THE REE: OMAHA. TIiriiSlUY. APRIL 2 1911 ( i A Number Have Purchased Diamonds at Ridiculously Low Bids and Have Actually SOLD the Gems Over Again at a Good Profit. Buy YOUR Diamonds that way; buy your Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Leather Goods, etc., on a low bid during this ?m aaa a! ortli of Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc. Comfortab e ssats have been provided for Ladies, and sj.n j La Jy gets a handsam gift at the close of each sale $15,000 CASH MUST BE RAISED WITHIH A FEW DAYS MAKE YOUR BID QUICKLY SOMETHING WRONG Statements Filed by Citizens' Union and Candidates, at Variance. MAY HAVE A LARGE BALANCE r deisms Into. Sax ll Rerelved .1l froa Kara Candidate, While Member ra the Slate Tell at Mnrr. Two Sales Daily At 2:30 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. 1522 FARNAM 1522 FARNAM Boston Firm Sells to Hayden Bros. I Their Entire Floor Stock EYSen'sShoes J The S, nee Shoe Company of Boston, Mass., a well known ui shoe manufacturers, have recently sold to Hayden Brothers their entire floor stock of men's fine shoes goods that were made up expressly for the better class of trade; all nobby, new styles; all leathers, and are qualities that would regularly sell for $3,00 and $3.50. This stock will be placed on sale Saturday, April 27th at one price, per pair The total expense of the priirmrv cam raiKli of the Cituens' union and Its en- : Jorsces was U.3W 41. .v" M of which was disburst-il by the union Itself ami the j rcmaimled hy the candidate flying colors. According- to a statement filed hy the Citizens' union with County Clerk Pewey the lotul exiiensea of the campaign amounted to II. 73501. and each candidate , i-ontnbuted $.0. Kxpeni accounts filed ly the candl- j dales with" City Clerk Pan H. Puller ' ahow an evident overturn on the pari of the union, for but one candidate con- : trihutcd as small iin amount a $.ri and the largest amount donated nas jam. Kndorsees of the union alone con tributed Ht.Ht.SI for the (rood of lli. cause. Their contributions; M K. Kunk houser. $I3?W; William A Keillek, Jl'iVi. Fratik A. Kuray. I1P0; John I.. Xct.lo. JK'i; tleorso II. Thummel. 417.".; John J. Kydcr. !.": John O. Swanson, $l:xv The grand total or all contributions, ac cording to the Citizens' imion statement, amounted to $!.!!., "ll.tiUJi bcliiK con tributed by many persons In sums not exceeding JiV TakinK the Citizens' union statement as accurate, although it dot s not jiho j with the statements of Us seven candi dates, the total contributions, aniountliu to Jl.C.i. minus the expcmllturt's dm- ' Ing the cainpaign would have t li balance of K.S. If the statctneuts filed hy the candi dates are true the Cltlicns' union raised $J.713 7 for the camivilgn. and the union i Itself sia'tKlIng hut Ji,;j.',ot there Is now I a balance In the treasury of $:M.7V Total expenditures of the candidates, Including I donations to the organization that fath ered their campaigns, amounted to J,- Items of expense mentioned by the i union In Its slatemcut are: Stamps. J:M.'. -office rent and other office expense. , fc..H; salaries. printing. .., j Auditorium rent, ir,0. subscriptions for weekly aper, K.'i.M. Small eXlK ll.lltllres for mrssengcrs. checking registrations, telephone calls and other matters bring the total expenses to II. 7310). HERE X! sdBlBMaAiMfeWM BksSssess9s ZldU 100 Brand fxlew Pianos Go on Sale Thursday THESE WE HELD 001 FOR THE CLOSING DATS OF THIS CaEAT SUE ENOW YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY For never in tl.e history of Piano selling has such a sensa tional value-giving cloring out sale of Pianos