Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. TTESDAT. AfRIL 23, 1312.
go out n time this week to look
them over.
Th. Stelnauer Millinjr company of
Sl Ttt.t. V-,- n. J . Strfcaur. NK. tag plMded uilt-to
. w.lagB VWUCU UJT ' Ing
Banks Discussed.
flour below th. marked weight and
was fined Si and costs.
(.ailtjr IIh HayKlFipr.
NOT C1ASSED AS HTT. ESIATE CounV Treasurer Sornmerlad ha notl-
l fled the heirs of former Treasurer Mr-
De... Mm tor Short.. D.rla, 1 LuhUn th ahortag. of 2.W in th.
; term and that the estate would be held
Williaaa MeLamaklia
T C.aaiv Treaaarer
for the amount. No difficulty is anllcl
ited on this account, for the. sons of
the former treasurer have reoeaiedlv
stated a willingness to make the amount
'From a Staff Correspondent.) j good, and William McCorroick. the
LINCOLN. April 22 Spclal.)-The ' deputy, who had charge of the office
State Board of Equalization held Its first ' most lh time during the year,
meeting of the year today
With All but Three Precincts In He
is Twenty-Three Ahead
Saa.arrs, Hodge. PsaresM, H.etar-
Haaraaaem Xeaaloee.
for Senator, oa Repeb
lira Ticket.
With three country precincts yet to he
heard from George V. Norrls Is leading
Norrle Broan for the republican noml
fc i nation for I'nlted states serstor in Dout-
The beard l ! lso aald h was willing to reimburse the I ""' w twenty-three votes, accord
composed of the governor, secretary of ! untr. Photographs of the raised vouch-
state, auditor, land commissioner and'" n,v b"n o hanil writing ex-
treasurer. The only question before It j p"r,s ,n Kansas City, but oaring to tha
was the assessment of real estate mort- "h changes made In thm ami the dis
gages owned by banks. Some time ago ! u,,lnK of th handwriting, they reported
this question was r:i!sid by tha assessors i thenwelvee unable to say who among the
and Henry Pcyrcmir. sc-retarv of th.iu"lcc " Probably guilty. Th
board, on consultation wKh the attorney I PhuP' hava been forwarded to ex
general, wrote the assessors savlnr that ' vtna SrV ork' bu report has
under the law real estate mortgages I bw?n rlvd from there. Tha chance-,
owned by tanks were not assessable as ! hoKeyr- r th. guilty party will
real estate of hanks. If ther were thein""' "'"rcd.
amount would be deducted from the can- I Ano,n'r otfnlou. handed down by the
Ital stock of h.nk. nn hi,H th.!- ...!u,r"n' rou" wee, butwhtcb was
aessment Is based, and assessed sepa- 001 '" until today, has been
rately. when In fact the mnnev repre-! T " "C' " " m"" '
sented by the mortgag. might not be the I Mnlnce, '"" " Thurston
mnnev of h k,.k hi,. r rt.iir. -h ! " "nder sentence for reviving
inMuaiiiv r ....., i ,w , ... i atwicii fnTi t . consisting oi narness.
dlvlduals and communities might result, j f!n,dln not "" DuWic bcw
Either way th. question Is decided the1"", defendant wM at liberty on ball nB urirru iu piace nim in uusiouy
before the result wan known.
The Board of Public Lands put In a
couple of lioura today constdeiinir pur
chases of kitchen equipment for the peni
tentiary. There is plenty the board wouM
! HltA fA IMItvika e kill nnrasinl.. W.
V..n U.tllr .K . I-' " I V-.W III.
amount of Information regarding prison
regulation, blanks used In different pris
ons for keeping the records of Inmates
versy and dissatisfaction, but the board
after examining the law both at to the -assessment
of mortgages and of banks
decided the secretary was right and up
held hts action.
funds are short and as considerable has
already been ordered It U a question
how much further the board can go.
Vnthlnir ha A Kun A,.IA.A wh. K-
and other similar matter and Is working i djoulnwl for th,
out some proanerttve changes In system m .
at th. local Institution. In th. lot Is a e Rfnti of state
uuiteisuy nwe ueciaea tnai wora must
I be rushed on th. laboratory building on
the medlral campus at Omaha. Th.
building was delayed at first by lltiga
. lion and later by th. plana calling for
to settle difference, between local physl-; " " -- '" "
; Imperative that no delays be tolerated.
