe. UlO.N IO A.N CO. . HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding oo protrud ing pile. We poetpald; samples free. nherman A MeConnel' Drug Uo. Omaha. Wedding announcemcnta Doug. Ptg. Co. GLAZING cpOA A. C. Leaeard, Tyler MT lt Leav. IT IS A BEASTLT SHAME to take candy from bablM. But It la a snap to buy Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry at . Fred Brodegaaxd Ca.'s great aacrific and removal sale during April. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iroa and wire fence cheaper than wood; last a uictimo. ! N. l.th. Phone Ked Hi. B. H. Cole Sign Co. D. rst. UH Farnam. Neb. Seed Co. 12US Jonea Both phooea. Twenty per cent let than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. . Twenty-fourth and L Bis- South Omaha. KLDG PLXSalR1 Ouarante Laundry. Ftoe work, D. tTl ROIIAICR Eastman Goods, complete aWL,&Vi3 ,tock Largest finishing department in the west . THT ROBERT DKMP8TER CO, Va Faraam St and X B. Kth St ED ROWS. WeH boring. Benson UL NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING CO., m Paxtoa BIk.. circular letters, any quantity; okiewt tab(lsbed eompaoy; ex peru of Multigrapk and Neoetyle. r bathtubs, m m. ma Doug: st WANTED Repair work sf all kinds; gnndtng and saw filing. Call Ind. B-KM. ACTOMOBILES Auto lamp, radiator rep'a.. plating ail - fcmde. Neb. PL Co, tat Howard. D.Eit . Auto htmpa repaired. Omaha Silver Co. : Murphy Uid ItyMisi H.-THE BRIDGE OF SIGHS. Aeroa the Russia "Bridge of Sighs," over which eo many unfortuoat political prlaonar ' have trod then- sad, way. Claude and Rosamond ar now forced by Desmond and th Ruaalan guard. It I a . bridge on which th footatep all point In one direction, for there la no return from th dreed castle one tb heavy door have clanged behind one. AUTOMOBILES TIIiE EEPAUILNG SJ VTZ tires. Wl make them almost as good a new. Nothing but highest priced and new materlale used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., VU) Jr'ar nam. JJRUMMOND Auto repairs, rubber tire for carnage PFEIFKKR Carriage Work. Auto r pairs. Kth and Leavenworth. Doug. W. Why not sell your old automobile and buy a new , one or, maybe, you can use the money In some other way In either event. Be want ad will do tb work, liaise 1 sent per word If rnu only one time or I cent per word If run two or mor -time consecutively. Your TIRE EXPENME cut In two. Expert tire repairing work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., 1KU Farnam. AL.MOHT new 1-Daaeenaer -H. P. car at a bargaia for owe sale. Call at Car ter Car Co. HAV1NO discontinued handling AUTO MOBILES, we offer our remaining stock co nutating of three high grade Ftreeton touring car at bargain price. Hacln Sattley Co., loth and Jonea els. SAVE MONEY TUiffr, aeoltne. measur ing oil pump and storage tank. Safe, ao curat and handy. For circular and full particulars address CENTRAL IMPLE MENT CO, UU Farnam St, OMAHA. Jt stare Teles. Motorcycle repairing at cost Doug, etct USED motorcycles, bicycle at bargain prices. V. H. Root, Xim LeavenworthV7 SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES Rfr'XT Used oare; guaranteed; all Jij0,1' makes. Se me first; low prloea. Mdormae, i n. seta. Tel. Har. twn. SECOND-HAND Chalmers "' tlve paeeenger touring car In perfect running order, very cheap. Apparsoa Auto Co, uet Farnam. Ut SIX ESS CHAKCKS. , TO get la or eut of hueioese call aa OANOaJtTAD, M Be Uldg. Tel. D. Mil. Ed Rotnery, Business and Real Estate tmensnge co. Koom 111. McCseuo Bldg. FOR SALE To close estate, half In terest In two good paying businesses. Small amount of capital required, to right party, lady or gentleman. Boa aw, Omaha. AS I am going to Montana to live, will sell my stor and stock of notions at Crete, Neb, Including on-story building, a ft. front on Main St Frank Burda, Crete, Neb. WE have for sale the controlling