TIIK OMAHA srXTAY REE: APRIL ?A. 1912. WHAT THE WOEN ARE DOING u rrrr sr r r ir ei T B Members of Omaha Woman's Club Are to Eavc a Busy Week. SOCIAL SCUKE IS UP MONDAY Arbor Day la to Be Obaerre mm Some- Trrra Will Be Placed Around the CIdv Honae. Th Omaha Woman's club will hav? two big days this we k the party In ccl ft ration of lis nineteenth birthday. "U dnestiav. and th Arh.ir day clehra t.im of tl.e social science department and IK1 forestry committer. Monday. The Monday meeting will start off with a ,roi;rrim hy the social science depart nier.i, of which Mrs. X. J. Biras is leader, when Dr. D. E. Jenkins, presi dent of the L'niveraity of Omaha. w!l! tpeak on The Social Service Significant- of the Men and Religion Forward Move mrnt' and K. C. Tape on 'Nebraska Uns Concerning Women." As this is the last meeiinff of the season of the de partmei.t the election of officers will held. After the social science meeting the forestry committee, of which Mrs. Wl 11am Berry of ifouth Omaha is chairman will hold exercises appropriate to Arbor : day. Mrs. A. V. Bradley will speak on Arbor day and vines wilt be planted out side the Metropolitan building, where the club meetings are held. An Informal re ception will close the afternoon. All club members of the club are invited. The birthday party Wednesday la !n charge of the art department, of which t Mrs. W. H. Hancock la leader. Miss Sara Hayden, head of the art department in the University of Nebraska, will be the speaker of the afternoon, her topic:. "Ijondon Art Galleries." Mrs. N. N. ; Hess will sing. Each member Is entltlei I to bring one guest and the Society of r'ine Arts has been Invited in a bodv. A reception will follow the address. Tn the receiving line will be Miss Hayden; Mrs. F. H. Cole, General Federation wc retary for Nebraska; the retiring offi cers of the club and the newly-elected officers. The house and home committee .has charge of the reception. The philosophy department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Mary B. Newton has been re-elected leader of th t department to serve again next season ! Mrs. William Berry was chosen assistant : 1 ader and Miss Mary Krebs was re elected secretary-treasurer. The prop ram and election of officers of the current topics department of the Omaha Woman's club, w hich was to have been held next Tuesday, has been post poned until April 30. Mrs. H. K. MrKelvy. chairman of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs ilvtc committee, will speak on "Com munity Civics" Monday afternoon at the seventh annual convention of the fourtn district at York. The household economics department of the South Omaha Century Literary club will hold Its last meeting of the season Tuesday at the home of Mrs. C. M. Kchln del. There will be a luncheon after which a literary program will be given. The hostesses assisting Mrs. SrhlndtM at the luncheon will be: Mrs. l Howe. Mrs, Y. L. Troy and Miss Louise Srhlnde). The feature of the program will be a talk on "Lowell, the Critlc-Hls Service to America" by N. M. liraham, superin tendent of South Omaha schools. April a. ISSS-Mr. L. B. Hall, a promi nent gentleman of Dorrance. Kan., and M ss Eva Free, daughter of Mr. M. A. Free of Omaha, were wedded at the home of the bride by Rev. J. S. Myers of Springfield. Mo. Miss Mamie Free, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Mr. J. S. Woodburn of Omaha acted as grooms man. The happy couple made an exten sive visit In Colorado for their honeymoon. April TL ISC Mr. John W. Ivers and Miss Sadie Clark succumbed to cupid's powers and united their fortunes at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dale. Rev. G. W. Brown