t Desperate Desmond m Look Vv tut tne Villain Gets for Peeping fnrough By Hershfield a Keyhole And Be Warned Yourself ( ftTsslA'i tMCF OF THE OTSLlrFr r 1 atrV" M f3, ! -3 IS UNCONSCIOUS. AAY AW tETDESMOVC I DREaSh) THlR) itCTOf. T ? ,.rV,r7r II Wl- " WH 1 yqjS I'KtrSlttL 3cWNCGTwe HIS COAT N. HOLD III ij Jii p 1 1 r W THE CHIEF'S OFFICE. ' Beautiful Rosamond, helpless In th clutches of that fiend la human form. Desperate Desmond, I compelled to re main outside the door of tbe room oc cupied by the dreaded Chief of the Third Section. To whisper the name of thie bead of IhiMlt'i secret police la enough to scare the bravest hearts that beat la the revolutionary party. II-PEEKI.Va Outside Desmond can no longer control bis curiosity as to the fate that Is be falling his rival. Claude Eclairs, In the room of (error. Mo, bavins; no nice scruples, the scoundrel stoops to peek through the Keyhole, a low habit even for a villain. But as we have said. Desmond has absolutely no scruples and he Is anxious to gloat over Claude's Bufferings. III-THE TRAP. - However, the officials of the Third Sec tion are no fools. They bars anticipated that some stranger would try to discover the mysteries of their office, and pur posely left the keyhole unblocked as a' bait for those wbo would spy upon them. Also, as you may see by glancing at the third picture above, they have prepared a mechanical device to surprise peckers. IV BUMPED. Just as Desmond Is congratulating him self that he will soon be .able to get a . good -view of Claude In tne clutches ,of the police, the little surprise Is sprung by one of the alert officials. The take koorknob shoots out and gives the villain a terrific crack In the eye, thus fitting the punishment to the crime. Too late Desmond gets wise. V-TAKINO HIS CLOTHES. Rosamond, who has been a. helpless spectator of Desmond's actions, now sees her opportunity to get the better of the half-stunned villain. She hastens to bis side and quickly takes Desmond's famous hat, which he has worn in all the con tinents snd most of the world's capitals. Rosamond Intends to take the scoundrel's coat also as a disguise. Vl-THB VOICE AT THE DOOR. It Is Impossible to Imagine the surprise of Claude Eclalre when be bears through the door of the police room the voice of his sweethart, Rosamond. The brave girl Is demanding admittance In the name of Desperate Desmond, and while Claud does not know ber plan, he has every faith In ber quick wit. How she fare will be shown in tomorrow's pictures. WANT ADS ,. Want ads received at aay time but to tBsar proper classification must be praseatad before 12 a tntk n. for the evening, etlitlua and before 7:!M p. sa, for lauralng and Sunday eM cioaa. Want ads received after sued hours will bate Ukalr first I ussnioa susdes? Lb lireilms luo Lai M . Classify.' CASH RATES Tor WAVT AD BEGLLAK ClWaSHU'tCATION OB In s-ilnsj 114 teat per word sum i sat per Word for each subsequent consecutive Insertion, naca aw ttoa nude oa odd dart lH-cut per words SI-AO per Una per suoulh wheal ad 1 run without ciuuuja l sop. DEATHS HO FtNERAL XOTICEt. RYAN. Mrs. Alice, aged U years, of , Cokevill, Wye, . , Funeral from Heafey Heafy chapel at 1 a. m. Tuesday, April 8. Interment, Holy Bepolcber osmetary. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Btrtha-W. N. and Alice Bridge. IS Spruce, boy; Frank and Agnes Horak. Ull South Fifteenth street, boy; Thomas and May Robinson, Omaha General has ' pttsl, boy; Frank and Bessie Runa, lU South Fourteenth street, girl; William C. and Anna Reed, Mil Jones, boy; ft. K. and Maml Victor, kit North Eighteenth street, boy; Daniel and May Murphy, Uo Florence Boulevard, boy. Lm anrieuauin ' " . XI South Nineteenth street; Patrick N. Glynn, years, k3! Cass street; Mr. Helen M. Horn. II years. ("Inrkson hos pital; Willie Price, t montns, tenth and Castellar; Martin Witner, is years. Tenth and Castellar. ANNOUNCEMENTS Y)P Classy Clothes see Jackson, tbe 1 ""Tailor, -W' Block. EDROWE,weil boring, Benson Ui. NOKTi 1 R l' P LETTER "l ) 0 PLICATINa CO., Sis Paxton Blk., circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex perts of Multlgraph and Neosiyle. ATTENTION, CAMP NO. 120, M. W. A. Members f Camp No. 120 and their la dle are cordially Invited to attend a socisl session of the camp Wednesday, April 24. Curds and dancing. Enter tainment commute No. IJO. OFWIf 1 A V Plumbing, mechanical Uirtill.UJUl man. I carloads of uathtuo. imse. liw Douglas Hi MHIXESS CHANCES Mertare lor bale. FOR SALE Gilt edge first mortgage on new Dwellings occupied by the owners lit denominations of tout and I2.M0. run ning and s years at and t per cent Interest. