, ....... :. THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. APRIL 22. 1912. Desperate Desmond: "'Claude Kicks the Villain's Hat, but That's All By Hershfield the Satisfaction He Gets. -4 . II. . .11 ! M I II I II I II I I II . i CLAUDE FKTS 1 Z?. MV C "W '7vW HERO' JSSTAf -T 5r TWE i I Vfar I PASSreRT-J frAS5P0RTSKI. PAcV- Rf XwO ik AWO I VIUAW D6SMOND. i -tTeJO AT VS si),, VWf STl 7 sirw lcZ$ 1 . LEAVE , if KtEP rtffi-A V J -gUJ- (.. I.-TO THE KINO. Claud Eclairs and Desperate Deemon are both la the powetful grasp of Ilia pugilist who is Instructing the Russian in boxiui;. They art- being taken to th ring, where they will have to put on boxing glove and spar for the amuse ment or tin- biutal auiiirnoe. Rosamond accompsnlei the party, confident that her Claude v.ll! give Desmond a thrash-Ini WANT ADS Want ads received st any tune but to Insure proper rlsasiriraiioa must be presented before lit o clock im. (or tits evening edition sod before 7:3 i. sn. (or morning and Sunday etlB urns, nam aus recciveu anus uvi noun nui nar uieir nrer. rwuwi under tUe beailiug "Itm Late to Classify." CASH HATES FOIt WANT ADS." KKOILAR CLASSIFICATION On Insertion 1 H rest per wurd and 1 cent per word (or each subsequent consecutive Insertion, Lai-to mer tics made en odd day m-csnt per word; (1.50 per liue r month uliea ad Is run without iiinn-u u( i -r CNIJEltT.UiEnS. ANT1-TKUUT UNUKK'IAKEH Caakats H trust price. Phun II. T. KraM Co. lis or sMUL and uv inouty. AMI K EM K XT 14th aaa LiouKlsa. Motion plstora maehlna and film bargains. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN , LNUr.il TAKKIt mtttlmr. Kll Chicago m. D. B-IU. The "Wash Word' of . the Home Household washings by the piers or pound. Clean, sanitary. No sour or soapy odor. ' Kimbali Laundry BUtV. WAUOKB. Doug. t;: Ind. A-J1J. Utl JacKson. ti. CO.NTKN1U ttAbAMA Cm AM. Uox M, prspaid, 1tU try half dusen; It not astiKlae'ttiry money refunded. itA TOK DHUO CO., IM rarnam. Omaha. Alfred C. Kennedy, SzW. nee. sag First War, Bk. Hldg. Doug, la. T11E TEKNA SUOPjcJg Dinner Favors. Laather, Urasa, Olasa and Silver Novelties, stationery, Muskets. Dull Popular prices. Omaha a exclusive gift store. 1KB rsrnsm. Phone i em EAT KOSiltK lioMK COOKINil. A R KTN 8. illl t). UTH. l.'PHTAIKH. PET your uiamonds at Urods -aura's. F C OfFKRMAN. bath tubs, ticsfc NORTHRUP Lt'lttK DUPLICATING CO.. tut Paxton um , circular letura. any e.uanuty; oldest astaUUhed conumnyi x perta of Mjttigraph and Keoatyte. d. a). Momit. eiMtw paint. MrnUcis Th OMAHA TsiNT CO. Tsl. m Uouglsa asevenson, carpenter, eont. Hot a pnensa. CiftoUverlag. piano fuin. rvp. axM 'r, HAVcJ lavlt clean your wall paper. D. 41, j. A-o.1. i nva in t'muna PARALYZED U VEABS For l.llt Sukauriptlon. TO The Lddlea' Horns Journal. ...... .Sd The Mturday fcrsnln Post. l.io The Country Oeatlcmun I j Tha publUher will deposit e.O0 is trust for some pubila charity, the In terest at which w.U bring m JU s month (of Ufa. Must hsv lis In April or IDs g,ttt prise la lost. Your renewals couut. Hush them la. Phone louglas liu. firiRIHlNi THK MAOAiU.Ng MAM. FR slattissas rsuuvatsa Cuming. P. HIT. oths mil Poauiuj Co, uii liar. U. . CAKLJARL tSJt! DOt'Olei Printing Co. Tel. Doug t. I. Outrun. i tntr.. u Franser Bia. MONEYi tAIA.N Wi rate, la sums U tult. tm be Bids. lbonA Hou arniL UNION LOAN CO. HAZtL LklAV PiUti CONa-ilut remeoy tor Itciung. bleeding or uroiru;, ing piles. Wo postpaid j sample tree, Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Wedding Announcements. Doug. Pig. GLAZING CARPENTER WORK . AND KfcPAlKS. A. C. LesJsrd. Tylti-b;t. KM Lsav. HP KO vfc ellbnlienn" IT 18 A BKAUTLT eUiAMK Ve iki candy from babies, but it is a nap to buy Diamonds, Welches and Jewstry at r'red Brooegaard A Co. greet sataide removjl sJi during April. . ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron snj wlrs fences cheaper tha wood, last a lifetime. X'. -N. 7th. Pho Bed H4. e. H. Cole eujn cs. U. s.aa. ui t arosa. Twenty per cent leas than OnialiepnuiaT HOBaJ FUhAITUKS COk, Twenty-iextm and 1. gts Soviis Orsas. Nea, Seed L L8 sons. Both pouea. bllk: plaxs :We.-'"4. BJ, tu. Red MMi Oaarantee laundry. Fine worn. i. xt;i. Mil, clatoy Clothes see Jackson, the HOL'stHOLU linen. S placea fus c. m for it Carey Laundry. Web. But, A-l. ML'sMC teachers wanted In al towns ts act aa secretaries', write as for liberal and knowledge proposition. Otrtce L'U versai School of Music, 11 Pa Hon Blk. OKFERMAN J"" mechanical Off XAJiai san. i carioaa of bathtubs, It.