Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Bey. McLaughlin Says Disaster
Could Have Been Averted.
SHf Smy It Was lHllo af ;!'
Wrath and Other Vmr the
Blame the Fallibility
al Maa.
A blind dlre fur gain on the part of
Managing Director lsmay of the White
Star steam-hip line wa the causa of
over lew deaths, it the charge made
h.- tv M O. McLauahlln In a sermon
delivered Sunday at Harford Memorial
chtinh. Criticisms sounded from nearly
every other pulpit In tha city yesterday.
A few ivators said the wreck of the Ti
tanic was a Judgment of God. but other
took op the Issue and laid It to man's
fallibility. Rev. Mr. McLaughlin eald:
"For all practical punores time Is now
no longer, and th seas will soon be no
more! Through modern Inventions the
world has come to be a great whliperlnt
gallery and distance haa almost disap
peared. a While rial Raise.
"Thousands have gone down in tlma of
war? with colors flying and bands play,
lni;. rather than to raise tha while flag,
but here In ..tha twentieth century. In
time of peace, the greatest exhibition of
ship building skill sinks wtlh hundred
f great and noble cltlsens on board.
While tha world admire ttie death cour
age of these brave men who gave their
lives for the women and children, the
world also mourns deeply for these cour
ageous men and feels that the awful
dlastrr could have been avoided.
It is an easy mttter to criticise, and
Khlle 1 am the last person usually to
venture ciilk'lnn. I believe In this case
that a proud, blind desire on the part of
Managing Director Isinajr and other offl
- icvi of the White Star Una led to the
sacrifice vf these hundreds of souls. I
; io not believe, as some ieople are wont
' to assume at such times, that this was
a lesson or a Judgment sent from OoO.
tlod does not destroy.
"Clod's purpose towsrd mankind Is to
save and conserve. Feople tn places of
responsibility bring calamities upon them
selves and others, through their own
carelessness. God baa given men the
compass, and barometer, and a knowledge
of the seas and the seasons, and men
themselves are lo blame for colliding with
Icebergs In lha spring of the year 111
Uwae Oat af Tkls Disaster.
"Two kinds of erroneous remarks have
been heard made by lha selfish few In
comment of this disaster. I hsve heard
tome say that the death of so many tlch
men was good riddance, but the base.
Ignorant fellows who make such remirka
place themselves below the beauts of the
field and the reptiles of the dust. Boms
others nuve said It was a mistake for
men like Aator and Brandels and Guggen
heim and others lo give place to women
and children of steerage passage. This
error la Just as serious. Men of great
sffalrs like these men are Just as chiv
alrous as any others under the sun, aid
to deny them the privilege of showing
their courage and valor and the true
manhood Inherent In their breasts would
b,- to do them a great wrong.
"But referring again to the causa of this
disaster. Captain Smith said when th
Titanic set sail, 'th ship was unstnka.
ble.' This was th first great mistake
vf Mm and hi company. The beat vrwl
t man can make I but a tor In th hands
of nature s elements. The strongest steel
skyscraper man ran construct Is but
paper before the winds of th 'Prlnao
of the power of th air. The heaviest
steel rails are but willow wisp In th
bands of nature's floods. Therefor no
man-made security should encourage
those In charge of any ship or train to
-oml; any possible precaution for th
). safety of those who entrust their lire
. to their car.
"Manager la may and Vhe President
Franklin wera assuming that this vessel
was unslnkahle and were urging the
captain to make the hlghret possible
' speed, though they knew that they were
la th rigors of Icebergs. These great Ice
bergs formed as glacier on frosen hill
. side of the north, slide Into the seas, and
many of them art so large that they art
only dissolved by th equatorial asters.
At this time of th year th northern
seas are full ot them. V esse la thst pre
ceded the Titanic by a few hour picked
their way carefully through this lan of
Icebergs, and even wired th Titanic to
beware. Hut th Titanic, assuming that
It a ss unalnkable, was plowing carelessly
through these Icebergs at twenty-two
- knot an hour, with S of it crew asleep
la the kold of the vessel.
