, 4 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1912. 1 f i. The Omaha daily Bee FOUNDED BV EDWARD ROSEVVATER VICTOR ROSEWATSR. EDITOR. BEE BUILDING. FAIIXAM AND 17TH. Entered at Omaha postoHice as second class matter. ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Bandar Bee, on jrar -C.w Ssturday Be, one year J1 " t-elly Bee (without Sunday), one year.JtflO DaBy Bee and 6unday. one year te ; DELIVERED BV CARRIER. Evening Bee (with Sunday), per ma...Z Daily Bee (Including Sunday), per mn..c Dally Bee (without Sunday, per mo - ; Address all complainu or trresu.aiilles Id delivery to City Circulation Dept. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing company. Only J-cent stamps received In payment of small account. Fsrsonal checks, ex cept on Omaba and eastern eicuange, not OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha-23I N St. Council BluUs-Ti St Lincoln-X Utile Bulldlnf. Chicago IMS Marquette Building. Vlnui ritv Hlianea Building. New York-34 West Thiriy-tiurd. Waanlsgtan 72 tourteentn oi.. vMiurCDnvnVril Communications relating to new and mstlrr should be addressed Oman Be. Editorial Depart menu MABCli ClfWUUUlON. 49,508 n.. - v.K.kB County of Dougla. SSi Dwlsht Williams, circulation manager f Tbe Be Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the average dally circulation, less spoiled, unused and re turned copies, for th month of March, mf. was "51)W,0HT WILLIAMS. I . circulation Manaser. ' Subscribed In my presence and sworn So belor me this 1th dsy of April lsia TO.) .ROBEHT HU.n 4EH. i Saeaerlaer leavlaa the elty t scesaarerily shoal have Tk tee suited tk. Address , wUl a ekaaced as oftea as re. 4ed. : - Aad the coat-tail candidates hung on. Now to recall a lions. few court decl- lfanklnd Is deeper than ever In debt to MarconJ. , . When doe Brother Underwood ex pect really to start? It's a far cry from an April primary to s November election. Th cost-tall , hangers certainly played In luck (or once. ' We can 'readily do without a re turn engagement Of lack Frost. ' ' ilj:. i .3 Into the jaws of death rod the 2,100 and out came but one-third Of them. Tbe world-wide grief over the vic tims nay also be fitly described as Tltnntic. ' 1 . ' The political ambition of some men ends with having a E-cent cigar named for them. "Champ Clark Runs Llks a Hare," says a headline. Not even a hound dog eould catch hitt). A few rapturous notes from our own Governor Aldrlch are about due m .ectant people. In Illinois a cabman is running for congress. No matter how dark the night, they will never lose him. A woman in an ; eastern' city been fined $100 for gossiping. has An 'other blow, to women's rights. . ' . ..... M'M -"T " - ' e Ths people do rule, hut Tom Black- turn persists that his platform ts :kalded en the rock of eternal truth. 3 1 Tr. . whom 1 Murphy?" Im udntly ask, th Washington Post. .Why. for Mltther Murphy, of course. i e Second beat in the municipal com 'Aisslom plan kandtcap Is scheduled J to Mar 7, Coming fast snd not far ' - Whil'Goveraos, Wilton and Jlar 'mon were quarreling over Nebraska, ' ipeaaer ' Clurt slipped' In between them. s , what would happen if someone walked Into the White Stsr Line of fice and began calling tbe passenger foil of the titanic? ' Senator La Follctte will be more certain than ever now that k would itave won out In Nebraska had not in colonel followed in his trail. ' It U said that J. P. Morgan has a mobbed la Flereace. Showing bat sreat art collectors, like proph ets, ar not without honor sav in their own countries. A fine golf course, an elegant pronwnad, a luxurious palm garden, delightful swimming pool, a breezy tennis court, a modern theater all the on board, but not enough life boats. y all means a campaign publicity law for presidential candidate and on that will apply retroactively for this campaign. ' W may yet learn who 1 paying for all those special; trains. - ' ' , With Bryan and Hitchcock both hoea delegate to represent Ne braska la the BsKlmore convention ander Champ Clark instructions, thst : "question of honesty" wtU aUU re maia unanswered. ' ' Baldrige for Congress. Out of the triangular contest for the republican nomination for con gress. Howard