Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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'-P. ' "V0 purer, deeper food comet efJ'J
5 1l to your table than FAUST . ,
SPAGHETTI in its sealed pack-
I tge. And its so good. I
3o0peratioii Asked to Regulate the
Number in Tariou Commnnitiet.
Ge-veraer ef Inn Aaka far Help far
efferera la Mlsalsslsel Vallar
Dee Molar Claa fa
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOIXE8, la.. April ll-SpeciaJ
Tetegram.) Co-operation among the
churches of Iowa was planned at aa In
formal conference of the representative
of seven churches of the state. Tentative
plana for the formation of an Inter
shurch federation vers adopted at thla
meeting. Meetings will be held tn the
future to complete tha organisation now
under way. Tba work of this Informal
conference will be taken up with the
state bodies of the. church with a view
of securing' an endorsement of the work
mi ' tha church. A constitution was
adopted at tha meeting thla morning
The thinning out of churches In over-
churched communities and the churching
f communities without tha proper
church facilities la on object of the In
terchorch federation.
Aid for PloW fa f term.
Governor Carroll, aa president of the
flows Red Cross society, issued a procla
matlon asking for subscriptions from
lowans to aid tha flood sufferers of th
Mississippi valley. A lettergram waa re
calved by Governor Carroll from. Pratt'
lent Tart setting forth tha extreme sit
uation la tha south and urging tha states
to co-operate In alleviating tha suffering.
Dea Mslars Boosts Smith.
The directory board of tha Dea atoina.
Commercial club has adopted resolutions
urging the secretary of war to appoint
General Frederick A. Smith, commander
of the Department of the Missouri, as
major general of tha United States army
to succeed tha late General Frederick
Dent Grant. ' A copy of tha resolutions
has been forwarded to the War depart
ment. .
which has been given to the unfortunate
family affair. I am taking the liberty of
giving this report to the public press.
Tours very truly,
"SAMlEL. AVERT, Chancellor.
Roosevelt Travels
Over Southeastern
Part of Nebraska
v ! (From., a Staff Correspondent.)- "
LINCOLN. April U. (Special. -Prof. X
H.' Powers of tba university faculty la
not to be dismissed aa a result of a sa
vers punishment administered partly In
public to his lS-yesr-old daughter. Hilda-
, garav, iei swiwif naws- ,iwikiivi
Avery (his morning sent the following
statement to the members of tha Board
of Regents: ' v
To the Members of the Board of Regents-Having
Investigated the charges
that Prof. Powers had applied corporal
pntstunent to his daughter with undue
severity, I beg leave to report that he
facta as disclosed do not, In my opinion,
: require that any action be taken by the
Board of Regents.
"On account of the regrettable publicity
Milady's Toilet Table
By Haaa. BWXUS.
Of ail home treatments for the hair,
the theroz dry shampoo seems to be the
I most satisfactory by far. There Is some
. thing about It totally different from any
1 other treatment, and the hair responds
I so quickly. Put four ounces of powdered
orris root (or a cupiui 01 cornmeal) In
a fruit Jar and add the contents of a
small original package of theroi. shak
ing well together. Hprinkle a little on
the bead and brush thoroughly. It makes
the hair wavy, glossy, and lustrous.
To have s fair and lovely skin, to re
tain the attraction of youth, to keep the
complexion dear and beautiful the face.
neck and forearme should be massaged
every morning witn a solution made by
dissolving a small original package of
mayatona In a half-pint witch base).
Las this Instead of powder. It does not
rub off nor show. Mayatona reduces
hvga Pores, eradicates dark and muddv
.spots, and leaves tha akin smooth, soft,
and satloilke. -
Sometimes a sors may be slow In heal
ing. In eases like this Mother's Baivs
i la good to use, for It Is antiseptic ss
well aa healing and tends to prevent
Mod poisoning, it .quickly heals cuts,
burns, scalds, ate., rod will aiso cars
chaps, sold sores, pimples and akin erup
tloas wbsn not ranssd by constitutional
No woman seed he humiliated by wild
halts or fuzzy growths. They will ven-
Mi enough powdered dels tone with
Water t Cover the heir eirfuw- aiml
and after twa or three minutes rob off.
wash tha sain, and the hairs will be gone.
Adv. . .
LINCOLN-. Neb., April 18.-Colonel
Roosevelt slgtagged across southeastern
Nebraska today, winding up his campaign
for support at tomorrow's presidential
primaries In thla stats He spoke a dozen
times to crow-?, along the way from Ne
braska City, where hla day's trip began.
and tonight addressed a crowd In the
Auditorium hers.
