Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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    SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT -:- imtheAdgeaitagrt OeWng "in Dutch?" .:. Drawn for
Mi. Thwart, UKgTO II VwTOitfr U I ,oiV L
x - w .m wm t II - n . . -aw v i i 41 xw ii tu sev'r"a- rN v. --. a ps
- fe fe ' --
' ' ' ' ' , , . I . ""IT"
Married Life
Helen Forgets the Combination of the Cash Box Which
Warren Has
"Here's a package, mam WW,"
Delta, putting th i parcel on the table
"Oh, yea, thoae are the towels -1 got
yejterdsy." And Helen, who was pressing
out tome of Warren'a lies, act down the
Iron and want In
for bar pocketbook.
But there waa la
It lea than a dollar
In . change. Then
ah , went to the
. (
act torn bureau
drawer to get tha
tl bill, aha had
But there yester
Helen never kept
much jnoney In her
puree, for while
aha believed Delia
waa perfectly hon
eet, she did not
think It fair - le
tempt bar by
leaving money
round. Bo. aha kept
her Dills tucked sway In odd placea.
uaually under tha paper that lined her
lower bureau drawer.
But now, to her horror, when aha drew
out the drawer and felt under tha paper
nothing waa there? Hurriedly aha took
ever tyhing oat and lifted up tha paper
but atUl no algn of tha bill.
Could ithe have put It between eome of
the clothes Inatead of under the paper
She unfolded and shook out each gar
ment, end then took the drawer out en
tirely and looked back ot It.
Whan Delia came to the door wondering
what 'kept her ao long, Helen waa anting
on the floorr with everything dragged
out of the drawef and piled In confusion
around bar.
"Why. ma'am, the man's waiting for
hla money t"
"On. yes, I know but I put a bill hare
and now I can't find It!" exciterly.
"Have yon any money, Delia? ray him If
you can and I'll give It to you In the
Delia, went into her own room to get
the money and Helen again shook out
each article, again looked behind, the
drawer and around the floor In the futile,
nervous way that women have In search
Ing for a thing again and again In the
same piece.
Where could It be? Could she have
put it In one of the other drawers? Then
she looked under the paper ot the other
three .Arawert. under the paper on her
closet shell. In the blue vase on the front
room mantel all plaoea where at times
she had hidden bllla,
"Do you want me to leave them Irons
on, ma'am? Is yon going to finish the
ties?" ssked Delia.
"Oh, yea, r 11 press the rest ef them
but I must find tbla money first."
For the next hour she tore out every.
thing la a feverish, hurried search. And
at length she found It In the bottom of
her glove bos In the top drawer. She
had never put It there before and she
didn't remember doing so now. But, oh,
what a relief to find It!
It waa at dinner that evening that War
ren 'asked abruptly: "Man come to Ox
that hot water faucet?"
"Oh. Warren." with a note of d!irnay,
"I forgot to telephone about It."
"Huh, you must have a lot to think ot
Strenuous day today?"
"Oh. dear. It wasn't that," with an
apolegetlc laugh, "but I did such a fool
ish thing this morning that It drove
everything else out ef my mind."
Well, what waa It this timer'
"Oh, nothing." flushing eonsdousty.
"only I hid away a ten-dollar bill and
forgot where. I usually put ft under
111 WTi V. lire WMUWU Uf.PV) ,
but this time it was In my glove" box
and I looked Just two hours before I
foihd It. That's why I forgot about the
bathroom' faucet.'
"See here, what yon need la a box
with a combination lock. Then you'd have
eome place to put your money Instead
of tucking it away In outlandish places."
"A combination lock?" wonderlngly.
"Tea, then you don't have to bother
with key. Every woman ought to have
a eaab box around tha house they never
know how to keep their money. If I
have tone I'll send one op tomorrow.
Have ts go down through that Bekxnbor
Hood in the morning anyway."
