Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1912, Image 1

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    Silk Hat
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Cooler
Bis Side Splitting Stoats
a Our Magazine Page.
Befog-tei from Southern Mexico Tell
of Bobbery and Auauination
on Part of Bandits.
Entire Homier Potsesa Only Poor or
Five Trunk.
Wife of Settler in Hospital
Mexico City.
Planter ' Wki Brfaa t t,lTe
Money an Arm Art Beatea aad
. Killed Wmta Has Bene
t Fact Brakes.
GALVESTON, Tex, April SForty-s-en
passengers, all but am citizen of
th Uated, Statu who arrived todajr tram
Vera Crua on the steamer Texas, tell of
alleged torture, and assassination of
Americana in Mexico. All the refugees
left, th'elr lands, homes, furniture and
everything they possessed except enough
money for passage and the clothes on
their backs. Among the entlra number
there are only four or flva trunks.
Sanburn. the placa where the refugee
say some of the alleged atrocities 00
cured, is in the mat of Vera Crux, thir
teen mile northwest of Santa Lucretla.
It I on the Vara Croi and Isthmus Rail
way across the Isthmus of Tehuantepee
and Is listed as a railway and telegraph
Wtaai Badlr entea.
John T. MuOee. a wealthy painter who
went to Mexico two years ago and re
turned today to America minus more
than S30.0M, told of cruelties practiced
on an American woman now In the hos
pital at Mexico City.
"The bandit visited the home of Mr.
Xhay, one of my neighbors, about a week
before I left the settlements," said Mr,
McGee, "and demanded money and guns.
We gave them about 111 and one gun.
saying that was all he had on the place.
"The band then left, but returned to
Hhay's place and demanded more mono
and arms. Being refused, they took Mra
hay. tied her down and began beating
her feet,
"Mr. 8bey and hi son, to stop the tor
ture, gave four guns and SWO In money
. to the desperadoes, who, after a final
beating of th woman, left the place.
Mi Shay was carried to the hospital
at Mexico City, where It was found that
nearly every bone In her feet had been
. broken.
' "What has been true of th Shay family
has been likewise true of scores of other
' Asaerlcaa Flag Hissed,
SAN- ANTONIO, Tex.. April a-For
two hour today General Duncan and of
ficers of his staff beard account uf
condition In Mexico from th former
employe of the National Railway of
Mexico. Thsy told of cruelty to men, out
rags and Insult to women and robbery
perpetrated by roving bands of guerilla
which Infest' all part of tb country.
They tnld 'of hatred existing for all
American and said the A merles n flag
was hissed even In Mexico City-, In other
parts of the republic, they said they have
sc-en th American flag pulled down from
Its flag pole, torn to piece and trampled
in th dust.
.Art Exposition in ;
Venice is Opened
- VENICE. April SL-The International
Art exposition was Inaugurated today by
th duke of Genoa In the nam of King
Victor Emmanuel. J. Plerpont Morgan,
who arrived yesterday, waa on of the
central figure at th ceremony.
- Count Orlmard. mayor of Venice, in
hi speech said this exhibition had great
artistic significance, owing to Its being
connected with th rebirth - of th Cam
panile and th 'resurrection of Italian
powar In northern Africa and the Med
iterranean, -i
Son's Gift to Mother
Cause of Her Death
CHICAGO, April U.-A son's gift of
ga tova to hi aged mother caused her
death today, when, through unfamlllarlty
with Its use. she opened on of th Jet
and was overcome while reading one
of th paper. Mrs. Theresa Knutsen, 7J
ysar old, was th victim. Last week sb
went to Michigan City, Imt, to visit
friends, and her son. William Knutsen.
-"te surprise her. had a ga rang la-,
tailed in her home. .
MACOMB. III.. April B.-Joho Duncan,
a first-year student In th Macomb High
school, died early today after having bean
hit on the bead yesterday by a discus
thrown la athletic practice by Wayne
Chadderden. a fellow freshman. Dun
can' injuries were at first thought aright,
but a few hoar after receiving the blow
on the temple he lapsed Into uncon
cioasne and later died of concussion
of the brain. . .
The Weather
For Nebranka Onerslly fair tonight
and Wednesday: cooler .southwest portion
For lowa-Oenerally fair; not muck
ehang In temperature.
Tswspermtwr at Osaafca Yesterday.
