Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Ut Boot tttat It.
Elactrle Xros Burgess-Granden.
U T. Ckarcalll, Dsn tut, 4?( Brand!.
Strictly fraah off. 3 down for 35c:
( down fur ll.iw. S. 11. ISutfett. 3U
So. Hth.
oa Bora at Fan Xoms A boy was
born to Mr. and Mrs. John Grant Pegs
last sight.
Oala to BalWw Addrasa A. L. Gale,
president of the Omaha Ad rlub. will
address the club Tuescay at the weekly
dinner at the Paxton on "Advertising
Copy from the Agency Man's Viewpoint."
Sagagaawat Aaaoaaoaa Mra Francoj
Redmond announces the engagement nf
her daughter. Miss Lola Frances Red
mond. to WtnCeld Tyler Hayden of
Brooklyn. The wedding will be early In
Thiaf Xitfta Cots tad Article A negro
walked down the aisles of the Huyden
Bros, store at o'clock last night, was
tempted by a woman's yellow handbag
and fell. He was chased by a policeman
to Seventeenth and Harney, but made his
Dm Koines QLrl Bar for Wadding
MlM Ida Thompson of Des Moines ar
rived here yesterday afternoon. Slie
will be bridesmaid at the wedding of her
cousin. Miss Cecil Thompson to Harry
A. Cotthoff next Wednesday at St.
John's church. Mrs. John H. Cotthoff.
152 Blnney street, will give a dinner for
the bridal party Monday evening.
Andy Kantioa Burt la fall Andy
Knutzon. a cripple linns at 217 1'opple
ton, fell ahile stepping from a street car
at Sixteenth and Harney last night an!
broke his right leg. Ills crutch slipped
when he placed It on the wet pavement.
He had broken the same leg a short tlrrv;
aco. He was treated at the police sta
tion and later transferred to St. Joseph's
Mra. LawTensoa Arrives Mra Ernest
Lawrenson, accompanied by Misses
Margaret and Edna, have arrived in
Omaha to live permanently. They Join
their husband and father, who has been
employed In Ihe linen department of the
Ilrandcls stores during the last year. He
prepared a home for his family at
J7 Burt street. Mrs. Lawrenson Is a
sister of Mrs. Fred Rogerson. 3017 Chi
cago street, and Mrs. Andrew Hartt, who
recently came from Kurope to cast her
lot In the western part of the United
Brief Record of Happening at the
Various Institutions.
Fredrickson Will
Make Maps and Plat
of Good State Roads
H. E. Fredrickson. chairman of the good
rosds committee of the Commercial club,
has returned from Detroit, where he
bought a fifty-four horsepower Chal
mers, which he expects to put to good
use this summer In touring the state n
behalf of the good roads movement. Mr.
Fredrickson expects to devote his time
between now and June 15 covering both
the Overland route along the Union Pa
cific and the vmaha-Denter route along
the Burlington. He win take with him
good road boosters who are members of
the committee. Including E. H. Rprague.
On these trips it Is the purpose of Mr.
Fredrickson to plat the best roads and
to erect signs for the use of motorists.
He will make aide trips to Sioux City
on the Nebraska side and will also run
to Kansas City on the Nebraska side.
After platting the Nebraska roads Mr
Fredrickson proposes to make a trip to
the Pacific coast. The new car will be
used on all these trips to demonstrate Its
Ad Club to Give
Beefsteak Dinner
A regular "hot old time" Is what i
promised by the arrangements commit
tee of the Ad club for next Monday night,
when the annual beefsteak dinner and
vaudeville show Is to be given. The af
fair will be held In the Brandeis
Pompeilan room and the show and din
ner will be served there. All of the
talent will be furnished by Ad club mem
bers and an extra attraction will be the
fourteen candidates for the commissioner
ship. These men will be given much
prominence, but they will not be allowed
to utter one word about their candidacy.
This state of affairs Is expected to af
ford much amusement.
The Brandeis Pompeilan room will ac
commodate only 256 persons, so the re
duest la made that all seats be reserved
early. Admission will be SI 59 and the
money will be used by the Ad club to
defray expenses at the Dallas, Tex., convention.
