Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    s :
. !
local Contracting Firm Offen the
l fontitv Refund of 54.000.
la HalUaa Piwpssals " VawM
rmUin far Coaatjr laart
llewse Thee l-Hrsse
mlt "same riaeres.
Thiee eompi Wd t-" n
ceumir bulldlns steel vsult furniture are!
lae Kkpp-ttartltt corntsujr by an un
usual procedure Wo tor "a"
cantrart. despite tne ret'U! or We eom-
rpny It rcpnacnu to strove me lower
J The eoard of commissioners ordered tlw
: bids tabulated and wlil consider them at
special meeting Monday morals at
i o'clock.
Tiie bida are:
'tt u.HllhHiirinr f ,v TkAVtOD.
J o tM
I i XI 1 I- . .,tl. .n fA. JuMt
f uin. N. Y . w.vww
General Flrepruotiac Co, Vounf-
J U'onn a: Bartlett Co- Omaha .0
I A Ud sulKnitted br tUs VanDorn Iron
' Works company of Cleveland u nelthee
I read nor considered, became. It wa not
nceorr.wniel by tho required certified
KiplaMtorr Letter .
i Tt.. Vlanil Mm UeTtlatL CtJITlLjjnV lUb
j rained a bid of $e.0, Initructcd bT
the General FIreprooMns oumpany, but
accompanied the bid ICb a letter offer
;sg to pay the county ROW If tha con
tract li awarded tho Yoimutown firm.
Klopp A Bartlett company alw tub
muted a straight bid of t.M. with the
suggestion that ;f tha Board of County
Commissioner! wishes to lot a contract
i. n firm here Is tba opportunity
JlO do to.
J. B. Kedfitld. sales nanater for Uie
JKIopp Bartlett company, said His, W,W
refund plan was sdopted ss a means of
ceiling In a low bid after the Youngs
town concern bed refused to permit Its
on bid to to lover than tj.t0.
tiut of Employment, '
Civil War, Veteran
j - FiresFatal Bullet
! Despondency bars use of hi Inability to
secur work Is ballered to have prompted
jjohn Clavk. td 9 year, to tsks
jlrt owa Ufs about I Thursday morulas'
ho the rear of X2M Lake street. ' Hli body
Vsa found at t J o'clock by TT. C. Tm
rea. wko lives sit that number.. Tha body
wis lying In a wagon hi the roar of
KtiTon's bouse. In the hand waa a thlr-jtr-two-csUUer
j James Morlty.. who Uvea at Xif North
Tetity-fcwrtb, told Officers Dudley, and
Verner that about , o'clock kt we
siwakenad by a si nil shot, and at the
parae time' clock In M nous struck
dole. ' ,
the tody wa removed to toe parlors
jof .coroner Willi C Crosby. Nothlbc
ia found upon the body to tndksie
despondency, Or who bis relatives .were.
(J'ttrea tdaaurktoj aim ss Mia Cterkv a
ijHrll war veteran, who had been out of
Jmployroent for mny Weeks. He
formerly was bousemsn tor Mrs. fath
ji rtne M. rWy at 111 foulh TMrty-fourtb
tstreet. Mrs. Pursy said she had lot
loean Clark for two wee,, ipi knew
uethJo of his 'history.
LFight forPlaces , -
on the School Board
; Shows Some Heat
Allhoug J obscured by other Issues, a
brisk oontast fcs an aver tji reaubnoan
tiomlnstlon tor school board i (rowing
oat of UK fight' amohf present members
fur coatrol ana two alafea are being
peddled. F. X Tsggart of the Ttlird
ard If tho only nsm on both of them.
In the First ward George fkhnell snan.
for of Barkalew Hroa. News company,
eod an old-time . resident and home
bwner of Omaha. I running against W.
A. Khlera, employed by the Baum Iron
rararaay as cashier. In the ITourth
ward Judge WUIUra A. roster, who made
Hue run for district judge last fall. Is
phtrt aaalnst 1. T. Cole of the Cole
AicKay Vndsrtaklng company, who went
Oat of tha board a year age. The fight
earners, however, In tha Second ward,
wtsera Dr. E. Holortchtpsr la up fur W
ekMtloa. Dr. Hotortcbiner has bees a
leading member of the achoot board, gar.
Ucularly aggreaalve for developing com.
maardal kastracttoa and reUerlnc tb
'creaded achoot quarters, and hit op
(Ponoata have taovgIit. It aaeeisary to
ftV two against him ta beat klov - These
jtwo are Thomas Lynch, the" well knowa
Iplumber. and r. W, Kreile,. a young
; draughtsmen and architect. As usual
'llw argaanmUon of 'the near for next
year Is expectul to. depend upon the
newly elected members. ' '
Tom Hughes, traveling freight agent of
tha Missouri fselfle. Is in South , Da
kota and he sends word to the Ogiaha
office that during tha last neck reel
wink waatker has prevailed throughout
tha central nut of the state, t tiers being
a ewasMetaWe'tfart -uf new snow. "The
backwani siirtiig Lss Interfered with the
wurk of the farmers and few' of them
' have cvnunenced searing their. . spring
wheat. f t , .