of the Hanscom Park Methodist church tied the nuptial bow. Mif Emily Foster attended the bride and Mr. Frank King was the best man. An exceedingly large number of friends of the contracting parties attended th wedding. April . lfO-Oruyer Ha!! Tites. audi tor In the I'nited States National hank marks up the leather anniversary of h.s marriage to Virginia Mead. The wedding was celebrated at Falls City. Nrb. April H. iw-.Starry P. Berwick, prominent in the real estate business, and Mrs. Host wick ne F.Ka J. Keed today reach th tr china wedding anni versary. The wedding took place In Omaha. April :i. Vl-Ir. Paul II KM is. phy sician and surgeon, is a Ivued;. t of seven years' standing. Lillian Covert his bride ami Council Bluff the scene -f the ceremony. SEASON'S OPPORTUNITY at the home of the president Mrs. E. Barr, 2W0 Maple street. The West Omaha Mothers' Culture club will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. P. T. Barber. Davenport street. A nurse will be provided to care for the children. The cast for the suffrage p'ay. "How the Vote Was Won," which will be given by the Omaha Woman's Suffrage society Saturday afternoon. May 4. at the Lyric theater, has been selected and rehearsals have begun. In addition to the play there will be music by Frances Palais, pianist, and Miss Grace Mclinde, violin ist. Miss Florence Basler will sing the solo parts In the song. "Woman's Rights." The cast; Horace Cole ....Will Re Ethel, his wife Mrs. W. K. Shafer Winifred, her sister. ...Mrs. F. 11. Htggins Agatha Cole. Horace's Hister .Mi.-s Grace Conklln Mottle, his niece Misa Helen Sinclair Mrae. Christine, his distant relation.. Miss Lola Byrd Maudle Spark, his first cousin Miss Minerva Qulnby Miss Lizzie Wtlkins, his aunt Mrs. A. A. Holtman IJlv. maid of all work. .Mrs. J. K. Shafer Gerald Williams, his neighbor Charles llertzog The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. K. F. Epworth, 2y-'2 Harney street FERGUSON TO HEAD THE DUNDEE CLUB. ( J. Vtesa - r I x ' " ; v I The regular monthly meeting of tlie Woman's auxiliary of the Episcopal churches of Omaha and iclnity will be held in St. Paul's church. Thirty-second and California streets. Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. A largo attendance Is de sired, It being the last business meeting If fore the annual council. There will be no program. P. E. O. Sisterhood wll meet with Mrs. P. W. McVea Thursday afternoon. Mrs. F. C. Patton and Mrs. R. B. Zachary will be assisting hostesses In charge of the meeting. Bird stories will be told at the meeting of the Wyche Story Tellers' league Thurs day afternoon at the Puhllc library, by Mrs. R. S. Coleman. Miss Ida Crowvtl and Miss Grace Miner. Dr. Delia A. Lynch will speak on "Child Welfare' before the North Side Mothers' The Frances Wlllard Woman's Chris tian Temperance union will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. with Mrs. C. N. Withnell, 2330 Burdette street. "Health and Heredity" will be the subject of discussion. The meeting will be held Tuesday Instead of the regular day, Wednesday, In order that some of the members may attend the birthday party of the Omaha Wom an's club. SOCIETY GIYES BIG AFFAIRS (Continued from Page Two.) Mrs. George Barker In honor of Mrs. Violet Hall of St. Louis, guest of Mies Katherlne Moorhead. About thirty guests were present. Interesting pictures of Spain were given. A pleasant surprise party was given Mrs. J. F. Ferguson was the happy choice of the Dundee Woman's club fnr its next season's president. She will be the sevententh president of the club and Is said by her club sisters to be ably fitted to lead the organization's literary studies. The Dundee club numbers forty-seven members and belongs to the state feder ation. It has just completed an unusually successful scaAon, of study of American literature. Mrs. Fred Schnell. The afternoon wss spent with music and a social time. Those present were: Mesdames J. Welsonbork, J. L. Wise. K. Hutchinson. C. Young. Charles Foster, o. R. Cook. G. Shock ley, V. C. Price. A. Hald. Misses Linda Sehnell, Marguerite Welsenlwick, Mesdames J. A. Cry sal, B. Trostl. r. P. Beigl.