:By Hershfield Desperate Desmond Seems to Be Quite a Run. on the Dental Parlor wnere me vuuan is rosing. i ii III i 1Nfi1iTlrrtVrT I . I ! IIBB I TI Exes. II AA I IX MWJ.l Tl - . . aCA.! bbbxwsbswm . nii'iin' t . t i h mi ii iii' r -v. ' . . r faix ii r i m m vi m kjf I.-IM THE CHAIR OF PAIN. No matter bow much of tare a man anr be, he feel far from hereto lo lb dentist's chair. No man la bero to Mi dentist Bo think none the worn of Claud Eclair when h adjure the den tist who la, m truth, our ld acquaint-' ncs, Deeperste Desmond to gs saey alth the electric drill. It merely ahow Claud I Bum a. WANT ADS . Want ad nedcad at any not but to Insure proper classlfiralloa must be presented be for 13 a ctock. PJ. lot the) evening adltioa aad be! or : a. at. for morning aad Sunday U alalia. Want ad raceiratl after aacn boar will bar their fsrst liswrOua Bade th heading lv Uto M Classify." - ". CASH RATES FOR WAST AM. ' RsWt'laHClJaSrUFlCATlON fesertloa J M teat P atavt par ord for M1h"?"""' onsocaUv Uuertloa. fcach " tioa made o odd day. P word; 91 AO per Una par atouu; rlssa ad M rna wttJaaa opy. CSDEHTAKERS. " ajuii-XHUbT tfNUBttiAKJSR 'caskets trust price. Phone H. T. ,mU ad f --t:M. M v Bwoy. jtcbemetts G.viAJiA FlUl EX. lilV" tiotloa plutur mackln aad film bargain ' AXNOrHCEMEJTW ' J. A. GENTLEMAN smbslmer, I.H Chlcsgo St. f. IMS, B-IHA The "Wash Word" of the Home Household wssnlng by u picj r pound. Clean, sanitary. No aur or aoapy dor. K.mball Laundry ai,."' AiioN. Doug, r.t; lad. A-Jia fail Jachwa tTYrSV Kl 4U . 1Mb Bt. Everylhlna au v,ursj"u , Bo &. uro.d. tt; try halt U net sstietaviory money retuneed WK Alfred C. Kennedy, fad'oriS: tnro. W First Wat. Bk. Bidg. Dong. THE TEOA SUOF ct tHaaar favors. Leather, Brasa, Uisee and illvsr Koveltles; stauonsry. tlsskets, Ixills Popular price. Oman sadusiv gift store. 1J rsrnam. Pnune D. BIO. OkT your eiaoMMids at Urode aard'a REf oyTEBslAN. tato tub, litis. KOBTHHUH ULTIHA ULI-LIC ATIKJ CO., tut Paatsn His , otrauiar letters, any quantity; eldest stabllsbcd compear. a Peru f MjliurraKa sad rieoatyia DEMUCRATd In th fourth. Seventh. Kith lb snd Eleventh wards ar notllled that Peter K. klmiifi aams tar Couaty OsmaussWner e the rirst District Is el tnoat lb last sa in Dsaiocrail Tlckei. tetec would like u have you vote lor bim. ' OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. aa Douaiaa Ctaveneoa, earpenter, eont. awta ijs. VphoUterlng, plan turn, rep KX4 ssrT HAVE lvu clean your wall paper. D. din. A-tUL. live In Omaha. PARALYZED 11 YEARS ' ' For 1.11 Bubacrlntlona. TO Th Ladles' Home Journal P t - The Saturday Evening Post...... I SO : Th Country Uentlrrosn LM The publishers will dvsoait SV.U In trust ror some pooue ensrnr, -in m tares uf which w.ll brlnl month for Ufa Must bav 11 la April or th Ptooo prise u iosl your renewals count. Hueh them in. Phone Douclss tlR fiORIXN' TH MAOAaiNB MAN, UUJUrurt ha Mtb at. Omaha Cuming. D. tan. oataiia bill Puun Co. UU Hu. D. aua . EA1 KOailEii UuMt cuuKlNuV AHKINS. r-i A Uth. UKHTAltt. r!ARl,jARr, laamllb. Lawn . ..ww - Mowwra Hharpene. 1QI GLA Prlstiag Co. TeL Doug aw, D. E oniflth. wi mlr, u roser Big. MONEY TO LUAN lAilV rata, la auma t ulk (M Be Bldd. Pnone bftus. aea. UNION UAN CO. .HAZEL LEAF PILs, CONEsV-Baat remedy for liaung, eedlng or prouud lug piles. We postpsid, samples Ires. Bl srmen A McCoeasll Deng Co, Omaha. Veddlng ADBeuncements. Doug." Pig. Co. GLAZING CARPENTER WORE, yT AND REPAIRS. . A. C Lassard, Tyler-u. 1M Laar. V , ED KOB. E. weU boring. sWraona ' IT IS A BEA8TLTHHAMB le lake caady tresa babie. But It is a saap ta bay IX moods. Watch ea aed Jewelry at Fred Bradegsard A Co. a great aacnflas end removal eai during April. f. ANCHOR FENCE CO. ' tree and wire fences cheaper thaa weed; lest a u-rlma. hfl .N. I7tn. pboee Bad sli a. ii. Col Bum la Li Ul. S ara 9 wenty per csttt leee thaa timsne PCSA HOME FURNITURE CO, Twenty -founn aad I. kts.. aowta Oman. NeB. seed Ca. 1X4 Ihm Atoih msm Omata Pasts Co , lis a. uta Bota phoaea. ELDG PLANS, Guarsjwee Landry. Fla work. IX tiit ACTOMOBILES. IVWRlVrf" atoasb;ies. all IIDu, pes policy, is- soeo nerc low set rats, iiakki a BiK.n, sm vur mi l l. in; a-LAs FOR BALE At a bargain, a tU White 'sober luunwue. e-peieinger. ta rtrst oiu aoulilkSiL Address W. S. Amos, iwiew, Js.