The next day about t o'clock the box
came. It was a heavy Japan -tin box
with a combination lock and a card of
lrutTOctiona (or opening It
Helen bad seen Warren open his sate
at the office, and it had always aeemeii
a fascinating thing. And now aha took
tre box over to the window with all the
oeiignt of a child with a new puzsle.
Carefully she read the directions:
"Gtve the knob at least thee full
turrs backward to the left, stopping
The gee' ft3np Jaa z i i
the Third Year
GivenHer. ...
under the mark on top, 11 Turn rlghi
and atop when T comes the., second
time to the rnsrk. Turn left, and stop
first Urns with 11 lust past the mark.
Turn right aa far aa possible and
raise the lid." ,
But though very carefully she followed
this, the box would not open, . She tried
It again and again. She waa cure ahe
waa doing It right-yet the lid would not
It waa more absorbing and mora baf
fling than any pustle, and she worked
at It almost until Warren came The
lock waa sprung or tha combination was
wrong--she felt certain of that
"Cash box come?" asltsd Warren
cheerfully, as he hung up his coat in the
"Yes, dear, it earns this afternoon."
"Open It all right? Learn the combina
tion ?' '
"No. something's wrong. I'm afraid
the lock got sprung In coming."
"Nonsense, the lock's all right. Bring
It hare."
Helen brought In the box and the -card.
He read the Instructions, followed them
quickly, and la a second the box waa
open. J"
"There, what's the matter with that?"
"But. dear, hoer did you do It' Work
it aiowiy now and let me see."
He closed the box, threw off the com
bination and opened It again.
"Oh, I see new. I did do It right, but
I didn't hold the 1 nob back when I tried
to raise the lid. It didn't say that."
"They thought you'd know that much.
Now try' locking It again.
It took several unsuccessful efforts be
fore ahe finally' opened it.
"There, that's It! Now you've got It
Now won't ttiat be better than poking
your money 'around In fiie bottom ot
drawers? But be sure and don't ahut up
this card In the box. If you do that
before you've memorised H you're gone.
It's Very simple you'd better memorise
It now. then you're sure of It."
Rut Helen was never good at memor
ising, and though she revested it to her
self several times she was not at all sura
that ahe knew It.
The next day the first demand on the
cash box waa for the laundry btiL Helen
found ahe had entirely forgotten the com
bination. But the card was there and she
opened It. though not without having to
try several limes, for she was nervous
and hurried. And when ahe put back the
bills she put back the card of instruc
tions with them and locked the. box.
It was not until later that she realised
whst she had done. Oh. if only she could
remember the combination! 81m knew
the first number. It, but anguish as she
would, she could not recall the other
two. For almost an Hour she tried var
ious numbers but It was useless.
She shrank from the thought ot having
to admit to Warren that ahe had been
so careless. Now that things had gone
so smoothly since his retain, she dreaded
anything that might annoy or Irritate
And she shrank, too, from so often
appearing at a disadvantage Every fool
lah or Incapable thing that aha ever did
somehow be always knew It and always
In a way that mad It seem worse fnan
it really waa. And yet if ahe did any
thing exceptionally well, anything In
which ahe showed unusually good man
srernent or capability, those things some
how never came before him.
Ever since she waa married It had been
like this. Always she. had appeared to
him In a worse light then to any one
else. She never made a blunder that fhe
did not make It before him or that be
did not immediately know of It It
seemed almost like a curious fatality.
Thai evening she made no mention of
the box; ehe wanted to put It off aa long
as she could. But she knew she would
some money the-, next day, so at
breakfast she asked timidly:
Warren, do you remember that com
Remember ft? Ot course not I didn't
try. k told you to do that"
Tea. I know-but It's so hard for me
to memoriae things."
".cil. yoa haven't lost the card ot
Instructions, have you?"
"No,-ut I-I ahut It up in the box."
"The devil you did. - Well, ot all tool
things.- I might have known It. Br
George, In some ways you have the least
Here, rive me tbe box: I'll take it
down to the office and keep It there. I'll
have K opened somehow."