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY Su Bo. lith St., Between Farnam and Harney, Ground Floor. II18IXKSS PEKMONALS Attorneys. Llston L. Hall, lawyer, UT Bran. Bldg. BUSINESS PERSONALS Palata aad Glass. Ton are Invited to come In and set color cards and talk over your painting mi aecwrating. uompiete line oberwln W tills m paints and varnishes. KAKrCV.U KUfVi PAIYTiY- l-ato r-arnam. Doug. 476a I'latlas). OMAHA SILVER CO., 114 8. Wth. W A NTEI Repair work of all kinds; grinding and aaw fUing. Call Ind. B-KM. AITOMOHILKS. Aut lamps, radiators repd., plating all kinds. Neb. PI. Co., Ull Howard. U J. Auto lamps repaired, unmba ivr Co TIRE KEPAimNG ,roZ Urea. W mk them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., au far- Murphy Didlt KEPAIRINU, TK1MMINO. PAINTINO. DkUMMOND AUU L..s. I ,u,v. ... l. iui .A,tfes an ooinmviuai trucaa lath and Haiae. PFtlKrtH Carrtas Work Auto re- pairs, ath and Le.viiwurth. Doug, toll . I KDERTAKKR8. ANTI-TRI.'ST UNDERTAKER. Caakeu trust price. Phon H. T. Brass C, a U or F-lTll and sav money. AJfTBEMKltTS .i.UiA FILM EX UigW" Mettea slot are machine and film bargain Vby not seu your si autauiobiie ai.0- buy a sew eee or, maybe, you can us the nwnay u sum other ay in either event. Bee want ads will do the wore, hates lii os ii is isr word U luu only on time "or 1 can per wurd It tun two or bums tunes consecutively- Tour TIRE kXPs-Nak: cut In two. Expert tire repairing work guaranteed. AC'lwr Tiwe. iia.r..Ai m. raiuaiu. ANNOVXCEMEVTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, VaUehl ' embalmer. 1(14 Chlesge St. D. I B-lwa The -Wash Word' of the Home ' W please particular people, more sat isfaction and longer life to your linens.. K imball Laundry BLU2 WAOON8 Doug. nt, nd. A Jll Hit Jackson. VonYM 41 8. ttth Everything sVUXJIJU to n Spring Btyles. EL CONTkMO UABANA tin AH. ' Be so, prepaid, ttTi; try half duaen; It Bat satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUU CO.. ma Farnam. Omaha. -Alfred C. Kennedy, S3. -J- snce.' W First Nst, Bk. Bldg. Doug. 78. frUP. TU'lfVA RHflP Tally sad i i,m kuva yiae Cards. Dinner Favors, Leather, Brass, Olaaa and Silver Novelties; stationery. Baskets, 1 toll-Popular price. Omaha exclusive gift store. M2I Farnam. Phon P. Stle, EAT EOHHER HOME COOKINH. ARKINS. 1,4 B. 16TH. UPMTAIRM. GET yeur diamoada at Brode-ard'a FREf OFFERMAN. bath tube, tlOJA M- fe.- AlUllli. ,iim paini. Mi UrandeM Th OMAHA TRNT CO. Tel. all Douglas, Stevenson, caiprnter. eunu Bota p bones. UpnoUtering, piano furn. rep. HAVE Davis cieaa your wall paper, ' 4171. A-23M. 1 live la Omaha. SaH Far. PAKAXYZED 11 YEAES For Ult Subscriptions. TO Tbe Usui's' Home Journal JI.H Tk eaturday Evening post Lad Tbe Country Gentieman Lat Tb publlsoer will deposit . la trust for soro pueiie charity, the In terest of which wJI bring me U a monta for life. Must 11 in April or the fg,iM prise Is tosi. Your renewals count. Rush them In. Pbone Douglsa 71ai fiORDON THS MAGAZINE MAN, WaUUl' So. Mill St. OMAHA. FPiTHFRa Mattresses renovated Cuming. D. MR. Omaha Bill Posung Co. 1U Ilsr. D. : CAKLJAEL Locasinllb. Laws Mowers Sharpened. DOCOLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Doug (44. D. S. OrUflib, wig mfr, II Freaser Bis. MONEY S LAiAN lAW i t Bee Blda. PhAM riOutf M CNtu.M LOAN Ca ' HAZEL XEAF PILE CON remedy for itching. Weeding or urotru. In piles, te postpaid; samples tree. Bnerman A McConnell lrug Co.. Omaha. WeCdlng Announcements. Doug. Ptg. O. GLAZING CARPENTElTwmK . ' . AND REPAIRS. v. ieeaare, Tyier-urt. 17H (iarage buildings ?Jlk tw mufc.. ,Oim, w- i.Uy,..,. w,el. We Ruuun your noma and eieci cuiupivte garage, an uses, types and pitcas. liiue prints and specifications on lequest. niraianu-Hicaen Co., sui Hrandeia Th tr, O, W. Wilelde.Attorney. til B. of Trade. Baa Maaalaoterere. BEMIS OMAHA BAQ CO., Omaha, Neb. Box amd Paekaae Maaataetarere. Wooden Bog A Package Co, Ull N. Wtn. Chlrepotllala. DR. ROT, UOt Farnam. Douglas MS7. llethla Jlaaataetira, Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Ceralee aad Steel Celllasa. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Creameries, Ualrlee aad kappllea. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE t'HKAMKKT COMPANY. Dentists. Bailey, th dentist. City Nat l. D. tm. Mach A Marh, ed floor Paiton. D. 10. Taft's dental rooms. 1617 Doug. D. flat. Detectives. Nebraska DeL Agency, the only bonded agency In Neb. Interview, correspondence conliuentlal. all Brown Blk. Phone JAMbl ALLEN Neville lilk. Evidence secured In sll case. Tyler 11 si. L. W. lAiNONEC'KEH, .17 Karhach Blk. Omaha Hecret serv., tin Paaton blk. D.lilC llreeasaakiag. Terry s Dressmaking college, kith A Far. DHEHfMAKl.NO by day7'"WebeteTl7li PLAIN sewing, reasonable. Harney 111. Dressmaking by day. phone Doug. Iota. Plaaaben. V. T. VALKENBEIta. Plumbing. W. bfl PrlatlM. Lew W. Kaber Printer, Slu? mS? BEBBLDO. ENTRANCE ON COURT, LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od your work. 14i Douglas Bt. Tel. D. JTtrt. Reis-Hail Ptg. Co., bM 6. 14th. Ind. A-iiH. Lynsstad PrinUna Co.. liUh sn,1 rBnii.,i Ave. 'lei. Ind. A-M tor good Minima. Ind. A-M tor good printing. Steel leak and Calvert Coaapaaie. NEBRA8KA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. Hln and Mcholaa. D. Sas. Sieaoarapkere aad Ceart Meporlere, Myrtle A. Kelley, TOT Bran. The. D. tea. Traalu aad Salt Laaee. Frellng A Btelnle, IMS Farnam St Teat aad Awataae. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 83 Douglas. Wlaeo aad Llaaor. . WILIOW Springs beer. Houor. curara sandwiches. Alex jetea, Ml-I a. 13th tit. HELP WANTED FEMALE Maaaekecpers aad Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework. Two In family. 31 W Poppleton Ave. WANTED A competent girl or woman for general housework; must be a good conk. Wages, 17.00. Telephone Harney WANTED Experienced while girl of good character for general housework. Wages. 100. Phone Harney tot. WANTED Girl for general house work. l'Oi 8. 17th St, Phone Harney atTux GIRL wanted for housework at llenuer- son, i ne f lorist, ivis N. 20th BU Six utnana. HELP WAXTED MALE Mlseellaaeaas WANTED FOR V. 6. ARMT Able bodied unmarried men between the ages of Is and 36; citixena of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb.; 607 4th St. Sioux City, la.; 130 N. loth St. Lincoln. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Mlacellanewaa. TOuNG women comng to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit th Young women s innsuan association Duiiding at St. Mary s Avs.. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boardiiuf placea or otherwise assiated. Look for our travelers guide at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Aseats, Salesmen aad Solicitors. RELIABLE salesman able to give reference can obtain opportunity to con nect with new concern of reputation. For particulars pnone uotigias M2&. AGENTS can make 110 dally selling new book. "Titanic Steamship Disaster, 7 told by survivors; outfit free; 10c for mailing. International Bible House, Dept P, Philadelphia. WANTED A man to solicit subscrlu. lions for Th Twentieth Century Farmer. raiary su a weea. Address circulation Manager, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. VIRGINIA DARE wine, ate a lanr. k.i. tie. Klein Lluuor House, ka N. lath at EDLCATIOXAL HAVING discontinued handling ALTo. MOBiLfcH, we otter our remaining slock eoiisietiug o! three high grao kireeuine tuuring cars t brgaiu price. Baoin- ealtiey Co.. wth and Jones Hta. . Motwrayoioa, Motorcycle repairing at cost Doug, seal Usui motorcycles, bicycle at kuraaia prices, v. at. Moos, IM Lea veil ww ut. SEOOXU HAND Al'TOMOUlLES BEST Used cars; guaranteed.; ail Die, see m llrsL low prices. eci.ormac, al 8. win. 