c! rtl s . r- " ssSILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT -:- BK ' ' El -1 , - . ( MSJ-THeiA6 FOft wis rope at rcMtu fnoWAfrte. I mu. back ) ( and m itER y wri Job i ' "1 Pun, sOUHA LOSES IN THE FIFTH Dal ' Eve! Dal J jf"--, t.t i- .f i , I : Moinei Balliea After Bourkea 1 1 Gt Two Buna. ,iOTZ ALLOWS BTSE SAFE ONES i :? - : Tan t Tw ft Final Inn la Omh 1 Played by Pa'e Mem Which Oaeaa Saa at De Molaee. J ' DCS MOINES, April tt-A flfth-lnnlng .nllr In which three run war scored. 1 " Won far Dea Motne today I' tint (Uim i ' of the lenoa at boom. Omar was de , 4 ' faeted. I t 1 Tba local fauna Lota for Bin hit, tear: DBS MOINES. AJI. B, H. a I foMgaa, tb.. 1 Kal. a ' . Xeiir. of I ThomaA lb.., .. 4 i Wetcb, lb... i I Korea, rf.... ?! Curtis. If.... I MnlrraW, .. ... I : Fbor, p. I Run, 1 Halm 1 j Totals n i 1 a u i ) OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Jostle, as 1 I t I Cor rf 1 Thomaaon, cf ,. 4 1 Xua. lb 4171 1 Davidson, If 4 I Nlshett, lb (10 Wumt, lb till ArbufUt, I I I Loll, p I 1 I tfcaaloa 1 t ( Total 5 " " M t IlKttsd for Fabw In mtmiIIi. baltaa for Nlabotf In nlnlh. Dm MoUm l-l Omaha H1IMMH Twe-baa hit: Kan. K.lly. rortla llln; Off fhbar. I In Mra Innlniaj off Htxia, I In four Inlnia. 8arrtfU hilm: Wloh. Juatloa. Arbocaat. lxrta. Moln ami: Ivlooa (It. Nl.hoff, Wannar. lf on baa: D Molna, I; Omaha, T. Flrat baaa oo balls: Ulf Lota. I; off Fabor. 1; off Ru(. t Mrurli out: hy Fkbor. 4; by Lot. . Wild pitch: Lou, Uhilr: Knapa. WICHITA OCTBAT l)K5VC MK! WMantn Las br Blsht i to Thro. WICHITA, April It-Wlchlta outhlt Daniror an won aaatly. Ramar raplaoad Olmata4 la th aaraath. but could sot Mop th corlnc. Hooral WICHITA. AA H. H. O. A." E. t w . a i a a a o HfMWL If 1.1 1 MiiliUalaa, cf I'll I lMvla. rf.. j i J Kwrner, lb 4 t 1 T Clalrst ........., 11 Muchoa, lb f 1 J M-f, as... I I ('lamnwea, ........ 1111 jackaua. I II I 4 4 I Tstahj tl f II P a A& R. H. a A. K. uoy. ... f J i Uullllit, lb 4 1 t t KMiwortlur, If...... !' 1'h.nn.U. of 4 1 1 1 t-a.4. rf 4 1 1 1 U4m,. lb J J I 1 J attar, aa. 4 1111' rramkaa. 4 1 4 Ulmstod. .... I J J J Ramr, p. I t I t I tU t Tstato . . 1 it b li 1 HBttad far Olnwtad In saranlh. WVhlta IMIIIIIM Mnw I I - ! In a baaai Wlrblta. tt; lMnrar, 1. ; Kainflra blta: 1 lairbx Koernrr, Clair, i Ma. Ctanuwa Two-baas hlta: Kan- i warthr, Cbannsi. Caaal4r, Llndary, ('rail. C4nona. Jackaon. Hlta: Off Ulmated. I ta aim lnnlni off kamer. 4 la two In nlnaa, Ulna. out; Br jaefcaun. M: br Otnstod. 1 liana on batla: uff Jark sua. ; aft Olmatad. 4: sff HaOK-r. i. Kit br pltrhfd bail: Hy '4alra, Moa, Clana aa. I'Bjslrti Johoatuno. U!lfOl,.w AIM.T BlfAPPwIMTKn . ( .T'a-laalaa Gaaa ntaastraaa far Larala. UNCOLN. hab. April aV-UDcola la aucuratrd tha Waatcra Wagu aaaaan oa Ha baaa around today by loaln to Topca by aldad scora In a aarao that want tfl tnatna. Thlna (ind atoriy for tb leoala, and they looked Ilk rare ateaar, yij .to .lb ninth, ka Haaanaaii, h bad bean ptichlnc nac BtOarntly, lost hU cunalns. named Iwa and allowad a bit. fill In tha A aun .rua.br Chapmaa fol- lsvad. and another run ram In befor tb luntne; a over, tialnc tb aoora. Tapaka oontlnued tb rannonad la th taata. acorlnc four . more hoqi run, wbll Uaaaln was blanked. Unooln was first ta aoor la th fourth, when a doaM. tar sincles, a steal and an mrr ara than three mm Anotber oaai In tba arrmth and on la th death, but that ndrd It. Tba weather wee fair and tha crowd filled th ataada and bleachers. Door: LINCOLN. Aa r. ii. p. a .. 4 vj i Cote, cf Walker, a ....... I rf kSfCwrmtik, if ... MttUan, fa ....... I"rr. ta Parl-otir, lb ... Wrattoa, a ...... Hkersraa. p ..... ihrrie, p killer .. i 1 Tetais - t I I TOPEXA. Aa R. H. P. O. E. TCfkert. If .... Oaiair, ,1b .. J ........ Frant. fa .... ..." t a i 1 ' " - - pvocrtA l vouE I Ay-A Standing of Teams WEST. LF.AOfK NATL LEAOPE. W.UPctl W.LPct. Kenrar ...8 1 .75 Cincinnati. T I .771 fit. Joaepb 4 1 Kew York.. I 1 13 Wlrhlta ..II . Phll'd'lphla 4 8 .171 Tnpeka ...1 t . Boeton ....4 t .444 Kloui City I I Mt pittaburcb. 