. "But what lessons can th world learn
from this awful dlaaterT
"First We can learn that man at his
best la but finite and all his achievement
. art finite. Cod has left th bar threads
of unseen powers projecting everywhere
. that man may discover them and use
them. In recent year thee threads
have been unravtled .and message are
whispering round the world. The aea
skirted, the continents are belted, th air
and th water Is harnessed, and even th
mind la read.
"Let no ship be launched and no
throttle bt opened without Him who
know th hearts of man as well as the
Y path of the sea and land.
Wealth I "at th .
"Die fsct that some ot thee men were
" millionaire does not Increase or decrease
.. th horror of this disaster an lota. Tbe
. great tosa Is their lives and not their
means. It Is their untimely death
. that we deplore. Bom of then were aa
brave and good men aa can be found
.anywhere. Their last message and last
mi-XM a how them to be truly great and
good men.
"In the second plac the world must
learn that people's Uvea cannot
entrusted wholly to the keeping of private
corporations. These private corporations
will not. provide the necessary safety
appliance and equipment unless the
public demanded It This disaster will re-
. suit tn the changing of the lanes of
travel to lower latitude, and will also
lead to government Inspection ot th llfe-
, boat and preservers ot every ship that
leave every port. The world will Dot
agate see a similar horrid accident.
"Finally, this disaster should cause the
. world to pea in Its and rush, and
realise that this Hfe Is but a shadow at
beat; that death by disease or accident
nay befall a at any moment. "
Creigliton's Law,
Medical ahd Dental
College Exercises
The graduating classes ot the medical.
dental and law departments of Crelghton
university will hold their commencement
exercises at Boyd theater on Saturday
evening. April I,
The number of graduates this year Is
ninety-three, larger than that ot any
year In the history of the school. The
majority of these will be furnished by
the medical college, which will give
diplomas to fifty-two students. The den
ts! department Is second with twenty
two, while the law college confers de
grees on nlneteeen seniors. The grad
uates are from various towns In Ne
braska, Iowa and Potltn Dakota, while
a number are residents ot Omaha. There
are four women In the graduating class,
all being medical students. Tey are
Mrs. Harriet Hamilton o eMuncfl Bluffs.
Kmlly Moahige of Scrlbner, Neb.; Jean
etle M. Sheffard of Coon Itaplda, la., and
Myrtle Belt of Lincoln.
The program will he brief, th princi
pal speaker being J. A. At wood of Kan
sas City, Mo. Mr. Atwdnd Is one of the
foremost attorneys In Kansas City and
an authority on transportation. An at
tempt to secure Senator Beveiidge failed
because of campaign duties. Chief Jus
tice Whit At the lhllr4 Bute supreme
court was asked to speak, but had a
precious engagement. The ninety-three
students will occupy the stage at the ex
ercises and all will wear the scholastic
csp and gown. The different clsasea will
be distinguished by different colored tas
sels attached to their raps. President
Engine A. Msgrvney of Crelghton will
confer the diplomat, after translating
them from Latin to English.
The students who will receive diplomas
Law (ollece.
Carl Aldrlch Pender, Neb.
Imiiald J. Burke. Omaha
Kaymond T. Coffey, Greenfield, la.
Kdaard K. Tearon, Omaha.
A !. Ketterman. Omaha.
liana C. Gelaehman, Geneva, Neb.
Halter L. Griffith. Omaha.
W. lleelan. Omaha.
W. Walter Hoy Mitchell, 8. D.
Owen McCaffrey, Omaha.
J. O. MrVeagh, Ode holt, la.
K. W. MMmnre, Omaha.
Henry Montky, Omaha.
Walter T. Looml Omaha.
Klllan Rrgner, Howard. 8. D.
Arthur Roaenbliim. Omaha.
noisna . nnieiai Omaha.
W. T. Htenoehek.' Odell. Neb.
P. M. Ward, O'Neill. Neb.
Dental ; Cellee;.
Mlllon If. Sanderson, Kouth Omaha.
J. A. Boucher. Waters, Minn.
0. L. Carey, lMars. la.
Roy Dooley. Fremont. Neh.