H. Baldrige emerges with a substantial lead over his com petitors, and It will therefore be Mr. Baldrige who will trr !t out with Congressman Lobeck for the seat now beld by the latter. This congressional district, consist ing of Douglas, Sarpy and Washing ton counties, is naturally republican. and by right, .hould b. represented at Washington by a republican. The truth is Congressman Lobeck is there now, not on his own account, but be cause he was carried along on th democratic ticket as beneficiary of the wet and dry fight of two years ago. In which the democratic candi date for governor was the rallying point for the liberals. On the relative merits and abilities of the men Congressman Lobeck will have no license to win out over Baldrige. Mr. Baldrlge's position In the business community, his standing at the bar, his good record In other public offices snd his services to bis party and to the public mark him as the man to redeem the district to the republicans. Chief Donahue Again Vindicated. Chief or Police Donahue has again been handsomely vindicated by the decision of the supreme court in bis favor in the ouster proceedings in stituted against him by direction 'of Governor Bhallenberger. The court plainly aays tbst, notwithstanding all the noise and froth In the hearing of the charges, no case was established showing anything like willful neglect of duty that would Justify an adverse finding. ' 1 Everyone in Omahs knows that the city has never hsd a more faithful and efficient head for Its police de partment than It has today In Chief Donahue, and that the constant war fare waged upon him emanates from sources that would use the position for their own selfish ends. Everyone here in Omaha also knows thst the chief ha been made to bear the brunt of this attack as a scspegoat for others with whom responsibility rests; that the . charge were originally drawn to Invoke ouster proceedings sgalnat the mayor and police board members; that Governor Bhallenberger' for purely political reasons exculpated tbe mayor at the outset, snd later upon legal advice, annulled-th proceedings so far as they related to the police board. Un der such circumstances to hold the chief of police culpable for the gen eral policy of the department directed by tbe mayor nd police commission ers would have been an unmitigated outrage. , , -y Chief Donahue Is to be congratu lated on Ml 1ndtoatlon, but no more so than is Omaha on the assurance of the continuant of his services. I Work for Worker. The San Francisco Chronicle de clares that the league formed In that . I(y,,(i)f ,,'ttao ostensible purpose qf helping the "unemployed" Is hurting the city by disseminating exaggerated reports snd ststements of the number of Idle men and the lack of employ' mcnt In San Francisco. The Chronicle says the governor of the etato had an offtlcial investigation of the em ployment situation made In that city with a result demonstrating that the condition is entirely normal, that no more -men are Idle than Is natural at tlila time of the year. It that Is true, KnitthJiig should be done In Ess Francisco's behalf to stop this black washing of the city abroad by soma of its own citizens. That is one of the pernicious' evils, though, that many cities have to put up with and the strange thing is that those who give their home town thin damaging pub licity always seem to find some ex cuse of reform or philanthropy In Justification. But It la quite probsble thst the unemployed In most If not all cities will liuve a call to 'work when the 'great construrtluD. cam paigns of the railroads and other big builders begin. The Burlington sys tem recently gave employment to 6,000 men and advertised for an other J.000 and that number will be multiplied many times 'by sll the western roads before long. The Fame of Industrial Peace. No news from the coal mine con fereare these dss mar be considered good news. The longer the confer ences contiuu th loafer a strike Is averted. Messrs. Baer and White, the respective mine snd union leaders, will achieve a fame for themselves of sn enduring character If they succeed finally In securing permsnent pence snd no fame either or both might achieve through