General Manager Walters of the Xorth
weaura bas rwturanl'frara Ckicaga and
la passmg through luwa be say the
eastern part of the state la rorered with
two Inches of, aewjnuw tit fell, the Isat
tw days.
Rev. Nathaniel McGlffls of tb Lowe
Avenue frsabyterlaa ehurch of Ossaba
ss4 A.- A. Lamaraux of the North Pre
ertarlaa church of Omaha. Rev. j.
Prank Reed of Frecnoat and Klder Laaa-
Sv of Schsrler were elect ea commlK.
sioaers to tba general assembly of the
iretytrt lirch wmch cenvenes m
ilay at Urjlsvui, Ky.
waa Ben Pool. Threat, Ala., when! drag
ged aver s rough road: but Bucklen s
Araica Balr healed all bis injuries.
Vr sal by Beams Drug Ce.
Batlaiaa Pevastta,
U U Leit. 1WI Rotith Thrrrv-slrth
vereee. srasso eweiima. ce: H. Copier,
a sons Thlrty-stgau aveaoe. brk-k
dwelluig. .: tart C. Wiisoa. ,1305
'ortl Thinjf-tirih avenue, frame dwell
ir., !.-. Josn Roana, i? Keatk Eighth
sireel, frame dwelling, H.OW; Armstrong-
"JwwSag?; "rt
Alienation Action
is Brought Against
Minnie Fairchild
Damages of IS.en for alienation of a
husband's affections are demanded of
Eva Oliver, better known as Minnie r'air
child. by Mrs. May Thomas, vrtfe, or for
mer wife, of William Thomas, a dentist
formerly of Omaha and more recently of
Columbus, Keb. The petition for darn-
' ages wss filed la district court by J. M.
Macfariand, attorney for Mrs. Thoma-t.
Mrs. Thomas Is about years old and
Thomas about S3. About six months ago
: secured a divdrre In Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Thomas alleges that the decree was
secured fraudulently and without ucr
knowledge and. therefore. Is null.
Mrs. Thomas petition alleges that In
lt Miss Oliver, or fairchild, begsn pay
tug attentions to Thomas and by woman'
wiles and money Induced him to become
her lover. On April U goes on tha netl
lion. Thomas left his wife and the f l
lowing day she learned thst he had
divreed her month before, lie had con-
tinned to live with her. and, t he. Inno
cently believing she still ,wa bl wife,
was willing to deport Iwrself gs such.
Last year Thomas gained some noto
riety by sterling a lawsuit against
Charles Wilt and others for money be
alleged they wan from bun la a poker
game In gambling room conducted by
Wilt. The case never came tb trial.
Thomas formerly had office In the
Brandsls birlldlng. Fll months ago he
moved to Columbus and. opened a dental
office there. HI wife has acted as hi
assistant sine their bisrrtsge, six years
so. , ,.
Barlow, Will Build 1
Pretentious Home
Milton Barlow, "president of the Water
board, soon will begin constnirtmn of a
new JtMM home Tslrty-ninlh tret
near Davenport. The eontraet ha been
let to'il. K llcddlnic The jk-w. home
Is to be of maWn brtcb gtxt will .be one
of the finer residences of the city. Archi
tect Oeorge li. J'rlns is the designer.
Tb park commisilonsrs have it ih.
contraot for tb grading of ths brmlevar I
from tavenworth to Western avenue.
The work will east about I1M0. Th
contract win rail for an sarlr comnieiinn
of tb grading., . , ,' .
Cbamberlaia' Cough lUntedr kaa wa.
It great reputation end exttnstva sal
by It remarkable cure of eouiha enids
and croup. It can- be depended upon. Try
wow ey aii asaiera
Why We Ask You to;
For the Republican Nomination
" to' Congress Friday ' J .
. , . Howard H." Baldrige representi the'bcit
republican element of this district. He stands .
for common decency and common honesty in
politic and in everjihing else. ,l, -'
We ask yoq to vote for Howard H. Baldrige '
because be stands for the best iuterests of the
people, because ho is sincere and honest and be
cause be will do all that can be done for this
district, this state and this nation. , " '
We ask you to vote for Howard H. Baldrige
because we need better men in congress and be-
:. cause Mr. Baldrige is just the type of man that
will make congress a better legislative body and
'.will actually' get results that count.
We uk you to vote for Howard H. Baldrige
Vbeeause"he is man's man, through and through .
and because be stands for the best constructive
policies of the day. He believes in better gov
ernnieJit a government in which the people ac
tunlly have fvoiee,, and not a government in'
whioh the special interests' actually ' control "
t every: action.' ' j ,- ( ' .