In his speeches Colonel Roosevelt re
peated his assertion that President Taft
had little strength In the campaign, ex
cept such ss he derived from the
"boaeee." In one of hla talks, given at
Wilbur, ha expressed tha belief that he
would win at tha Chicago convention.
After leaving Nebraska City, Colonel
Roosevelt spoke st Auburn. Falls City.
Humboldt, Table Rock, Pawnee, Tecum -sen,
Beatrice, Wymors, De Witt, Wilbur
and Crete.
With his speech here tonight. In which
hs went over much the same ground aa
that covered in his Omaha address last
Bight, the colonel brought hla Nebraska
campaign to an and.
Tomorrow lis will begin his trip
through Kansas - -
Colonel Roosevelt declined to reply to
the statement made In Washington today
by Congressman McKlnley, In which
President Taft'a campaign manager
charged that supporters of the former
president hsd spent terse sun is of money
Improperly to forward his Interests The
colonel said that he would not be drswn
Into a controversy with Mr. McKlnley.
BEATRICE. Neb,, April M.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Colonel Theodora Roosevelt
sddressed a crowd here this afternoon on
tha high school csmpus estimated at (.000.
Hla remarks were devoted principally to
ths Initiative and referendum, the labor
laws and s square deal. Hs said:
We stand for ths dollar snd for hu-
msnlty, but when humanity comes Into
conflict with tha dollar, then I am for
humanity and against ths dollar. When
Lincoln was called upon to decide be
tween tha humanity of ths slave and the
dollar represented by ths owners he Mood
for ths humanity of ths negroes"
From here Roosevelt went to Wymors
snd then doubled back, making stops st
DeWItt snd Crete enrouts to Uncoln.
Railway Commission Asked to Order
C hinge on Crete Branch.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. April lS.-Speclal.
There Is a merry political tight on 'n
Johnson county between the two factious
of tha local democracy. Circulars have
been Issued to sll the democratic voters
In tba county, signed by the "Johnson
County Progressiva Democracy," urging
ths voters to support Richard L Metcalfe
for governor; William L. Bryan, George
U Loo mi a. Ignatius J. Dunn and W. H
Westover for delegates-st-lsrge to the
national democratic convention and W.
D. Wheeler and A. 8. Tibbetts for district
delegates to the national convention.
la understood that when C. W. Pool with
drew from the race for governor himself
and friends desired. If they did not prom
ise, to deliver Johnson' county to John H.
Morehesd lor governor. This aroused
ths Ira of ths progressives snd ths fight
ensued. '. It "will .wsgs warm on primary
Are You
.If so, use the
practical, scientific Instrument by
ths uss of which the deaf can"
hear as wall aa anybody.
Tba Aurophone enables deaf
and partially deaf people to sear
ssoslc, conversation, playa, lec
tures sad sermons, and aiso grad
aally Improves ths natural bear
ing Itself.
Try It. For sail bj
Gustafson & HemDcsca
SOI Serta lata
M'COOK, Neb.. April li.-8peclal.)-
Thres tramps were tried before Judge
Parry. In district court last night for as
saulting and robbing Major Hess of In
dlaaoia, thla county, snd pleading gui:iy
were semencea to tne penitentiary a
follows: Roy Fisher, aged years, half
breed Indian -Canadian, two to five years
Clarence Cheney of Iowa, aged SI years,
two to tour yesrs: Chester Cordonier of
Kansas, ana Is three years. They writ
taken ta Ltacfln last evening far com
mltment la state's prison.
- t
HASTINGS. Neb.. April It-(Speclsl
Telegram.) Miss Clara Bsuers. sged 11
yearn, who arrived at Hnittn x-.i.
Tuesday, waa takes or Sheriff Sni r
iipnm, ia, n answer to tne chargs ef
Infanticide. She was held responsible by
tne coroners Jury st Bennett, la., for
tarn nanroer or a cans ssiu to bars cava
Miss Bausrs denies the charge,
waived requlsttloa.
stakes Meet at rreseeat.
FREMONT, Neax, April U.- Special. -
Group two of the Nebraska Bankers' ss-
aoelatfon win bold' a meeting here Mon
day. April Sz. Tha principal address wtU
Be by W. B. Hughes, secretary of ths
Omaha Clearing atsstsStlun. . Edward
Martin mt Omaha will tasks aa address
ea the legal status of saarrled women
L B. Hewer ef Lincoln will
i the national reserve
B aV Lrls wm be 1-in mas
tar at ths saaeset ta the evening. Arthur
D. Wei toe ef Bt- Lsuls arm maze aa ad
dress ea the -National ClllnsV league.
ratal Mae.
PIERRE, 8. D.. Asm la-ifspscial TH-egrsxn.-H.
