Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 10

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    Celebrating Their Golden Wedding
Orktti Brothers
318-320 South 16th. St.
We Announce for Monday
a Great Showing of New
Tailored Suits $35 i $22
Beautiful and exclusive Models Worth from $35 to $59.50
; ' j
I ' ..: w i f ,.u-.:V.
pr ft- r- -
a .4 , 1 , ,
! ' 3tr. tad Mn. Henry W. Yte Cele
brato Golden Wedding.
, jiHliu Tbesterteal aa Hmttr
' ; Feettrttle f Chareh rlk,
' Arsr Fewpl an Cl-
' t CWa4a.
'ifOVr)AT-Mr. and Mrs. Hani? W.
k, . Yates, - golden wedding anniversary
- reeeptlon at Hillside; Mendelaaohn oboir
I and Thomu orchestra. ooncrt at th
TVB8IAY-MIM Ethel Tobsy. tea tor
via tine Delta Gamma; Mr. ami Mrs,
T. 1 Oavta. dinner and Orohsum party
for Mtaa Margaret Brown o( fit- Louie;
Mr. Arthur Kngllsh. brio, luncheon;
Mendelsohn ebolr and Thomae orches
tra, conoert at Auditorium,; Mrs T. A.
Golden, meeting of I'nlverslty Card
club; wedding of Mlaa Ma Loratta
Murnhy nd Mr. John F. Mortarty.
VEDNK8DAY Mrs Arthur Uraper'
Hmlth. evening entertainment for Halt
Gamma; Mr. John Meyr, meeting of
Wedneeday Bridge club.
THURSDAY Delta Gamma sorority,
luncheon at Hotel Loyal; Mr. R. B.
Rogers, tea for Mr. Charl Cneen nf
Orand aland; Merrymakere rlub, 'The
Junior" at Jacob' Memorial hall;
Magda club, dancing party at Turner
hall; Mr. A.. Ik Billing. auaUrlc of
J. V. W. Vu.
ymDAT-Portomiinrea of "Rpkrry
.. Jirta ee."; and "Ueutenant CJollght.
ly," followed by hop at I"ort ITouk;
Mr. Harvey Jackson, card party for
Mlaa Lola Allrasn.
ATURIAY"J'rlne llnow-White" t
th Branded: wedding of Mlaa Nellie
Veronica Mitchell and Mr. J aroma Mar-
tall; Kappa Kappa Gamma luncheon at
Young Woman lansiian association.
Tbl will b lay week with many
lart affair to call out society. And th
If matt ar of varying; naiaraa. Th
golden wddln( rcption of Mr. and Mra.
Maniy W. Tata cornea Monday nlnt
afonday vanloc. alao, aomaa tba opanlni
oBoart ( th Mn lfohn tbolr aad U
thaodor- Thomaa rrhtr at th Aual
tortura, to a followad by twa thr aou
oart, Tuawjay afternoon and avanjnf
Toan thar "will b th panl ai
th loaal- alumna- ba(iur of Dlt
Oamma iororlty In honor of Tlaltlruj na
tional officer, who WT earn to hold a
council moating with Mlaa Bthat Tukay.
adttor bf th aorortty mafaxtna. Th
Arc bora. To partla lmUud a taa Tuaa
ay at tba hotna of Mum Tukay. to wkkk
aU olla womck of tba city hara ra
ota4 cards, an voalnf aataftalnmcal
Wsonaaday by Mr. Arthur Draper Smith
and k luncheon at Hotel Loyal Thursday
by to local chapter.
Th and of the weak will be filled with
am tear UnatrVal perform aacea. Th
Marry ma atra elub of Trinity oathrdral
will Itra their play. The Junior.' In
Jaaob Memorial kail oa Thursday Ten-
tog. rrlay een;nc tlwro will be io
theatrical at Fort Crook, followed by a
mUltary bop. "Prtnota Snow-Whit.
