Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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And occasional light dressings
of Cuticura Ointment will pre
vent it when all else fails.
Catlrart floap and Oimtmcai aoid ihrotjfhoot '-it
mn4 L brral napl r Mob ilosl fr. witt
B- Nnk Addi ' Out rw,' Dept :L Hc(oa
TTMlff-fiiwl nen ht i a of fort . th '
an BcpHhiD Stick. E. L-beral , (res
To lie sure of ths genuine,
loot for these boxes. Then tee
the trade marks on the clasp and
the moulded rubber button.
Boston Garter is guar
anteed agamst i
(ectioni. Buy
it by name.
Whooping: Cough
SrraaLiiHto i,r
anil .aYctira IrcaiaM
tkiil imstaa. sreldiai srera Vaaerlse Ceaaa-
! alar le pMITW el v MHHBf laafe
rtlieM Crees U nn. II aieri
Iran AMseia. Tae ie feasaras atreerlT saliara.
Ic, iuptre artts mf Btcilb, biMli
aa.y I eeeiSe. tot tart ttroat ea naaa tea raak.
aaratiai raarfal alrata. ll laaelssaia la avetkari
ama renal rauarea.
icoi aa seaial far ieacrf aHvabaahM.
Try Cnitn Jttttftk
Ta.M Tsiltti raf is
unuial taroat Tbay
an emate.eeectire so
seriated. Of year
rtiaf ar fteei as, lot
Vtpo CrtaoteM Ce.
i tarttaa fb, N. V.
shouiu know about the
Marvel "Whirling Spray'
Best safent most convenient.
f'lnnu. instantly.
If yonr druggiflt cannot supply the
M.vKVrjL,. seoa stamp lor iuutiw
jL booa aealefl. coma-na airasww
lnvaiuaDie to laoiea.
rot Xi3 aTl..H .
Cruyf ire. MaU uurtr solicit!.
AS a worfd-wMe rrputaiosj
morur travelers ii up-to-
date in every feature always well
furnished has every comfort and
roovruKme amp'-e cat fa. barter, per
tors, lobby . handsome accommodation a at
HeasonnMe Rates ,4,
1 K kassH
a aU cur lice tad to
ail sations.
lymtn T. Itef.
..KM Aleo giovriaaee
J tad ari"aT
til ta J.a.rao
44 Hotel at.
J Either tySk7 1
fc wo
44 fait 23' Stet t X.T
Nc York if:- fcri
I.-fel f-ra I
ltd- &' -fW-
moot Mit it.
XUctrlo Irons Burgees-Granden.
L. r. Caarcalll, Baalist, i!t brandtl
tfcCua Jtaturaa from th But
Major William McCune has returned
from the fast where he went with seven
ty-five Indians for the Buffalo Fill Wild
West show. The big show opened Pat
unlay at Harrisbur:. Pa., for its season
Ma or McCune says the opening was most
Spaalsa War Tata at aWatxlos The
annual reunion of Spanish and Philipinee
war soldiers and sailors In Nebraska win
be held In Beatrice Thursday. Friday and
Saturday of this week. A large delegation
of Omaha "veterans," will leave hert
Wednesday night to attend the reunion
The trains will leave here Thursday
morning- over the Burlington at t.X.
Fredrickson Will
Make Maps and Plat
of Good State Roads
H. E Fredrickson. chairman of the good
reads committee of the Commercial cluh.
has returned from Detroit, where he
bought a fifty-four horsepower Chal
mers, which he expects to put to good
use this summer In touring the state n
behalf of the good roads movement. M'
Fredrickson expects to devote his time
between now and June 15 covering both
the Overland route along the Union Pa
cific and the maha-Denver route along
the Burlington. He win take with him
good road boosters who are members of
the committee, including K. H. Sprague.
On these trips It is the purpose of Mr.
Fredrickson to plat the best roads and
to erect signs for the use of motorist".
He wUl make side trips to Sioux Cltv
on the Nebraska side and will also run
to Kansas City on the Nebraska aide.