- RFT CskI cars; guaraatsed, all u-'-JA auut. Bee me first, kw prleee. sicvoTmac. .i a. tn. i a nar. Aula lamps, radiators repd.. stlna all Biral fee. FU tss Uii iioaara. Ji. a,. 1I.-BOUND AMD OAOOEO. Beautiful Rosamond. Claud' ewset heart. baa been bound and gagged br th vtllaln and placed whera an la compelled to bar her lover's art wbil povadaaa to aid him In any war. To bar great sur prlM b bean aound of a terrtn ooa lt la to room abov th dentist's of tie, but th aols prevents th popl abv from Bearing bar lover"! cries. AUTOMOBILEA DKUMMOND AUIO fCPaVad. ), la. w4fta-Vi 4n4 commru. uucfc. ith id Hutwy AUtO ItUAipa mmA. Wdlld BliVli t. Murphy Diolt yyfe l.tl-AIKlNo. Mi. NCI. , u uoi sm your old uiwuiooits tb uy a new as er. mays, ysu ess se tn mousy u svm vtber nay la Miner eveal, ate aaut ada wm dv in work, rtaue Iw oenia sr word It lou auiy n 11 u ar 1 can per word If ran i r uvm tune coneecuuveur- rin ML-jk a vers!. " Itaauiar auiunraul. peseengafi la lust cisss aditioa. Adores ft. a a Bin. bhelton, Nee- Tour tihk kiylvicMaJi: ant la twa. Coiuult u beiurs buying new tires, A WTO Tilth. KS.PAIH VP.. IS rwrnaua prt:itri:H arruue Works Auto re airs i.ih and Deaeuwortb. Dou aaiVi. luK bALtr "Cuainrti rvaoslar W la good order. C 111, car He. TIKE KEF A1KLN U iJ Z urea. We make them almost a good a nsw. Notning But higneal priced and mm malarial used. All work guaranteed Arthur gtors Auto auppiy Co.. Jus 4 iuiul FOR BALE-Oood runabsut In good dlllon. Uargain lor csen. ' a ). NAP. "AUTOMuBlLf USAtf. Use will buy a Ml muaei, e-peesenser sv-urspuwr, tuny quippd, ail la psr- ivat ruuaing erosr, pa.ai in guoa eunui Uoa. tup, wind neiii, lamps, good urea, ibia la a en p. 1 am leaving Iowa and maae tnta price fr quick sax awa tit, omaha. Oarage Buildings ilwlH tu Wbft. IttMW Ul i.fup.ww ,!. i e uuutu your home alia nui eoiiipiele .sreae, ail ., type ana prioea. stiu y.ui.s and apeciluauons on rsqueat. .,irlaa-iileaea Co., Ba Branaaia Ti ll. ttAViMj aiasomlaued banuling AUl'O--uil,fc, we oner our lewauaoui stca ousisung ot three nigh gtau Strcetone .tiuriitg car at Balaam prioes, - si acme stliey I., hub and Jen BIS. A BAKUAiA 1 bav a tias Vicious klectrtc in spitndid eonaitioa. Haon for estuna saiiis. oava lour la iamuv. have oougut larger car. satraa for car, chains. storm ffiont, InnartuBe and eyolometer, oust H.ISU.W. lacwnub. aVw; aiuuaa, ai aoll au-vs; oyOMniir, siutw, m.ai; wiu e.i t one for liau.t. Call Dougiaa KM. Aiatrsre4s Motorcyd repairing at eet. Doag. ml UBED motorcyclea, bKycle at bargaia prloas. V. ii. Moos, I Mi iMveawana. BbXX).NU HAXD AlTOMOULLEll HCNABOUT, su li. P., la lair ondiUoa, heap It laaaa at saos. Auoreea a, isa, vais of Bee. FOR BALK CHEAP A Boroepower scond-hend flv-paseenger tourtug car la goo eonoition. owner want t Buy a lustier power mmhm., Auarsea It Tit, ear at Be. UC8INEM CHANCES, TO get la ar out of huainee call oa eneuuiAM em aa wag. TsL aa sir?. Cafe Wanted lacuuea tor leaning aur gueata, was riiiwi. si sr. Min ana itowsru ToR BALE One of the very beat sen- eral meroluuidise businesses la the slsle of Coioradu. carrying grocsrlee. haruware, shoe, dry good and furnlskinga, meeia. (arm Implemeata. grain, feed, etc.; this buslne is the most convenient store to U. Irngatloa projeot bow aaartng completion ecu the business Sere offered cannot help but make money wnsa prop erty hand led; owner baa other business snd want ta diaposs of It quick ; If yeu wsat Is go Into business, wlih a good eetabtlshed trsde and a good stock and have ins money to buy, enawef this, ar Bitghl consider one-half In coed eastern atad; the waole wilt urate aseut H,tu to ."; nut aon t answer uaiesa you msan bueiana Address Lock Boa a, aierllng, Coio: F1H8T-CLA&S stock of hardware for rale; will lump ar Invoice for eaeb; In voice about northwMt Iowa. A4 dreeg T A car Bee. Our entire