The Burlington road today bad an
auction sale of houses, ahlch attrained
complete set of blanks used at the fed
eral prison at Iavenworth.
Dr. W. H. Wilson of th. tSute Board
of Health has Just returned from St.
Kdward and Archer, where he was called
of scarlet fever and at Archer one case I
of Infantile paralysis. oBth cases were
quarantined and there Is no reason to
fear a spread o ftha disease.
Xothlng wss done today on the pylislcal
valuation hearing of tha Burlington Uses.
Th. company and tsate cngllneers are
going over the data seeing what Items
they can agree on and eliminating them
from th. hearing. When this Is completed
tha commission wilt take up the hearing
uu contested items.
Auditor Barton goes to Chicago tonight
to attend a meeting of th. eiecutlv. com-1
mitt, of the Association of t lists In-1
surance Commissioners, of which he Is a '
member, lie said he did not know what I
th. meeting had been called for. I
-he federal government has notified th.
adjutant general's offlc that th. general ,
government Kill pay no part of the salary 1
or expenses o fthe adjutant general or '
brigadier general for attendance on
th. annual encampment. Th. federal gov-' y . TJ 1 a TT
rnment lias not heretofore paid anything 153(11011 X611676S M6
to tn eadjutant general, but th. brigadier
has received his allowance. If he goes
tula year he must look o the state to
recompense him for his time and outlay.
Tit. brigadier is Joseph li. ritorch of Ful
Jsrton. Jena Seeklas l.aod.
Another colony of Russian Jaws has
written Labor Commissioner Guy. about
settling In Nebraska. The writer of th.
latest letter is V. S. Loubkov, and h.
writes from San Kranclsco. II. says h.
represents the New Israelite Kvangellstlc
society and that th. colony will be com
osed of :.0O) families and th.y deslr. to
ccttl. on farms, which they deslr. to pur
chase largely on time. Mr. Guy. will
write to this man and get further par
quite a crowd and the offerings were
i taken at fair figures. The houses wer.
j located on ground south of the present
depot and which the company recently
acquired for enlarging its terminal facilities.
One of th. peculiar things of the prlm
, ary campaign Is the candidacy of Will
M. Maupin for railway commissioner on
I th. democratic ticket. When he first
announced his candidacy It was not only
considered a Joke by himself, but by
others. The Joko announcement took so
well that it decided the author to get
Into the race in earnest and the Incom
plete returns Indicate that lie stands a
good show of having landed th. demo
cratic nomination, .which illustrates the
oft repeated statement that It pays bet
ter to be a Joker than to be serious.
ing to the unofficial returns. The exact
vote will be known only when the official
election canvassing board has completed
the huge tssk of counting, which will be
begun Wednesday.
On the official returns from all but
three precincts of th. county the nomi
nees for state senator on the republican
ticket are:
The three missing country precincts ar
expected to be revived by the county
clerk today and the canvass will h.
begun Wednesday. H. J. Ila.ketl will
represent the republicans on the canvns.
sing board and George Jewett the demo
crats. The unofficial figures on I'nited State i
senator and state senators are:
... 4.S11
Saunders s Tt4
fodae 4.SB1
Paneoast no
klacfsriand 4 044
Haartnann tmi
Tinker i;k
I'illon I J4J
Homan 101
Cunningham CMS
i-lDOe MJ
According to the latest unofficial re
turns from Douglas county, three coun
try precincts still unheard from. Reagan.
Howell, Urossman and Tanner are renom
inated for state senators by the dem
ocrats. Th. fifth place Is In doubt, Llv.r,
Morion and O'Hara each having a fight
ing chance for It. I.iver Is in the lead on
ihe unofficial returns, but a small error
or two or the vot. In th. missing precincts
could make any of th. three a winner.
The best flgurea available are as follows
Origin of One of the Biggest
Successes in the History
of Smoking
Has Defeated Prince
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
I.INCOUN. April S.-HpecJal.l Stat,
house employes ar. still anxiously scan
ning th. primary returns to ace who th.
fortunate ones ar. who may have th.
distribution of Jobs after January 1 next,
but th. returns are so meager they afford
scant satisfaction.