'lei. Mar. A UAHUAIA 1 have a line Victoria Electric In splendid oondltion. Meaaou for aeiung same, nave tour in lamuy, nave wvueni larger oar. axlraa lor oar. chains. wim ironi, innertubes and cyclometer, w Hiiwm uioeriuoe, SS.VW; euauiB, e.w; ironi, SU.IW; ceivmeter, iw VU, eJXtfv; will seo wis tor f.ai.uo. CaU Douglas sMs, Ul SIX ESS CHA.1CKS. TO st la or out eg OANOtlAD, 404 Bee Bid. Tel. U Mil FOR SALE On of the verv beat era! mere band laa businesses la the stats o lAMuraau, carrying groceries, baruware, shoe, dry goods aud futnisnings, meats. arm implements, grain, leeu, etc.; this business Is the most convenient store ta a U.IM) irnaliun nrolect now oeaiine completion ami lb business her offered canuot help but make money when muu. any handled; owner ha other business anu wants to dispose of It quick; if you went to go Into business, wttn good established trad and a good stock. nd hsv to money to buy. answer ibis, or might consider one-bail In good eastern land; th who) will invoice about How u sa,ww; out won t euswer unlets yuu mean business. Addr Lock Boa XU. sterling, Colo. FIRST-CLASS stock of hardware for u. will lump or Invoice for cash: In voice about .); north west Iowa. Ad dree V SU, car Be. Ed Rothery. siuaineaa atwl Raal iCatsis Excbange Co. Room lis. AtoCagoe Bldg. DUNNING UAKDWAKE CX0MPANY arc offering the Mea re markable low values on there line of Safety Razors of well know makes. Call early for best selectoions. IT IS A BEASTLY SHAME to las candy freia babies. But It is a np te buy Diamonds, Watches sod Jewelry at Fred Brodegaard A Co. great sacrifice n removal sale eunny April. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Irea and wire fence cheaper thaa wood, last a Mlmia X ki. I7ta. pbne Red HA a. fc- coi tig ce. it. i.q. uis yfi Ke. St4 ca Wt Jooea. Botb Twenty per cent less thaa Omaha Bra. BOMB FURNITURE CO, Twenty -too. . and I. St-. oeb OaO BLDG FLANS "coureu. Goaraatee Laundry. Fin work. D. C:i KODAKS E"3"" Good, conmM loc4L Largert fiaisoing epsrfrnt In th wet. HIGH CLASS buslneea man. hint finished succeasful promotion of merit orious patent: desires patented or pat entable article of merit to finance and devote future ta. Answer quickly, giving details. Would consider enterprising job bing bustnee. K 177, Be. For sale musical , Prontable business building, lays la best location of mala street, wtlk fifty feet front Brings S3t rent a month; pay It In ada vance. I a m hoemaker aad wliling'to sell this business because of dekaee. Oscar Boettner. Coleridge. Neb. Cafe Wanted for the Hotel Plasa. Have 71 rarllltle for feeding our guests. Was. Fisher, Mgr.. Mb and Howard. FOR SALE 1st hare or any part thereof I per cent preferred capital mock of Hupp Automatic Mall Exrhang com pany; IS per snare, par value feu. Must ell oa account of akkneaa Add rem J Be. FOR SALE The Franklla Moving Pic ture theater, eat of the beat paying thea ters la Omaha Will stand Investigation. F. E, Goft JUT Franklla C TO BUT. lease or sell theaters, new or second band machine, repairs and repair r.t Writ T beater Excbange Cv. MM Farnam St Doua law. Br'nker I A Co.. n, r.aha Nat' Dreasmaklag taught nights. Doug. Mil IiKKHMMAKJNU. mi Farnam. D. 1114. tlraaalata. DRm at cut price; freight paid on 9iv oraera; catsiogu ire, nnermaa kld'onnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Kverylklas Kleetrlcal, Electric lighting tlx., wholewl and retail. burgess-Oranden Co., lilt Howard. D-4M. Hanto Vacuum Cleaner, 11.71 day. W.2wk STANDARD ELECTRIC -CU.. Telephone Doug. Sul. lit Hmth Wth Bt, KIIW AHD r. WTil KIU, Mgr. 2d Hand Electric Apparatus and repair. I.e Bron, ill 8. 1Mb St. Kverythlaa ler Wesaea. Willow plumes made from your old and new leathers, reasonable, 1U6I g. It D. Ta Dr. Babrork Co., M Wlthnell, li A Har. Nubone Tailored Corsets. Guaranteed not to rust or break. Nu Bone Corset Chop, lot Neville Bk. D. 1170. CARPETS and ruga cleaned on floor without removal; free estimates. Th Ideal Air Cleaning Co Phon Doug. ,5 and IMS, DRESii pleating buttons covered, all else and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING Oi.. Douglas Block. Both phone Feed Mill aad Star. Feed all kinds, Glrnco Mills. 2331 I sard. Florists, A. Ponaghue, 171 Far. D. KM. A-IOol HESS A riWOHoDA. Mil Karnam 61. L. HENDERSON. 11 Farnam. IX 12s. BRANDK1S FU)RIXT. Brandrts Bids. BATH'S KLORJoTS, Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETTS, cut flower Doug. U7. Feaadrte. McDonald brass and brans foundry, alu minum, tin, lead easting 1497 Jkckson. St esie. Art and Laaaaaa. Violin lesson: Wm. L. Pat ton, Web. SM. Piano Tuning Bslag, C. It Thatcher, Piano tart. IMS Har. D. Wl. Steewae 'aad Cteaalaug. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co. Moving rumlture. packing, ftreproor storag. City office, IM a 17th. Doug. M. ind. B-124. FERR1N Van and Storage. Tyler DA B-I7W. Furn. moving; I men. II per hr. W. 1741. Kerweri aad need. Fruit Trees Shad trees, shrub. stock. Phon lie neon Omaha Nursery. General nursery toil. Bensoa- Me P. BYRD NURSERY 0. We will be at tb same aid atand. 1Mb and Douglas Sta. Call Doug. 44W: let a heip ro plan your ground free of charge. GATE City Nursery, all kind of fin nursery stock displayed at toe) Daven port Day phon Douglas MS. Evening phone Harney ZMl J. H. Marnett. Mgr. STEWARTS. 8EKPMEN. lit N. KTH. HAZEL DELL KURBERT J. ' rjAT General line nunrry stock, Mtb anil Pinkney. Pbone Web. Sll Utleiawa, B. r. Wurn. fitting and rep g 0 BrandeM. Osteapatky. Ark Johnson. BrandeMTb. Bldg Katheryn Kkkouu. C4-I Brsndeis Tk Pateata. T. O. Bamell, Paxton Blk. Tel Red TOT. Wlllard Eddy. 153 City Nat Bk. B.Jg. Phtrra phee. - l-v BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGUT ISCU00L ALL THE YEAR ComDiet COOrBea In Hll.lna.a Rnb. keeping, Stenography, rlegraphy, Clrli Service or salesmanship. Th catalogue Is free for th asking. Call, writ or Phon fur it at one. AcVliesa H. u. Boyle.. President- Boy lea Colleae. omaba. Neb. COLLECTOR on salary; also aaleamen. MOMcCagu Bldg. TUTORING. 1st to Mb grade, bL Met, HELP WAXTED FEMALE , tlerleal aad Offle. STENOGRAPHER, law exnerlencM0. STE.NtKlRAPHEH, sum experience-til (.wrLllAlltg KtUr'biKENCK CO., lOls-lt City Nat l Bank Bldg. Moasckeepers aad Domestics, GIRLS-GIRLS It 1 was to present you with a valuable uiamono ring. lurnian you wltb th mr riaga certlflcat and th minister, an automobll for the day, and th wedding breakisat at th Rome hotel, would you marry your best fellow, (or me It you neven i any in in piac that I may utHiu,i,. Miewer uuica. F. W. K. Care of The Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Company. THE KKRVANT I1IHI. cuiwi iu eui.v&p-iM tsee win run your Domes tic Help Wanted Ad FREE untU you get th desired result. Bring your sd to lb oe omce or teiepnon Tyler wow. V, ANTED Good dinina enom elri a. Child's Saving Institute, 42d and Jacksos WANTED A elri for hoimsork. Park Ave. Harney 1st COMPETENT girl for general hous work; no washing. W. H. Rhodes, iv uienwooa avs. ana uncoin boulevard. (1. is, WANTED Girl for aaneral housework KIS II a rr.. u (a, ' W' ANTED A woman for aeneraJ house work on Nebraska ranch. Mi. H. M. Tr- nii. nrowniee, isea. , A.S7t.D An experienced white girl , tmnw eousewora. amau 'lamuy, no washing, wages 17. Mr. Frank WUttela, nsrnev. nrney sea. WANTED A girl tor nnerslhaiise- wora; email family; ne washing. Jul go. .io ei. rirans iirney umi. WANTED Url tor eeneral housework two in family, good wage, mat Dudg WANTKD An exoerienced nurse for Child; reference reoulred. Mr. W. J. toad, wi Mo. Xith at. Phon Hrney BM. WANTED A girl for general house work: small house; small family. 1KB N. ann at. Phon w. lost. WANTED Good girl for general house work, wit or without washing; no cook ing; bousecleanlng don; good home to rigm party, lei. Harney 4KB. WANTED An experienced housemaid: Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrtck. Harney m. WANTEDA clrl for enrl house work. F. A. Brogaa, US B. kth at phon Harney t'.l. WANTED Whit girl to cook ad do general housework ; no washing. Apply aortbeast corner Chlcag aad 1Mb 6t WANTED A good girl to assist with geaeral housework, good piac tor right party, wis no. iwia at. eouta umua Phon south MM. WANTED Girl or woman ta do aen- ersi aooBewor ay aay or week, tiood ; Davenport GOOD girl ta assist with general house work en farm. Florence tea. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- war, no laundry; good wage. Mr, w. tiroes, sal risrnsy. Tet Harney 47m SOME nice cdean rata for light, house keeping. aa Karnam. WANTED experienced mrt tor cener! housework In family of two; good wge Tel Harney 411. Ill So. Sth St GIRL wanted, go bom aight. Pboa Harney IMi. COMPETENT girt for general worn; small ranuiy; good Harney tt. fill general ashing. V eiouaesrork. I So. Od St u i v t-t r a-.... . , wumwork. ao laundry. Tel HarneyV ). general AGENTS Ocean's Greatest Tragedy; gigantic steamship Titanic goes to the bottom on her maiden trip; multimil lionaires, authors, statesman and Immi grants shar the same watery grave. Our great book, profusely Illustrated, will tell all the thrilling story with personal accounts of heroic self-sacrifice, marvel ous escapes and terrible sufferings, Be first In the field snd resp s goiurn bar vest. Liberal commission. Prospectus no-v ready Outfit free, bend 10c to cover cost of mailing. Tb Thompson Pub. Co, St Louis. Mo. AGENTS Our lUlaillMi ataalalllw. a.,11 like wildflr. Send tor free catalogue and sample, worth 10c. B. A. Wolfe sup ply Co., 3bit Colorado Ave.. Chicago. 