inter est la several banks In th northwest and requiring from W.OS) to lat.otM, no trades; your tsuulrle treated In strict confidence. C. ft. Enkema Co, tat Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. HELP BUILD OMAHA. -LET TOUR MONET WORK FOR TOU. An Omaha manufacturing concern re quiring more capital to enlarge and widen tn tcop oi it Business, otters a few mor cltisen aa opportunity to become participants In a successful and raukllv growing manufactory. Some of Omaha's beat known people ar etock Holder. Now paying t par cent dlv idenda Stock outstanding t n.MO.0 new wsu , . h,oju uv It, (WOOD Present assets tlRuMou Fullest Investigation courted; Interested persons please sddree. D tat. care Bee. FOR SALE The Franklin Moving Pic ture theater, one of the best paying thea ter In Omaha, Will stand tnvu-Uoa F. B. Ooft 17 Franklin St DUNNING HARDWARE . COMPANY are offering the Men re markable low values on there line of Safety Razors of well know makes. Call early for best selectoions. HIGH CLAM business man. lust finished successful promotion of merit- orloua patent; desire patented or pat entable article of merit to finance and devote future to. Answer quickly, giving detail. Would consider enterprising Job- wng oueineaa. k eif, uee. Cats W anted ruHa?. . !T. . - rooms and no facilllle tor teedlnx our ausata. Wm. Fisher, Mgr, Hie and Howard. TO BUY, leese Or sell theaters, near ar second band machine, repairs and repair ui. Arte '.theater Exchange Co, MM earnera Ol. . uoug. levi. Burns, Brisker Co, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg, mortgagea for Investment. Martaraee law Sale, FOR SALE OUt dc first mart runs on new dwellings occupied by the owners in aenominaiions of M aad tMue, run sing Istdi years at t and tl per east Interest, AMERICAN 8ECURITT COMPANT ax . lith, St. Between Farnam and Harney, Ground Floor. . Bl8I.i8 PERSOKAXS . Attsnays. Ueton L. Hall, lawyer. M7 Bran Bldg. O. W. ShleidAttorney. 3S7 R of Trade. . Ba Maa lac tare re. BEMIS OMAHA BAQ CO, Omaha. Neb. Ba sued Pachas ksttlMsien, Wooden Bok A Package Co, Itlt N. Uth. . Cblropedleta. . . , DR. ROT, Bat Farnam. Douglaa taTT. . , CteHhlaar Maaataetarora. Wear Ideal drs ehlrta. at. E. Smith Co. Caaratew sued Stewt CeUlaaa. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. Omaha. Cewaaacrtea, Aairtesi aad aappttea. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Arwaysgeod. LAVU) COLE CKEAAtEKT COMPANX. UL-CHILDISH FLAT. What la thiaT Ah, a youngster at sliding down tb win rapport of th bridge. All unconscious of hi danger, th little boy about In childish (lea. But Una la no ordinary little boy. A th observant reader baa already potted - from th little crown on the boy' bead, " thla yountar la th cxarevttch, batr to la throne of tb IJttl Father. BVSIXESS PERSONALS Oeatteta. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. D. am. Mach dt Mach, id floor Pwxton. D. MM. Tart's dental room a 1U7 Doug. D. 21 M. Ceieetlvca. Nebraska Det Agency, the only bonded agency In Neb. Interview, correspondence conrideniuu. u Brown But rnone u-evitt. JAMES ALLEN Neville BIk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler ua L. W. LONONECKER, tl? Karbach BIk. Omaha Beorst eerv, ift Paston blk. D.Ult. Oresasaahlaa. ' Terry's Dressmaking college, tOtb A Far. DHtH.SMAKI.NO by day. Webster t7l PLAIN eewlng, reasonable. Harney 21. Dressmaking by day. Phone Doug. H, Dressmaking taught alghts. Doug. 3S1J. IiHIis.KMAKINO. 