Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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ktlf Crop of Whett is the Kiddle
I Gram Stat
Grain States.
oavrjr Knliulln by 1 err Held-
Haa Co seed Sxxeae Rfwiln
! la Valaee a Ike
' Market,
OMAHA. April II. IS"
Latest confirmed reports covering Il
linois. Indiana and Ohio surreet half a
area of wheat. On top of this there should
ce a loss or about la per cent in ixansas.
Missouri and Kentucky.
Cables were firm and higher this morn
1 lng and short became nervous and cov
ered their sales, which hcceted wheal
t values to about (he recent hi!? polnl.
; The damage to the winter wheat crop Ie
I too sertpua to upset nor than tempor-
ary setbacks.
, Underlying conditions In the com trsde
hare not materially changed. Heavy
realising bv lartre holder has caused
noma reaction In values, but today the
market responded readily to new buying:
'th onlv bearinh feature I the slighlly
more liberal offering of cash corn, which
will not last lone
A continuation of the crop damage
report brmurht out new buying force,
, and, coupled with th covering by abort.
1 eent values up today. -Cash wheat was
10 to !'- h eher.
Tba cora markrt rallied today with the
advance la wheat, althoush liberal of
ferlng of cash corn broke the sample
market. Should the weather Improve
and offerings continue, values should
reset. Cash corn was 3r lower.
Primary wheat receipts were 116. ens bu.
and shipments wer 411. MM bu., agalnat
receipt laet ear of 211.000 bu. and ship
ments of 171.(109 bu.
Primary corn receipts mere 2K.1) bu.
and shipments wer Mesne bu.. against
receipt, laxt rear of 112. MS bu. and ship
ments of 171 4) bu.
Clearances wer I to bu. of corn. 7.MS
mi. of oats and wheat and flour equal te
Ctt M bu.
- Liverpool closed H0d higher oa wheat
d fervSd higher on corn.
The following caah alee were reported
Wheat: No. 1 hard, 1 car. 11071; !
ran. 11.07. No. 4 hard. 1 car, ll.Ml. So.
I mixed, 1 ear. tl.AH. Corn: No. 1
white. 4 ears, 77e; 1 cars. ;c. No. 4
white. I car. 7e. No. a yellow, I oars.
7T. No. I mixed, t cars. Tic. No. 4
nixed, II cars, 71c. No grade, t car. 4A-.
Oata: Standard. 1 car, 17 V. No. I white,
1 ear. 17c No. 4 while, I cars. lx,e; 1
car. MHc No. S yellow, l car. Ke; 1
car, twV.
, Oaaaaa Cash Prieee.
WHaVxT-No. I hsrd, fl aHMU l; No
1 kard. fl.eMxdtl.Ai: No. hard, ii.taui
CORX-No. I white, 7fr7: No. 4 White,
71e:4e; No. I color. Twmc; No. yel
low, 7M77c: No. 4 yellow. 7Mrimr; No.
1 7P,4JT;e; No. a, nvtd'lci no grade, 1M,
OATSNo. t while. l7,n7V: atandard.
o7Je71c: No. I whit. iatr67c; No. I
white. M-iMr: No. I yellow, M-,Sie.
Ko. 4 yellow, 6m9Mc.
BARI.rTr-Maltlna. ll nun .at V i
rieed, Mrvoc; heavier feed, lOctjlt .
Cartel Heeelpl.
, , Wheat. Corn. Oats.
irhicage inn
I Minneapolis lie '
Ifmxaha M 41 H
jilululh,, U
'renin f th Trading aad Closing
Prlcea aa Board at Trade
CHICAGO, April 11 Assertions thai
i th acreage abandonment of wheat land
this year would break the record forced
I prices of that cereal to a Mgher level.
Th do was at aa advance of IxVec te
e net, Cora tiniahed VtrSc under laat
night, oete off MrNfl and provisions
varying from xdjao dowa to a rise of
tSV. I
. one house alone bought Ion).) bushel
of aehewt oa th atrenith of a crop ri
pen statement snowing mora tna isus.
W acre abandoned In Ohio. Indiana and
IltlwMa aad fora selling large auraag
loasea in otner states. Pass miai e
ports aa to field condition In Missouri
and Nebraska wer received, althouga
subsequent advices from Nebraska wore
r dinerent tenor.
Oa the ether hand, what wheat Was
'left In the winter wheat belt has re
ceived much benefit from the wet
weather of the laat twenty-four hours,
i Bet wee a th opening and tha doss July
fluctuated within limits bounded by
tSil.c7,, Th final ton was essy,
at ll.lSl., Just Sc up. as rompared
with twenty-four houra before.
I After cold, wet weather had brought
an, advance In corn the market gave way
I under heavy selling. July ranged from
jTi'efrTJSe, closing weak. IVi down, at
7V,?V. Cash grade wer eaav. No. I
jfeHow was quoted at Tff7IHte for ca riots.
I The oat sales were largely la the na
iture of profit-taking by long. Outalde
Uigurea touched for the July option
rturned out to be -ifjtic. with th ciosa
I MSc, a net decline of Sc.
lrd and ribs tonight were ouoted at a
light setback, but pork had beea steady
(from Ulie.
i Quotations an fntiirs closed as follows:
rnclei Open. Hlgh. low. i"os. Tes y.
Wheat! I I I I
May.'lliw:: 1131,1 1 lim 1 iri, i if
July l WSViltn, ilWa llWHVIMSV
tW8'JlV,! lar.l IN ivt
Is urn
Jisv J7-te- .
II 43S
U Wi 17 M
it rnl ii
II 174-
it riw
is sv
M 7-s
M at
M 45
I0 47-
M gf-s-
M :W n W.J
te ss
1 e
I aVpt.
lis I
M 3
M 4.-4
M I7H1
i FLOL'R sfarket firth, advancing; win
119110; winter patents. Pi Kri : winter
ter-sorta. lotc higher and spring branda
I straights, ti.l04t4.le; spring patents, Sk 14
jfos best: spring straights, R4Ur4.a;
ioakere, B eotN ftl.
j RYE No. 1 Pic.
I BARX-EY Feed or mixing. ic4)Jl.:
, fair to choice malting. 1 j1.t7.
SFEU-Tlmothy,; clover, tUM
1 PROVISIONS -Pork. mess. ll.i:H
111. Lard. In Uercts, llt.Cli. abort
,lih. loose. M.W
t Total cleararKe of wheat and flour
: wer equal to as, sis) bu. primary receipts
I were IM.OM bu., rompared with ri.064
; bu.. the eorreepsndlng day a year ago.
iKsiimatad racetuu for tomorrow: Wheat.