been known in Omaha. Piano Purchasers, Attention! ' i profits. Our aim anil tlr-slrr la ti clear away every IMano fram our Council Iiluff store (which we have just recently closed), to make riMiin for the contractors, who are alrcatly busy remodeling our hiiiltlfn. Itt-mrnitM-r. these are the last few day of thin great sale. We anticipated a month ago the great demand which these remarkable prices woultl create, r'or this reason we withheld Just 100 Brand Xew I'ianos from the original stock, that the bargains would re main throughout the entire dale. Notice a Few of the Special Bargains Listed Below NO MONEY DOWN Pay $1 a Week K.VKIIV H.iXO W K SKI, I, IS IU(KKI BY OI K filARAXTEE, and to ahow you that we have absolute confidence In every instru ment, we are WII.I.IMi TO ALLOW VOl' THIRTY DAYS' FREE TRIAL ON ANY OF THESE BARGAINS 1 he meagre $:."0 (iroverstein & t'ti. Trni-tice I'lano $20 j 5100 Vase Son rrnctlce Piano $30 I 9 Ht Arion I plight I'lniio $73 j S'JoO lluvis A Son I piigln I'inno gQ ! 9:100 llrmllonl I prtulit I'ian.i i'J,1 Mueller I prlghl Plain $) .75 t hickeriiig Soil SI 25 I :!00 Ksl.-y I prisjlil I'inno $100 1 IrUTS Smith A1 llnnics $110 MOO J. & V. Fischer I priglit I'lano $115 $100 Ivers & Tonil I pright Tiano $225 lil Kverett I pright IMano $180 $i:7.1 Xorrls & Hyde I'pright Plnno $120 $1.10 Steger & Son I pright I'lano $185 $100 knahe I pright llano $175 $HOO Steck (Jrand I'lano .$225 $000 A. B. t hase I pright I'iano $320 $7.V Steinway I pright I'lano $200 HAYDEN BROS, See display in our 16th St. Window. WADDING SURPRISES FRIENDS Arthur Storz and Hiss Clara Are Quietly Married. Hart FRIENDS DENY ELOPEMENT Toang) People Have Been KnKnKed for Some Time Have (.one Kant V r.1 din Trl -Mother Mmf Have Koowu, Arthur Storx, son of Gottlieb Htnrz, head of the Siorx Urewlnif company, and prett Miss Clara Hart, daiiKhter of Mr. find Airs. Thonias Hart, lt Karnam street, allMK'd away to Council Bluffs Monday afternoon and were married. lifter which they left In the evening tor Chicago. Papa Hart doe 1b red Tuesday evening he knew nothing Hbout the ptuns for the marriage of his daughter. Mother Hart was evidently let In on the plans, he paid that her daughter and Arthur Storx had been engaged for rem time, that Bhe knew they w ere to be man led and that the yo mg couple had gone to Chi cago. She does not. however, know when they will b; Home or where they will live when they return. Neither Mr. Hart nor Mrs. Hart seems disturbed over events which come as a surpre to Mr. btorx's relatives and frirnda. "Yes, 1 know of the marriage, but I can tell you nothing about it." aid Mrs. tStorx, mother of Arthur Stors. " 1 have nothing to say about it," ald Mrs. Edgar A. Biggins, his slater. At the automobile supply store recently established by Arthur Storz on Farnam street It was denied that the marriage ki an elopement Miss Hart is a decidedly pretty young TAD." WHO DRAWS SILK HABBY FOR THE BEE. HAT "Just Say" HORLICK'S It Meant Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. More healtbfiJ than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, kivigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, tnaitfd pram, powder form. A qnick lunch prepared in a minute. Take bo wbtirote.Aikfor HORLICK'S. 1)139 juicT9 are imuuuons n m. i i U, P. FIANSJFOR WIRELESS Will Be Used for Dispatching Trains and Conducting Business. MAT BE IN OPERATION JULY 1 Antrnnar Will llr Hlaara' Ip on a lllah ll Above thr Hoad'a llrailqnartrra llulltllua la Omaha. Active operation!! louklnn toward tli . tstiiblinhim nt of a nlrrlem nystim to I used In dl.'iiatchinK ttaum and traii8n-(inK jjj)islni-a of thr L'nlon Parlllr have btaf romm.miHl. Ir. Krtd.TUk Mlllrnvr will j be in chain. The unlriinnr will Imi loratid on tli hradiiuurtini bulldhiK. Hie top of tho m:il rlninit forty or fiet above the riof, or about Z'S feet above the curb line. I'ower will be x . 