THE BEE: OMAHA. -MONDAY. - APRIL 22, 1912. Nebraska Nebraska CONVICT MURDER CASES UP Three Trial Will Air Charges Against Prison Management CADETS' ESCAJGPMIHT OMITTED Seraae Ceart Oaialea la Deaahae Caap Rrealla Seaae Palltlra Playee! ejr Fersarr Gevrraer Saalleaeerser. I From a Staff Correspondent.) LlXCOUt. April !L (8pilal.)-Th present k doubtless will witness a court airing of some of the things which have been told regarding the past man agement of the penitentiary. Three mur der' cases from the penitentiary are scheduled to be taken up In succession. First comes that of Albert Prince, the colored man who killed Deputy Warden Pavla at the conclusion of chapel exer cises. Hla principal defense, as outlined -by his attorney. Is that he was rendered desperate by the abuses which he alleges he was subjected to. If the case Is fought out on these lines the public will have an opportunity to learn from testi mony under oath what foundation. If any, there la for these charges. Following the Prince case comes that of Morley. the only survivor of the es cape which resulted In the death of War din Delahunty. Deputy Wagner. Guide Hellman, Convicts Gray and Dowd and Roy Blunt, the Sarpy county farmer, whom they had forced to drive a team for them. After this comes the case of Tom Ivla. the convict who killed a fel low convict with a knife while at the breakfast table. This case, however, does not promise to bring out much of conditions at the prison, as It resulted from a personal quarrel between the two men. Kaeaatamrat Omitted. Owing to the lateness of the season the annual encampment of the cadets at the state farm will be omitted thla year. The weather la not suitable tor an encamp ment and the condition of school work later In the year pre luded the possibility of holding It at a later date. Instead of the encampment there will be drills, the annual competitive drill between the Worklaer regiment of the farm school and the Pershing rifles of the academic department. Thla will be held on the city campus. At J p. ni. Thursday will occur the competitive company drill, to be judged by regular army officers from Fort Crook, followed by a review of the cadets and presentation of prises by Gov ernor Aldrich. Soaae Political Hlaterr. The majority opinion of the supreme court In the ouster case against Chief of Police Donahue of Omaha recalls some politics played In the governor's office during the Incumbency of A. C. Shallen berger. When complaint was made to him of conditions In Omaha he feared j the political effect of a retuaal to art. The then attorney general, Thompson, advised him that the action should be brought against the mayor as well as the chief of police, as the law made that official the medium of its enforcement Rhallenberger. however, feared the politi cal effect of starting an actio against hla opponent for the gubernatorial nomi nation. Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, and consequently It waa brought solely against the chief. The opinion of the court sustains the position taken by the attorney general at the time. Following Is the supreme court call for the next sitting. For hearing Monday. May : Latta aealnat Button Land company: ap leal from Ariams county: stocking aaalnat city of Lincoln, appeal from Lan caster county: Hell against Dtngwell. ap- prai i mm rawnee county: rltsKrald. al minlstrator. against I'nlon Stock Yards company, appeal from Douglaa county For hearing Tuesday. May 7: Hoff man against Chicago Northwest ern Hallway company (reargument). ap peal from Holt county: Wlllier against t'ummings. appeal from Platte countv: (Mark aRainst llannafeldt. appeal from Knox county: Swett against Antelope County Farmers' Mutual Insurance com pany, appeal from Antelope county. For hearing Wednesday. May s. Trlller sgalnst Sadie. appeal from Lin coln county: Shull against Ooerl. appeal from Merrick county: Boling against atate. appeal from Nemaha county; Burns appeal from Clay Second Trial of Flege Murder Case Begins in Pender Tuesday PENDER. Neb,. April fl.