; cars; cora, cars; oata, 7 cars; bogs.
.24.4M head.
! Chicago Cash Prlcaa-Wheaf : No. 1 red
IS.i3trl.14: No. 1 red. tl.ratn.13.: No 2
ll.ard. t.l!; No. 1 hard. l.wt1 U'S.
No. J nortbera. H. I44JI. I; No. 2 nortli
jera, ll.loWl.U: No. I northern, n.omi.iJ:
INo, 1 spring. H lopl II: No. I prlag. 11 It,
1.: No. 4 spring, sw-a 7: velvet chaff.
1.1.U: durum, ll.M Corn: No. 1
.-r7Se; No. I white. Sc; No. I yellow.
fi So. 4. n-c; No. 4 White. 7r .
'No. 4 yellow. 7.sa7ac Oats: No. I white.
i-nws: r.o. 1 whit. m'frv: No 4
white. S7tyi6Hc: standard. iSt-e, Rye
No. 2 Sf... Rael-r aw-fatl JS Tli...
aeea K n. (-lover seed. m
BCTTh-R Steady; creameries, ftMlc:
dasries. 24fe2c
IwtKiS-Woak: receipts, S.3 cases; at
mark, case included. i;jnVac; ordinary
Urrta. 17i7ic: ru-tna, Mc.
i OHEEHE-titeady; dn isles. T744J17Sc:
Itwtaa, ie,vic-tc; young Araertcaa.
37c: long horna, l9i;c.
POTATOKS-Pteady; receipts, 8 cars;
Wisconsin, ti.3LS; Mlcaigan and Mia.
isesota. ILEwLE.
: POLLTRY-Uv ateady: turkeys, Ite;
' VEAI-IHeady: Ityllc.
; - i
Lira spas t-mla Jfarket.
If: -e- t red weMem winter. Is 4d:
I Manitoba, as n-d: future, firm.
jMf. ' UW; July. 7s wl; October.
; WV- '
: CvR'---pot A merles a atliel new.
firm. s m: American mixed, eld, firm.
s USd; American mixed, new. kiln dried,
steady. s -td: futures, firm. May, as
7',d; September, ts fd.
waotatleaa af the Day aa Tartaas
Firm: spring patent. tStietiTS; winter
straights. -io4 te. wnnter patente. KM
si.); spring clears, M aveRst; extra Ne.
1 winter, .9ea3.M; extra No. 1 winter,
tUBa n. Kanus straighta RsVe4.i.
Rye flour, steady; choice to fancy, la.Mr
4. is.
i:OR'MKAL Quiet: fine white and
yellow, SI 70vl.1t; coarse, U.setrUt; klia
dri'd. R.W.
RYB Firm; Xo. !. Kc; c. L L Buffalo
to arrive.
BAR1.ET Steady ; malting. LSLJ
c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Boot market. Irregular; K. 1 1
red. II.IJ--. elevator, export baaia, to ar
rive, and Jl.l'. f. o. a. afloat; No. 1
northern Dululh. II -!'. t. o. b. afloat
opening navigation. Futures market was
firm and higher oa renewed buying
further bill II -h crop newa, firm cables,
unfavorable weather and a better caah
demand, closing tattle higher. Msy. II. U
l.lS-. closed at II U: July. 11-- I 13'.
rloeed at II. IIS: Beptember doeed at
1 4H. Receipt, r.4D bu
X)RN Spot market, easy; export. XFV.
nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Future market,
nominal. MiiDment. L041 bu.
OATd-flpot market, firm: atandard
white. IV. elevator: No, :. V; No. 1
etc; No. 4. sV: natural white and white
clipped. JI7V. oa track. I'M lures mar
ket, nominal. Receipts, a,7s bu.; ahlp
ments, tvH bu.
HAi-rirm: prime, 1.E: No. 1, $1.0);
No. 1. tl.letil.B; No. I. L171.I.
HOH8 Quiet: slat common to
choice. Ifll. awoc; 11, nomlnat; Pacific
coast. 1S1I. lic; 11. nominal.
HIDK8 Rtesdy; Central America, 244c;
Bogota. i4n&c.
LKATHKR Firm: hemlock firsts. 4
r.c: seconds, 2tjc; thirds, llgCc; re
jects. Uc.
PROVlrllONS-Pork. firm; mess,' tl
fc: family. M.0M1l.; short rlesrs.
tlluSvllMi Beef, firm; meaa. I1H
H; family, IKtOtjUst; beef hams, rs.ot
t-ll.ue. cut meats, steady; pickled bellies,
IS to 14 pounds. IISSoBllOS; pickled bams.
III'tyl! I-ard, firm: mlddl west
prime. HetOfllo.sO: refined, firm: conti
nent. Dew: Houth America, tlLW; eom
pound. eHr 3.
TA U-OW Firm ; prim city, hhda.,
I t-l4c; special. c; country. Irt:.
BITTTKR-eiteady at th decline; re
ceipts, 43 tubs: creamery speolala. fir;
extras. KSc; firsta, BH4yJDc; seconds,
s2sc; stst dairy, finest, XlOV;
good to prime, 3Mtar; common to fair,
letiJir; proceaa specials. I7n7c: sxtraa,
3Hc; firsts, Hr; ssconds. lc
t HElOg- Lnsettied; receipts xt.J
boxes; ststs whole milk, current meke, I
white or clored, specials. l7S01sr; ststs
whole milk, white or colored, average I
fanev. l,i;v.
KtlOwFlrta: receipts. .M ci
fresh athered. first regular packed.
southerly sections. lOVfJlr-.c: freah gain-
ereti, seconds, lSHttum.
povutrt Alive, dull: western fowls.
lew; turkeys, lie. Urisssd. oulet: west-
era fowls, 14Vk17c: turkeys, lJejKo. '
tsft anal Wheat Reglaa Bulletla.
United atalea txpartmant of Agrtcul
ture, weather bureau's report for the
twenty-four hours ending at I a. m.. nth
meridian time, Thursdsy, April la, lU
' . Temp. Bsln- ,
Slatlons. High. Low. fall. Rky.
Ashland, Nab.. 11 .