the channels of a disagreement or a strike would be worthy a comparison with this fame of Industrial peace. To add to the other deterrents thst stand between business and nor mal prosperity in this eouatry Just now, a tieup of the coal mines would be a little more than a patient and forbearing people should be called on to suffer. The public finds Itself slow to respond to appeals for sympathy on either side ef this controversy; Its sympathies lie alongside of Its Interests and that la on the side of peace snd Industry, against disorder snd a strike. It Is quite, probable that any strike precipitated st this time ef such gen eral effect as a coal mine strike would fall to arouse much public sympathy and the same may be said of the pending troubles between the eastern railroads and their engineers. That does not mean that public senti ment would necessarily be against the employes, but it means that public sentiment probably would be very much outraged at the failure of the factions to overlook selfish Interests for the time being and sacrifice something In behalf of the larger In- I'"18' that ffectin the whole pe pie. The Thief of Time. Without wishing to excuse offense In the old rogue, we may admit that procrastination la not alone -the thief of time. The fellow who drops in on you during your rush hours, when business Is piled a foot or two high before you, and takes as much of your time as your patience and good manners will permit you to grant blm, where does he come in? Over your desk you have that fine pungent little motto: This Is my busy dsy. On the wall to the rear is another one, reading: Talk fast; that's the wsy I work. And yet your visitor tarries and talks, not faat, but long. In addition to being a thief of your time, he might, by a more vulgar classifica tion, also be denominated a boor. Time is golden. It k old, but true. Yet with what astonishing profligacy It Is wasted, by all of us, no matter how furious th pace with which w work. It Is not always the bead burled In a huge pile of papers at tbe deck that le most Improving the time. Psrt of that time, perhaps, should be spent In resting that weary brain, or that tired body, as a pre caution for the future. So It comes by that on may be his own Ihlef of time, and that, too, when he Imagines himself most honest and prudent with every moment at his command. But the commonest waste of time which most of us make Is the failure to get out of each day and each hour all that we can. Constsnt progress, larger efficiency, should be tbe lauda able ambition of every man and be who neglects to improve tbe proces sion of opportunities as they come falls to achieve the end he had aought. That Is a wast of time, quit as much as that of procrsstlnstlon or of th "friend" who ha Just dropped In upon you. To a man up a tree, that vault fix ture deal for our new county court bouse exhibits at least enough cir cumstantial evidence to arouse sus picion that th fixture men bad started out to do some fixing In ad vance. It has been noticed that April Is stealing, a march on Jane as th merry month of matrimony. Perhape Ihwijnsung folk wish to get these Httle- preliminaries off hand before the' June conventions. Th' steamship owner, tbe auto scorcher and every other - speed maniac who gambles with death usu ally loses and the great sad fact Is he has not the power to pay for the loss. Mr. Morgsn Is 75. Tet for an old gentleman he seems to be quite ac tive. ImiaartalKr of Trwtk. Philadelphia Bulletin. Th psalmist's reference to th peril of thus "that s duwn to th sea In ships" Is a applicable today a when David penned It. Irrtfr t tk Daweikter, New Tork World. At a reception In Washington th repre entatlve of th Daughter of th Ameri can Revolution are said to have worn nior than worth of Jewels dis play their grandmother would have re tarded a a revolution Indeed. iMifrly feacrlfld ( Lexary. Pittsburgh Dispatch. The world ha heard much about th Tltanlq's outdoor gymnasium. Its multi plicity of bathtub. Its swimming pool. Its ballroom and It other striking features, hut a proper supply of lifeboats would hav been a more sensible kind of equip ment. t'lrlaa: oer the Herder. Philadelphia Record. . War ran be waged overhead as well as on terra firm. It baa therefor beeej determined by th War departmeat that aeroplane ar sr material, and may wot b shipped acres the border Into Mexico under present revolutionary conditions In our nelshbor republic. Crael as tk urave." Chicago inter Ocean. Nature, or whatever you choose to call her. I far from being the loving mother eh t e often called. Though a cap. rlcloua as furtune at times. In general she Is as cruel a th grave. 