Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Xew Tonic, Tona Vita, Will
Positively Restore Your
Old Vitality.
Nervousness, depression of spirits.
Isck of energy, all run down, these are
the chief symptoms of nervous debility,
the modern affliction caused largely by
the rush, hustle and worry of modern
If you are a sufferer from this all-too-common
complaint, and cannot go to a
high priced sanitarium to have rest and
diet build you up, you should read care
fully the following statement by c. X.
Hunt, Esq., of C Sxth-st., Milwaukee,
Wis., concerning the remarkably new
tonic "Tona Vita" that has made such a
great record during the past year. Mr.
Hunt says: "For a number of years my
wife has been a sufferer from a con
tinuous run down, nervous condition and
to,i.r trouble. I took her to a number
of doctors, but none seemed to give her
lny relief. She grew worse and her en
tire system became afected.
"She could hardly eat anything and
would say the very thought of eating
made her sick.1 She caught one bad cold
after another and was always tired and
languid. She had bad headaches and at
tacks of dizziness.
"1 got some Tona Vita a few months
ago. My wife began taking the tonic
that night and we were pleasantly sur
prised to notice aa improvement after
the second day. She Is now like a differ
ent woman. The nervousness and depres
sion are all gone, and she eats and sleeps
better than sho has for years. It seems
wonderful to note such a change in her.
I believe Tona Vita' Is worth its weight
in gold." '
If you are debilitated and run down,
above all things try "Tona Vita." You
will never regret It. as It will build you
up like magic It la the finest prepara
tion now on the market. '
Sherman & McOonnell Drug Co., 16th
and Dodge; Owl Drug Co.. 16th and Har
ney; Harvard Pharmacy. 34th and Far
nam Sts.. and Loyal Pharmacy, 207-9
North Kth St., has the agency for this
great medicine in Omaha. The price will
be returned if It doe-"V5ieet with your
entire approval. The Approved Formula
Co., Daylon, O.
Omaha Minister
is Mistaken for a
Bold Holdup Man
Mistaking Rev. Charles W. Savidge of
the People's church for a highway rob
ber, a carload of passengers on a Council
Bluffs car at the Iowa end of the Doug
las street bridge Monday night were about
to hasten to the rescue, when the mis
take was discovered.
It all resulted from a desire of a young
couple to be married and the necessity
of having the ceremony performed in
the Bluffs. Miss Beatrice Clark, daugh
ter of Joseph Clark, and William L. Pugh
were the lovers. They called upon Mlsa
Nellie Magee of the City mission last
night and told her they wished to wed.
She telephoned for Mr. Savidge, who
hurried to the mission.
Upon Inspecting Mr. Pugh's marriage
license, the minister saw It had been
Issued In Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie
county and the marriage would have to
be solemnized In the same- county. Tbe
lovers, the bride's brother. 1. L. Clark,
Miss Magee and Mr. Savidge encaged an
automobile, drove to the east end of the
bridge, and there in the car the cere
mony was performed.
As the minister raised his hands to
bless the pair an eastbound car neared
the group. The motorman thought the
minister was a holdup man, accompaulea
by his pals. He shut off the power, ap
plied the air and then threw up his hands.
Everyone laughed and wished the lovers
bon voyage.
Cost of Primary Campaign to Citi
ien' Union Given to Clerk.
Candidate Give Fifty Dollars Each
the Faaa, Wall Frteaas
Swell Total te A beat t
Thoasaa Dollars.
Primary campaign of the Citizens'
I'nlon cost tl.7S.ui, according to a finan
cial statement of the union, filed in the
office of County clerk Frank Dewey.
After the campaign the union had a
small balance on hand, the total con
tributions to the fund having amount
to H.9C-3. The seven candidates of the
union contributed tfo each, acordlng to
the statement, while was contrib
uted by many persons In sums not ex
ceeding .
The principal Items of expense were:
stamps, KMtt; office rent and other of
fice ezpense, 5.14; salaries, $340; print
ing. I32S.CS; Auditorium rent. $150; sub
scriptions for weekly paper, .5. Small
expenditures for messengers, checking
registrations, telephone calls and other
matters bring the total expenditures to
The United States army recruiting sta
tion sent out thred men to Fort Logan.
Colo., who enlisted Saturday. Three
more applicants appeared and were ac
cepted. Previously the army has taken
only men for the Infantry, but recent
orders allow the enlistment of men to
all branches of the service.
WHHam Edwards, nettro, was bound
over to the dtBtrivt court by JudKe Fos
ter for larceny from permit. His bond
was fixed at $00. which he ts unable to
furnish. He was the only one of the
four men arrested for holding up James
Pavls, a drunk man, Saturday night at
Sixteenth and Podfte streets, almost un
der the eyes of hundreds of shoppers.
