Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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odd Things to Eat for Sunday inner
Sunday Menu and
Some Tested Eecipes
Crushed Pineapple
Hominy, with Milk i
Poached Kggs ,
Cream Toast with Cheese
Zaieback ;(.'ofre
DINNER .' i . '
Clear Soup '
Roast Leg of .Mutton - .
Lettuce. French Drawing ,
Cheese Finger
Vanilla Ice Cream,
with Chocolate Sauce
Coffee '
' Cold Sliced Mutton
"" .Veal and flam Pie
French Salad takes , Tea.
(.rape rralt.
Drain canntd artichoke bottom, marl
Data with French drepalng. than atand
kalde in a cold place until thoroughly
Thltled. ttemove the pulp from grape
fruit, rejecting all touch akin and aeede
and mound the pulp of the (rut 'wi
the artichoke, arranging on bed of criip
lettuce Icavea. Garnish with Kreneh
dressing and atrip of rntt red pepper.
' Cherry Salad.
Drain a can of ciierrlr. the lame -eh nr.
rle preferred, remove In atone and
111 the caritira wtlh cream cherae which
hae been mixed to a nhuoth paat and
fllghtly eaooed. Serve oa lettuce' leaves,
using a sufficient number to make a lit
tle neat, and gemleh with mayonnalwt
dressing: f i . j
Oraage' salad.
Take five thin- eklnnrd enur orangey
and cut la very thin sltcea, then tnta
quarters. Mix ofte-thlrd of a cup of olive
ail. one and one-half tableipoonfuli each
f lemon juice and vinegar. one-third1
(spoonful of wait, a few (rain of mtw
tard and a daah of paprika. Marinate
aha fruit with till mtalur and serva on
a bed of watercrea.
Vralt Salad.
Peel two orangra and remove the pulp
aeparalely from each section, reel three
banana and cut. Into qnc-fourth-lnrh
lice; remove the eda and akin from
one-half pound of malaga g'rapea; break
Into plecea the meat rif flfleen Englleh
walnut. Mix all together and serve an
lettuce 'learoa with French dreaalng.
' Viewed Kkakarb with Leeaaa.
.Choose tender atalka of rhubarb, trim
and' remove any tough portions of akin.
Do not acrapa a war the delicate red. e
M adda to the appearance of the flnliheJ
dish. Cut the atalka Into pieces an Inch
long, cover with water and atew until
tender, with a couple of aHre of lemon.
Add sugar to taeto, host to the boiling
(mint and chill before aenrliig. Some pre
fer to add a few aeeded ralstna with the
llees of lemon, for thoaa who like thla
Xrutt eoaMnattoa can be recommended.
Ahubarb la really a aprlng medicine, and
ft invaluable at thla aeaaon at the year.
fried Baaaaawe. '
: Prick the snueage with a fork tthla
prevents them (rein burning.! .and .put
them lrib- frying pan wlih - small
piece of bdtler. ' Keep moving the pan
about' and turn the aauaagog. three or
fear time. In tea to twelve mlhutea they
trill be auffreleMly cooked anleaa they are
very large,, when a little . mere Hate
should be given.
Pwtato faaeakea.
For three potatoes, weighing about a
half pound each allow twe or three eargc,
one-half cupful of milk, on level tea
poonful of salt, and. If neceuary, a
very Ultle flour. , .
Orate the potatoea (raw)' In a pan of
cold water, let atand a tew minute, then
drain, put; potato with the itlirch that
remained a the bottom of the pan In a
cheeeecloth bag, eirueeae out all water,
then put back the. potato With the other
ingredient and fry the cake aa you
would wheatoakea In, hot lard, .
' Heaey Cackle.
.One cupful of atralnrd honey, one cup
each of sugar, buttermilk and lard'; one
teaapeonfot eartrof salt; ground cinna
mon and lemon extract, one heaping
teaepoonful of aoda alfted four time
with two capful of flour. Stir In enough
flout to make a dough of the right eon
atrtenoy. Segift lt two cipfut -and
VMctM aanuonary. t .
' ,' Pickled rralt salad.
