Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    Cheer Up!
Base Ball to SUrt in fall Swing; in
' the Western League, i
Masaaaeih raradr i Lead lb teas
to Raarke I'erl. fcwu, kleate
Are Plaaard Kratreeo la
rilrh OpenlMC-
With fair weather predicted, today :
promise to ba en of the greatest open
ing aya tha Western league haa ever '
known In Omaha and probably In any of
IU town. Tlcketa weru at a premium ;
yesterday and a lam crowd of people
warmed Into tha Smokehouse to fet what
raw box seals and choir grandstand
tlrktta were left. It la figured that b. ;
twaen Is. and U.MM people will attend
the battle this afternoon with "Red"
A Miner buaieA of Sioux.
All arrangements were eompletod yc
tarday fur tha parade and the formal
opening at tha park. A. L. Gale and ft.
W. Patrick, both signified they would
da tha honors bestowed on them at tha
park and are etronily keoeting 1 itourka
and his wonderful looklnf 191t squad. At
leoat eighty motor eara will ba In the
panda besldee any more which have not
yet aent In their names.
I, lee ml Parade.
Tha Una of parade waa definitely da
elded on. In tha first car will be Pa
Rourke, president of the Omaha team;
A. L. Oal. president of tha Ad club;
R. W. Patrick, eialted ruler of the Elks;
Mayor Dahlman and frank Pamela.
Fallowing this car will come four ear
carrying tha band. The next threa care
will carry tha city officials and city
council. The pros ear, carrying acorera
and photographer, will come next In Una,
followed by In wive, children and eweat.
hearta of the player. Tha next la line
UI he the Bloux City baa ball team,
followed. by tha Omaha player. Tha rest
of tha lin will then carry tha fan.
Nrellcta HeoerTed. -
Tha JEika and Ad club will occupy eec-
tions of W seat aaah In toe reaarved
section of the granatand. Officer at Fort
Omaha will occupy a box.
The governors,' klnga and queen of
Ak-Sar-Uen will occupy two boxes of
thirty-two seats each and will take a big
part Id the exerelaee prior to tha opening
of the game. The city council will oc
cupy tha center box directly behind horn
plat. . The Tom Moor club and several
other social club will occupy boxes,
while several prominent Omaha man have
reserved entire buses for themselves and
' Rarlety la Fall Pore.
Society la expected to turn out la full
force at the opening, and with tha great
weather which la promised a freak dls
P'ay ef this yaar'a atlea will com out.
The players are In tha beat ef condition
and aay I her are ready to meet the
Hleux-Clty bunch end teach them a few
pointer on the game. On of the beat
team Pa haa had In yean will start
the mi season. Davidson, the new out.
fielder, who was purchased utrtght by
Rourke, will arrive In Omaha this
naming and will probably get a chance
to work In the opening game. The exact
lineup ,af Ihc Omaha tin In the opening
same will not be made nubile until to.
morrow morning and tha pitcher who will
have the honor of pitching the opener tor
Omaha win be Fentress. Arbegaat will
do the receiving.
lineup of Inlay's game:
J urtlc
.... Flrat ...
..... frecond
Third ..
.... fhort ...
I-rft ....
1-U ....
Sioux City.
.......... ami th
lire em
Coy I
Center ..
Hiht ..,
Caleb ...
ruv ...
I ewes All Rear stall Vane la Ga
the Opealac nasae.
To the People vt Omaiia: Friday after,
neon the annual acaton of the YYeeiera
league of base bail chits will start at
Ituwice park with the bteux City club a
our opponent.
A number of prominent and well-known
me a and dob wui take a part la th
ceremony inunediata'y preceding tit
Knu and as the baca ball team ia a great
advertisement for the ,ity I believe It
-proper and right that all lover of lb
pert shottld take some part by entering
iue auiv iarao er oe in attendance 1
Bt ths gain, i
Farther 1 hop ail th bus Mas house
that caa eoavenlently da eo will allow j
their employe early Wave an they caa
tak advaatag of this opportunity of
Boating nr the horn team.
v. Mayer.
Seventeen Schools
, Enter Drake Meet;
DS MOIKEU, la.. April M-NiBe unl-'
versiUea and igr i cwilege are entered
la their section la the Drake retay sboH
to be held here Satarday. Coach Jor-.n
L. Griffith f Drake aniveralty announced
taday that Wck Orant, former Harvard i
ninaer aad now reach of the Mfiarsuta
track ream. u aaen Sedated ret area ef j
the meet. ' Teams of eight high chooti I
aiae save baaa catered. I
See w Acs PnMoe ftrnll. - ' I
They May, Win
fe -
cm vSttSsss
' , - .
Preiidest of Western legn Xeeti
Intuottor Isndlen.