Hour. Decree.
s a. m. .......
a. m
7 a. a..... m
S a. m e
t a. m U
a. m
1 11 a. m a
U si M
1 p. m M
1 p. m
S a. m t
i-Si S p. m 8
7 p. m..
Supposed Leper Held
-for Bay City Officers
at Centerville, la.
CEXTERVILLE. la.. April 3.-1 Spe
cial. Declaring that he will spend his
entire fortune, estimated at half a mil
lion. If necessary to prevent - being
isolated In a leper colony, Herman Hlrsch-
fleld. a wealthy Bay City. tMichrganl
business jnan. la being held under order
of th Michigan 8tate Board of Health.
H cam here to visit his sister, Mrs.
Simon Streichman, but soon after hi
arrival a message cam directing that
he be taken into custody. Local phy.
dans, including City physician C. SL
Hickman, and Dra Sawyer and Severs,
member of th State Board of Health,
wno have examined him. are of th
opinion that hi case la genuine leprosy-.
rurscbfleld denies that he hs th disease.
but he doe not know what th matter
la with him.
He say he has been troubled with
some skin disease for two years, which
seemed to affect his general health.
Finding that It interfered with his busi
ness, he says he consulted a specialist
In Detroit who advised htm to take a
rest, but gave him no Intimation that
he had anything mora than Mm blood
and nerv disorder that would soon dis
appear. Hlrschfleld's face Is covered with whit
ish little eruptions, without pus, and
with a little local pain or feeling. His
body Is partly covered with reddish little
broken out place.
Hlrschfield is willing to return to
Michigan for" examination, but he say
b will fight to the limit to prevent being
sent tof sny leper colon)', which he bj
hors. Hlrachfletd I prominent at Bav
City, where he ha Urge business In
terest sad is a member of th city coun
cil. He also own a department tor
t Sandusky, Mich.
Senate Insists on
Its Amendment to -the
Elections Bill
oc.wi-uiuit, pni ii-jne senate
uociurc w 10 x toosy to Insist on Its
federal control amendment to th house
resolution looking to the election of
United States senators by direct vote
of th people. The effect will be to send
tn measure to conference again. Sen
ator Borah of Idaho was th only re.
publican senator voting with th demo
crats agalnt the motion. .
A conference report was mad to the
senate today announcing the failure of
agreement en the resolution. It declared
that th house proposed to take away
from congress all supervisory of power
over senatorial elections.
"To deprive congress of til right to
say whether a member of either body had
been corruptly elected," Senator Clark of
Wyoming chairman of ths judiciary
committee said, "is striking at th very
root of our legislative parliament It
I my bpinloAtaat th house amend.
ment would preclude congress from mak
ing any Investigation Into th election of
a senator. t Would leave It entirely
In the hands of the states.".
Six of the Allen Clan
Arraigned in Court
at HUlsville, Va.
HILLSVILLE, V., April St-x mum
r of th Allen clan were arralaned
her today to answer for their part m th
Carroll court tragedy of March It when
Judge, prosecutor, sheriff, a Juror and
spectator were shot to death
Th prisoners, Floyd Allan upon whom
prison sentence waa about to be Im
posed - when th shooting o
his sons, Claud and Victor, and his
nephews, Sldna Edwards and Byrd
Marion, are charged with murder In tin
first degree. They were brought bore
from Rosnok last night
Attorney! for th accused have ad.
atttted that an effort will be trade to
place responsibility for all flv murder
upon Sldna Allen and Wesley Edwards,
th only two member of th sans atlll
at large. It will be claimed that Floyd
Allen snot In self-defense when atucked
by court officer; that Claud and Krlcl
aiien tired x tb excltroent of .he no
msnt. and that Sldna Edward Byrd
Marlon aad Victor Allen did no ooUm
si an.
Station, Locomotive
and Eight Cars Burn;
Two Trainmen Dead
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. April 3. -A north
bound Missouri Pact tic freight train
jUmped the track and crashed into the
depot at Willi. Kn.. today. Peter
Oayaddo and Frank Lopes, railroad em
ployes, who were on th depot platform,
wer burled under th wreckags and Oay
aoue was taken out dead. Lopes' In
juries are fatal.
The depot caught fire aad the locomo
tive nd eight ears were burned up. The
fir threatened to destroy ths entire
town aad tb schools were dismissed.