Auburn, Neb... 44 B .()
Clear "
It. cloudy
IHroken Bow ., a
t'olumbu. Neb. 41
Oulhertson, Nb. 3
Fslrbury. Neb. 47
Fairmont, Nab. 41
Grand Islsnd 41
Hartlngton .... 41
Hastings. Nsb.. R
lloldrege. Neb. S
Lincoln, Nb.. 41
North llatta... kt
Oakdala, Neb... 41
Oinaha. Neh ... 41
Tekamah. Nsb. 41
Valentine 41
Alia, la. 41
Carroll, la 44
Clarlnda, la.... a
Sibley, la 44
Pt. cloudy
t louoy
Dloux City. Is. 44
1 loudy
Not Included In averages. ' Minimum
tsmperature tor twelve-hour period aad'
Ing at I a. m. ,
Ne. Temp. . Rain
Ontral. "tsllona High. Low, fall.
Columbus, O IT
Loslsvllls, icy... a
India polls, Ind.. II
fhlcaao. Ill 14
t. Louis, Mo... I
lies Moines, la. tt
Minneapolis 41
Kan. City. Mo.
Omaha, Neb 17
Freestnc weather Is reported In all ai.
rept the extreme sasiern districts of the
corn and wneat region, imI Ismperaluree
are unseasonably low aver the entire
region. Precipitation occurred wlthra th
last twenly-four hour In all xcpt the
extreme western district. Heavy rains
occurred In Illinois, and heavy snows sr
reported at three stations la tha Chicago
district. Fa I la of on Inch or more 00
turred at the following station! In
Illinois: Ualva, 11 Inches: Decatur, l ie:
Rantoul. 1 ; Btreator, 1 W, Peoria and
Haven. I L A. WKUU,
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau,
. I.eala Oeaeral Market.
IT. lAl'l. April 11 WHBAT Caah.
firm: track No. 1 red. II. H. No. I hard.
ttiHN-Hlxher: track No. 1 IMMSs: Ka
I white, Nc.
OATS-Hlgher; track No. 1 Uc: No. 1
white. IMi&yi.r.
Closing prices ef futures.-WHKAT-Hlrter:
May. MM,-.. July.
.ttR.N Lower; May, gSc: July,'7V.
OATS-Lower: May. S7e; July, aMUtsC
RYE I' nc hanged. Mc.
FLOUR Market higher; ' red winter
patents, MsMhVM: extra fancy and
atralghta. KMH; kard winter, clears.
r-KK (-Timothy, M 41 . '
CORNMKAL-Urctianged. ttts.
BRAN-stsady; sacked aaet track. 1.
HAT Higher; timothy, 7t.WtM.M:
prairie. t(or&J. . . ,
PROVIHIONd-Pork. unchanged: lob
bing, i7L Lard, unchanged: grime
steam. . Dry salt meats, un
changed; hosed extra shorts, tltw): clear
rib. HI M. short clears, til l Bacon,
unchanged; boxed extra shorts. u.
clear ribs, tua- short dears. MIS.
POULTRY -Quiet: chickens. r-lie:
springs, lie; turkeys, J4c; ducks, lie;
geese, sc.
Bl TTER-Firm: crasmeiy, r. -aXKIS-Huady
; Uc.
Recelpla Shipments. I
Ftour, bu..., , t.iot f an
Corn, bu , n.eno 4lea
"neat, au toots) .
uaia, au W.SMT a,4W
Kaaaa City Cralw aad Prsvlslssa
Cash be higher; No. I hard, U.4MILI1;
w. a, ai.vevi.i.
CORN I'nchansed to 1 lewee- V
mixed. I1-aelg!c: No. 1 ale: N& i -i.u.
UMUJr: No. 1 Mc.
jato - lower: No, 2 white, eWivttc;
No. I mixed. gN,e. .
x- tosing prices of ruiures: -
W H CAT May , .ILe.,; July.
Beptember. gl'-e.
CORN-Msy. c;.Juiy, TVt7V;
Beptember. 71V-
pATn-July. wv; Septemser, ,
HAY tstesdr: choice rinAthv (at sea
M.a: choice prairie, W0.7HY-I.I.
01 1 1 ti.K--uresiuei y. lie; flrata, nV'
econda ne; packing stock. Cc
lid-Kxtras. ic; firsta. ltSo,
Re- nup.
, - - " ee-pte. meets
Wheat ku .,.... M.4W
Com. bu . msaa aaa
Oata, bu.. sea
tlaaeaswlts Ssala Market.
MlN.Vr.APOUg April a. FLAX-R U
CORN Na I yellow IttVWHc.
OATS No. I white. a4yac. '
RYE- No. X M-etyHe.
FLOCR-First patente S.asJs: .see
ond pateats. Hikrt M: first clears, a.
4)1.3; secoad clears. e.Xon a. ,
- aUerwakeo 4rahi Marixet. ' '
1 northerm ll.llSr4.l kH-; No. 2 northern,
a. 1141.14: Ne. I luaee winter. B 91..
May, 11 MS aked: July, rLa-a,
CORN-No. 1 yellow. Wrft.ic: N.-I
wmte. sixge; r.. 1 7te. Mar, 7fec asked:
July, etc. ........
Ktriite Bituter Affect Mtrket in
Deterrent Ktaner.
xoiiT C05smo5s uhchahgid
Aeiala-Bssaleel Capper Dlreetara De
rlara aarteriy olvldead at ike
Bate of S Aaaaally Which
la Largest glace 1H1
NEW TORK. A Brit 11 Tha Influence
of the great marine disaster continues
to tang over the financial community and
to a great extent over the etock market.
Business today waa llaht and the move
ment Irregular when not absolutely re
actionary. There was a acneral dlsoost-
tioo to refrsin from operations or com-
mft meats tor eitner side r the account.
The anthracite coal situation, the con
ference of railway managers relative to
ine oemanae or the locomotive engineers
arm unfavorable crop advices constituted
factors of a deterrent character.
In the way of actual happenings the
most Important, even though expected.
was the declaration by the Amalgamated
Copper directors of a quarterly dividend
at ti e rate of y. annually. This Is
double the disbursement made by the
company since . Th oresent nrice
of Amalgamated Copper may be said to
uiscouni roily trie new rate of dividend.
Monetary conditions were virtually un
changed. Call loans were made at easier
rates and time accommodations for most
periods relaxed. Another small currency
transfer to nan Francisco was made
through the subtretuiurv. with orneoects
of further shipments to Interior points
seiore ute sno or tne weea.
Amalgamated made Its to treat ouols
Hons of th day fol'lng th dividend
announcement. Karly iTaturee of strength
inciuaeu rnrted states steel. New York
central. Hock island Issue, common
and preferred; stocks of the Bethlehem
steel and Republic Iron and Steel com
as niea.
