Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Member, of South Omaha Fire and
Police Board Put Up Fight
Allraratloa Maa Sa Prasr ratlaa
Will Hold Now for Apt Cast
as II tra Brforc Tarlr Rr
Elertloa. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOIJ. Neb.. April 33.-Special.-4ttornrys
for Ryan and Plvonka. mem
bers of the South Omaha Fire and Police
commission, have filed a brief In the su
preme court resisting the motion of the
state to have a referee appointed to take
testimony in the ouster proceedings
brought against them. The objection la
Thorn., Orcherfra and Mendelsohn j XLT
Choir Open Annual Concerts.
Lacal Oraaalastloa Aeklevea a Saw
Trlaaaa la Its Apaearaae at
the Aaaltarlaaa 1-ast
A soft sweet sound of delicate music
floated on the air at the Auditorium ast
night, the opening notes of Dvorak's
"Husitska" overture, and the annual
concerts of the Mendelssohn Choir of
Omaha and the Theodore Tho.'iks Or
chestra of Chicago were begun.
On the rostrum at tl:e Auditorium
were gathered two of the greatest musxal
organisations In the world. The Tiieo.
dore Thomas Orchestra l- an acknowl
edged leader; It ranks anionic the first
of the musical organisations now In
existence. Both l-.r triinttur and tradi-
I lion. It h a riwht ... it. ri.m.ln.
based on the ground that the term they ptoc, Krederlck Stock has proves him
were serving when the proceedings was it most worthy successor to tbe greM
brought had expired and they contend founder of the orchestra and with the
the action died with the term. They hold support of a permanent fi nd. In property
mat me only penalty in case or an aa- and otherwise, of more tnan a million
verse verdict would have been removal dollars, only the royally con-rolled or-
from ofiice ad not disqualification for chestraa of Europe can compete with It
holding office again, and therefore there In making such provisions for musicians
is nothing at Issue when the term expired. I as will enable them to give tnelr very
i ney admit the two have been re-elected best for the body to which tney ove al
to the same office, but they cannot be legiance. And the men at the helm for I ,h Pledge of fealty to Jerusalem, a
removed from this term for anything done J the Theodore Thomas orchestra are not mighty crescendo, swelling upward, until
or failed to be done during a previous niggardly In providing for those whose j1'18 volume of sound fairly crashed out
term. The attorney general wilt file a I genius and talent make Its eminence "I"1 audience. It was a tremendous
ably the orchestral triumph of the even
ing. It was beautifully1 rendered.
The Goldmark number waa well done;
the senses
and it beauties are not
easily missed when presented as Mr.
Stock has descried them. So it is also
of ths Huinperdiik'k suite, "The Koenigs
klnder." Here the contrasts, though not
so violent as In the I'vorak number, are
much in evidence, and are handled with
such skill as gives virility to the score.
The work of the orchestra last night will
whet Interest for the matinee this after
noon, when Weber, Tnnaikowskl, Stack
and Rimsky-Korsakow will be represented
on the program by their greatest and
most characteristic works.
Trlaanpa far tae Orchestra.
And what of the Mendelssohn Choir?
No one of Omaha who waa at the Audi
torium last night but felt proud of that
splendid organisation. It Is a mild state
ment to say that the work of tho singers
was superb; no superlative could over
state the excellence of the choral music
they furnished. Mr. Kelly introduced
."Intrcl." and "Kyrle,- from the "Man-
; aoni" K-iuiem Verdi
I Quartette, fhoir and orchestra.
1 "Sancttui" and "Renedictua" from the
; "Juansonl" Keuutem Verdi
r UK ue for a llnuhle Choir.
Symphonic I'oera. "Un Preludes".. .Usat
lreaaael 4 hair.