A. iroyia, Waseca,. Minn.
L. J. Klthef. Wshon..Neh.
R. A. Hecflx. Gothenburg. Neb.
A. B. Johnson. Alraattrm, 8. D.
L. A Kahnke. Waseca Minn,
A. B. Kerns, Auburn, Neb.
Louis Liinsky, Omaha.
P. J. MeforfMlelr Vsil T-
C. A. Newell, Junction City, Kan.
C. r. Patten Omaha.
R. R. Hcsrr." Oeahlrr. Neb.
II. K. HouHera l!ofinll Ulf- t.
J. K. Stout, Tabor, la
R. K. Holomon. Omaha.
J. P. 8otinbergr, Fori Atkinson
. iiinr, Dsncrorti 'Ken.
C. L. Welch. Mnnllralla. la
W. A. WS Sam Wirua til
Class Office m-Praaloi.' n '
era; vie president, A7 U. Johnson'
tary-treaeursr, C. . F. Patten.
Medical Call ear.
Mrs. Harriet Hamlltfih. Council Bluffs.
A. A. Iletferman, tuhurue, la.
Henry IV Clarke. Brand Ranlds, Mich.
H. O. Mum. Hartford, Kan.
Henry T. AlTlnghami Omaha.
John R. rwyr. O'Neill, Neb. "
Fred o. Kolourh, Crete, Neb.
Fdwsrd 0. IxmnelMr, City Center, Kan.
John J. Oallig.n. Park (lty, "itah
John K. Trutnelter, lllonmfleld. Neb.
Charles U Hustead. Wltten, & U. -
v. i-. iirnes, u 'Weill, Neb.
tw. rietcner. rnurman,
C. Ptraon. Ptantan. la.
C.. 0. Koblnson, Harlan. Is.
J. N. Iiuncan, Roeeland. Neb.
J. B. Orac, New York City, N. T.
C.' B. Co, Atlantic. .
w. K. U.nt. Florence, Neh.
C. C. Crlaa, Omaha
C II. Peppera. Omaha.
Emmet L. Hawkins, Omaha.
Irfrov T. Pateraon, Omaha.
Charles Need ham. Omaha.
W K. Minn, Unduv, Neb.
Homer l. lAirvey, luaman, Wis.
John J. Oleeeon, Omaha.
H: A. Calverl, Trimble, Mo.
L I. Harmon. Omaha.
Kmlly Moshage Pcribner, Nsb.
K. . Plckn. gmith Center, Kan.
Lao M. Magulr. Waseca, Minn.
Leslie A. Johnson, Omaha.
J. Krman lunn. Cosad. Neb.
Harry Oavla. Omaha.
J. C. Manning. Omaha.
Robert . Taylor. York Neb.
Jeanette al. Hhefferd, Coon Rapids, Is.
Arinur si. rouneisnu. isortoik. Neb.
Paul 8 Marauley, Omaha.
H. C. hwaylander, Omaha.
Nell U Crlsa. Omaha.
Kagar H, H. Uesssman. Omaha.
Kmmet iMlry, 4'arver Minn.
C. W. Keith. Unrein! Neb.
Io F. Castle, Pocatello. Idaho.
(1. J. Carney, Armour, ri. O.
w. J. Kavan. Valparaiso, Neh.
K. L. Hustead. Omaha.
Mvrtle setts Lincoln. Neb.
Class Of fleers President. John n,
vie president. William K. Ixing; secre-
tsry-lreasurer. ell . t rise.
I'niversity I'nigrcssA. B. Dunn, A. B.,
SB. I'. .
Alma Mater The uh I remit v nuartet
t'resentatlnn ot candidates for decrees
Conferring " of Hegrees IVmki.,.,
"Huanee nhore." the untveraitv mrti
Addresa to Oraduatea "The Knirii nr
tne rrst, juna a. Atwooa, A. B.
Galluses Visible
Means of Support
William Herald, night Jailer at police
headquarters, added a new bit of Inform
ation ot his store at law knowledge last
night when Bert Cahill appeared befor
him and asked for a plac to sleep for
the night. Herald accommodated him.
and while searching th guest pockets
discovered a couple of pair ot suspendera
"what are the forr kd Herald.
