THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24. 1912. 1 111 EVIDENCE e "r l Milk I i s l r I Shoes, m'm' m I w V ftrial t A New York Manufacturer Accepted a I Considerable Loss When He Sold Us These 600 Serge and Wool Dresses t run wuincn ana husses t Made to Sell op to $10 and $12.50, Wednesday at $3.98. S t Tou would declare they were excellent value's at $10 and $12.50. Scores of smart white and colored sergea, 6triped worsteds, whipi-ordg, etc. plain tailored and fancy trimmed wool frocks for every oeea- AQ AQ sion. The season's most attractive, bar- Zkfl JlS I X gnin. nt .' i 18 inch Cambric Embroidered Skirtings and f ! Cirset Coyerins, lany WorthZUc,itlUcyd. I Also fino Nainsook and Swiss embroidered edgings, in- I Bertions and galloons big bargain square piled , I A I hieh with wonderful bargains, at, yard ......... IvC J 27 Inch Swiss in. Batiste Embroidered Floucinfs Also 22-m. allover embroideries choice, new designs ;n I eyelet, floral and new combination effects; worth QA. J T ii n tn T.'w n vard on hifir bargain souare. at vd.. . . T y - X ' -" - r f 7 ' - Great Values in Black teUti Ribbons No trimming is so much in vogue as ribbons for mil linery purposes, sashes, dress garnitures, etc. We offer this splendid oppornnity to purchase our best quality black velvet satin back ribbon at the follow ing low prices: No. 12 20c yd., $1.90 bolt No. 16, 25c yd., $2.25 bolt ' No. 22 29c yd, $2.75 bolt - No. 40 45c yd., $125 bolt No. 50 55c ydL $5.25 bolt No. 30 39c yd., $3-75 bolt No. 60 . 65c yd., '$6.25 bolt Elegant quality High Luster Taffeta Ribbons Splendid millinery ribbon, 6V2 inches wide in black, white, old rose, cardinal, light blue, at per ' . . (- 29C I Warp prints in floral designs, 5 inches and 6 . 9Cd inches wide unusual values, at per yard . ."v t ' Sashes and hair bows made free of charge. Tkursday We Will Sell Thousands of Pairs i - 01 High and Medium Grade Shoes FOR WOMEN, FOR MEN AND FOE CHILDREN v Bought from, a Prominent -Eastern Maker at a Most; Extraordinary Sacrifice - 8m them In tba window. They are all alt and all good, up-to-date styles. Ton can set torn bit bargains Thursday. f InBrandeis Bargain Basement : IN OUR MILLINERY DEPT. THURSDAY Flowers For Trimming Thursday la our Millinery Department, second floor, wa wtll aall 209 doses (eoulna Imported American Beauty Roaea, bou(ht ot Altken Soaa Co., Broadway. New York. Both the large alngle roaea and tba cluateri ot all roaea, worth up to at. Throughout This Entire Week Special Demonstration and Sale of the Famous LA VIDA CORSETS .Mia White, apeclal representative from 'the makers will be la oar Corset Department to explain and demonstrate the superior advantages of this renowned comet. Yon wilt find her advice aad her service ot great value la the eetectloa ot the proper model. 39c I yjy cause RED Sell Pictorial Review Patterns Be- They are the Best Patterns Made. Ten S. 0. H. Green Trading Stamps FREE to All Wednesday But In order to art them Tom aut Mag yon book to the Premium Par lors, balcony. Main Floor. If yoa are not now a collector of 8. ft H. Green Tredlns Bumps, we will elve you i FREE STAMPS for every book yon wish to art. Alao thoae who already have booka and wlah to atari new omea ran awure the JO free stamps. If they eeme to the Premium Ierlora Wednesday. Remember 10 Free Stamps for All Your Old Books And 20 Fret) Stamps for All New Books We are Are Pleased to Announce. In Connection - With the Closing Out of the Suits Left From Our Big Sale of- Last Week, a gU-Sale of 200 Suits grV Worth From $25 to $35 at .r l nese suits were snipped 10 us I by our New York office, being a ' u share of. the entire stock of a J manufacturer whose business was i a1 jeopardized Dy a DreiiK in tne market-remarkable values in ev ery way. The choice of this purchase, and the aulta left from the big aale ot last week, ahould bring every woman In need of a new suit to the atore early Wednesday morning. They are made of Scotch mixtures, serges, diagonals, cream-white cloths, eto-ln fact, nearly every cloth, shade and style that la desirable may be found la tba assortment. Wool Serge Dresses. $9.95 This price, too, had been brought 'about by a large purchase from a prom- inent maaer. 