The Mendelssohn Choir of Omaha Is
mad up of the following ladles and gen
tlemen, who have devoted themselves to
the success of the organisation:
Mrs. J. F- Anderson Madelene S. Hlllis
Mary N Austin M,ua Hoagland
Mabel Baldwin Rvelva Hopper
Deborah Haithasar MlrM b. Judge
Mildred R. Banker
Julia Hednar
Ida K. Blackmore
Clara B. Blutner
Blanche Bolln
Elsie Bolln
Kmlly Bolts
Madge M. Bourne
Mrs. K. l. Branch
Mia Anna Bratton
' Mrs. Blanche Brown Ji M.-Oune
I Catherine CaJorl Fannie Mctlugh
i Kffte R. Cleland Mary McShane
Mary Cook Mrs. Marls Martin
Mrs. A. B. Currle ulsa Mohr
Alice furry
A M. Karba.h
Mrs Thos. J. Kelly
Stella M. Kelley
Kthel Klewtt
Klisaheth K lew It
Nell Kunkei
Florence lancaster
Man' T. I-lttle
Maude K MrAneney
siiive ssctll
his songbirds without the support of the Hattie Dahmke Minnie A. Nelson
orchestra. It was the Mendelssohn Choir j Mrs. Walter H. Dale Mrs. o. II. Osborne
alone that ssng two Mendelssohn songs ! Mrj J ',t,,, M,"b'
with such tenderness of ton, that H Kmm" kma Z'Z tLZT
reemed almost like listening to dream Orace Donllttle I-aura M. Peterson
music; it was the Mendelssohn Choir that ! Emuia lurr Mrs. Henry Peterson
teok up the Uounod arrangement of i . l.t,,", ".."V"1
ijtwj - i-Hiim m. rraii
salm cxxxvll, and gave with rare ex
pressiveness. Its first part, "By tha
Waters of Babylon." was the most ap
pealing In the reminiscence of despair,
and then came the culmination of that
despair In the defiance of raptors and
reply as soon as it can be prepared.
Attorney General Martin is busying
himself with the opinion in the ouster
case against Chief of Police Donahue of
Omaha, getting a line on the Interpreta
tion of the law as It may apply to the
proposed case against Mayor Harris and
the two police official of Alliance,
against whom the governor haa Instructed
him to commence proceedings under the
Sackett law. This action was taken on
petition of ten members of the Bex
Butte county grand jury.
Prlr Goes la Kreataat.
possible and permanent. Chicago his
done wonderfully well in providing such
magnificent endowment for this body
of musicians.
Omaha's Great (hair.
Another Mendelssohn choir exists on
the American continent, that of Toronto.
which la so well established lost Its
permanence may be admitted It Is a
Toronto Institution, a sourcs of reason
able pride to all the cltixen of that great
modern city, and Dr. Vogt Is ocked upon
with reverence as the bead of the Men
delssohn Chnlr. Rut rip V.ifft haI 1a
State Engineer Price has gone to Fre- ,urt ,. , Thomas Kellv stsrt ,: it
mont to consult with the county boards waa from th. ,urceM , Toronto
or uouge and baundera preparatory to choir that Mr. Kellv got hla Insuiratlon.
advertising for bridges over the Platte And now. with four years of effort to
river connecting the two counties. support b!m, with the way to succms s.i
The contractor is making good prog- parrntly open, Mr. Kelly ought to be si lt
reus on the new building for the tuber-I to lay aom claim on Omaha for lus
cuiosis hospital at Kearney. The roof service In building up the magnificent
is being put on at present and thera Is choir of which he is the director. W h!lu
every indication the contract will be it Is not yet so well established that
completed within 'the 1J day specified. It may be regarded as permanent. It has
which will expire July t set Its roots deeply in the cultured life
Lyman B. Cornell has appealed several of the city, and only needs a very little
esses from the decision of the district aid In way of flnuncial recognition from
court of Richardson county. In which I the folks who can give It to becom)
j. u. nan, tne ank or vet-don and much an Omaha Institution as the
numerous others are plaintiffs. It In- Thomas Orchestra Is of Chicago of the
voire foreclosure proceedings on some I Mendelssohn Choir s of Toronto. 8o
lands and Cornell alleges the land was far as culture, understanding and ability
appraised too low by tha men appointed Is concerned, the Mendelssohn Chnlr of
by the sheriff. I Omaha la the peer of any musical or
A requisition has been Issued on the I ganixatlon In America; others surpass It
governor of Kansas for the return to I only In point of numbers.