"Oh, Warren, Tm o sorry. I know
It was careless, but I waa hurried and
must bsve gathered up the card with tbe
bllla when I put them back."
nun: riereener you can keep yo'ir
money m any outlandish place you want
to. I might have known no woman
would have sense enough to work a com
bination box."- 1 --
"rururrio ox m
eWr MeA0 Him MC fertO
6 A eeV VAtim TM6 60VJ
tJui-W OOb-4 TrflsT rXVV
7wv (Ciooeo own hszo .
then ano NoruNmrwets
PlO OUft rrenJQ PEP. fC
frJrrEP hIS rMld f VJ ffef H
MM me OtVfcJ fWfjt Asvo jtft
5eW.'.'rWrV0U Ner-Crt. M5
a Ay i Gotta qaio
urw joe sow. rm a
tePoem oh a bxjkcsm
liet rwsetrj OFtTKlTC
THt H DO 17 fVAtTrt
Cooking Secrets of a Famous Chef
Americans as a rule use more condi
ments and high spleea In their food than
French people, and I attribute this need
for excessive seasoning to two things
rapid rating and appetisers like cock
tails, etc.
The cocktail was unknown In ray coun
try until Americana Introduced It. and
many chefs sre complaining that theeo
strong drinki!, taken before meals, par
alyse the pelate and make it Insensible
to the fine delicate flavor of good cook
ing. The man uo haa a keen sense of taste
should not destroy It by drinking 'very
strong appetisers before meals, or by
taking such liquors aa whiskey, t's-,
with his veals or before them.
' A good dinner Is en hs need by a small
amount of the right kind of wine, but it
Is ruined by stimulants which destroy,
first the taste, then dixestion and finally
the health of the drinker.
I believe Americana owe the terrible
rapidity with which they eat to tbe use
of these stimulants, as well as to too
much tea and coffee -- '-
If you Incite an otherwise normal hn
petlte with aioobol and condiments tbe
deetr for food beeomes so greet that
the meal is swsllowed without riving
one's self time to tasie It.
n.. i...
iwtwwi pauftie is tne only one
which can reelly taste the perfect flavor
ing of good cooking '
Abnormal appetites demand high sea
soning, which is bad for the stoms-h.
Every viand, should be. so cooked that
POO MAr r4eaXfl
W M vwTtC HI
pMAfg!fiT l.Ke ft!. MftMfc
eOVrte- MrOsi JAj m am ur0
mott e-w Am ft BOMtr
6s SliNgn.iN a ava a &
Pernor out jmEEKX HfluicuEI.
See lano a. meM oca iml
JlfrH . rrt Tasr. rm (uibr
tnont rn-oi oisiucr
OF Oft'TtAfciCJ, 60
0tmOl V0JTU.eF
AFTar rxnin WurVT AKowm p
TOWr Pot. jluarOAV JfUU4
FAflti TVWH VftO PerV A fy
fg-efT CUU 6wTTr
tcJtfiTS vrWrc A ceifmkf
Ut0 (OfV VllS-tU
" OFF,
Two Wgyi of Viing Lcft-Orer Chioken, and the Cunt
it retains Its particular flavor.
Only tasteless food demands h'sh aes. '
sonlng and codlments.
Chicken In lUmeltins, English Faabion
Cut the white meat ot a chicken Into
small square pieces, add to this some
chopped mushrooms and bit of truffle.
Reckon about two ounces of this to
each ramekin.
Put it In a saucepnn with a little but
ter and beat It. and add enough Bech
amel sauce (receipt given in previous
article) to mix. thoroughly. Kill the
rameklna to about half an Inch from
the top. Cover this space with mashed
potato Into which you have beaten one or
more yoUa of raw eggs according to the
quantity needed. Sprinkle with breed
crumbs and cheese, add a mite melted
butter.. Put In the bot oven and color a
nice light brown. Serve en a napkin
with garnishing of fresh parsley.
A Clew a Jew.