L. Ilasetten. the maa who
was burned in the eerly ass nine An?
here yesterday, died at St. Mary's not
attal this inutuliig frees ths effects of his
mjiiilse. He karat a family a Levero
Heavy White Frost Reported On
N etra.ka. Bet Pralt tiiewrra
Think Ce.dttl.aa ! Sera,
aa te Cease- Damage.
(from a Staff lAw-respondcnt.)
LINCOLN. April M.-tS,-wlal.)-A com
plaint amlnst the service on the Crete
branch of the Missouri I'acific ass ftlel
with the railway commission today. It
Is signed by a large number of business
men. shippers and resident of Burr,
Douglas. Panama, Sprague, Kramer and
Cook, towns along the branch. It
charged that Ihe service for both freight
and passengers Is Inadequate and th
time of running trains Is not properly
adjusted. The train loaves Crete at S:3
m.. arriving at A'ibutn at 11:3s a. ni.
returning leaves Aulgm at 1S:M p. m
arriving at Crete at j p. in. It does not
arrive at Junction points at any place on
ths line so as to make connections with
trains on other roads and at a conse
quence it Is Impossible to reach Omahs
snd return the same day. It Is also
alleged that stock shippers must bring
their stock in the day before In order to
reach the market, which they charge 't
both inconvenient and expensive. Th
matter will be referred to Ihe officials of
the company and after they have hal
time to reply the commission will tlx a
date tor a hearing on the complaint.
Fix Capital Root.
Workmen have been ordered to fix the
rout of the capltol building, which leaks
In several pieces. Officials say the prln
clpal trouble la that parties who go up
Into the tower think It It fun to throw
stones or other missiles which they have
carried up. Just to see bow far they can
throw. Many of these land on Ihe tin
roof of , the building and If they do not
make holes directly, cause dentt In the
tin In which wster collects snd the tin is
soon rusted through.
Engineers Price snd Roberts of the
Stste Bosrd of Irrigation snd Bridge
have relumed from Fremont, where they
consulted with ths county board regarding
bridges over tha Platte at Fremont and
North Bend. There hat been for tome
time an application for a state aid bridge
at North Bend, which has been allowed
by ths board, but thera It now no money
In tha fund to set aside for another.
Dodge and Haundert counties have de
cided to apply for aid for the additional
bridge and wait until there Is money on
hand to meet the expense, which will be
at least another year. In the meantime
ths bridges will be constructed snd paid
for by the counties, depending on being
reimbursed when funds sccumulate. Tha
new bridges will be of steel, with piers
sunk to hard bottom, which mesns sbout
thirty feet below the surface. The experi
ence of Hie Burlington with piling sunk
In the sand indicates that the only de
pendable way Is to go to hsrdnsn and
then It wll make no difference If the cur
rent does wssh sll ths sand away from
around them.
White Frost Reported.
Thera was a heavy white frost reported
In this section this morning, but In the
opinion of fruit growers none of the
fruit wss far enough advanoed to be In
jured by It. One thing that helped ma-
tertally la the fact lhat It It dry. ,
Asks fer Relief Meaey.
Governor Aldrlch hss Issued ths follow
ing proclamation:
By virtue of my position as governor
of the state of Nebraska. I am tha state
president of the American Red Cross
society. 1 am In receipt of a communica
tion from President Tsft, apprising me
of the widespread and general dl ussier
to the people living In the lower Missis
sippi, vailey.
As president of the Nebraska American
Red Cross society. I desire to Inform
the people of our state that "fully J4.000
persons are now homeless ana depend
ent on the generosity of the country
for food and shelter and tha number Is
steadily Increasing." This la Ihe lan
guage of President Taft and it portrays
a condition of suffering and destitution
that all of the good people of our beloved
state should take notice ot and act arc-
,1'nleas these poor unforunatea receive
proper asslstsnce. typhoid, dysentery.
smallpox, malaria and other dlseaaea that
follow In the train of such disaster will
surely visit this people unless prompt
and vigilant measures are taken to ward
It off.
Contributions received by members of
no siaiv ram ut tne American tfed
Croat society will he transmitted to th.;
national treasurer in Washington, D.
Contributions can be forwarded to the
governor's office or to the treasurer cf
the society. Mr. George W. Post. York.
1 hope the people of our state will ii
spond generously In contributions to
these, our unfortunate citizens.
tr'rom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April l$.-(Spevlal.)-There
was a scattering among state officials
and state bouse employes tody. Those
who retain their voting residence else
where as a general thing went home to
vote at the primaries As a result there
was not much doing except routine during
the day. There hss been less politics
around the state house during the Isst
Tew weeks, however, thsn for severs!
yesrs preceding s general election, if Hie
word of old timers sround the building Is
to be believed. Certain It Is that for
three weeks there has been less talk of
the primaries than during the early
stages, the excitement appearing to have
subnidfd with the closing ot the filings
for positions on the ticket.