The women formed a bucket brigade
and assisted the men In fighting the
fire. :
Norris Asks for Copy
of Charges Against
Judge Archbald
tiv Norri of Nebraska today introduced
a resolution which would direct the presi
dent to transmit to the house a copy of
any charges made against Judge Robert
W. Archbald of the court of commerce.
The resolution referred to charge that
Jude Archhi1 rirtirMi in
tiatiofifl with the Erie railroad, over
which be ha judicial supervision. Ths
resolution wa referred to the judiciary
tee Mtehlsaa Oeieawree for Taft, -
DETROIT, Mich.. April -First dis
trict delegates to the republican national
convention: Judge William L, Carpen
ter and John 8. Hsggerty, instructed for
Taft .
Lookout in Crows' Heit Sayi He
, Could Hare Seen Ice Sooner if
- Properly Equipped.
They Were Used on Trial Trip from
Belfast to Southampton.
Officer Pitman Tells of Struggles of
Victims of Titanic.
His Paarurn Object ta Attempt
I Heterw tai Pick V a raw
Star sf tb ar
WASHINOTON. April il. -Frederick
Fleet, who was the lookout In th crow s
nst of the Titanic, testified that on Bun
day night some time after 1 o'clock, he
reported a Mack mass of Ice (head to the
officers bridge. just how long this
waa before the collision the lookout could
not say.
Fleet told th committee tht there
were no lookout glasses in th Titanic'
crow nest after leaving Southampton.
11 ne nad had glasses, h said, he
could have aeen the Iceberg enough aooaer
to have escaped It. He said alassea were
furnished th lookout from Belfast to
Southampton, where they were tsken
"Did you think tnere waa danger when
you. caw the Iceberg and rang th bellf"
1 thought the berg was pretty dose.
but It didn't seem o larg when I first
saw It." replied Lookout fleet.
How larg UienT" '
'About th slse of two table. But
It got larger a w went along and when
we struck It, It was about fifty or sixty
feet high above the water.
1 "After J,ou v " telephon. signal
was tne snip stopped r
I "No. aha aid s until -r, .1..
struck th lor berg, but she started to go
to port after I telephoned.
"Where did the iceberg strike the shipT"
"On the starboard bow about twenty
feet from th stem," Fleet answered.
Fleet, said that when th collision earn
there was lltlie impact and "just sharp
grinding noise.
ura it alarm your' asked the sena
tor. -
"No, I thought It we a narrow shave'
Fleet then told of th launching of life.
boat No. , which he and Quartermaster
Hlchens took chsrg of until picked up
by the Carpathla. Three male passen
gers and about twenty-flv women were
In th boat. .-
"We had orders to pull off for a light
off (he Tltanlo port bow," said Fleet,
but we couldn't get t it At en lime
It wsa abreast of u. but. it slipped by.
V. ere there any ether lights ahead
when you wer In th crow's nest before
th collision or after It
"So. sir. W didn't se the tight eff
th port bow until after w wer In th
"What wa th color of th light you
wer pulling for?"
laklnsr ml Ilk la nala.
The life and death struggles of ths v!o-
tlta of th Titanic disaster wer pictured
to th senate Investigation committee
today by Third Officer John pitman of
th sunken liner.
Chairman Smith of the commute
pressed Pitman regarding scenes after
the sinking of th ship.
1 heard no cries of distress until after
the ship went down," h said.
1 Did Net See atraas Skip.
Senator Smith sought to verify Fourth
Officer Boxhsir testimony yesterday re
garding a atrang ship that failed to lend
aid. Pitman said he did not of his own
knowledge know of th presence of th
ship, but that he had heard later that one
hsd passed.
"Did you have a-, watch when you en
tered th llfeboatr
"Did yon tlx ths time when th Titanic
"It was 2:10 a. m. I took out my watch
when she sank and said. 'It's Tb
passengers around ma beard."
"Did you, when aboard ths Titanic, hear
anything about your proximity to the
Frankfurt of th North German-Lloyd
or any other steamer?"
"No, sir." .-
Senator Perkins asked tb witness about
th lifeboat and If It wer tru that not
more than 1.M0 of th mete than Itos pas
sengers and crew could be taken ears of,
even under the moat favorable circum
stances, lu witness said that wa his
belief. '
Plrat Paaseas-vr Called.