Two Texas men fought in the streets
of Beaumont,
Tbe fight was called a duel, but the
framers of the code wouldn't recognise It,
When It was over the undertaker step- ,
ped In and took charge of the principals.
There Is some class to that style of
duh nr. Cleveland Pisim Dealer.
APRIL 19. 1912.
KMTMri Mmsi mamW caicwft f
ftppfXLV STtlKB fr HIT u
WOTOiKrlMi bVAi iOwsC
CMOmsaMC Purr xiti
"wave xnc. ITas OatTTtN '
IMOCfi OCOCMcrttc. mo
Kierrhuxv pttv w-eu.
AvAtsTN Mil ITU am arkSvi
"N"' IT MOVC Owe TW FortfJ)
J-iW TO oUMf AT VcfcXr-
THF MMe TV Av ......
uiir 7 . "we"! aac.
sKoive DcUdWtP.
MS TVaS&e SfJH i tti tXT '
BCP Of TrrcTOCtrVa?
of the Cocktail. '
Tsks about one-half pound ot white
chicken meat chopped fine, one-quarter
of a pound of mushrooms, one-e'.ghth ot
a pound of truffles alio chopped up fine.
Prepare in a aaurepan one-half pint ot
Bechamel sauce (pee previous article),
and rook the meat. etc.. In It tor a few
minutes. Remove from th fire and add
' the yolks of three eggs which have been
beaten i:p with a soup spoonful
cream. Salt and pepper to taste.
Mix sll together and pread It on
board lb cool. When cool divide It into
small quantities on a well floured board
and give It the form ot croquettes. Dip
the croquettes Into a yolk of egg to which
a little melted butter or oil
added, or very little cream. RoU tbe
croquettes In bread crumbs to give them
a nice shape and fry them quickly. Ar
range them aa Illustrated In tha photo
graph. Garnish with parsley and serve
with tomato sauce.
Meat and fish croquettes are done in
the aame way, but tbe croquettes are
made la different shapes. They should
be named srcordlng to the meats of
which they are composed and not alt
called thicken croquettes, as la often tbe
When making croquette of fish or
shallot chopped fine aad turned
la a frying pan with butter gives a very
fins flavor.
Copyright, mi. National News
1 1 Assoclatlon.
p f)a
The Earth Would Be
if We Found a
This earth of our would be almost
perfect place ot abode It we could get a
grip on the weather and govern It
practically to suit
We have done
pretty well la trans
forming the surface
of the earth. We can
make deserts bloom
bv I rrl ration: srs
can Increase the fer
tility of soils; ws
can ehanse the
character ot plants:
ws can produce new
fruit a and flowers;
we can restrain tha
growth ot undeslr-
tatlon. and substitute for. litem things
that ws want and that are useful to us-
but up to the present time, we have
fsllsd te extend our conquests lo the
atmosphere over our heads, upon whose
I m.nh n Ml, nth., Bftrk lie.
V HIM.,, W. '
penda. Deserts have yielded to science,
but storms still defy human control.
But tbe human mind knowa no llmlte-
taln bold spirits persist In believing thet
tne lime wui some wneu men
rare aaxietaefully with the rainfall and
tne auesntne.
Momething of this kind has already
Wen attempted, and that on a very
large aeale, In southern and central
Europe, where, for, some ysera past, t
sre&i war has been eeadueted against
hailstorms. In this country we have
little conception ot the tremendous aeves-
teuon tnai aucn storms are vspsoie n
la... I. u..lhaM rMM, nnr. K.NB fk.
ans Havana, tna eppeerenos ol ne oieca
r.1 - MnMnllfiAA a Afmlfi0 tl .t I at nTl.
la a fearful prognostlo of disaster, which
may result in uie loss or muttons to tne
wine oroduosrs and growers ot hope, of
easily destroyed by the plunging fire of a
k. 11-. f L,,,. n,.ir - -. In Ih.