It. E. Arthur Carr. secretary to the
Nebraska State Board of Health and a
member of the standing committee of the
American confederation of reciprocat
ing, examining' and licensing medical
boards, on college Inspection and rent
ing, stopped over In Omaha for a short
time yesterday.
The doctor Is on his way to Chlcsgo to
Inspect the medical colleges of that city
and will then go to Columbus, O.. to the
annual meeting of the American Confed
eration. Dr. Carr has personally In
spected every medical institute west of
the Mississippi river and many of the
eastern schools.
"I feel very proud of the advancement
made by the western and southern medi
cal Institutions," said Dr. Carr. ' 'Fre
quent Inspections and criticisms have
worked to the advantage of the schools,
as a result of which more money has
ben secured sad better equipment pro
vided. "I anticipate on -amalgamation of the
American and national confederations at
this meeting.
"1 am serving on a 'ont .conference
committee which will meet at Columbus,
O.. the object of which It Is unite the
twr. confederations.
"We will also make our final report to
the confederation on college inspection
and the rerating of all colleges will be
published after this meeting."
Eatertninmrnta Kevrallne tke Dra
asatlr, M astral sal Oratorical
.eenntpllshniena General
EJnentloaal Iteaas.
A new society has been organised
amons the girlsvof the Wayne Normal,
the "Pramatic Club of the Northwest
Normal. ' The object of this organisation
is the stimulating and fostering of dra
matic ability, the study of the higher
forms of literature of a dramatic type
and general efficiency In all forms of oral
expression. Miss Hopkins is the chosen
sponsor for the society, and the following
officers hsve been elected: President,
Catherine Hennessy; vice president. Kl
mlra Scovel; secretary, Edna Conn; treas
urer, Martha Hickman; sergcant-at-arms,
Miriam Robinson. The colors of the club
are gold, silver and black; the flower, the
marguerite. From the covert glances and
whispers of the young ladles, we learn
that something mysterious Is brewing
for chapel.
The glee clubs of the normal have fur
nished music on several occasions re
cently, the Northwest Nebraska Teach
ers' association and the llstrict Federa
tion of Women's Clubs being among the
number of organisations on whose pro
grants the clubs have appeared. They
have been received with enthusiasm at
each appearance and are counted among
the most promising organisations of the
school. At the Women's rluh meeting
held In the normal building, they gave
several numbers, one of which was the
song. "Our Nebraska Home." composed
by Mrs. tiist. president of the state fed
eration, who was present and on the
platform during the evening. President
Sparks had secured the copies of the
song at Lincoln recently, with the in
tention of having the surprise for the
author at this time.
A. 1 8torkilale, who wsa a student
in the summer school of the normal last
year and will be again this year, has
been unanimously re-elected as princli-al
at Union at an increased salary.
! Clark running second. The election was
carried on in exactly the same manner as
a general election and was very instruc
tive. Friday night occurred the annual Gay
lord hall girls' party to their gentlemen
friends. This year it took the form of
a theater party. The Gaylord hall parlor
was tastily arranged and decorated to
represent a theater. An orchestra, play
ing such Instruments as mouth harps, tin
whistles and cantos, gave such selections
as "They've llotta Quit Kickln' My Dog
Around" and other c'aswieil pieces. An
excellent little play was put on. followed
with dainty refreshments. All Judged it
an entire succej-s.
Much interest is being taken in the
Nebraska Imlian base ball squad that Is
working out on Ce loane field. They are
putting in two stiff workouts every day
and furnish a very Interesting sight for
those indisposed to study.
Brief Xritkia nf tke Week's
The college has now passed the third
week of the spring term and the work Is
progressing nicely. Many short term
teachers are now coming in to finish up
the year in school and many who have
passed the year In school are engaging
schools for the coming year.
Rev. W. II. Buss addressed the college
students Saturday morning on "Education
in the Light of Today." He was listened
to with intense Interest, for It was a
rare treat.