A -better ton was shown bv the bonds
of the International Mercantile Marine
company, but later this Issue, aa wdl as
tne preferred s;ack, was heavy.
Trading became vary dull In th later
exwon. prices rismg and railing within
narrow limits. Net changes Indicated
preponderance of small lo ss.
A sensational feature of the curb was
the rise la the price of Old Marconi
Wireless shares ta 240. as aaainst 170
at yesteraay a close. The flnsl price was
M-x Little more than a week ago the
stock as selling under Its par vslue of
lis! The company today approved aa
Increase of Its capital from ll.eG.4n) to
is,M.ias, or watch the greater pert will
ee 01 1 -Tea 10 snarenoiaers at Par.
Bonds were stsadr. Totsl aales ttar
vaiue, sx.r-M.-ats. i niteo Btstea govern
mem bonds unchanged on calL
Number of sales and leading quotations
vp evaxui louay ware:
. sale. Hiss. In. Cleee.
airxx-caanaeny pre ...... IK , Isx m
Asulsa-aaud ta-sser ... ,- at St SI
AaMrtcaa ASTtraiiu-al 4.
Aaxtrleaa wtt easar.... lit es at, u,
Aswrtres Caa t.m Mix ilia Kw
AeMrtcaa C. 1 t tss
im. t-Mias Oil M u bis arts
- , n. m u. . . ix I,- axxx I,
Aw lea S-earltMs MS fx ut n
A-xerrns Usarel I he la-x Itw l
aswrkea tsxaswtlts ... 1.4a 4a 4
Aaarlcas g, a M l It-x
Aw. 1. A R. T4 m 11744 l 1H
. - eiw nia at
Axa sasar katflalag , ...... in
Aweriera T. A T ,. 1,M let lav iu
Axxert-aa -oi
List tt ti tie,
!! lets laasi
ta mx, ieai nt4
m 111 111 tie,
lax wait lets ial
AnaeMXSa Mlalag CS..
AirklM pr4
Atlxatla Caaat Uaa...,
aalliaxe- A Okls......
sanpt hldJwrfwB1 net 4ef a a e 1
seaaairs lUxK Tt....
Oxaasiaa ra-lrie ,
ta-atral L-kXIXw
a.e xx arxx sx
M na :, ti
a4 su
n K'i M4
Oa-H-al Laaiaar ....
Caetral at Wee jeraar...
Osaaasaaas A Oata 11)
CkMaea A Aksa. ,
Ckxxa 0. W . saw l it
ieee o. w. pre it
Ckieass A N. W ,
Ollex, M. A M. P.... l.M
0 . C . 0. A gt. L.
Oaiataea P. I LaM
Cetenda m axataara.....
Ik-s-ll4ata4 Oaa-., 11
01 rroainxs itet
Dale-rare A Maeaa SM
taa-w A Ala Oraass.... sat
D. A 1. o sM taa
tHaUler gaearltl x
'ii, 'Us
.... IXX
11114 114X4 110x4
m Mit r4
let 1S iu
14(4 U14 itx
x,i 1 r, 11a
rH m n
41 44'
4 a a
arte is,
inxea aik IXH 1
MS M Hit j I
.7!.', '"Hi iwi ijaii 11
n at. n
xxrre ixx HP..
arts M phi
Qaeeral gle-t-te ...
Oexat Nartxeea set
irrw 17XW its
1x1 1114 llixx
m M't
Ureal Nanba-a Ore xtfx..
lillnete Cwalral ..u
1 liaxi
HI letk lS
lalerbxea-isk Mat,
later. Mel. rd
husreetieeel Hareaxxar ..
Inlsr-Mxrtae s'4
lataraxllMMl Pxaa .,.
lataeaatlxaal Pawp
lava caalral
kaaxaa tllr tsslkara....
a- t'. sa. K4.....
LarlaSa oaa
Uulxtllla a Naaarllle..
Mlaa. a gt. Uala.
si , St. P, A 1 g.M....
laaaarl. k m T. .......
. K. T. aN. ........
lata '
li" Xll lT
J. tax nu faa
I.SX4. HI. 11 1H
44 Bit M H
7t IN lisx, U
14 Ut ', n
M4 IO 111x4 111x4
ex u n
it at ax
1.44 44V, 41 4114
144 isa l!4 lit
K 174 X7
xxa mi n, rH
M4X4 U lit 114x4
XX4 ex 14 XX't 14
4.4X4 1IM4 mi, n;H
1.M4 14 Ui 41U
l.M 1III4 134 1)1
..... MU
14X4 IMS l4 !!
lax M1X4 11x4 utH
i.xxs mix m., 11x4
till 11x4 11
44 M Mia 44H
., let '4
tax 11x4 -j ax
MlxaaaH Perm
Nxtteaxl glaralt
Natiaaal Lead ,
K. A A at M. M pl4..
Kew Tark Caatral
N. T.. 0. A W....i.....
Narfalb Waatera
Netth Awvrl-aa ,
Nanaara raetfte
Pa-inc Mall.
resaayivaala ,....,..,
Paxsla's Oaa. ..n
p.. c. c a st. l
Ptnasx-rsh real
rrima sttel Cwr..i.....
Pallaxxa ralaea Car
lUllexr Steal Isrtaf ....
lueaxtla Steal
H-eafelle ml piS
i" 4
s sxf n C4
ixx Wi 44x4
IX 41', 41',
a a t.n.
. 41
noes isree cia
Rat. Ixlea C. pN ,..
st u a s r u sm....
laala 1-W
st L S W. M
sxSxmai g A I...
..... 1I4
44 47
m4 nil
4H 3KV
Seataaea Patina
saatxers kalltrar
lax lit
xxa ax
- xxa 1414
M 411.
14T Ma
sa RaUear
Txaaixxaa C
Kauear af
. 'x
xx 14
TXxaa a Pacific
T St. L. A W
T. h I. 4 W. SM...,
Vales Paatnc
44 I4'x M(4 t44
M.a 17114 mi 171
'. i
MS t7 tlu. T7XJ
aa u M M
M ia 7: 1444 n
ta 111x4 H.t, n,H
M.xst sis xr XIV
law . las xxk U
Vales Pxrlfxt st...:..:
t altas sutxa Rxalir...
lotted sralaa RaXXer...
Vsiixd atetxe steal.;....