Chop or cut Into cube a equal quan
tity of pickled peach, ptckled pear and
pickled greeh fig: Mlk' them well kith
a etlver fprk, taking oar not to break
of eroah them, and rover with a rich
French dressing. fre upon crisp rd
malne leave, with grated alltptce ever
the aurfada. .-
MaeeppW Faddlak,
Soak half a bog of gelatin In hair a ;
cop of cold wmer for htf an tion The j
add to half to Juke of a can of ptne- j
apple enough water to make it 4 plat
ritlr Into thla k cup ut sugar and boll
tnre minute Tour, bo'rflng hot,, upon
the gelatin. Let It atand until It begin ,
to thekea. Tbea beat It until It look I
like whtta cream. Let It harden auffl- j
clently to held up the fruit. Then add
half a cupful of canned pineapple. Met '
In the Ice' to harden. Turn out of the!
mold and aerr with whipped creeou It :
la good without thle. .
f ott may. oiakf thuj. deiiert with any j
ethex frulta, canned er f reek. ... . . :
rryaMlllaeel Pralt. ' . j
Make a air up of a pound of augar anJ
a lll of water. . Boll, without atlrrlns, '.
until a drop tailing Into cold aau-r be-'
exnea almoat 'immediately brittle It-;
move the aaucepa from , the, tire and I
act at one la aa outer pan . of cold
water. Add to ibe ayrus a teaapooiiful I
of lemon Juice. , Rua the point of a
long black or allver pir Into the fruit Ms
a cryatalllxrd and dip each piece Into
the hot thickening yrup. . Spread .upon
buttared or, waxed ep to dty. ', . . .
... . . Aaael Cke.
Sift a teaapoonlul of cream of tartar
alx time with a half cupful of floor.
Whip the white o( alx eig until tbey
atand, alone., theg gtAiatlr ' air into
them a half cupful o( grvnUated auaxr
aad, the fVni .lour. . B-t . card .aad
turn Into a clt-aji. ungreaacd paa with a
funnel la he mliUla, Bake In , eteady
.ofea ontti a trw Cornea out cieaa Inxa
the tlrlckeat part. Turn the paa upatde
dewaupoa a. clean towel and aa ahe
cak oaola. it .wHl join out, of th tia.
Whaa It la cold, ice tha bottom anA -i tiw
v un. ami . .
Cereal Coffee. , ,
Three poonda . whole,- wheat, , three
t4bieaoonu!a of "molaaves, n pound of
whole barley, three UWegposojaiiti. vt
butbav one cupful - of ground, ehleory.
oo-lijf' . pound . Kocka cviiee, Jtoaat
wheat and barter 'aatit brawn., atlrrioa
ettea, Whoa aa dark, aa a,eu(fe hoary
---- r
i -
Hayden Bros.
MEAT Dept.
We still have the old iric'S rt'gunllpM of lba grt
ndvanco in tie niurkutn.
Roast Pork per pound ....,....-10c
BtjJk Sausage ir pound ".".'. . . .
Ilindqnnrlprs of Mutton iund 8c
' Frontqnartcrs of Mutton pound t. ...,,,...., .6c
Mutton Stew 10 poundn for . .. -25c
Mutton Cliops 3 pounds for . . . . . ...25c
Pot Roast-pound 10c, 8f7c
N'o. X JIunis- touud ,v. 15c
Picnic Ilums jound 10c
Bhcon-pouad . i . .'. . . .... -20c; i7C, 12M:C, 10c
I fcfyand Bone 8 jxiujnds ;f or ,,...... ...25c
Mailed Milk
Serve it at Break fas
Serve it at Dinner
Scrca if at Supper ;
Serve it at Luncheon
3r- Zok for the Bine Label oi
At All Grocers.
Sundgren's Bakery
i every loaf. . r W
v a r ..
mar luCnree rjT J
Order a box
for breakfast
f n
Ask your grocer for Eagle Brand Macaroni
10c at all Good Grocors
It Is very Important to keep the weight of your children up to th
I atandard while they are frowiiif. it A
i "'k ta mi uma wnen axronx conaumuuna la
Knllt rThlldran aaad food, auh-
atantlai food the kind that will stick to their
Contain the very nrnrUbliif elements that
build fleab, bone and mutcle. Pure Durum
Wheat witb all the nourishment left in it.