etock or kay nan Ikereuf ob aaie at prwea auraauv to ta ate. eel vuyer. Dunning Hardware Co; JtlJ Harney BL Ed Rothanr. Buatnaae snd Km! Estate aacnanae is. Kooai all. slccasue iuag. . u hn imp iwiuiw, I Wail eon I ,1 us. -trie lieew bunisif Sk. IWJS FOR BALE Paying drua stock aad wiaiag; m cants oa in au aaau town. Aooreae I -ZFl. ears Bee. FOR BALE The FrankUa Movina Pic ture theater, an of tba seat paying thea ters w iimana. yini uud mveatiaatloeL r. ai. teorr. ut rraakHn Bt, Burns. Brinkar A Cat. Omaiu. Kal i nana iuag,. mortgages tor Investment BUSINESS PErVOXAIas Attaraesa. Uatea U Wan, lawyer. Ul Braa. Bid. Q W. asieMa. Atmrewy. Ut B. et Traaa Beg nxmamtaevaswee, BFMIt OMARA BAO CO. lies aad paeBege Maaatawearewa. Keo-n Bot Parkssw Cv. 15U V. vptE t-BtrB"dlla. . Pit. POT. TflM rriin, Ptiglas Ot. Cae!atsvsj Maaalaeiarwse. ear Ideal drwa abut B. weeerk Ca CARTER aaeet Msiai Wscka, Ht-THl CONTEST, la th room above a terrific truggl la taking plac between two Engliah pu ci lia U, who bav been brought over by some wealthy Roaataaa anile ua to adopt th worst customs of England. In th neMuitar oo at th pugilist baa hi set of fala teeth knocked out, and sadly he reflects that ha baa lot van kopeck enough for another. Bl'SIXESS PERaOSAIo. Creaasrla, alalrlsa eai Sappties. Fatrmonr Dla.lem butter. A I ware good. DAVID COIJICHKAMKrlV CoslfAAV. pewcu NEBRASKA Detective Agency, the only bonded agency In Nebraska. All Inter view a and ' corroapondenc cimfUtenLuU. tn Brown, Block. Phoae Douglas awa JAMEB ALLAN-Nevlile Bik Evldeoo eecuied in ail oasea. Tyler list. L. W. LONO.NECKEH. ol? Karbeon rilk. Omaha Secret aerv, tu Paaton kik. P.UJ awatiat Bslhry, th dentist. Ctty Natl. D. "Mach Maoa, ed floor Paatoa. U Tans denial looms, tsl? Uoug. D . ttniiaiakuaa. Tetry' Dresemeliian college anh UKAeONAUU. PiULkB. PUIS la nay drasauiaking, la . Mary a Hed tkd. Far. aiM Ava DKEaoMAKINO by day. Webster PLAIN sewing, raeeonabl. Heresy ri. EXPERIENCED dressmaksr. UU nam at. Phoae Dougiaa llo. ar- Drseasnaking by day. Pnene loug. ua. BY day. Sirs, tiaria. iiimiir w Dreeemaklag taught nights, tat S, D. 1111 Ala, ifrss DHUUS at cut prices; freight paid a ii orders; cataloaue fie, ohermaa a t eCunnell Trug Co.. Omaha. Neb. avrariaiag aiVeeeseal. s'leetn llghtlag fix., wholesale tai ratal'. BwaeaaHerawlen CO.. isll Howard. D-sk Every tkiaa aUawtrteai. STANDARD SXECTRIC CO., tlphn Doug. (It aouth Uth gl kUwAHu t. aOn yrlu. Ais. 'Jd Hand Electrio Appuratu and repair, b Bron. Ill a. lata at. aBsikaBs) lw ei. Willow plumes made trees your old anu new leathera, isaenaahl, Uml a. 11. D. Ivm Dr. Baboock Co.. ft Wlthnsll. Is e Har Nubone Tailored CorsetB. Ouaianieed at t rust or waaa. N Boa Cutset abet. Neville Ok. L. 111. MAYAIE BAUBEK Ut. MM B. llih at.. I Biock south ef V. liltsm. CARPETB snd ruas cleaned an floor without removal; tree estimates Tba Ideal Air Cleaning c. Phone Doug. 7 end 1M. DReUM pleettnse, bullosa severed, ah aiaee Met dries. THE IDEAL PLkAT- iiu tu, aw uougiaa tiock. uoin puonee MUM asvd atarae. Feed, all kinds Uiencoe Mill, tm I sard, , Flerlets. A. Donaghue, ray par. T. Km. A-MeV HEaa A gvAuBODA, iiai r'arnam Bt L, HENDEtaj., lew ear nam, u. uta. BRANDEla ioultlei. Bandels sua. BATH B FLOBIB1B. Hoy a jkeeiar bud. BEN a, E IT a. out tlowere. Dus ul. raarte klcDoaaJd braaa and brant mundry. ! mlnam. Oa, lead castings, taw Jaoksoa, aiavisa. kiasag aad Casaaiaa. EXPRXAaMEM-B Deaswry Ce.-Mevtaa furniture, paning, firaptoof atoraga. City efdea. IM a. litis. Doug. aM. lno. to-Ui, Fura. nsevingi I men. It per hr. W. lit Mass. Ar sad keaaeiiBei Wort keaoa: Wm. U Pattoa, Web, mm. tinnn Tnnino-C. H. Thstcher, Plane ria&O ATUling (ct uw Mar. D. km A arse vies aad geedai Fruit Trees had Uses, auruus. Oenerai nursery Mock. Phone Baaot Limaha Nursery. : bYRD NURSERY lO. V will be at the sam old naad, Uth aad Dugta Buv CaiiD aug. eas; lea u help yes ptaa year groana tree cs caarga, OATE City Nursery, all kinds of tine BBj-aary tock diapiaysd at aval Daves port. Day phone Dougiaa its. Evening phone Harney mm. J. H, Maratte, Mgr. TtV.Arli . BkkDMkvX. US N. Il' vi'e-irt ri i"viiev I su "niv wsnorai line aureoiy eiuos, eiia aeja Plnkney. Phene V.ev U . Wallalaaa. B. r. Wura. fitting g rep-g. J BraaasJA UWleepathy. Aac Jabaeaa. By-t Brandeta Tna Bid, Eainerya NKSa.es. eet-e avendeie TBeaia Pwlat ana ailaae, TOn ara Bnttad to aam la sad ret osier card aad talk over yur painting ana oeearauu. i.funpeia una anorwia- v, luisme paints ana Tarnienee. BARKr.lt BKOa. TAINT CO. M Faraam. Deauv aM P n. BsmeJl Pmxtoa Bik. Tel. Red rut. Wlllard Eddy . 