V. a steel exa
Vtak Oaaer
Va-Orallaa On sum ,
MS !, 4a
Wisaak (4
Weetar Warxlaiid
Wxeilasaaaaa BXaexrtx .
Wxatera Valaa
. a
. 1 SM tss
axx nu.
144 US
Wkexlles 0 L I..
lek VaJxar ITax Ms., Wu
tlcx Caaear 4.444 xxa v, u
rtav x-aaaxuaata ........ l.M a Ux. iixx
TxXxl a, Ua lu xlux A. ux u, w
Meedea Meek Market.
BOSTON, April It Closing quotations
on stocks were aa folowa:
AHexjee at Mebawfc ax
AxxxJ. CSpser slsNavaa Oxa ....
A. U A I SSMaiaxlas Mlaaa
Arlaxaa Cexx. ISNerth Patta .. ..
A A C. O. Il l 1.XxrIk ute ."...
I il. m Arixaaa 74 Old Daaxiaxxa ...
(11. A Hacla 444 Oweala
Ceaxaaaial MHQaiser
S. Rutsa C. C... asaeaaaae
gaat Baue C. M.... 14Serxir
riaaklia IXSSuxenar A A M
OIeax Che. SSTaaxxraeb
Onakr Oa. I7SI. S. a B. A M
Grxaae ("aaaaax .... 4a srd
Ixla Aaxala Cesser. M Ctah lea.
Ketr Uke J4t lias cesser tx.
Ute C ixX'r 4? Wiaaaa
. IM4
... 7H
... US
... a
... nu
... MS
... ss
La salla l-xeaxr Tseliarlse
Mauei Cunt ..1. . MS
XmAi Mlalagf 4arka.
XEW TORK. April II -Cloxlng quota
tions oa mlslng stocks were:
Aiiea aaunia ekiaf 1
kraaeelxk Caa iMeatxaa .. a
Oaax Txasel aerk... xtoaaaria ,J ue
Caaa. Tsaeel kaaaa.. MO m
Caa rat. a Ta.. CSUaaaet ' j
lias surer llatellee acSet ta
LaaSnlie Cea. a
CxxaxHtlM af Trwaeary. '
WASH7KOTOK. April H-At th begla
nrng ef buMnseo today the eaadltxon ef
the t'nRed St a lea treasury waa: Work
lag balance m treasury offices, IM.4M :
In banks and Ptrllrpptae tressxiry.
7M: total balanco la general fund was
.: erdlnery receipt yeeterdav
were I7.1A 4M; ordinary dlabursanxeuu of
tlMUap. Deficit te date thla fiKat year
M I14.717.MI aa against a deficit ef tl.fMV.
!2 at tha trnxe last year (these figure
exclude Panama canal and pub tic debt
' Bank xxf Ksutasad ktateeaeat .
IXNDOI7, April 71 -Th weekly stale
Paul ef tat Uaaxs of Aagiaad gaowg the
following changes: Total reserve In
creased f777,tajt) sterling, circulation de
creased tJUOOee bullion Increased 0.424.499.
other securities decreased ClJaS Aw. other
deposits increased tl.iM.we, puoUc . de
posits decreased U.439.0J4. notes reserve
Increased 1. 711906. government securities
dexTeased il.Ot. The proportion of the
bank' reserve to llsbiUty this week is
44.3 per cent; last wsek It waa 42.1a.
Mrs York Wewey Market. "
CANTILE PAPER-x4A per cent.
actual buslnexe In bankers' Mils at H4U
for sixty-day bills and at M.S72 for de
mand. Commercial Mils. HH'i
SILVER Mexican dollars, 47c
BONDS OovernmcnL steady; railroad.
Closing quotatluna on Bones today were
as follows:
0. A nr. M, rag.. .I4S later M. M. 4'aa... a
se aaapx s Mixes xx 4Ma
Ilk, rag M--L x 4a
se teasae 1SK. C So. IK a... S
0. A tt, rag. 114 us.eea.4i mi... ns
ea ceepea ........IK'XL. A N ual. 4a.... s
Allla-c-ul. la M... ASM K. A T. 1st aa.. H
Awer. As. xx 1N 4e see. 4Sa S7
A. T. A T. cr. a.. lit Pacific xx 74
Aax. Tcbacca 4a.... K4 N. R. It. at M 4aa MS
ea A Itas'N T. c. s IS... axs
Artaaw A Cx. 4xe.. sa 4xXv xa MS.
Atcblxes gas. aa.... SN T. N. H. A H.
d cr. 4. 1X4 cr 4x 14
da xt. ie 1S.V. v W. let a. ta.. MU
A C L. 1x1 xx as ea r. 41... IIS
Bxl. A Okie a...
"S Na. ratine a 4
tt, 141)1 a
1 O S U rrda. ta... 44
17 Feaa. ex. ma 1711. . 47H
de ISa
do g. w. ISx ...
Break. Tt ex. Xx.
tea. ef t,x. 4r....
Cea. Uataer a...
ltes eaa. It 14t
KSRaalag gra. ta.... Ms
mss. L a 1 F. is. 4a its
C. ef N. J. x a..
Csae. A Ok la 4SS..I41 -dx sea. la 17
de rat. la axx 1. s. w. a. XX.. 41s
t.aioxsa a a. xaa.. ax a let seat m
--. a. . as... sess. A- L. 4......
x aea. 4a M4S. Pu. col a
C. M. a 1. r. A a as dx cv. a
C. . I. A P. . a 7JS da lat ref. 4a XX t
rt 4a St1x Kxllvar a....T4
WSIa. led. xx 74 de sea. a 71 s
-sxx. xxix. ax xt a.awa racltla ax lz
:. 1 1, r. I x tsa M da ex. ta WH
D a H cv. xx MS a lat rat. a.. MA
O. A . 0. ta V. 1 Ranter a.. ..144s
-xx rvi. aa.. ....... m 1 buxi u...mix
Ptxllllara' xx 14 Vx -fir. laaa. Ja.. XX 4
Brxa a- I xx :.. aswiaesa la a lsis
ae gas. ax ,xs a IN a XL a... 43S
ea ev. 4a, aar. A MSK'axtera Ms. a 17 s
ea axnaa B a4Wxax. Klac cv. Ax., uii
Oaa. glee. cv. a l4XS-le. Cxatral xx Ms
III. Oaa lat nr. a- MS 'Ma. Pac. XT. a.... a'x
latar. Mat. 4Sa SXTuxai U Mix,
b ix. viiaraa.