4 .441 Iea M'ne I a . Rt. Ixula. 4 . Omaha ...1 I .koiChleaco ... I 471 Unoaln .. 4 .ana Brooklyn ..It AMBR. LRAOUK. AM ICR. AStUf. W. U Pet W. L. Pet. Itnaton .... I a .7lt Columbus .M I XI Chli-aco ... a .m Mlnnaap'U 4 .an I'hllad phla 4 t .47 1 1 Toledo f I Waah gton 4 I .171 1 it. Paul f ( Ml Cleveland ,1 4 IxniltTllla . 4 4 . IetroH .... 4 . MHwauke I T JM Mt. Loaki.. 4 .4i0 Kan. City.. 4 T ,M4 New York. 1 .14; Indlanapil a I .1SI Yesterday 'a Raaalla. WEBTERN LBAOU& Omaha, i; Vtm Moines, a. . 8t. Joseph, 7: sinus. City. 4. Topeka. lncoln, A Denver, I: Wichita, A NATIONAL LKAOUX. Poeton, Hrooklvn. T, New Vork-Phllarlelphia: cold weather. 81. Ixmta, 1; aaWlnnatl, 4. Ittuourfh, 4; t Wcaao, A AMBH1CAN LCUOUEV IVtrolt. ; Bt. Lonla, I. Philadelphia. : New York, 8. Waahlndon, 4. Hoaien, t. Cbioas-o. 7; Cleveland, 4. AM CHIC AN A8MX;iATION. Milwaukee, 4; Indlananolla. 7. Mtnneapoua, ft; Columbus. 1. HI. Paul I. Toledo 1 Kanaaa City, I; LouUrlll. 1 Gaaaaa Today, Western League Omaha at De Mrrtnea, At. Joaeph at iMoux city, Topeka at Lin coin. Ienver at Wichita. National Ia(ue Hoatun at Brooklyn, New York at Philadelphia, Clnolnnail at Plttsburah. Ameriran LeatpM DetmH at HI. lamia, Phlladeluhla at New York. Waeiuncton at Hoaton, Chicago at Cleveland. Amerltan Anaiauin Milwaukee at in- dlanawiilla, Mlnneapnlia at Columkua, Bt. Paul at Tueou. n ansa viiy at Luia vtll. Fmory, lb 4 114 4 Uaar. rf 4.1 1 1 Chapman, o ., I 8 1 I ' 1 iaaa, p ... a w a a e Total aa . " 1 at 5 1 ....II 4..I..B Pattad for Doyl la tenth. Lincoln IIIMIIIM Topeka I4- lliim run: Chanman. Two-baa hlL Mo- Cormlik I: Harbour, Frania, Oaar. loubla playa: alullen to Walker: La to Gardner, btolea base: Mullen li Bar- Pour, I: Btratton. La and uaar. ba rlflc hlti Prams. Left on base: Lin coln, II: Topeka, A Struck out: By Hagerman, 7: by Leak, 4. Baass on to. Hi: Oft Hagerman. 4; oft Doyle, li oft Leak. ft. lilt by pitched ball: Hy Leak. 1 Wild pitch: Leak. Time of game. l:tt Umpires: Kleean and Carter. IT. JUSBPM'I LEAD II ENOUGH Ilea liner Catch I p aad Raaslt ta ' Bevea ta Fwar. SIOl'X CITY, la., April a.-By clouting Miller hard In th opening game of th season here today the at. Juaeph club took th lead at tha out eat of tha strug gle and waa never headod. Freeman a wlldneaa filled th basea In th fourth, when h waa aellaved by Jobnaon, Th Indian was in auperb form aad only twa hlta were combed off him la tha last five Innings. Ferretl made th star play of th game In the amrwa wonderful oae-handed catch of Kelly long fly, ahlih would have goo Into th ceo tur tle id bleacher. Score: BT. JOBBPH. AB. R. H. O. A. B. Kelly, (b 4 114 Powell. If ft I 1 ataon. rf 4 8 1 Zwllllng, cf ait Burton, lb 4 18 18 Melnae. aa 4144 Mcciehand. lb ft 1 I 8 Uoaartt. ..M ft U 1 1 Freemsa. B.. 1411 Juhnsua, p. 8 1 Toul ... T M U 1 BIOUX CITY. AB. R. H. O. A. K. Smith, aa 4144 Andrea, Jb t 1 t t Ferretl. rf 4 t , r sees W. .4 . I I if a i I a l . lb 1 1 M ) 1 neiiiy, an. Hrera. Brooaa, Breea. rf I I aoiuan. c I 1 1 1 Miller, p t 1 1 urua 1 a s, Totals a 4 a x at a Hit fur Miller la tb ninth. Bt. Joaeah a 1 1 -T laoua city 88-l Two-bas hlta. tadmaa. ourtoa. Z Wil li". MccielUad, Watson. Macrtflr bit: breea. atolea bases: Breen, ami ik. K-Uy, tateon. Kcllly. Daub) ptay: burtaa lunaaalstrdl. llltai of frvs oiaa. In three and twothlrda lanloaja, off Johneoa. 8 In fir and one-third in nings, beeea on balla: Uff lr a off Miller, 4. Struck out: By Miliar, li r eounaua. a niia paten: Freeman. Hit by pitched ball: Mrer. Time: .IA Implre; jack Haakelt. AttMiuaave; Mm. CLASS TRACK CAPTAINS . SELECTED AT CREIGHTON High acbool class captalna for tb an nual latere lass outdoor field at set. which will be held fcturdar afternoon. May 4. at Craignton field, war elected at a meet ing of th traca enthuataeta held la th asstaibly room at th school zaatorday a.terfteoa. Those elected were aa follow! Benler. Vergil Rector; Jualor. Joba Dreiell opboBMre. OUbart Kaanadrl frsehmna. Arthur Bouaar. sarieev to ataaaar Boarrtaw Mlaha, BKATRICB, Neb.. April ML-48polat.