T 1 I ( f I " 0 After Waiting OnFNe! HERE'S A -tTYE9- PROM MirT, He ScYfS!- OVT. Visit, 6o THg OFFERED FOR REXT MM aael Offices. GARAGE FOR RENT. Brick Garage, cement floor, room for cars. 1908 Capitol Ave. Rental tlj per month. GEORGE sY COMPANY. tw.'-U- City Nat l Bank Bide. Phone D. Tie or A-1756. t60R- DAVENPORT, new, email atom or (round floor offices. Reed Bros.. DOUg- iaS Store at SMS Cuming street. Store at 21 fuming streot. Store- at 9.15 North 24th Street. Store at 8X1 North !4th street. Store at 9:r7 North 24th street. Store at 8.W North 36th. South Omaha. O. C. RBDICK. Attorney, J.J7 Karnam Street. OFFERED FOR SALE Karaltare. FOR BALE Carload of all kinds furnl. ture In 30 days. Bachman, 1408 Dodge. TRIUMPH Challenge refrigerator. 5ft. lb. rapacity; only used one season; cheap at sis. Appiy Htzi rto. loin. Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas Ola TYPEWRITERS. all makes and prices, largest and beet stock. Ceil or write tor large list. We ship on approval B. F. Swanson Co., lilt Farnam St, Omaha. VISIBLE typewriters and all other makes, sold or rented anywhere at K to H Biffs prices, allowing rental to apply on price; shipped on approval. Write tor circular. IBS Farnam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Oa. TYPEWRITERS for rent; lowest figure ever quoted; a months, K. Central Type writer Exchange, 1607 Farnam, Doug. SOS. MlaeelUaeaaa, RED RIVER Early Ohio seed potatoes 11.66 per bushel. H. Lincoln, Grocer, cor ner loth, and Leavenworth. Tel. Harney Screen Hardware is needed now, our prices are lower than most dealers. Own them. Come and See. DUNNING HARDWARE COMPANY. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand afes; all sixes and makes: bsrgsins. American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam 8L POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levy, 3610 N. So. Omaha. FOR SALE Two scholarships In the Omaha Commercial college and one la Boyles collsgs. Business office. Omaha Bee. OLD SAFES. DERIOHT, 1811 Farnam St FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline alleys snd accessories; bar fix tures of all klnda; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collander Co, 07-m 8. 10th St. PERSONAL- -DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Olaiileh Pharmacy, lft h and Dodge. YOUNG women coming to Omaba as strangers sro Invited to visit the Young .Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and 8t- Mary's Ave., where tbey will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers aid at the Union station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St.. lor cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 413 and wagons will call. Massage. Rlttcr.house. sen Old Boston Bid. SWEDISH massage for rheumatism, stomach trouble, poor circulation. Kars ten Tnnseth, graduate from Sweden, 401 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Douglas 7199. BATHd, Swedish msesage, vibrator and radiator treatments. Mrs. Snyder, apt. 3, Dunsany. nh and Pierce. Douglas 4330. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, II per box, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Q"aha. Neb. T WCi IV and china painting, firing lcC.OOJ. Bnd Cub order, reasonable. Ruth Ietchtord Studio. Hi 8. 27th. Red ctei Vltsl massage. Anna Fisher. 401 Ware Blk. BABIES boarded. Phone Webster 6430. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew' lug machlneee. Ind. A-H; Douglas ISA NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. lath and Harney Sis. MASSAGE treatment Mrs. Steele. 401 Boyd Theater Bldg., iair entrance on Harney; elevator In lobby; 1 to 1 dally and Sunday. LADIES save 40 per cent PennMl Mil linery Co.. Paxton Blk. JO steps upstairs, Xf A CO A flf Swedish movement. APt. auiuunuij j Farnam. d. m MA ifiP Baths, salt glow, aromatic AOOAUri treatment. Mme. Allen of Chicago. 101 & I7th St.. 1st floor. D. 7M6. VACUUM massages demonstrated by Mrs. Steele. 401 Boyd Theater Bldg. Daily and Sunday. Contractors will do well to investigate our prices before buying, it is money saved. Come and see.. DUNNING HARDWARE COMPANY. POIXTRY A.VD PET STOCK SILKO CHICK FOOD fa tlie best In the market tar young chickens Made from pure (rain. For aaie or ail aeaiers. ... v B," v., b. i , ... - " " i ROFECOMB RHODE ISLAND KF.: EGGS for hatching from trap-nested winter layers. 