1 iiir L Bag u.aj. ebaiMaragBjr. rthvebare. pbeeotreBbsra. httb a Fumam. Ptatlsa. CM AH A SILVER CO.. A UtE U T. VALKRNKKRO, Plumbing. W M. Pvtstlma- Lew W. Raber, Printer, BEE BUDO ENTRANCE ON COURT. Bias-Hall Ptg Ca, He a It lad. A-elJi ' LET IE CENTRAL PRINTING CO. d year worm- Hit Dougiaa Bt. TsL p. CU LrgeiadPrinuni v.-.. lets aad c ssita mr geoa pnating. Fsrelataat Advamauag la ta Kaa4 ta Big RstumA IV.-A BBCOND BTORT MAN. Driven to desperation by th lo of hi teeth, the defeated pugilist resolve to turn thief. Accordingly be shin down th rslplp to th Moscow Dental Parlors, hoping to get la unobserved and blp himself to a new set of molar. It la a tarrlble thing for "apart" to do, but we must not blsm him too much on ac count of r-'t early training. BU8IXE88 PEKSOXALa Steal 'lees uul ti.li.il Lomaalea NEBRAOXA and Iowa 8el Tank Cam psny. Ith snd Nlcnoiaa. U. 3k aieuegraaass aad Cwas aleBorlere Myrtle A. K'elley. Tot Bran. The, IX Met 'i'ailorl. LT : ff tadledf taUor; LilIL ulk knd fancy A-AVdi. Koo,n, 4, S. , Wei tailored gowns. Weed Uiog. Teats est Awalssa OMAHA TENT Co. Tel. B Dougiaa Eey lo the Bituauoa Ba jedvsrtising. TsBBks aad sail Caeaa, FreHng DtMale. laa Farnsm St Wlteea aad klaaaew, trtlXOv Bprtnga Beer, liquor, vegar MPdwichea. Ales Jatee. sM- B. Utn. UL VIRGINIA DARE win, etc a Imga bel li. Klein Uauor Mouee, Ul K 1st at. IDICATIOXAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business, Book keeping. Btenography, Tdegraphy, Civil Bervlc or (salesmanship. , The vauiogu free for' the asking. Call, write or phone for It at ones. Adores H. u. Boyiea, President. Boyie College. Oinaba. Neb. TUTOKINO. let to sin (raa a H. Mea HELP WANTED FEMALE Aaeata see Balvawwaeea. DEMONSTRATOR., salary and oom mlaaion, eUM Davenport Bt. airs. Cald well. llerloal aad Olllee. STENOORAFUER, Oliver operator, pia Blanograpner, experienced, teo-ete. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE Oh luls-le City National Bank Blug. Paetary aad Tradea. OIRL wanted for housework at Hen derson, the Flortat, Mis N. Ktb St., South Omaha. HoaaekeeBar aad Dwmeetlee. THH SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Be will run your Domss tlo Hslp Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your sd to Toe Bee office or telephone Tyler low WANTED A woman for general house work on Nebraska ranch. Mrs. R. M. Tar rill, Brownie. Neb WANTED A Scandinavian girl to do general housework la privets hospital where b oaa also take training for practical nurse. Writs or oall oa Ooawa Hoepltal, Onawa. la. ELDERLY lady to aastel tn taking car of ohildreo. Small pay with board, Mrs, a Wilder, 1711 Case. Dougiaa Ttls. OIRL for kensral housework. 1014 N. Kh St.. Bo. omshs. Telephone Bo. 1MB. WANTED A girl for general house work, email family. Na waalilng. JK no. nth Bt. Phone narny sua. WANTliD-Olrl tor gsnsral aeuaawerk. m bo. aMh Ave. If. oia) WANTED Young girl to assist with children and housework. On In neigh borhood preferred, one who go could go bom Bights Mat Bo. teth Ave. Harney CAPABLE girl for general housework. small family, no laundry, tit S. lath 81. W AN Tk-D-Corn Detent girl for gsnsral housework, ao laundry. Raference re quired. Phone Harney MS. tea Lanooin BoulevarA WAKTED-A oook where Jd girt 1 kept. Ot Bo. th Bt. OIRL for general housework; family of three, iiarnsy as. . . . .i . i w txpt l so vouu ari lur geosrst bdu. work. Mrs, C. F. H link man. Harney IW4. r-ara jive. iw. nsiwi ejao. WANTED A aompetent girl for gen- eral housework, two In famliy. Krsj Dotlge. WANTED Two elatars ar competent girl for general houaswork. MZ1 Cuming. 