The Omaha Sunday Bee PAiT TWO EDITORIAL PAGES OKE TO EIGHT Vast two SOCIETY PA'JIS ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XLI-XO. 44. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORX1NV,. APRIL 21. 19V2. SINGLE COPY FTYE CENTS. WURenCeffjfiarzy Where Styles are Newest Where Quality Is Best VTiencJTCJOny Where Prices Are Lowest lQjeSeaeffCoaim Here's Word o f Some Interesting Things to Happen at Bennett's Monday Monday and Tuesday Sees the Last of the Match less Bargains That We Have Been Offering in Our Great Comparison Sale Fine Millinery It's very seldom a firm of any reputable character any where make, such a startling announcement as the one we have for the last two days of our great Millinery Comparison Sale. Prac tically everything in this largest and best Millinery department in the entire Middle West at a third less than the actual values and regular selling prices. Guaranteed willow plumes, trimmed and untrimmed hats of all descriptions, beautiful bird of paradise and aigrettes-all must go. Here are the bargains in brief. Not an item reserved in lines mentioned. j Off On Every Trimmed Hat in the Store j Off On Every Untrimmed Hat in the Store i Off On Every Guaranteed Willow Plume jTOfTOn All of Our Beautiful Bird of Pa7a dise and Handsome Aigrettes lr3 $Vv,- 200 Sailor Hats, 98c A large variety of all of the newest blocks in all of the most wanted colors, and black, regularly priced up to $3.98, Monday and Tuesday, or at while they last, each 98c Children's Hats, 9.8c This price is for your choice of every child's trimmed hat in the store that regularly sells up to $4.98, and will be in effect Monday and Tuesday only. Dozens of styles, at ' VJ ip-X ,'.' till 98c A Small Deposit Will Reserve Any of the Above Bargain, for Future Delivery. You Will Find Many Others Equally As Good When You Come to the Store Special Showing of the New Lingerie Dresses A sumptuous display of the new and beautiful in lingerie and other dresses has been arranged for tomorrow's visitors. Women who realize the importance of being well dressed natur ally turn to the store that speaks with authority; that originates and adapts the best styles from both sides of the water, not eon tent with morel v retailing them. Such a store is Bennett's. This display is composed of dresses of white voiles and lingerie materials, trimmed with embroideries and cluny, filet and Valen ciennes laces. High and low necks. Ion and short sleeve, pephim and cosaque styles-everythlnK to please the woman of dtsrrlmlnatlriK taste. Price, range from $7.50 to $35.00. Sizes for women and misses. Cream serge dresses In the newest peplum styles, apron tabs front and back, sizes for women and misses. $35.00 and down to $7.50 Among other things, the new foulard and taffeta silk dresses at $11. R0 and up to $27.50 will prove specially Interesting. And there are cream wool skirts of Bedford cords, whipcords, serges and diagonals at tVSS, $rt 95 and $7.95. Blatter Jackets, In pretty striped uWIriis -one of the latest fuds-$:.75 and $ti.95. Silk and Cotton Shirts for Women White and black silk shirts with soft cuffs and soft detachable collars. $2.95 to $3.95. Plain whitn and striped madras Bhlrts. 1.2.r. to $2.50. Pongee silk shirts, preferred by many, $Mo. All sties, for women and misses. In each line. Lingerie Waists $2.75. $4.50 Cosaque styles trimmed with fine cluny, Valenciennes and filet laces as well as beautiful styles of all over embroid eries finished with wash hall buttons: the fin est you have ever known at $:'.75 to $4.50. Chiffon Waists. $5.75 An almost endless variety of tail ored and dressy styles In colors to match the new suits. (PC ""J C s att7a - Kxrrptlonal values i Combination Suits $1.59 and $2.29 All combination suits nre reduced in price to lower a stock that is tjj too large for the season. These two are extra specinLfor Monday only. Combination suits consisting of either corset cover and drawers or cor set cover and skirt --$2.73 values at $1.39; $.1.73 values at $2.20. $1.25 corsets covers, drawers, skirts and gowns, on sal. Mon day at. . . . 