Prof. Mc Dill's residence now being built
on Ninth street is nearlng completion. It
la a modern, commodious and convenient
house and is ornamental in structure. The
plans were projected in the mechanical
drawing room by Nels Hammer of Fre
mont, who has shown considerable genius
In that line.
Julius F. Zastera. a graduate of the
teachers and commercial classes. Is em
ployed In a bank at I'tlca and Is well
pleased with his work.
Clarence D. Vosseller of White Hall.
III., scientific of I'll and a commercial
of m:. Is engaged In the printing and
stationery business with his father at
present. His brother. Gilbert 8. Vosseller,
also a commercial graduate of 1912. Is
now employed by the City National bank
of Kansas City. '
Miss Nancy l.lnke. a commercial gradu
ate of 1S09 and now assistant cashier of
the State Bank of Bassett. was voted
an increase of salary by the directors
at the beginning of the year.
Claude E. Thompson of Fremont took
the civil service examination and has just
received an appointment In the Depart
ment of the interior at Cheyenne River.
S. D. He was the only one from Fre
mont college and the only one of ten
that passed.
Why Kr Was l.aie.
"What made jiu so late?"
"1 met Smithson.
"Weil, that Is no reason why you
should be an hour late getting home
to supper."
"I know, bat I asked him how he
was feeling, and he Insisted on telling
me about hts stomach trouble."
"Did you tell him to take Chamber
lain's Tablets?"
"Sure, that la what he needs." Sold
by all dealers.
fecaaiu to smoke, k cents. All dealers.
Athletic Events and Exercises for
Fsaasera' Day.
The cadets are busy getting ready for
the field day and track meet to be held
on Founders' day. April S. The Ash
land High school team and the Nebraska
Military academy team will compete in
the usual athletic events on the academy
grounds. The program will begin at 2
p. m. Thursday. As both teams are un
usually strong It Is expected that some
good records will be made.
The debating team of the University
Place High s. hool and the Nebraska
Military academy team debated the
"Open Shop Question" in the academy
auditorium Friday evening. The Univer
sity Place school was represented by
Miss Flood. Miss Prewitt and Mr. Em
bree; the academy was represented by
Cadets Brown. Thomas and Northup.
The contest was spirited and the argu
ments on both sides were well presented.
Mr. Goldstein was "referee" and gave
the close decision to the visiting team.
Another debate will be held soon.
Last Sunday Dr. Putney gave a very
interesting and Instructive reading to the
cadets. The doctor having been a bugler
during the civil war gave a history of
his "old army bugle," which he used
during that time, blew the different
"calls" and gave the songs that accom
panied them.
Hon. Will Maupln will address the ca
dets on 8unday evening and Superintend
ent Delxeil will talk to them In the morn
ing. The freshman class organised last week
and elected the following officers; Pres
ident, Hoyt; vice president. Barber; sec
retary. Welton; treasurer. Klfe, and ser
geant at arms. Knothe.
Founders' day will be celebrated Thurs
day and a hop will be given In the even
ing In the armory.
Educational Part of Campaign for
Endowment Fnnd Ends.
The educational campaign for meeting
Wesieyan's endowment Is over. During
this week, April H to April 30. subscrip
tions are being taken all over the state
and such enthusiasm In the cause of
Christian education is everywhere being
manifested that It Is not unlikely that
the 1,00.009 asked for will be exi'eeded.
Advance contributions have already been
received as follows: Rev. Adrianee. Fre
mont. .000; Rev. Burch. University rlaee,
$.'.0W; Mrs. Dewey Chester. S10.O0O;
Chancellor Emeritus Huntington by will.
11.000: .State Journal, S1.000, O. N. Mage.
Lincoln. S'.OOO.
The usual program was prepared this
Tear for Arbor day. After a convocation
hour with addresses and special music the
classes go to their assigned places to
plant trees and rare shrubs. Several thou
and cannas and other flowering plants
will be set out as soon as the weather
The alumni have elected officers for the
coming year as follows: President. L. A.
Wlnship; first vice president. J. C. Jen
sen; second vice president, W. E. Atkins,
secretary-treasurer. Fern Atkins Slm
monds: historian. Bertha Walts; trustees.