Uls tack Market.
IADNDON. April 11 -American securl
ties were firm during the early trading
today. Prices opened slightly higher and
later continued to advance under the
lead of United states Steel and Canadian
Psclflc. At noon value ranged from 14
to s points nigner tnan yesterday s new
tors closing.
New York sent selling order In the aft-
ernoon and caused a reaction, but the
market waa supported In the late trading
and closed steady.
London closing stock quotations:
77 Ix-ltUalsTllla A Naxk .lM
de aeceeet
.ni llMx , kxs. A Txx.. S
...a Nxw Tare Oxatral tns
... xsixarroia a w axx alalia
AtrbMe 1I1S St4 MS
So IMSOalaria A Waatxra. 4I
xltlaxoea A 04 le. .Ilex, Paaeirlraala NKN. as
Caaadlaa Paetlla ..MSSkaad Mlaa X
ChxaxxexXa A oaxa. tt Rxadlas
Ol. urxat Waatant. IrSseetaere Ry M
CXI . MIL A M. P.1I4 da Hi 7IS
pa aeata as southern rxrltta ..114S
Daaxer A lie 0.... MS Vale Paslrta I77U
f st4 a s4 as
ne SV 1 Mad 71 s
se 1st afd its 4x sN ......1S
4e a aid XlSVabaah , as
Oraad Trank n a M M.
Illlnela rxalral ...IMS
niuvr-n uar, steaay at zi s-isa per
MONEY Mllti per cent.
Th rat of discount In the open mar
ket for short hills Is MH T-M per eent;
for three month' bill, 1 7-11 per cent.
aak Cleariege.
OMAHA. April It-Bank clearings, for
today were llOOtMAM and for the corre
sponding day laat year .
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, April 11 METALJJ Stand
ard . copper quiet; spot, l.MJi4.s?a;
April. IllMAiinxa; Msy. ITi.47ttl Ti4,
June, IllaOnllgm; July, niVi4ll.l7S.
London, steady; spot. l. ea; luturea. til
ts ad. Cuatom house returns show ex-
Krta of UMI tons so fsr this month,
ike copper. lll.:utittM: electrolytic.
UttostJIli:: caatini , iii.CHIIlins;. Tin,
oulet. but firm: apotj 445.sotm.70; April.
W.xotj4J.74; May,. MaTftoU TO; June. M1M
41; July. M1K4MIJS: August. MlaVtJ
taa. London market ateady; spot. (184;
futures, na us. Lead, eaay; s4.nia4.m.
New York; KI04S4.3", East St- Louis
london. Ill is Id. Soelter. firm: M.auS
IPs. New York; M tfttxiil East St. Louis.
lyndon. Ill loa. Helta W.acxj pounds. Kaat
St.-Louis, June, at M.a; M.OOt pound,
July, at M.40. Antimony, quiet, and
Cookaon's, 1801 Iron. Clevelsnd war
rants. AM Mkad. In London. Ixoallv Iron
wea steady. No. 1 foundry, lliafj.xe:
no. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft.
IllKVU :. " - -
atvaperatrd Apples aad Dried Few Ire
APPLFCS-gulet and steady on the spot,
fancy are quoted kt I'rVlorsc; choice.
prime, 7Sf7ic.
RIKD FRUITS Prune, a little active
and steady, quotations rangs from 4Sc
to HMc for Caltforalss up to -4b, and
atflla for Oregona Apricots, dull and
prloe largely nominal; choice, laeeixsc:
extra choice. Ial4c; fancy. ItltslaAec.
Peaches, steady with a better demand:
choice, WtHOV:; extra choice, HAllVkc;
tancy. H44J12, Ralalns, essy. although
seeneu are in natter demand; loose mus-
oatels are quoted at l7Aic: choice to
imncy seeoeo. s74c: seedless, ISdjrpc
London layers. II 4001 41
Philadelphia Fred aree Market.
" - xrnirn crearoeryx special, etc;
western creamery, extra,' t; nearby
prints, extra, JSc.
UHis-Hteady: Pennsylvania and other
nearliy firsts, free cases. Mis xxr .raw
currant receipts, free cases, M40 per case;
western nrala, free cases. M per esse:
current receipt 1, free cases, HO) per ease.
i,r... r r 1 rm ; ."sxw 1 orK run creama,
fancy, ivseine: fair to srond. ir?.- fair
to good, new, lMuW4c.
1 . 1 . - -Cation
NEW TORK. April 11-COTTO.V Anot
closed steady. I points higher: middling
upMnds. u.Mc; middling gulf, 12. He. aaiea
itw oaiea.
Futures closed. Sleadv: A aril 1i.Sm.
May. II. to; June, 11 4sc; Julv. ll.asc; Au
gust, il.tfe; September. ll.AJcj October,
U.rc: November. II. ac: December, H.Wc;
Jsnuery, ll.ioc; February, n.efc; March,
ll.tec. -
Coffee Markel.
turee market closed bsrelv ateerfv and
last prices were from 1MNI points net
lower. Sale were C MS bags. April,
Hole: May. It Sic; June. Itsto; July,
SlliC: August. HMc: Sentemher XX Sin-
October. 11. lac: November. HMc: Decem
ber. HMc: January. Februarv and
March. ilMo. Spot coffee, quiet: Rio No.
7. H44c: Santos Na 4. M,c: mild onl.l
Cordova. 14tjlSc, nominal.
OIU and Aasla.
SAVANNAH. Oa.. Anell IX Traps-V.
TINE Firm at 44 V: sales, M bbis.: re
ceipt a pois.; smpmenta none; stocks,
17,iS3 bbls.
ROOIN Firm: saiea ITt khls raralnx
1.K1 sola; shlpmena. U.M bbla; nocks,
41 H bbls. Quotations: B, K.H; D. M 74;
R. M; F. O, H and I. 7 46; K. r.n; At,
P.Ui S, r.M; WO. 17.3; WW, CA
Dry Csaas Mxarkat.
The cotton good markeu rut firrn.
Outrnga have been advanced te a-basis
current last season. Wide print cloths
have been bought freely from southern
ml lie for late delivery. Jobbers report
a quiet trade. Tarn ml firm , ixoit
goods are tending higher.
saaka Har Market.
OMAHA, April 14 -HAT-No. I l.)
S.W; No. 1 liitwstMiW. No. 1 taioxaiiw;
No. 1 middling. IW.OMJgi.4: No, 1 aw.
land. lll.tna.Ae: alfaifs. caoice third aad
fourth rutting. 2i4xjaa; first and aae
ond cutting, ttlleilxt; No. t tXM$
H.M; No. t BtsVAA .. .