89c Corset covers, draw ers, gowns and skirts, worth up to M f 89c. Mod- llJC day at S One lot of corset cov ers and drawers, worth up to i 35c each, p Monday at 1:1:1 na illtT 11- MI i- m m Our Daylight Silk Store Provides the Finest Qualities in the Length and Breadth of the City at the Least Possible Price Paris has decided that silks are to be one of the leading fabrics la thla season's gowns, suits, waists, etc. You will find the assortment at this store quite satisfying as regards rang for selection, quality and fairness of pricing. Also you will appreciate the fact, when shopping and afterwards, that BENNETT S NEVER SACRIFICE QUALITY TO SECURE A LOWEK BELLING PRICE. In choosing at this store you have the benefit of nature's own pure light right In the department-and do not have to carry the goods outside to see if the shades are In perfect harmony-the ONLY DAYLIGHT SILK STORE IN OMAHA. Noticeable Among Other Remarkable Values are- For smart afternoon, street, dinner or evening (Town you will likely ihoone from the new bordered foulards. In Unitarian, AraMan. omhre. filet, Venetian and cluny Im'e bonier effects mi grounds of every wantM Kh.ide. Wlrltlw ranKe from 40 to 64 Inches anil prices fron.' II r.n to I MO the yard. yonfees with pratty floral borders wlM be in hlsh favor for summer's silk gowns. Full 40 Inches wide and only 2 per yard. Bilk poplins that are unexcelled for wear and which are possewaed of fine draping o,ualittes--do not muss or wrinkle-Jl.!! for the 42-lnrli width. roolarda are scheduled to out-sell the fabrics of any previous season and when you see the collec tion at this store you won't wonder why. Thers Is every new shade and staple color you can Imagine and dot. scroll, aiuare, geometrical, stripe and other patterns to please all. S9c, 5e, II 00. $1.26, tl.BO and I-.00 the yard as the width and nuallty warrant. Massallne silks will retain a prominent place with the fashionable. Our display la complete In every detailnot a wanted shade or color is missing. 27 to J Inches wide and 79c to 2.00 the yard, with seversl prices In between. The Really "Latest" Styles those fresh from Paris those showing the new draped skirt, for example, which is to be all the rage this summer, are found at their best in the Pictorial Review Summer Fashion Book It can't help being that way-for the Pictorial Review pattern business is the big part of the American Fashion , company, which supplies advance models (as it has for twenty years past) to the cloak and suit manufacturers, who must have their styles three or four months before the retail selling season opens. This is why Pictorial Review patterns are 60 to 90 Days Ahead .of all others. You could easily convince yourself, as have thousands of other women, by comparing all the pattern pub lications. If you do, just notice the numerous Pictorial Review style3 of draped skirts, the latest waists, the new cutaway jackets. Our own study of styles leads us to say: When you select your patterns from the Pictorial Re view Summer Fashion Book you do not run the risk of having your dress out of date as soon as it is made. Pictorial ReviewPatterns too, are superior to all others-here are the reasons l,000PiecesEnameledWare on Sale Monday All f .these goods, are o ilue and white, four-coated, first quality enameled ware and we believe they are the greatest enameled ware bargains you will be able to find in Omnha. Each piece is guaran teed perfect and If any should not irlve satis factory wear thoy will be replaced free of charge. Sqamless Berlin saute pans 10-qt. 70c; 8-qt.p BUY 6-qt., 40cs 4-qt. 39c Jo to II. 28 palls - H ut. site. Se l o and 15- SO,. slzr7U 1 1 Tae Pries of this jrattarn Is 15o Try one Pictorial Review I'attem luft one will start , I)Oti buying tliem regularly. I 1 In each Pictorial Review pattern is a patented Cutting Guide. This shows how to lay out the pattern and just as scientifically as an expert cutter could do, so as to use the least pos sible material. You cannot make mis takes; you cannot w aste an Inch anywhere. With each Pictorial Review pattern is a patented Construction Guide, showing how to produce a perfectly fitting garment with absolute cer tainty. There can be no home-made look about a garment made from Pictorial Review patterns: it looks right, fits right and stays right. These two guides, both FREE, are given only with Pictorial Review patterns A Copy of the Monthly Style Book of the Pictorial Review Patterns Free at the Pattern Counter. w , i i ""---" rrrmrmTnnniwwwiww d lie h r s - .". .pots. Monday. e t. a n. I . d 1 covers, 79c 