1 uere are unpen ana 'jl "plain aergea trimmed with laces, braids ana biibb. values irom a is.qu to vio.ev -slies for women and misses. Lingerie and chiffon walata to go with the new tailored aulta are priced as followe-Ungerle waists in all of the choicest styles, IMS. $2.76, z.a, 13.15 and ap to 121.00; chiffon waists In fancy and plain styles, fS.OO to $13.00 each. ml m7 If it Advance Notices of Special Sales i NEXT SATURDAY, APRIL 27 Hundreds of Woaea't Tailored Suits All correct New Spring Styles- White Serges, Pine : Stripes, Mixtures and Plain Colors Many worth ' double the price we wiD ask Saturday , " $10-gl5-$19-$22s50 Notable Sale of Men's Suits You Will Easily Save at Least $5 on Each Suit You Buy Here Saturday at , - $9.75- 011.75-$14.75 See the Windows Watch for Later Announoemrita. Watch Our Advertisements for Particulars of the Sale of a Great Purchase of 18.000 Bunches of Imported Flowers and 3.000 Untrimmed Dress Hats To Be Offered Beginning Friday. April 26th The prices will be lower than the maker s actual coat ot pro duction. Watch our window displays, read the advertisements and plan to be among tba first here Friday morning. New Corsets for Summer . Many of the Lines Shown in Our Corset Dept. are Exclusive With Us It variety were tta only claim to distinction, the Bennett corset department would occupy an en viable position, but even mora Important than the number ot branda It displays is the worthiness of those branda-tha discrimination wa have employed In selecting them. , Evmt Una we carry owes Ha presentation by us to ome feature In Ita construction which la better than the averac and, In the rut ot a number or th.m ot unusual eacellenee, wa hav. the eictualre sals for this dir. Chief amoaf the yartoua llna are Madam Grace Corsets at $3 to $25 American Beauty Corsets. $1 to $5 which-we are enowln -In many variations of the low buet and long hip etfmta-tha lateet lUctum or Pans faahlona. TtitM corset. how the work of a manter dxlsner and builder In ev.ry lln. and bit of material. All are elesantly trimmed, boned with non-ruatable bon Ina. equipc with ood how aupportar. and made to .ol every other comet offered at a elmllar price. The eervlcee of our eapert eenettnes are entirely free. too fuur Notion Bargains Tat Wsdassdsy Only SOe bolts white or colored embroidery -edflntm, four yama 10 ine eon, 10c holt, of finishing braid, vara, to the bolt t .pool. Mack darnlna- cottim tc cards nickel plated aafety pin.. f or WIm K. tr tihB Mfku . 0 tee-yard apool m.chin. thread, black ' or white, all number., t for lie silk alaatle remnant., ail con. for 4. Ironing Was ,.... Stationery Specials 19 8. M. Rthi Tradlar ataatpa yree wua Baea ei ae ceuew , laa Barratasi Three nackarea shelf paper In a.' sorted colore .....f.lOo Roll lunch paper 10s I OS decorated napkins 10a Pn.ic.rd albunia that will hold 199 cards for toe 1 tuu-kaae. anvalooea. commerce .lie for lOo Box of fine atatlonery 14 .heel, of ..r.. with 14 envelone. to match in each box Wednewiay lee 2-lb. Can triTJl Coffee ir.am4".52c And Other Pure Food bargains for Wednesday Only and and 1 IS. Amnrtad teas tamper lb. Tea elf lln atampa, lb. .... H-lk. can black