-4gpeclal.t- The second trial of the Flege murder case will begin here Tuesday. The case fas removed from Dixon county on a change of venue, the motion for which alleged that William Flege on account of the bitter feeling against nim could not have an Impartial trial In Dixon county. This motion was strongly opposed by the state and more than I7 affidavits were presented on both sides. Ex-Congressman J. J.,MrCarthy and W. D. McCarthy of Ponca and Fred Berry and Frank A. Berry of Wayne represent the defendant and C. A. Kingsbury, county attorney, Dixon county: A. B. Davie, county attor ney, Wayne county, and C. II. Hendrlck son of Wayne represent the state. The body of Louise Flege. member of a well known family of Logan township, was found in her own yard. June 30, 1910. with bullet holea In her head and breast. After weeks of Investigation on part of detectives, complaint was filed in Justice Myers, court at Ponca, July !7, 1910. charg ing William Flege with the murder of his sister, Louise, who had been his house keeper. Their parents being dead and both unmarried they had lived together several years. The preliminary hearing was of July 3 and 30 and Flege was held to the district court In bonds In the sum of IS.OM. which he furnished. He waa arraigned and tried In district court November to December 10, 1SIO, found guilty of murder In second degree and on December H was given a life sentence by Judge Graves. He waa taken to the penitentiary on December 15. His attor neys appealed his case to the supreme court and on May . 111. he waa released pending his appeal by order of the su preme court, the bond being fixed at .000. In December, Mil. the case was versed and remanded for trial. Flege waa brought before district court December 11 at Ponca and held in SX.O00 bonds to appear at March term for trial and at that time the change of venue to Thurs ton county waa granted. On account of the prominence and wealth of the parties Interested the case hss excited great Interest in all -northern Nebraska. I Lancaster. 5; precincts lew jjs Lincoln. precincts 14 stl 1 Naace. complete 41s m I Merrick, complete 4il - MerrUi. S precincts 1M 43 : Nemaha. 17 precincts X 433 I Nucholis.. 15 precincts ;i 4J3 Phelps, 13 precincts I.n2 W Pierce. 7 precincts 174 14M Seward. i; precincts SM I Sherman. 4 precincts 10 j Stanton. 11 precincts j ih) I Thurston. precincts 17 i Valley. 12 precincts S M Washington, complete .". Ss Wayne L"7t 344 York, complete 46s sM Totals ! 17.574 18,34 Nine precincte" missing. Bow. Heller and Jeffords: Mason city. ,ra0,n Pln- and as It was quite cold t-ngi!sh and Duke, empire: While. Hlti Bow. 11: Mason City, 5. Features of the game were the fielding and hitting v iht iiuiim? team. Be .eciatle geaator. stial-Thomp- len- son berger Reed Smith Adams 14.1 17 18 14 Brown 1 ....... 10 3 13 1 Buffalo 1: .... s fa 1& Butler 11 Hi 7 Boone 3 K KB Box Butte 3 .. WW ; Boyd 3 SS 44 10 i Cuming 13 .... lm ill 302 141 Custer S ll 80 12 t Dakota 1 3 8 Dawes 1 10 54 7 3 Furnas 28 .... S 7 Gage 13 XI 113 19 Greeley 1 3 74 17 1 Gopher 2 43 3 4 Harlan 3 3 218 3 Hooker 1 .... 7 1 Howard .... 2!l 1HJ 18 J Hall 13 472 4? Jefferson a .. si 2SS 32 17 Knox 1 35 8 1 Nuckolls 7 .... 7 2 4 Nance i 38 35 4 Phelpa 3 24 117 i Pierce 1 20 42 g s Wayne S2 lfH 8S York 11 40S 53 8 .. Total precincts, 218. Totals .... 3.854 4.0J1 788 33 Democrat for Governor. Mrt- Paleata far Asalaad Mea. ASHLAND, Neb., April ll.