12 for 16. F S. King. Benson. Neb. Tel. Benson S28W. Guaranteed fertiio eggs. Buff Leghorns, Butt OirtaaTtuos. Carson, tj CalUortua, a Reasonable Time, Jeff Should o 1 ., 1 I i -l i i 1 I I . usee- t I I a r-sel I I - . I POULTRT AND PET STOCK THOROUGHBRED Brown Leghorn eggs and pulleta for sale. Tel. Florence 3u8. SINGLE Comb Black Minorca eggs, utility trapped layers; 12 per IS. It per 30; over 304 satisfied customers lest season; satisfaction guaranteed. Fred Kelni, Seneca. Kan. BARRED Plymouth Rocks, exclusively choice, pure bred stock. Selected eggs, carefully packed. 100 for 14.00; 50 for il 'ji. Satisfaction guaranteed. Adam A. Weir, Clay Center. Neb. Single Comb White Orpington eggs and Barred Rocks. 4730 No. 40th or Web. 5777. WELL bred shepherd dogs. 21 S. 33d. HOSIER PIGEONS Call Harney 5.164. for sale, cheap. BUFF ORPINGTON, first prize win ners, good eggs, 68 per 100; baby chicks Webster S426. WHITE Orpington eggs, fifteen 12.00; fifty. 35.00. Homer pigeons, twenty pair, 110. 3320 Camden, Webster 4141. BARRED Plymouth Rocks; eggs for hatching, II. 35 and 33 for 16; K and tt per 100: send for mailing list. F. C. Ahl quint, Box D., Ames Ave. Station. Phons Florence 101. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock and White Leghorn eggs for hatching, for sale, w easier wis. BUFF ORPINGTON ' far ssttlne: all prise stock. China brown eoose east, and Peking duck eggs. 1614 Ohio. W. 1407. REAL, ESTATH ABSTHACT OF TITLE. Reed Abstract Co.. oldest shstrset nt. flee In Nebraska. 301 Brand els Theater. NEALE as CAMPBELL. 1714 Faraam St. BL1LDKH3' IMrOHMATlU.M. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Co.. 17th end Cuming Bts. Fuchs, Son Blind, painting, decorating. H. Gross, lum. wreok'f, plb. il Paul. ACREAGE FOR SALE. A Free Trip to Nowata, Okl and return If we fall to show you everything aa represented In our literature. Buy land and you'll be wealthy. This advise applies to everyone. It appllee to you. 110 down and IS per month buys a one acre lot In Garden Addition. It will pay for itself with one season's crops. And still more remarkable! It looke good for oil. Purchaser gets H of oil when found. Investigate this. I. N. VOUEL, 401 Kar- baca Blk., Omaha, Neb. CITY FROPKitTV FOR SALR TO BUT, SELL OR RENT, FIRST BBS JOHN W. ROB BINS. U03 FARNAM ST. FOR BALK Eight room modern house; 41st and Lafayette Ave. Easy payments. Call Harnsy 3477. LAKE MANAWA COTTAGE. In first class condition, must be sold at once ae I have chance to lease for sea son; situated on edge of golf links and on shore of lake. Address X 674, care Bee. HOUSE tor sale at 2118 Harney, to be removed at once. Phone Tyler 1311. FOR SALE. Mxl3z feet at the north east corner of 8d and Dewey Ave., at K.SOO. MCUAUC E INVESTMENT CO., 1601 DODGE ST., WILL sacrifice modern home, seven rooms, bath; laundry room In basement: good location on paved street- Owner, 2417 Caldwell Ht. North Side Cottage Owner ts anxious to sell snd will make reasonable proposition on Una 6-room and bath home; front room 11x14, dining roots 12x16, with bay window; large kitchen, with pantry; two bed rooms, with closst space; attic floored anc makes good stor age; house has gas In each room; the woodwork Is In good condition; lot is 45x Me, with good shade trees. See GEOKUK K. WRIGHT. 2617 NO. 15TH. three doors north of Madison Ave., or pnone Web. Benson Vacant Lot Owner oeeda the money and will con- aider any reasonably offer on this south front let on Lucas St. between Clara and Burn ham; It is soxus; not far from car and schools. Can you beat It? Audreys L .2s, Bee. or pnone web. 3660. BARGAINS. East 3118 Franklin, Oxl27, 750. Nr. 17th and St. Mary's, 0xliS, 1.601 West 2NJK Davenport. 33x132, 1,66c. JS nr. Sprague. lfcxltw. 2,0tw 2th and Dewey Ave.. "5x140, 3,ajo Ktn and Webster. 144x109, choice. 5.tJ0. 3414 Cass, 6 rooms. 1.2M. 2636 Charles. I rooms, corner, 1.700. 1613 So, 29th. 7 rooms, modern, 3.50O 1311 Dodge, 22x120 feet. 6.M0. 1 houses near P. O.. 1730 rental, 7.6U0. G0S-I Dewey Ave.. IWiO rental. 8,500. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. FOR SALE My home. 914 So. 33d St., eight rooms modern, terms to suit pur chaser. Price named to parties Interested. Will sell at a bargain. Telephone Doug las 6s. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE for sale at sacrifice, on account of alckneas. Veb. 762, YOUR RENT WILL BUY my new modem rooms and bath. Has aubstantlal bungalow exterior finish, very deep front porch, with heavy rail ing; finish floors are quarter-sawed oak and white maple, polished: large window seat In dining room: large pantry equip ped with drawers and ahelvea; plumbing first-class: complete basement; cemented: laundry and dust tight coal bins. You can select the electric fixtures. Lot 6fxt2K ft. Front walk In. Hedge fence. Some fruit. 