Cote d'Or, In eastern France, thousands
oi acrse oi nop yams and vineyarus lata
waste sy single great naiiatorm.
th. nnw nf th hall la I mnal tneraitl.
ble. Small branches are cut from trees,
nil antlpa ernne mt vlnaa aiut Athar ten.
dsr vegetation are leveled aa by a scythe.
Tne western rrom oi my souse near
uijon. wiucn is covered witn a rough
Italian stucco, very firm and solid, was
to W t M. arith ekAiiKajiria nf t,Alaa aa
Inch to two Inches broad, and from a
quarter to naif an men deep, by tne huge,
solid hailstones which fsll In a storm of
this kind. Experiment showed that It
was not easy to Imitate Lhasa holes bv
throwing a stone halt aa large aa the
fist, with all tha power of the arm,
scaittat tha wall. Tha hall shot aenutra
an enormous velocity In felling from the
clouds, and they are swayed aside by
the cyclonic force of the winds that ac
company such storms.
In view of the catastrophes which hall
storms oroduce. a Brest system of fiht.
Ing such storms by means of a kind of
oaosjou, lurrusnsa wiu a song enest iron
funnel, from which a whiriin rin ,,r
smoke is shot towsrd the clouds, has
seen developed, l-ong rows of "hall can
non" mav be seen arrmvait aeenaa eaaim.
try. and at the first Indication of an as-
proacning nail cioue, the gunners hasten
to their pieces and begin to firs in rsga
lar order, aa If repelling tbe advance of
a nenemy'B army. These discharges will
kill small birds several hundred feet
away. The theory Is thst tbe bombard
ment Of the ClOUdS With th fwalln.
air rings, which resemble, on a gigantic
SCSle. the rinSS that a amnJaer Kl.a-a
from his II pi, has some effect upon the
eiectno . state of tbe clouds which pre
vents the hall from formtnr. and hrinM
down the condensed moisture In the form
or rem instead of balls of Ice.
Scientific opinion is almost unanlmima
In denying that such bombs rd meats
really produce the effects ascribed to
them, but the buebandmea ara i- ..
Places, equally unanimous In their belief
um me ciiicecy oi me method. Meleoro
logtsts say that the xood affect, .-a.
to the tiring are accidental coincidences.
They aver. In the first place, that the
whirls cannot reach tha riaim. .
the second place, that even If they did
reach them tiiev would au. - iei.. -
on tbe fermattoa of kail. However, mmjtj
e"-i vine giowers, wnose crops hare,
aa they believe, been saved try a timely
bombardment of thrwatanfa
fuse to accept the theoretical conclusions
of science about the matter. Thta sys
tem haa been la use for from twelve
to fifteen years.
Recently a Dew methotl haa ha.-
catsd. Tttta consists m the erection of
ilnes of copper rods: asiiaii
ths effect of which Is believed to resemble
inat ox agntninc reda In drawing elec
trtdty harmlssslr from tha eJoua t.l-
sistrja meeu with Utile mors favor in
(is 1
The Bee by Tad
IhswrtAUaalt THt
Very Near Perfect
Way to Control Weather
alMliei ! a I . I ,i ...a . . -
Knitiiiiu wfiinvn tiian iu oilier. But U1W
agriculturists, whose means of life art. ,
at auke. have a great deal ot faith la i
thta method, and persist la trying it Aa-i-1
any rata (ha French aovernmani has;;.
appointed a "committee of defensejj
against hail," which plant to install
naraarelea on a'larse scale in aedae
give the method a thorough trial.
popular nsme for this apparatus la "tbe i
elantrln Via ear. " n,r.,ial he ev.. .-.'Hi
aumed fact that it draws electricity from
uie clouds In torrents.
The theory of the promoters of tha
scheme Is thst when these rods ' ara ..
erected In a Una eeroaa tha iiaual eaaiMM,''1
Of Storms, and at diatsnnaa anaet ..a ' 1
about six miles, they form a kli- ot dam..
or werner, woirn no tnunasrstorm can
rroes witnout losing Its power to form. .