Waal Market.
PT. LOins, April n-WOOL eHeady;
territory- and western fnedlums. 1 Striae,
fins BMdlunas. tanr: fioe. itauc. .
Meflned lager Aavaared-
NEW TORK. April liAU grades of
refined sxjgsr wer advanced I ceata a
hundred pound today.
Perr latent AdvertlMnf Is the Bond . to
Baf BaturAA ;
Oeiiuuid for Cattle Slack and Opening-
Prion Arc lower.
Heavy Ran af Stock le Met wltk
aa Bgeatly Heavy Deaaaad
lg' Deaaaad few Sheep
aad La aaae. '
Racelnta mr- iVfn, ltn Klext
Official Monday .. 4,S
Official -rueaday a.7Si 15a7 4,149
official Wednesday... w.iii: li.Ml
Estlnvate Thursday.... :.; ls.9 ..tOt
Four dsva thla week. t. B7 5174
ame days laat wrek. 1.14.1 Lo.iJ7 -f ill
asme days 1 weeks ago T.aM S.M . 14.3C
Same aays I weeks ago 21,S 4,,1M
fame days 4 weeks ago la.oil 4.U4 S.vi3
Same days last yesr..a7!l 4,674 :&,
' Ths following taole shows tne receipts
of catuv, nous and ai.ecp at South xjauxha
for the year to date as roinpari.-d Willi
last year; Jli. iil. Ino. Dec.
Cattle il4,M! 14.37
Hugs .L143 571 7,61 J,341
Sheep T,m 1U.M1
The foliowlng table shows tlu range of
prices paid for hogs at ou(h Omaha for
ths last law daya. with compart eonx:
Date. I U12. Uill.b)
1.1 e j , Uie U 4 4 U a ,
1 T grt, UM la i I !4j M
t I 1 S I ;l Mi U I M fc) I :
April 1. 1 J (1 I ;l Mi Ml I Ml 2 I
Apru ui t a4i 1 ! ii at 1 u, 4 a
April ll 1 sVI M 49, J 4 4 xa, a 3t
April lx iWaaViao ll
April Mi T tSS I M I 43! I 3
April 1(4 7 1 I I ail 4 S I 1 I41(.l
April 17 1 Il!4 I M MiHi,4al
April It 1 0jlll 1 4 at, M 44
bunomy.- ...
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union stock yards, South Omaha,
for the twenty-four hour ending at I
p. m. yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.U'r".
naoasn ity i ... ..
C, M.A St. P. Ry.. ..
Mo. Pac. Ry I . 4
Inlon Pacific Ry... 2s a 34
C. N. W east.... M 1.1
C. N. W., west.. 17 T
C. St. P., M. A O.. 11 ..
C, B. A Q., east.... 1 I
C, B. A Q.. West... a 44 - I
C, R, 1. A P., east.. I U
C. K 1 A P.. west .. 1 .. 1
Illinois Central Ry. 4 19 .. ,.
C. O, W. Ry 1 ..
Total receipts 114 231 W 4
' Cattle. Hon. Sheen.
umana racaing uo. . zjg
Swift Co 164 ' 137
Cudahv Packing; Co.... 70 4.4)4)
Armour Co 448 4.714
Schwartf A Co 147
Marphy ... i,47
t-udahy, rrotn K. C.,..
Hill A Son
- At
. n
ui -
F. B. Lewis..
Huston A Co
J. B. .Root A Co
J. H. Bulla
McCreary A Kellogg..
H. F. Hamilton
Mo. A Kan.-Cal. Co..
Cllne A Christie
Other buyers..,,.
,.1MI' 17,711 tM
CATTLE Roeelptg were fully un to tha
Average for a recent Thursday- and rather
above the average In general quality.
Aitnougn stnotiy loppy beeves were com
paratively scares, there were also very
tew cattle that could bo called common.
Demand waa decidedly slack and salss
aero generally 100110 lower than vaster.
day. Owing to the considerable rnereaae
in receipts tnis week and th very bear
tab tone lo both beef and cattle at east
ern centers the tone to the trad has been
comparatively weak alnoe Monday and
xo general run ox carta ie selling ruily
Mrtts lower then at ths best time Mon.
dsy. The decline this week! baa come In
the nature of a reaction after the recent
very high prices and Indicates that, the
consuming publls proposes to draw the
Hoe at high-priced beef. There wis un
doubtedly be n vigorous demand right
along for the best cattle, but dealers are
looking for a restricted Inquiry from now
on for the pain to medium beeves and
perhaps a iowar level of values.
Cows and heifers suffered fully aa much
today aa beef steers, salsa being fully
Ksie lower then yesterday excent on
choice heifer stock. Butcher stock and
hav been selling very high of
late; In fact, at about the highest pries
on record, and this has naturally shut
off th demand for beef to eome extent.
e tnat tn oemsna i-or cattle nag slack
ened considerably of Isto and tha outlet
Is vary muck reduced. Veal calves have
also broken sharply and are fully toe
lower then the first of the week.
There was not a groat deal ot budnesa
transacted in atockers and feeders and
the trend of values waa lower on practi
cally all trad. Buppllea have been ac
cumu!atin9 In yard tradera' handa and It
will undoubtedly take mnch lower prices
to bring about anything like A complete
clearance for tne week, -Uuotallons
on cattle: tSooa lo ekeics
beef steers. !7.s04M M; fair to good beef
staera, l7.oMP7.a4; common to fair beet
sttsre, M 00)7 W, good to ehoioe heifers.
M 0ty7.W; good to choice CO we.;
fair ta good cows. M 7MJ aO; common to
fair sow. 3.7rM..7i; good to efcoiae suck
ers and feeders. M.ei7.A; fair to good
Mockers and feed are. II. ntaM.TI: common
to fair . steekere and feeders, M.M6.M;
stock heifers, 0 xOtM.M. veal ealraa, .M
Automobile pleasures for everybody
.. . Many of the pleasures of life are missed
by people who are without motor cars.
Think of : traveling over the country roads and of hav
; ing the fresh breath of green fields wafted to you.
Think of : the - delightful moonlight rides one- just '
wants to buy the first automobile' that he sees:
Motor Cars are not so high priced as many believe.
Many of them can be : purchased at small sums. If you
will turn on next Sunday to thedassified columns of
The Bee you will find many cars (second-hand) are
listed at reasonable: prices prices within reach of
.your purse. . ; . :.