1308 CASH. BS.SO PER MONTH. Only block from car. Can see this rain or shine. 13 S. HALCYON AVE., BENSON. PHONE BENSON 175-W. 4 Lewie Corbaley. Owner. 12 NET Double brick bungalow flat, close in. One year old. Rental 172.60 per month. Price 8S.500. JEFF W. BEDFORD t SON. T Brandels Theater. Doug. 327& CHEAP LOT y V of telephone exchange. ..an street. cio to Dig iuaiDFS!t center, a full lot, all Improvements In and paid. For flat, home or small business It Is verv vsluable. Call owner. Webster 2812. 244 PRATT ST., 7-room. all modern bouse, corner lot: large bam. See Vogci, ft.? jxarbach blocs. KKAL ESTATE ! FARM MANC'H I.ANfts Port a ALB Ueergla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed bv tne ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RA1ROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. lews, THE easiest way to Ann" a buyer for your farm la to lnrert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of Iowa. 4&0u0 daily. The Capital Is read by and believed la by the atandpatters of Iowa, who simply refuse to permit any oilier paper In their homes. Mates, 1 cent a word a day: 11.3s per Una per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Des Mollies Capital. Des Moines, la. Kansaa. BARGAINS In farms; write for list. Kansaa Land Co.. Yates Center, Kan. Minnesota. 386 ACRE 8, 4H miles from Benson, Min nesota: 1H0 acres cultivated; 20 acres meadow; drained by river; fine buildings; fenced with woven wire; used as stock farm; 141 acre. Morehart & Atchison. Mankato, Minn. Nebraska. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND. 2S to Ki PER ACRE. We hare for sate over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska a choicest farm land, where the crop yields for 12 years. Including 1910 and 1911, averaga with the best In the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full Information today. Agents wanted every where. FUNDINOSLAND INVESTMENT CO., Sidney. Neb. FARM bargains near Omaha. Possesion. Orln M. Merrill, 1313 City Na. Uk. Bldg. Sarpj Co. 40 Acres NIFTY 40 acres, every foot a farm; choice location, neat Improvements, a) miles out. If you do not want something cnuice ao not tmtner me on tnis. I'ueses slon If taken at once. Price, li,5O0; 13,750 or less caen. ALSO 43 acres, easy terms. Good buy. ORIN . MERRILL CO., Rooms 1213-11 city National Bank Bldg.s Korta Dakota. FINE Improved prairie farm of rH acres, 6W acres under cultivation, near good town In the Devila lake region of North Dakota, the best of soil, near school and good neighbors; price. per acre. Including twelve head of horses, twenty head ot cattle, all farm machinery and half of thla season's crops; terms, half cash; never again such a bargain. Fred Clark, E. Grant St., Minneapolis, Minn. Soath Dakota. SMALL stock ranch and farm, best range in country. Abundance pure water. South Dakota, near Wyoming line. A bar gain. W. V. Starkweather, Clifton. Wyo. Uahlncton. WASIIINGTlrN ORCHARD IANDS. Only 2d Miles East of the Famous WENATC11EE VALLEY. This land surrounds the town of Win chester on the main line of the Great Northern railway: finest apple land In the world. Boil the very best. No ex pense to clear; lays perfect for Irrigation, with wella of Inexhaustible supply. No tract over 1H mile from town. Price range from 390 per acre up. This land set to fruit will produce KYO to 11,000 per acre net. It Is in the finest apple country, where most ot the apples are exported. Climate Ideal: location unexcelled. Write us today for complete circular with full Information. Thla will bear close Investigation. Price la remarkably cheap. D. V. SHOLES, 913 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 45; Ind. A -2049. .41 laeella aeons. GOVERNMENT FARMS FREE. Official 132-page book. "Free Govern ment Land," describes every acre In every county In United States; how se cured free: our psper, "The Home seeker " contains 1912 township, section plats and maps showing exact location; sample copy free. Address The liomc seeker, St. Paul, Minn. REAL ESTATE I4M.VS uJMAilA property and ..uoi.ka i. ITKCUt Kn.Au &STATE CO,, 1816 New Omaha Nafl Bank Bulldlngt. MONEY to loan on ousines or real denes properties, II .Out to iMaxiwO. W. at THOMAS, aa First Nat l itank Bldg. WANIKD-Clty loans and warrants, IV Farnam Sml'h ; Co.. 13a Faroaai at. tit) to llv,ts maue promptly. F. u. Wead. Wead Bldg.. lath and Fareaox. GARVIN BROS. Omaha .Nat l Bans LOA2j Farms ami city property. B. DuDwst tc san. itiul Karnam St. Rot CITY LOANS. BemU-Carlberg Co, ' Sitt-li Brandeis Theaier BiOg. VvAN'lbD City luaijs Peters irust Co. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have customers galore for acreage property around Omaha and So. Omaiim. For quick sale list your property with us st once. O'Neits Real instate and In surance Agency. 1606 Farnam St- Phones 1 y ler ivzt. A-iMi. FOR SALJ4 OR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Good home In Col, rado foi Mock of merrhandise; mignt take other property with good value. Address lork Box U Selbert. Colo. 1 haaa uaava every w nere. if you want 7SUIts call liesr.. 117 Hee Situ. I'. I3u6. Wlf.I. exchange lot for good automobile. Tel. Web. 741. WAXTtStl TO BUT Household gds, clothes & shoes. DS71 B13C0 j Have Gone Home WAXTEIs TO HI V CASH FOR SILVER '.y 2 3d-hAau gouus. Kicsce. !tgl Center D. aaei. WAXTEu SITUATIONS HASHIM: PJrt.claaa. piactl.al nurse H 6610. A-ZS7I Day work. ;. an hour. HarnevKitR BUNDI.E washing-) cVntsTa do ten" rough dry. 23 rents a dos. Web-ler !ls Curtains iaundered. '.Oc up, "GiarTV o."! Family and bundle la.icTry.uaiTTvTMM, CARPENTER "TFpalrTniT a specialty: Harney lulS. CARPENTER, repairing WeliKler 7I1. a specialty. 1f cln.a l.tiin,tt-... l ...... n... . ADY wants day work. Tel. I. 7917. LACE curtain specialty work; guar. Wen. 199f. FAMILY washing or bundle work, day work: house cleaning. Webster 3N. Mrs. Gertrude Gorman rleaniTuirklnds ",n,5!uLr:J.!'.J all eenlng. D. 8732. ""WANTED Day work Phone D. i0JT WA.N'TED-Poslllon In famijy. general housework; desire to go home nights. Webster 6470. WOMAN with child would like piition as housekeeper In smith fiituily. Phone. Wehster 2M. WOMAN, aule support nf four children, wishes tn ito rmiKh dry Hashing, liar nev CRKDITMA.N thoruugiilv cxnerleiicr.1 in wholesale and retail credits; will con sider change. I'ast five years responsible for yearly credits over 130U.OHO. Lock Box tSi. Omaha, Neb. YOUNG lady wants office work. Will start on small wagea. Phone. Web. 3"7. LAUNDRY work taken home. VV. I61T. COLORED lady wants day work. Web ster lt!23. FOR LAUNDRESSES and house clea-i-era. Csll Douglas 111;'.' LIVE ttTOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrliiksge. Your eoneiga stems receive prompt and careful atie tlea. , Mve Itorli Commlealaa llercaaals, Byers Bros tt Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD HHPS.. al4-a KchnBldg. Great West Com. Co.. Omaha It Denver. W, R. SMITH SON Just handle eheea, Clay, Robinon s Co.. 2ui Exchange BidgT Interstate Co. Better results. Soit to us," CLirruN Com Co., ta Kacbangs Bldg, Cog a; Junes Com. C.-., bunch at hiistlera L. E ROBERTS CO.. 329 Exch. Bldg. Farmers L. g. Com. Co.. kicn. mag Mart In Hroa s Co.. am-4 Kxcli. Uidg. TAOQ lilibs. handle cattle. hogaTeiieea," Deposit proceeds of shlpmentT In Stock lards Nst I bank :oly bnk at yards OUAHA, THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS OHA1N CO.. urain in.-n Censignnients solicited. 793 braadels. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATU PRINTING. Bids will he received by the Commis sioner nf Printing at the office of the secretary nf slate at Lincoln, Nebraska, m or before 4 p. m. Saturday, April 37, 1912, for 5.mm copies Keporl of State Board of Agriculture; 6.0W copies Report of Stale Hoard of Horticulture; ,uuu copies Kenort of Stallion lteaiatrittlnn Rnard- also miscellaneous printing and supplies iur in loiiuiving institutions ana de partments: Attorney General. Sunreme Court. Lincoln Asylum, Board of Control for Dependent children. Department of Banking, IVnltenUary, Board of irriga tion. Soldiers' Home, Burkett; Railway Commission; School for Deaf, Adjutant General. Nebraska Industrial Home Stale Auditor. Ortholtedic Hospital. Seciflcatlona for same can be found on file In the office of the secretary of state. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal in amount to the probable crtst of the work bid upon. The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska, April 17. 1912. H. O. THOMAS. Deputy Commissioner of Printing. Al-d-6t STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG-AMERICAN LootiOB Parts Hamburg Kslerrls A V p 30 AS 'VMorls Lulu .. 7 ,','mm.