The opponents ot the two systems that
have base described. - racosniiiive ti,.a .
something needs te be done, have prswV
posav to givs over ins snort to fight (hd V
storms directly, and to devots the money!,. ,
Which the War With ehe naavaea me ba. '. I
air costs, to Insurance against the devee '.
Utlona ot ball, ,
Hailstorm Insurance is not a new thing'
In Europe, but It Is likely to take bn ,-
new view of the broad dJacusslos .which,
the Subject Is at n resent ranalvtna la-.a
the meantime thtra are tvea tome Klen
tllo authorities who advocate a eontinu"'
ance or the attempts to control storms. ;
with the hops that something truly ef.'
fsrttva will be discovered, and among '!'
there Is II. Vlolle of the French Institute. '
Science Questions
Q "Of what la emery or of what la
an emery wheel composed? What are .
the bright sparks that fly from ana when
In user'
A. Emerr aa In use In maehin .),-
la Impure corundum, the hardest sub."
stance known save tha Aiamnmt i.
conundrum la composed chemically of th
aiununum, iwo parte by Weight,
and oxygen three parts, a occurs natur
ally in a crystalline state as sapphire ot
blue color, rUuy or red eapphlre, amethyst,
or purple sapphlrs and adamantine spar,
brown. ,a
Polishing wheels made at tlvaaa
would be rather costly. But corundum .,i
nntMnM.lal K.1 1 a lj. . a a '-
. wn Varaa Ul nun, I rag
menu of mica and other mineral pare. '
tides Is called emerr. And thia i. v.t ...
enough for abrading, grinding and polish
Ing. The original emery la pounded up
end paaasd through wife slevss of dltW t
f-rent mesh. To make emery wheels,'
buff wheels or glasers tha emery powdrf "
Is mixed with arum sheiiao h..
soda or vukonlaed rubber. it
A remarkable aouroe of aunnlv as im.
prlbable emery flour la the air of the,''
room la which emery la being broken and J
assorted. The room la closed, the ine, ,
wocnvBoiy email partcies of emery set
lis on surfaces, and this fine flour la cot-,
lected la in small quantities and la lt.;
kreet value In refined polishing.
IncidentallV. this fael ea...l. aa. 1
.. .... law a.iiiK
of materials that enter the lungs ot tthi'" '
auiaera m raciones. j
For centuries smerv haa k- J. M j
In India. Asia Minor and other Orients!
pi-ctw. mil sources have been discovered. '
In (Jeorgia and North r..u.. . ,
sparks are Incandescent particles ef tha '
w"" ay ay friction. The ouan' 1
Uty at beat Is not erea,t '
csn be held in a stream ot the flying,'
glowing pertlclee without Injur)'. Trrf '''
intensity of heat In each particle for aa
Insunt is greet, but the masses ot metes'" .
are so minute that beat sufficient to do '-'
much harm cannot develop. Emerr i
wheels ara now directly combined witb.l
small electric motors into . . , .
0 "What la your bell.r ak. j.j . '
on: a, it am attraction toward the center 5
of the earth or pressure from tie outs
side' o"-u ,
A. The word belief La ai .
sconce. A suppte4 fact must be po.K''
fvely knowa to ha . .-. a...
a v. VWH1 IE nfa 1
scientific Nor, . Wa u pmm mJZ ,
lately that gravtutlon la aa attraetioa - '
er a pressure. The u.. .. . fl'.
"'"i.'h",thorT t to an attractioni 1
theory being employed la place of the ' '
rd brtlef. Tb. brtntbai v!
hyposbeeis of cosmic evomuon. er ertgia
of workts. 7'-,
0-"Can kerorene be substituted fog" '
gssoluie In eDrinesr' r- '
A. TeS theiO in an anala.
, aeiv inS
coosumes kerosene instead of gaaoUna. '-:
'-T areai saving, as the prk.K ;
of kerosene does not seem to advance-'
with the more refined product, gasoline.