"raot suapenoersr' replied Cahill. "O.
I Just keep those as the can't aav I'm
a vagrant As long aa I hav (has I L
hav visible means of support, haven't IT ,
Children art much mora Tlkety t con
tract th contagious diseases when tny
hav colds. Whooping rvwsh. dlptherta.
rear Vet fever and eoosumrKion are dia
Kse that are often contracted whan
the child has a cold. That 1 why all
xwdtcal authorities say news re ot raids.
' for to nuic. ear at aotd yon win
find nothing better than Cbamberlain
Cough Retried y. It can ale-art be de
pended ape, and Is pleasant and aae
to take For sal by ail dealer
r ran nasoraore. a - hi borer, reported c
to the police last night that he had been t-
d up In his rooms, la? Davenport
street, by two friends and after being
be tea was robbed. As evidence he sub
mitted a badly lacerated Jaw. which was
treated by Assistant Police Surgeon H lb
bard and will bt examined wnder the
X-ray today aa It Is probably broken.
Hasordors said Be was robbed of M or til
He gave tha names of hi friends, whom,
he said, had been Indulging deeply.
THE doors of this great store open this morning on our first
Spring Home-Furnisher s Exposition an exhibit of the finest
products of the home furnishings world
am exhibit of particularly excellent furni
ture, rugs, draperies, curtains, ete., at spe
cially lowered price tor this week only.
This exposition offers Omaha house
wives the grandest opportunity of the
year for supplying their homes with small
or large assortments. It is the grand op
portunity for spring brides to choose the
prettiest furnishings at the smallest prices.
Visit this store, which is in its spring dress, though
you do not wish to buy, but simply wish to look.
The pre-eminence of Ketcham &
Rothschild upholstered furniture
has attracted hundreds of buyers
here. The beauty, exeeding com
fort and charming lines of these
articles is such that every hoine
lover immediately recognizes
their superiority. The gift for
the bride the gift that will be
appreciated above everything else
and that will give service for'
manv years is a Ketcham &
Rothschild chair. One naturally falls into one of these finely
upholstered and overstuffed articles there is so much com
fort in them that you just want to sit there for hours. The young
husband will get lots of comfort out of Ketcham & Roths
child chairs as he sits reading and smoking in the parlor. The
big Ketcham & Rothschild upholstered davenports have a lux
urious uppearance. They are full of comfort, and extremely
low priced, too. We show a splendid line of this furniture, all
moderately priced,; and we call especial attention to it during
this great exposition. Be sure to see the upholstered furniture
on our second floor.
It was only a year ago that a
customer returned to our store
and requested that we duplicate
an order for chairs which he had
given before. He insisted that
he wanted the same make he had
bought two years before. These
chairs were made by K. II. Conants
Sons, and this customer pro
nounced them the best he had ever
bought. Many others have paid
Conants the same compliment.
We consider them among the
best chairs that are made any
where. The patterns are beautiful, the workmanship unequal
led anywhere, and the quality by far the liest. The chairs are
made in all varieties and in all finishes. They are so beautiful
and so well constructed that they add extreme beauty to a
room and they last for years. They are finely finished in
every detail, and we are anxious to show them to yon, for you
immediately will recognize their great worth. We cousider
them among the best In the world as a combination of beauty, quality and
price. They aeil from $5.00 up, meet the taste requirements of every family.
See our exhibit of Conants goods in this exposition.
Protection From Moths in (loos Cedar Chests
The line of Roos genuine cedar chests is displayed here during
Exposition week. No better chests of this character are made.
The details of workmanship, the finish and the wood all are
the best that possibly can be secured. When you get a Roos chest
you get one that is a handsome article as well as n most service
able one. See the line of Roos chests on our second floor.
Original Gustave Sticldey's Craftsman Furniture
Gu stave Stickley
makes the best Crafts
man in the world it
has no equal anywhere.
This furniture has continued to
s-ow in the esteem and favor of our
patrons from year to year since it
was first introduced in (miaha by
us in 1901.