Silas R. Barton, at present auditor of
state and republican candldat. for con
gress, has partial returns from every
county In the Fifth district. From these
returns h. believes he has carried .very
county In the district with th. axoeptlon
of Hall, which Is th. home of both him-
tlculara. Nothing definite haa been done,1"" and his principal opponent. In this
toward locating th. colony of Russian
Jews now In Chicago, though Mr. Guys
has several propositions In view and will
Bingo! Bing!!
Corn's Gone!
Wur Smaller Shot, Largir Smllit
Vet .v.ry
corn victim
rejoice :
Won derful
"Bing o''
atopa aevor
e a t corn
pains at
once! Jut
paint the
corn -- a
a . c o 11 d ' a
time say
pain's gune!
4reatest in
vention for
foot growths
sine. Auam.
M . a n s
quick rld
d a n c . to
, worst coma
call otises,
bunions that
aver grow
011 human
feet Not partial
plaaued thing noes! Kvery time!
"Bingo'' enables lots of lolks to wear
six. smaller shoes sis. larger smilea.
Makes foot smooth as a whistle shoe
slips on so easily, painlessly you forgot
you ever had foot trouble.
"Bingo" shrinks th. com. loosens It
down to the root's end out It comes
Just like that! Doesn't hurt healthy
tissue. Bingo's as different from usual
"corn cures" as night from day. Get It
and see.
' "ti lf-wrJi mora. At smssirti. "r wist
.ru r DmRlfon Ptunsaeal IV. lit No. rMer.
bont St . ( htran. Ill Knld lo tMa elt. h
Sherman a VHtniwII Draff Co., lots ana D-xlf.
lth ana Hmr. 4th aas Faraan. aJMi Lara!
rnanucf, 2074 No. lta St.
county th. vot. la decidedly clos. and
returns up to data Indlcat. that the on.
who carries It will not have a plurality
greater than fifty.
Governor Aldrlch said today that he In
tended to go to the Chicago convention as
a spectator. He has never attended a
national convention and he was doubly
anxious to attend this one.
Alice G. Mlill. of Omaha haa filed with
the .secretary of state an acceptance of
the socialist nomination for state super
intendent of public Instruction. The nam.
does not appear In the list of those who
filed tor th. offlc:
Robert F. Smith of Omaha, democratic
candldat. for I'nlted States enator, haa
filed hla etatement of expenses showing
that th. campaign cost him H 10.04. Ij. W.
Hague, republican candidate for lieuten
ant govtsTnor, expended g&iX
state legislative
noml ns ted
t llannon
i'or the republican
iieaet tne twelve men nominated were.
Smith. Davis, Simon. Hnfr. Sugarman,
Foster, 1-ee. Flanagan, Drueaduw. An
derson. Rraln, Fields, Srhopp.
The vote, with three precincts missing.
Is as follows:
?h 4.S11
Pvl" ilea
omion 4
Jl"ff turn
Siiearman j
foster tin
1 lanagnn
llmeadiiw 344
Anderson Jw;
Mrstn " i'c.,1
iT"1" iwt
Scnopp jfljj
1 aies X.Tka
2.4 V.)
COLfSIBI'S. Neb.. April a. (Special
Telegram.) Temporary repairs on the
Loup river wagon bridge, south of the
city, have been completed and this cross
ing, which la th. only one on the river
for many miles, ha been madae avail
able. Atempte at driving permanent steel
piling were not successful and oak was
used for the temporary structure. Besides
damaging the south approach the flood
cut away the bunk bo that it will require
a permanent steel span at least eighty
feet In length to reach the shore. While
the bridge waa out of commission those
south of Columbus were compelled to
go to Polk county towns, much farther
away, causing much inconvenience.