&S. Ill Douglas Bu Ante bun ps. radlater repd.. slating all kind. Neb. PI. Co, 1111 rioward. D. S',u. A Li to lamps retMStrsal. Omaita He Cs TIRE REPAIRING ta-es. Bisk them almost as good as new. Kothing but highest priced and new material used. All wore guaranteed. Arthur Biers Auto Supply Co, am Fsr- II-TOSSINQ IN HI8 CASTOR. To show hi suprem contempt tor' Clsude Eclairs, our peerless hero, th scoundrel Desmond, at ha approach the scene of battle, toasea hi hat Into the ring. It la an old customer (or a challenger to hy hla castor Into tha hng. and perhaps you remember how It was followed by our own Theodora Roosevelt. Anyway, the villain' Hunt brlnf ap plause from the crowd. , AVTOMOUILEj , Murphy Didlt! DKUMMOND Auto rte.i. raoaei ,v, .r ,! and eonimet jsj tmcaa. uth and liaraey. PFE1FFKK Csrrlag Work. Auto re- pelts, yttt and Lecvenworth. Doug, aci Why not seu your etd auioutoUle aug buy a ntw one or, maybe, you eea as ts aiuiiey ii som otAer sy-in either event. Be ant ails will do' the work. Bates I cents tr word M su only one Blue or t es per word If rjn two er mere times cenaecuUveijr- Tour T1HB EXPENHB cut In twu. hxpert tiro repairlnv work guaranteed. At'iu TIKIl llr.P,..it eU, lltj raioaiu. Garage Buildings Bunt to mm,. WooU ur lirvi'toi.. steel. We match your homo and erect complete garae, ail aises, types snu prices. Blue prints and siwclfKatlon on request. kii Kiasu-iiii sen to., um Brsudeis ih tr. IIAV1NU discontinued bsndling AUTO MoBIIJbti, we oiler uur remaining stock cunatstiiig of three high grade Firestone touring car at bargain prices. Uacmur eattiey Co.. win and Jones Bis. Aletecvswlvs. Motoreyelejwalrlng st cost. Doug. Mai. UeED motorcycles, bicycle at bargain prices. V. H. Boo, Iiu Luvouworto. BECON D HAND AUTOMOBILES RRXT 1 rare;, guaranteed; all msite. Bee me nrt; low prices. MeCormsc. H U. IWh. Tel. Har. am FOR HALB-At a baraaln. a urn White Steamer automobile, passenger; In first 0sss condition. Address W. ti. Awoa. Hnellon. Neb. A BAHUA1N-I have s tin Victoria Elsrtrtc In splendid condition. Reason for Selling seme, have tour lu lamllv. have oougni larger car. Extras fur ear, chains, storm front, Iniiertube and cyclometer, cost l.iSo.l. lnnertube, It ul; chains, iii.tx); troiu, su.ev; oycionieter. iiti.w, su-isi; will esq at once fur l.jo.iM. Call Douglas fc. IlLhJ.VtBB CUANCKS. - ' To get In or out ot business call oa OANUKSTAU, Bee Blag. Tel. D. UJ1. FOR HA LB -On of the very best ten crsl merchandise businesses In the state of coiomue, esrryhic groceries, haruwsre. .iiurfc u 1 1 iwwi anu lui nieiiiiiaa niaaia. firm Implements, grain, tent, elc; this pusiness is l nr most 'oonventent (lore to a l.'.OD Irrigation project now nearlng eompletlen anu the business her offered cannot help but make money whan nrou rty handled; owner has other business sua want to dispose or It uulck; II you want to go Into business, with a good established trsde and a good stock, and have the money to buy, answer this, or might consider one-hall In good eastern land: the whole will Invoice about at.W to lo,oe; but don't answer unless you mean business. Address Lock Box 221, NterllDg, Colo. KUth'T -CLASS stock of hardware for aale; will Jump or Invoice for cash; In voice about (u.viQ; northwest lows. Ad- drena T SO. re re Bee. i Ed Kolhery, Business and Real Estat Exchange Co. Room )t. MeCaeuo Bldg. DUNXINO HARDWARE COMPANY are offering the Meu re markable low values on there line of Safety Razors of well know makes. Call early for best selections. TO BL'Y. lease or sell theaters, new er second hand machine, repair end repair in. Wr'te Theater Exchange Co, lets rsrnsm wt.. uoug. iisr. FOR BA LB The Franklin Marine lie. tur theater, one of the best paying thea ter In Omaha. Will stand Investigation, F. E. Goff. 17 Frsnkila St. Burns. Brinker a Co.. Omaha Natl Bank H.it.. mortgages for Investment. Proritsbls business building, lays in beet Iocs Hon ot mala (treat, with fifty feet front. ranee. I am a shoemaker and willing to "en mis ousinee oecsus of ek-knee. Osear Post! ner, Coleridge, Neb. r. wr . 1 fur the v,aie wanted " ..i... . .. rooms and no laciinres tirr leening our guest. Wm Fisher, Mgr.. Hth and Howard? Mevlgases (or lale. FOR "SALF.