E. M. Kendall. O. E. Currier. A. O. lllu
son. Work on the senior gift to the univer
sity, a concrete bandstand of hexagonal
form, will begin next week. The frame
bandstand formerly used was destroyed
by fire about a year ago.
Walter Johnson, brother of George II.
Johnson of the board of trustees, is In
stalling a steam generator using oil as
ful In the heating plant. The machine Is
of Mr. Johnson's own Invention and Is is
yet In the experimental stage. Mr. John
son also has Invented a rotary valve re
ciprocating engine which promises to be
a success.
Pern alma I Kates.
Richard L. Metcalfe addressed an audi
ence of Peru cltixcns last night at K. of
P. hall.
A delegation of seventeen young women
from Peru the Young Women's
Christian association conference held In
Lincoln park April 1M4. This was the
second largest delegation In the state.
Two hundred delegates were In attend
ance. The annual banquet of the Junior class
to the seniors occurred Friday night.
The chapel period was occupied on
Tuesday of this week by a concert by
the various sight reading clasaea under
Miss Carpenter. The event was especially
Interesting. In that the clssses showed
marked Improvement In expression and
In harmony.
Peru defeated the Tarklo base ball team
here Thursday in a sensational ganie, re
sulting In a score of i to 0. Peru excelled
In base running.
toil with the means of worit'ng Ms a at
throusrh colirge.
President Thwlns of Western Reserve
university says that graduates of west
ern universities are worth $l.v a eek as
agaiust a week for graduates tiom
easteru college, because they work
William J. Dugan. who graduitcd from
Cornell In 17 and was for two yars
graduate manager f alhlclUs, has teen
matte universitv eecr't:iry. He com.s
front Puchlo. Colo., and during his under
graduate davs was manager of ba-e ball.
The recent official report of the uni
versity of Paris shows that acV'HK lv 000
registered students in the va.t-.ia -IciMrt
ments or colleges there are r. tcwer than
foreigners, cr one-tif'h of the tl.t.
The foreigners are said to ni.e ti.pltd il
number within tin ye.irs.
Edmund t'oggsweli Converse, s New
York banker, has given Hsrvaid nnix.r
sltv SlVOW to endow a professorshio of
j banking In the tlraduate School l I'.csi-
ness Administration. .Many or ma ence
tors were graduates of llarvai 1, out he
did not attend the college hims-if.
Raymond A. Pearson, ex state commis
sioner of agriculture of Near York, has
been elected president nf ih Stat- Ac---cultural
and Mechanical eollev of Iowa,
lie Is about at years old and is -t native
of Indiana. He got h s fir it cr'riene
as laborer on a stock farm. Then he
went to Cornell and after s"r iilc.itSm en
tered the mtlk business.
The sweet girl graduates of Muncie have
decided to cut di wn the - oat of Ihelt
graduating costumes. Among tiie
economics it has been aitreed that whitt
silk gloves. Instead of white aid shall be
worn. Hut inasmuch as the ivremo :al
will take place durtiiK llle plta-snt
weather of June, it would scm t -:it stiii
further economy might be achieved and
additional charm lent to the occ.if '.on b)
omitting gloves entirely.
Holdup is Pulled
Off Before Crowd
White hundreds of shop.wrn wer paus
ing on all ildi of them two tiegtofs
stopped William KriwardK at ritxtfvmh
and I'tHlfcr streets S-tmdHV evening about
8:30 o'clock mid while one pushed Kd
ward.. against tho temiwsry wood four.'
there the other pnv-erded to rifle hi
IMHce rhauffeuin Warner nnd Ford
were paiwlng at the time In an automobile.
They took In the cene at a gin nee and
wtopptnK the machine ruthed to Kdward'9
asl!tance. One of the made hi
owape by running Into the crowd, while
the other waa. caught wtlh one hand In
I :d ward's coat iorki?(. He gave the numc
of Jim IavIh. In his h ind wit $7.W.
Kdard wai too Intoxicated to know
anything about th attempted robbery.
He waa taken to the pollre station for
safe keeping, while I avla was booked
as a suspicious character.