Nebraska of J. W. Davis and Edward Ths program for the opening concert of
Johnson, now under arrest at Washing- ths season was admirably chosen for the
toa Kan. They are charged with blow-1 exhibition of both the orclw.-a and
Ing the safe of Charles C. McLeese. a I choir. Mr. Stock gave ua soma new
Davenport, Neb.. Jeweler, and taking things, not especially novelties, but num
therefrom 100 watches valued at 11.505 hers that do not grace the conventional
and 130 In cash. Reports from the Kan-1 W ram; works of the towering masters.
sas town are that the watches have been I "whose mighty thoughts suggest Life's
recovered, , endless toll and endeavor," were not on
Nee M.h.i n... . I tha bill, but Dvorak. GoWmarg, Humper
Tha flra marshal's office Is sendinr out I dlnck- Elgsr and Usst were there, and
to-towns th the state copies of three pro- Charpentler. Mendelssohn and King, so
posed ordinances, designed to reduce fire ln arrangement may be classed as fairly
risk. One compels the storing of gaso- representative. And the combination waa
line below ground, another regulates the nuicniiy presented.
burning of rubbish and the third pro
vides for the appointing of a building
and chimney Inspector and prescribes
his duties and powers.
Secretary Piper la leading out a blank
te all paroled prisoners, asking Informa
tion as to what the paroled parties read. I comes the poetic Imagery of the cause of
now often and where they attend church I Huss. charmingly pictured and actually
and in general what they do with their I alluring under the baton of Conductor
time both when working" and when off I Stock. But this' la rudely broken Into
duty. . I the brasses shout the coming of conflict.
I and ths crash of opposing arms and the
NEW DFFIHFRS FOR RFATRIflF 'ory ot ,ewr n'pu th. poet.
. w" " " saw as . . . .. w . fl p m - W Bnlltl.S fr.ais.M- A
imosjecsB, ainj, a-III
tesssilsalaa Appoint- . ' ."'
sseats STalby Refaeea ta Be
City Attsrsrr,
effect, most successfully produced. And
closing with the prophecy ot destruction
l.aura Qoeta
Tera Della-htfal Kasahera.
Dvorak's "Husitska" overture Is a com
position of delights; from the soft.
delicious melody for ths wood winds that
opens the work. It moves gently along to
tn entrance of; the strings, and then
BEATRICE. Neb.. April 2S.-4Hpeclal.)-
General L. W. Colby yesterday In a-letter
published in the local tapers an
nounced that he had decided not to ac
cept tha position of city attorney ten-
measures that denote-'a peaceful under
standing of at least one pbsse of life's
problem. The overture was delightfully
played; In it the effectiveness ot a per
fect organisation was fully displayed. The
musk-si accuracy and precision, attain
able only by long continued association
ot men under competent direction, was
mads very plain here at the beginning;
H-Mrs. F. I. Klll. k
Minnie 1- Ksplin
Lucile Fellera
Elisabeth Ferguson
Marie Foster
Mrs. Sam Frank
Zoe Fries
Anna C. Fry
Kllaabeth M. Fry
Mabel Fulton
Wllhelmina Fultoa
Mrs. Klftle tlatnble
Ruth Uaneon
In Huhvlon no lmn H. In .nlrli h, 1 I. I. unison
. , ... - i Florence J Mbb
graver in tone, tne choir sang with the j Annie K. Glasgow
tnougnt or psiamtst and composer, till It
seemed as if it had sent something ot
the fervor of the psalm out Into the
audience, and the song wss ended amid
the most enthusiastic applause of the
evening. Both conductor and choir were
fairly stormed, and bowed again and
again to the people who wee paying the
most unstinted tribute to deserving
The Auditorium held an audience of
I, MS or more last night, and these people,
while not at any time showing riotous
tendencies In their applause, went a
great deal farther than the self-con
tained Omaha audiences usually do. At
times the audibly expressed appreciation
fairly verged on enthusiasm, and It was
always such aa would leave no doubt
as to the sentiments of the listeners.