'Phone Hemey tfii. WANTED An experienced whit girl tor gsnral boueework. smll fmlly. no washing, wagea fl. Mrs. Frank Wllhelm, MI Harney. Harney SeL OIBL for geaaral housework. Harney Ml. WANTED A girl for general house work, smell family: no washing. M Bo. JTth Bt. pnon Harney usz. WANTED Olrl for general housework, no cooking. Mut Dewey Ave WANTED-Experienced white girl for geaaral housework, atrm. u. h. ausuu, U So Ktb Ava Phone Harney 1625. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework ; no washing: good wegrA Mra. W. J. Uoss, told liar nay. Harney w. WANTED-A girl (white) for general boueework: bo washing Apply Mrs 8am nel Burn, Jr.. Harney i: V a. eeth St. WANTED Competent Klrl In family uf three grown people. Wo Park Ave. WANTED-Competent cook, who la good laundress, with email family, where ssaid la kept. House No. 12. port crook Hlsewllanewaa. TOUNO women eomrur to Omaha aa Mrangera are Invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian aseoclatloa Building at Bt. Mary a Ave., and lUh St.. wbare they will be directed to eultabl boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at the Union atatloa. HELP WANTED MALE Asanas, Baleamea aad gaUastesw. RELIABLE ' sal esse sa able to give reference can abulia opportunity ta con nect with aew concern of reputation. For particulars pkon Dougiaa PA I'LL TAKE na Agents, send for sample and particulars and near thl svsry tew minute. . wg, out ex money. Virgin tarn lory. Oakland CaJlfsrnU Specialty Caw KM Franklla Street. Oak- Bind. OaL ANTED Capabi stock sal earn ea to sell Inaurano stock, peaiclveiy bo ad vanoa. Bond required. Addre Becuri tiee Exrharure, Dept. H. Baalty building. paaaaa, v ssn,- HELP WANTED MALE Aaeata. Baleamea aad Solicitors. EXTRAORDINARY opening for I neat .auy damousuaUKs. 1UI Par nam. 2d iOor. W ANTED A man to solicit subscrip tions for The Twentieth Century Fanner, salary U2 a weak. Address Clrculstlon kt anas er, Th Twentieth century farmer, inaha. Neb. W ANiED Eaperlenced aalssman to handle attractive fruit land acreage pro position. Big money for right man. Olve refcranc and addrsee X MT, ear ot Bee. WANTED. . By aa aid line eastern company, two good men who can write lite ineuranct elther commlaslon or salary and commix si on. Olve experience It any and wltu what company. Address J M. bee. Clartsal aad Otter. CASHIER for large wholesale house: n-ei enow guod record. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1D1&-I City .National Bank Hiag. FULL dree eults and party dresses for ale; also tor rant. 11 to to II W a night. JOHN FELDMAN. M N. ,Ju D. UM, Factory aad Trade. Drug store (snapl Job. Knlsst. Bee Bidg. TWENTT able-bodied men wanting alary Insurance may secure a dollar watch (ob by calling at M) Brandeta li.dg WANTED Carriage painter at once: must ba good man. no booaer; state v,age Norfolk Carrisg Wolka, Nor- oi. men. liuwl all around biackemllh. Inland town, tine opportunity for one wltu Mule money to get a good business of hli own. Addreas Poetmaaier, Etna. Neb. Safety Razors Gee Whiz! Like gelling money from home, Regu.ar eve to M.UV values, now -IO-7- U fa-!... Dunning Hardware Company MM liainay Bt. n amteu Bheet metal worker. Appiy Brown Truck Mfg. Co., Raiaion. Neb. Mlaewllaaeoaa. TELEGRAPH notitlona guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and llllnol Cen tral railroads If you xain tour training in our school. Practice mi H h wires Ad dress lor particular. H. B. Boyle. Free. Boy lea voiiege, Oman, feo. STOP, READ!! Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundreds ot successful gradual. Complete equipment of euto mobllee and machinery. Address National Auto Training Ase'n. IM Brandal Thea ter mag., umsna. Neb. TOU are Wanted for sovarnment loh. MOW month. Send postal for list of po sition open. Franklin InaUtut, Dept. at O. Rocheslsr, N. T. WANTED Mora peool to rslsa noul- try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Writs for tree catalogue. . M. It, Johnson, Clay Center, Neb. UO AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. N GUARANTEED BEST IN aM MEN to veare old wantea at no for electric railway motormen and oonnuciora; sw to II IB a month: no ex porter -a necaesary; tine opportunity: no atrlke; write Immediately for application blank. Addreie T-K4 rare of Be. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY AhlA. bodied unmarrtod men between the agea of 1 and M: dtlaene of United State ot good obaraater and temperate habits who can apeak, read and write the Engllah language. For Information annlv tn re cruiting officer. Uth and Dougiaa Sta., umaae, we.; wn ftn Bt. Bious city, la.; ue . iota m.. Lincoln. Neb. WANT aobar young man with email capital: permanent position; good salary ana commiasiona tnec win maae you In dependtnt. Call Schllu Hotel, Room . LIA S STOCK FOR SALE aad V eh I alee. REECE'S Brn' 1-rmm and farm wagon horse to let by th dav. xwi Sherman Ave. phone Webster lis. HORSES M bf or week. Sher lAwAsoxAJ mu , brn, 14th and Clark. Horse and mare bought and sold. Black mare, wt. l.m. Wagner, J1 N. Id H( iRSKS " and work harness UUftOLO bought and sold. 117 N. & Heme f all kinds the largest stock In th city, at attractive price. Johnson. Danforth Co. 8. W. Cor. IDih and Jones. HEAVT draft horses for sale; aa our season I nearly over, will aell a few of our fin teams. See them at 16th and Mercy. Havens-Whits Coal Co, 1714 Famam. HORSES and cowr. Mi Cuming 8t. NEARLY new, single top buggy and tingle harneea; all in good condition. Webster art. FOR BALE Buggy, flrst-ctaaa condi tion. nly (lightly used. Harney ihtt. THREE marea and ana gelding, weight from LU to LSD; one city broke driving horse. Coal of Oca, Mb and Lake. Web ster M51. ONE-SEATED top buggy. t3 N. Sth Bt. FOR SAI.E Team, wagon and harness that baula buttermilk, and bunch of brood sowa Will sell the entire outfit on aoooo.ru of moving ta town, kith Sc. aouth omana, mil soutn oc oounty line. Call South MS. Home Sunday. HORSE LWO, piing wagoa. bameca, Ida. Ul 8. tiec Call H. 1M1. LOST AXD FOCXD PERXONB having lo soma article would do nail to call up the offle of tb Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railwai company ta asrertala waethar tney Mil 4 la tha street car. Many anlclaa each day are turned la aad lb eampaar at acxious to rasmr usees to the rigattui ewuvr. vail Dwu. lea . OMAHA COUNCIL BLCFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. FOTTNIT) Men'e Baits Steamed, prejesed. VRESCCE IN 8IQHT. To th rough pugilist, as be peer through th open window, th eight of th beautiful Rosamond, tightly bound, come aa shuck. Although he Intended to purloin a set of teeth, th man' Innate chivalry will not allow him to neglect th appeal of beauty In distress, and, at any risk to himself, be resolve to affect her release from Desmond. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cureo Dr. E R. Tarry cures Plies, Fistula and other racial uiseasea, without aurgicj opsrailon. Cure guaranteed end no mone.. ld until cuied. virile tor bo,ik oa rectal diaeamu with teatlmonlala DR. E R. TARKT. Bee Bidg.. Omaha DR. RACE opecieliii, nervoue and ail hronic dleeese. tXI Harney. Doug. Sit Ladlre tuerente-d rwna,t ail Ware oik. Women' allm'ta. Dr. Burks C Doug Bik Dr. Babcock Co.. M WlihuaU Bid MOXET TO tAlAV aalary aad ibatiela. ATTENTION. Loan on REAL EsTaTE FTJR MTL'KE, PIANOS, WARE HOUSE RECaJPTA B.IA RIEb, ETC at uaual rata. No red tsp. No delay. blOJET. BET AND CHEAPKoT. RELIABLE CRBD1T CO. 3d Floor, Mi-i Paxion U.S., Ill S. Uth 8L Phones: Doug. HI): A-1411. MONEY TO LOAN To working people of Omaha ON- JUST A PERSONAL NOTE, LOWEST KAibVS. TEKA1S TO SUIT. NATIONAL LOAN CO, 06 Be Buliohigl Phone Douglas Ha Money on futnllute. pianoe sil'J real eatate at a vaiy io rate ot Interest. Nebraska Loan Company, Doug. la. Ju Lt.f liidit. MO.VkY luatied sale. lev. lop.e. kumu g ei lua houe eau o chars, with iut ee arlly , vaay payiuenlB. Of ilcea In U una dpal cities. Tuiiuao, aui omana Nalt l.a.,a H. lormril, N. V. U s B.da. CHAiTEl- LUA.SH Is lO iilM. SALAUY LOANS, lull can get it louay of STAR EOAN CO.. H riun nines. DIAMOND LOAN.