Henry Richmond, who is running a bye.
for Ihe democratic nomination for auditor,
was st the capltol today, looklmc up
some matters connected wtlh Hie Old
Time Legislators' association.
There will be no session of the supreme
court tomorrow, though the court hsd
set casea for hearing originally. These
were postponed to a future date to
permit the court, court officials and at
torneys to participate In the primaries.
The latest tning In campaigning was
sprung on Uncoln this week. A candidate
for state office made arrangements with
a motion picture show to present him to
the public.
Hidden Cash Found
Near Hermit's Home !
PIKRRE. S. D.. April IM-tSptvial Tel
egram. -Srveral da s ago Charlie Ras
mussen. a river hermit, who has occu
pied a tumble-down cabin on the river
bank here for mo-re limn twenty years,
died at the hospital In this city. Today
In dlxglng about the old pile of logs anj
dirt he railed home a tin can containing
over .' waa unearthed. The cabin It
being torn to pieces to learn if there It
any other hidden treasure.
Dundee Boy Injured '
at Laboratory Work
LINCOLN. Neb., April 1$. -Special Tel
egram.) X. K. Vow. son of J. N. Dow
of I'undce. lost the Index finger of th
left hsnd and half ot ht thumb thh
afternoon w-ben his hand encountered a
bins saw la the mechanical engineering
laboratories of the state university.
BKATRICK, Neb.. April ls.-tSeclal.)
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stoll, old resident, of
Beatrice, went to Lincoln yesterday,
where they will celebrate their sixtieth
wedding anniversary at the home ot their
son, Louie J. Stoll. 1144 V street They
were married In New York City, April IV
12, and came to Beatrice from Jollet,
111.. In 187. They are the parents of
twelve children, all ot whom are living
except one.
(Opsclal Telegram.J-Wllllam Ludwlg, a
farmer, esed SI years residing In the
northwest part of Otoe county, went out
to feed h.s stock lsst night snd his
family could not locate him until this
morning, when ha was found dead In t
lane about a mile from home. A phy
sician pronounced hit death due to heart
failure and Ihs coroner held no Inquest
He learei a widow and four children.
Overton Hat a Hebbery.
OVERTON, Neb.. April lS.-(flpeclal
Telegram.) Last night between I and i
o'clock Mr. Ford of the firm ot Ford A
Son stepped serosa ths street te a drug
store snd whlls hs wss gone some thief
opened ths rash register and got away
with a K Mil and tome small change.
fomfnri at
Its mixlmum In
Cotham Sum
mer Uaslsr
wear. 50c to
13.50 the fit
, meat. Also
I Gotham Shirts,
) Pajamas snd
Uaioa Salts.
ei,t m" ?" rt imsrt, com
"i" snd non-wilting. 1 for lie; ISo
and eoo each everywhere.
beiaaaa Book dt Luxt frss on request
rm a Bkt rtw-itv wtuu
ilXl i:ISll odvi
7s rroetisr ATitcftM Cek'nat Antes AMsa mt jass aasf Amass mf T-mm
Join the Hoosier Club This Week
OPtt TO loo MhJib&tW OttLV
Pay membership fo4 11,00 Jigvs a Hamls daiivsMt
at one and pay 11,60 a week until tba sahlaat 1 lid
tor. Pries, Tha Meatier Bpstiel
To join the Hoosier Club, ytt hay mewls i,d pVMs
- btrthlp. and 1.0o weakly, and ba,vt th Haaaiaf "
Inst delivered Immediately, Tha Keotlet enaiMiay
' fixes tha prion every where, Veu bay no atara rur thit
. llbtral eradlt,
Tha Hootlsr Club difftrt groatly front, lbs Installment
plan; It undor lUo dlrset supervision ( lha H sealer
Mtf. Co., which fixes the low. pries that no Hoosier .
fat can ehanne. ,
Total Membership Limit 100
' - . -
Owing to vary liberal tar mt, the allotment of Hooeier
Cabintu that caa be told during this club wood '
necessarily la limited. - In many Moosior Club a nun
bar of woman ra froquently disappointed , because
- they delayed too lone in enrolling thair namet. We
etats thle so that any one who tonwraplatoe fatting a
Hooeier Cabinet now, may enroll bar name without
delay, and avoid disappointment
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Comoaoj
Where Scratched It Made Sores. Ter
- ribleltching and Burning Kept Her -from
Sleeping, Cuticuri Remedies
Completely Cured Her. No Return."