Last Maht's Praarasa.
The program last Bight was:
Miss Florence lilnkle. Soprano.
Mme. Nevade Van rier Veer, Contralto.
Mr. Reed Miller, Tenor.
Mr. Frederick Weld, Basso.
Overture, "HusitHka" Dvorak
The Theodore Thomas Orchestra.
Choral Music (Unaccompanied).
(a) "Departure" and "The Nightingale"
(From Open-Air Aluslci... Mendelssohn
(b) Motet, Psalm CXXXVII
Chsrles Gounod
(.For Chorus In Six Parts.)
The Mendelssohn Choir.
Aria, "Depuis le Jour," from "Louise"
Miss Hir.kle.
Choral Ballad. "The Bands o' Dee'....
Oliver King
Choir ami Orchestra.
Suite, "Die '..Humperdinck
Born September 1. IBet.
(a) Prelude.
(b) Children's Dance.
Mrs. W. T. Fdgehlll Minnie Pritchard
Emma C. Kdllng Nanus E. Pritchard
Mrs. M. L. Powers
Mny Hlale
Mrs. Hal Roberts .
Pearl K. Roberta
Belle Robinson
Myrtle F Roberts
Uenevleve Rush
Myrta M. Kchneldct
Mrs, George Blort
Blanche Borenson
Mrs. Cecil Stem
Amanda Tehblns
Mrs. Msrle II. Wad
Kern Wallace
Katherlne White
Mis. u. W. Wtcker-
Mrs. J. O. UoodmanMra. A.E Wlrkatrom
Grace L. Hancock Mrs. F. M.WIlklns
Mary C. Henley Bess Wlnget
Mrs. H. E. Hethef Msrgaret Vocum
Ington Lydla Zahn
Margaret O. HIckeyMrs. Adolph Zastera
Mrs. Helen Horn
Oscar A. Anderson. A. V. Jeasen,
F. B. Riirrhmorv, II J. Joseph
iJ. O. Burgess. Dr. II. K. King,
James i. t'nrtstie, lister D. Ladd
H. H. Cockrell, sigmund I-andsorrg,
Henry Cox. Waldo Laur.
A. J. Conrad, L. P. Lorlng.
Eiirl L. Onnsoliver, B. H. Mci'reaiv.
J. M. Craig, John A. McCreary,
Walter H. Dale. John Mellen.
R. W. Derrick. W. F. Murden.
a. Leslie inea. a. m. Parker.
Jean P. 1 Hi meld
Raymond Durkee.
H. D. Kdllng.
F. I. Elllck.
Edward Olsln.
8. Irving Clrahsni,
W. L. Harris,
John S. liedellind.
John Hemler,
Axel Helaren,
John 8. Ilelgren.
Charles Heritor;
Dr. David lasses,
W. II. B. Jacobus,
John II. Jamleson.
Itussell I'hllln.
Lucius Pryor.
Harry A. Polk,
John Rush,
O. Heaburg,
Paul Shields,
WlnMeld ). Khrum.
W. H. Smells,
It. W. Smllev,
Ouy M. "now,
Chester W. stem.