- ai tW a.jl ,i wi eBl riA'IAl!. Uit Dooe di Tel. . . Wr:.?! STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROH AL MAIL BTEAMkRS iloNTHE-iU Li V fciifUOl OLAdOOW. Monutu:, ilavia, iiyiuouin, iam)uub ine ii.luiesqoa su Lawrence itouta. four aae on tne ovsau. tkrae day n riuar un.l H.ilt -Mil.. MlJ U A Ul Utile aieamtra. baiooti, eekotio-iaoin and tolrd cn.es. Dupvi ,ui viiv-li... . - - Cuisine unekieilsnu Courteous atlanuun. BviiU 101 i,liu.a.e. laiee. mM Allan ei Co., i-. N. Deatuurn St.. Cnlca.o Anchor line Sleanisuips New York, Luuuunderry anu limin" New oik. Palermo and Naples. Attractive taiee tor uckeia between New York and ait Bcuich. Engliea. Dish, Conuneuwl and Mediterranean poinu. Buperior accumuouaiioiia, axoeilent cui sine, eltloieni ear vice. Apply promptly lor laserveuun to local aaeni of Anoaur Line or Heuuaieon brouutrs, Ueueia. Agenia. ChrfMiao, Ilk Orr'EKEJj FOK RENT Board aad Mooes a. O. M. I. hsul trunks. D. til. A-Xll FURNISHED ruome, board. tM So. IE BEST room and board., zm Howard Bt in tnui u 9K'rit.liret i-lana board and clean rooms. Easy walking diatanc. Strictly modern. Harnay eel. 110 8. n.ST ST Furnished room and board; sou t boss t exposure: horn cooking. a .tu kt xix The Pratt, east room. excellent board, eingle rooms. D. IMS. eW N. UTH ST. Modern and private room and board for two or mora gent, men. uougias 7761, araUBed Uuaaia. .mi ruj. Viira mom nrivata family. eteam neat, eieo. iiav - v' . ... . .. -..tm aim . . rooin. tn modern detached house. Duug- ISS OUi. u,uu.t-olricily modern, all S. ieih 8t ONE room Hanscom Park; no other roomers. iei. rtx i H1.E,1I IHI, " ' board, reaaonabie. Tel. Doug. TLA. NICELY furnished room, private home; all conveniences, near car line, raaidaauaj section. W. VST!. M 8. 3TH ST. Strictly modern rooms, 1 block throe car line; reasonable. Har ney tAW. TWO N1CELT furnished rooms, strictly modern; walking distance; real reason able. Webeter 21IL Varalahed MaaaeEeaplaa stwaaaa. THE MANUEL Twa-room apartment. to. The Howard, f-room. private bath. & list and Mowaro. ..... fL'Ilt . I" Tmm n ' - p . w . r furnlsbed. convenient and reasons hie. sat Bo. 2-d street. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms Sl Davenport Hotels aad Aseurtaxeata. Dewey European hotel. Uth and Fernam. rAar Hntul CouncU Bluffa. Room Ugaen aoiei ta., t0 g, w per we.it. OXFORD nd Arcade, special wkly rata. Dodge, running hot and cold water; tele phones In every room, prices tne same. Apeurtaacata aad flats. DESIRABLE a-room aiartmente la the California. Bee Janitor. Doug. M37. 4-ROOM apartment, new. modern brick: team heat: ahort walking eietanee; gaa love, refngeraior, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds: Isundry; tine janitor aerv lea Dougiaa eaw. e-RooM apartment. No. , Troy. Doug- la . g-ROOM apartment, new xaick. ta. 1734 S..rth 81 Harney ttak e-ROOM modera flat. Scar go Bidg., luva N. Mth St., 8. Omaha. Hall, all Rarnge Bidg. D. 74W, A-eJ- VERT fine duplex apartment, d large room, first floor: large front porch, tira- ! place; nice yard and corner sot. las deer- gut Ave. tl-g LARGE room apartment, part mod. Near Uth and V.nton. Phone ilarny 41a. FINE modera 7-room flat. Me Pacific 8U 8a- O'Naii a, Uui Famam St. Both phones. I BleraUke OJ PARK AVE. Very canto rooms. Harney ast, VL-CNMASKED. Tm th boyskl!" cries Desperate Des mond, "and I made Claude howlikL" Th scoundrel I bow unmasked and In th strong grasp of Claude and th re pentant second story man. Claude's Jaws are mill sore from Desmond's treatment, but h manages to say grimly that th scoundrel shall be made to pay tor his crimes. Tomorrow we shall so hi fat. OFFERED FOR REXT liataraiaBeal Itexiau. THREE unfurnished rooms, private uathroom, email atoreroom, outside porch, .arden and fruit; modern except heat; uo children: references. 217 N. 11th. i:mi:r.1siied KO01IS. modem house on car Una: arranged for house keeping; 17 knd tla. Tel. Harney aaE. Hoaee aaa (.attaaea. MOVING, packing aad storing of house hold aoeds and planoe Is our business. Omaha Van aV, Storage Co.. fireproof torage, at 8. uih, by tne viaduct. Branch olfloa, at a litb Su Tel. D. 41W. A-loat. LOW RENT for 7-room all modern house. 