2Ui Farnam. D. Slat. Dressmaking. Harney U90, evenings. Jresemaklag, reasonabla Tel. Har. twt. Dressmaking. Tel. Webster 41 Drasglets. , , DRUGS at eut prices; freight paid on 0 order; catalogue free. Hhermao 4 cConnell Drug Co, Omaha, Neb. Bverytalaa EleotrlcaL Electric lighting tlx, whole! and retail. Burgee-Ornden Co., UU Howard. D-enl. STANDARD ELECTRIC CO. Telephone Doug. tttl. lit South 11th St, EDWARD F. SCHURIO, Mgr. 2d Hand Electric Apparatus and repairs. La Bron. til S. Uth St Everything taw Weesea. Dr. Babcock Co, m Wlthnell U A Har. WlUow pluinee made from your old and new feathers, reasonable. UU & 1L D. ?6tt : Nubone Tailored Corsets. Guaranteed not to rust or break. JVu Bone Corset Shopi tot Neville Bk. D. 1170. CARPETS and rugs cleaned on floor without removal; free estimates. The Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. it and lulu. DRESS pleating buttons covered, all slses and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO, W Douglas Block. Both phone reed Mills aad Kane, Feed sll kinds, Olencoe Mills, tm lrd. , ,.. Florleta. . A. Donaghu. 1W Far. D. MM. A-1001. HEM eiWO Hoiy A, H16 Farnam St. L. HKNDEHKON, Kit Farnam. D. lt. BRANDKIS FLORIST. Brandeis Bldg. BATH'S FIA7R1HTS, Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETTS, cut flower. Doug 11. raaadrlea. McDonald bras and brans foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings, law Jackson. Masto, rt aay Eaaaaasjaa. Violin leeeon; Wm. L. Patton. Web. I llano Tuning ?Tb7. Mavlaa, starage aad Cleaalaa. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Cc-Movlng furniture, packing, fireproof storag. City office, at H. 17th. Doug. EeL Ind. B-Ut Ferrln Van A Storage Tyler 1. BU7M. Furn. moving; t men, tl per hr. W. yTtt. N sreerles aad See da. Fruit Trees 8hmd trM auruba. CreiicraJ auracry Itnck. Phnna RanavkBi favl navrkt. OrnithaV NurMry. iUe F. bYRD NURSERY CO. We will be at In same old stand. Uth aad Douglas St. Call Doug, tta; let ua help you plan your grounds f recof charge. GATE City Nursery, all kind of fin nuraery etock displayed at MM Daven port Day phone Douglas M. Evening phon Harney SNA J. H. Marnette, Mgr. STEWART'S. 8EEDMEN. lit N. UTH. HAZEL DELL NURSERT. J. W. DAT. General line nursery stock, leta and Pinkney. Phon Web. Kit, Optlelaae. B. T. Wum, fitting and rep'g. ttt Brendela Oeteapathy. Alice Johnson. M- Brandeis The Bldg. Kstheryn Nicholas, CM-t Brandeia The, Pateata, D. O. Barnetl. Paxtoa BIk. Tel. Red TUT. WUIard Eddy. 1&3 City Nat Bk. B.Jg. Pheteareahere. Biaehart. photographer. Itth A Famam. Patau aad SUaa. Toa ar Invited to cots tn and get color cards and talk ever your painting and decorating. Complete line Sherwia WUilams paints aad varnishes. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO, Doug. eTta, FlaUagh OMAHA SILVER CO, tit 8. Uth. Pla la F. VALKENBERO. Plumbing. W. Ml Prtatias. Lew W.Raber Printer, BEE BLDO. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET th. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od your work. Mil Douglas St Tel. D. tTg. Rats-Hall Ptg. Co.. M a. ltth. Ind. A-KM. Lvnastad Printing Co, Wtb aad Camtal Ave. Tet Ind. A-ww for gvod printing. Stoct leak aad tlerl t NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Cos. pany. itih and McboUa It. tern. tceaaarapacr aad Ceare Uepeeteta. Myrtle A. Keller. Tasra. Tb. .D. Km. uw suuiauea iee AavoUsutg. IV-TO THE RESCUE. . Claud' dutch ere uutantly ee the dancer that walta for th boy at play. To Claud th eiarevltch I th earn as any other youngster. Our hero would risk hi life aa quickly to cava th Vhlid of tb bumbleet peasant In all the Rua slaa Hi loses no Urn bar, but with an bla speed rush forward to clutch th boy and prevantjilm- from falling. BC8IXF.S9 PERSONALS Traaka aad Salt Case. Fretlng A Stelnle, 1801 Farnam St , Teats aad Awataga. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. E9 Douglas. Wlaaa aad Llaaar. WILLOW Springs bear, liquor, cigars sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 601-1 S. Uth St VIPGINIA DARE win, tec a large bot tle. Klein Lluor House. 