Senator Smith next called to th stand
Msjor Arthur Peuchen of Toronto, who
wa ordered to man one of th lifeboat
with Second Officer Lightoller.
Major Peuenen was tn first passenger
witness to appear before the committee.
All ten of hi friends with whom he was
traveling lost their Hve In the wreck.
The major told of tb trip and said:
' rner wa ne mention of fire and we
were all pleased with th trip until the
erssb. After II o'clock I went to mv
stateroom. I scarcely wsa undressed when
I felt the shock, I thought merely that
a larg wave had truck the ship. .
"I put on my cost and went upon
deck. I met a friend Who said, W'v
truck an Iceberg.' After a few minute
I went to other friend and said It Wasn't
serious. Fifteen minutes Ister I showed
Charles M. Hayes ef the Grand Trunk
Pacific the Ice. Then I noticed the boat
a-ftepresenta-Jwas listing. I said to Mr. Hayes: 'She's
listing, she shouldn't do that' . -This
Beat Teat l.k.
"He said: "Oh. I don't know. ' This
boat can't sink.' He had a good deal
of confidence and said, N matter what
we have struck, ehe's goou tor eight or
tea boere.' . ;
"I went baefc to the cabin deck and met
men and women coming up looking very
serious I met my friend Beattie and
asked him what was the matter. Beattie
said to nee, "The order I for the lifeboats
It la seruM.' I coulda't believe fct at
first, but we went to my cabia and
changed to some heavy clothes.'
The witness ssld when be got en deck
(Continued onNSecond Page.)
From th Philadelphia Record.
Total lumber Recovered by Cable
Ship How Seventy-Seven. v
Name darkled la Transmission Mey
Be These ef Majer Belt aad
Celearl Joke Jaosb
NEW' TORK. April St-An additional
Ut ef fifteen nsmee of parson who pr
tshed In the Titanic disaster and whose
bodies have been recovered wss made
public to day by the White star Una Th
list wa received In a wireless me Malt
from th cableahlp Mackay-Bennett which
also announced that a total ef seventy
seven bodies hsd been recovered to data
Of ths flftsen names twelve are those of
Th Whit Star lln today mads public
th following wireless mess giving th
names la the additional list of bodies
recovered of those whe died In ths Tltsnlc
From Mackay-Bennett, via steamship
Royal Oeorg and Cap Race, to Ismay.
White Star line, ear Commercial Cabls
company, Nsw fork:
"Following Identified today, Monday.
"MRS. N. MoNAMEB. .'. . 1 I
"DOUGLAS ha been embalmed. Abtv
ail passengers.
"Have also Identified J. ft. Rice, as
sistant purser; 6. Hlckley, hospital at
tendant, and W. Butt of craw. Total
bodies to date, seventy-seven.'"
Identity of the Dead.
Officials of th Whit Star lln war
able thla afternoon, to announc that
they had checked off. with the aid of
their passenger lists, some of th names
of th Identified dead which have been
recovered by the Mackay-Bennett cabl
The list follows:
A. H. HOLVKKSON. (sent by wireless
s A. J. llolverson).
JOHN H. CHAPMAN, (sent bv wireless
ss John A. Chspmsnl.
w. CORB1NKS, (sent by wireless a
W. Carbines).
JOHN GILL, laent bv wtrelaaa as J SI
V'1C0LA8 NASSER, (sent by wlrslsas
si N. E. Cole Kaaher).
REGINALD HALE, laent bv wlralaaa
a Reg Hale).
by wlrelers as Mary Manlgsa).
MAI'RITZ DAHL. (tent bv wlraleaa aa
Maurets Adah!).
JOF.P DRAZ.NOVIC. (sent by wireless
Yonlpe Drszenoul).
MALKOLM JOHNNMON. (sent bv wtr.
less ss Mslrom Johnson).
NKKI.IK WILI.IAU. (sent by wireless
as Leslie Williams),
Th offlctale have not been able t
verify the following name.
I Names Net Identified.
Mr. N. McNsms. It Is supposed that
this la Ellen Mc-Nsmee, a steerage pas
senger from Cjseenstown, Ireland. There
la no Catavelaa Vasllloa. On the White
Star' list there appear a Thome Cata
velaa and a Peter V-'!lo. It I not
possible to determine who of these two
has been recovered. 1 he bam ef Will
Ism . Sage doe not appear, but It is
thought he was ths son of John Sage.