Which U U b flrea for tn benefit of
! th Child Baelnt Innltma. will be played
i at tba Brand! theater Saturday after
i aooa abd voinf.
aftamocn her fueet will he Mrs. J. M.
McKanna, Mra. Ella Squire. Mra Prank
Colpetser. Mrs. W. J. Connell and Mr.
A. B. Bmlth. Toady enln her (ueata
will Include Mra 0. W. Llnlniar, Mr.
and Mra. Frank Haller and Mr. and Mr,
frcdarle Tbomaa.
Monday vninf. Mr. and Mr. John A.
Mofihan will bare a their fueat Mr.
and Mra. W. J. roy and Mr. and Mr.
W. T. Burn.
Rev. and Mr T. J. Markay and (ueata
will occupy Mr. and Mra. O. W. Wattles'
box Monday evening. Tuesday afternoon
Mra. Wattlea will have a her gueata
Mra. A. L. Reed. Mrs. Batch, Mra. Isaac
Cola and Mlaa Elisabeth Reed. Tuesday
evening Mr. and Mr. Wattle will enter
tain Mia Agne Burkley, Mlaa Helen
Scobl. Mr. Frank Burkley and Mr. Wil
liam Taylor.
Mr. J. W. Towl will have In her box
at the Taeaday matin Maw Dorothy
Rlngwalt, Mia animmann. Mis Davla.
Mis Voa Dulaburg and Mlaa Oallowar.
Other having boxe ar:
Mr. and Mr. Ward Burgee.
Mr. and Mra. John M. Dougherty,
Mr. and Mr. George A. Joalyn,
Mr. and Mr. Charle T. Kountse,
Mr. and Mr. Luther L. KounUe,
Mr. and Mra. F. P. Klrkendall,
Mr. and Mra W. II. McCord.
Mr. and Mra O. W. Megeath,
Mr. and Mra. Fred A. Naah,
Mr. and Mra, Thornaa Uulnlan.
Oeneral and Mr. Frederick A. Smith.
Mr. and Mra . Weelry Tumcr.
Mradelaaohn Choir Box,
Mra E. W. Naah.
Mr. Luther Drake.
. H. t. Play.
'Th. Royal Family." a three-act comedy
by Robert Marshall, will be th dramatic
offering of the Omaha High school
eenlor class at th Urandela theuler next
month. Th final choir of a play was
mad lats yeaterday afternoon.
Th etary I full of a series of well
laid humorous plot, and offers oppor
tunity for plenty of character work. The
caet originally Include about thirty, but
as th final scene I a court one. a many
fifty students may be seed. Mlaa
Ulllaa Fitch will direct the rehearaals.
which will begin In aarneet this week.
Rap at Fart Omaha.
Many guaal from Omaha Kurt Crook
and from headquarters. Department of
the Mlaeoun attended the military hop
given Friday evening at Fort Omaha
Among those wet:
Ml Mlrsee
Katharine Moor!ieadKrilllc,ll ;,.uh
Edith Locke. nor rortnman
Nanale Page. 0 Los Angeles.
Enid Valentine.
Meeare. Meaare
George Duncan. will Bchnorr,
Chanea Urnloii. Gordon Kelly.
George F.nsler, Llauteneni 8m th.
Paul Peaion. Leulenant Watson.
aira, v 'eit nan or at. loula.
Mr. ant Mra T. 8 Kelly.
Mr. and Mn. Monroe.
General Frederick Smith.
GnlHea Wrddlaa at Hlltalde.
Tomorrow evening Mr. and Mrs Henry
W. Tat will celebrate their lirtietb
wedding anniversary with a large r
oeptloa at Hlllalda. their handaom home
on Thirty-filth and Davenport elrertl
Th event Is of special Interval to the
old families of Omaha, since Mr. and
Mrs. Yates bo'.d a foremost i!a in the
rank of the pioneer, having aient all
ef m&K-
To th snterprlse of Ml Mary Mars-
ton, president of th Junior auxiliary of
irinlty cathedral. Is dua In large mraa
ur th aucoeea of the reception and en
tertainment given by th aoclety last
vntng In Jacobs' Memorial hall. Th
auxiliary la one of th most actlv in
th city. Mis Maraton Is serving her
second year as president. Khe Is the
daughter of Mrs. Llnnl C Marston.