-tgpeclal. Three rltlsens of this vicinity have Just perfected Inventions and received pat ents on same -or have patents pending. Al B. Cllne, a blacksmith of this city, hat perfected an extension to the regulation anvil by the use of which the handling of large plow shares and other pieces of work found to be too large tor the or dlnary anvil may be manipulated with much ease and greater speed. Thomas S. Smith has patented and papers are now pending for the manufacture of a new sort of cement block, whereby the entire wall may bo left hollow, giving greater drying apace by way of ventilation. Harry Wood ruff, manager of the Duff Grain com pany's elevator at Memphis, patented an electrical device for use In an elevstor or any building having several rooms. By pressing an electric button the manager ran call the room desired. Ha baa re ceived a patent on same Cllna'a patent is now pending. Ilockett, against county For hearing Thursday, May : Har vey against Bowman, appeal from Boone county: Miller against Miller, ap peal from Lincoln countv: Advance Thresher company against Kendrlck. ap peal from Dawes county; Fltxgerald against state, appeal from Hayes county. For hearing Friday, May 10: The Enterprise Irrigation district against Tri-State Iaind company, appeal from Scott's Bluff county: Carpenter against Schnerle (reargument), appeal from Franklin county; Hill against Cham berlain, appeal from Lincoln county; Paasler against Rowe. appeal from Pougla county: Function against Fullerton. appeal from Lancaster countv; Crltes against Capital Fire Insurance company, appeal from Franklin county, Dhooge against Chicago, Rock Island at I'aclflc Railroad eompanv, appeal from Saline county; Forrest against Nebraska Hardware company, appeal from lauicas tor coonty: Peterson against County of Lincoln., appeal from Lincoln countv; Hrerdlove against Gates, appeal from Boone county; Majerue against Barton, appeal from Pawnee county; Davles ugainat Davlea, appeal from Buffalo county; Caulk against Caulk, ap peal from Dixon county: Farm ers' bank of Lyons against Dixon, appeal from Iriion county: the Village of Kenesaw against Chicago. Burlington Uulncy Railroad company. appral from Adams county; George against Prachell. appeal from Lincoln county; Gaater against estate of Gaater ton motion for rehearing!, appeal from Cuming county: Phillips against Chicago at Northwestern Railroad company, ap peal from x eree county: Grout against Meyer, appeal from Wheeler county: Realty Investment company against Shafer. appeal from I.ancater countv; state ex rel city of Omaha against I'nion Pacific Railroad company, appeal from Douglas county: Larson against state, appeal from Burt county; First National bank of Omaha against Cooper, appeal from Douglas county: Williams against state, ypeal from Douglaa county. Kits' raraWal at Nana Platte. NORTH PLATTB. Neb.. April ll.-(8pe-clal.t The Elks' carnival closed last evening. It has been In progress for three days. The reason for Its existence waa to raise a $500 debt which the Kike owed and to provide fuoda for further improvements and decorations of their lodge rooms. In this they were eminently successful, as more than ,009 waa raised by the entertainment. It was an Indoor carnival In every respect, held In the splendid Elk building, built In this city about two years ago, and every form of amusement possible Indoors waa provided. NO CHANGE INJHE FIGURES (Continued from First Page.) Boone, t precincts ... iig Box Butte. 3 pete.... 15 Butler, complete 307 Buffalo. 17 pots 147 Burt, complete 41 Brown, 1 precinct.... 53 Burt, S precincts 5 Cedar. 11 pots. C4 Custer. 1 pet 1 Clay, comnlete le- Cuming, u precincts 222 Dakota. 1 precinct... 4 rs, 1 precinct.... 18 Dodge, complete 127 Dawson. 1 pets im "Douglas Dixon, 1 precinct.... I Douglas. 2 nets....:.. 10 Franklin t Ftirnaa. X acta n Pe li Greely. nets u Gosper. I precincts... 31 rtowaro. 15 pets Kt Hamilton. 14 nets tta Harlan, 3 precincts... M Hooker. 1 Drertnnt. . a . Jefferson, 13 pets 95 neya rana. 1 pete... 18 Knox. 1 precinct 7 Lancaster, 40 acts... sit Merrick, complete.... lag Morrill. I pete. Nuokolla. IS nets lie Nemaha. 17 pets.., 155 nance, complete s2 Polk. 1 pet t . Pierce. 7 pets... 7j Phelpa. 13 r-cts... j4t Platte. It pets 315 ut, a pi ecincts..".. 153 Seward. 17 pete ) Sherman. 4 pets sg Stanton. II precincts. 75 Valley, 11 pcu 70 Wayne 175 Washington complete 212 York, complete 280 181 3 435 1M 1 1 217 1 128 - 387 3 13 M 58 2.241 I 45 313 57 S 118 73 1 1 87 14 174 IH 33 80 tl 4 147 1 M MS 4 ' 84 31 M 121 30 m 140 170 13 43 180 11 401 at 10 41 SU 1 1,23 T 37 lit 77 184 30 " 41 234 320 150 8 144 30 1.C23 114 a 187 to 19 45 I 88 154 H 382 3 137 122 111 1 383 Morehead. caife. Adams, precincts 137 12s Boone. 