-OWge fbrtver of Dee Melnea, la., haa beea elected ptayor-manacer of tha B. atnoa bail club In th Mink loagu and is now In cbargs of tb sousd. waiok uaa gone lata (raining at tha driving park. Thar sr. thirty-five payors here at prasont trying for placa aa ua lean). h. 7 to tb Bltuatioa Bot AdvarUaUg. THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL - , - J rVtill HX KAf EM lf PIRATES BATJOT YICTORY Cubi Defeated When FitUborg-h Bunches Hitj on Brown. LEKNOX MAXES LONG HOME U5 Thrro Raaa la Utk laatag Taa Mark lar Cklrags aad Reealt of Oaaa I Flv to Three. CHK-AOO. April a.-Plttaburgh de feated Chteaao by bunching hlta off Brown In the sixth. Lennox' bom run drive, which cleared tha roof of the left field atand. and tba fielding of Carey were features: Score: CHICAOO FHXoBTmOH. 1I H 4 I I All H.O.A av-a.rt. H. 4 I I 1 timae. Ik... 11114 ariiaiia, rt.. a i ttvrr. if ... 4111 Tleaar. as .. 4 I I 4 tUav 4 114 Hofieaa. ef.. 14 1 Warner. .. I 4 4 4 Zta.wsa. Ill 1 t I aMIIIar. Ik .. 4 1 11 1 4 Bveia, B ... 4 I 4 Wiaaa. IV.. 4 I I 4 Unael. .. 4 I I I SUrC-thr, Ik. I M 4 Anaer. ... 441 tOlleaa. e... 4 I 1 I nn. .. I I I I 4Aaaaa, .... I 4 4 I I UavMaer, p. 11 Txim. .... 4 4 I TSUIS....J1 ind I Millar ...... 144 noes ....... 14 Nasi ..... Totals..... U Hatted for Brown la sixth. Batted for Lavander In eighth. Han for Lennox B ninth. Chicago eii-a Plltaburgh IIMIUIW Two-bass htts: Wilton. Carey. Mc Carthy. Olbaon, Iarh, Millar, slimmer man. Three-base bit: Wilson. Home run: Lennox. Hlta: Off Brown, 7 la six in nltxs; off Lavender. I in two Innings. Stolen baa. Schulta Doubts plays: Carey to Wagner to Miller. Bheekard to Tinker. Basea on ball: Off Brown.4: off Adam. I; off Toney. 1 Bunch out. By Brown. 4; by Ada ma, 1; by Lavender. I Tlmo: 144. Umpires. Johnstone and JCeaon. Kede Boat Card I aa la. CINCINNATI, O.. April, n.-Bnton pitching proved ffctlri at all atagea ana mnctnnau am wwre: it. UHtlt CIHCINNATI. uulaa. tb. 4 4 I 4 . H.. 1114 4 ajlla If... J , , ,B.Nltael, Ik 4 I I I 4 KTiar. "baU. ft 4 I 1 I 4 ratal. 4 m I Batted for Harmon In th ninth. -Ballad for Una tot ta ninth. W. Loul !!!! Cincinnati m w Thraa bass hit: Mowrey. Btwen oaaw: rn double alar: Smith ta Mowray. base aa balla: Off Harmon. 4; oa Benton. A Struck out: By Benton, ft. Time: 1:44. Umpires: Owen and Brranan. Heat bcaapa Boetea. lyn'a Southern league recruit, blanked Boston, allowing only tour scattered bits. Hear: BOSTON. BBOOKI.TW. eweeaer. Ik. 4 I IMone, ft... 4 4 114 CmaiaMI. el 4 I I 4 tlMiawt. lb. 4 I II I 4 wi,, . . , m mh. n a aa a Jertiee. li!.' 111 SNetSM. al I I I I De.Ha. Ik... 111 4Dalr. M 1 anrail. ... a I I eijawee, is., a e . McUea'A h I I I I SToaler. 4 111 kite, a 14 4 1 trMlpt, I I I I J Oeeay, a.... I 1 I I "at. p till ir!rri.-- ! ill zzz: TntAM.... W 4 M It Boston Brooklyn 888 T Two-bass hits: Deubsrt. Nortnen. Downs Hit: Off Tyler. 7 la rig innings; off Donnelly, 8 in two Inning. Stolen bases: Campbell, Daubart, Down. Tootay. Double play: Jackson to Kllng; Tooley to Downa to Daubart, Downs to Tooley to Daubart. Btruck out: By Tyler, ft: by Donnelly. 1; by Kent 4 Tim: I I. Um pire: Klera and Buah. HYMENEAL fmlalcr-Baaartt. May W. Dassstt and Prod C. Parslsy, both of Chicago, n, wr married by Rev. Cfcariee W. Bavldg at hi rssldeoca Monday aflarnosa at a 'dock. Mr. and Mr. Paisley go to Colorado oa a wedding aalth.M Mia Pearl Masco, daugbtsr of Joseph Mssoa of Laurel, Moac, and Mr. Daa Smith of North Platte, Nob., wer mar ried by Ra. Char lee W. Savldga at hit rwaldan Monday aftaraoan at 4 o'clock. Mr. Smith' eteter. Mra. Mlanta Vernon aad nor buaband. Cbarlee E. Vernon, also of North Plaits, war tha attendant. atoaort-alanaBlc. Ml Qraoa Rumpta. daughtsr of Daniel Rumple, and Mr. Chart 8. Robert war married by Raw. Charlat W. Sarldg at hi residence Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mr. Cbarlee E- Ver Boa of North Piatt wer th attendants Mr. and Mra Robert go to Arton. la. to make their boam. ltaaa.Laaap. LOGAN. la, April -Jjeclal.