1 1- (1 by the enislnex and dynamoa in the building. It la esti mated that itram wavea can be ent IhroiiKh the air a dlatanre of from l.5i to 1.IM mllea 1th th power at hand. As the Morse code Is used meSMaKei. can be understood hy all of the railroad I wire operators. Thus, to complete a wire I le ystem iM'twi-en Omaha and Ocilen. j It will only In- net-euary to Install re IrelvInK In.-lninienta at atatlons along the line. To make the Shriners Mobilize in Omaha on May Third May 3 la the day get for the arrival In Omaha of the northern Winner on their way lo Anxelea. where the gland conclave will be held May 5 to 10. on that day the Northwestern will brlnir a ene- ll Shriner train from Vlnn'., g. the Kariro, X. delegation to he lek.'d up en route. on the momma of May 3 mxnal train will arrive, bringing the Shri.iers of St J'aul and M i n . l in. and later In th afternoon a will a; rive from th.i east, having the Bhriners of Washington and KaJtlmore. At Omaha the apeciala will be turned over to the fnlon Pacific, " which win haul them to Salt I-ake, where they will be delivered to the San Pedro route. Saladlii temple, tlrand RaihK Mich,, comes over the Illinois Central, arriving in Omaha at 3.J. .May I. The milliners arc'arnmiaii!ed by Hie t'omlque baud of (iranl Itaplils and during lliu slop hire. Ibis musical organization will render several stlictlon at the l.'nloii station. The Oram! Itaplds Hhlinera ar rive on a Mieclal train that will them all the way to lxis Angeles. ,N 5tl New I'inniin fur rriil at $:l.(M r month fire tuning free Insurance fiw drayage If piano rriiininn sit months. (. are- tlie exclusive n-irosenla(lves of Hie matchless Htelnway, llardman. i-N-r, Mfrp & Soiim, h ini r"n, li I'linll, ami our oh n mhtI tonetl Srhmollpr & Mueller. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PUNO CO. (ESTABLISHED 1859.) Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers. 1311-1313 Tarnam St. - urey atgliaillli HI curry L EXCHANGE HAS MANY CLAIMANTS FOR REWARD Thr ltn KHtate exrhanKf In In a iuari daiy opr the payment or a rMvard fir tli iirrrxt nnd cunvlrttori of a -luniii rw flxturr thli-f. Tlu- exi hanK- ha? a Maml Inir r-ftMrrt nf ami ritmtly wao "Called'' OH It. A Ihiff UBB Strrwall anrl t.m compile i .rt ,..., ..... . . 1B Al ia a-ir.l..u I ,11., . ' m" wo.o III JH nilll ,111? I " - " ' i" Maui) vtiu iHr run iftructHl at t hytui!e, where, it necon T. A. DORGAX. isary, mt'ssaKe.s rnuy be picked up an4 ! Tfl AVPtl While no time l (t't for the open Inn of the Omaha iMatlon an attempt wilt be made to have It In operation aa early an July 1. woman. Mr. St on Is a prominent member of the Field club r.: d recently left the business of hit father to (to Into the businesa of automoMIe suppliea. 1 p MONEY -j Back to the Farm Suits This Youth IvhMe Verhul, a 14 year-old Tlatts month boy, grew tired of living In the country and. necuring the wherewithal, came to Omaha to ee the sights. He left no mep&iKe behind. If he liked the city ho intended to abide here always I Folloalm; came telegrams written by a I frantic father. Juvenile court officials th telegrams, memrlz the de-iM-rli-tion und itarttd forthwith on the ; nail. They found the runaway draining him self wearily along Kat Farnam street He had se n the eights. He was tired of th? city and the country was calling a rain. "Don't you want to go ba k home?" aked Probation Officer Tarver. "Io I? WVll just show m ttie way." And he was put on a train and went home, w hir-U;ng and solemnly pledged to run away no more. Singing Societies Boost Membership To make the membership rally of the Commercial club In the Auditorium May 6 the greatest affair of Its kind the club has ever held, the Maennerchor and Orpheus societies have come to the front with programs for the occasion. The combined Ma.