pure pepper and t pa. if IkeTeraaalatei fee loa Pint can Oallbird'a pure olive oil reduced to 0e Larae can (inlder'a pvrk and beana and e atamae itc Jar Bl.hopa Cill- forala fruttate ....aae rull cream rheeM ena 1 lb. ... aae Uc buttle large Queen ollvea tie can Llbby'a llarpy Vale awarasua t mi Kversreen corn and rtampa. can toe One dnaen boxea aafety ntatrhee for be 1 ran. Eal. Lye and . IS atampa .. .as. Lea Perrin'e taLpovted Worre.ter.nire raura, bottle for te la ban'a Bar ral. Seep fer aa Bonelees sardlnea and IS aiampa. ran ....las Peanut butter and la atampa. Jar lae Quart bnttt. malt cider Vlnecar and IS limM for Carpentere ekinlesa flea and 30 stamp., can too 1-ltv roll Premium but- tertne for 1-lb. r Bennett'a Cap itol eats, 10 et'pa. loa t Iba. o Jap rice. fFaney Red River potatoes, peck large buncbea radisne FRUITS AND VEOETADLESi ,katii3 . .40c . .10c . .S5c . .10c ..10c lba. extra choice new potatoes . . . Fancy Florida tomatoea. In.,.,.... Lane cucumbers, each . .' 1 buncbea new beeta or turnipa ,.10e Larae. iuifj lemons, doten we Our famous Redlanda ormngea-tne finest arown 'anywhere-per dosen,.15c, roc, gnc. 30c and-. ....w..: S3c MEAT BARGAINS FOR WEDNESDAY 1 lbs. Corned Beef ... , . .25c. j fcamburger, 3 pounds, 25o 3 lbs. Country Sausage 25c J Pork Chops 15c Hotel Zmplra. Sew York City. Aprs lata, uia. Omaha. aTefe. OsBtlaiaa I as yr--r tke folio wlnf araelaa fey expraea te be elaaaed aa retanaa sooa aa poeslsla to the above addraaa: a areases. 1 Iriak Mee eeuar aaa 4 pain of gtovea. aeepeetnuy yean, Mia. W. X. Orsaaay, Oreasey fe Days. Aad agatat Xotet Baddtana. trl..eapoll., Ktaa. v.Mh atb. 191a. tkt Faatoriaxa, Oataka. area. jgntleawat I am eeaalag fey ex pine has oom talalag the fellewtag arttelea to fee i WMt Bhewl. 1 rtlk crepe aaawl, palra of gloves. neaae revor. ve ax pie T beaux, Betxett. auMpemauy ywmra. Kra. W. xt Oieaeey. u.-v. hAn dninc Mrs. Creaaey'a work for ten yeara and ahe thlnka we are the best In the country, ao aenda her work to us clear from New .York, or any otner city where ahe bappena to oe piajiug. II. tiav bnnftreda nf CUScOmert .h.etrip.1 neADle who aave their work for weektWore reach ing Omaha In order -to nave, re cleaned at the Pantorium. i wank we cleaned part ot MBtirta AHnm'. wardrobe, and the week before we cleaned the entire wardrobe for the Spring Maid company. It being the aeeond time we have cleaned it tnia season. We do all the cleaning for the Brandels, Boyd's, Qrpbeum ana American theaters. yi-a mum .la.nlnv and dve- f. UU .U H . V. .. o ' ing In our plant every week than la done In any other two plants in Omaha and . wa do It better. We. have the equipment, experi ence and competent help. Any atatementa made In our ad vertising, are true and we atand ready to prove them at any time. Just now we are cleaning lota ot house furnishings, such aa por tieres, draperies, pillow, atand and couch covers, earpeta, ruga, curtains, etc. Ask our driver to quote prices on all your work. w. na. the latest methods (ex cept the "hot air" system), and nroduca work that cannot ba equaled in Omaha. Try ua. THE PANTORIUM -Hood Cleaaera aad Iryera,H 1515-17 Josea BU Both Phones, Cases cfthgi CesB onsABLt-a twt cLtV - I . rwo men is aa-' WBSBBBBAT-S BrBOXAX-S A Bew prlsur rraxta aad J pprtaf taretafelaa. Spinach, per perk aOa ' New aprlng onions, dos. . .10. Klne Juicy lemons, dux. ...too Rerlland orancaa, par doa. toe, i so. and 1 PYeah roasted peanuta, qt 0. Dtrawbarrtee, Muahreoma, To- I matoea, Egg Plant, Jiadlva. Celery, ate. 1. t and 1-qL "North Pole- Ice . teanv Preeaar, each gl.10, tl-SO and ai re to "Mule Team" Boras pkg. 10a Fancy Bankets, all kinds and colore, each ....Ida to Aa.00 All alxaa Automobile