- Samantha A. Loop of Pllmora, Neb, and Lymaa C Putman of Do Molnr war united In aaarrtag bar thl afternoon. Judge a L Case, otriclatlng. Mr, ut- man gare hi business aa a tra ' tg salesmao. Jaararol Hosno ftbaalco. On of th dercee with which Hugo Munsterbarg ragtater heart beau ta tell whether -a aaaa Is osaunlttlag perjury or speaking tb truth aught be worth th price to a girl for uo upon tha pro poalng bachelor or widower. Put away In a safe pi ace It could bo aaod apea a husband ta detrain tb truth r falsity of his sertkin that be was detained downtown by business, that ha went to tn iodga. that a fen aa personal li tereet la tb atno(Trbr. that a took but oa drink, and that on bseausa a buslnss ciualntanc fnatstad and be could not refuse: that ho waa a tone and lonely, every evening during hat wire s stay at tba seaahere-Louisville Cworler Key ta tb Bitoatloa-Ba Advortising Sir's 8 III lB'Uaaa. a.. 4 I 4 4 SSil :: l 2! JJ;-: I I I , Tauua.....t 4 If 14 I Judge Made an Awfoi Hit With the Missus aapynght, mi. National Kws Am. (ALEOCTMAno 9 TOR? SHUTOUT FORTHE ATHLETICS Eighlanden Break loaing Streak at Expenie of Champions. PUT OVEB THBXE BUK3 15 FLEST Taaaha Holda Pblladelshta to Paar t Hlta, Three of Which If Mada by Mclaar Oa Three Base Bit. NEW YORK. April aV -After losing tlx straight fame, tb New Torka today woo their first gain of th B18 season by abutting out th world' champion Phlladelphlaa by 8 to a Vaughn held th Philadelphia to four hit, thro of which war mad by Mclnnea. Morgan wag si moat a effective, but tot off to a poor at art. Manager Wolverton shook up hi lineup today with good effect. Boor: PIIILADmRlA KTW YORK. ABH.OAk U.H.0.1A ttraak. It.. I 4 1 4 4ralele rf. , t 1 4 4 4 Otana. . I I I I aiieaiaa. Ik 4 1 4 I 4 Owllaa, a.) I I I SOiaee. Ik... 4 1 II 1 4 hakar. Ik... 4 til 6iimena, aa I lit Marshy, ft.. 4 4 4 4 tHanaelt, rf. I I I 4 ananas, Ik. 4 IH I aa. K 14 14 Barry, aa.... 14 14 lOaraear. w. I 4 4 4 4 Thoaaaa. a.. I 4 4 I aatreM. a I f 4 4 Meaa. p... 141 4Vaaaa, S... 1111 Derrick .... 14444 Tauls JJ g l Tatala a 4 M 14 1 Batted for Morgan In tb ninth. . Philadelphia - New York .8 t-l First base oa error: Philadelphia. 1. Three-base hit: Mclnnea. bacririos hit: Daniels. Stolsn base: Simmons, Thorn. Left en baaeo: New York, 4; Philadelphia, . Baae oa belle: Oft Vaughn. 4; off Morgan. I. Struck out: Br Vaughn, 4; by Morgan, A lilt with pitched ball: By Morgan, Slmmona and Vaughn. Wild pitch: Vaughn. Paaeed ball: Street. Time: 140. Umpire. O Loughlln and WeetervelU Beaator Wla Kaolly. BOeJTON. Anrll 81. Washington wan a ally from Boatoa today, a to A Orooma outpttohed Wood, three ttmea fanning Bosion batsmen for th last oat with a bum an third bass: Scots; Baled for Wood In ninth. OWTON. WASHINGTON. AS H O. A. S. AB H U A a. Reeeer, rt.. 4 1 t 4 SMaeller. ST. . I 4 I 4 4 Tarkae. Ik.. 4 4 I t trualer, Ik... 4 114 1 aseaaae. cf.. 4 1 I 4 Iklilaa I 1 I I 1 tkakl. lb... I III I lSikeafav. rt. 4 t a a UarSaer. tb. I 1 4 I 4rirae. Ik... I 1 II 4 4 iana. a... lis 1,'nra li. I I I I I , a. I I I I IMersaa, aa.. 4 14 11 Na'auaar. il I tHeary. e.. I I 4 I I Wee. S I W surgea. p.... 1111 Haaarlcssa 14 TaUla M I If 14 I Tatats.....l IHII I Boston 1 1 4-1 Waablne-toa ...... l8- Two baa hit: Flynn. Baortflce hllss: Tsrkes. W saner, Cunningham. Stolen baass; Brhafr, (1)1 Bpeaaar, Mueller. Double piayi Morgan (unaealated). Left on baaeai Boston, W; Vashlagtoa, A Basea on balla: Of Wood. I: all Uraoma a First bae on error: Boeton, 8; Waahtngtoa. 