622 N. lethSt EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY' AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses la Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Servlo or Bale manshlp. The catalogue I free for th asking. Call, writ or 'phon for It at one. Addrns H. U. Boy lea, President. Boy lea College, Omaha, Neb. TUTORINO. 1st to sib grade, U. tMe, HELP WANTED FEM.U.K ' Hoesekecaere aad lessstlcs. GOOD, clean girl that understands chamber work. tiu.0 per month, board and room. Hotel Monro, Onnnell, la. WANTED-A girl for general house work; two In family; good wages. Sta) Doug St THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Be will rua your Domes tic Help Wanted Ad FREE untU you get th desired results. Bring your ad to In Be office or telephone Tyler 1000, WANTED Experienced- whits cook; good wages. Mrs. Rom Millar, Hotel Rome. . ' CHAMBERMAID Apply to Omaha General hospital. WANTED Young woman to wait on table and assist parlor maid. Apply Brownell Hall. Douglas to. U1RL for general housework; no wash ing or Ironing. Good wages. Ill N. lltn. WANTED Olrl for country place; good wages. W. B. Clark. Millard Hotel. OIRL or woman for general houae- wors. as n. mn at "u7T"Ut J' I housework; three la faraliy. N. C. Sears, N'o. t, Normandl Apartment COMPETENT girl for general houee- work; tmaii family; good wage. Wit Harney tst WANTED Girl for general housework. Two In family, tilt Poppleton Ave WANTED Experienced white girl of gooo character ror general nousewora. Wage. Ik 00. Phone Harney toei. WANTED Gift fur general house work, MM S. th St, Phon Harney ejle. OIRL wanted for housework at Heouer- eon. the Florist lOlt N. tttb St So. I milia. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. UJ B. Mth bt Tet Harney luu. WANTED Good girl for general house work 1 email house and small family. let web. IttH. a, N. lith Bt. MRS. H. Bernstlen wants a girl for general housework, Phon Harney Jsto. AS No. loth St WANTED A second cook aad waltreaa, flret claae, to leave city. Call Harney MU. TOL'NO women eomng to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit th Young Women's Christian association bulldiu at St Mary a Ave., and i.'lh St, where they will be directed to Suitable boarding place or otherwlas assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tb Union station. U.'&MTl.'r12lrU Ia K.l,hl .id f V I butter. Farmers' Creamery Co, tth aad Jiamey. Tet Doug. K. HELP WASTED MALE Ageata, aleaasea aad teUcltere. RELIABLE salesman able to give reference can obtain opportunity te con nect with new conoern of reputatloa. For particulars phone Douglaa est. AGENTS Ocean's Oreateat Tracedv: ttgantlo stesmsmp Titanic goes to th bottom on her maiden trip. atulUmlllloa airea, authors, statesmen end Immi grants snare th same wstery grave Our great book, profusely Illustrated, will tell all the thrilling atory. with personal accounts of heroic self-sacrtfiee, marvel ous escape and terrible sufferings; be urn in tne nets sna reap a goioea bar vest; prospectus new ready; outfit free. Send MM to cover coat of mailing. The Thompson Pub. Co., St Louis, Mo. AGENTS-tat a week for 1 hours a day. selling wonderful new household neces sity, new selling plea wtlh free adver tising does It toilette Mfg. Co, Box H Amsterdam, N. Y. SINKING OF THE TITANIC AND GREAT SEA DISASTERS Authoritative Book oa the Oredteat Marine Disaster la History. Thrilling story. Profuselv Illus trated. Splendid Opportunity for Money Making. Price only U.00. Big Terma Com plete OuUit Free. Write Today. UNI VERSAL HOUSE, m Area St. Phila delphia. A FEW steady. Industrious men who appreciate 110 or more a day to Introduce a aew patented specialty.