Death the Gallowa
Is sharp, short agony. The lam. back of
kidney troubl. Is dally misery. Take
Electric Bitters for quirk relief. 50c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Th. usual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands of th nock,
sores and ulcers on tha body, skin affections, catarrhal troubles, we ax:
yes, and general poor health. The inherited poison, transmitted through
the blood, pollutes and weakens this fluid, and in place of its nutritive
qualities nils tha circulation with scrofulous matter, which saps tha vitality
of th entire system. Thousands of children, born with a scrofulous taint,
have spent their childhood in constant physical suffering, and grown to
manhood or womanhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth,
and perhaps later some disease of the bones or Joints developed. S. S. 8
given in their early life, would hava prevented this. It would hava
cleansed and purified tha blood of tha taint, nourished and stengthened
their systems, and assisted each to grow into strong, healthful manhood
or womanhood. 8. S. S. is tha very best remedy for Scrofula, It goes
down to the bottom of tha trouble, and cleanses the circulation of all
scrofulous matter. It strpplie tha weak, diseased blood with strength
and health-bnilding qualities, and nnder the purifying effects of this great
remedy all symptoms of Scrofula pass away. 8. 8. 3. contains no minerals
in any form, and is an absolutely safe treatment for children, even infanta,
or persons of any age. Literature about Scrofula and any medlral advira
liempster :
i""'k w
A. Thomas
C. U Thomas
Van Ness
Ileiara Hum 4 lose.
Uenney, Robert Holmes and .Morgan
ar. running so close for the twelfth place
on the democratic state representative
ticket that only the official count of the
canvassing board will determine which of
tn. three has landed th. last position.
From th. beat available returns from
th. county, except three missing country
precincts, th. vote stands as follows:
Flehnrty a 71
Morlurty j iH0
riownra ; 427
iina jj,;4UA
Uolmta. U 2-72
Bull ,
jtiuLnmouijn 2 1
In tt pistil t.QM
wmt - iW(
H. Holmes ', -1
lHnny 'w j i.
gvr ;
" : 1
i.-aaaucjc jt24
tm;l aiKKiI. Neb.. April K.-lSoeciai.)
-Miss Mary Emerson died at the Jones
hotel In tliis city at S o'clock Sunday
morning, death being at her own hand.
Miss EmerMin waa a native of Ohio, had
lived in th. neighborhood of Cook. thl
county, for a great many years and was
a foremost educator and a very bright
woman. She wss aged M years. For tin
last few years Miss Emerson had been
out of school work and her mind had be
come slightly deranged. A few days ago
ne cam. to Tecumseh and secured
room at the Jonea hotel. Moans w.r..
heard coming from her room and aa she
did not respond to knocks on the door
tn. door was forced open. It waa found
she had taken a dose of laudanum. A
pnyaieian was secured and gave relief.
out within a few hours Miss Emerson
found some morphine among her effects
ana took a big dose. Hhe lingered for
many nours after taking the second do.
of poison, but the attending physician
aaia sne eould not recover.
VI , .
cmrrson was a graduate of ih.
I'TO Normal and for several years sh
' .ught mathematics In that reboot. lter
ic engax-d in sencol teaching In this
county. Sim made tlie race for eountv
: superintendent of rehrols of Johnsor
j county, running on the democratic ticket,
j years ago, but was defeated.
Teaeher. Eleeted .( Met .ok.
HCOOK. Neb. April S--l8peaal 1-At
a special meeting of the Board of Edu
cation here this week Superintendent W
T. Davis was unanimously elected for a
term of three yeora. All th. high school
teachers were re-elected also. Miss Sarah
Ryan, principal of the high school, has
however, resigned. , ha. decided lo
take a course next ye, in , German um.
versity. Th. board also voted to add an
other high school teacher te the faculty.
KIM. Wasamw Take, rwlaww
RKATRIOE. Neb.. April 21-igpeel.l.)
-Mrs. Daniel Camp, riving three mile,
we of Ellis, took two taNe.poon.ful of
carbolic add Sunday. She says ah. took
How a Nation-Wide Popularity
Began in One Man's Pipe
'They tell an interesting story of th
origin of one of the biggest successes li
the history of tobacco manufacture.