In planning this great sale we have been
working with the most capable manufacturers
of high class suits, who have succeeded in pro
ducing for us some wonderful values.
The selection embraces copies of the very
newest Paris models. They are made of all
the new stylish novelty fabrics as well as of
fine men's wear worstedi and French serges.
The plain models are cut on straight lines
and beautifully tailored. The fancy models
are exquisitely trimmed; some with broad silk
braid, others with a fine design of soutache
braid, and many with ratine cloth, French
cretonne cloth and lace collars.
4 mm a.
ir-v. 7. ii u. i.w aa n 'VPi'v
New Warps for Afternoon i Evening
A wonderful variety of beautiful
models made of taffeta, charmeuse,
bengaline, silk moire and satin.
Prices ranging:
$35, $39.50, $45, $50 to $75
Stylish New Street Coats
Coats so practical for general wear,
smart new models in tailored styles
and fancy designs in pretty odd
cuts, beautifully trimmed. Prices:
$15.00, $19.50, $25.00 to $39.50
QeVVi. a rVlr VI"1 Vl" l VI" W" ' i'ft ' "TV . mff, n ff tw.ryVf
Mrs. 0. C. Allen of Kan
it be here for the ce in-
other daughters
Francisco, can i
brat Ion.
Mra Vate' slaters Mra John Lemon
and Mra J. T. Johnaun, both of 8t. Jo
seph, will be hers Mra Oeorge Prouilflt.
a grandaughter. and her little daughter.
Dorothy, who U th only great aiand.
child of Mr. and Mra Yale, w.ll come
from Lincoln. Mrs William Siuole. a
niece, arrtvas today from 8t. I n..,.
About M Invliailona have been Issued
for the reception. The apacl,.u, rooma
will be decorated principally s-lth ye. low
aprlng flower. Ass.atlng will be:
J N. H Patrick.
John Patrick of
Mherldan. o
John C. C'owln.
K foutant.
K. Wakeley.
' .mrge W. Doane.
T J. Urown.
llmry Wyman.
Kdward T. Peck.
Campbell Fair.
Joseph Barker.
M. T Harlow.
Hirold Ulfford.
Herbert Rogera
V B. Millard.
Jam alcKenna.
M taoa
Jerie Millard.
Martha Kota,
Lialay Doana
W. K. Martin.
V B. Caldwell,
Arthur C. 8mlth,
C. W. Lyman.
Caarer K. Yost.
I'harlea Off int.
J. K Hunimers.
W. II. Mit'ord.
J ft.
Thornaa Kllpatrlch, It Klnnwalt,
Jamea T:in-t'ck,
eeirge Thumniell.
H. I) Barkalow.
K U llallrr.
John French.
rarne Millard.
Helen Miaard.
Society and musical peopi are taahw
a keen Interest la th eonesrt to be I. Mr: na ' T,l -unountel
aive. be the Mendelssohn choir snd the 'M "" oc a.l Jn. The
Thomas srehastra Moaday and Tuesday.
; Th Auditorium will bo attractlrely
I decorated and comfortable willow chairs
i . will be placed la th boxes J. 1 -a arte
( Wallace, satiated by I. 8. llelgren and
' Thomas J. Kelly, has chsrge of the
decorations All th hose hare been en
i' gaged and moet of th boa holders hart
: lnrltd their (Vesta
. i. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge TV. Holdreg will
, have In their boa Monday evening Mr.
, aad Mra R R. Kimball. Mrs T. L. Klr
. bsl! and Miss Arabella Kimball. Their
' (uet T seeder evestng will bs Dr. and
. Mra Robert R Holllsur and Mr. and
Mr. H. JL Holdrsga.