--;'k;i..''to'c,..V...?1' " i win ..ii si it.,ui.nr sTamDnrar-amarleaa -.Ins. 180 West xtaa- . delFs at, Caicago, UL, or looai agent CHICAGO LIIE STOCK MARKET Desaand tor Cattle Hall Hogs Lower sheeg. steady. CHICAGO, April 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2o9 head, market dull and un changed; beeves. SOfctr75: Texas steers. H.7M4.I; weten steers. I5.81r7 10; stockers snd feders. l4.3utiWii5: cows and heifers. tHS4?.x,; calves, M ''r7 6 HOGS-Recelpts. 14.900 head; market fairly actlie and 6c lower than Frldav: light. t7.6ttb;.w: mixed, r.5s(i0: heavy. f7.804il.00; rough, 17 t7 7S; pigs', 11 90s J . ia oi saies. ,.,i,.so. SHKEP-Receipts, l..- head; market steady to atrong: natives. U.tnuhii :a west. ern. R26fr7 09: yearlings, 5 9isii7 2S: native tamos, so.a(a,.se; western. I5 jiir.aj. St. Loots Live stoek Msrket. ST. LOriS. April T'ATTI.r. rtA. celpts, li head, no Texans; maraet steady; native beef steers, 86.6ls841.75; cows and heifers. t2 2r.6T.6i; stockers and feed ers. I3 7&&8.S6; Texas snd Indian steers. 6 60S4.2S: cows and heifer.. U xra', 26 calves In carload lots. I6.0tsb7.25, HOOS-Recelpts. VQ h-ad; market steady; pigs and llrhts. 856cm; ik , . . and butchers. J7.6iflH.orj; good heavy i I7.SP7T4 05. SHEEP AND LAMBS None on sale. Isgar Market. NEW YORK, April it-SrGAR-Kaw, steady; muscovado. 89 test. 3.43c; centrif ugal. 9-i test. 4.1Ie; molasses. S9 test, lc; nflned, q ilet: cruened. 6.90.-; granu- isud flue, .Aa . powdered, II f orrii ma TOt tT-ja-cs OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Betf Cattle ltominally Steady at Friday'" Price. i t I HOGS TEH TO FIFTEEN CENTS OFF Rerrlple rawswally Heavy tor Sat ardey aid Advices frasa F.aetent Markets Are Rearlak Jiheeg. and La tabs Xorsnal. SOUTH OMAHA, April 30, 1II. Recelots were. Cattle. ilna. Sheen Official Monday Mll.1 C trl 4. KM Official Tuesday 5.7.3 IS. 77 ii-t lti. una 11.094 4,h . Oftlcial Wedm-aday... 4.."I2 13 1)41 7.706 6,41s! 4 I ! Oftlcial Friday 6 tstlmate Saturday .... 29 Six days this week . 19.122 .48 17,1.".: Same days Inst week.. U.6V 70.PW 66. 7 Ssme I weeks ago a.C l' 1." Same 1 weeks ago 21.K.2 U.l.i 6,Mi Same 4 weeks ag IP.vi to.lMi m.63'. Same daya last year.. .5u.r7 6.7tW U,W , The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tho year to date ar omi.ared wlili last year! 1912. 1911 Inc. Dec. I Cattle 2;.iv) 3A: StM IloK 1,IS.M9 7;ii:2 a,177 Sheep s;.v. 64J.104 liiW The following table shows tho range of pncea paid for hogs at outb Otnaha far th last lew dava. with comparisons: Dste. 1912. Ill.l9le..lsw'.llisjs.l9ti:.lllsl. April"! I 7 l I llTwi lllil 674 Xi !S April IS, 7 6,ei 6 Sui 9 '.91 u 9l S 42 I 34 April Ml 7 H 92. I (19! 7 tll 6 6I 4ii 4 .IS April H I 5 , 9 lii 6 . 6 iM I 19 April 16 7 V 6 K 9 l ti 6 :. 441 t April In; 7 9 66l u Vi 5 3.1 t 43 I 49 April 171 7 71. 6 0S 10 91 i 4a; I li I 61 April 18! 7 70S llut 111 I 6 621 I I3 61 April 19 1 6 9 I 89j 92i I 301 I 44 April 19, 7 Hl I , I s, ( K, I 3t, I 61 April ill 6 M; awn Kl 6 51 J4, 1 1. 'buuusy. Receipts snd dlsiwsltlon nf live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb. for the twctity-fuur houta ending at ; o clock p. m. llliCEIPTS-CARM. Hogs I 6 4 38 C. M, a St. P Wabash R. R. ... Mo. Pae. Ry Union Ptcliic It. C. ss .N, W'., east C. a N. W.. west. C si. P. M. a, O. C. B. & 14 . east . C. B. ft Q . weet C. R. 1. & P.. eust Illinois Centrsl ... C. G. W. My R.' Total receipts 162 D1SPOSITION-HEA D. Cattle. Hogs Omsha Packing Company l.wii Swirt a Company- l,04u Cudahy Packing Company 4,K Armour or foiupanv 1,4:) Schwarnchlld Suisheigi-r 1,626 Hill at Sun 1 ,,,, Other Buyers 4 Total 6 U,45 CATTLE The week closes with a very Ins.gnlflcant run and practically no beef cattle on aale, prices being nominally ateady with Friday. Receipts for the week, I9.40U head, show a K.iin of about 4.0.O head as compared with the week previous, but a Ioks of nearly 1,000 head aa compared with the corresponding week of last year, y.iality of the strings has been very good as a rule and packers have had little cause for complaint on this score. During the first halt of the week the market was active and strong under a good demand from both dressed beef men and shippers. During the let ter half of the week, ample supplies, bearish reports from eastern beef and cattle marketa and a restricted demand for beef made trade somewhat uneven and tne trend to pr.ces was lower for all but strictly good to choice cattle. As compared with a week ago the beet rat tle are quotable very nearly ateady while medium and common arades