When the founder of the R. A. PaM
tenon Tobacco Company invented the
tobacco process that fcss borne hit
name, hit aim was to so treat a tobacco
that it not only would not "bite," that
It not enly would be harmless, but that
It would be absolutely safeguarding in
Its (Sects on the month and throat The
sliced plug sod roll cut put ont under
the Patterson process soon achieved a
wiu. popularity wnicn it holds in the
fullest degree, to this dev. of represent.
ing ciean, pure, nonest to Dace o at its
One day th manager of the Pntterson
manufacturing department slipped into
his pipe some of the Bnrley tobacco that
lad been granulated In the process of
mancfacture He liked this granulated
form to well th "at for two years he made
this hit personal smoke but a good
thing hat to be passed along, and this
man finally yielded to the temptation (
finding out from his friends whether his
taste was peculiar or whether he renllv
badmdea"End " The result was that
before many months he was embarrassed
by peremptory requests from many
ajuartert for ''more of that wondtrful
granulated Burley." "It's different."
they said, "the most perfect pipe smoke
we ever tried "
Then came an experiment with special
bags of this "discovery " In a short
time every available bag was gone.
It wit In this way that the ojiginal
granulated Burley began its cireer It
wat In thit wiy that Tuxedo tobacco,
aow famous over the whole land a the
green tin, began Its astonishing success
(o quick was thit popularity that
Shipments were for years never better
than a month behind the orders While
unable to fill orders It V impossible to
rltk advertising. It is onlKjow, with
greatly extended factory facilrrjes, that
the Patterson Company It ventkring to
ii ia a ux.uo story to carry loi
with printer's Ink the eood work dc
enthusiastic smokers end by Tu
Tuxedo Tuierlo robgtw, tr wmIi?
make it better, but we can't. We could
make it cheaper, bat we won't Tuxedo
tobacco, we would make it better, vv:
we can t w e could make it cheaper,
out we won t. rnxcao tobacco, we W'
make it better, bnt we cj$re''j3ff
maac it cneapcr, out
tooacco, we would
we can't We i
but we won't
make it better.
make it cheaf
we can I
"PatTenon" on tetacco elands (or
tjnality quality that b:is stood the test
year after year fr half a cent-try the
tcsccf beiasrooked by critical smokers.
Only real quality oaly tobacco that is
Mil alwavs
Tuxedo Tobacco Tuxedo To- ,;j
bacco Tuxedo Tobacco. ' :i
Tuxedo Tobacco
w7- . 15fa.
r F M DATTCRCnU c a 9v
f I sTi a r-a s saawwav (a .-sa.
I H - . M
T ov Si 13 a? t a 0 it "I Tv . i
makT Stt JUiMJi
m. jr w a' mi jmv r- jk s ft
- ij
ibacca Tuxedo To
'Xuxedo Tobacco'
'Ssdo Tobatxo
The Pipe Smoke fir Gentlemen
...-xeda tobacco, the
lemen; Tuxedo tobacco
for gentlemen: Tuxedo
made it best
Its friends made it famvusl
t lemen
for gentlemen'
smoke for irentli
the pipe smoke for
tobaoce, the pipe imoke for gentleman.
Tniedo-.Tinedo' tobacco, tho pipe
smoke for gentlemen; Tusedo tobacco,
the pipe smoke fCMttwailrjrien; Tuxedo
tooacco, tne pi
Tuxedo tobacc
tlemen, Tuiedi
tor gentlemen
smoke for get
tha pipe sraol;
tooacco, the
Tuxedo toba
tlemen; Tux.
for gentlem
smoke for
the pips si
tobacco, t
Ths Pip Smoke for Ctmf
the Pipe Smok
'Tuxedo Tuxedo tobacc
make it better, but we can't
make it cheaper, but we won't
tooacco, we would make It bel
w. can i we could m.k. i, ,i,
butwewoa't. Tuxedo tobacco, we would
make It better, but w. c.n't tv.
saake It cbeaoernt we won ,Tuxedo,
S.,'r,T1i...4J 1 ' X'evU -ifc
mm II 1 ' P SxSlI IPtsatasl "'li h 1 i!i . L !
WM II If V li S.V aaaaTa tsZVtBP v9r '.U.,ILl,:i fMflA'al
MS MtW V I J sV LVm V ' Z3 t
mm m ?iw.-t. sxaTiSX w aassr av mir
mm e - 3jsl. rrxA.IX i I lis MK
1MB 5SmW2mrJmtt1K W W -4,ig
fl f ov. m m2k-; 7 WiUXS
, ( f rn v .'--?
L Ulii sa i i 'in 'i vl jm "say
V I inn H tU ..Txia'ord
1" carrwyvr-cduia make l v., "
we can I
but we won
make It better. butTtw -ve could
make It cheaper, but wctnr'T Tuxeiio
tobacco, we would make it-better, but
We cnuld make It cheaper.