-rnerer, M. Ik inm:M,iid, W. M. W.i.1,. C. J, i linm, Char lee liekleman, C. E. tSchuell. Misses May llorton, lva llorton. Hundreds of New Coats, Suits and Dresses on Special Sals Monday 500 Spring Suits F C Values to S25. at Smart up ti-.l.it. unit In pbm or fancy modoU. Made of fash ionable fabrit-s In ilrsir;iblt colorings. S35.00 and S40.00 Ex clusive Suit Models at $25 It l really asioiilsluiiK what cuiuii'tio styles ami rli !i materials can be ohniiiu it at tlH price suit. They are exact reproductions of creations by the le.ii'.mi; Parisian ilesicners. flue liipconls, man nish wormed. Krench serges, new novelties and several styles of silk suits They are real bargains at S'"! OO J Nobby Spring Coals $10, $15, $18.75, $25 At the above prices wo show excellent values made In the lat est sprtuc models The assorimeni includes navy serKea, diagonal smart mixtures and cloaking. : M. . St 5- St St 1 S1 St 1 MRrirnrrt Talmasrs. Klrmiior OallMhr, Mutrri: Mauler: .lumen IVrklns. Vlmnit (Ullartifr. ri.n.-l. t'rab, lwrunoe GHllaKht-'r. LtTnard Monaahan. $7.90 Silk and Wool Dresses 512.75 Value, at Presses that would ordinarily cost you $12.T."i to J15.ni). but we selected these material and had them made to ault us In some of the smartest novelty effects of the season silk and sorgo mater ials, a very unusual opportunity. MONDAY $7.90 $25 and $30 SILK DRESSES at 515 Over t.iO silk dresses, creations of exquisite materials, striped or plain taffetas, crepes, chiffons, silk poplins, soft messallnes. French serges and other fabrics equally popular in an amazing var lety of styles and colors. 1 here s every site from 16 to 42 and a stunning, distinctive model to please every taste MONDAY AT .$15 Cream Tailored Suits, $15.00 to $23.00 Suits for ' Stout Women, $19.75 and $22.50 Uttle MtM Prtrnthy Gallagher, rtitUKh ter of Mr. an1 Mm. J. M. (:tllmrher, en tertained Satnrilay nftf rn- on at her linrn In c'H'bratlin of her fifth birth. lay. The children present were: Mtlle Mip-i-n: Mttle Ml Mm: Kathehne Kelkenny, ViTKlma S-t(, burlle llrlm. Miihil Nuncnt, Alice ( Hrman, I(m- Spt. !. lxiln JC"tt, MarKiiitlti Nuprnt, Liladys 10 eves, )ornihy tlalluKher. Engagements An engaifement of much local Interest la thAt of Mlna Helan Irena Dyer of Berkeley, Oal, to Mr. John Frank Coad. Jr., eldest aon of Mri J. F. Coad. Tha announcement wa made ttt a lun tiieon itlven yesterday ty Mlaa Pyer at the home of her parent a, Mr. and Mra Timothy Iyer of Iterkeley. MIm !er Is a trraduate of th Vn vrrMty of California and Mr. Coad la president of tha Packers National hunk of Bouth Omaha. Mtsa Pyer vlrlted In Omaha last year and baa many friends here. The weddlntf will probably take place In the early summer. Mr. M. ftrnwn announces the encnue- nicut tf lir daughter, MHs hlhble, to Mr. Katn Hlock of Fremont, Neb. Had Had Expprlrnrff Funday School Teacher -If you ore a (rood hoy, HuMrr, you will go to heaven and have a unld crown on your head HuitT- Not for mine, then. 1 had one of them things put on a tooth once. Officers and Delegates of Omaha Woman's Club 5-Passentfer Brougham-All Scats Facing Forward In bringing out this magnificent