After platting the Nebraska roads Mr
Fredrickson proposes to make a trip to
the Pacific coast The new car will be
used on all t'lese trips to demonstrate Its
Second Attempt
to Burn Stable
A second attempt within three weeks
to burn the livery stable at 14 North
Twenty-first street, which Is operated by
8. T. Verner, was made early last night,
but without success. Quick work on th
part of the firs department and T. W.
McKuilck, night barn man, saved th
property and seventy head of horses.
McKusIck discovered the fire at 10
o'clock and called the department, after
which he took care of th horses. When
the blase was extinguished It was found
that a pile of hay had been stacked near
an unusued dour and lighted, the door
being opened enough to give the fir a
strong draft. McKusIck says th door
had been locked for over a month and
that to sccur It heavy wire was used
After the fire It was found that the wire
was cut recently with a pair of pllera.
Three weeks ago a similar attempt was
made to bum the barn, but this fire, too,
was discovered before It gained much
Holdup is Pulled
Off Before Crowd
While hundreds of shoppers were pass.
' ing on all sides of them two negroes
' Flopped William Edward at Sixteenth
1 and Dodge streets Saturday evening about
a:X o'clock and while on pushed Ed
wards against tho temporary wood fence
there th other proceeded to rifle his
I pocket.
Police Chauffeur Warner and Ford
were passing at th time In an automobile.
I They took In the scene at a glance and
I stopping th machine rushed to Edward's
assistance. On of th negroes made hi
escap by running Into the crowd, while
the other was caught wtlh one hand In
Edward's coat pocket. He gave the name
of Jim Davis. Jn his hand was 7.M.
Edwards was too Intoxicated to know
anything about th attempted robbery,
lie waa taken to the police station for
eat keeping, while Davla waa booked
as a suspicious character.
Roosevelt Rests
After Week's Work
LOUIMV1LLK, Ky., April 22.-After
nearly a week of hard campaigning In
th west and south. Colonel Roosevelt
spent a day of rest today as he was trav
eling from Arkansaa to North Carolina.
He reached Bt. Louis at o'clock this
morning, stopptng there only a few min
utes before resuming the eastward Jour
ney. A number of requests for speeches wer
telegraphed from towns through which
he waa to pass. Colonel Roosevelt wired
that he would make no addressee on Bun
day, but at several points In Illinois, In
diana and Kentucky crowds wero wait
ing at the stations. The colonel went out
to the plaform of his car and shook
Omaha High chool will cIom Its 1912
debatinc Mon Frtuay evonlnc. whin a
plckd team of thre la1 will compete
a a int a ai u 1 of a nr ;r f rn t h
Lincoln Hifh achool at the Creighton
The aiueatlan for discussion la as fol
lows: "Resolved, That our preaent Immi
gration laws should be so amended as
to debar all ImmlfrsnU over twenty-one
years of a?e ao unable to re.d and
write." Omaha will uphold the negative
and wilt be represented by Edwin Lan
dale. Barney Kulakofsky, Oeorjje Giime
and Carson Hathaway, alternate. T
Lincoln team h s m t yet been announce J
The FChool super! ntendenta who hav
bren Invited to act aa Juiaes of the d
bate are Superintendent EdMard Evan
of Piatt mouth. 8anerintenJent Oeorye E.
JJart.n of Nebraska City and Super n
Untlent Morgan of Glen wood, la.
IOWA CITT. la.. April 22.-JSpecial Tf
earam.! Senator Lambert of l: c Su
Board of Education told today of p!a
of the board to reclaim 2.300 acres of lar
throughout loara which It Is bellere .
I tas been squatted upon. The board will
I direct the bulk of Its activities towards i
farm land owned by the State university
I In Darts snd Appanoose counties, where
I It Is claimed L0 acre of land la being
! illegally c;Uveted. Jackson p. Bodisb,
' executive clerk of Iowa, WUl be aaa.gnd
lh task at iDvastisaUsa.
Homely, Yet Admired
and Envied; Her Secret
The convention crowd in the lobby
made a path for her, ract admiring:
side glances, then with longing eves
followed her to the elevator. It was
at the IVmchartraln in Petroit. The
incident was recalled when I changed
to sit across table from the woman.
What was it about her that caused all
that t-ommotion".' She wasnt hand
come; she wsj lacking in form and
feature. Yet she did seem marvelously
fascinating. Her complexion must be
the secret. Really. I ve never beheld
Us equal. Venturing to pick up acquaint
anceship, 1 learned the reason.