8n seldom pardons s mistake and Is wont to exact full penalty. 'lark ml a Itesra Palais. Philadelphia Prea. Sara Invest atlw Ints tke lugk coat of Uvtng In New Terk has revealed the fact that certain kinds of supplies passed ' through twelve hand from th producer I e tbe consumer. This explain st least some of the trouble. Jt is scacrted that a on of these got more thn a reason able profit, but twelve reasonable profile en any article pile up considerat.lv and esw hardly fall te asaka ultimate coat un reasonable. Win Pradariloa aad Tesaeeraa. SH. Lewi Oleb Bissau at Franc take the lead af all other coun tries tn wtae rvnductlaei, wltn Italy aa tta etoseat competitor, for itu there a as a total of l.tT.rf.J cations of win made In France, valued at P"4a,ni iB l.!, th prodaetioa of win (or I'll wa 1.111. tiLM gallons. There arc ever U.aeJ acres ef land in Italy set apart for wine grap cultivation. It la the knast of both tkea st wlne-praduring nations that then- pcop.e are more temperate than the aver ei outer civilised peoples. EooIUnBa(Wrcl HiisDav in Omaha COMPILED FROM BBS ttLM April 23. Thirty Yean Ago Donations to the child' hospital dur ing March are acknowledged by Sister garah in charge, including among ether thing.-: fatiuge from Mrs. Harris, a parcel of baby clothes from Mrs. Bal combe, one bushel of potatoes from Mr. Byron Reed, six sheets from Mrs. Wool worth snd two Jar of preserves from Mr. Parker. The St. Joseph hospital fair at Crelgh- ton hall closed after two weeks of un precedented success, with net proceed! expected to exceed b.OM. Article voted away brought the opera bonnet to Mia Maggie Dalton, a carriage whip to W. A. Paxton. th stole to th Holy Family church and th fir king's desk to F. J. Meghan. A pleasant entertainment took place at BrowneU hall with musical and essay number by Mia Cody, Miss Thomas, Mis Latham. Mis Hagsr, Ml Unlnger and Miss Spark and closing with a drama entitled A Cup of Tea" pre rented by Mis Ambrose, Mis Li singer nd Miss TarbelL Th old and reliable jewelry and music house of Max Meyer Pro., have again placed Pease White, jr. la charge of their piano and organ department. For th four weeks ending today twenty-two marriage licensee were Issued by the probate court as Indication of brisk work by Dan Cupid. Th sportsmen encamped on the Raw hide ar having a jolly time. Tenth street below Jackson Is consider ably cut up now for th laying of water PIP. Th North Presbyter an church wa ready for the plasterer, who are asked te put In bids for th Job. The walk acros the Ninth atreet bridge ha bean put In excellent condition by order of the city council. It ha not been in such good shape for four years. Pred Llnherg. the . Union Pacific blacksmith, Is th happy father of a tan-pound girl. Deposition are being taken In th ess of W. 1. Connell again! th Penn sylvania Railroad company. In which th plaintiff sue for I15.900 for being put off train when he held an unlimited ticket. ... Twenty Year Ago ' Washington hall waa densely filled when Chairman Dave Mercer called the county convention to order. Chrta Specht nominated J. h. Carr and D. U Johnson of West Omaha nominated Kra P. ftav- age of South Omaha for temporary chair man and Savage won. Harry Counsman and Charley Potter were elected tem porary secretaries, Th temporary or ganisation was mad permanent Re sponding to a call Edward Rowatr addressed th convention and declared bis readiness to support th choice of county, stat and national coeventlona Th bollrmkrs gave a Mg ball at Washington hall. Jamas J. Fagan was master of ceremonies and Ed Kennedy, Mstt Tnughten, James H. Whales. J J. one snd ethers hsd active place on th program. Will carleton, th creator of "Betsy and I Ar