Brougham, the Baker Company hai sur passed anything hitherto designed in a five-passenger Colonial electric.' There is nothing at luxurious on the market; nothing as roomy; nothing as modern. Being a more recent product than any other make, it has had the advantage of all the latest improvements and more thorough designing This model is upholstered in deep wine color broadcloth, with old gold metal trimmings An unusually handsome color scheme in connection with the rich garnet panels. ELECTRIC GARAGE COMPANY, Omaha Distributon N. W. Cor. 40th and Farnam Sts. The Baker Motor Vehicle Co. Manufacturers Cleveland, Ohio. b,vc- f & m Ivv; I msimat&KvlM. Jte-EJUhnae-lH 2kJ3W-CW&..fc 2fc.FJf.sXZeCrSec. The annual evr-nt In local womar.'s Clubdom has Mken place th next sea rons offers fr the Omaha Woman's ciub have U-en eiecrd. Mrs- C. W. Have, who fnr seventeen ' years has been one of the most a live n,,mh.rt in the club, was chosen presl- fact that her name was not on the slate ! prepared by the nomtnaMna; committee. ' All the other executive officers were the l nominating committee' a nominees. The , list comprisf-a Mrs. X. H. Nelson, first ! vic president; Mrs. F. T. Rouse, secoiv! ' vice president; Mrs. E. M. Syfert, record- Omaha, corresponding Ferret ar; ; !r1. John O. Yefser, merrymaker' tre.iauier. Almost as excitint a the c il-e of officers w.is th election of d -legates to th biennial convention of the -n-ra.I Federation of Women's Clubs, which W.ll - be hcud In ban Franc laco June 23 as a delegate ex-offloio. Mra. M. L. '"m eron. the out-fining president, was e!fcti rieJefrate, (H were aUo Mri, K, T. Ri'i urA Sir1. V.. It. H ;me Mr-. Iyrd. the new corresponding secreUtry jf the Omaha club, was elected dMegata to ue cunvention by the bwutd uicaha dent by majority la apita ot tti In secretary; ilra. 1 M. Lord of South j Mrs. Ha,yoa wlU attend ta convenUon Century Literary clubk Mr. Jerome Frederic I leyn will hereafter have sole charge of our operating depart ment and will do all the posing in oar studio. This announcement, we believe, will bo received with pleasure by our hundreds of patrons whom Mr. I leyn has served in this studio. Many of them will trust themselves to no other hands for lifelike and artistic poses. The reputation of his skill is such that he has been selected as official photo graphic artist in Omaha for American Society, an eastern society magazine of national reputation. This publication plans shortly to issue an Omaha number, in which the photos will be by Heyn. Mr. Heyn is extremely successful in posing persons of all ages. His degree of success with children is seldom attained and those who appreciate the rarity of it are highly pleased when. they Jring their children to this studio.' The Corset Women Like "NonU" tunti eaa bm ebtasnsd only from us. Thej eontaln features for wear, comfort and fitting that no other coreet poaaeuea Brerr corset carrlea a full cuaraataa. Our stock la ao Urge each rsr letr of models that ail voma can be properly fitted. Norda Corsets ranga In. ptjaa from Ji 00 to 125 00. Our fitting aarrlca) cannot ba equalled. Ida C. Sttckweil oath aide Batnaoa 1 Braadela Thee tea, Phona for Appointments Daogiaa ly I lthu4 i lewar Sts. After Shopping or the Matinee A light lunch anil a hot enp ot chocolate or Ceylon tea will do much to quiet the nerres and rest yon. Try it next time yon are down town at our Bod oasis, IStb. and Dodge street store. Siierman & McConneH Drug Company MANDO J eaVaW akalal eSe W 11 W-sei d raa. i XI allelelf kMn, t epe. W. uaaielae. IMkMkW Josephine Le Ttrre Compaaj Sold by Beaton Irua Co tba Ball Draa! Co and the Seaaatt Coawaoy Omaha i i a