- gampiea fur- ntsbed. Ihe General Manufacturing Co, 1M Mtb Bt. Detroit Mich. COLLECTOR oa salary: U McCagu Bldg. WANTEDA maa te eolldt subecrie- Uona tor The Twentieth Century Farmer. fcaiary ta a week. Address Ctrculauoa Manager, The Twentieth Coattiry Farmer, UDafit, ASD, MANAGER for Omaha office, bow es tablished. Balary faev montniy. invest ment of pVtAe end good huaneet ability reeoired. U.iau,oo company. Permanent and high class business, L-et. care Bee. WANTED Sober retux maa with small capital; permanent position; good salary ana commission that will make yoa in ependent Ceil gctiiltx Hotel. Room ). Cleetoai aad Of flee. FULL dree sans and Bertr drasse for sale; also for rent Let to S-M a eight JOHN FELDMAN, M N. ITth. D. JJt. F meter r auad Trades. BIDS for grading te 00 etd sewer (dry creek bed) la Eliistoae Park Place, east of Fort Omen. Se us at one. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO, HI So. Ittb Bt (Cor. Dodge. Street Floor. Jnaaraaea, Henuli Uoaas. Abatraata, ate. HELP WANTED MALE Factory aad Trades. Our Extremely low values in bargains on Builders Hardware are being taken up rap idly. DUNNING HARDWARE . COMPANY, ' 1612 Harney St Drug store (snap) lob. Knlest, Be Bldg. attsecllaaeoas. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad. If you gain your training in our school. Practice on R R wire. Ad dress for partlculara. H. B. Boy lea. Prea Boy let college, Omaha, Neb. STOP, READ!! Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundreds of successful graduate. Complete equipment of Auto mobile and machinery. Address National Auto Training Aas"n, 2t Brandeia Thea ter mag, umane, Neo. PW 03 montk. Send postal for list of po lUona open. Franklin Institute, Dept. lit O. Rochester, N. T. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write tor free catalogue M. M. Johnson. Clay Canter, Neb. UP AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. . GUARANTEED BEST IN ' WEST. WRITE FOR PROOF. Mt MEN It to it years old wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; tet to tiot a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity: no strike; write Immediately tor application euurwi i-sn car or nee. U k WTPn , . V , ,.rnw w unve auto mobile, who ha had some experience. Wltiern-u.. ,A i , L' -' w nam siiv Dsruer trade; few weeks completes; come now; flnlaK . , Kit t , . , -'"' i'u. ws vuuiru, foanr excellent positions; train barbera on palace oars, lake and ocean liners, clubs ..Hum,., liivusauus ui grauu- atea sending for barbera; our diplomas --"'.-, ,'hwiis,, Branvnes; established lttl; tools given; wages while "ei eee our Ulier, wiy or country applicants; call or writ, Molar Barber (m 1 1 iui. iia a i.ik o WANTED FOR U. a ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between the ages of U and It; eitlsens of United Stales of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read aad writ the English language For Information apply to re cruiting oincer, utn ana Douglas sts, Omaha, Neb.; W tth St, Sioux city, la.; u ci. ann at, uncoin, Ken. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Heraee aad Vehicles STILISH stanhope; also depot wagon. Windsor Stables. Harness of all klnut, th largest stock in tn city, at attractive price, jonneon, Danforth Co.. R W. Cor. 10th and Jonea. REECE'S b"1' bon ana Urm laiiHVi o mares tor sale; draft and wagon bora to let by the day. tbil nnerman Ave. rnone weoeter 11. HORSES by day or week. Sher WJOOXjO tMD I bs., stth and Clark. nor ana mere nought end sold. Black mare, wt I.eW. Wagner. 101 N. It HTlRKKS ioeres and work harness uuaoiW hought and sold. f!7 N. 2. HORSES and cows, tut Cuming St NEARLY new, single top buggy and single harness; all In good condition. Webster tTTE HORSE LUO, spring wagon, titrnees, tat, UI 8. tlst. Call H. Utl. A good strong, gentle pony, also big norse, cneap. set DO. sttn Ave LOST AND FOUND LOST On Boston bull pup. Finder re turn to aa a. ana at tor reward. Har. MM. - LOST On Boston bull pup. Finder re turn UUt tub St for reward. Har. MM. FOUND ""'O 8ul Steamed, Pressed, "Faultless Cleaner, lit 8. lith! rCReunl having loet eom. article weald do well to