1. Btruck outi By Wood. 7 by Uroome, a Paaaed belli Nune Biakar. Wild nllchee: tlrouma. t Time: 8 kV Umpirss; Connolly and Hart. Boa Wla la rteveafk. OLSVELAND. April MTwo Cleveland errors, follewsd by W alali a triple and two mure erure and Callahan' double allowed Chicago to wore at run In th eevenlk and wla th ouenlna aama of tha aarle today, I to 4. Boura; QUiVtUANB. . tWICaoa AS.H.0.A.a. AA.U.O.A.B. if... 4ii a jut. t.... i i t i i Oleaa. a 4 4 4 1 llaer. la.... 4 1111 Jaeaaea. i.lll l-ttailakaa, at. 4 I I If Ulela, ta... 4 111 SBetla rf.... I I I I I Hyaa. rt.... 4 114 tUelMrm ft 1 4 I 4 4 H'akereL Ul ill KWIIaa rf .. I I Tamer, Ik., 4 4 11 Igeiaar, Ik... 4 111 aeterly, I., I I I I tWeavaa, a,. 8481 kUUkell, p.. I 4 4 I MM. a.... 4114 . . T.-- -Wale, a.... 41144 I 4 naa,M a si aa a Taaala-....B IT at I Cleveland 1 1 t 4 Chicago 1 M I M I I M Two baas hits; Oraawy, Lajote, Cal lahaa. Three baa hit: Walah. aaurl floe bit: Wearer. Stolen base: La lole, Bath (II, Lord. Double play; Turner ! Hehnhorai; I a eat to Otaoa la HonhoraU Bteea on balla; Mltokeil (f). Btruck oat: By Mitchell, a; ky Walah, 7. Firat baa on error: Cleveland, 1; Chicago, A Left oa baae: Cleveland, 8i ( hloago. A Tim! Ida Unxptreal Perrla aad DIbsib., Ttajeew t Bo Baat. BT. LOUIS, April - Blnglaa by Bhot taa and Stevail, a aaortflc by Aastia. Delebanty'a errore aad Laporba' out gave the home teasa It raaa tn tk firat inning. Brora: sr. ua ix DBTRorr. AB B O'A.a, a g.o a . a aaattaa. ef.. 4 111 aSa aa 4 4 4 4 4 Aaatla. tk... I I I I ivrn. It...... 4 14 4 4 fXevall, lb. 4 I B) 4 ICkkk. at 4 14 4 4 Uaaiu, ft.. 4 4 I I SOawtei, rt 4 I 14 4 Baaaa. B... 411 tM'aaty, n I I I I Frstt. ta.... lit! Oalaer. Ik.. I 4 4 4 Wailaea, al I I I I Lialia. h.j I I I I ataskaaa, .. I I I I ISua. a.. I I I I I C. areoa, p t 1 auaeea. p.... 4 4 4 1 1 Tla..'..ls"iT 14 I "" Tatala. I M II I Batted for tSaoag la ninth. tM. Loul I I Dotrelt - Two-baa hit: Stovall. Pratt. Cabb, C Brown, Louden. Baae en balla: Oft C Brewa. A struck out: By C Brows, ft; by Dubuc, a Tim: 1.1. Cmplros: Evan and Agon. A Berheber'a A votBaa' prete ulna be her than him. A are man with a bow gowa will take the aaaae chaniia oo rain that a Baaa with ea moaoy wilt aa lawaatmoat Wba a girl get a props as I. it I aa auddaa aha haa the wbote family la tb next roaat s aa to let thora kaew It right away. A asaa 1 very cheerful about relation coming la till tb bouse whea be k going ta be away oa a buataasa trip at that .tra.-New York Ft ass WBr atke least tbo Bewtf your basbaad aarrr aay Ufa ta- "1 don't knew.1 1 si-.uld Ihlak row wool want t ha b fanned about a mattar that would b ai t How eould It b awrtowa to aar "Why. If be died row would wis t knew whether be bad Mt yea aaytaiag ar not, wouldn't yeaf , "Ok It be died be would leave eae a widow, and I should kaew that right away." Chicago Tribune, x v V 24. 1912. fa" UTTU HOrtfcV 60 5r .tWAS CON4-TO Kesf TMO OKTIt our TO VOO 0VX COLUMBUS WINS OFF EEL Miller Bever Have Chance from Firat Innina; to End. SIX BUIfS SCORED IN THE FIRST Ikeltea'a Triple, Paar Slaalee Bad Twa lafleld Error Brtage ttalck Victory ta Loco la Three Tbroo-Bas Hit. COLUMBUS. O.. April It-Sheltons triple, four alnglea and two Infield errors brought Columbu six runs and a sals lead in the opening Inning of today' gam with Minneapolis, olmstead was hit freely. Cooper weakened In th alxth and Cook finished. A atop by Kllllfnr and a catch by Olll featured tlie fielding. Score: . OOWkTBtia. MINTfBAPOUg. AH H.O.A g AB.H.O A I Mtae. St.. 4 t 4 4 I I k I sfliner, ef., 1 1 4 4 4 Alfaer. as... I 1 I I I trwl'aaty. It I I 4 1 4 klllllar. Ik.. 4 I I 4 1 Kyla. If.... caaa-altes, rf I I I I ramna. tk.. ills Millar. k... I I M I tRaaaaaa. ff 4 1 1 tFtorla. lb... 4 4 4 1 4 nui. ik. I I it 4 40waaa a.... 4 114 4 Hahnrltt. tk 4 I I 4 Oerker. ... 