Chauffeur Warner told of seeing Ed
wards and three other netrroe rifling
Davis' pockets, and of finding $7.90 In
Edwards' ponsesslon. Davis knew abso
lutely nothing about the affair.
Ad Club Names
Its Delegtes to the
Texas Meeting
The Omaha Ad club has chosen the
following delegate to the eighth annual
convention of the Associated Advertising
clubs of America, to be held at Dallas.
Tex.. May iS-S: Victor White, Robert
II. Manley, A. I- Gale. Frank Builta.
A. C Scott, O. E. MeCune and W. E.
Connolly. Harry Mahaffey was named as
The delegates and other members of
the Omaha Ad club who make the trip
to Dallas will leave Saturday morning.
May 18. over the Burlington, and at
Kansas City will meet the Lincoln, Des
Moines and Minneapolis Ad club dele
gates, and a special train will be taken
from there to Dallas. Following the con
vention, a four day trip will be given
complimentary to the guests of the con
vention by the Associated Advertising
clubs of Texas. The trip will Include
visits to Fort Worth. Waco, San Antonio,
Houston and Galveston.
T Dissolve the laloa
of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and
cure biliousness and malaria, take Elec
tric Bitters. Gusranteed. Only 50c. Fur
ale by Beaton Drug Co.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Addressed to Women
That Backache of Yours
Is one of nature's warnings when all the joy of living has
vanished because of trouble peculiar to womankind. Don't
disregard this warning. Don't procrastinate. Now is
the time to take steps to regain health and strength.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Has been recommended for over forty years as a remedy for
ailments peculiar to women. Thou sand t of grateful women have
testified to its effectiveness. You, too, will foul it beneficial. As
made up by improved and exact processes, the "Favorite Prescrip
tion" is a most efficient remedy for regulating all-the) womanly
functions, correcting displacements, as prolapsus, anteversion and
retroversion, overcoming painful periods, toning op the nerves and
bringing about a perfect state of health. Sold by dealers in medicines.
Every woman ought to possess Dr.
Pierce's great book, the People's Common
Sense Medical Adviser, a magnificent
thousand-page illustrated volume. It
teaches mothers how to care for their
children and themselves. It is the best
doctor to have in the house in case of
emergency. Over half a million copies
were sold at $140 each, but one free copy
in cloth covers will be sent on receipt of
31 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of
wrapping and mailing only. Address
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
A Cam la Kind
I wrote ts yea about
els aaenthe ace for your
kind sevtce la regard to
r esse," writes Mrs.
Llasie White. At nam
I was hardly able to be on
mr feet, I belter I bad
every pals aod ache a
woman eeuld have. Had
a very bed ease ef uterine
disease. Ovaries were
very aracb diseased end
mr baek was very weak.
I su Safes agreat deal with
eel woes headaches, In fact
I mOarad all ever. I fol
lowed year direction, eteeely as I eoald, and era
well pleased with the reeulte. I have taken year
"Favorite Preeertptioa' and 'Golden Medical Discovery'
for about tores aaoethe sad caa aow eay that ay
heahsj was never better. I caa highly reeoraoMoa
Doctor Pteree'a remediee to any woman eeffertiig frees
di esees, sod 1 de rececaraend taera te every eae
Have Indeced several te try year woasjerfal
Addreaa htrolebes on request.
5. SJWrHPiff'
inerteat that Cooks the
Dinner Warms the Plates
C In Every
Kitchen where
Economy and
Comfort are
there should be
A Cabinet
Gas Range
THE COOK is provided
for in the compact, con
venient arrangement of
the ovens ana warming
THE COMFORT OF THE FAMILY is assured, because, when Gas
is the fuel, the cooking results are always the same. .
because, both ovens and the wanning closet are heated by the same
set of burners, thus saving Gas.
Wead and O'Brien
Win in Primary for
the Water Board
Tae csnvassinc board, consisting of
Mayor I'ahlman. City Treasurer I're and
City Clerk Butler, canvassed the returns
on candidates for the water board yester
day morning. The completed canvass of
the vole In the first nine wards fives F, I.
Wead. republican, and I). J. O'Brien,
democrat, the nominations.
Ural- Wead Horrl- Lynch O'B'n
lev aaa
lt. ward 12 IB 12 1 1
M. ward 175 .'. 17 SSI
M ward 4.MS 4 2 IS". M
4th ward 1 343 J7 4:1 1
6th ward SM SS 343
th ward 179 U 18 41) 141
7th ward 153 M 14 M 195
th ward l M K 41 128
9th ward K3 tea 7 134
Total 1.970 S.Xa G 81
Commercial Clubs
Directory is Favored
The executive committee of the Com
mercial club has decided to take active
interest In obtaining the passage of the
bill now before the congress authorising
the preparation and printing of a national
directory of commercial, organisations.