3 precincts 171 Itu Box Butte, 3 precincts 61 40 Boyd. 5 precincts 42 39 Brown, 1 precinct 37 40 Buffalo. 17 precincts 221 t Burt, complete 1M0 li's Butler, complete 811 407 Cedar, complete 337 its Clay, complete 279 4.-4 Cuming, 12 precincts 4ti7 3K, Custer, 5 predncte 120 lt Custer. 1 precinct 18 17 Dakota, 1 precinct 5 II Dawes. 1 precinct 39 31 Dawson. 7 precincts 165 177 Dodge, complete 497 4-1 Douglas 2,792 1,517 Furnas, 2 precincts 48 55 Gage, complete ST-O 2t4 Garden, i precinct 13 18 Gosper, 2 precincts 36 87 Greeley, 8 precincts 2W 118 Hall. 14 precincts 3A4 tl Hamilton, 14 prectneta 1..2 93 Harlan, 3 precincts 79 155 Hooker, 1 precinct 7 l Howard. IS precincts 141 204 Jefferson, 13 precincts 22 149 Keya Paha, 3 precincts 1.1 19 Knox, 1 precinct 28 15 Lancaster. 50 precinct 548 1.038 Madlaon, prectneta i i Nemaha. 17 prectneta 353 207 Morrill, 2 precincts 12 57 Nance, complete 122 15a Nuckolls. 19 preceincts 127 334 Phelpa, 13 precincts 110 187 Pierce, 1 precinct 57 18 Platte. 18 prectneta 792 172 Sherman, 4 preclncta 41 o Seward, 17 precincts lift! 24 Stanton, U precincts 102 16 Valley, 11 preclncta 91 128 Washington, complete 283 76 Wayne, complete 212 l.i7 York, 11 precincts 52 64 York, It precincts 347 255 Totals 11,581 1,313 Nine preclncta missing. Res-abllcaa .National Cesaaaltteessaa RflUWil.. Antelope. 21 precincts 301 Boyd. 5 precincts 88 Box Butte. 3 precincts 73 Brown, 1 precinct V9 Hurralo. 17 preclncta 419 Burt, complete :79 Butler, complete 329 Cedar, complete 90 Cuming. 12 precincts , 421 Custer, 5 precincts 20 Dakota, 1 precinct 32' Dawes, 1 Precinct 66 Dawson. 7 precincts 301 Dodge, complete 649 Douglaa 3,974 Furnas, 1 precincts 30 Garden, 1 precinct 19 Gage. 13 preclncta 617 Gosper. 1 precincts 26 ureeley. a precincts a) Hall. 10 preclncta 348 Hamilton, 14 preclncta 158 Harlan. J preclncta ill Hooker, 1 precinct 27 Howard. 15 pretincts 41 Jefferson, 13 precincts 153 Keya Paha, 3 preclncta 29 Lancaster, 52 precincts 1,812 Lincoln. 9 preclncta 123 Knox. 1 precinct 35 Madison. 9 precincts 140 Merrill, 3 precincts 67 Nemaha, 17 precincts 28 Nuckolls, 19 precincts 248 Pierce. 1 precinct 61 Phelps, t precincts 89 Seward, 17 precincts 348 Sherman, 4 precincts 132 Stanton, 11 precincts 96 Thurston, t precincts 94 llev. 12 precincts 194 W'ashtngton. complete 198 Wayne, complete 222 lorn, it precincts 519 Touls 12,860 Nine precincts missing. 323 120 61 71 492 4.H 39 97 212 53 31 127 3H9 565 4.2S5 95 34 123 44 26 333 318 137 17 44 373 23 !.46 221 17 59 08 446 343 82 194 467 10! 90 1 22 339 349 543 It, 167 Totals 4U7S 7.471 9.0V4 one precinct missing. -Nine precincts missing. eaaklleaa Seaatar. ' Brown. Norris. 679 FLOUR THIEVES ARE BUSY IN BROKEN BOW - . Adama. S pretincts jvs) BROKEN BOW, April 3.-fBpectal.)-A rLPJ""0'" L . . . ( arwMf4p v precincts.......,,..., m gang of thieves operating In town seems ' Box Butte. 1 precincts 114 to be specialising on flour. Twice within i Boyd. 3 preclncta ' 78 the last few days warehouses rlor.g1ng "r!wn- 1 P"01"---- 21 to two grocery firms have been broken j Bm!mm?.""":. j Into during the night and a quantity of 1 Butler, complete!!!"!!.!!!"'.!"! 3e) flour taken, probablv !.8n pounds In all j Cedar. 11 precincts lli A streak of flour leading from the ware- Ic'uminprnc,-,!.;.;:::.";: Jff house through the alley east to Eighth i Custer. ( precincts M avenue showed the direction taken by- Custer. 1 precinct the thieves on their last marauding expe- I !!i!!2' pi''nft- .... ..... ' lawes. 1 precinct. ............. in dillon. but at this point all traces were ; Dawson. 7 precincts 315 lost and the officers compelled to a ban- j Dooge. complete 87 don-the search. There Is absolutely no "Douglas 4,l4 .-lew as to the perpetrators and the offl- Seefcpiete.!."!"."."'"""" 874 Ti are working on the theory that the Gosper. 2 precimns!.".'.'.'