-nnercnor and Or pheus organisations comprise elghty-flvt male voh-s and preparation for special numbers will begin ImmedlaMy. tu hearsals will be started this week for their programs, which have be. n specially planned for the big membership rally. Other features are being outiln.-d by the membership committee. Special Induce ments will be held out to the older llwm brs of the club to attend the rally. WHEN FRIEND GETS DRUNK LEAVE HIS MONEY ALONE gets drunk and pockets, let the Will Burn if touched bjr Fire It s apt to be stolen if kept In the hone--the same Is true of your bonds. Will, Deeds. Insurance Poiicie and Jewelry. Why not have the comfortable feeling that they are perfectly afa by placing them ir. a Sai deposit Box of Our Sleel VauUi where Fire or Burglars enteret.i NOT? The cost is only 3 yearly. Omaha Safe Deposit Company atraat ItI Entrance to Vaults. 1614 raraam Strtstt- LMMJJJlMMMMItMAMfft No Better Deer When your friend I money falls from his i money alone." In fining W. TulHs. a brakeman llv-!ln-; in t'ouncil lliuff., f!A and costs, j Judge Fost.r advised him along the atiov I lines To. lis, wit.': p. t.-r j.r. ru in, wre ! arrestej on a harge of "rolling- Joe ; I.uniigrien. a farmer of S Iver Creek, ( eb.. while Intoxicated. Tunis said that I.un green askd lo be conducted to a nsjm. and that hi. money ; fell out, and that he .!a-td It in his own ! clothes for safe keeping, lie denied hav ing any Intentions of k-.-epin? the money. sentence la thought not to be long enough. Another puullng feature la that two boys who say their hearing the thief taking plumbing out of the house resulted in the arrest are asking for the 160, whll? several members of the police department are arguing over which of them should be credited with the conviction. A com mittee of three members of the exchange was appointed to solve the problem. 9 More Subscriptions EARNS $5,000 FOR CHARITY For Alio atihsriitlona each month till June 801 li the Curtia PuhllnhiiiK Company will dr-noait S5.000 la - I truitl for hoiiip public charity lo hp chosen by a toU" of my auh-trrthrr. I nilcrstand the money la the property' or my sutis. rilK-n., I cannot touch II, but I lie Interest will tiring me WM a month for life. 'I .T SiN.iK'ft . . , 8,801 Written 4,ZJ timed 1119 let It Wri .. I Must Mail 119 More Subscriptions TO The Ladies Home Journal, $1.50 ' The Saturday Evening Post, $1.50. The Country Gentleman, $1.50. BY APRIL 30 OE THE j $5,000 PRIZE IS LOST YOUR RENEWALS COUNT, WONT YOU HELP? EVERY ORDER EARNS FIFTY CENTS lioKinnlng May 1st the Ijtrlleg' Home Journal will bo 12 a year present price $1.50. If 1,000 ladle would tend In their renew tils at once a few months In advance they would save 50c, thereby earning the $5,000 ' for charity. Homeniber I did write Cuo each month from October till June a year ago. l'lease hurry. ' wt'.i "S if KT. ill i Away With tha Corn Dentist! "BINGO" Blatt Knlft and Chlsil A HE1M!I01N FOR LIFE' To pletlKe my premluma to some unknown charity la a brutal necessity for rommlaslona do not par expense, but I ran not live alone nor roultl I get sufficient husineas to pay a woman by any other plan. A hundred thousand eoplo read theae maKailnea In this state alone. If then your order or re new si will provide me with food anil shelter for life and later pension some other unfortunate forever and still leave the .,(HM) Intact, then for merry sake why not? AK-SAR-BEN GOVERNORS L.Tak. 