Kit Neatloaal Notes.
President Jnhn fli-lor UlhKan n j
ton university announces that a faim
has been opened at Princeton whicn will
provide any student who Is iwt ad 'M of
Omaha High school will cliwe 'its 9Z
debating season Friday evening, when a
picked team of three lads will compete
against a U:id of nrguera from the
Lincoln High school at the t'rclghtou
The que n( ion for discutlon in a? fol
lows: "Resolved, That our present Immi
gration lawn should b so a no tided AS
to debar all Immigrants over twenty-one
years if age are unable to re.d and
write." Omaha will uphold the negative
and will be represented by Kdwln lati-
dale, Barney Kulukofrtky, George (.rimes
and Carson Hathaway, alternate. Tha
Lincoln team has not yet been announced.
The school superintendents who have
11. Invited to act as Judges of the do
bate are Superintendent Kdward Kvans
of Pla t turnout h, Superintendent Jeorge K.
Martin of Nehraaka City and Superin
tendent Morgan of Glen wood, la.
No I
Remedial Formula
OUttFN-J ROOT - ratmintHa (rhrartcal.
TONS BOOT fCellinaonia Canadensis).
BLACK CHKRKT HARK IPrunoa Vlrglmaoa).
GOLDEN SEAL ROOT IHrdrastia CanaoenaU).
OREGON GRAPE ROOT tBetbena Aquitoiium).
BLOODROOT - tSansuinsrla Canadensis)
MANDRAKE ROOT (PoJophrllum PrttatunJ.
On every wrapper of every bottle of
Br. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery
is printed, in plain English, a full list of the ingredients com
prising it and in addition, accompanying is a booklet, compiled
from many standard medical works of various schools of prac
tice, containing extracts from the writings of leading practitioners
of medicine, endorsing in the strongest possible terms, each
and every ingredient of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Discovery has been recommended for forty v
years for strengthening weak stomach, whipping into life a torpid
liver and overcoming biliousness as well as catarrhal diseases
wherever located.
Through its use Dr. Pierce has found in his professional
experience that the blood is purified and enriched, disease-producing
bacteria destroyed and expelled from the body, thus catarrhal,
scrofulous and kindred affections are overcome, and sound, vigorous
health established.
You can learn all about hygiene, anatomy, medicine, etc., from the People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, a newly revised,
up-to-date edition of which is now offered, in cloth covers, post-paid, for
31 cents in one-cent stamps, to cover cost of wrapping and mailing only.
Address: Book Dept. World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D, Pres.,
663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Spring Exposition
at Miller, Stewart
& Beaton Co. Store
Miller. Stewart k lleaton are holdlnK
their flrat annual eprliuc home furnish
er' exiKiltloti thlt wek. The atnre ha
lien dorora t etl a nd eepevla 1 1 y a franc etl
for thin big room. All the newest home
furnlKhliiKA are displayed here.
The Mr atore hum made special plant
to entertain hundreds of v Is) torn during
the vterk. and han extended an Invitation
to all of Omaha and Nebraska to visit
the ator. "Summerland," a beautiful
haven, ha be-n er"tcd on the ilrat floor,
and here birds alitg and vemal things
twine around pi Mara. All through th
etore there li a nplrtt of aprlngtlme. Horn
of the mont beautiful furniture in the
went la on exhibition.
Ous Smith, a negro of 150 Hurt, arreated
on suspicion and sentenced to thirty days
for vagrancy, attempted to end his trou
bles laRt night by swallowing a small
bottle of diluted ratboHr arid. He was
treated immediately and will recover,
tt In believed the add waa aniuggh-d In
by the chain gang.
I P1KRRK. 8. P . April 21.-rlprUt Tel-(ram.)-Th
socialists attraiptnl to Ills
primary nomination for lh stats tlrket
today, but thr-tr Hat has tw.n rejected
for the reason thai thef haf no renre.
sentRtlnn on Ihe ballot at the last elec
tion. They fulleil In file fur lh primary
two years ago and only got on the gen
eral ballot as InaViiendent candidates at
the November election. The primary law
In this state makes no provisions what,
ever for tha organisation of new parties,
snd as tt now stands no new party or
ganisation ever tan get upon the primary
Xaten frwna Donne.