Council Bluffs and Lincoln Commercial
clubs bave requested their representa
tives In congress to use their Influence
for the new directory.
The pending bill directs the secretary
of the Department of Commerce and La
bar to collate and publish the directory
annually. Names of commercial bodies
with facts relating to them will corn-
price the compilation.
The government Issued such a publi
cation a tew years ago but it was dis
Millard's Condition
Improved Yesterday
Improvement Is notod In tha con
dition of Joseph H. Millard, president of
tha Omaha National bank. He Is suffer.
from an attack of tonsllltls, the form
of disease being more severe than the
ordinary. Dr. W, O. Bridges, tha at
tending physician, reports Mr, Millard as
being very sick, but bis condition Is not
Predicting that the farming section
around North Loup will control tha pop
corn market of tha world this year and
the pros per ts for good prices will be bet
ter than ever, W. T. Hutchlns of North
Loup, stopping at tha Millard, believes
tha acreage converted to this crop will
be considerably larger than that of pre
vious years. I Popcorn brought 13. a
hundred last year and the yield ran from
tow to 1,000 pounds to the acre with some
growers. The average that this fertile
spot brought however, with weather
conditions so unfavorable, was about 1,203
"Because ot tha high price wa got for
popcorn last year," Mr. Hutching salt).
"tha acreage planted this year will far
exceed that of any year before. The
prospects for a crop la surely great and
our shipments will probably control the
popcorn market of tha world."
Northwestern auditors are hero check
Ing out George West, general agent of
tha passenger, and E. C. Griffin, general
agent of the freight department, who
leave tbe Omaha service of the road May
L On that date Mr. West, after thirty
years of railroading, takes tha business
management ot the Jardine transfer bust'
nesa, in which he has secured an Inter
est and Mr. Griffin assumes bis djattes
as general agent of tbe north Pacific
coast territory, with headquarters In
Portland, Ore. Mr. Griffin expects to
leave for hla new field tha last of this
week! John Mellen, general agent of
tha oonsolldsted departments. Is
practically on duty now, but ha not yet
offlclaly taken charge.
"Map grates" Makea Ita Debat at
Waaslaatoa, D. C Twrlve Deas-
rastratloaa Given tka First Day
' t aaaallfled Praia hb ICvery Side,
WASHINGTON. D. C, April tt-The
first of a series ot public demonstratlnns
of the "Hupp System" for handling mail
automatically on tbe railroads of the
country was given on the Chesapeake
Beach railroad and tha efficiency and
accuracy with which It dlspatcned and
collected mail sacks ot rartooa etaes and
weights was indeed a revelation.
Thla "Sritem," considering tha sim
plicity ot Its construction and It per
fect precision and execution la destined
to occupy a niche In the ball of revolu
tionary mechanism and fills a want tnat
baa long beea felt by tha government
and railroads of tbe world.
Tha Hupp Automatic Mall Exchange
company, whose general offices are at
Kansas City, M., baa arranged to con
tinue these demonstration for the next
thirty days, which are under tbe per
sonal supervision of the Inventor, Albert
"My little son bad a very severe cold.
I was recommended to try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle
wa finished he waa a well as ever,"
writes Mrs. H. 6U;-s. a Dowllng' Street
Sydney. Australia. Tola remedy la for
sale by all dealer.
Foils Holdups, Gets
Beat Up, Then Loses
$500 Diamond Ring
E. P. Gamble, head bookkeeper for the
Carpenter Paper company, lost a diamond
worth approximately Rrt) and waa badly
beaten last night when he was held up
by three men on Tenth street near Far
nam. .
Gamble says he was on his way down
to his office, her he had some extra
work to complete, when h was set upon
by the men and that In the scuffle that
followed he slipped his ring from bis
finger and threw It across the street.
The stirkup men hurriedly searched him
and finding nothing ot value struck him
several times upon the head with a piece
of billiard cue.
Gamble made his way to the police
headquarter and the dragnet was spread
for the men, but at midnight they were
still at large. Another squad of officers
searched the vicinity ot the robbery for
the ring which Gamble said he threw
away, but they were unable to locate It.
The police believe that the robbers saw
Gamble throw the ring and while two of
them were beating him the third picked
up the jewel. Police Burgeon Edward
Ash attended Gamble's Injuries end he
wax later taken to hla home. 434 South
Twenty-fourth street in the police emer
gency automobile.