Mr. and Mra K. M. rarrflala wfll has
'a &! aruests Monday reeeilng Mr. aad
. Mrs. r. A. Brogaa, Mr. and Mrs, CI est
Chase and Mr. Maoaflekt and Mr. Lskla
at New York. Tussday sftLrnuaa Mia,
. Fslrfleld will entertain Miss KllaabeU
ttingwaU. Mary Moraetnsa. Ptesasnt
Holy oka ssd Elisabeth ana Wynne ram
; fjeta. Tuesday erasing tbeir guest will
f be Miss Cart la. Miss Doaaa, Mr, Baft
. eaaaett and Mr. Jsckaoa.
I I Monday aewsao Mr. and Mrs. Arthar
Crittsadea ralth will bar as their
, ' g-sast la tbetr boa Ootaaal and Mra
, AUslr aad LisMtsnsrrl aad Mra Bubb H
ran .Crook aad Mr. aad Mra. Lowrt
; ' Cafkta Tssaday srteraooa tbs guests
wlH be Mhsna Bather amtta. Looto rort,
(, ' Ke'ns Chsee, Beiea Bmita. Busbetb
; Barker, Manfred Smith aad Aitaar C
satb, ft. Tnssdsy trmdma Mr. aad
. Mr. Smith wtU bars CM si aad Mra
' Battler, Ceioael sad Mra a tblissa, Ma.
i J. K. H. PaMct and Mr. Robert Patrk.
: Monday aveaaaa Mra J. M. Mstsalta
:wta tor as as gnests Mr. and Mra
-Arttsr Tssstsr, Mtaa) Mailst Wakaley
.aad Jtr. W. 7sraara flcai TssasUy
? ,
oaugnteia. Mrs Rrbs Morgan an I l
Oeorge Voae. and their eon. Hen y vv
Yatee. Jr.. are with Ihem al lliiluie
Their daughter, Mr. Edaard f. rimith
wllh her Uttl daughter, lietty, sill
arrtva toaaorrow from Kanaa City. Their
Play at Fsrt Crook.
Preceding the regular fortniKhtly hop
at Fort Crook next Friday evening, the
officrra and ladle of the post will give
two ahort end Intereattng playa. The
f ret will be a curtain raiser. "luapberry
Hhrub Sec." whl.h was it-cent!) gieli at
the bom of Captain and Mm. Ilalatead
Dorey and which sill le repeated by re
queat. The eecond i!ay will be "Lieu
tenant Oollghtly." Thin playlet was
dramatised by Mrs. Halttrad lorey from
Kilpina s story. To make the play mora
realistic Mrs. Dorey changed th scene
of the play from India to the Philippine
Inlands. Th caat of the latter play In-
cludea only men, with the exception of a
few women dressed In Filipino coitums,
who walk across the stage, but have no
speaking part. Lieutenant Qrtfflth has
the title role and the other taking part
are Colonel W. C. Buttlar. Dr. Clark,
Captain Dorey, Captain Howell, Lieuten
ant Uubb, Lieutenant Kelly, Lieutenant
Muncaater, Ueutanant Davis, Lieutensm
Bowman, Lieutenant Wilson, Lieutenant
Whiting and Lieutenant Fulton.
Taking part In the curtain raiser will
be Mrs. Dorey. Mra. Davis and Lieuten
ant and Mrs Griffith.
For the Future
Mrs. Oeorge H. rJwoboda will give a
luncheon at 1 o'clock May 1. when her
guests will be the members of the W. W.
Mrs R E. Rogers ha Issued cards
for a tea to be given Thursday after
noon for her daughter, Mr. Charles
Olsen of Grand laiand.
Mra. Harvey Jackson will give a ca 1
party afternoon at her horns In
honor of Miss Lots Allemsn. who will be
one of the June bride.
The third and latent announcement for
the opening of the Country club Is May
11. The first date set for th opening was
April 27 and th second. May 1
Mr. and Mrs Thorns Lathsn Davla
will entertain at dinner Tueeday evening
at their home In honor of Miss Margaret
Hrown of St. Louis Following dinner
they will attend the Orpheum.