Both father snd son were among tb lost
There Is no W. Veer (a sent by wire
leas) a ay of th Hst. This I believed
to be W. J. Were, a second-class pas
senger. There Is no Mr. A. Robin among the
bookings, but Charity Robins, a third
class passenger appears.
It wo learned today that Jonkheer J.
(Continued en Second Page.
The National Capital
Tars day, April S3, IBIS.
The Senate.
In eson 5 s. m.
Commlttee mrestigatlng Titanic disaster
euntlnud He bearing with Third Of
ficer Pitman testifying.
The House.
Met at i:M a. m.
Continued consideration ef postofOce
appropriation belt
Three Shows Under One
Bryan Will Make
Two Speeches for
Wilson in Florida
WASHINGTON. April tt-Wllllam J.
Bryan conferred today with th sens
tors snd representative regarding popu
lar election ef senator snd other legis
lation. "What are you doing here?" naked
Senator William of Missouri In greet
ing. "Watching you fellow," replied Mr.
Mr. Bryan msds his hresdquarter at
th office of Senator Kern of Indiana.
Mr. Bryan said be wa going to Florida
on business, but would mak two poli
tical apeeche. He said Ihst a Wood
row Wilson "hsppened to be the nly
progressive candidate on the ticket In
that state," he would speak for him. but
he would have spoken for any other
progresslv democratic candidate had
there been any other on th ticket.
Mr. Bryan said he would be "the hap
piest man in ths world" If the two houses
of congress would get together on the
popular election of senator, which he
said wss "th greatest question before
th American people today."
Mayor Schriver of :'.
Kock Island Indicted
Jury Indictment
against Mayor It
him with assault
III.. April B.-A grand
wss returned today
M. Schriver, charging
with intent to Inflict
great bodily Injury on John Looney,
publisher of th Kock Island News.
SVhrlver beat Looney In police head
quarters when Looney had been arrested
following the publication In his paper of
an attack on ths mayor, and the Incident
played a part In the agitation that pre
ceded the rioting here. Hchrlevei-e bond
waa fixed at St.tM and eight cltlsens
volunteered as his bondsmen.
Other Indictments returned today wer
gainst John Looney, publisher of th
News, ohsrgtng libel against Schriver and
for unlawful selling of newspaper te
minors; against eighteen owner for
renting their property for immoral per-
poses, snd scstnet six police officer for
misconduct In office, th latter, it Is
charged, not hevlig performed their
sworn duty the night of ths riot" The
charge agilnat Looney Is that h libeled
Mayor Schriver In a scandalous artlcl
printed In his newspaper.
All Shop Employes
on western Lmes :
Threaten to Strike
KANSAS CITT, Mo., April tt-At a
session of th Federation of Federations,
an organisation of railway craft formed
here yesterday which lasted until early
today, officer were elected for the
suing year. Thsy are.
President W. O. Wharton, machinist.
St Louis; vice president. Oeorg W.
I'ring. botlermakers, Des Moines, Iowa;
secretsry and tresaurer, John Scott
Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, San
Francisco. The executive council will be
composed of all the International presi
dents of the affiliated organisations.
Besides th election of . officer tb
federation decided to send a meessg te
President Taft asking fsderal Interven
tion tn tb present strik of ths car men
on th llarrlman line And th Illinois
Central railway.
The letter tells tile president that a
strike ef th K0.0OO member of the fed
eration will be called unless actio Is
Astor Estate Worth
Hundred Twenty
i Five Million
NEW YORK, April tt-It became
known today that a New York law firm
will file for probate within a few days
the will of Colonel John Jacob Astor.
who perished en the Tltsntlc. It Is un
derstood that this I a comparatively new
will, made after Colonel Aster's marriage
to Miss Force. The lawyers refuse, bow-
ever, to give any detail aa to the dis
position ef the estate, which I estimated
t tlAOfAon.