111. SINKING OF THE TITANIC AND GREAT SEA DISASTER: Authoritative Book on the Greatest Marine Disaster In iury; mrming story, profusely Illus trated; splendid opportunity for money "'""mi- x-ric oniy xt ; oig terms: com Plet outfit free. Writ today. UNIVERSAL HOC8K, W10 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Horace aad Vehicles Harness of all kinds, th largest stock la tb city, at attractive price. Johnson. oaniurm io.. o. w . tor, ivtn and JOne OFFERED FOB RENT Faralaaied Hoeoia. NTCELT furnished rooms with good board, reasonable. Tel. Doug. 715. NICELY furnished room, privet home; all conveniences, near car Una. residential. section. W. 4k77. -TWO NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern walking distance: rant able. Webster 21!L NBWLY turnlshed rooms, close In. In private family; three or four buslneea gentlemen preferred. 1711 Jackson Bt REKCF.'S Barn, horse and farm mares for sale; draft and wagon horses to let by the day. JEdl Biierman Ave. fnone Webster HORSES !.!f ' sh.r- Horses and mares bought and sold. Blsck mare, wt. 1.400. Wsgner, Hoi N. It HORSKX mTe8 and work harness pougnt and sold. 117 N. 26. HORSES and cows. Mil Cuming St NEARLY new, single top buggy and ingle harness; all in good condition. Webster 3271. FOR BALE liusav. first-class cnndl. tlon, only slightly used. Harney 430. THREE mares and one gelding, weight from 1.M to 1,300; one city broke driving horse. Coal office. 30th snd ika. Wab. ater 1SB1. HORSE 1.100. soring wtion. harness. M0. 1510 8. elst. Cail H. 1561. IF you want pasture call lrney W77. FOR SALE-Buggy, only allahllv used. Harney 432. HEAVY draft horse for tale; at our season is nearly over, will sell few of our tine teams. Bee them at 16th and Marcy. Havens-White Coal Co., 171 C- Farnam. LOST AND FOUND MANAGER for Omaha office, now es tablished. Salary io monthly. Invest ment Of V. 'Ull nd ennat iuiSn-M ehllltv required. a.o00, company, permanent mgn ciaas business. L-7, caro Bee. WANTED Sober voun man with email capital; permanent position; good aalary nu cum mission tnat will make you In dependent Call Kchllts Hotel, Room 40 Boys. WANTED A ttellverv Kr,v at Aiuav N. iVart lm Park Ave. Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER -ao. OFFICE CLERK, who can do soms type writing . OFFICE MAN.- who can Invest 11.000 In a splendid paying proposition; good in come. . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, 10UVU City, Nst' I Bank Bldg. FULL drees suit and party dresses for saie; aiso tor rent li iu to xi.w a night. JOHN FELDMAN, lot N. 17th. D. tm. Faetery and Tradea. Drug store (snap) Job. Knlest. Bee Bldg. Our Extremely low ' values in bargains on . Builders Hardware are being taken up rap idly. DUNNING HARDWARE COMPANY. 1612 narney St. " WANTED Paperharuter and painter at once- Paxton hotel, lUh and Farnam. Mleeellaai TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training in our school. Practice on R. R. wire. Ad- ax for particular, li. B. Boyies, pre. Bo vies (lleRe, Omaha, Neb. STOP, READ!! SE Learn automobile engineering in oar large training shop. Hundreds of successful graduates. Complete equipment of auto mobile and machinery. Addresa National Auto Training Ass n. ca Brandela Thea ter Bldg.. Oman. Ken. PERSON having lost soms artlele would do well to call up th otflc of tb Omaha A Council Bluffa street Railway company to a certain whether thsy let I u in toe street care, -Many articles each dav are turned is and the company is acxlous to restore them to tbe rightful owner. Call Doug, laa tn. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. till ST. MARY'S AVK.-BeauUfully fur nished rooms, large porches, beautiful lawn. Phone Douglas 47IS. TWO rooms In private iamlly, with board; suitable for two men or maa and wife. G M, Be ONE large front room, also southeast room. In modern detached bouse. Doug lsa 6122. - $4t a STH ST. Strictly modern oulh rooms, 1 block to I car Unas; reason able. Harney 630. 