-Ollt edge first mortgagra on new dwellings occupied by the owner In denomination of W.0 and fcM. run am I and s years at and per cent Interest. AMERICAN SECTRITT COMPANY So. 17th St.. Between rarnam and larney, e.roune r looe. Bee Want Ads Produce R suit. HI 81 r 88 I'KRSOXAIA atteraege. Llrtow U Pslt Lewyer. 54T Brse, Bids. " q W. Bhielda. Aturnet. Mm TrsdeT Ban- Maeareetareew, BFMIg OMAHA BAO CO Omshs. Be. u aad rsesusaj JaVuasaeisrews, v'sodee Box a Packets Co.. U14 N. trts. Lhsswawwesu. rt. ROT. Bat Farnans. Destrle W. t. lata las slstesUaiessrers. ei'ser ideal dress shirts, at K. ftmlu Ce. Cere lea eusel I Cetusne. CARTER ffhest Metal Wor. Omaha. Cswassesise. asalriee aaS ssnptiea. Fstrmewt' DlaJeea ewtter. Always goed. DAVU) COLE CREaB V.ftt COM PaK 17 Bailey, the den rise City Baft D. tMa as Maes, sd noor Paxtoa. 1. see. Salt's dcatal rootps. Ui3 Deux, O tlsV III-KICKINO IT OUT. It I but the work ot moment for tha handsome athlete, Claude Eclairs, to vault lightly over tha rope and with ft well directed kick send the villaln't hat rplnnlng through tha air. It Is Claude's defiance, and It creates Mensation among the crowd, all tha spectators cheering his mad act. They expect to see a bitter encounter between the two men, and they holler for action. B181XKS8 PERNONAI IMMCUlCk NEBRASKA Detective Agency, the only bonded agency In Nebraska. All Inter view . and correspondence confidential Sit Brown Block. Prion Douglas SOTO. JAMBS' ALLAN-Msvlll Blk Evidence secuied in ail case, lyier 113S. L. W. LONONBCKER, S17 Karbaeh Blk. "prssbs seerst aerv, iM Paxtoa blk. O.Ult UreaeMaklas. Terry Drttsraaktng eotlege tnh Far. DKESHMAKINO by day. Webster El. PLAIN sewing, reasonable. lUrnsy IM. I Dressmaking by day. Phone Doug. Dressmaking lauslil nlgtils. git N. Slh. D. 31J. I'ltKHSMAKIMJ. KB Rsrnsm. D USA. ril'RINU April only w win make young ladle' plain tailored sulls for II V Lup ton. ladles' Tailoring, tit Neville. Urwsssst. DRUG st out price: freight paid oa tit orders; eaulofu fie, fchermaa a HcConnsll prug o.. Oteahs. Neb. siseryintsiK alieeirleal. Electne lighting fix., wholesale anU retalV Burgssa-Oiwnden Co.. Ull Hi.w.rd. t-q. Santo Vacuum Cleaner. tt.Tt day. W.HHti. airerytktaa siiieeutesa. ST A?! CARD LLECTR1C CO.. Telephone Doug. aVU. HI South Uth ai kiUvV Ahlv F. ov.rit.ll Hi. 2d Hand Electrio Apparatus and repairs. Le Bran, tit a. Uth St lbiaiMj tr Wusaes. Willow plume mads from your oM sad ew testhers. reaeunable. 1J a. U. U He Dr. Babuock Co.. mi Wlthssll. Is j Her. Nubone Tailored Corsets. Guaisntsed not to rust or oreak. Nu Bone Cornet Shop, m Neville Bk, U. ti;. CARPETS aad rug cleaned on floor without imiovei, f re. estimates. Tbeldsal Ajr Cjsanlng Ce. l'Sn. Uon. 7 and lale. tlRti'.UM iUkiIS k.,...l'- rn - ' ' i .p - ..'....Mi vvveiru, all ! and sty lee. THK ibUAL, P1.SUT INU CO.. w Douglas Blook. Beth phones. Beeei Mlite aad riteeee. feed, all kinds. Oiencoo Mill. 3M Isard. ' i :, , FUelsla. 1 A.Henajrhu. lew Far, p. 191. A-10W. Hi.8. ai"swuMOUA. Ufa rarnam St t. IlbNUIi,KnHji.. tola rarnam. U. BBANUaiis tuiKlai, Bandsls Biog. BATB s FLOKiSia, Boya iheaier Bid. skNNH'l a put Uewers, Doug. Ui. T. ireuadrlee. McDonald bras srai oronxs foundry, sls- m...-."- waa afcaaisws, MUf 4 , Muss, sts aaa Laasaaapr. . Violin lesson: Wm. L, Pstton, Web. t FlanO Tuning C- H Thatcher, Piano aiming ttp q, HTi-b. Mi. . Mot las, storage .ad llcaelaal. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Ce.-Uovlng furniture, packing, fireproof storsge. City efflee. Il a lith. Doug. SM. Ind. B-IN. FKltRIN Van a 8torsg. Tyler VM. B-I7. Furs, moving; 1 men. U per hr. W. I74S Bareerlee sad seeds. Fruit Trees SbfttU trtva. 4-hruba 0nrAl mtrwj tKUCaU mOIIB BVnitOet bMI. (viTisTsria NurMry, M. P. bYRD . NURSERY CO. We will be st the same old stand, lata aad Douglas Sis. CallD eng. tM: let u help you plan your grounds tree of charge. GATE Cltv Nursery, sll kinds of fine nursery stock displayed st feet Daren port. Day phone Douglas Meu. Evening phone Harney 3MS. 1. H. Marnette. Mgr. FOR SALE Choice asDsraaus D'anta. i year old (half price). Delivered by mail, in-. Actor ess no Best arm, Kremlis, Wis. ni-.w AH i e. SKKimt'N. lis N. ItTat HaEEL DELL NURSERY. J. W. DAT, Oenersl Hue nursery stock, atlh and meaner, ruon wen. xia otlelaae M F Warn, fitting ana rep'g. 4H Besadeia OasevsaAliy. AlVee Johnson, pan Brandels TI-- Bldg. Ketaeryn ..icaeias. ail a arandasa Tnaatsr Palate aaa Ulaae. TOU r invited to com la and set color cards and talk ever your painting and decorating, complete line boerwla- wiliuuns paints aad vernlsnes. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Wv. Fames. Does, .eat Paseatea P o. Psrnell. Paxtoa Blk. Tel Red Tut, Wlliard Eddy, uaicit Nsl. Mana sum.' paeeasveagMaese. Pllaehart. phetegeaera. Mth 4 Pxnsaav Pie ties. OMAHA B1LVFB CO at S. Uth. Plaasaen. L. T. VALKENBERU. plumblrut. nr. pa. sialUaa Lew W.Raber. Printer. 2-,,aa BEE BLDO. ENTBANCB OX COCBT. Rlee-Usli Pts. Ce. ha 111 la a liT 1 .1 "i1 rrtrsir. Daivnun rs ywur worm. Mil Dnuglsa St. TL IX sTte, Lrurstart i ruiurur c .. ims sad Capital Ave. Tot lad. A-Mas tor geed mating. Sia aMa, 'I a-esansatsa. NEBRASKA and lews Steel Tana Ct gmwe. ta,a mum nwootas, u. steaeerraaaera aad Ceari teprtcre. Myrtle A. KePey. m Brsa. The, fx sea Trnake aad east laae. nwtta steiai, mm wtnam H. " IV THE PASSPORT. Imagine the chagrin of Desmond when he remember that he has left his precious passport In tha lining ot nil hat. Claude's vigorous kick has dislodged the pape: and It Is now (lying through the sir. Without a passport the villain will be greatly handicapped In his journeys through Russia, where the authorities are so strict. But It la too late now to do anything. Bl'BIVESS PERSONALS faUarlas. T T It Ladles tailor: Ullorad jL JUlcIL tuU and fancy gowna. -w -.VA iioon,, 4, j, s. Wsad Bidg. Tents and Awalass, OMAHA TENT CO. "Tel. m Douglas, Key to ths Situation Be Advertising, Wine and Llejavrs. WllXOrr springs tseer, tMuor, cigars, wndwlche. Alex Jetea. M-t A litn. Su EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT-SCHOOL ' ALL THE YEAR Complete course In Business, Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. Th catalogue ts frse for the asking. Call, writ or 'phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boy lee. President. Boyle College, Omaha, Neb. UTOHlBa. 1st to Jth grade. H. Met, HELP WANTKDEALE " ' Hoserkeepers and Domestics. THR SKRVANT OIRL ' PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee win rua your Domes. tie Help Wsnted Ad FREB until you get the desired result. Bring your ad to Ihe Be office or telephone Tyler WOO WANTED A woman for general house work on Nebraska tanch. sirs. H. M. Ter rill, Brownies, Neb. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework, small family, no washing, wagea 7. Mrs. Frank Wilhelnt, vii Harney, rtarney tel. vt'ANTEO A competent girl for Ki-n-rsl housework. illJ s. etfth Ave. Phone Harney Wt WANTED At one, a middle-aged lady for general housework; must be good worker; wages, fl. Mr. T. i. Foley, Ms 8. JSth St. WANTED A girl tor general house work: small family; no washing. M So. jJth St. Phone Hamey tlst WANTED A woman to wash on Mon days. 77 N. Plh Ava WANTBD-A goed girl tor general housework for summer In the country; must be good cook. Phone Douglas VM. WANTED Olrl for Irene rai housework. two la family i good wagea a Dodge St. WANTED Aa exuerlenced nurse for child: references reuulred. Mr. W. J. Coad, M So. 17th St. Phon Harney HIM. WANTEDA airl for general huuse- worh: small house; small family. 3t N. KOtli St. Phone W. lost WANTED Oood girl tor general house work, with or without washing; no cook ing; ho ues cleaning done; good home to right party. Tel. Hartley . WANTED An exuerlenced housemaid; Mr. Thomas Kllpstrtck. Hsreey IUV WANTED A alrl for general work. F. A. Brogan. 13t) S. Kth 'Phone Harney aril. WANTED White girl to cook snd do general housework; no washing. Apply northeast corner Chicago snd ath ftts. WANTED A good girl to assist with general housework, good place for right Party. 1014 No. aKh St., south Oman. Phone South HMD. WANTKD-Olrl or woman to do gen eral housework by day or week. Oood wagea; 3tJt Davenport. , OOOD girl to assist with general house work on farm. Florence 140. Mlecellaaeeae. TO UNO women comng to Omaha a traugrr are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at St. Marys Ave., and Uth St.. whr they we til be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor ear travelers guide at the Union atatloa. HELP WANTED MALE Aceaia, Salesasca aad Solicitors. RELIABLE talesman able to give reference can obtain opportunity to con nect with new concern ot reputation. For particulars phon Dougla Hti. WANTED Saleaman. specialty grocery line, In esubUahed prime Nebraska terri tory. Experienced man reoulred. Ad dress T a. Be. . IF YOU WANT TO JUARN $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 a Year selling th highest grade of best adver tised fruit land in the world. 