!.". i robbery waa coeaaaittecl by old offenders ' Greeley, t precincts m I Hall. 14 predacts 448 I Pteaaaat an.riae 1 h'""! " ",C"CU a foiluwa the first dose of Dr. King , New j g Life Pills, the painless regulators that i Howard. It renmta.... 4 i Jefferson. 13 preetnets gjg Keya Pane, 3 preetnets. at Knox, 1 - je strengthen yoa. Guaranteed, sale by Beaton Drug Co. For 78 a HI 8) 111 374 391 141 MS 249 25C 111 21 91 344 478 4.A41 118 XM 71 4; 534 3ls II 22 fci aa . 16 l New Officers at West Pol at. WEST POINT. Neb.. April 2i.-(8peclal.) The new city administration haa been Inducted Into office. Mayor William Dill haa made appointments as follows: City attorney, M. McLaughlin; marshal, Fred Jacobs; night watch, George Shaw; city physician. tr. H. S. Summers. No ap pointment baa yet been made for water commissioner. It being the Intention of the mayor to consolidate that office with the office of water works engineer. Coun cilman Henry lckman waa cnoaen presi dent of the council. Ledge Hall far Heights. FREMONT. Neb,. April H.-lSpedal.)-Trfumph lodge. Knights of Pythias, at a recent meeting voted to purchase tbe Women's Christian Temperance union temple at the corner of Military and Park avenues, and will put the property In shape for lodge purposes. It wss built In I85t by the Women's Christian Temper ance union, contains an excellent hall on the first floor and stage and la ad mirably suited for a lodge room. Brekea slew Wlaa (rasa Maaaa City. BROKEN BOW. Neb.. AorU 21 fine. cBl The Rroken Bow High school base ball team defeated Mason 4'lty In a botiy 12 Glass before Breakfast tone, up the tomach, clean the hetul and dot yoa good. E-Zunyadi 8 4inos Water MATtAL LAXATIVE Qmlckly Believes CONSTIPATION I ste.- HaU H'-tac!" DEATH RECORD. 4arl staffer. NORTH PLATTE. Neb., April a.-.SredaD-Carl Shaffer, an architect of thla cltv, died at 3 o'clock Saturday morning in St. Luke's hospital. Ha waa operated on a short time ago for append! cms and seemed to be getting along nicety until last night. His father and mother, rormerly of Omaha, but recently moved to Los Angeles, hsve been notified. His death waa entirely unexpected. For the last two years he has been an archi tect In thie city and has designed a num ber of the business buildings here. The largest are the Elks' building and the Tlmmerman hotel. 38 rm. 4 aeries Geodetl. WEST POINT, Neb., April :i.-(Spe. claD-Tha death of Mrs. Charles GoodelL formerly of this county, Is announced aa having occurred at Irma. Kan. Mrs. Goodell waa the wife of the former sta tion agent at the Northwestern depot at Beemer and waa formerly Miss Iatverne Gibbon. She grew to womanhood here. She lesvea a husband and two daughters. The cause of death was tuberculosis. the child was closely wrapped In a shawl, "hen the mother discovered her child was dead ahe was distracted. laraat fteaatbered te Death. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., April 21. -(Spe cial. Aa the result of being wrapped too closely the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Magsgadt. who reside on a farm In Douglas county, was smothered to LETTERS PATENT ISSUED TO WESTERN INVENTORS SHIP'S OPERATOR RELATES STORY (Continue from First Pateo.) t-lr?iVa so far man is i-uncernol. was deV4tlfit8ii hv fht chttimun M 1rvtv mciai list of lttra patent of lnvrn-ifrom thy witness an acknowledgment tlon, tsUUtM from th I'mtad States pat jthat on Sunday evening l.rtd wait aitttnic. ent offtrts at Washington. !. c. to In- th apparatus Mapped to his habitants of Iowa and Nebraska, for lh ears, adjust.! his acroum. whtle th wek ending April 30. mi, a reported steamshtn fallfornlan. swkin ir kaui rrom th ofHce of W.llard Kd-ly. solicitor of patents and counnelor in patent rausc. 1U City National bank building. Omaha, Neb.: Krnrst E. Adams and J. U Pudek of Schuyler, Neb,, for ptg fon-eps. lorRe M. Anderson of Cordon. Nob., for wire clamp. Osear T. Anderson of Waterloo. N for tool for cutting teeth on worm, wheels. Joseph M. Chapman of Macedonia, la , for colter attachment for plows. Jeremy B. Coonrod of Rock Island, la for armor for vehicle tirea. Howard K. Dinwiddle of On a a, la for manure spreader. Ixula ;. Kmrnona of Cedar Falls, . for knockdown heating anDaiattis f..r corn cribs. Thomas B. Ford of Fairfield !