Blended from
"Wheat, Rioe and Barley
If your grocer ta
not auppuea. teie-
rkea Douglaa
II and k paca
a will be deliv
ered to yon.
Omaha Sales Co.,
STattoaal rlaeUty Bldg,
Wastera Sfarfcrlbntors.
Pig Pork
Roast .
Steer Tot Roa$t, O'sC
Steer Boilng Beef 6M:C
Young Veal Roast.. . , .10c
'Veal Stew- ,6VaC
Pork Butts ..llVic
.Lamb Legs j.....,..llVi!C
'No. l Hain8'.i.....:14y40
"No. 1 Bacon ..1GC
TreU Dressed Giickens,
per pound 10 Vic
AT ID: HO A. M. AMU P. M.'
POrGLAS ZU7; LVD. A-2144.
Too ean net eeUer Meat at Hatha
for teaa money la easily explained,
tlatli uaa always maintained a high
kiemlard of quality. Vhea he
cringed Mi entire boahteaa to a
ra.h baala, he found that he could
aim maintain the hieh quality at
lower prVrea to hhj cuaiomerk. BB
OAt'SF: loea - on bad account la
ellmlaated; delivery -e-rpena aaved.
aa Well aa a big earing. In time aadi
expenae ef bookkeeping ami oMc
tloa tbarax. ALU of tbaaa .Uema
help to reduce, prk-ee ti
n I I nuvl aneciina
Dmflt. Theae
aona ut they ougbt to
the mancln of
are only a I'K rea
ouabt to be aufflctent
to Induce a trial order . thi Tekv
latop yu your way home. r
Jcj. Balh't Cash Market'
1MI raraaa treet. -
Any On Can Bake
Hot Waffles
.. . If .They Use a
: 1 Vulcan
Waffle Iron
Always Star
Newer FsJb
THE VULCAN Is fittrt
vith a ball .'socket ,
which permits the pan to
be turned withcrul.the.necl ;
of It being lifted from the
range. Handles never jet
Excellent ' recipe 4 for
Waffles with each Ifort.
Omaha Gas Co.
I y V rlt
Ask your grocer for EAOLB BRAND MAO
A RON I. It hi made In Omaha under the moat
laalury conditions.
Eifle Maca
roni Conpiny
Clean, pure milk in prepara
tion of food means delicious
and appetizing meals.
Alaniito milk, perfeetly pasteurized and
placed in sterilized bottles, is tha clean
est and purest milk that can be bought
The safe milk
The satisfying; gummer
hMrttb drink.
- ' At FWirjAIJig -
sr deUrered to your .
. home.
I'M tt In your cooking, and
(ire It to baby. It's tbe only
substitute for mother's milk.
FOR early
milk and
cream be
fore break
fast caU
3 7 Doaglae
add butter and atolaaee. atlrring It on.
tU aU I. abeorbed and th grains eep-
arat. Remoe from ereo. aad wken
cbld add , atooha cpffe aad - chlcoey.
Orind In coffee miH or meat grinder.
T . make. I'ae . one. and , on.hlf ,tea
apuonfula of coffee', to each pereoo. and
one and one-fourth eupa oold water.
tsan an noun an serve, wita augar and
cream, or bink ' ' ".
. Caraeael gpaalak C nea. . .
T and oae-kaif teaapoonf ula of graa
utaled gelatreet one-fourth cup t botl
tng water, three, cup of uflk, three
feortua cup of .eager, three egg. on
eightb teaapodhful of aalt. one-half taa
apoonfut of vanilla.' Scald .adlk wtth
gelatine. - In the ' niearttirpe caramel!
orie-hMf the sugar, .add boiling aater
and turn Inter mill m Incur. Beat wgg
yolk a-'lghtly. Bdx with balanc of aogar
and - the aalt. poor law milk and latere-
to- oouhi boiler.' eontcmg -vntn
thlckeheil' atlrrtng "conatanoy. Remqva
from neat, aad vanilla and ibe rz
whitee wntaked atlrf. Turn- fnto !ndi
vlduai SMUldaj, ftrat dipped tr. rold water
and ehilL Serve with caramel alawnd
eauo. ' ' " i
who have heretofore had their
day's time occupied by toil and drudgery now
Save Themselves at Least Five
Hours' "Work Each Week in
The Kitchen By Using
mlTTERNUf m&
DAxcimiToUsomt Nutritious
Ov3j ti ffour'anfl tLs-Ingredienta are used in the mai- '.
ingof BUTTISJrDT BfiiAD. The height of bread perfection.