4 111 Reuie, a.... 4 111 f.'oeoer. a... I I 1 nun Cask. 141 I Totals. ..M il M 14 I Teaeis a u n It I Columbus II1I1III -l Mlnneapolla t I I M I M 4-1 Stolen baasa: Oerher, Olll, Delehanty (I). Saciiftos fly: Miller. Two-baa hits: Shelton. Pairing. Three-baee hlta: Shel ton, Oerher. Kllllfer. Double playa: Pr rlrtg to Miller to Hulawltt to Ocrber to Miller: Kllllfer to Altlser to Olll. Basea on balla: Oft Cooper, 1; off Cook, 1; off Olmataad, L Struck out: By Cooper, L Hit by pitched ball: Kyle. Left on basea: Columbus, 4; Minneapolis, t. Hits: Off Cooper, In six Innings: off Cook, 8 In three Innings. Wild pilch: Cooper. Tim: 1.17. Umpires. Blerhalur and Connolly. Maddos Paaale Colaaela. LOUISVILLE. Ky., April at-Kansa city defeated Louisville today In th first game of the aeries by to A Msddox had the local at, hi mercy at all stagss. wnne iai waa nit naro. score: Kanaaa city 1 I I I I l t- Louiavlll . tat-o oioien oasss: naroeeu, lav, corriden. Jli roe-base hit: O'Connor. Sacrifice I hits: Bchaller (I), Carr. Saerlfloe fiy: utonnor. waiubl play: Barbeaa to Hit: Off Nagle. 14 Ird Innings: off Hunt, oarDcaa to Downey to CrT. in seven and one-third Innings: off Hunt, I In on, and two-thirds Innina. struck out: or cagia, r. by Hunt, l: by Mad dox. a Base on ball: Off Naa-la. I; off liunt, i: urr Maddox. a Left on ha Louisville. I: Kanaaa City, A Tim: l.l. ianpirea: tiayaa ana irwln. Toiego vwekle la Plaehea. TOLEDO. O. Anrtl Xt Failure tn hit In th pincba ent th Toledo club down to It asoond defeat of tha aarlea ihla afternoon, Bt. Paul winning. I to t Hlta by Lewie, Block and Btuler la th sixth aant acroaa th winning run. Block ae oured three hlta. Score. Touno. IT. PABL. AB.M.O.A.B. AB U ft A a "ilea la.... till sBatler. rt... 41144 S'aliaea. mill rilaa. it... 4 11 Ckapaea, at I I Betas, al.... Ill I a Hallmaa, a I I I I I I OHInart. . I I I I 4 iMnak l I I I I I IWalak. Ik... IIUII Metoaa. II. I I 1 I ueMaaas. B4 III 1 I (Lewis, le... Mill uamaa. tk.. I I M Lae. a... 4 14 Jaaaaa. p.... Ill urloa .... 1 I I I tkleek. a.,.. 4 114 e oueeea ere, p t 1 a Totals.. ...a, anu i Tatala.. is In a 1 i liauted for J 8t. Paul ..... 1 1 1 Toledo 1 n 1 Two-base hit: Lewis, stolen bi Nile. Hlnchman. saenflc fly: Der- ncx. aacnnoe hlta: walah, Decannlere, Meioan. Base oo ball: Oft Jam. I: off Decannlere, t Htruck out: By Jamte. 4: by Decannlere, A Hit by riiuoao omii. ouma, sacvormica. Time: :. Umpire: Chill and Anderson, Team is Announced v For Indoor Events Th Omaha high school track team, which will take part In tb big Indoor most at tb Auditorium Saturday evening baa bee announced by Athletle Director C. K. Kssd. Twelve lads ar included on th squad. Hugh Millard aad John Drexel. both mem her of last year' championship team, will uphold tha honor of th sohoo! la th sprint aad ar expected to get place tn both th 41 aad aat-yard gaahea. VerxU Rector will be the malnatay In lb pot vault and running high Jump, and Coleaaaa Gordon wll run th halt and mil diatanoa. with than exceptions tb squad ta otnpod ot new amnbera, all at whom hoota tap a probable polnt- Captata Robert Wood, the crack later acholaxlatic aptlBtar of tha Missouri Val ley, will not enter under th color of th Capitol kin acbool oa account ot in eligibility ta ttndlea. H will rua uo attacbed la th aprlaU of th mast, how ever. Following the team and tha events la which th kada wll Itaka part: Forty-yard Dash Hugh Millard, John Drexel and Howard Bit linger. Twa Hundred and Twenty-yard Dash Hugh Millard. Jobs Drexel and Howard Blttlngar. Four Hundred and Forty-yard Dash Hugh Millard aad Waldo ShUlingtoa. Half Mile Kun Coleman Gordon, Mau rtc Burna, A Ilea Sella and Waldo fihll ltngton. L Mil Run-Colemaa. Oordoa. Charle Rooel, Jama WeeterTleld aad Meyer Oor doa. Pol Vault Vergil Rector, Jullna Wll- Runalng High Jump Vergil Rector, Arthur Rouaer aad Jutlaa WliOame. Boot Put aVrtkur Roaner. Rolar Tee at Hugh Millard. John Draxal, VargU Rector and Howard Blt tlagar. Two laltaaa tkelewale fee TeMr. AUBURN. J-ttL, April B. -Twelfth dis trtat delegates w tha repabHcaa nattnnal conisaikja: S- H. Rsrjck aad Harry Brewa. ta traetal tor Rooarralt, .:. Drawn for I I trwaanas-asaKgL I I Second Flege Trial Draws Small Crowd PENDER, Neb, April M.