1H1 JaekaoB 8t; 1 oadroom. ob stove: compiet repair. Tel. rta tsti. I-ROOJt houaa. HA Charle Su; mod ern except furnace; In first-class order, cheap to right party. Inquire, fcil Chaile St. COTTAGE, I room; modern; U Cald well St.; ta8fc flood men are bard to get. They don't wander around the it rests looking for signs In wlaJoas When you need good help advertl la Tn Bee. Bee Want ada are read by keen, energetic men who wlih to better their ounditloa Rate le per word If run two or to. ire time conaeeutlvely. Tale phone Tyler low. . t-ROOM house, kit, s-roorn. HO. Modern, himiom Park. 'lei. Harney Ilimupa n all paiia of tne city. I1UUBCB Cnith gn, k Co., i,dr MAOOaHD VAN AND 8T0KAUE Co., pack. move, store and hlp ri. H. good and pianos; no cnarga for return drive to on low. ioug. ta or tf-ius. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed aad for warded: cheap freight rale; auovlug and torlng. Expressmen's Dellveiy Co. lei. uougisa att. city etiice, us a. iiin au, ai Blug. W. FAKNAM. new brick a bedrooms, f bail . Ui N. islh Ave., . Red Ml. Ul PARK Ave.. rooUii. NEW s-toom cottage, modern except beau Kant rsasonauiu. ilec Erekine ou. Key at ilJH ilrklt!e -RoOM house, muutm, Hi- Fine lawn. 7 B. i.tn St. Phone vveo. 3M. MODEiiN i-roota collage; close lit. oa good street; aduiia only, sm. Apply, sis s. usth St. 7 ROOMS and bath. MA Decatur, IlK.ou. Poll RUN 1' All mod, in five room cottage, tall Douglas iTU. FOR R1.NT New 4-room modern. Li;: on car line. Inquiie ills So. Jtth Bt. NINE-ROOM modern house, wlih lam. barn, cioe to car, best part Dundee; loo. BB.. CM et wArlA1ll.tlAAi, U Pax loo Biock. l&l Hall Ave., aa.Ai. i-rooma modern. Vacant May lvtn. Tho. F. Hail, ul llamee. Both phone. 4-ROOM oottag. water and aaa. 1704 v Mth. Btarea aad Ufiieca. M'CAOt'K BUILDINO, UTH DO DOE, Attractive otficea, moderate prices. AP PLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUUDlNd AKruDClATION. STORE ROOM, leuS-a tlowsrd at., SIX Hi. au l table tor large Ouainesa. Iniiulr V m. Fthr, Hotel PUua. FOR RENT fltAt-ea rasrn at dTI1 IKth Ot .fkla.Jld ocauoo; rent very rvaauigAbl.1 , .Remington Typewriter Co. No. MO 8. Uth 8f. lOxtS. Tel. Doug. C230. FINE PRIVATE OFFICE. Ha City National Bank Bidg., with use of larg reception room and eten,grapher aervicea. Here Is your opportunity to get soma Plendld office at a BARGAIN. Apply Kilo City National Bank Bidg. OFFERED FOR SALE r'asaltare, FOR BALE-Carload of all kinds fural ture In days Bachman. lad Dodge. FINE furniture; oak and mahogany; oooaa ana case, uouaias eiJO. RARfiAlV Uwnm.i..r ritiw .a bedroom aulie, bookcase, rockers, gaa range, mmng room auiie. Pnon Dougiaa all. Maalea.1 aavrameata. FOR SALE Square piano, cheap. Call Web. Mil Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all make and pricea. laigest and best Mock. Call or write for large lieu We eblp on approval. B. F. Swauaoa Co.. Di Famam St oma ha. VISIBLE typewriters snd all other makes, sold or rented anywhere at to n mfr's pricea allowing rental to apply on price; shitped on approval. Write for circular, lba Fernam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co. "TYPEWRITERS for lent; loweat figure ever quoted: S months. 15. Central T pe wrlter Exchanae. 1607 Famam. Doug, tfi. RENT an Oliver typewriter from tna Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas SlO. Mleeellaaeaaa, POOL table, store, restaurant flxturea bought, sold. Levy. SW N. So. Omahs. Snaps For Economy Buyers Dunham lawn r oilers, oo eacn. Penaayivaaia lawn mowers, fe , and an. Gardea toois-iike trading them. Hoae reeia. tLai va.ua. sve; a,.uj valna. Ton bet your money counts with us. Dunning Hardware Co. lua Harney REli Rlvrn S-..I.. L . - . . ' "J vino see poiatoan tl fc per bushel. H. Lincoln, OrocVr cj5 ia surnep FOr. bale-Two achouirsni to , -Omaha Commercial collega .nd on, Z Boyle, cnls Businem Mo? Oman! OLD SAFES. DLKlliHT. la, Faraam"