AbsoiuttMy t&ure and Reliable
Don't worry about the pre-, $25 M i
paration of the desert for II
Sunday dinner just serve V)N T
and all the f,
Pure j L
: u a w
. Is the Sanitary Ice Cream
It's made in the cleanest Ice cream plant in the country aad
of the purest Ingredient and by evployea who are oreased 1m-,
maculately all the time. It's the plant that invitee yon, your physW .
' clan and tie dty health officers to visit it at any hour of the day.
"Dellcla" ice cream is untouched by human hands in the making.
Everything Is handled mechanically. .
Tn all flavor, bricks, too. Your druggist haa It, At tbe'
fountain or by tbe pint or quart. .
Made only by the
12th and Jone Sf. Omaha, Neb.
(JjWa 'vJWW (Ak (Awj. SV
l xeeha'a ats oS Ceaw
Saturday's s pedal :
Red land orangea. per doxen SOo, p6o and oc '
California lemona, per doien to
Spinach, per peck SO
1 roah roaataa peanut a. per guart ,'?
I bunrhee green onlone too
Muahrooma. Mint. Btrawtierrlea. Kndlve, Head Lettuc. Aapar
agua, Llmaa, Plneapplea. Chlvea, Celery, ete.
ISc jar Southwell' English Marmalade, per jar ...IT'i 1
6e can "Oalllard"" imported olive oil -Q
I Ha jar preeervea. jama and Jell I en, pure frulta and augar SSe
Dr. Johnson a Educator aalted loaaterette. per- lb '. 5e
I bare "Magic Waaher" aoap, doea all the work- ,
Dr. Johnaon a Educator cnu-kers, per parkaare 10
Sweet Ore ham Cracker. Olnger Hnara. Kntlr
Whole Wheat Crackera. Wheat, Cotu. Kye. i
Barley and Oat t'rackera.
Educator alandard wheat bran, per package
Quart jar large Quean ollvea
II packagea ''Argo" Oloaa etarch
"Lotua" creamery butter. In cartone. per lb
Our bet country butter, tn unitary jar, per lb
Strictly freeh efga, from Brandela farm, per doxen
Jenny Bros, full cream brick cheeae, per lb. ,
I packagea Neufchalel rheeaa
Lerge aldajn cheeae, eah
Celery re 11 ah. Cliow-Chow or aweet plcklea. per quart
"IjOtua" Kentucky whlaklea, II yeara old, full quart
Warwick whlakey. In bond, full qaart
Old Continental whlakey, in bond, full quart
Ouckenheimer Kye, In bond, year old. full quart
Old Buahu.ell Iiinh whlekey, large bottle
4 bottles Pert, t I SO value
4 bottlea Hherry. 11.40 value
4 bottlea White Tokay. $1.40 value ' ;
4 bottlea Mlaaonrt Claret, ti t value
4 bottlea Mlsaourt Rleallng. tl iO Value
...SI. 10
. S1.M
. S1.00
. .S1.8S
. Sl.oo
. Si.00
fylMfy Qmty QfiMfy MUVve (JVW
Mmm&m old age
Pure beer needs protection
irom light.
is put up in Amber bottlee so
tbe rays of tbe gun cannot de
stroy its purity, or give
aisagreeaoie taste. , .
Old Age Is made from
costliest materials, n la not
simply a beer of quality, but a
beef or double quality. .
Family Trade Supplied bj:
South Omaha WSC JETTEU,
ffiW2 W. St., Ill owe Bo. 86.
Omaha HUGO F. UILZ, t t'
Douglas St., Phone Doug. iWi .
Jetter Brewing Co.
Pounds Best Granulated Sugar
If You pTj"rcha fl C VTorth of Other QooU
Try Our Coffo, at. llx . ? .4.
w aliaro carry Dpirra. ntuiinK rvwaer, Kxtrat t
riAunna Tia fi 406 North 18th St.
"WJ w. saw a aa wwr. Tel. D. 2446; In) B-244C