William Z. Stuckl,
A. A. Wedemeyer.
F. M. Wllklni
CHICAGO. April B.-County Judge
John M. Owens, who waa selected as a
delegate to th democratic national con
vention by th Harrison-Hearst faction In
their stat convention at Peoria last Fri
day, announced today that he would not
A Permanent Cure For r
Chronic Constipation
dered him by the new commissioners. ,na as th evening passed, this aspect
lie glvea as hi reason for such action of tn orchestra waa more and mora In
that the salary la Inadequate for th Im- evidence. Especially waa this true of the
ponsnt amies requires. 1 nose slstea 1 Lisxt number thai clnaeri ih. nr.
for positions ander the new regime are That I a composition full of peculiarities
. a. mcuirr. cniei m; iv. ai. and little pitfall Into which the unwary
1...0-. u, uir, n. nayoea ana mlght w(y ,trayi , fragmentary "pre
Charlea Reddlck. night officer. H. M. ludea" nermittitur much of riona r.h...
Garrett, formerly principal of th city tratlen. with a never falling them to
scnoois. nss oeen ouereo a ciemsmp in nt. the whole. And this was messur-
tne onice ox me supenntenuent ox ac
counts and finances, but haa hot yet I
accepted the position. -
tea frosa Veahler. '
DESHLER. Neb.. April a-Tbre cars I
ot broom corn, a car of tin for handles I
and a car ot handle were received at I
th factory last week.
Frank Meyer and Herman Ilinr
purchased the Frlcke dray line Satur
day; consideration, 11.650.
. Deshler waa visited by a sever elec-1
trie end rain storm Saturday. A heavy
bolt of lightning struck tha broom fac
tory about 1 Ik m.. knocking a hot In
th roof and burning out all th tele
phone and electric light wire, setting I
' fire ln th office. H. C. Strove, tor-1
- man. waa In the office and although I
badly stunned, managed to put out tb
fir before It gained headway. Engineer I
Sitier waa badly stunned aa were a bub
bcr of employes.
-Although thOee may dispute If who
have not tried It, yet thousands of others,
who speak fiom personal experience,
assert that there la a permanent cure
for chronic constipation. 'Horn testify
the- were cured for as little as fifty
cents, yesrs sko. and that the trouble
never came back on them, while others
adtnlu they took several bottles before
a steady cure was brought about.
The remedy referred to la Dr. Cald
well'a flvrup Pepsin. It haa been on the
market for over a quarter of a century
and has been popularised on ttfl merits,
by one person telling snot her. The fai-t
that Its strongest supporter are women
and elderly people the one most per-
sisienuy constipate) nurses it certain
that the claims regarding It as a perma
nent cure for constipation have not been
It Is not violent like, cathartic pills.
sslts or water, but operates gently,
without griping and without shock to
the system. It contain tonic properties
that strengthen the stomach and bowel
muscles so that In time medicine of all
kinds csn he illspenxed with and nature
la again solely relied on. Among the
legions who testify to thee farts are
Mr. M. V. Palmer, tKj Davenport St.,
Omaha. Neb., and Miss Rachel Baths,
Truy, Iowa, and they always have a bot
tle ot It In the house, for It la a re
liable laxative for all th family from
infancy to old age.
Anyone wishing to make a trial of thl
remedy before buying It In the regular
way ot a druggist at fifty cents or on
dollar a large botle (family alxei ran
have a sample bottle sent tn the home
free of charge by simply sddreaslng Dr.
W. B. Caldwell, tut Washington St.,
Montlrello, III. Your nam and address
on a postal card will do.
" Victory In Chemistry!9'
k. CaRera.-r,,,.. a BlaCRbUm'r,
A compound of Castor rML C.
Cars. Wild Unuin. nine..
makes the easiest, surest acting ahy
e anaVtonlc over known. Try them
s ear on eur guaraata of sat
Ji dose 10c; 45 doses :
All Dragaiata sn The
Th Blackburn Product Co
Man Die aa Trala Sear Falrharr.
KA1HBLRY. Neb.. April a.-(Speclai.-
H. R. Gould, a cltlsen of Motuie, 111.,
while enroute from Denver, Colo., to his
home died aboard the Rock Island east-
bound passenger Not C near Mahaska, I
Kan.. Monday. Th conductor tele-1
graphed Undertaker O. L. Schuuman of I
this city to meet th train and takel
cNarge of the body. A doctor was with
Mr. Gould, who stated that death aas
due to tuberculosis of tha gland. H
had been in Denver for sometime recup
erating has health. Th remain will be
forwarded to llollne. III., for burial today.