Tuxedotobacco, we wouia
Ave can t. We could
on t
tha pipe
; TuxeOjo
ke (or gen-
pipe smoke
ceo. the nine
A fedo tobacco.
. "s..'.l. J,!1e'l- 'l .i,U
J I "
t Jtie c- nlUman.
.-.- m
r'.T twa a W
' T.-.J. f-
j'.iuicgn te
jilt pipe smoke for gentlemen,
ertobacco, the pipe smoke (or geo
Jkn; Tuxedo tobacco, the pipe smoke
Vjrenslemen; Tuxedo tobacco, the pipe
,Tike for gentlemen; Tuxedo tobacco.
Csvr ,moka or gentlemen; Tuxedo
''Ka the nlna smnk. for wailamaar
nacco, tne pipe smoke tor gen-
ioco tooacco tna pipe smote
en; mxeao tooacco, tne pip
Untlemen; Taxedo tobacco,1
tor gentlemen; Taxedo
1 pipe smoke for gentlemen.
ices, the pip smoke for gen-
turcdo tobacco tha pipe smoke
ltlemen: Ttrndo tobacco, the plpa
te for gentlemen: Tnxedo tobacco.
Uu pip smoke to tentlemetat
Tuxedotobacco. we would
ke it better, but we can't. We could
make it cheaper, but wt woo'l.
now meant to Amerl-
kert YOU can learn In tha
tett wtv bv Irvine a tin of th.
tobacco yourself. The antwer't In tha
tin a cheerful answer la the wihuU
imokaquteUuu. . .
Tuxedo Tobacco Tuxedo To
bacco Tuxedo Tobacco'
Tuxedo Tobacco
Tuxedo Tobacco Tuxedo Toa
bacco Tuxedo Tobacco.
Tuxedo Tobacco i
TaaveV Tbasens Tkpeto TT la. a'
We expected to advertise long ago
but the astoolihing sales jumped ahead
of ns at tha start and fora long time we
couldn't catch np. Think of Itl One
of the best selling tobaccos In the world
utlkoul mdvtrtising. The tobacco did
Itl It's been doing all the talking and
doing it wonderfully well.
Nol Not all the talking. Smokers
hire been saying some jolly things as
they passed the newt along.
Now our additional factories are ready
and ws can "tee daylight" on Ailing
irdera. Now we art ready to "say the
rd" and It's a good word Tuxedo,
bst that word now maana fa Amerl
can simmers YOU can learn lo tha
pleesanteit way by trying a lio of tha
tobacco yourself. The answer's la tha
tin a cheerful answer '.j tha wbola
saoks qucuios.
the poison mistaking It for other medi
cine.. Th. attending hyslclaitthlnks sh.
will recover. 8he Is a voung woman and
th. mother of two children.
, -
TECTMSKII, Xeb.. April a.-tHpeclal.)
Miss Msrle llnncll, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. O.'orge I'lnnell of this city, and
Halph Tthbetts of Auburn were msi-rled
at the Baptist parsonage at I o'clock
Sunday afternoon, th. pastor, R.v. C.
W. Heady, performing th. ceremony.
Th. groom formerly lived In Elk Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Tlbbette will establish thslr
home In Auburn.
TECCMREH, Neb., April X2.-Spcial.)
Frederick Appalget of Tecumseh and
Miss Ella Ma. Matthews of Uncoln w.r.
marrisd at '.he home of Mis. J. A. Kaalck
In this city at i o'clock yesterday after,
noon. Th. ceremony was performed by
Hev. V. W. Tait. p"'"r f the Ireby
terl.n church. Mr. snd Mrs. Appclgnt
will live In Tecumseh.
I lark-Wright.
TKCt'MSKH, Neh., April a-ltipeclal.)
-Isaac Clark and Mrs. Mary J. Wright,
well known residents of Terumaeh, were
married at the home of .Mr. and Mr.i.
Reynolds at no o cIik K this niiirnluic.
Th. wedding waa tirivHle, the inaiilHge
ceremony being perfornu-d by Ituv. Ilud-
iiey McQuarv, pastor of th. Tecumseh
Christian church.