have .ul. fered from competition with southwest ern gransara and show a decline of 160 rts isr as gooa came weie eonverned the tone to the trade was strone at the close. Cows and heifers have been in llheral I supply sil week and while they sold at 1 the highest prices of the season during "ii iirsi nan or tne week there was a 2o 4iJ6c decline during the last two or three days and the cloe Is very weak for all out strictly good to choice kinds and yearlings. Veal calves are fully ol)c lower for th week and there has been more n less decline In the market for bulla, stags and rough stock generally. Liberal receipts of stock tattle and feeders have overstocked the market an I with a disappointingly small demand from the munlrv the Itm.iH v.lnu ,.. TJ" .l"w'r- cl0,'n ,""" 'or t. --I ".."ST ..rl, .K. ,..7. T t " r'" down ,h ,r "he Country u" 'he week has ln of only moderate i"oioruons wnn quue a goon many ca tie unsold in yard Iruders' hand mt tn I cIomc. i Wuotations on cattle: tlnnA i.aAu.. I beef ateera i I7-M4J .; fair to good beef I ISerl: kSi' .SS'aU, H' t 4s v4jt7.w, good to choice heifers, Stockers snd feeders. i..,ui..l: commes 1 ts fall stockers and feeders. 84.60i.a: slock heifers, 6. 691-4.69; veal calves. As. 99 .: buns, stags, etc, t4.4vue.s0. HOGS An unusually hesvy supply of hogs for a Saturday, bigether wnn bear ish advlcea from eastern marketa com bined to force prices downward, the mar ruling Mttlic. Hwer than yesterday's aveiage trade. In many quarters the i.buv " - m " " - iiiwsi.y we tower, ine 1 dull, draasv demand hell.lne In a maiM ' to accentuate the decline. Packers bought cautionsly throughout the session .and movement wore along until almost midday, aa none of the .arger buyers apieared to be very anxious to load up this late in the week. Re ceipts amounted to about IO.SUi head, or dinarily enough to meet killing require ments at mid-week. Shippers remained under cover, only a few odd loads of select butcher stock selling on outside account. Beet heavy hogs on sale moved at 17 V li7.75, yesterday tops leading at 17.90. wnue euiK cnai.ge.i nanus at 87.6ot.i Bacon weights usually cleared at 17 50 and I less, ine rau.3 in values amounting to about 50r Compared with a wek ago current prices average ahut 1i&I5c lower, the packing demand proving rather conserve tlve throughout with the supply lance. The net decline noted was scored yestet- Drawn for The Bee day and today, trade on previous duya wavering atx.ut steady leveia. Kepresenittiivs 1 N. A. 8b. fr Ns. At. Sk. Ft, s Ill ... 1 t 71 Ml ... 1 li II Ill ... I st 74 IM . . I It m ss 1 it II til In I e IM ... T 40 41 HI ... til M IM IS II Ul 144 J 4 , II IM ... 7 40 Tl KI M t 66 I li ta 49 t rt in i u II IM SS t 40 II Ul M I 64 M. H IN 41 340 M lg 11 IK 10 I fc i ITS ID 7 H M Ill ... 1 M 71 1 M 7 li Ml Ill US 7 US la 7 tits 71 Ill 1 II 117 ... 7 40 111 It M I 41 71....... l ... 7 SI M " ... I 41 4i Sss N I w M SS ISO 7 46 46 171 ... I M 71 Ml ... 7 IS IM ... t M lit . 1 II It Ill IM t 40 71 lis M 1 u 61 M ... T m H ..1MI 411 7 M M. ...... .Ml ... IS M IM M 7 41 74 IS! ... 7 M , II m M 1 IS M 1U SIS t M I II IM 40 ito M iV Ml 1 M 1 H Ill SO 7 16 HI MS ... 1 10 71, Ml 124 1 46 M J.M Its I H . HI .. I 6 M PI III 1 M Ill 4" 7 15 ft. 39 ... 7 M 71,, Ill SS 7 47 H 11 .134 ... J 41 71 m so 7 T4 Is..... l?t 1 M III ! W i 17. M M 1 M IM IS 41 III IIS I II 101 ... 1 M It IM B IS 71 Ill ... 7 M 71 Ill IM 1 M l! IM IIS 7 M 71 IM M 7 M ! IK SO 7 M II IM ... 7 M 71 514 ... 7 M 77 SU M 7 M 44... .'II M 7 M 4S 141 ... 7 10 14 Ill ... I M M HI M 7 40 II t MS 7 M M ITS ... t 40 204 10 7 V) M Ul ... t m 7! Ul ... 7 M 71 116 ... 7 ttta 14 !-' ... ' M 41 Ill ... 7 U ; 711 IM 7 M M . Itl U 7 46 IK 711 IM 7 M 11 Ml W IS 78.. "I ' M I" KM ... I4J 71 ? 40 7 M M 174 . 1 41 71 Hi 40 7 W II Ml 40 7 41 M ,.11 H IS M It! SO 7 70 1 Ill ... 7 M 4J 117 III 7 J4 77 IM as 7 10 II VI ... 1 IS II til ... 7M 17 HI ... 7 71 0 !tl M 7 10 . HI ... 7 70 II ! 10 7 M 177 ... 1 1 I! 1)1 M I SO M ! ... t 74 7i m ... 7 m na m ... t 4 : .. 7 17U, 41 1:1 ... 7 it . S3 HT -. 