call bp the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway oawipeny to asoertala Whether they left It la the street ears. Many erodes each day are turned ta and the company la aulou te reefer tbegt to tae rightful swear, call vou lea at OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R Tarry ceres Piles, Fistula, aad other rectal disease, without surgical epe ration. Cure guaranteed and no moeey paid until cured. Write for book oa rectal diseases with testimonials. PR. K. R. TARKT. Bee Bldg, Omaha. DR RACE Specialist nervous and all chronic disease, tta Harney. Dour AMI. Ladles' guaranteed remedies. d Ware but Woeosa's allm'ta Dr. Burke, tl Doug; Blk Dr. Babcock Co. tot Wltbnell Bids, MOXKY TO tA?f. Salary aad Chattels. , ATTENTIOff. Loens en REAL ESTATE Ftm. MTL'BE. PIANOS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. SALA RIES, ETC.. at usual rates. No red tana No delay. BlGGE.-iT. BEST AND . CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. M Floor, 387-1 Paxtoa Bla, S7 A MU Bt Pnonee; Doug- uu; a-iCL Money furniture, plaaos aad real estate at a vary law rata at interest Nebraska Loan Company, Deug. MA Mt Bee Bldg. A-MaA MONEY teased asserted people, we Tie fceepiag house aad steers, wttaoat ae amy; easy aaxmewca. eata. Of aces la 7 aasal ettias. . Toimea. tut Omaha NaCl BesA Ba. feeder l N. T. Uls Biac. CHATTEL LOANS. to 1MB. SALARY LOANS. Yon caa get it today at STAR UOAJf CO.. Mt nxtsa Blecst. rwaJfOND lniNlUSkUllur sTLalAU, aUd Dedga at Tet Bed, I V SAVKD. ' With practiced skill, Claud grasp th sliding boy In his powerful arm and by a -terrific effort of strength and agility ' rushes up the heavy cable with th child af and sound In bla embrace. From the castle window the csarlna watches In frantic fear, ' for her only son la the apple of her eye and the bop of th Romanoffs. OCHAX STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL. LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth. London. The Plcturesaue St Lawrence Route. Four day on the ocean, three day In river and gulf, splendid new Turbine Steamera Saloon. aecond-caDin ana tmra class. Superior one-class cabin service Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention. Send for circulars, rates, plana, eta Allan Co, Ol N. Dearborn St, Chicago Anchor Line Steamships New York. .Londonderry and Glasgow i New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rate for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English. Irish Continental and Mediterranean poiota Superior accommodations, excellent cui tine, efficient service Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Una or Henderson Broliier, General Agents, Chicago, lit OFFERED FOR RENT Beard aad faeeata. O. M. B. hauls trunks. D. tU. A-M1L FURNISHED rooms, board. t2t So. Ik SOUTH ltth STREET. Ut-Th Pratt east room, excellent board, single room. Oougias l. - Faralalied ttoeaaa. NICELT furnished, front parlor. ult- able for two, ItJi each per week, alt N. Uth St NEWLY furnished rooms, close In. in private family; three or four business gentlemen preferred flit Jackson Bt nil ST. MARY'S AVE.-Bcautlfulry fur nished rooms, large porches, beautiful lawn. Phone Douglas t;it. tet & STH ST. Strictly modern south rooms, 1 block to I car lines; reason able. Harney KM. 2&11 FARNAM Nicely furnished front room, strictly modern, with board; suit able for two. Douglas H07. SINGLE room. In Kountte Place, mod ern home. Phone Webster 1602. Faraleaed Heasekeeplaa Roosts. TITO MANUEL Two-room apartment ttt. The Howard, t-room. private bath. 13 list and Howard. SOUTH Xth AVE, 4Qft-Furnlshed rooms tor light housekeeping, walking distance A-ra." Motel aad Aseuruseats. . Dewey European hotel, 11th and Farnam. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate Offrlpri Hotfll Ouncll Bluffa Rooms UgueUilOll tjoo to ti.OO per week. Dodge, running hot end oold water; tele- pnoaes in every room; prices tne ssme Aaartaaeata aad Flats. S BAAU . l . ' a..