Out," delighted an Immense audience at the Teung Men' Christian association. - - Fred 0. Matturwe, cashier of the Bup llngtoa general passenger department, wa. It wss announced, elated for tbe no sltlon of J. R, Griffith, traveling passen ger agent, wbe was promoted to Chicago J. B. Reynolds, It wss stated, probably would be transferred to th territory : of th river. H. H. Henderson, who had some excit ing business experience In Omaha and had gone te reside elsewhere, waa ex pected to return to this city snd resuras business connections Tea Year Ago Th thirty-first snnual meeting of th Woman' Presbyterian Board of Missions of th Northwest convened at th First Congregational church. Rev. Jt M. Ste venson of the Second Presbyterian church presided at th opening session. Among th speakers were Hera, J. N. Hyde of India, H. O. Underwood of 8eoul, Korea, and O. F,'Knauer of Batanga, Africa. Th weather Hid a' back action atunt fur Omaha, which gave alternating cur rent ef hot and cold. The mercury ran up to S3 and then suddenly plunged down to SI and the wind rose and fall about th cam way. ' Fred Loew returned to Omaha from Milwaukee and resumed bis old place in the Brandel etore. Mr. A. T. Plgwarl proved to on man that it pays to be the wife of a policeman. At midnight Mrs. Sigwart heard the wrong kind of a not at her front door. 1115 South Fifth street, mat fired through tlw window. Later eh went out te ex plore and found large spots ef bleed on her front porch. . The young people of the St. Mary Ave nue Consregational church gave their new petor and Ms wife, Rev. Robert Tost Sb. Mr. Tost, a reception. It waa In charge of Miss 8. Grace Cady. Mis McKensla, Roy Pierce and E. L. Hunt ley. Mrs. Hood. Herbert Elliott and a quartet look part hi a literary end mu sical program. People Talked About After having ridden more than t.oaa mile m th earn ran, J. r. Smith, s conductor for fifty.iwo year and th oldest employ in point of service en tk Boston Alkany railroad, has retired at Mtas Charlott Rurobold and Miss Mary E. Buckley are the first weroea to be nominated fur placea on th executive board of the Civic lesgu of St. Louis. Pi4ng women an th board I the result of a direct primary conducted by the ' nominating board. tver since the battle of Waterloo the Rothxehitd hav been th actual ruler or Europe, and European nation ar so in debt to them that It would be Ins possible ever to pay them off. said Davtd Starr Jordan, president of Stanford uni versity. In a recent address to th stu dent body. Hating bee without sleep thirty years. Albert E. Herpln. s Trenton man. at vat eaaielata at feel ft weary. Mentally he experience ne wesrinass. but says he Is phjstraJly weak. Ha believes a nap at oaty five anutse' duration would give him new ttre. Miss Frances Ptern ot th Massach setts Institute ef .Technology. Is an advo cate of th use of a microscope In th home as a means of assisting la the proper preparation of meals. Th us ot tl microscope, acordlna- to Mi: j Ptern, would help the housewife to de j her work more uiUlligtntlv Before After Taklaa. OMAHA. April 29. To the Editor of The Bee: Nevertheless and notwithstanding these continue to be my view and th sane thought of America cannot he driven or stampeded tnjo the unwisdom of departing from thee fundamental proposition: "Referendum or recall of judicial deci sions by vote of the people is the rankest of revolutionary rot "Recall of Judge Is an assault upon th keystone of th arch of American popular sovereignty. "Initially and referendum a applied to stat snd national legislation emascu lates the legislator, eliminate political leadership and weaken representative government. Initiative, referendum and recall ar a trinity of heresies directly In conflict with th American theory of self -govern ment, with three Independent branches, each a check upon th other two. and all united under th American constitution. the greatest charter of humau liberty thus tar devised by th brain of man." THOMAS W. BLACKBtTRN. Araieale Retaras Sysapatky. OMAHA. April 3.