Ktaaeaa aad rHe Will asa Ik
Jab al Oasaka O'.Helll Looks
er a Baaaer Vaaw la
Base Ball. -
Dick Xlaaan and Harry Carter wets
chaaan to offidata as umpires t the
opening gam of '.h Weattra leagu 1
Omaha tnti afternoon.' Th omptrea were
assigned t a meeting In the Rom hotel.
hen the five umpire who will work this
season In th Ictaue and Noma O'Neill,
president of th Western lease, held a
conference. . ,
The umpires wh were present al the
suae ting aad who will offidata tfcta ea
st are Jack llaakell, chief of the West
era. league umpires: Dell knepp. with
tbJa ttagiM last year; Dick Klasane. an
Omaha toy who umpired la th Mink
haa-uaj last aeasoa; U, Joknaon. an um-
atr la the Oble-PenneyhraBla Icaga In
mi, aad Jlarfr Carter, tast year an
' in ttMk Obi Stau laagua,'
The tarfoua uaapa-ee wiu osen 14 tn
follewlng towna: Iienver. Johnson; St.
Joseph. Knasp; Cttnalie, KlsseJs and Car-
tec. Tope, Haasell. Ktaaaa aad Car
tee will work together for the aeat thre?
week or a month and then an will an
J. While the other wlU be worked
with another umpire. It I the intention
of O'Jietll to have but five empire lit
the log tkl euaimea, unlee eoaditlare
prove to be la ak a state that other,
will bar to b secured. la th latter
ce Urea mora amp will get Job I"
Ik Vt'eatera and the double aratam will
be used In all the games.
, Lobe (ear 11 let Yaar. .
After tk meetiag Mr. 0-Nll'onTrd
far a while with tha smiuiw,
and eal,l th tLi saaaoa Wee so be the
beat laa argaaiaed base bail had ever
area, lie baaed hi eoatoniiea an tko
euoitnou crowd abiek wltnaaatd th
opening game In the major leajruea. th
Amerteaa aaaociatlon and taw oxat
le ilea. Net aMy war t crowd ua
usualiy larg at th aaitua bat la
vry gam eioce thea toe fans have
turned out ia drove, lie said ha wit
nessed the opening tame at Sea Fran
rises when that tram ttaed un asalnst
the Oakdal team. He aaid in six gam paid admlsloas war racsrttod. Ia
Chicago at th Cab park (Mot people
war sealed la th two opening fata.
Raas Rail Mad.
."Pop ail avr tiie cwotry bar gone
mad over baas baa, e.d Mr. O NcU.
"and peraone wk tasv year saalsfled
tkaasaaiva by reading saeinals of the
fan la the paper, are attending tne
game t peraea thi aeaaoa. I kav a
doubt la aiy nslad, box what la WaNiv
r Li
I .ail ViAl
a Game Yet!
J I l if,. " ' .
I. JSCTfcv- S I ' TL at - f ft-l RHYMES 33 M
Army that Marches Under the
Sb cs fs A
. W. t W . i ftaf . . .1 ,, 1 V a. I - : . . U .. I. ..V ."j r ml I ji .. 4? H X I J f -t . M 1 1 ; T ' let m
M' -
& s!Jm.Tc55 r,m
Indicator Handlers Meet O'Neill in Omaha
Top Roar, Left to
league will witness It beat aeaaoa IbUI
-At Dee Moines. Wichita, Tupeka r-
Omaha there at ae doubt but what recor
will b broke for eper.uig day gains
At De Moinea conditloo are better tha:
they have been for a bamber of yr
j With. Tom Fairvreather aad rruk 101.
j la charge of th laass a that town into
; are bound t iaroareia la a most asti
. factory manner. Th po" vr toer.
Irwfld about th team aad anxie islj
'awaiting tb law.
"In Tupeka uauaual Interuat I keln
! taken la the team. The Bower dm
j Which baa beea organiaed la (hat towt.
:la doing wonderful iking and over L0-
fcoMter button war old In Icsa than
three dare, wle Gear. a roanagar
Ike Tope a team, kaa done woudet wild
Oe fan and 1 look Sar a bis pnn
there. Wichita, etaee-n gtat back lu fraa
chlae aad team, la working bard and tbel
fan an boosting tb boys tar al thai
is la them and with a new park hwv
aad interest at uch a stag there ail
be a big apetung day crowd.
I aadden CedUpaw
ef atoaoaeh, live.-, kidr aad bowels is
meat rn-reiy protiated with Elecrrlo Bit.
tera tb sale regulator, etc rr sal
ly butt lyug Co.
PerwiateeA AdvertlaUaj as Uk Boat Is
Big sUtaraa,
(Copyright. 1.1!. National Kiwi
Arbo"t - row: M-n- ju,,b -
Rlght - Kltsajie. Haskell. Johnaon. Bottom
, A4 Aviv&JUa taJUL
OP rvjliS-
M f 1 1..