In accordance with cuatom Uellevue
yesterday observed Arbor day. Friday
morning President Stookey spoke of the
significance of the day and called upon
the students for suggestions as to the
most practical method ot lis observance.
Dean Tyler referred to the deepening In
terest In the proposed forest reserve and
expressed the conviction that the people
of Nebraska will yet awaken to the
value ot this work and see thst this most
Interesting pier of woodland with Its
Indian relic shall be preserved. Monday
the whole student body was at work on
tha campus Improving the walks, lawns
and flower bed.'
Sample of steel vault fixtures were
exhibited to the Board ot County Com
mlaslonsrs and John Latenser, county
building architect yesterday by the Art
Mstal Construction company and the gen
eral Flreprooflng company, bidder tor the
vault furnishing contract The board
will meet to consider action upon the
bids next Thursday.
'Attack laaaraae t'emblae,
IOWA CITT, April B.-8peeial Tele
gram.) Tha second stsp In a stale-wide
fight against Insurance rale combine
was taken bar today by Assistant Attor
ney General Henry E. Sampson of Pes 1
Moines, who came to make a probe of an
alleged fire Insurance trust In Iowa City.
The state has already disbanded an as
sociation In Ottumwa. Tbe local com
bine Is ssid to be a branch of an organi
sation which embraces chief cities
throughout Iowa.
Street Car Wrecks
. Rasp Automobile
VP at Thirty-third and Parker streets
yesterday the i. W. Rasp automobile
contended with a street car for the right-of-way
over the Intersection. Both got
on the spot at the same instant. The
result was that the automobile waa put
out of commission. It will require about
law to make repair on the machine.
awrf a.
Toothache Gum
Hm f.ram pmfatt mtwtmtim fm W TttW.
C. IX wr 4 Co . DmioT. M.e.
Avoid Blends! Send us your order for
Hayner BOTTLED IN BOND Whiskey
You KNOW it is good and pure the Government !
Green Stamp over the cork U your protection.
others may promise
do matter how
tempting their offers may
gccm set if they offer
Botikd in Boni whiskey
and remember there
la only one way you can
be tun of Betting pure,
straight whiskey and
that is to mji'jI on
Bottled in Boni
That's what we offer you Hay
ner Private Stock Bottled-in-Bond
Whiskey rich, pur
and delicious shipped in
ualtd esse Direct from Dis
tilleryand all it costs you is
$3J0 for FOUR full quarts
express charges paid.
There's no question about a
whiskey like Mr tha Gov
ernment's Green Stamp over
the cork is yowr assurance that
H ia BotUed in-Bond fully
aged, full 100 proof, full
measure and a gwmmtet
that it comes to you just as
it left the distillery, in all its
original purity and goodness.
Note the Bile only S) esnt a aosrl' d
sealed I1! nms
I V . chance
WANT wa to
on our guarantee
you will find it all wa
claim as tins as you
ever tasted and tha.
beat Tsiue you ever saw
or you may send it
back at our expense
and we will return your
Rrmember yo tain na
Vi a take all the risk and
n stand all the expense a1 w fail
to pleas you.
Nhmrk aa-mary
Cot Out aael was thia Coupe)
w flamim w
im gi mmmt, .
tm lima wnuiiic c.
fertrtitet. ml
rut,R toll rt fcrMtW
McaTMr mvt sUdM .kmi(t-tav
ltot4Whl.if-UpMI InUcJ-M
Cr f at. It ts Hdte4
at If tttts wt.ltj la moi tu4
a wifiiiatii m MMartAn
bm tnewarr w7. It mr Ntara
Of tW Aril. Cat. Cat. Uatk. Mtt IN..
livercd. When 4m can jtm bur Bottle I H. Meav, Of.. Ufa. WmIwm Wi. m i m iW
In-Bond vhWuro. thk magTiihrtwrt QuaUr I hmtt l 4 ) fee $m Iwt-a tm
ft Utht phot I om to 'tM trr Prat. PU.
OAcaa ana Shipping Depot also at
stlaskLwa, arsaJBsv
aram.. lima. tUm.
JatkeaMUa. Ita.
rail Paid
Try this tonight!
.Chew Wrigley's EZZE22Z
on your way home. Cleanse
your mouth refresh it
It makes you as hungry as
a bear makes you want
food, then helps digest it
If everyone everywhere
would chew it before and
after eating, what fine
appetites fine digestions
fine teeth we'd all have.
And the green . country
seems very near while you
enjoy this refreshing mint
leaf juice.
Try it tonight!
Buy it by the Box
mt any Ualer. It coats laas.
Look for the spear
The flavor Lasts
to the Situuloa Be AdverUsine