-T0 the Editor ot Th Bee: As an interpreter to the feelings of a nation, whose existence Ivan been an eternal misery, and where life Is a suffering. I come to offer our most hearty sympathy and sorrows to the great and noble nation of America, who has recently been terrified by one of th most horrtbl tragedies tbe world has ever seen. Horrors ot Titanic remands me ot a mourning event at th same nature, whose third anniversary i gm nnfortunsts sough to mourn. In th latter part ef April, pns, I wai th ay witness ot the most Inhuman bru tal calamity which th human mind can ver grasp My unhappy country, Armenia, was one more reddened with the Innocent blood af COM unfortunate sons. Thousand of women and children were the victims of th superstition of the most merciless and evil blinded Mohammedan vandalism. Our towns were burned te ashes, our properties plundered, our dear ones wr subjected to such de grees of tortures thst human mind falls te realise. In this stag of affairs, of course, any littles measure of sympathy and friendly feeUnga expressed were appreciable. though thy be powerless to enlighten to. sny degree, our unfortunate and sor row-darkened hearts, when, sir, you wer th first nobis nstlon who stretched us th first hand of sympathy; you were the first that expressed hatred against the mean tricks of the dirty Turks. So, now, when w are before the un known tomb ef thousands of Ill-fated vic tims of ths horrible tragedy of tbe Titanic our bleeding heart again unconsciously run to the miseries of eur forsaken nation, and through our slncara sym pathies and sorrows we arc satisfied in thinking that, heneeforth In eur eternal trouble and misfortunes we will hive the sisterly sympathies of this great nation, more heartily and sincerely, a it has praotlcally felt what a national calamity Is. M. K. KRIKORIAN. Lew Student m Cratghton University. Saa-paetas; PI la faae. WAUNKTA. Nb., April 17.-To th Editor of Th Bee: I think It is my duty te call attention toward th condition concerning the stats hospitals tn general, espselally of thos who cannot afford to piac thalr beloved ansa tn a privets hosptlsl for treatment. I myself was sent to the Nebraska State tiospltal. Ingleslde. tor almost four months. This wss hi the winter ef IMS-lilt, st which Urn W. B. Krn. M. D.. wss superin tendent. I will describe th condition b) th institution. I found thm such thst It would he a crime en my side not te do anything In regard te the welfare ot th deplorable patients. If I would hav been under the supreme direction of Dr. W. B. Kern much longer I wuuld have died, 1 presume. In this hospital the attendants ar paid by th state snd hav no sympathy with ths sick whatever. Many of th attendants are s crusl tbst a large number of live ar shortened through their treatment. In som eases Instant dastb Is ths eonss quenc. The patients, whether they may bs ever sa tnnsssat. era threatsned with torment tX they will report anything of ths kind to ths Superintendent There fore, the latter may wot be aware of the present conditions te th full extent. If f in wot badly mistaken Dr. Kern showed himself only nr while I was thee la the wards. In th winter of IMS Jilt th temperatures In the day and night hall. Including tk dining room, must ave been ss low s from I to 11 below ssre. 1 know at natlesta who rs eelvrd nothing else for dinner but three frozen end partly rotten potatoes, soma dry bread snd a cup ot hot water. Sine t aw st bom assia with my beloved family. 0d Almighty has helped m be yond comprehension: It It le according te His will I will bs a sound man In a very short Urn, after which I shall cause an tnspaetlon tn th Nebraska State hospi tal by som prominent men. Th guilty enaa mar have to servs a fixed term In the atat penitentiary unless th condi tion of this Institution ars changed al together In the near future. Many state hospitals hi this United 8ts.tas ar simi lar te the above named In rsgsrd to con trol, medical treatment snd nursery LAWRENCE RVETER. Safes Phlld4pha Record. A decision Just handed down by the Nsw Tor court of appeals brings eur corporation law In line with the best statute? emvrtnraitt ef Buroaeaa coun tries en the subject of promotions snd promoter' liability. Th court holds that persons who Invest tn th bonds of a company, relylns; upon a are pectus rsnuuelng mlaleading sutaevents