'We ask you to Tote for Howard H. Baldrige
because' we vant man from this district who
will work to have . a workman's compensation
law passed, who will work for a direct election
, of. United states senators, who will work for a .
presidential;prefercntial primary, who will work
for laws that will protect the small stockholders
-in large corporations, and who will work for a '
protective tariff on the productions of the toil of
theAnierican workman. , -s
We ask you to vote for Howard H. Baldrige
because ,- i ' .
He stands head and shoulders ( .
aboTe every other man In the raoe. .
and because he is clean-cut, honest and
sincere as. a leading citizen of Nebraska. . ,
- -Young Hen's
Baldrige-for Congress-Club -
' CUDS X. ELLIOTT, 8ecwtry
,513 Bee Bldi, Omaha, Neb.' .
Separated Couple
Try Marriage Again
i Two divorced couples have secured
licenses te remarry and resume the voy
age over tba mora or leas tempeetaou
seas of matrimony. They are OUf It.
Olsen, aged a and Mrs. M. Bernhardlna
Llndherg. aged Ci. both of Omaha, and
Joseph sad liatli Nelson of Mlnden,
Neb., aged reaiiecttvely t and L Tba
, risen were divorced four months ago.
: Mr j. OUea taking the luime that was
. hers before her original snarriage 13
' Oiseh. It took, tne Xenons soven months
to reach the conclusion Uut they love
: each other, altar aU.
I am offering this
week coat and
pants to measure
at $20, of r eg
ular $25 value
goods, . This line t
Includes blue and
gray, serges as
well as a large line
of fancy goods,
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailorin. Co
0V80 Boejth Kiiteeati) St,
Korlnva.Wl. J
f r ' sssssisssssf 7 "w
Republican Candidate for Congress
1J J 1' "A
Judge Baker is endorsed by
Committee. He has earned the nomination by hard and effi
cient party work. Vote for him April 13th.
Business Hen Endorse 17. B. Howard
for Stale Auditor
Mr. W. B. Howard of Omh lg a Candida oa tug Rgpub
llcan ticket for State Auditor of public gcoouuia, to be) voted oa
at the prlmarle oa April lvttu
There r several reason la our Judgnent why Mr. Howard
I entitled to the' consideration ot voter generally. W hav
known him for more than fifteen year. We believe him to be
poaaeaaed ot iplendld builnew Judgement. He I a mn of excel
lent addrea, alwaya courteous, gad these art qualification which
ebould be poaeoud by all public servant.
He I man of splendid reputation and of tha vary beat -character.
We feel nr that tf he la elected to tha office he will
glva hi whole time to the duUe. will treat all ot our eltlseng
alike and will render absolute satisfaction to the tag payer.
'Mr. Howard abould have general aupport throughout tho tat. '
..." '. '-' ' Your truly,
mw lV- LEVY c U. W1LHELM
:- . ' F. L. EINO
'r ' -V -
r S .
n'&Z. J
;: I ' - '' I 1 -
lUe Eepnblican County Central
November 3d, 1911,
John It. Webster, attor
ney for the Water Board,
said:'"The City of
Omaha will have posses
sion of the plant by Jan
uary 1."
April 17, 1912, Milton
T. Barlow, president of
the Water Board said:
"The city shall come
into possession of the
plant this summer.'
Cut out promises and
expensive attorneys'
fees and
II. S. HcDonald
Republican Candidate for
County Conmisioner
In the 4th, 7th, 8th and 11th
. Wards. , .
Primaries April 19th, 1912.
ta 1
mP aa4 Ties Osaaa Treat Awa
lag 0.
Present Head Deputy Assessor
Harry G. Counsmah
Candidate for Republican :
Kominatioa for
County Assessor
Born in Omaha and a taxpayer!
in Omaha asking . promotion
entirely on merit "and 'ability.
rotincat, AtvETisrsG.
A Native
For State
' .
t . 4. ..
Franklin C. Hamer
Franklin Cllamcr, candidate for the republican nomi
nation for State Treasurer at the primaries April 19th, is
a native of Nebraska and a son of the late Dr. E. P.
Hamer, a pioneer of the 6tate. He is a graduate of the
State University and has twenty years' experience in the
farming and investment banking business.
Nebraska has now $9,000,000.00 invested in interest
bearing securities and is constantly purchasing more. Mr.
Hamer believes these securities should be purchased direct
from the municipalities and school districts and avoid
paying large commissions and premiums to brokers.
Republican Candidate for
County Attorney
' Si eves-essgeessseeseewMsesssssJ-i
,ir : 2s- - . - - 'v
i.. - "-- y . . V .
- i ,:' 1 v
. The Initiative and Referendum
the first amendment on the ballot: "Reserving to the
people the right of direct legislation through the initi
ative and referendum."
V4 Put Peoples' Government in Your Party Ticket
California Colorado and other 6tates voted threa
to one for the initiative and referendum."
" Nebraska can do better still if we do our duty at
: the primaries. . . ' :.
Nebraska Direct
of Nebraska
ft . '
Judge C, T. Dickinson
' Republican Gandldals'
' For County Attorney -
Zb years active practice
in Nebraska '
8 years Judge of District
Legislation League