Since bringing out this style of
furniture Mr. Stickley has found
that he planned so well from the be
ginning that very little improve-
meut could be made in the models
themselves so he naturally directed
his energy to improving the work
manship and finish,' which he has
brought to its present degree of perfection.
The kind you. have
heard about is Gus
tave Stickley's, and this
is the only store in
Omaha at which it can
Craftsman furniture is made for
every room in the house; it is simple
looks honest, and many folks de
clare it extremely beautiful.
It has a rugged, Bturdy, refined
apearaice, and looks as honest, as
solid and as durable as a sturdy
rugged woodsman.
Come to this exposition and ask
for a specimen copy of The Crafts
man Magazine, which we have here
for free distribution.
i Bishop McGovern
Not in Hospital,
Stenson Reports
Prank P. Major, snoelrsa. eoatans ami
attoccthar forton. was taken in by tbe
pollea last aisht whea a nataoraat
proarlttor at Twelfth and Capital avsnus
objected to his presence. Major aaM his
soma aa la Para. Wba searched his
aacCets wara round sacaat ot cola.
tobacee or boos. He was lor ted up to
iv bin Urn ta recover trots dtaatfatJooa
af tbe eerlr evening.
Report that Bishop ' McOovera ot
Cheyenne, lorroeriy of Omaha, la suffer
In from a nervous breakdown and In
a Denver hospital Is untrue, accordliur to
Father Jamea W. Bienson ot Omaha, who
Fathers Stenson and Dowd, parted from
tha bishop In .Denver be waa in the best
ot health. Father Stenson said.
Because of the Inclement weather dla
ouasten ot the proposed workmen's com
pensation and employers" liability bill, to
have been led by Victor Rosewater at
th monthly meetlnc ot tha Omaha Bar
h Ju returned from Cheyenne, where u.y ,L Many Mmbt ot the bar
ha went with Hisoop MrUovern and
Father Dowd of Omaha. .
Father Btensoa said that he and Father
Dowd and a third priest went to Denver
wit Bishop McGovern and spent a day
there, but tha trip was not necessitated
by any Ulnesa ot the - keshoa. When
association were kept away from last
Mania meetlnc by th Heavy downpour
and It waa decided by those who were
there to put off th presentation of the
topic However, members of the legis
lative committee ot the bar association
war -given aa outline of tha work of th
commission which is drafting the bill hylc-SAajspo CRflM fiflQD HflPF
Mr. Rosewater of the commission. i O I hlliro rnuiii uuuu iiui l
F. a Parmelee, local stamp collector,
has completed one ot th moat valuable
sets of Uie rare Cape of Good Hope tri
angular variety in this part of the coun
try, a 4-pence stamp completing th list.
The set contains sixteen stamp and Is
worth about taoo. Mr. Parmelee has re
fused several offers ot that amount for
the collection.
Mr. Parma'.ec has been collecting
stsmps for the last forty years. He has
between I5.0H and M.O.) varieties.
The following were admitted to mem
bership: W. L. Baughn. Jr.; Bvron
Clark, R. M. Crossman J. O. Detweller.
Charles Haffke. John C. Kruger. Thomas
Lynch. Paul L. Martin. George H. Mer
ten, Thomas H. Matters, jr.; John A.
Moore. Robert L. Neely. Howard N. Rog
ers. Ilallc.k F-. Rosa, C. J. Southard. Ed.
J. Waters, Ellery H. Weeterfield, E. It
Leigh, Herman O. Boesche.
You can say goodbye to constipation
a Ith a clear conscience if you use Cham
berlain's Tablets. Many have been perma
nently cured by their use. For sale by all
dru crista.
Ftlmtfeave your b---.rrv y advertising
tn Tbe Eee tbe newspeper that reaches
all at th buyers.
It's Bsji-nlaaj Shasae
not to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve to
cure burns, edema, bolls, sores, plies,
cuts, bruises, wounds and ulcers. Sc.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co-
Cultivated tastes prefer Permits. 6c
i ' - --a-aaaawWW
For 23c The Bee, eremlnc and
Swwday, a deliTercd at roar home.