1 can tell you how to do It. Unquestioned financial responsibility, vigorous co-opeiation from the general office and a proposition to inai is ciesn ana Honest all the way through, make this an escentlonai enrjur- (.unity, for you to establish yourself la a paying Business in Omaha and vi cinity. Individual members of our selling J0 sre earning as high aa giJ to KU.X a year, doing Just th came klsd of wora you can do if you are a live wire and able to get business from high grade people. We have no use for advance graDbers or rounders. This is an oppor tunity for real salesmen snd pays ac cordingly. FRANCIS B. ODELL. SUER1NTEND OF AGENCIES. MS Fl RT NA- tional Bank bldo., Chicago, ill. ANTED Experienced salesman to handle attractive fruit land acreage pro position. Big money tor right man. Otve references nnd address V J: ear ot Bee. AGENTS can make ti dally selling near book, "Titanic Steamship Disaster.'' told by survivors, euttlt free; lee for mailing. International Bible House, Dept P. Pull, sdelpkls. MANAGER for Sooth Deaole aaita mail Investment. New, up-to-date arti cle; no competition: big money for right ntaa; raiersocos exchanged. Address 7l Bee. V A.N I .. A man In aoildt aohatf-eiiw Hons for Th Twentieth Century Farmer. salary su a wees. AOOres Circulation Manaaer, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Xeb. AOCNTS Ocean'a Oreataat Traeeriv- glgantlc steamahi Titanic goes to the voiieni en ner maiden trip: multimil lionaire, authors, atatesmaei and Imml. graats shire the seme sratery grave Otir grant ook, profusely Ulust rated, will tell all the thrilling torr with penoeial account of heroic self-sacrifice, marvel ou escapes and terrible suffer! tur. Be flrt In the flid snd reap a golden har vest. Liberal eommiaalaai. Peeiaeeeaua nna ready. Outfit fres. Send tOc to cover t 7' seauimg. Tne Thompooa Fun. CO, St. Loul. Mcv HELP WANTED MALE Ageata, haleesavs and Solicitors. ' WANTED. By an old line eastern company, two good men who can write life insurance; either commission or salary and commis sion. Otve experience If any and with what company. Address J Mi. Bee. Clerical aad Office. FULL dress suits snd party dresses for sale: also tor rant. 11.00 to 1 .64 a mglit. JOHN FELDMAN. N. 17th. IX 3121 Factory aad Trade. Drug store (snap! Jobs. Knlnst, Bee Bldg. Our Extremely low values in bargains on Builders Hardware are being taken up rap idly. DUNNING HARDWARE COMPANY, 1612 Harney St. Miscellaneous. TELEORAPII positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gain your training m our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boyles. Pres. Boyles College. Omnha. Neb. STOP, READ!! Get Into a paying irnifualM Learn automobile engineering In our lariie training shop. Hundreds of successful graduates. Complete equipment of auto mobiles snd machinery. Address National Auto Training Ass n. C23 Brandels Thea ter Bldg., Omaha. Neb. TOU are wanted for government lob. WO.OO month. Send postal for list of po sition open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 21s O. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Old Truety Incubator. Write for free catalogue. M. M. Johnson. Clay Center. Neb. UO Al'TO SCHOOL. OMAHA. . J. O.CARA.VTEED BEST IN WEST. WRITE FOR PROOF. HJ MEN to 40 years old wanted at once lor electric railway motormen and conductors; Is to fin) a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address y-rt care of Bee. VVANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y Able bodied unmarried men between the ages of U and 35; cltlsens of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer. Uth and Douglaa Sta., Omaha, Neb.: HOT 4th St. Sioux City. la: N. 191h St., Lincoln. Neb. V ANTED Men to learn the barber trade; few weeks complete; corns now; finish at busiest season: we contr.il minv excellent position": train barbers on lalacs cars, lake and ocean liners elnha and office buildings: thousands of gradu ate (ending for barber; our diplomas recognised everywhere: 3 branches; established M93; tools given: wages while learning; aee our orrer; city or country applicants: call or write, Moler Barber college. !I0 8. 