'I'ltLffc, . Taa. 1 l.ii.r.i ism TEACHERS' HISTORY ASS'N TO MEET HERE 0UP1MG MAY The first frprir' convntir.n of th Ne braska T'achTB" History, asportation will be held in Omaha May 2 and 1, when about seventy-five Instructors from all parts of the state art? expt'cted to attend. Dr. -Albert Bushnetl Hart of Hanard wiil addresa the meeting on Friday aft ernKn. May J, at the Young Women Chriytlan asMatlon auditorium. his tr.pic being "Present Conditions in China.'' The re-t of the procram will be carried out at the Hiirh hoA library. A dinner,1 At a meetlntr of thf Vsard of overnorif t the Paiton hotel Friday evenir.ff and : of the Knicats f mitte of thre was appointed to draft restilutions over th1 lss of Emil liran dels, tde nvr hant prlnr who went down Ment of the nrganization and Miss M j women and chlMrn on board mifeht i'.V.iB of Peru Is e retarj- "rf-etf. The r-.Lf?t;fn c.jmmitte ron- Hurkinir-Brand-i a luncheon at the Delft tea room Satur day afternoon will be the social features I tha convention. j Mr? Ada I- Atkinson of Omaha fa pr- I Have you a vorn. callous, bunion, wart? l ae ;ud;njrnt u '" Im try to sit, e it uft :t .z It out don t run r:ik of bl.HHj p-ji.mioir: Nnt let rjrn jurise-on rut or uilpp-r y.ur (t-t-i How c,u he know hw deep to v Hhu'it lurtinjc ou-wjthoui drawing )id ' U hy pay him nrnre for jn t-mrKrary relief than a whole bottle .f 'itintf"" cfj!Ts a bi!n"' l"n'l ue fMckv plat-ri with thin roatin? of d'.pe to afit ur-f.i-e imlv -Willi Mraps to bulfie tj;e st,w k-lnK-m rea.- pr5AUr- af.uiiHt tnir-r, p-tinfot sp-l-an-. inakt; you wtar largt-r vh'?-. Iiiit;'t t r, quir-kr. bztt .-, more th'irotiKtl. Uts rid t't ttics wrsts er.t:re TO REMEMBER BRANDEIS '!? KS, .L",..":.: pick It off. tnruw it away' iLarmita to n rmal flesh. I-r m:.& friA.Tf.a tlj la. Ill - I Mrj(to. Ill S-'t-t lm this rlt bt M'V.-,:i lru to. Itb set! Dct. ;. No lttb M i ITSAUUl Yl HEAD! READ!! REAU1I! ; I was Injured In Hancock, Minn., June 24, 1901. receiving a spinal fracture which left my body abso , lutely lifeless from waist down, Including the lower hrgans. There is absolutely no feeling or motion In the afflicted part and neither functional knowledge or eon- , trol. Friendless and destitute, unable even to sit erect, 1 must literally provide my own treatment and support , or perish. m The situation is merciless for no Invalid rould make a livelihood by magazine soliciting. If someone, pave a shut-in f0,0im of the Best Catalogues ever printed it would pay him better to HI HE some one to DE-J STKOY them than risk poHtaRu for he would never get his money back. Because you or 1 would NEVER pay -the SLIGHTEST attention to a Catalogue from a STHANUE agent. FOUR YEARS AGO WHCBT LEFT at.Ki.luhly alone in niaHr-l my u.ry to COt'O ladles, axklriK n empty hoiifte I $300 prize whK'h THE ICIT rXL to estaMlHh a hu.iltieiui. I offfrM the ('urn prtuiKiiiiA tn the 'hlld avttiK Inatltute tlicreiy earnltiK OVCft 1.000 for h-m A TEAS AGO t Insure lUfnCIEIT huMne- to VAT a won '-li f T my f.iif and as an OBIT hope "f provision for the FUTUaVX I inttdi my present arraiiKnieiit to ettrn t". 