"I know I'm not built for beauty." she
confided, "but I've tried to make the
most of mv one charm. I've learned that
men nihor make-ujs and artificiality. I
bar cosmetics; there are Just two things
I ever use and they promote natural
loveliness and youthful appearance.
"When my complexion begins to age.
I get an ounce of mercoltied wax at
the drug store, apply at night like cold
cream and wash It off in the morning.
This gradually flakea off the outer-skin;
then I have a brand new complexion,
magnetically beautiful, as you see.
"Wrinkles never bother me. At their
inception I bathe my face in a solution
made by dissolving an ounce of powder
ed saxoltte In a half-pint of witch haxel.
It works like magic.' Mona Morrow In
Town Tattler. Adv.
Spring Exposition
at Miller, Stewart
& Beaton Co, Store
Miller. Stewart A Beaton are holding
their first annual spring home furnish
ers' exposition this week. The store has
been decorated and especially arranged
for this big room. All the newest home
furnishings are displayed here.
The big store bus made special plana
to entertain hundreds of visitors during
the week, snd has extended an Invitation
to all of Omaha and Nebraska to visit
the store. "Summerland," a beautiful
haven, has been erected on the first floor,
and here birds sing and vernal things
twin around pillars. All through the
store there I a spirit of springtime. Some
of th moat beautiful furniture In the
west la on exhibition.
Ad Club to Give
Beefsteak Dinner
A regular "hot old time" I what la
promised by th arrangements commu
te of th Ad club for next Monday night,
when th annual beefsteak dinner and
vaudeville show la to be given. Th af
fair will be held In the lirandeis
Pompeilan room and the show and din
ner will be served there. All of the
talent will be furnished by Ad club mem
bers and an extra attraction will be the
fourteen candidates for th commissioner
ship. These men will be given much
prominence, but they will not be allowed
to utter on word about their candidacy.
This stat of affairs Is expected to af
ford much amusement.
The Brandels Pompeilan room will ac
commodate only 250 persons, so tho re
quest Is made that all stats be reserved
early. Admiaslon will be Sl.M and the
money will be used by the Ad club to
defray expenses at the Dallas, Tex., con
Professor Edward J. Ward of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, has accepted an
Invitation to speak before the public af
fairs committee of the Commercial club
Professor Ward is adviser In the de
partment of general Informatlun and
civic and social cttntur development. He
will talk before the club on social cental
Order the
TlvelWol Quality
A N order for Pabst
I f l SPECIAL. Maims , L e7i'i Ayi I
i I poUl card found in e.cry J II f I K
mn VkPP f "C' "r j Ploto llluatrated course of fcvjj) i l J HI?V Jl ! I -
' I "l ftfm I I tuia, covering ear. and j j! j ! i
' KS. V " 7 IvtairecsJp. lijllllllllUll
sSJSfe iMii fiflteL 'ii 1 A new buslns tool for the
rSfe 1M1 iMJ:--... IflA battering down of delivery
iff I cost -that's what the new I
S'sr. hu A1 ' f!l- Ford delivery car is. Itmakes
'T-' . ' . . j horse delivery an antiquated I ! ' :
e-SSrf1 ''Y--' ' '" r 11 extravagance. It increases 11
A carries with it the distinction of quality and
good taste. Served with your lunch or
dinner, Blue Ribbon lends zest and refreshment
most satisfying. Every bottle is pure and whole
someworthy of your table
Bottled only
showing at a glance that it is clean and pure.
A trial order wi3 convince you. Phone cr write
1307 Leavenworth rhonnDouBinis.AUia Omaha, Nebr.
Rain of Saturday and Saturday
Sight Pretty General.
Dry 9pata Ar Soaked and Winter;
Wheat ttrneflted, While the
C round la rt In Ksrel
lesit t ontlitioM.
The rain of Saturday and Saturday
night was pretty general over the state,
s.-cordlng to the re.xjrts received at rail
road headquarters. The lightest vainfal.
was in the vicinity of Falls City, where
it was little more than a sprinkle.