At the time cf hi second marriage
Col owe! Astor settled tS.000.Ot on his
bride. In view of which It Is understood
she relinquished her dower rights. In or
der that the estate might remain intact
As provision hsd also been mad for
th first Mra Astor, lawyers say that the
bulk of the estate will ge to Colonel
Aster's son, Vincent, who will keep It
intact. For mi Colonel Astor was taxed
on real property la New Turk valued at
Only One County Makes Keport to
Secretary of State. (
Premise t Stay laalde Ike Llae
aad Indicate Bryaa I Patch
la t p Ills Fences la
I From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Neb.. April .-t8peclsJ.)-Th
first official return of the primaries
to strive at the office of th secretsry
of state rsms from Stanton county.
It shows that X democrats and SM re
publicans voted. There wer no populist
prohibition or socialist vote cost. At ths
Isst general election the high vote was
til democrats and M4 republicans, the
primary vote bring M.U per oeflt of ths
tout vote of last year. If this ratio Is
maintained ever th slat the total
privsry vets will be, approximately. Ill,
we, Secretary Welt has no Idea when
the returns will reach hi office so that
ths offlctsl canvass rsn be msds. Under
the old law the primsry election wa on
Tuesday and the canvass, under ths eld
law, was commenced Friday. Th new
law does not fix th dst for th can'
vass and soms Interpret H to mean th
em number of elapsed darn ss under
ths old law and Mm that It is t be
commenced th Friday following the lec
tion, which would mean a delay of 1
week. In th larger counties, like Doug
las and Lancaster. It probsbly will re
quire a week to complete th canvass.
and If any of the result should be close
enough to require ths offtclsl canvass to
decide there will be a heart-breaking
wait for someone.
Wbat Raee feet.
James pesrsna, democrat candidate for
representatlv from the Frontler-Oosper
ennuty legislative district, certifies that
he expended 110 In the primary; L. A.
Varner, republican ctndldsts for lieuten
ant governor, expended :. R, E.
Evans, republican, for delegate te th
national convention. S; C. F. Beushau.
sen, democrat elector, nothing; Paul
Clsrk republican for congress In ths
First jlistrirt SMU.S). most of which wss
for advertising In newspapers and send
ing out literature', Clyde J. Wright so
rislfst, for governor, f 10. which ss th
filing fee. I
J. L Peterson, socialist, hss filed an
accepts nee 0f ths socialist nomination
for secretory of state Thla I th second
sorlsJist csndldsts to file an acceptance
(before th official canvas ha been
made, but they ara entirely aafo a there
Is only on candidate for each nlH:,
John O. Ysuwr of Omaha was around
the slstehouse today and when ssked
how his vice prssldentlsl boom was com
ing on, replied that he understood It ws
fluorlahlng In Boyd county. Mr. Yclsef
hs not yst decided on opening head
quarters In Chicago for the convention.
but Intimated that If he did he would
procure a tent and keep open 'louse.
Metcalfe Concede Defeat.
Richard L. Metcalfe concede hi de
feat for the nomination for governor on
th democratic, ticket and haa written
a letter to J. II. Horrhead. his success
ful opponent, congratulating him and
tendering him his service in th cam
paign for election, Incidentally this
campaign for governor has developed
some peculiar things in demorrstlo poli
tics. Metcalfe came out openly In favor
of the candidacy of Wood raw Wilson for
president snd Morehead, while he did not
declare himself openly, wss sll ths cam
paign hobnobbing with the Harmon and
Clark men. particularly tne Harmon men.
In spite of thla the Wilson men not only
refused 10 do anything to aid Met calf I
candidacy, but several of them were out
spoken advocate of his opponent Among
this class can be mentioned Mike Har
rington of O'Neill and former Mayor
Brow of this dry. Metcalfe Is ths
editor of Bryan's Commoner and Brow
I generaly conceded to be as close te
W. J. Bryan, politically as anyone. Ths
reason for Harrington's opposition might
be found In a tilt between Metcalfe and 1
himself just before the Fremont ronven- I
tkm two years ago in which th O'Neill
man's pride waa somewhat bumbled, but I
not so with Brown. Again Tom Allen I
wa urged to put Metcalfe' nam onjlhe
progressive democratic sample ballots I
which were sent out over the state in !
behalf of Wilson, but be refused. I
Bryaa Making; Peace. I
That Bryan farored the candidacy of j
Wilson Is Indicated In many way. Not
only I he campaigning for him In other
states, but bis political Intimates in this I
state wer all tor Wilson, as Instanced
by th row between Brother Charley and
Arthur Mullen the morning of the day la
which the Wilson democrats hsd a meet
ing in Lincoln and run th steam roller
over the Clark men. Just before this
meeting Char lee V. Bryaa met Arthur
Mullen, th dark manager, and accused
(Continued on Second Pegs.)