7 61 PIGS. 9 141 ... I M BIIEKP-No sheep or lambs ware re ceived today and with the merkat bar ren In all of Ha branches prlcos remained nominally steady. During the week, trade conditions have been generally neutral snd the market has shown no disuses ot consequence. On sll daya the list of values ruled ateady or very nearly so. both sheep and lambs closing In notches Identical with those at laM weeks finish. Dwindling sup plies rserted some bullish Influence upon the detnanad, but an equally strong bearlah argument was afforded In the Poor eond tlon or eastern aressea mut ton trails, so that packers were Inclined to use tautinn In making purchasss. Only at tlmea, when tiirough shipments were ysrded In selling pene, did move ment become actually dull, Inquiry prov Iiik reuaouably active throughout, 1st wooled lambs made up the bulk of offerings and commanded the highest flgurea, beat Mexlcana closing at II 0j. other varletlea sold unevenly from 8H.00 downward. The proortton of ehorn of ferlnga waa very modest, but klllsrs fulled to become enthused because of scarcity and the usual 75c4.jll.09 dlacount prsvstled. Attractive shorn iambs sold up to 17. lu. Very few sheep have been ournlng, but ewes are quotable as high as la.ui snd choice wethers would probsbly sell around 16.60. Feeder demand has been seasonably llgnt. but shearers have fur nished very fair competition for good to choice fat lambs In the fleece, paying as much ss 17 96 fur loppy westerns. Wsuk s buy on country account amounts to shout 6.0UI hesd. Quutsuons on sheep and lanitis: Lambs, good to choice, J,. 44iV0v, lambs, fsir to Kiiod. tl.emul.so; lambs, shorn, H 6071;. 30. 1st shearing lambs. 17 004 7. 6v; yearlings, handy, l;.uj;.M. yearlings, heavy, It iog 7.00: wethers, good to choice, I6164J6.6U, wsthers, fair to good, t6.s6-tK.ltl: ewes, good to rholoe, H.764J.00; awes, fair to good, I6.0tsgs.7t. Kaasaa Illy Lies Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April JO.-Recelpts. 100 nesd, no southerns; market steady; natlvs steers. 88.61ej18.6O; southern steels, IS.irJtr .0; southern cows snd heifers. II COtK.26. native cows snd helieis. I4.6uts.ui; stocs ers snd feeders, H.;tVu7.). bulls, H .tr 660; calves, titiousiju; western steers, Kij8.2a; western cows. Icoou.;!. HDclS-Recelpls. 2.0WI head, market 50 10c lower; buik of sales, !..j-4.. heavy, 17 tfi iM; packets and butrners, li.;t.(t 7.90. lights. r4M7,76; pigs, li..ii;ii;.,6 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Kecelpts, none; market steady: muttons. 8l.2jauLdti: Ismts W WS '; fed wetheia and yearlings, B.iouMO. fed ewes, 3 j04.uu. SI. Joseph Live Stork Market.- ST. JOSEPH, April 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, )w head: market steady; steers, V juuS 'm, rows and heifers, 3 !u.iu, tslves. I.. (O-uI.Oi). HOGS Iliceipls, head; market 3)i.(tc. lower; top, IT v,; bulk of sales, ..(..,.;i. SHEEP AND LA M US N one ; market nominally suady; Untbe. I7.usu6.19. Sleek la Sight. Receipts of live stork at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cut tie. Hogs Sheep. South Omshs 11,100 Ht. Joeeph u Ksnsas City I'M tuts) St. Louts l.UOU 4.IS4J I Chics go 209 II two 1..J0 Totals . 1.430 31.4 Kaaaae Cllr (irala end Provlaloaa. KA.NHAfl CITY. April 20-WHEAT- i, un. s'o 9 hrd ii bji t us v. i . ml"d. JrV'"c- . -WfTIC. No. 2 white, 79t4i90c; No. 1. "wir;te OATS i'nehanged to 19c lower: No. 1 mixed, 6s Vo. N. 1 mixed, 63 'rc Closing prices of lutuns: WHKAT-May. Il.(. July, ll.atti,, September, ,.. t.'OKN-Msy. rsiee; July. Kc; Septem ber, 71Sc- OAls-JuIy. 52c; September. 424c RYE-91j92c. HAY I nchsnged to 82 up: choice tlm othy, $.7.(iij a.ta, choice prslrie, 121.2 BLTTER-Creamery. 31c: firsts, 29c seconds. 27c; packing stock Z2c EGGS Extras, SMsc; firsts. ISHc. .. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu oS.ote) 67 01)0 Corn, bu 5C.0TSJ 66.1110 Oats, bu io,aj h,,m LlTerswol Grsls Market. LIVERPOOL, April WHEAT-8pot, firm; No. t, red western winter. 8s itfd No. 3, Manitobs, nominsl: futures strong March. 8s ld; July. 7a md. October. 7s I'ORS-fipot, steouly: American mixed. I "w- ,o . American mixen. OlO, Is HVjd: American mixed new. kiln dried. jus M: futures steady; May. Cs 7,d; I September, 6s 4Vi. I . " " I Persistent Advertising is the Road to j B1( Returns by "Bud" Fisher GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 1 " Strong Cash Action ii Feature of Wheat Trade. .7' CORN BUYING IS SUBPBISINO - Sltaatloa Is Not So I'rment "s It . Was a Fetv Weeks Ago, aa the "'J nrsrrvrs Are Now Freely ." Offered. OMAHA. April 28 19U. The feature of the wheat msrket todsr ' ss the strong action of the cash trade....! Futures were carried shsrply higher.. nuking new hlgli points for the crop. ,.. year. '" " Crop advices ars coming In surprisingly" " bsd and the rstctit of damage Is spresd--' Ing to the west, where prospects hava.-.