' w. ' - .- ..JL 1
M -
19, 1912.,
Banner of Rourke
JS'.'' - a
N,",a" - ei' "" -
Row KnaPD. Carter
Big Preparations
Made at St. Joseph
ST. JOSEPH. Ho.. April U-The Dee
Moina-4H. Josepk gam here tomorrow,
making the apenins of tb Waa tarn
leagu seaaorti wiU be preceded by a eig
street parade arid demons trattoa under
th auspice ef tb M. Joaeph Rooster
club The opening of aa electrls white
way and a street carnival will ceiebrat
th event at night and Saturday will be
featured by other parades.
Prospects, for strengthening th Si.
Joseph dub were brightened today whan
Outfielder Kelly, wh baa beea in. took
part m secret prarttc. Manager Holland
also announced that a saw second ba.
man probably would be eocured la time
for th opening aaase.
Tb Dog Moinea club ts expected to ar
rto carry tonight' Tb battertee have
not been announced.
Mite-hell Take Cans.
HVROX. 8. D., April 11 -(Sped si Teli
graro. t The first baa ball game of the
aeasoa waa plated bare this after
between th Lnleereity of Mitchell aad
Huron eoUag, result! net in n victory for
Mltchea by a score of J to 1
kg advertising
Tb Bee the
for The Bee by Hal Coffman
- wanB.r, x-t. .
Bally Netting- Six Burn Gives Tio
tory Afainit Browns.
I. a eel Taaaa Laara Csateat by Score
Of Twelve 10 tevea Callakaa,
Storall and Salllvaa Urlv Oal
T. LOUIS, April U-Aa eighth-Inning
batting rally, which netted six run far
Chicago, permitted that team to tar
today's gam from th local team of th
Americas league with a seor of U to T.
it. Lota
aa H.O.A.E
B H O A g
Rsth. .... 4 1 t
I eanttea. ef.
im. ia.... ;
CsllaSaa. II II
Bodle. ct.... I4S
M'iMrre. Itt I
eiaer. It... 111!
Wester, at.. 4 I
talllTsa. a. 4 t 4
raunia. a.. I
sievall. lb.. I
Upon, rt.. 4
iH.aa. II... t
1 mu, n ... 4 a
1 iHtlllnis. el I
I itTtuMn. e. t 1
SNtlsea. a-. S
Kesa. S.....1 I
wstsa. p.... 1 1 1
T (HsBlttoa. a I a 0 e s
- SDmr. a., a a a 1 a
TSUIS....JS u tl II iTeaaeat ..I I I II
. .... , Teuh r It II 14 I
'Ratted for Snenree In atntl.
Cslcago ........ 3 1 1 a-U
St Loula tii3-7
Two-has hit: Rodle. Three-base hm
Callahan. Btovall. gulhtan. aacrinc
blta: Rath it). Krltchell. tvxeaver, Pratt
Stolen base: Hogan. Uasea on balls: Off
Nelson. 3: off Hamilton. 4: off Walsh,
S. Struck out: Ely Welsh, (: by Ham.
Irton. L Hits: Oft Nelson. 3 hi three and
one-third Innings: oft Hamilton. 11 la
if.v wi iNvininn inningn. lert oa
baa: 8t. Louis. 1: chieseo a. Tina: Umpire: Lvaas and bejaa.
Th speedy senior cjuiutet won the first
floor contest of th annual girl spring
basket ball tourney of th Omaha High
school by 3 to yesterday afternoon
Mies Helga Rasmuasen, right forward for '
th upper das la sic a, featured by flip-,
ping a total of six field goal and three
free throws. A large crowd of girl at-'.
landed the gam and rooted for their fa-'
vorlte. Th lineup: !
actions I meimuiiDBi 1
Betes Ui..Rf.ll.y. UUte aeweelsea
Mert ertaeeC..,r. k P.. eWUr C '
KiHe Ream C c 1 ... ,
tfj' bi ?S -autar. Cluireuil
gltusetli kaiaey . R.0 UO Aw. ttlue
auostnutea: Bermc riaon. Centre f.u-1
oaaoenorea; Margaret Bradway. center !
for aeniora: Muriel Rusland. light guard '
for eophomorec. Fled g.:s: HtHra has-!
tnuaaen, ; Marie Warthcn !; France I
nwara. a rree tnrewe: Ki-'t
en. J: Mart Warthen. 1: Praacea Eol.
- newree: atiss Mary Herbert.
mnre: sitae etem uminni ti
wmr nunatca.
Th Invincible girls' Indoor base ball
learn drubbed th Giants squad of the
high school yesterday afternoon in th
vboot gymnaatum by a score of It to t
by aWvertudag
To Vrrt AouT
Standing of Teams
Cincinnati fill
it. Louis 4 3
Philadelphia i I 3
Boston 3.3
New York til
Rmnklvn all
Chlcaco e 1 4
mieuurso -m
A Jl.K. t,bAUUU. AXEKlLlt ABb.n.