49c Pull brass, hnav lly nickel plated bath tub aoap dishes worth KFc h. on sole Mon day at 49c Pudding pans go as follows 6 and 8-qt. slios, at aik-i 4 and B-qt. sizes at 10c; the 2 and 3-qt. sizes Heavy sheet Iron, two-burner ovens with best quality as bestos lining; regu lar $2.50 vahns, Monday only, $1.98 lish pans of h 1 u e enameled ware, with white lining are priced as fnllows-the 14-qt. p1z only R9c; the 1'i-qt. size, only. 49c 15c II. 4 lie toilet pupcr holders, braaa base, heavily nh lOl plated like tho rut. Monday, Seamless pre serving kettles-- 10-quart str.e, 8 -quart size, 6-quart size, 29c Iftr; 31; 23c mm toassssnauassci Window Screens Adjustable window screens, like the Il lustration; size, HiJI Inches; spe cially priced for Mondsv only, at, ea. 23c II Blue enameled rife boilers, with white lining, that regularly sell at $1.00 and $1.:'.j, one and two-quart sizes, for Monday'! selling, each. $1.60, 11.75 and 2 plate ; glass shelves, with beveled edges, like the cut; complete with braaa fixtures OQ and screws; at . . .&Z 59c 1 Towel bars of good quality; 1 vorth P"le he cream freei- V4-lnch brass tublng-36-lnch ernt rItra quality saivaniied size, 4!Jc; 30-inch size, 8(c; freir--J-qt.. l.S5i !-it., ! 24-inch size. 8.1c; zi-incn jt, size, 29c; 18-lnch size. 27c; j 15-lnch C size iSJCj $1.00 White Goods 2f.c and 30c fancy white goods In all the newest weaves and patterns, re- dured for Monday's selling 19c a yard Linen Suitings 45-Inch all linen suitings ' , made especially tor sum aner wash suits and sktru. 45c values, Monday only 49c a yard Linen Crash Linen crash, for summer suits and skirts, full 36 Inrhes wide; regularly priced at 35c, Monday only 25c a yard Linen Sheeting 0-lncb all linen sheeting made for summer wash suits, regularly sold at 1 1.60 the yard, Monday $1.00 a yard Specials in the China Store Genuine Rock ingham teapots, like the illustra tion; in two sizt-s and three shapes; 23c ea. Two hundred dozen white porcelain bowls, like the i 1 ustration, tt.rr-e sizes for . tlon. 5c 150 dozen cups and saucers, like the lllustra-1 tlon, of guaranteed pure white porcelain ware; come early so you will not be disappointed for the quantity is limited- ' Monday, 9c a Pair 1 Colonial tumblers of clear erystal glass. Ilka cut, dozen. 39c Mme. Grace Corsets ( II AND-TAILOKKD) Effect Fashionable Lines Slender women as well as women 'f" II fln.l f A IV f: AMH (iUM'K COKSKTS the ideal garment. (oniplete treedoin ot movement mid graeeful, easy earriage all i-onie naturally to the woman who! wears a proper! v fitted MADVME (SUACK Corset. They gently grade off the curves, moidiner the fitnire perfectly into smooth sweeping lines. Every height of bust, and a com prehensive assortment of hip styles will be found here at $3.00 - $4.00 - $5.00 $7.50 up to $25.00 The New Style Models in American Beauty $1.00 $3.00 $1.50 up to $2.00 $5.00 s uiismu.iJusumfSj t- ?'rBKJ 1 mm iiT.lvl m )1 ri ! THE ATTENTION' OF OUR SKILLED CORSETIERE3 IS AT YOUR SERVICE THEY WILL PERFECTLY FIT ALL CORSETS COSTING 13.00 OR OVER. 9 AnjWWlru-i.i-Lnj-l.n.ii-- - --' " "irnr '-innnsNsnsniMLM. i rsirn nnnn n,r nrrri 17 lbs. Granulated Sugan $1 And Other Pure Fool Bargains for Monday Bennett's Golden roffee and tanipfl, ll. S6o Assorted trtut avnd 0 stamps, lb. Mo Tea si ft in us and lu stamps, lb. 15c -lb. ran purs pepper and stamps. lOo H-lb tan Epp's cocoa and ?0 stamps 4o Pure fruit jelly and & stamp. Klaus 10c S cans Kajcte lye and 10 stanipn, S5o L'olman s mustard and i stamps. ran Uo Maple butter and 20 stan pa ran. tdo 2 pkjrs. Toa-Mo corn Hastes and 10 stamps ft5o Pint ran Gal Hards pure olive oil reduced to 40o A Combination Money-Saver for. Monday 1 6-tbs Granulated Sugar at 2io Pint Can Galllard's Ollra Oil ..4e i-lb. can Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, lie 24 lb sack Bennett's Capitol Flour.. "So 1-lb. can B. C Baklnc Powder to Bennett's Capitol pears and 19 atamps. can ..SA S-lb. roll Premium butterlne. . . Full cream cheese and IS stamps, lb Me Horseradish or pickles and S auunps, bottle 10 2-lh.pkK. Bennett's Capitol oata and 10 atanips 10 Pork and beans. 20 at'pa. can SOo c Jar Blshup's California fru't- ate for toe One dozen boxes safety snatches for as 8nidr's chile sauce and It atmmoe. bottle SSe 24-lb. sack -Qneen of the Pantry" pastrj flour and 49 stamps, ($2.16