Offer of Mediation in Controversy
Involving Wages Will Be
Taken Up by Men.' '
Railroads Will Also Accept Act of
Engineers Are Greatly Pleased at
Prospect Before Them. ', -
Strike, Sheald It Cease, Weald Ate
Iret Plftr-Foar TKeasaad Ks- V.
la Drivers aad SO),-
oe Ftresaea. Z
NEW YORK. April tL-Ths offer of
mediation from Charles P. Nslll. United
State labor commissioner, and Judge
Martin A. Knapp of th United State
commerce court, which wsa accepted by
the Brotherhood of Locomotlv Engineers
Isst night Just after they had declared
for a strik ss the next mov In Ihtlr
campaign for Increased wage, came for
mally before th conference committee
of re'lway managers today.
That th eleventh hour proffer of medls
tlon by officials of the United State
government will also be aaespted by th
railroad waa th general opinion this
Judg Knapp kt expected here front
Washington this afternoon.
"Judge Knapp and I are only acting as
meditators,'' ssld Commissioner Nelll.
"and If aa such wa obtain an accsptnacev
of the proposition of arbitration, then
It would be for th railroad and th
engineers to sahmt on arbitrator ach
those tw to select the third."
Enslaeers Are Dellgkted.
Th engineer appeared to be delighted
with th offer of mediation, declaring '
that their position with respect to la
crease wa perfectly sound and If tbo
question was put up for arbitration they
were bound te obtain soms concession. - '
The demsndt for Inorssssd wage war
mads by th engineers n fifty railroad,
east Chicago and north of th Po
tomac river, and Grand Chief Ston said '
t . a strik order would effect M.iW
engine drivers. In turn th engineer
strik would throw I0C.0OO firemen, train
men, conuuetor and other railroad sra
ploys out of work.
t C. Stuart chairman of th conference
commit te of railroads, hs called a meet- -Ing
of th c nierene committee for this
morning to consider th mediation offer.
Southern Railway
. , Opens Offices Here
Th Southern Hallway eotnpaay'g bast-
lies In this territory has grown to such
proportion that ths fompsny feel th
need of establishing offices In Omah.
Toward that end J. It L. Wulrf ha been
assigned to tak charge of th office In
th capacity of commercial agent Of
fices will b established about Mav 4.
and th company I at present casting
about for a aultabl locstlon. Mr. Wulff
has received word that Vic Preside at
T. C. Powell ef Cincinnati and Assistant
Freight Tiafflo Manager R. U MoKetlar
ef Louurvtll will be m Omaha Wedne'
day for a conference relative to th open
ing of th office. This I the first of .
the southern lines to be established la
Omaha. -
Wild Freight Cars -
Smash Into Saloon
Plunging over a pile of railroad tie
and rolling across th street, two Mis
souri Pacific freight car bumped Into
th Burke A Dwyer saloon. Sixteenth
and Nicholas street early last evening
and tor a larg bole In th side of the
The ear wer standing on a riding;
when a wlich engine bumped Into them
with such fore that they rolled over the
stack of tie bolted to the end of the
siding to top wild cars. They narrowly
missed a junk peddler, who wa driving
hi wagon en Nicholas street
SHERIDAN, Wye., April a Special
Telegram ) Sunday, May 12, ha been of
ficially designated as Mothers day by
Governor Joseph M. Carey and on that'
day throughout Wyoming the memory of
mother will receive It due In th form
of public and private exercise In
churches and home. On that day also
a whit carnation will be worn by every
citlfen In th state who cherishes
thoughts and memories ef mother.
"If sbe be in need." says th governor
In the official proclamation, "aend her
something that will lighten ber burden.
If she hss passed sway, think of her that
her imsge may be more deeply Impressed)
In a swart memory of her."
For rent signs soon
go down after a small
want ad is inserted
In the classified column ef
The Bee. The beat rooms In
the city are rented through
the tun of this paper. Tbo
eost of these little ad la
very small, aad the returns
are very, very large,
If you have rooms that
you do not rent by the
sign method, just try a
small Bee want ad. You,
will get the results that
you want, and will get
them quick.
Tyler WOO