WASHINGTON.' April a-Ia response
te a letter to WlUlasn J. Oliver at Kaox
vllle. Tenn-. C. D. fillies, secretary to
President Tart, today denied aa behalf
of th president that Major A. W. Butt
bad seen sent abroad on a mission
Rom. Th letter la part read a fal
"The president feels Msjor Butt's km
keenly and is only coosoied by the knowl
edge that he gave us hi ttf aa a sol
dier axd a foan
Red Inner Tubes
8 Acknowledged Best by a Large Majority
of Motorists Throughout the World
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
TetephoB Dong. 721.
12-14-I Faraam, Omaha
the best
at each
Don't Wait, Gentlemen!
Spring is surely here and ere long you'll be
compelled to dtn spring clothes-io it now.
You won't gain a thing by waiting until every
one pise wants a suit you'll lose something.
Stocks will 1k broken and in the Spring rush
you won't make your selections in the same
pool, pali'ulating manner that you. would if
you eanie now. Walk right in and have a
look at the best Miits on earth at their prices.
Guaranteed Blue Serges $10.00 to $35.00
Extraordinary Fancy Suits $10.00 to $40
Omalia'a Only Modern Clothing (Mora.
The Home? ot Qnalilv Clothes.
WANTED 100 progressiva housewives
who would pay 11.00 a week for a
short tun to gat a servant that will
do two to four houra of their hard
eat kitchen work each day. Hervant
will then atrra to work for tha rest
of her life for nothing. Address, Mil
ler. Steward Heaton Co. IJ-1S-17
Houlli Sixteenth street
Would you, Mrs. Housewife, like a chance to get such a
servant? Yes! Well then join our
McDougall Co-Operative ' Society
. and be independent of kitchen work
You have long wanted a McDougall Kitchen Cabinet now here it your
opportunity. We have contracted for 100 McDoiigalli for the purpose
of organizing a McDougall Co-Operative Society. The purpose of this
society is to place 100 McDougalls in Omaha homes within 30 or 60 days.
These will be sold at the regular Spot Cash
price on the Cooperative terms of $1 a week
This is not au installment proposition, but a splendid opportunity to own that long
wanted McDougall and pay for it without hardly missing the money.
You can pay for your McDougall
out of your weekly allowance for , .
l expenses of your household.
You will not miss the dollar.
, Only 100 members for it
Only 100 members can be taken in. Be quick and be
one of them! Your neighbors and friends will belong to
this Society you'll all be healthier and happier a big
Me Dougall family each enjoying the same privileges
each saving thousands of steps and doing your kitchen
work in half the usual time.
Please bear in mind that the McDougajl is the stand
ard by which all other Kitchen Cabinets are judged
you're getting the very best cabinet produced the great
est labor saver the most conveniences.
$1.00 Credit Certificate free during our
Spring Home-Furnishers' Exposition
To each person who visits our store during this Exposition week, wo will present
a Credit Certificate good for $1.00 on a McDougall Cabinet.
This Credit Certificate can be applied as the first dollar towards paying for your
McDougall at the regular Spot Cash Price. If you think that you are at all likely to
want to join the 99 other progressive housewives before the GO days are up, don't fail
to get this $1.00 Certificate to use. It's the snnie as $1.00 in cold cash to you. '
See live demonstration in our windows.
Miller, Stewart Beaton Co.
415-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
A McDougall will almost pay
for Itself on our Plan If you
will let It savt for you sava
supplies save itepi lava doc
tor bllli by taring th nerve
and energy.
Every street car on the sytem is thoroughly
cleaned and fumigated at frequent inter
vals. We ask passengers to co-operate
with us in keeping them clean and sanitary..
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company