-. DU- r nv. mt iimuaiM .mm, m.wav i- ,u. , tlMt N. Mtb St, 8. Omaha. Hall, 431 Hamge Biog. u. lew. A-etoe. 4-ROOM apartment new. nivwern brick steam heat; short walking distance; gas stove reingerator, cupooara, wardrobe; ounas; isunary; ane janitor service Douglas t30t. Hotels aad Apartaaeata. t-ROOM apartment, new brick, t2L 1711 a. nth Bt Harney sua. VERY fine duplex apartment t large rooms, first floor; lsrgs front porch, fire place; nice yard and corner lot leM Oeer Sia Ave. v tl LARGE room apartment, part mod. near mn ana vinton. rnone Harney eat. Moases aaa cottages. MOVING, packing and storing of house bold goods and ptanoa la our business Omaha Van A Storage Co, fireproof storage, i a. uth, tjy the viaduct H ranch office, tot 8. 17th St Tet D. 4IImL A-lesa, COTTAGE, 7 room; modern; 2420 Cald well st; taso. , Good men are hard to get They don't wander around the streets looking for signs In window When yon need good help advertiss tn The Bee. Bee Want ads are read by keen, energetic men who wish te better their condition. Rates le per word If run two or mors times consecutively. Tele phone Tyler KN0. HOUSE. 281 Charles. 'Phono .Webster 477S. 7-ROOM house, (24. t-room. 140. Modern Hanecom Park. Tel. Harney lots. Hnnsna ell parte of the city, uuuaea omn Son A Co, Bee Bldg HAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO, peck, move, stor and ship H. H. goods na pianos; no enarge lor return oriv i office. Doug. 14X or B-t42t- FOR RENT Six-room cottage, Kit Jones St, modern except heat 117JS per month. Phone Harney 12S&. t-ROOM house for rent, gas snd bath; Clifton Hill. Phone Webster 2S37. FOUR rooms, modern, water and tele phone free. tlS.aO per month; walking dtetanee. 221 8. 24th. 7-ROOM new house, belna Moored throughout oa Stb and Evana Sts. H. 1A t-ROOM house, ssodern. ttt. Fine law. Ttt & 17th St Phone Web. 2S90. ltii Hall Ave, $.00. ; -rooms modern Vacant May 10th. Thoa. F. Had, 43) Ramge. Both phonea NEW t-room cottage, modern except beat Rent reasonable, 413 Eraklne St, Key at 4133 Ereklne t-room modern cottage with good yard and garden. A bomeiike and beat place. Corner Z2d and Larimoro Ave. ts.ta, t rooms, modern, with good yard and had trees, Z4 Farnam St, 13 se rooms, raoaern, st us m. sa 8t, tn t-room cottage, corner tad and K Deniz ing, partly modem, room for garden, til Harrison & Morton tit Oman Nat Bank. Tet D. 214 THREE-ROOM Cat 2122 N. zath St COS. big roams, all modern, felt N. rth Ave. 128. Etght rooms, modara. Bit Spalding, pk Three-room basement kilt S. 13d St, 7. Bars at all Douglas St.. II. a C OLSEN. Soma Ms, McCagu Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS sack ad and far. warded; cheap freight rates: moving aad storeag. sjptiasmea s usuvery to. Tet iwejgias an. tuy ecoca, zis a i,ia tit. Be- 'Vr W. FARNAM. new brick i bedrooms, 1 ssxha. lit N. ttiA Ave. tea, Red 2Mi. VI REWARDED. I'm the boyaki!" cries Deapcrata Do mond, "but I'm In th soupskl." Tin grateful cxar Is Investing Claud with the Order of Kriminchook, and offer to have Desmond cast Into a dungeon at the. slightest suggestion from our hero. What befalls Claude and what befalls Desmond will be shown by th artist In tomor row exciting pictures. OFFERED FOR REM S27 Park Ave; rooms, tfa.Stt. Inqulr Carey Laundry, Webster 15ot A-lMo. 220t N. ISth J-r, mod S0 3803 Woolworth Ave, t-r, mod....... 26 00 t21l Leavenworth, ?-r, pt mod 22. a BBMIS-CARLBERG CO., . 310-312 Brandeis' Theater. e-ROOM cotUg. water and ga. 1704 N. 36th. 008 Hamilton, t-r, mod. ex. beat, tie. 2014 Bancroft -r, city water, lit. K2i Capitol Ave, t-r, modern, t27.it. 1344 So. 27th St, t-r, part mod, I1&. H Ne. 27 in St, t-r, city water, f!J.50. S28 Cuming, t-r, city water. 111. 