14th St. S70 MONTHLY for man to miiui. branch office, eastern Nebraska; small Investment for fixtures. Address Capital Collection Co.. Des Moines, la. LIVE STtCK FOR SALE Hureea aad Vehicles. REECE'S "a"1- horses snd farm wagon horsvs to let bv the dav. 25J1 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 113. HOKSFS l' y da r 'eek. Sher- UUIIOIAJ msn'a barn 9.th anrf flaeW Horses snd maras bouxht and Sold. Blsck mare, wt 1.40D. Wagner. ul N. 16. HORSKS inare and work harness UUllOLO bounht and sold. 917 N. Harnee of all kinds, the laraeat stoclc la th city, at attractive prices. Johnson. Danforth Co. S. W. Cor. Wth and Jones. HKAVY draft horse for BSle: aa our season ts nearly over, will sell a few of our tla teams.- See them at loth and Marry. Havens-White Coal Co.. I7iu Farnam. HORSES and cows. Wlj Cuming St. NEARLY new. fn!e toD buar&v and single harness; sll in good condition. Wehater 8275. FOR SALE? BusTa v. flrst-clasa condi tion, only slightly used. Harney 4382. THREE mare and one gelding, weight from 1,10V to 1,VU, one city broke Jrtiln horse. Coal office, 3Mh and Lake. Web ster MSI. i HORSE LMu, spring wsgon, harness, ov. Ul B Hat. Cail H. 1561. IF you want pasture call Harney 1IC7. FAMILY surry. rubber tires, for sale or traae. tid and center Ms. FOR 8AI.E Buggy, only slightly used. Harney 43K. HKAV1 aratt horses (or sale; as our season is nearly over, will sell taw of our tine teams. See them at 16th and Marcy. Havens-White Coal Co., 1710 Farnam. LOST A.D FOUM PERSONS having losa sums article would do well to cail up in office of the Omaha eV Council Bluit Ktreei icsliaa company to ascertain whether iney leil la Una street ears Many articles each day are turn-.! la snd the company is anxious to J as tars them ie th rigulfui owner. Call Doug, lea v OMAHA dt COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. FOTTXn kin' Sufts Steamed. Preseeu, v'l' i Faultleee Cleaners. 113 S. ISth. LOST A parrot: say "Hello. Carlo;" ltth and Caatellar; TeL Dougla mi. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. ft. Tarry cure Plies, Fistula, sad ether rectal diseases, without surgical opeiailon. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for bo.,fc on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. R. R- TARRY. Bee Bids.. Omaha. DR. RACE Specialist, nervous and ail chronic disease. &8 Harney. Doug. PM1 LadlcaY guaranteed remedies, sul War blk. V THE RIOT. The scene ha suddenly changed Into one of terrible riot. As the crooks In the audience catch sight ot a passport a mad scramble for it takes place, for with the precious paper In his possession a scoundrel would be able to evade the rigors of the Russian police. In the con fusion Desmond sees an excellent oppor tunity to get away and to get away with Roeamond. MEDICAL Women's allm'ts. Dr. Burke. 42 Doug. Blk Dr. Babcock Co.. 3U3 Wltbnell Bldg. MONEY TO IAMX. Salary aad Chattel. ATTENTION. Loans on REAL ESTATE FUR NITURE, PIANOS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. SALA RIES, ETC.. at H usual rates. No red tape. No delay. BIGGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREIJIT CO. id Floor, SITf-t Paxton Blk.. 37 s. Mth St Phones: Doug. Mil; A-1411. MONEY TO LOAN To working people of Omaha OK JTTST A PERSONAL NUTE. LOWEST RATES. TERMS TO SUIT. NATIONAL LOAN CO., eon Bee Buildlngj Phone Dougla MIL Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Company, Doug. lCo. 220 Bee Bldg. A-IIot MONEY loaned aaiai leu people, women keeping house and others, without ee urtty; easy payments, otdcea In ill prin cipal clues. Toimaa. Bit Omaha Nat' I Baa Bii.g.. formvrly N. Y. Llts Bldg. "CHATTEL LOANS, to to 1100. SALARY LOANS. Yuu can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 44 paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at Hi and I Per sent. F1.ATAII. ui Dodge St. 