-(6peclaU-Impanalllnf of a Jury for the second trial of William rieg of near Wakefield, for th murder of hla slater. Mis Louisa Flege, In June, 1914. waa begun her to day. Four veniremen wer examined, but none finally were accepted for eervlc. Probably th remainder of th week will be required ta secure a Jury. Interest in the Fleg caae seems to have waned line th first trial. Be cause of thl and of the further fact that th farmer are busy at thl season only a small crowd was present at th opening ilttlng. SECOND GROUP OF BANKERS IN SESSION AT FREMONT FREMONT, April 23. Speclai.)-The acond group of the Nebraska Bankers' association hare today approved th plan of a reserv association. Tb attend, ence was large, about 140 being present. Including a large delegation from Omaha Edward Martin of Omaha read a paper on the right of married women in Nebraska and urged the enactment of a law making a married women contract binding in aubstantlally tb same manner aa tht of her husband. The moat im portant matter that come before tb aasodatlon waa tb proposed national reserve association bill, which was brought up thl afternoon. L, B. How ard of the City National bank of Lincoln road a paper on th aubject discussing th content of tb bll lat aoma length an bringing out many itrong argument for It passage. Th plan ha the ap proval of the banker of thl" group. A telegram waa sent Mr. H. W. Yatea of Omaha congratulating him on th at tainment ot hi fiftieth wedding anni versary. W. B. Hugh, secretary of tb Bute I Bankera' association, spok on the sub- I i f 3 ' I i-,., -pyhv We Should Sunnort (he Aa. sociation." At o'clock this evening thl annual banquet waa neiu at V:', nic hall. E. E. Lyle of Waraoo wa- ' i- maater. Th following officer were chosen lor th year 1M8-U: President, C. C. Mar- hall, Arlington; rice president, Chris Hlrschman, West Point; secretary and treasurer, Jesse McNUh, Wiener. ALBERT PRINCE ON TRIAL IN COURT FOR MURDER (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., AprU ta-IBpeclal.)-. la tb district court a Jury Is being ob tained to try Albert Prtnc tor tb mur der of Deputy Warden Dart! during chapel axerdse at th penitentiary. C. a Furr of Lincoln I not on of tb Jurymen-elect all because of a remark be made when being questioned whether he had formed an opinion aa to the guilt of the accused. He said, "I don't know whether you call It an opinion or not, but I think hi ought to hav been hanged long. ago." Ha waa promptly excuaed and the defense aaked to hav th entire panel which had heard th remark ex cused also, but thl th Judge refused to do, though bo cautioned all th jurymen t pay no attention to the remark. It I aot likely th Jury will be completed be for tomorrow afternoon. , There waa a large crowd la the court room when th case was called, among them a number of women. TOO MUCH OF GOOD THING Her Maa la Kaaaaa Owerwhelaieg with Eight aa yea Offer. Prof. Frederick C. Walter. DrtnciDeJ of the Washington school. Iola, Kaa., already haa had eight leap year pro posal of marriage. All of the proposals we maa oy letter ana the name Mgmd to them Included some of Iola most lovely and admirable young women. They were aot all couched ta th same elegant language, bat they all meant the same thing aad read after thai fashion. eliminating some ot th tenderer ad. Jsctlv: Dear Professor: I can no longer re al rain my impulse ta confess my lor tor yoa. Tou ar tb Idol ot nr heart. Win yoa aama the day?" 'Tt I leap year.