In the western portion of the state
the precipitation was about half an Inch,
while over the line in Wyoming, then
was snow, ranging from one to fiw
inches in depth.
Fremont, Fairbury and Lincoln, re
ported two Inches, while Randolph. Sew
ard, (.rand Island. Ravenna, Palmer. Rur
well. Loup City, Broktn Row., Re !
Cloud. Renkleman. Aratwhoe. hlricson,
Sutton. Crete, Columbus, Fairmont, North
Platte. Tekamah. Valem ne and a dox.-n
other places reporting, the fall was from
one to one and one-half inches.
In many localities where the rain wai
the heaviest, the g.ound had become very
dry and winter wheat was beginning to
show the eltects of the aruutu
This rain, It Is believed, will rejuvenate
the crop and repair all the damage that
has been done, bes des hr.nKtng out the
pastures and putting the soil In excell
ent condition for plowing for coin.
Mrs. Astor No Worse
For Narrow Escape
NEW YORK. April JH.-l'rs. R. p. Kim
ball and Herman Higgs who were
In '
consultation today over the condition of
Mrs. Aslor, widow of John Jacob Astor.
agreed tonight that no serious develop
ment was noted or expected.
Mrs. Astor remained ahed, still suffer
ing from the shock of her experiences In
escaping from the sinking Titanic and
particularly from grief over the lot-a of
her husband.
Vincent Astor and a few Intimate
friends visited her during ths day. Not
withstanding their erfor-s to keep her
from thinking or talking too much of
the harrowing experiences, she related
over and over again how che had taken
leave of her husband without full realize
Hon that he was going down to his death,
of how the lifeboat she was In waa al
most under the stern of the Titanic as
it sunk, and of how she and other women
were obliged to ball out the boat to keup
It afloat.
CHICAGO, April 21. -Mrs. Ida 8. Hip
pach and her daughter Jean, survlvum
of the wreck of the Titanic, who arrived
at their Chicago home today, in an in
terview said they were saved by Colonel
John Jacob Astor. who forced the crew
of the last lifeboat to wait for them.
"We saw Colonel A slur place Mrs.
Astor In a boat and affiire her that he
would follow later." said Mrs. Illppach,
"He turned to us with a smile and said,
'Ladles, you are next.' The officer In
charge of the boat protested that the
craft waa full and the seamen started to
lower It.
"Colonel Astor exclaimed. 'Hold that
boat,' In the voice of a man accustomed
to be obeyed." continued Mrs. Illppach,
"and the men, did as he ordered. The
boat had been lowered past the upper
deck and the colonel took us to the next
deck below and put us In the boat
through a porthole."
WASHINGTON, April .-Tempra-lures
this week will average about nor
mal In tha southern and eastern atatna
and near or below normal, with frosts,
over the middle west. Rocky mountain and
plateau regions, according to tha weekly
bulletin of the weather bureau.
"Th weather during the week." con
tinues the bulletin, "will be unsettled,
with well distributed precipitation over
th greater part of the country. A dls-
"Blue Ribbon" Beer
V ' "iV'h '- . v r'J-s," - operating expenses -extends
V ( ;At YXS: V-.V territor- It's a needed tool. II ,
S. s. VOv' S ' -U- .'vS!X '' ,, I i John Wrnamuker Is one of the rainy !
:-.ja'-S y. " - .;J thousaaa. or Atacrkan racrctaau rtio are !
vL -. k TJ I l'i - v jsplite ajcalpcmt of this truly i
XV fi 1- ;t T3 ! "Heitvl car. Its pr:c- i but :. f. o.
2T : ' 'J- . r II I Ii . ;ieroU. contDtete with all i-iu!nm?nt. I I
the best beer brewed.
at the brewery in crystal clear bottles,
Our Boys' Clothes
Give Longest Service
and they look best while they're giving it.
because better tailored of better mate
rial than ordinary boys" clothes. The
reason we undersell is because we buy in
largest quantities.
The best values and styles obtainable are
to be found in our boys' suits at
$295 S395 Sa4.95 s595
turhnnve that is now over the plains
mates lll move eastward and ra down
tho St. lAwrence valley Tuesday; U will
cause g.nerrtl rain the first part of the
week in the region eaut f the Mlsts
olppl river. Another disturbau. e will de
velop over the wemein piat-au Tur. Ux
or Wednendtiy, cross the- mUMle went
about Thursday and the t-aiem Mate;
l"tida, Ths disturbance will he at-ti-nded
bv general rains and be followed
by corndd'-mbty cooler weather."