'eL Bed. Bus. tKEA.N STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STJSAMERS MONTHEAU LIVtKPOOU OLASOOW. Montreal, Havre. Plymouth. London. The Picturesque SL Lawrence Boute. Four oays on the ocean, three daya In river and gulf. Splendid new Turbine Steamers, saloon, second-cabin and third class. Superior one-clasa caoin service. Cuisine unexcellent. Courteous sttenlion. benu tur clicuiars. rates, plan, etc Allan a Co.. 12. N. Desrourn St.. Cnlcago Anchor Line Steamships New Yoiit, Londonderry and Okiaagow New York, Palermo and NapJ Attractive rate for ticket between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean peaaia. superior accommodation, excellent eu. sins, strident service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent oi Anchor Line or Henderson Brother. Oeoeaat Agents, Chicago, 111. OrFEJtLD FOli KENT Maard aad Baoma. O. M. E. haul trunks. D. A-3511. FUKNISHLO room, board. l-U So. 1. 114 NOIUH PjTiI i'lrst class board and clean rooms, uasy walking distance. Strictly modern. Harney l41. 810 a 2iST ST-Furnlshed room snd board; southeast exposure; home cooking. "urtrpERTuEEKHainscom park dis trict. Lai so Irani room tur two or three young men, with breakfast. (Homemade, bread.) Red 43U2. S. TH ST., 212 The Pratt, east room, excellent board, alngi room. D. 138. a'aralshed Koalas. 1S34 Dodge Furn. rooms, private family, team heat, elec. light: ref. Doug. soil. ONE room Hanscom Park; no other roomer. Tel. Harney 12S0. NICELY furnished rooms with good board, reasonable. Tel. Doug. 715. NICELY furnished room, private horn; sll conveniences, near car line, residential section. W. 4S77. TWO NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern; walking distance; rent resson aOie. Webster 2121. NEWLY furnished rooms, close In. in private family: three or four businea gentlemen preferred. 27 IP Jackson SL Ml PARK AVE. -4 Nicely furnished room, suitable for 1 or I gentlemen, tie per month. Phone tiarney raw. TWO rooms In private family, with board; suitable for two men or man snd wife. O SIS, Bee. O.NE large front room, also southeast room. In modern detached nous, iwug- laa il. MODERN rooms: walking distance: private family. Tel. Red Be. Fnratebed Hoaaekeeiilas Reataae. thr MANUEL Two-room apartment. m Th llnavard. l-room. orlvie bath. !l3S. Hat and Howard. TWO nicely furnished rooms. 201s Davenport. housekeeping Jll S. 2STH ST.-Large front room with kitchenette: all newly papered; strictly modern; gas free tor cooaing; laundry privileges; very reasonable. eto 8. JsTH ST. Newly furnished mod ern spartments; walking distance; shady lawn; KM and . SOUTH luIH STREET. 18 Two unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping, phone Hsrney totR. HOL'SEKEEr'INO Two nice rooms, furnleheo. convenient snd reasonable, eur bo. 2.4i street. I Hotels aad Aasartaseats. Dewey European hotel. Uth and Farnsra. Ogden Hotel WiSrS Rooms eek. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate Dodge, running hot and cold water; tele phone In every room: preea tne same. A par DESIRABLE S-room apartments in th California. See janitor. Doug. ktil. s-ROOM apartment, new. modem brick; team heat, abort walsting oistaace; gaa stove, refrigerstor. cupboard, wsrdrobe; blinds; laundry; iiu janitor aervice. Dougla WO. I-ROOM apartment, new brick. tO. 17M 8. rut St- Harney sMs. t-BOOM modern flat, Scargo Bids.. tl N. Uth bt. S. Omaus. riaii. ui Kamge iiiag. u. tw. jt-ensv VERT tin duplex apart menu 4 large rooms, first floor: large iront porcb. Lre place; nice yard anu earner lot. laie ueor gia Avt. . I LARGE room apartment, part mod. Near lsth and V intoa. r-hotf Harney aa. 'araaaa aawaac .7 t-ftOOM modern house, furnished rone plete, for rent for th summer; Hsascotv Park district. Phone Hsrney xL XI "AFTER HIM. BOTS." "Im the boyskil" cries Desperate Des mond, "and I've got the girl ski." The villain baa Indeed captured the beautiful Rosamond once again and Is on hi way with great speed. Claude Eclairs has en listed the sympathies of the rough crowd that filled the boxing club and I being aided In his pursuit. The villain had a atari, however, and the details of the chase will be told tomorrow. OFFERED FOR RBXT Faralahed House. FOR RENT Modern -room cottage, furnished for the summer; plsno; tins yard, with garage; one block from Sher man Ave. car line. Phone Harney 6696. lafaralahed Boosss. ' THREE unfurnished rooms, private bvthroom. email storeroom, outside porch, garden and fruit; modern except heat; no children; reference. KIT N. Uth. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, modern housv on car line: arranged tor house keeping; f? M and IH. Tel. Harney MSI. iloasea aaa vetias. MOVING, packing and storing ot house hold good and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van . dt Storage Co, fireproof torace, tot & 16th, by the viaduct. Branoh office. 8. 17th St. Tel. D. 41 3. A-lSfS. ' COTTAGE, 7 rooms; modern; UX Cald well St.; Oood men are hard to get They don't wander around ths street looking for signs in windows When you need good help advertise In Th Bee. Ree - Want ad srs read by keen, energetic, men who wish to better their condition. Bates 2o per word If run two or more time consecutively. Tele phone Tyler MOo. 7-ROOM house, (24, S-room. (40. Modern Hanscom Park. Tel. Harney IMS. S-room flat, id floor, 2X10 Cuming St. t-room flat. 2d floor, 937 No. 34th Su B-room house at 1W9 N. 17th SL O. C. REDICK. Attorney. U17 Fanutnt St. NEW 7-room cottage, located on the best st ret In Benson, owner living on property, but must sell on account of atcknesx, and will sell aheap If taken within th next twenty day. 123 S. Lynn Ave, Benson. HnnsfiS 'a all parts of th city. nouses crelgh Sons dt a., Bee Bldg. MAGOaRD VAN AND 8TORAQJB CO.. pack, move, store and ship H. H. good and pianos; no charge for return drive to of flee. Doug. MM or B-ltai t-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. Call Harney 38U. TOO ran buy now with rant money. Sea our special ad In for sale column, Bea and News, "Rent Talks.'' It Is worth reading. Chss. E. Williamson Co., Ml B. lath SL, Corner Dodge. 1I South 33d street, large modern dwelling, with table. M0. 1 South lath street, six-room dwell ing, modern except headt, $2ii. 221 Pad No street, seven-room modern dwelling. 12. U02 North 27th street, six rooms, lis. I70g Seward street, six-room cotu -e, IAS. 24US Farnam street, six-room modern Cottage, IS. .K10 Seward street, aix-room cottage, tit ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First Nations! Bsnk Bide. Telephone Dougla 721 7-r(.nm fist, modern except heat. 111. WX S. 10th. Elghtayeont house, all modern, and In rlrst-clsA repair: located at 2U Hickory St. $25 per month. Tel. DougaV 7k m City Nst. Bk. Bldg. IN KOUNTZE PLACE Beautiful south front lot, lsth Wirt. Phon owner. Webster 172. and FOR RENT Six-room cottage, jjia Jones St., modern except beat, 117 M per month. Phone Hitrney 12H. SEVEN ROOMS, all modern: U7 J.ea. son St.; suitable for family of four to six; low rent to sood tenant. ti ij iXA. -ROOM house, modem, MS. Flo lawn. 72s 8. 17th St. Ir-hono MODERN 7-room cottage; close In. on 5 "ETt: tulu on,,i Aw"y-iU WIS Hall Ave.. WOO. '.'-rooms modern Vacant May 10th. Tbos. F. Hall. Ramge. Both phones. ".room oottage, modern except, heaL Rent reasonable, ilitf Ersklna SL. Key at 4133 Ersklne. FINE l-room house, completely modern. Unes ' HOJCOin Park district; two car HUTCHINSON-BOLLARO CO., M ii.ui. nwin r-nones. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; inovtnsr and toting. Expressmen Delivery Co. Tel. Dougiss tV4. city otnoa. HI s. Hth gt. Bee Bldg. W. FARNAM. new brick I bedroom. 1 baths. Jli N. atth Ave.. MS. Red 2M7. laid PARK Ave.. I rooms, modern. 4-ROOM cottsee. water and srss. im M th. lo-ROOM house for rent Call Beard. 141 Dougla St. T. J. Stem aad Offices. arc AGUE BUILDING. UTH DO DOE. Attractive offices, moderate prices. AP PLY OMAHA LOAN AND 8UILDINO FOR RENT Store room at ill s nth st location; rent very reasonable. Remington Typewriter Co. FOR RENT. Wlttrnrirs e, vwMw- .-.in ... iiuur, carry heavy loads; 18-foot celling clear ance; low Insurance rate; fine trackag and teaming facilities; located blocks i i p p7:.h f,' T. i::.- : . e.i., J t ton freight stations For further informa- lasa leaepnowe liougiaa uaa. Office or salesroom at lsth and Hamey. 3d floor nt ttus Harney l new I. M floor at 1W-M Harney tnew). Store at 1411 Hsrney street O. C. REDICK. Attorney. 1517 Farnam Street. STORK KUl'Je. laa- Howard ait. szx itt. sultanas tor large business inquire v. m. Flsner. Hotel Plata. FlXB PRIVATE OFFICE, in City National Bank Bldg, with us ot largo reception room and nenograpoer service. Her la your opportunity to get aom splendid offices st a BARGAIN. Apply hla City .National Bank Bide. X. P0 8. Mth St- tthrtt. Tel. Doug, tat 1112 Farnam. I story and basement, will ranodel to suit. J. If. Snitser, D. JUL