0" tor t tiaritv - IJ.ttoo of w(tt h huh earned at a X0B8 Or HALF sCT WOaXIHO) CAFZTAIs. IV TKIS WAT I have llteruily COafFBItXSD publish ers to pay all bustners expen.s In t ouiiiiifsiolts, Whlt'h, rins:derlrK thnt I live and sleep in my office, my nain-tenatM-e t LESS tl;ait in an atmhouae els I rould not live at all IT lb EAST t" trllkfse. but people don't know what It means to li paralyzed for years fr perish slowly from Kotinds to rouo iyelf saveral tinies, day or riitfht to ImsKine 1 am mc -the result of worry- THE WOID CHAKITT is well tneasurcd by an Incidrnt: Three years ao w tien deserted J starvel for a week on such food as I could prepare myself. On a (as plat be side my bed until I fainted from Inaction. TO ACKsTOWXEDOE my need was the WOIR thine I could have done, but 1 risked sending a, note by child ' asklnff a laily who occupied the house In front If she would not accept I'm or 50c a n.eal to serve my dinner for A day or two till a family moved in. 1 never received a reply; but the next day she "tittered news to a netjrhhor saying she was not running: a boarding house It Is the BAJCB now. COVBIDEsUHO THAT I DID write B00 each month from ih-toWr nil June a year ago, there should not be the LIGHTEST difficulty. Yet It cost me MO AS to get the number for March than ! paid the publishers, which means that 1 shall be WOAAE than destitute by fall. DAILT I PEH1 $15 or $20 to tell 60,600 people that their order or renewals will earn $$.000 for charity merely : How me a small income only half sufficient for sup port. Hut tn vain. Ttt one hnadrsA theussAd people read these naa-aslaes la sTsbraeka and Iowa alone. A tboaaaad 4 ladias could well afford to plaoe their reaewala to the Ladies Home Journal seTeral saontoe la advaaoe safore thm price foes to A3, May let. ELL ME THIS HLEASE yaar. NO v 1 If la addition to ofric wjoipmant. traatm.nt and Uvlnr .XP.UMS. I aaa arranga for a life's taoonia of 1300 a doa't yon talak it la prattr good for aa invalid lor tar. yMis work? t . wi. .,. i. wot .noth.. town, atata or eonatrr la th world wbor this could havw acoomsUahsd. . Oa th other aaad should disaswr ovartas. a, soictd would b th. only alMraauv. lor altlwr sywipatay or holp , would b. a phjsoloflcsl luposaiblllty. Tbsn for mrcy sak act. i raiAOIaTE. 'mo hunilrcl an. six. lisle Inch. .acK :n th April Journal, i; copies. $1.5 a year. m one st iy ahine would cost jou $1 ii In book turn.-. May 1st J.0 a year, ltenew now, save inc. ''A"NIatao'lTE. vu'larite ami In tln Sntiir-lav Kvenlne Post 55 copies a year 11.50. LESS than the, com "t butane iKA'Ti. Ti.- f. rial Ht-ris iilone will cost you fit in book fonn. Xewa stands (2.K. Keuew n..w sAVB l 10- K.:N for .'HAItlTV. TXS. Ami a th.Hisaml f;ir:n-rf aro market mn would find th Country Gentleman the beat In- A vctiit'-iit they evtr mnle The oWtemt nKrlcultural Joaroal in the world. Weekly fl.&O. Counta dou- i bit. Kvery order earns tl f,,r I'HAItlTV. jgZl mi'st have 119 subscriptions in April, also 500 in May or the $5,000 Prize is lost. sr n r . I OL n .' via A I... . JJ I HOW IxUSfl litem in. m nvnc tsuugius iiuj. mwus uauim f2 GORDON, The Magazine Wan, Omaha, Neb.: . Illimdy trfsir is lune hemwrrhaKe. Stop it. and cure weak lunK?. (v.Ufihs and colds with Dr. ' Kirs' Nr I'i-'j.-rv ,c and tl . Fori fUe W Lt:atn Lru Cow I Mts of tharles If. rickens. E i ' -ii a-id li. J i'tnf-i.'l- Mr. as one of the mot a"-tlv workers or. the Vard of nov-mors. Live w.res smoke I'- rroiU- h C.01A A QUARTER CENTURY ; ' Before the I'uhlle. Over five million Mm ' pi' Klvn aav each ar The constant ' ar d inrr-4-mc m frum simp;e, pr. tr.- ;: nm:- nvnt or Aliens rt-Y -, . tv vu .-;.:!. po-d-r t !- f .ak :j Ini;. ti.- -itoi5 tor -rr-j. liaiiion-. chtn S-t -D, Mui--i, Tender re t Sjid v.-r-whe-fK. Samfie FllKE. Address, A. S. Ul.lted, Le lioy, X. Concentrate your advertising in The Bee. There is a Bee in almost every home. ,