Waukefsa. Til "Three yean tge We
later I had a b realist tut thai covered my
wbsit bedy. II ilesed ts It tsesasd ss H I
should gavrrasv. It tret
cams out la Hills pimples
ea sty back sad spread till
It covered my whole bedy
unot sows ss my
The best ghoci on earth for athletic boyg and active
firlg the ahoea in which their feet will feel free the
ahoea that give the longeat wear and therefore are eaiicst
on the parents' purse are
Nine O'Clock School Shoes
. The vamp ia extended under the tip; the shank is
re-inforced; the sewing is by the improved McKay
iiroccss; the leather used ia of the highest quality; the
asts are designed for the' growing feet of children in
every way Nine O'Clock School Shoes are the best
children's shoes made.
lisees, saw mj srms dewa
te my elbows.
Where f
ecraicbed. it made sorts,
snd the terrible itching sad
buraiag kept sac from sleep
inc. I tried several issat,
diet ail te so purpose,
Thea I concluded te try
the Culicura Remedial. I used tba CUUcura
Soap and Culicurs Owlmeel. aisa tbe Rraotr
ent, far sbout four months, snd thty cost
pietcty cured ne ef eczema. I hart bad ss
ret are ef ihe d erase srscs. I sever hsd s good
sights rest after lbs skat enipiioa ft rat brass
out til I eemsMaced taunt lbs Cutieurs Soap
sad Outmost. I bad only used them a lew
days before I could ses they were begianing
Ss heal, and tbe terrible itching was gose.
"Those that need at the bouse at tbe timt
knew saw I suffered, tad how lbs Cutieurs
Soap sad Ointnvwt cured me. I sever take
a bsth without asisg tba Cut intra Soap, and
I do sol believe tsars an better remedies for
any saw dseese thaa the Culicura soap and
Omtmstt." ined Mas sarah CsUusa,
Mar. It. Itll.
Cut loirs Soap and ObMsmsI ds so stuck
for ska erapuoss. poor ctmpreiloss, red,
rough heads, sad dry, this tad falling heir,
sad cost so btlis that II almost criminal sol
to use them. Boat tveijehcia Liberal
sample at etch msued free, with at-p. book
as saw sad scalp trsausest. Address,
Caiicura.M Dept. T. Bonos. Tester-faced
Cattaua Soap Bbevzei Suck.
'History of our Flag
A ry tmUmUmi hUlffof
r ft mritun kj tromcit
SrsM k f 3rd. imMfnlif
tUmttrmui ss neers. miU ss
zearfW res trees nts rstsat
s as smft f,r pmtMf-
Get a Flag for Your
CWsVsw srrrywisrs art
sssrsg O'Ok SdmlSUt
Csssest ts asSfsf Flmfl
ftr Urtr aoaesJi. Aliyr
sssw dtmhr assef tsr pin
s prsssaW s Isrft fUf fr
Tho Favorite Rye of Six Generations"
When you want a good, straight Rye, buy
Distilled (4) times in
(OnUoary wniaksy not mors than tvrloej
This makes SCHENLEY 4
times purer, with 4 times
better quality. SOIINLEY
tastes and smells and it
genuine because it is properly
aged and its mellowness and
delicate flavor is all its own.
Bottled in Bond
mmmmmm,,," asezsszsssswai - assazst aaaszssssezszsmasaaB ,
Each bottle sealed with U. S.Ocvernment Stamp.
Its age Is guaranteed by the U.S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for itself.
When you buy Rya, buy Schanlay.- At all dealera.' "'
Schenley DittilUnf Company, Lucssco, Ps.
""Leet iw
""J sfsiaessa-wez.,
rltsl ll.aiSlJvl
fcfa4Jiia"W last J
' Tea braota that
iweeps cleanest,
sssri loafast sod
atsisst to set is
hmlO. FaHfirm
ip,ttronf srilchmf,
-roptr balaaea,
asosoms ftaish, so
almpinf of broom
irsw thsee are
ms of rtssopsrior
w sold by your daaler. When yea order
y iwi me a au oroom. ion can I
st tba ri(ht kind for any uss and your '
ewaeptof tasks will be vastly sasier.
vet BKoom a avsrat comrunt
- Psveaport. Is Liscala.Mrs.
WE appeal to passengers to use their hand
kerchiefe when they have to expectorate in
the car. To spit on the floor or any other
part of the car is undeanly and unsanitary.
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Ratiway Company
J.HI sVasewawsl H itri.w iiyw.saswrS 11.11 m itH r.z xtm