About twenty-five young women from
Doane attended the Young Women's
Christian association conference at Un
coln last Saturday and Sunday, and an
excellent program waa reported.
On Monday last occurred the freshman
sophomore Olympics. This took the- piace
of the time-honored flag scrap and war
far tamer. The events consisted of
javelin throwing, a sack race, relay rcc,
log tying, cross country run. girls' con
test and a tug-of-war. The sophomores
won by a small margin, the score being
'X to 19 at the finish. In the afternoon
the various classes had picnics of dif
ferent kinds, there being no school all
Last Thursday a mock primary elec
tion was pulled off at Doane. and much
Interest was taken In It by both men
and womfn, Regular sample ballots were
ustd, and the results on the republican
ticket gve Koosevelt the lead, with La
Folietts second. The democrats gave
Wilson a comfortable majority, with
Keep Your
That's the "go-ahead" part of you!
The best f us now and then feel the wear and tear of every
day action. Sometimes its the stress of business; often the ww
ry of household care; occasionally the penalty of social duty.
r But whatever the cause, when fhe nerve Ik-kIo to cry, Its lime to think of recruit
ing nerve strength.
q Some seek medicine and medicine sometimes helps; but the natural way to recruit
nerve strength Is by supplying the missing elements of true nerve nourishment which
are lacking In one's every-day diet. ,
Is recommended to your notice because It is rich In abundance of brain- and nerve
building material, especially Phosphate of Potash, the vital tissue salt of the gray
nerve cells.
q Scientists know that nerve strength rests upon nutrltion-a nutrition that supplies water,
albumin, and organic phosphate of potash the three vital elements that, according
to their supply or lack, make nerves strung or weak.
q Ordinary food provides water and albumin in plentiful amount but organic phosphate
of potash is frequently lacking in the usual diet.
q Grape-N'uts provides it. This food is made from Nature's field grains, preserving the
natural organic salts of wheat and barley (which the miller of white bread flour re
jects) for building, brain, blood, bone and brawn as Nature intended.
Grocers sell GrapoN'ata. an economical food that answers every purpose of providing
rich, true nutrition for body, brain aad nerves.
"There's a Reason"
This term means a great deal to the
home maker;
The base-board outlet it a provision
in the base-board of a room for elec
trial connections. It offers the simp
lest and most convenient way for con
necting Electric Flat Irons, Vacuum
Cleaners, Washing Machines, Electric
Toasters, Disc Stoves, Chafing Dishes
and Coffee Percolators!
When wiring your home spend just a little
more and provide a way to use these devices ia
the eflsiebt way.
Ask our Contract Department for
Omaha Electric Li&li, & Power Co.
Postum Cereal Company, Limited, Battle Creek, Michigan.
ei -.-. ) a,,"i4ii? j - in
n 1 K. T " 7 I rill lsU mVa 1 1 IU IVIWJI IV hi n- J v
sr. I m f'Viyi' " - -
n il Is " " ' - -nV
rutin mem inss ihblk (
wrapped in foil as soon as made,''
thua keeping fresh until smoked.
A fresh cigar mad of good tobacco
is the Una! smalt. Thn old, WslI
cured tobaccos used in tha SinglsV
Binder are to rich is quality that
many who formerly smoked 10c
cigars now smoke LEWIS SINGLE '
BINDER straight 6c Ia fact,'
Lewis' Single Binder slnas last)
Iika a mod 10 aaar. Tha1
Lewis' Single Binder cost
tha dealer some mora1
other 6c cigars, bat'
the higher price sss-
abtas thi factory
to nse extra quality
tobacco, thus (1710.:!
ie consumer a bet-1
ter amok than ia
poasible in big profit
Tallinl .ntfV J WtUWISr Saf b laaVa
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soil, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc.
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc.
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
fctock raising or dairying. .
Your questions will get prompt attention. State -plainly
and specifically what you want to know. . .Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Fanner
Omaha, Nebraska