W.LP-t W.L.p-t
Philadelphia ..3 1 .TM IColumbue .... 1 Ml
Bfielon 1 1 .StU iMinnleamlla 1 I SXI
Cleveland I .ttl ISt. Paul 1 1 .Tit
Chicago 4 1 .571 Toledo I 3 .714
Detroit S 1 .we Louisville 1 1 aw)
Washington ..3 3 .SOU 'Milwaukee ..I I tx
ft. Louis 1 1 .tit iKanaa Clty. l .141
New York.... ( .CU Indianapolia 7 .
Yeeterday'a Reealta.
Brooklyn-New York, wet grounds.
Boeton-Phlladelphla, ram.
Pt. Louie. 3; Pittsburgh. 4,
Cincinnati-Chicago, bad weather.
Chicago. U: St. Louis, 7.
Cleveland-Detroit, rain.
Phlladelphla-Washinirton, rain. ,.
New Vork-ktoaton, rain.
Mllwaukce-LoulSTllle. wet around.
Kansas Oty-Indiana poll, rain.
Mlnneapolla-Toledo, rain.
St. Paul-Columbus, co d weather.
Caaaca Today.
' ' . ' i lew
Tnrk Hoeton , SKliainl.ia ci. ..
' -7 - - - "I- USUI,
at Pittsburgh, Cincinnati at Chicago.
American League Chicago at St. Loula,
Cleveland at Detroit, Philadelphia at
Washington, New York at Boston.
American Association Milwaukee at
Louisville. Kansas City at Indianapolia,
Minneapolis at Toledo, 8u Paul at Co
Opening Game at Pittsburgh Besulti
in St louii' Defeat
Wlaalagj Raa Coaaea (a riaal la
la After Two Ren Are Oal aa
ramble by Heists Thro
Three. Ilnse Hit.
PITTSBURGH. April ll-Ia aplt of
ohlily eatnc a larg crowd attended
th opening gam her today between
PitUburtn and St Loula. Plttaburgk
woa In the. ninth Inning, kiW tw man
were out, on fumble by Housar. Roth
pltchera ware effective. Oonlia'a Injured
leg bothered him and he retired after
th fourta inning. Leach taking senter.
field and Wllaoa being shifted ts right
n-rtBunon. ' gy. locia
A H O A a. Ak.H.O.A.S.
Jrrae. lb.. Mil IHestlaa. I. 1 I 1 1
Dealla, rt.. f (
Lws si... I
h.... e tie eauis. a a
eosue, a.... ill
IK'setekir. Ill III I
Viae. rt. ... e a a a a
. w aassr. si. s 1 1 t
! I II I eneerer. Ik. I I 1
e-rf 4 t J e s H r m a m , t
nr. mill eRiha t 4 1
.mV::..i,J.,,u' "12112
Mdi "l 5 Ik "t 7mU 1
i wo out when wlnnlag run acorad.
Pittsburgh I 1 I 1 1 t H
St Louis 4 1 t -
Two-baa hit: Olbaoa. Komttchy.
Three-base hits: 'Wagner, Oakes, WH.
son. Pacrlric hit: ki i. a.
, flits: Hugglns, Evana Stolen base: Me.
j-anoy. uouow piay: Byrne to McCar.
thy to Ml.ler. Left en bae: Pittsburgh.
I. St Louie, a Bases on bail: Off Hen
drlx. : off Pal lee. I. Rasea on errors:
Pittsburgh, 1: St Lou It, L Hit by pitched
ball: By Handrlx. Evana: by Sallea,
W agner. Struck out: By Hendrix, ; by
Bailee, a Time: 1:44. Lmplree: Jeknaton
and Eaaon.
KEARNEY, Nth.. April M (Special
Telegram.KBy defeating Grand Island
eolleg. I to a bar thl afternoon In a
fast game of baa bail tha Rial Knr.l
team atarted on their second year with
a ehemplonehlp baa la their bonnet The
game waa played an a good ground, with
tha Normal maa tha hettae mmwii.
every department of tb same.
Etsert at short mad several errors for
the Normaia aad was dlrecUy reaponaibl
for one of th tw run obtained by tha
Baptltta, but with tb stick ha nji .
th head of his team.
'rtiand--.:::: 1 1 i : j : a
wI"'rl: Oreid Island. Rosea, and
T im- 1 "7 , aixiurt ana ievoi.
bnnins: uraoie ana ,
U south window contains a
fw of my famous f iw.oo bin
serge , stilts. Blue aortas arw
tha height of aconomy. Tby
siwayg look right and fir ex.
tellsnt wear.
vim m
1 at tba Krara.
eJl pC th buywra.