BasHota, awoh 070 to ae oo "Brownie" Dustleaa Duatera and Bruahea, each .... Ma ap Ik jar Houthwell's Kngllxh Marmalade IT Ha q tyutajj esa At Bee VValit A-S 'SUBs 13 mm 56 as as gffiss mm s r-immm e e b 'a s n S Ss I wajjtitffwrtawrtHie r La Salle Station (In the Heart of the City) : ; Only Itatlon en BUvsAOd Ballway Xioov Chioago Terminal Rock Island Lines ' Electric Ughted tralna with drawing . room and stata room sleeping cars, . observation cars and dining cart every day to Chicago. Chkafo Limited KcT Itmittii tmitei Leaves . t.Og p. m. Utvea . lS:Ma.m. Arrlvea . 8:0 a. m. Arrive . 1:00 p. at. Other tralna at well. Ttclott, reseipufiont, in:ortnotim J. 8. McNAIiLT. rf DiviaioB Fasaenger Ageaat 1822 Farnam St, Cor. 14th Phones: BU ft 4M; lad A-4411 m The safe beer for all the family Old Age is Invaluable aa a tonic, perfect as a food and delicious as a household drink. THE AMBER BOTTLE keeps pure beer pure. Old Age la always good and wholesome, whether exposed to the light or not. Accept only Amber bottles. FAMILY TIlATlK 81 PPLTEO HYi gouth Omaha WM. JETTER, 2502 W t. Phone No. MM. Omalia HI GO F. BILZ. 1324 Doug las Bt, Phone ltoaglaa 1342. Jetter Brewing Co. - SOVTH OMAHA. SEB. The Very Latest In White Footwear Thi will be a "white" season. White footwear ; is saiictiorjed - for street costumes of every shade and ,;' color. Never before hav we dis-; , played such an assortment of OxtOrds, Pumps, Colonials and High Shoes in White Nubnck," White Linen,' etc. Our generoui stook includes and all. widths from AAA .to E so that a correct fit is assured. Let us show yon while assortments are best. S3.09-S3.50-S4.00 'HO&C0. 1615 Ct. DOUGLAS. HI m . I ts - pre r " - A Wonderful Little Hand Sewing Machine BRANDEIS STORES M ' t DRS.MACM& MACH aatSsMaMaMaTal te9 BAILEY&MACH Kealaat eaBiaaad daaial ofTVa as Oaaa. Hlsben craAe dcotutry at liaimaMi pnoaa. I'm uslala fUl tnaa. jut lUa tba tomft. Ail l siiMiiiais eanrelry atarliasd attar avk oparattoiav Ovrsar Mta awdl MYERS Famaus Lock Stltctl SEWING AWU A Stitch 1 V?7 sewing awis. noney W-. N!aa- in Time - ' SiresV ... ; ' " -'"C -77 . . SewsLcather Sud Is THE MTERS FAMOUS LOCK STITCH SEWING AWL to the original and only one of tta kind ever laveated. It la designed for apeedy stitching, to be aaed by all classes, the tocxpcrrrwccd aa weU at Ua tnechaalc. Ita ilmpllcity make it a practical tool for all kiada of repair work, even In the hands ot the moat unskilled. With this tool yo can mend harness, ahoes. tenia, awnings, pulley-be Ita, carpets, -aaddlea, boggy tope, suitcases, daahboarda or any heavy material. Toa cab tew up wire cats oa nortee and cattle therefore the veterinarian and stockman Indispensable. The patent wcedle as aim. smmmI pot n't and avtU cut throagh the thickest of leather. H has groove to contain the thread, raa Blag the fall lewgtli throagb the shank, overcoming any daager of cutting off the thread wheat eewiag heavy material. The reel rju-ryijig the waxed thread la la a aaost ro-aveaiesit positloB awder the ftajrers' eada. ao that the tension can be controlled at will by a atmpto atovenent of the fingera oa the reel and the thread can be taken up or let out as desired. This feature is very eaaewtial ia a device of thia kind. These are exdaalve feat ares: Convenient to carry Always ready to mead a rip or tear la any wrgetary Toole In the hollow of the handle Assorted needles A aupply ot waxed thread wrench and screw driver combined. . Wa want yoa to have thia useful tool. Wa will give it to yoa FREE, If yoa will send as 11 1 for a year a subscription to The Twentieth Ceaiury Farmer. - - - Aita The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omiht, Sek. 1 j HsPlsSa3sBaoaB 1-