6112 Pine, t-r, and one acre for garden ing, tit. 3327 Emmet, S-r., well, . tut Pierce, t-r, well. $11. UOt No. toth St, t-r, city water, tU, CREIGH. SONS A CO, Douglas 200. tut Bee Bldg.e SIX rooms, modern, 20U Elm St, Phon Harney 1610. SEVEN-ROOM cottage, modern, close In. S25. 824 8. 19th St. Tel. Douglas tm t-ROOM summer home, on paved road, from May 1 to September L consisting of a 20x40 living room, large sun parlor, dining room, kitchen, t bed rooms, bath . room, electrio light garage, fruit trees; cow and chickens If desired; I mile front poMofflce, half mil north of Krug park. Apply Arthur D. Brandels.e HOUSES FOR RENT. I1J.50 J-r, 2.17 Douglas 8t. .pertly mod. ern flat, KN.ev-t-r, 1711 Burt St, modern anart. ment, steam beat t 00 t-r, 1610 Madison Ave. modara except heat t27.tO-t-r. flat lilt Howard St. modern except heat . t..uo e-r, JK24 Ruggies St, modern. ttO.00 7-r Mt No. 38th St. modern, fist water heat teo.oo-e-r, sot Paclfle St, modern, fine repair. tw.OO-T-r, modara flat, 624 So. lltb St, steam heat - , GEORGE A COMPANY, D. 1st or A-i;54, W2-12 City Nat Bank. Stereo aad Of floe e. aTCAOrs BUILDING, UTH aV DO DOB. Attractive offices, moderate prices. A P. PLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUlLDINd AOMJtJlA 11UJ. 1112 Farnam. t storr and basement will remodel, to suit. J. N. Bnltser, D. tltl. FOR RENT Stor room at ill 8 ltth St; splendid location! rent very reasonable. . Remington Typewriter Co. STORE itOOU. 14u-a Howard at. ua 122, suitable for large business. Inquire Wm. Pither. Hotel Plea. FINE PRIVATE OFFICE, In City National Bank Bldg, with uss of large reception room and stenographer service. Her Is your opportunity to get soma splendid offices at a BARGAIN. Apply lOlt City National Bank Bldg. STORE for rent, lit So. ltth St Inquire Omaha Hat Factory. No. 120 S. lltn. St, 20x45. TeL Doug. 122, OFFERED FOR SALE Farattar. . FOR BALE-Carload of all kinds furni ture In 20 days. Bachman. 14ot Dodge. FINE furniture, oak and mahogany mirrors, plane, bookcase. Douglas SIA GAS range, dressing table, drop leaf table library table, a hall mirror and t chain. Phon Harney 2aa or call at 43t Harney. v Typewriters. . RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglaa 291. VISIBLE typewriters and all other makea sold or rented anywhere at te Vt mlr's prices, allowing rental to apply on price; shipped oa approval. Write fee circular. 1Mb Famous. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co. TYPEWRITERS for rent; lowest figure ever quoted; t months, te. Central Type, writer Exchange. 1007 Farnam, Doug, tot. atlsecllsneeas. ne C i T V K.. mnA unnA-4tnit oarom' and pocket billiard tables end euwuan siivB'.hu Kvoran, saur xia lures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balk-Col lander Co, 4W-tt a, 10th St STEAM engine, et-horee, automana cutoff; now running. T. H. Welrlch Fix ture Co, 24th end Paul St. WHITE olne lumber, t to 12 wide. 10 to It long, tit; 1x4 and li yellow pine, t ft, E4. Charles Sevlck, th lumberman, lUh ana eewera rte ioug. i&i. feAFES Overstocked with second-hahd safes; all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co, 1110 Farnam St POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levy, 10 N. So. Omaha, Screen Hardware Is needed now, oar prices are lower than most dealers. Own ' them. Come and See. DUNNING HARDWARE - COMPANY. wn-n Git 17 Twa awkAi.k.i ' .. ' awvaw am aaaav at " w ssuVSeaVI UI t IB VX Omahg. CommercUt cotlege and on ""J" -aesaigaa. tmmutKam wile AJmAjfi CRAWHcQHRcooEa OLD SAFES. DER1GHT. lilt Frnam StT PKRSOXAIi A New Truss NEW INVENTION. ACTION AND RESULTS. "r. "e rupture open by. maay as eoaveg pads 5x WriS toa THE TYRRELL TRT7SS CO f Wm Broadway. New York City. fflaulak Pharmtcy. Uth and Dodge. - wag BATHS. Swedish manage vibrator .J radeator treirta Its,0? Duasany, leU aad Fieroa, Doa fittv