con cerning the properties af th corporation, are entitled lo reeovcr from the pro moters ths money no Invested. Where promoters employ as atsert, snd th lat ter utter tbe misleading or falsa snd fraudulent statement snd prospectuses ever his sols signature, all of th pro moter are nevertheless responsible as principals: and they are liable to pay ment ef damages te th deceived pur chasers "without referee e ts their moral guilt or innocence. ' Thus, one by an, are the subterfuge behind which the hypocritically honest financiers have been In th habit ef stslkmg th deer u veetae thrown aside by tk court. A Maslt to Patleaee. Baltimore American. Mexico has been wsrned to keep bands oft Americana. Uncle Bam I patient and long-suffering, but even his tolerance believe there la suck a thing as Im posing a good nature. WHITTLED TO A P0DST.. Captain Jinks of the horae marines was feeo-.ng his horse on corn and beans. "Talk about the con of living:" he eaid. vegetarianism was expensive. Chicago Said nn, man nn ),. .luatln. to a friend: "Well. m,.n.v talk " "Maybe it does," answered tae other, 'hut all , r . ... .A . .. . Dye.' "Baltimore Amehcan. "What do VOIl IhinW Af Ihi n- riinw society has taken up?" .an 1 ay, replied the professor. Like most of the ailments that iwtm, experience, a new dance doesn't seem so very serious until you hear the tetliui.al name for lu" Washington .Star. "Why do you scorn that younc man?" RlTIUS. h- ,..11.. ..n!,. . .... fagyi - ' " wiij im iw in a uui- "Well, what's the matter with that? Ho naa lha rioh, ..I. - --- ... ,u.B nnai ou save on '"..P0" ou cn P "o the auto mobile. Louisville Courier-Journal. 8treet Urchin Whpr. gie? -"- Maggie-Coin" ter de butclier fer fr cents wort" uv liver. t rchln Chee! Ter goia' ter have com pany fer dinner, ain't yer? Boston 1 ranscript. .V1 n.?,r Jagsby's son has taken to gam bling." "So he has." "I aiinn,a im Kb- i i. . , , , - - - -. ' ' wiacn pour oiu father's heart?" ot much he broke his poor old l : .. 1 ,lv u,u- te uroae ttie bank. Baltimore American. "People nowadava." a lit ii, Aii hmu cat. "don't know how to raise children. They let the youngsters have their own "The, 'a viali, ' m.iii . i , j , i V. in, mi nro.ni hen. "Now, look at these chicks of mine. They wouldn't hsve amounted to any thing If they hadn't been sat upon." Catholic Standard and Times. 'Words sre terribly funny thlnits, aren't they." said Mr. Jones. "Take the word gargle how on earth do you suppose thev ever got that?" "Very simple, my dear." said Mr. Jones. "Just look at yourself in tne glass some time when you gargle, and then look at a saj-goyh), and you II e."-Harper Weekly. THE PEETECT WIFE. New Tork Time. She's not a member of a club. d..w i..vr eiaae or women S rignts, 8he could not stand the sneer and snub iii auiiraseiio incites. She never gossips, never hears Of scandal In another's life To her a world of Joy appears Because she Is th perfect wife. She does not scold If home to dine Her husband bring some city friends, But serve the good cigars and wine And to their general comfort tends. Nor does she frown when morn reveals Half-smoked cigars, a cause for strlf. Upon the rugs where down she kneels. Because she Is th perfect wife. And should her husband phone to say At business he will be detained. She never thinks that some new play May be the reason he remained. To poker game h alway goes At any time th game I rite. And. win or lose, sh never knows Because she Is the perfect wife. When homeward sound, th rooster crows. He doesn't have to ahed his shoes: She never yet went through hi clothes. As othere do when husbands snoose. She doesn't wield the rolling pin. Ho useful !n domectlc lit When husbands blow their money In Because sh I th perfect wife Hav Your Ticket Read "Burlington" Summer Excursion Fares Round Trip from Omaha San Francisco, Lot Angeles,. Portland, Seattle, Van couver, daily commencing Jane 1st $60.00 San Francisco, Lot Angeles, April 27 to 30, May 1 to 3, June 12 to 20, August 29 to September 5 55.00 Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, May 15 to 17, May 27 mid 28, June 3 to 6, June 27 to 30, July 1 to 5, Julv 11 and 12, October 12, U and 15 . 