- mused the DTofeeenr a he ran over hi offer. -But I didn't xpect such a thing as thlA Now, rv heard of Unea showers, china shower aad silver showers, bat bridal showers. wnat oo you urns of that 7" soma ot th aama of eaadldatea wera dearly familiar to Prof. Walter, and ha waa puss led. Confronted with propose la mm aignt Stria, any oa ot whom wax worthy of a good husband, what conM ha do? He couldn't marry eight, aad he couldn't choose between them. ' Bo Prof. Waiter sect out thia laconic raolr: "My Dear Mia c I would tt i could, but I can't. There ara aa ethers." Thaa a nappy thought struck th pro amor. Why aot a prrvata reception, at htoh be aoald apeak a Baraoaal word ar awreclatkmr That -Mid. coarse Bote reply must have wounded every heart. Be olgwt girl ami minded Prof. Walters tnea le tall them how much he aa. Predated the sttuatiea. "To" soa," ax plained th bewtld- pedaa-ogua. -how very bnpoeaible tt n, t xeeke caste from thia double quartet of pretty erl. Now ft aJr am abcia s th The Bee by' Tad at one member of the party. The others cauj-ht the gaze. Now it la said th re maining seven have withdrawn their offer and are urging Prof. Walter to make good. . A friend to whom th professor eon i tided his experience told another friend In confidence, of course and In that Way I the story came out. The pro feasor ad mlta It Is true. St. Louis Republic, PROBLEM THAT IS A PROBLEM Five Mea aad Hoakey Pat l m Game Liable ta Crack Caeaaaata, No mall part of th American public, aot long ago, wax betrayed Into revealing how ludicrously slight Is Its knowledge ot I elementary mathematics by a cynical somebody who propounded an absurdly' simple problem Involving the age at a, suppositious Ana. For a wbll th news papers all over th country war over-; whelmed with letter from people who wer evidently proud of! finding aa answer to a "aum" that any little girl of 1 should hav been abl to -work" la a minute and a half. Now aa arithmetical problem that really is Just a bit puxxllng Is offered by th Scientific American. It will stump everybody who exulted over th dlsoovsry of Ann's precious secre, but other may hav a little Innocent fun la figuring II out with algebra barred, remember. These ar tb premise whence th oon clus.cn must b drawn: Fiva men and a monkey worked all day (fathering cucoanut aad at nlfV lay down beside tliem. postponing aa equit able division till next day. Weakening" after an hour or so, and distrusting hi companions, th first man. A, divided th nuts into flv equal part, and, after giv ing th monkey aa odd nut that waa left over from the dlvia.on, took on of th Parts away and hid IL Than he returned, put th remaining parte together, lay down beside th other men and went to aleep again, soon tb second man. a, did tha same thing, and after him C, D and E. In turn, each of them finding and giv ing the monkey one odd nut Whea morn ing cared' the flv men divided tb auta that wer left, and that Urn thsr waa no odd on for th mocksy. How many auta war there In th beginning? A a nory of adventure thli oan hardly b railed plausible, and aa a problem It la unsatisfactory In that the first, or small est, obtainabl answer I not the only on that would satisfy th conditions, but be for any little girl ot Is find aay answer t all shs will gnaw off several inches of Pencil, aad even really and truly wla ones may hav to tap their bulging fore head mor thaa one or twice before they rn fully aay, "That's ayl" Our. own onlaloa 1 that there ought ta b a law against solving problem like thia on hy arithmetic but there ar other who think It a profltabl exercise, and who ara w that w ahould call than wrong?-New York Time. RROW Koteh COLLAR, Easy t tJa tha craa-at la aad to' rtcfc on oval tatowbol.s, which -M lwsoolauJ a,. a aoa-w-v. aa.t- ' r. V. AGREEABLE H the UW AGREEABLE I the HOTORIST AGREEABLE ta the PEDESTRIAN AGREEABLE ( Ike POCKETBOOK (AH Attached for ! Thaa fiqj MorTs ourrriEs shop !lt!.rer "y yw judg a uit satisfaction, wear, comforter valued nS .H,W-.thM the bluTwgTsulT ha the edge oa aU of them. Thev Jwa,. look drewy aod asfor wmZ ?! 1? out? Beiuir my line at I20.O. 107 gonth Sirmh Straet. BBcccasor to Voibner. I