Business Interests
of Nation Organize
WASHINGTON, April 22. -The govern
ment of the I'nlted .StHtoi. and the busi
ness ttitcrents of the country will under
take to get In cioser touch thinogh the
oigiinliaiion here tomorrow f a national
comirerclHl body.
IteHpundlng to the call of President
Tuft, representatives of chaml-ers of com
meric and b turds of trade from near'v
every quarter of the globe where the
American flag floats will assemble to
form an association bro.idly representa
tive of the nation's business interests.
8 even hundred and fifty delegates,
voicing the aentlment of 250 commercial
bodies, will attend. Kvery state. Alaska,
Hawaii, the Philippine, Porto Rico and
the American Chambers vt Commerce of
Paris, Drufsels and Constantinople will
be repiesented.
President Taft will greet the delegate
with an address of welcome and promises
of cordial co-operation from the govern
ment. Secretary Nagel, through whom
the president Issued his call for the con
ention. will deliver an address on "The
Need for Nations! Co-operation by the
Commercial Organization! of the Cnlted
This will Ive the keynote of the con
gress The meeting is expected to last
two days, and the body which will b. j
formed probably will be named the Na
tional Chamber of Commerce.
The national association will he de
signed to afford an agency through
which the federal government can keep
In close lelatlon with the needs of the
buslnexs world. It Is the de-Ire of Sec
retary Nagel of the Depart ment of Com
merce and IsHbor In advance not only
the foreign commerce of the country, but
also to expand and facilitate Interstate
The government's re'atlon to the new
association In the beginning will be ad
visory and co-operative. The question of
government officials taking active part
In the development of the organisation
rests with c nKress.
A Life
of suffering with throat and lung trouble
Is quu-kly commuted by Ir. King's New
IMsi-iivrry. Cue und H. r"or sale by
lieaton Drug Co.
X.r ,. . V. J-4 I il l Toity .t psrtic'Jls ead Catalogue 101 I ,
V ... , .n...,. . ., . L.i I III 'r Th I.o-t Mntnr rin.. 1 IS
ea" J vi I i I'arney St., Phone DOJliJ i'jVJ, or fros
GcttheWell-Known RJI
Round Package yg
-VW-... H
"WO OH Mil -
ITCHING usually
or scaly scalp.
destroys the nerve vigor
LI Jll'i'l. sSv
! lJ
circulation that Is necessary to produce
healthy hair.
A harmless, but c.ulcltly-rTctIva
Hair Tonic. This great Tonic la a scientific germicide
as well as an liiviiroraUDa' tonic. If
scalp properly and frequently, no dandruff, scurf,
or itching disc as. can exist, urruiatlon is re
stored, nerves invigorated and the hair
stimulated. Ths hair becomes Uudt
glossy and grows abundantly.
$1.00 per lotlh al your Jruggltb
or prepaid on receipt of price by
writing to Htulg-ElIU Drug
Co., Memphis, Term.
I ,
A little Bee want ad does the business.
Everybody reads Bee want ads
Wash Suits
Our Miiek of Wash Suits
is at II- tnst right now.
I 'In In l liit.- K nullah
Twills, (.ulrtlcas. ttiani
brays, I'iiiue;. Linens,
Madras. Poplin". Hop
ovrryihinu of which good
Wash Knits arc made
in every noat ntylc in
every size K't obtain
alilo tallies at
to $3.45
Made In the largest, best
equipped and sanitary Malted
Milk plant In the world
We do not make "milk products?
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc.
Bui th Original-Genuine
Mado from pure, full-cream milk
and the extract of select malted train,
reduced to powJer form, soluble in
water. Best food-drink for all aes
Usod all over ths Globe
W2- Awt"mw
W 1
indicates dandruff
Such a condition
and perfect blood
rvmedv Is Dr. Nott's
applMd '
to the va..' i
rssv , -a t i l
rT t a, - -f, n-e .-r-o-ri