55.00 Including California, Portland and Seattle. $15.00 higher. YELLOWSTONE PARK Open gas 14 . Basad Trip trass eeah To Gardiner entrane g SS.00 Going and returning via Gar diner, all accomn.udationa in Park for Hi day M0 In via Gardiner, out via Tel. lowaton and 8cnlc Colo rado, alt accommodation for ti day tour In Park lOT lS Going and returning via Cody, all sicomnic-ladons in Park for6 day tour H.iS H0MESEEKERS EXCURSION RATES FIRST AXD THIRD TVESPAYS Dsuvei' and return Big Horn Basin and return. ase.SO 3SM The above are representative ratee. They show also how to reach the territory oearby these destinations. Ask for litersture for your proposed Journey. Lot us help you plaa ths most attractive tour at the least cost. J. B. RKr.NOI.DH, C. P. A., 1302 Ksrnaru St., Omaha, Xel. iE3 i r- -- l 7 Have You Decided to Go to Dallas With the Omaha & Lincoln f Ad Club? We Hope So! , This Convention Is goinj to be tbe fineet opportunity ever of fered business men to broaden their knowledge on this great sub ject of sdvertlslng, and at the same time making a splendid trip into a new country which will be restful and invigorating from every standpoint You will hsve a complete change of diet, air, scenery and thought, and return to your work with renewed vigor and filled w ith new ideas and enthusiasm. Last year in Boston the Associated Advertising Clubs of Amer ica was conceded by all te be the brainiest convention ever held there; and Teias wants you to see Dallas, Ft. Worth, Waco, Hous ton, Ban Antonio and Galveston, en dress parade at tbe loveliest time of the year. Leave May 18th. Apply to Victor White Chas. C. Rosewater J. A. C. Kennedy R. B. Wallace AiBOB DAY. Edith M. Thomaa in N. V. We trees are your brothers. O cSildirn of men. have a car That ye war not iukii u w wno aie pledged unto peace! Behold, every blow, every ill. that for u- ve prepare . . , Rebounds to your K-athe. through years to your soirow s incit.-se. Tour brothers we stand to the skh-s. a we stood from the first: But ye. children of men. cie ye ft jr. .. all lowiv must creep Tour servant" ye bring on yourselves ti plague of preat t!ilrt When ye strip from the land our en claves lofty and de- p. We stand to the kie-e, eider ari better than e: With heaven hive cracv, for wc spec. with the fountains, of strtams The full laden clouds, th.it would Minn you and pass to the But for us. w ho will BJk for the earl t and for you. as be"eem?. W ak" And th channels and rivers are filled at our prayer. The laughter of rills, long silent, is heard in the land: And the User of heat, that hath tracked you. Is turned to his lair! What will ye no alien no more to the skies we shall stand Also, ye mortals who envy and menace our state. Have ye forgotten how once with u solely ye dwelt? We were your refuae. your shield, from rapine and hste. Whence, ambushed in us. your rude sbapen arrows ye dealt! There Is none that remember save some old dreamer of your Who f.wters a rootiree dear unto him aa his hearlh! And the love of that tree tn turn for the dreamer endures While Its years and its rines Increase 'ncath the rough armored girth. We sing to t:iat dreamer. s The dreamer may sing to the world (For ye would slay s. our treasure thereby shall not find! Where Daphne I hid, like a flower at evening unfurled. Or Aty lies sleeping overflowed by th sweet-scented wind! Ay, and we tree to th dreamer ss ssges sre known As prophets snd heroes snd minstrels, Inxathered ef old: From all of these, swaying In council. some murmur be blown. That, reachlnt your ear, your violent hands shall withhold! And well. O ye children of men. If a day ye decree When th yoimceet among you, whose flower and whose hope are at spring. Shall kneel on the sod. with tender hands planting a tree A deed that shall grow with the years and th annual ring! SUMMER TOURS Commencing Jane 1 meaad Trip fross Omaha Penvsr snd Colo. Springs . ...I1T.SO Eats Park. Colo H.SO Bait Lake. Utah soje Deadwood. 8. D , is. 74 Rot Springs. S. D. ;.. ia.T elhridaq and Ranchcstsr, Wye. S&.TS Parkman. Wye. SSJS Cody, Wye Sloe Tharmopoll (Hot SprlngshWyo 340 Rllllns. Mont, and return. lireat Kalis and return butte, Missoula and return. .ease . 16 CO ) A 1 A )) v V