-been of thn best. TheiM are no features opposing the bull operations, and should ' the public take to buying the futures - -fearing a crop calamity prices could still advance. The buying force behind the corn Is surprising at such prices, but Is due per haps to tho strength In wheat. The cash ' situation, however. Is not so urgent as " it was a few tveeks ago, as fsrm reserves " aro being freely offered. With fins weather ta aid In preparations for tho " new crop the sentiment will be mors -bearish. ... Wheat values mauc sensational ad- vatices totluy on buying resulting from ralnmlty crop reports and a sharn ad vance In cash wheat, which sold 1c hlghur touay. The corn market was supported by bul'g ... on the strength In wheat, but the general situation lacka the bulllah snap shown a -week ago. Cash corn waa ttc higher la l'4c lower. 1'rliiisry wheat receipts were 284,000 hu. and shipments were 29.0uu bu , agalnag tecelpta last year of 4JJ,otlu bu, and ship niiiiis ot bu. Primary corn receipts were 357.000 bu. and shipments were 4t.U bu.. agalaat re ceipts isst year of 429.UM bu. and ship ments ot 439,090 ou. Clearances were none of corn, 30,008 bu. of on is and wheat and flour equal to 147.0W bu. The following oasn sales were reported: Wheat-No. 1 hard, I cars. l.Uu No. I hard, 1 car. II. lu, I car, tl.vs; 1 car, tW.. , No. 4 hard. 1 car. 1.9tt4 Corn-No. white. 1 car, 78c. No. J white, 1 car, 77c; '. 1 car. 'iS'tc No. S yellow,, 1 cars, 7i;tc; No. I yellow, 3 cars, n.u; 4 cars. Tie; I", cars, 76ic; 1 car. 7eltc; J cars, 78c No. 4 yellow, 1 car. 73'tc. No. 1 mixed, 1 car. tic. No. I mixed, 1 car. Ssc; 8 oars, 76Vi i cars, 76c, No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 78!c; 1 ' car, Ttc, 4 care, 73c; t cars, 78c. No grade. 3 cars, eelrt-s 1 cars, Uc; 1 car, llo. oats standard. 1 car, 6t.)c. No. I white, -, 8 tars, w.:,o, i car, Wise. No. i yellow, 1 .'. cat, Use. . ,- Oasaaa Cask Prices. .' WHEAT No. i hart, 1.06jl.U; No. I . bard. Ilirt'itiLW; No. 4 hard, IUC.Gl.tle, , CORN No, 1 white. isw.'s'.J; No. 1 white, itl'sti;7c; No. 4 white, 7,vu74c; No. 1 yellow, 7.4.c; No. I lellow, 7ii8i;sc; No. . . yellow. 7i-,vWc; No. 3, 7!o; No. 3. 7 .6tc; No. 4. ilivO.a'w: no srade. towns - OATSNo. I white, 58er.7c; standard, 68VrS;4e; No. 1 wnlts, 6u(fbW:; No. " white, win t) tc ; No. I yellow. 6ta8Vtci No. 4 ysllow, 63VWl6iic. BARLEY Mslting, 11.031.33; No. X-i feed, HOtiWc; heavier feed, WJcUlLOe. - -" RYS-No, Wjltao; No. 1. nttlM. 'J Cartwl Receipts. - WhilL Pnrn. Clata 7 Chicago li M 91 Minneapolis 118 ' Omsha 19 89 n ' uuiuin xj t. St. Lasts tie a era I Market. ST. LOL'18. Anrll . WHEAT r..h. J ? higher; track. No. 1 red. I1.1MH1.19: . 3 hard. Il.l-'til.ls. COKN-lwer; track. No. a, Mc: No. 1 . white, IBliMc. 'f OATS-Lower: track. No. X. STltc: No. 9 while, 18c. . Closing prices of futures: " ViHEAT-Hlalier. May. 11.14U: Jolv IIOSH- ,i ctiitn-weak: May. lie; July, tie. OATS Lower; May, S7c; July. 64c. . T F1L'R 6'lrm: red wlniee ruitnia 4. st -V 63u; extra fancy and straights. U.Im ' 4.a6; hard winter clears. U.tbii 4.00. r" SEfcl-Tlmothy. Sv.uu. ; J CORNMtAL-3.t. BRAN Scaice: sacked asst irak ti zr- ' Ct 40. HAr-strong: timothy. 3S7.006MI no: nrai. He. I22.B2.U0. ,. PROVISIONS Pork. nnchansed: 4nh- blng. Ilsiu. Ijird, unchanged, prima-' rteam. 6.9l4i MVoa. Drv ault n,a.- . changed; boxed, extra shorts. Ill.OU; clear ribs. 111.00: short clears, II Lit. Bacon. unchanged: boxed, extra snorts illui- - c.ear ribs, 112.09; short clears, 112.25. nn Lini-uun, cnickens, UHcr-' springs, lac: turkeys, lie: ducks li, i - geese. 6c. . - Bt TTfcK Firm; creamery. 27fi31c LUGS-Weak. lac. Receints. fihlnmanla Flour, bbls 6.900 57.000 v heat, bu s ow is ,u Corn, bu He on ai .sn oats, bu jsj.ouo 24.IMI - Mlaaeapolla lira la Market. I MINNEAPOLIS. Anrll 30.-WHKAT-. May. LlHs; July. 11.12S; September. il.tb:t. Cash: No. 1 hard. !1.14s; No. I northern. I1.I3S: No. 1 nortners. 1L11S: No. 3 wheat. 11.09. FLAX-t2.15ttft2.l8l,. BARLEY 70c till. 39. - CORN-No. I yellow, sji4jc OATS-No. 1 white. 66 S arte. RYE No. 2. is 1 91 Vic. BRAN In WO-ln. sacks, 124 OdejM.sO. FLfll'R First patents. tS.IOSu.49; sec. -ond patents. tl.Tofee.o: first clears, t39tf 3.96; eevond clears. t2.4tj2.89. , W 1 Market. ST. ions, April 28-WOOL-Stesdv: territory and western medium, lag He line mediums, lift 17c: fine. KsJjlSc. ' 17e Will Buy MARCONI WIRE LESS STOCK Wire as number of shares and lowest price you will accept. Dudley A. TYNS COMPANY 100a Sost aalls snreei. Chloac-o, mtaela, i j