- f.r ad junta Me window arreen. Nicholas U. of Waterl.Mv 1. for friction clutch. Julius C. Ilarnham of I.lmvtln V.K for harness. ItivmotMl 8. Hill and O. P. I 'ml r 01 inaianoia, ia.. tor carniireter. Solomon B. Humbert of Cedar Falls, la. for rail-tie. John W. Kemnf of Ooehner. Neb - f.e core for making concrete culverts. Mlilam li. Stone of Bayard. Neb., for plow. Kalph H. Throckmorton of )I..moste4t Neb., for manure spreader. the Titanic that tceberKs wore Invading the lanes of ocean travel, c.illcd Inces santly. Hrido &atd he hoard the call, but did not answer Ncau he was "buisy." It mas not until a half-hour later that th CaHforninn. striving to reach the atramshlp Baltic, reached also the Titanic, whereupon the warning that thrt-e huge icebergs had been sighted was notd by Bride and verbally communicati-d to the liner's captain. Senator Smith established by Gusllelmo Marconi. Inventor of the wireless system bearing his name, that both th TUiinlc and the Frankfurt operated virtually the same tpe of Instruments. In the opinion of the inventor there existed no reason why communication between the two vs sela should not have been perfect, pro vided weather conditions were favorable. The night. It previously had been estab lished, was clear and there was no fog or other atmospheric dlsturltance. "Died of Pneumonia Is never written of thosa who ctirs coufths and colda with Vr. Kings New Discovery. Ouaranteod. 50c and 1100. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. t 1 1 1 ,r " i " 1 I The the m in MAM ? 1a mom glass Schlxtz is brewed m the dark Schlitz is shibhecj to you in Brown Bottles. 111 H i -fV.-'' ...7 I T r. f t 4-A-.'''''V-'.r''r t mm rY 111 v "- I :.:.'"? lil-ileifB'S" 11 ''H ' gpiH? '.; Ik Jf ; ra1 lri; Ilk HtSV2 'li saw 7 iy Beer exposed, to light cannot remain bure. Beer is saccharine. ""The slighted taint oi impunty ruins its healhfulness. In Gc (Tie B rermany exclusively. German effect of light on Leer. rown Bottl aT aT laBBBBB' r M aV is used almost brewers know tKe damaging Sift that crvwn or cork it branded "Schlitz." Phones) wiias ir.r Schlitz Bottled Beer Depot 723 S. 9th St., Omaha, Nebr. 08) The Beer ThafMadp MilwAiikce famous, STREET CAR HINTS -XII Every street car on the sytem is thoroughly cleaned and fumigated at frequent inter vals. We ask passengers to co-operate with us in keeping them clean and sanitary. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company Facts lor Wise Women! 1 i This is the new high bull nxxlrl, No. 355, in our Auto-Massage Self-Reducing Corset $3.50. These corsets girr you constant, gentle massage, which softens the Aesh, drives away the fat, malting you permanently smaller and su premely comfortable. No. 353 it same with low bust; No. 354 has medium bust $3.50. D EAR MADAM : REMEMBER! 1. Abdominal reduction is dangerous unless you have the complete abdominal tup port which only the Nemo gives. No other corset gioes the tlighlat abdominal support 2. A durable elastic fabric is essential in making long corsets flexible and com fortable. Amo Laslikzopi Webbing b the only clastic fabric in existence that will not lose Us elasticity. 3. The perfected Nemo of to-day is the combined result of over a hundred patented inventions. Nemo imitations short feeble copies of only a few of the famous Nemo features, and none of the latest improvements. IF YOUR DEALER tries to sell you sometning "just as good" when you ask for a Nemo Be a Wise Woman and go to a store where they will sell you what you want. A Nemo for Every Figure $3.00,$3.50,H00ud$5.0O Sold in good stores in every country where corsets are worn. KOPS BROS, Mfra, New York Expert Repairing Watch and Jewelry Best of Work. &orest Prices. Frits Sandwall Co. 30S South 15th Street. ftiiiimn.fiin Builds Strength All the news of real life and a lot of fua ererT lay fa The Omaha See.