2511 FARNAM Nicely furniahed front room, strictly modern, with board; suit able for two. Douglas 6607. Furalsked Hoasekeepleg Rooms. THE MA NTT EL Two-room apartment. 133. The Howard, I-room, private beta, 136. Hat and Howard. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping room SOU Davenport SOUTH TH STREET, (it-Two unfur. nlshed rooms for light housekeeping. Phone Harney 667. Hotel aad Asiartaaeale. Dewey European hotel, 13th snd Farnam. OXFORD and Arcade, specuvl wkly rets. Ogden Hotel Council Bluffa Booms 12 00 to 17.00 per week. Dodg. running hot and cold water: tale. phone In every room; price th earn. Apartaaeat aad Flats. 1-ROOM modern flat. Rearm TtMr . HSV. N. 14th St. 8. Omaha. HaU. Si Manure Bldg. u. 740a. A-440. s-ROOM apartment, new. aneeMrn brick 1 steam beat: abort walking distance; gas tove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds: laundry; Una lanltor aarvkca. Douglas IMi. s-ROOM arjartment. mw nrtck. X2i 17XA S. nth St Harney IMA LOST-A parrot; aay Hill and Castellar; Tel. "Hello, Carlo;" Douglas Tiil. IAiST-One Boston bull pup. Finder re turn to wi a. loth bt lor reward. Har. M2t FOUND Uen's Suits Steamed, pressed, """'"HuHIb, Cleaners. Ill a loth. OUND-l-blade peari knife, in front of Bee baas ball score board; knife must be valuable to owner, so If person who lost It will come to Bee office and pay for ad they will receive knife. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E R. Tarry curee Piles, Fistula, and other rectal olseases. without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write fur book en rectal diseases with testimonial DR. E. R TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DR. RACE eoeclallst- nervous and all c ironic aisease. r.l A narney. jjoug. XVU. VERY fine duplex apartment. 4 lares rooms, first floor; large front porch, fire place; nice yard and corner lot U60 Geor gia Ave. P 1 LARGE room apartment, part mod. Knr 1Mb and Vlntofi. Phone Harney 436. 2818 FARNAM 8T. A (-room, strictly modern, heated apart ment with gas range, shades, curtain rods, hot and cold water th year round, steam heat furnished. !& in summer and 111 in winter. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Sole Agents, 6th Floor, Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Faralsked iioeses. S-ROOM modern bouse, furnished com plete, for rent for the summer; Hanaoora Park district Phone Harney JOT1. FOR RENT Modern t-roora cottage, furnished for the summer; piano; fins yard, with garage; one block from Sher man Ave, car line. Phone Harney 1696. Ladles guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. Women's allm'ta. Dr. Burke. It Doug. Blk Dr. Babcock Co.. Ml WlthnaU Bldg. MONEY TO LOAX , - aalary aad Chattels. ATTENTION. Loans on REAL ESTATE FUR NITURE, PIANOS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. SALA . R1ES, ETC.. at to usual rates, iio red tape. No delay. BIGGEST, BEST AND -.CHEAPEST. REI.IARI.K CHtniT rv Id Floor, 30T-I Paxton Blk.. 217 a Wth St i-none: uoug. mu; A-141L MONEY TO LOAN TO WOTk in daodI nf Omahi nV JTTST a rtrw.NAIi NUl'sb. UWtT HATJM IfcKilH 1U BUI 1. NATIONAL LOAN CO, lot Bee Bulldingl Phone Douglas Ull. Money on furniture, piaooa and real estate t very low rat of Interest Nebraska Loan Company. Doug. 130. . 230 Bee Bldg. A-llM MONET luanaai aalailed oaoDie. women keeping house aaxt ethers, without e unty; easy payments, limes in u pno cipl cities. Tulrnan. Ut Omaha Nat l Bank Biug.. formerly N. Y. Lit Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS, tb to 1100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today 01 STAR LOAN CO., set Fax ton Block. DIAMOND FLAT A L' LOANS at m aod I per cent 1114 Dodge at. Tet Res. saa OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. YOU are wanted for government lob. KO.W month. Send postal for list of po sitions open. rmnxitn institute, Dept lit u. Rochester. N. r. WANTED More people to raise noul try with th Old Trusty Incubator. Write for free catalogue. M. M. Johnson. Clay center, reo. U.S. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. GUARANTEED BEST IN W EST. WRITE FOR PROOF. MEN" 2 te 41 year old wanted t nc for electric railway motormen and cooouctor; sat to not a month: ne ex perience neceaeanr: fine oooonunltv: no anas; write immeoiateiy tor application Diana. Address 1-174 care of Bee. WANTED Man te lenra -the barher trade; few week complete; come now; finish at busiest season; w control many excellent poeittooe; train barbers on paiaoe cars, lake and ocean liners, dub nd office buildings; thousand of gradu ates srwdtag for barbers; our diplomas recognised everywhere: B branches; eatabliabisd Uai; tools given: wage while learning: aee our offer; cut or country applicants: call or writs. . Moler Barber euuege. lie a 14th St 17 MuNTHLT tor man to manaa-e branch office, eastern Nebraska: small investment tor fixture. Address Capital THE ALLAN, LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS -MONTREAL, LIVERPOOL, ULASOOW. Montreal, Havre, nymouin. London. The Plcturesoue St Lawrence Rout. Four days on the ocean, three days In river snd gulf. Splendid new Turbine btewner. baioon, econa-caoin and third class. Superior one-class caom service. Cuisine unexcellent Courteous attantioBsJ DUHl iw UIVUHUB, 1 o , yiaiia, btiu. Allan a Co.. U N. Dearborn bt-, Cnlcagu Anchor Line SSteamslups New York. Londonderry and Glasgow New York, Palermo and Naplea. Attractive rales tor tickets between New York snd all Scotch. English, Irian, Continental and Mediterranean points, superior accommodations, excellent cuw siiM. efficient service. Apply promptly lor reservation to local agent ox Anchor Lin or Henderson Bremer. Agents. Chicago, ILL OFFERED FOR RENT a M. E. basis trunks. D. 41L A-MU. PCRNIsKED rooms, board. (M So. Ik (A A PER WEEK Hanscoca park dia tr.,:t. Larg front room tor two or three young men. wltb breakfast CHciarsmade Usasss suaa Mttagt. MOVING. Hacking and storinst nf hotam. hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van A Storage Co., fireproof storage, lot a Ittb, bV the viaduct. Branch ofnc. JU a. i,tb St Tat n. 4143. A-1S60. COTTAGE, 3 rooms; modern; 24 Cald well St.; 122.50. Good men ar hard to get They don't wander around the streets looking for slgna In window When you need good help advertise in The Bee, Bee Want ads ars read by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condition, Ratea leper word If run two -or more time consecutively. Tele phone Tyler luOO. 7-ROOM house, 124, l-room. 140. Modern Hanscom Park. Tel. Harney 1M6. f-room flat, 2d floor, 2310 Cuming St l-room flat 2d Boor, ft!7 No. 3ttu Bb l-room house at lx N. 17tb St O. C REDICK. Attorney. 1517 Farnam St. HniiBPd tn Part of the city, tiousea cr,!,!, son, fc Co.. Be Bldg! MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGal CO- pack. move, atore and ship H- H. goods and olanoa: no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1494 or B-242& l-ROOM eottage. modern except heat. Call Harney YOU can buy now with rent monev. See our special ad In for sals column. Be snd News. "Rent Talk" It Is worth reading. Chas. E. Williamson Co, mt 8. ltth St. Corner Dodge. HOC! South Sid street, laraa modern dwelling, with stable. 0. 1SZ1 south srth street six-room dwell. log. modern except headt CS. 292 Pacific street seven-room modern dwelling, fci. 1M2 North 27th street, six rooms, fit. 27M Seward street, six-room cottage. 111, Mot Farnam street, six-room modern cottage. Us. 2710 be ward street, six-room cottage. US ALFRED C. KENNEDY. M First Ntknl Bank Bldg. Telephone Doug! 722 2503 No. 18th, 7-r mod. J Kna Woolworth Are.. -r., mod. 26 u J21 Leavenworth. 7-r.. pt. mod 2ia - xlballB-C'AKtBlkRtl CO., Jio-Jll Brandela Theater. 7-room flat 1S2 8. Mth. modern except beat 1U Eight-room house, all mnriam mr,A ' - flrst-claes repair; located at 2913 Hickory St IS per month. VINCENT TV ncttvnnv Tet Douglas 7sA 1514 City Nat Bk. Bldg. fUM KH.AT blx-room mirur. ,- Jonas St. modern except heat llTJat u.r Phone Hnrney 12SS. SEVEN ROOMS, nil modem- ,n r.- son St; suitable for family of fourto six: low rent to cood tan.ni r-i . e.au - - wa l-ROOM house- modem Xas . i TO 8. 17th St Phone Web. m WEST FARNAM SPECLUl ' Look at 1?S fin Xlh u. . "rictly modern, brick dwelling. Inthl choicest location tn the city tus PAYNE A SI.lTrd VZi Sole Agts. tth Floor. Om. Na. Bk. Bldg. 1515 Halt Ave.. Lax 44 7.m. 4 Vacant May leth. Taotv f. Ban j 3 i k-simaava .Vh, "m SSWIISSSi bressLJ sum eUt