Mlaa France Gilbert will entertain In
formally at a a o'clock coffee this after
noon at her apartments In honor of Mrs
Violet Hall of St. Louts, guest of Mlas
Katharine Jl our head, Mrs Hall will
apend a few days visiting 51 las Ollbort.
cock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Tate and
Mrs J. M. Metcalf.
Mrs. Oeorge Hampton entertained the
W. W'. club at luncheon Wednesday af
ternoon. There were sixteen guests
present. Mrs Georg Swobsda will be
hostess at the next meeting.
Mr. Harry Tukey entertlaned Inform
ally at a bridge luncheon Saturday In
uonor of Mra Violet Hall of Bt. Louis,
gaest of Mis Katherlne Moorhead. Two
table of player were present.
Mrs John 8. Brady and Mrs. Thomas
L. Davis entertained Informally at a tea
Saturday afternoon from 4 to C o'clock
at the home of Mra. Brady In compliment
to Mls Margaret Brown of St. Louis
The rooms were decorated with pink
roses and snap dragons About forty
guest were present
Mrs. Arthur English wa hostess at
the first of a series of bridge luncheons
on Friday, st her home, on North Thlrty
ighth street Those present wer
Mesdame- Mi-adamea
P. J. FlUgorald. j. H. conrsd.
Ftsnk Boyd. . e. Pearce.
J. D. Foster. b. d. Van Court,
Oeorge Kelly. h. C. Brome,
W. J. Bradbury. N. l. Oukert.
N. B. Updike, Arthur English.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and Mr.
and Mr. and Mrs T. B. Martin enter
taned delightfully last evening at a
travelogue party at the home of Mr. and
(Continued on Page Three )
Tailored Suits of Style and Quality
For Merely $55 E5
My intention to discontinue business is very well
known by now. My stock of woolens must be turned out
rapidly and I am LEAVING the business just as your
wearing season commences.
In the meantime the opportunity is yours Ladies'
deftly tailored $85 grade spring suits, made up as only
"La-Book" can make them at $55 rr suit.
10 Discount on Diamonds!
Remember this offer ia for this month only.
Don't fail to take advantage ot thl offer.
S.W.Lindsay, Jeweler
Pleasures Past
Mlas Fort.a Swett gave an enjoyable
dancing recital yenterday sfternoon si
Chambers' academy to her younger
pupils. About thirty young peopi took
Mr. and Mm Oeurg Thummel gave
dinner Thunxiay evening t which their
guesta were lan and Mr. J. A. Tsn-
! A
You are invited to attend
our first
Spring Home-Furnishers Exposition
during the week of April 22
Here will be displayed the finest collection
furniture, draperies, rugs, curtains
and other house furnishings in Omaha.
This is a week of courtesy,
when all may visit this store
and yet not be importuned to buy.
See last page of this section.
41315. 17 5o SUl-nth Stmt
ln0ur Ready-to-Wear Dept.
Special values in new coats, suits and millinery that cannot be beat.
Women's New Spring Suits
Worth op to $25.00, handsome spring
styles, colors and fabrics, at
$10.00 SILK FOULARD DRESSES in i e ij qo
numher of very pretty styles, at . . .
Handsomo Long Coats
Every new spring style, color
and fabric to choose from
coats that are actually worth
up to $25.00, at
$7.50, $10, $12.50
In tans, grays, navys, etc.
very pretty gored mod-els-positively
$5.00 val
ues, go at
Wonderful Millinery Values Await Yon Here Monday
r)A HUeV.;i . n-l J TT A. .ass, -
1J xruiimt-u mus, every 01, SfPav Sailftp-.
one a charminir little .rem hv it. n0B4n iailOrS
ij o J
self, hardly any two alike,
regular at np to $10.00, at
$2.98 -$4.98
regular $1.98 taints, at
Nik Horn.
worth .W, at,
P- PJr
The. novelty 6.
Blark Hewbtrbloo,.
Pettecoats, worU