II rooks-Cat heart,
M'COOK. Neb., April S.-4Miectal.-
Brskeman II. Uuy Brooks and Mlaa Irene
Csthcsrt, both of this city, were married
this morning. Rev. I.. K. Iwls of the
.Methodist church officiating. They went
to Denver the same morning on a brief
wedding trip.
Miss Myrtle I lilhlw of liloux Fslls.
. I.. daughter of Warren Dlbbs. and
Mr. Martin K. Knstlelie of t'rdsr Kails,
la., were manled by Il-v. Charles V.
Savldge at his residence utiirdsy at ? ."tt.
Th.y were accompanied hy Mrs. I.'iile
HogolKHini and Mrs. K. K. Randall.
Kara Rlrnrk by l.lslHtnlna. '
lnTOS, April r.-The Inrgn frame
bain Vn th. farm of Philip rVhuene, two
miles south of this town, was struck by
IlKlrtuIng Sauirday during the heavy elec
trical sturnrand the structure with a!l
of Its contents, cunslsting of hey. corn,
whrst, harneas and ugrtculttiral Imple
ments, vslucd at nbout 1-','1. ili stroyed.
Th. building la an Id to lave cost In tho
neighborhood of tosii. There waa a
small amount of Insurance on th. barn,
but non. on tho contents.
Permits to smoke, rents. All dealers.'
A Hreak fur liberty
from stomach, liver an 1 kidney troubl.
Is made when a 25c Imi of Pr. King's
New Mfe tills Is bought. Why suffer?
For snl. by Heston lrug Co.
Tomorrow's Breakfast?
Post Tavern
Is pretty sure to please your family.
A rich appetizing blend of
the delicate field flavors of wheat,
com and rice. To be cooked and
served hot as a porridge, with cream
and sugar.
This food was first served at the
famous Post Tavern in Battle Creek,
where it won high favor.
Nov, your grocer supplies it
for home use.
Tomorrow's Breakfast
Made by Pojfum Cereal Co, LttL, Pure Food Factorier
EahJe Creek, MicLigatt
Wnk ami minrabu.
sslttdflST trvubit. Iiiill
tMtsUM, fain ! tfasj
falls W tae tuny
Pvt)M ' fyfto tMV
Aa a ratHltr it haa
Oray'a Aruiual rt-lai'
mall for hi rts. Kai
slolhar any , la
If vati bsts Kltlaar ssr
hat pslrva, lMasloM. Nar.
dak. aaui fal lira! all
! f Moilwr Uray'i ARO
laasant Br ear. U natr
laatimontala trata fratafut
4 lata vonalssrfal tosa4r.
an aqoai. A tor Utjikar
at Lr uuiaia ar aaat at rKKK AMraaa, Tlvsj
Hoy. N. Y
i REST ANU ntAHii m ihwi.a.. v ....
alaa. VVrrtnow's ho-iftuo tart- hc tcca
utfilforovtrr hUTY VUAUrtby M ! IXlOHa
MoTUHHH ir llifir Cmi.fjHHN WHltJ
B'KJTHKH tbt CH1I.U, tWlt-TKNH tha (-CKH,
ia I ha bsmt rrtBcily lor UIAHKIUKA. it at
vtlalrly hartnk-aa. sV sure aod ausst fos? "Mrs,
Wiestow'a Nooibmg Syrup," an4 Uk, m oiiscf
k.utJ. Twenty-live cent buUtC
-mm. r- sa.
TO MissorRt,
Tlcketa on sale tha
first and third Tuesdays
In each month.
Stopovers allowed on
both the folog and re
turn Journeys.
Taas. and Ticket Agent,
Karnam Strwet,
I nloB Htatioa,
Will Burn
if imjcheH hy Fir Wm art
ti be stule if kept In the boir
th? 8amc ! true of your Bond.
Will, IvshU, JitAurmnc Policies'
jid Jewlr.- ...
Why at hiv U font fortab!
lWhnaT that thy ar parfsMtij
aafa by placiBK lsm In a iSafa
IpfiU Box of Our 8tI Vaults
hr Flr or Burglars anteralti
nor -.
The rwt Is only 5t5. yearly.'
Omaha Safe Deposit
Company -
Straat Ufl atatnsaoa te TMltaV