You ought to have one of these Bee auto bargains
especially if . the delights of motoring appeal to you.
There is great satisfaction for such as you at small cost.
Watch The Bee classified -pages on next Sunday for
auto bargains. ;
.: bulls, stags, etc, M 464.01
P.cpreaentative sales:
Xa At. Tt. Xa. At. Pr.
ns 4 a a ix?t ; a
a u i ' c T...11B t ii
ta a a k m
i a: is 13 mm 7 m
w 7 4 a a 1117 I ti
a aw a ' 11 .14-4 ia
4 Wai 4 a . is iri T H
11..: art ta tt ...ii: 7X4
5, sii 7 a :i .iui T :
11 txi 7 a n uii 7 n
17.... ST 7 14 S ...1114 7 71
14 at is 4 tnt 1 a
a .....sii 711 m.. itxa 7a
4 in 7 : taa ta
1.., me ? a 11 us 1 a
n .ua 1 a ia 1 u
I .J. Ta 1 a t lets 4 a
ats 4 14 4 4 s
4 u: 4 c t ua 4 4
ti IS 14 Mi4 4 41
1 na a u ...I4i 4 a
: 11a a
t Kt 4 a Lt in
tl 44 4 4$ - It 47x I a
I :a 4 a t 7i 1:4
xa 4 74 n lb
t.. Ml 4 a 11 574 I S
ta 4 a 4 111
1 1M4 44 1 V.U74 4 11
1 ux t a 1 t4 4 n
1 i:m a a 1 sea 4 s
1 1714 4 a 1 km 4 a
1 IMS 4 14
4.........,,iM la 1 ia 7 a
L.. 11; i a : ui t a
a .1. x ia-,- : . w is
I 144 1 u 1 ;.. w 13
7... ill 4 71 I 1X4 7 U
II tt: 1 a 1 m is
1 SX4 4 8 4 Ill 7 a
t Ill IS I ID Ii)
in 7 a
11 ta a n aa 1 a
4... 4a i a m 4a 4 11
1 .... w m 1 :! 1 .1
1 411 1 a it si lis
m 111 i u 1 -.. at 1 ii
1 n in 1 7u 7 u
1 11a 1 74 a is
14 444 I a 1 u 7 74
HOGS Another Heavy bog -run 1
with an equally heavy demand and the
resultant market eras entirely satisfac
tory to aslllng tnterests. r'roe buying was
a trade feature from tha start, only one
packer staying out early, and prices ruled
generally ateady on all weight. Supply
figures gave logic to a cheaper list of
values and this bearish Influeac was
further strengthened by Ihs narrow mar.
gin existing between Omaha and Chicago
cost, but eastern receipts were very mud-
est, leaving local buyers in poor position
to oietate.
Supply waa estimated at USM head.
bulk consisting of reasonably good mlr.ed
and butohar grades. Movement had plenty
of activity throughout and a creditable
clearance waa made early, late and clos
ing sales averaging strong lo a nlokei
higher In spots. Shippers furnished varv
fair support, buying fully per cent of
tots 1 receipt on outwde orders.
Best heavy hogs oa sals brought fT M,
quits A respectable string of smooth
nee vies rescuing true limit, while bulk
of offering landed within 17.1007. A. Ba
con olaasss sold at 17 A and less, but
practically no business was tra needed
seiow tne 41. mi marn.
Hsprsaeotativ aaloa:
Ma. Aa.
a us
u m
Na Av. sa. ff.
H aa ... 7 74
7 :n ia 1 14
14 B4 ... 7 74
M ia ... 1 a
ia ... its
ta ... 7 1
7 "xa ... t
sa ... 7 14
f; iii a in
ii !7. 7 a
M ni M 7 '
m 7 7ri
77 W SII
7 m ia 7 a
" a ... 1 a
m sa a 771
JM a 7 71
. t iii ... 7 a
7 a
t a
.sa as 7 a
.ia a I a
.aa ... 7 a
.ia ... ia
.in a 7a
.as ia. 1 a
.ia ... 7 a
.ti4 a 7 a
M4 a 7 a
.aa a 7 a
14 27
... 7 a
.. 7 a
.. 7 a
a m
71., 114 ia 7 44
rx.... ... 1 u
, rM a 1 a ' a 7 a
..xa a 7 a at 7 a
,.ra ... 7 a
..rrx ... t a
..tea a 1 a
..114 ia 7 a
..rat .... 1 0 ... 1 a
. .rrj a 7 a .
. tsa ... 7a.
..ux ia 1 a ... 7 a
..MS 44 7 74 a 1 74
,...ra ... Tt
,...47 a in
...jit ia 7 a
, .am
,...W7 ... ta a tn
....Ml 1M 174
....V ... T7I
, a T-Ti
...M7 N4 7 74
...aa a 7a
a. ..
744 .... t a
:i ia 7 a
rii ... ;a
,....aiia 7 a
7 a
1 a
, a
7 a
a 7 14
,.. 7 74
a m
,.. 7 a
... 1 a
... 7 S
,.. 7 a
,.. 7 a
... 7 a
... 7 a
... 7 a
;.. 1 a
. Ul
1 a
... tM ...
.1..U4 ia a
....see ... a
...hi ia
7 a
7 7,
7 a
7 a
7 a
7 a
SHEEP In all Important respect ahaea
and lamb trade waa very similar to
yestsrday's market, the main point of
difference appearing in a more active de
mand. Packer all needed fat stock to
keep Killing gangs busy and mad ne
Secret of their wants, buying freely from
the Mart. Prices ruled . generally steady
In both of the larger branches of the
market, various kind of Mock aslllng
a ahade stronger while lees desirable
offerings sold quietly, at figures steady
or very nearly so.
Receipts amounted to about 7.S01 head.
over one-third of this estimate constating
of Colorado lambs consigned through to
eastern leaning stations, strings placed
In selling pens were mostly fed mmx
lambs in the fleece, sheen nroxinx tba
Nothing strictly toppy wax received In
the way of fat wooled lambs, packsts
paying a limit of 17 P tor thla class of
stock. Shearing demand was vigorous,
however, and on band of attractive kill
ers wsnt back Into the country on a spec
ulative shesring order at 17 16. The be
shorn lambs 00 sale; earning high-grade
I quality and good finish, changed hands
at IJ.Sfc
Trade in -matured muttons was poorl)
tested, the same as on all daya recently,
but values were well sustained, witu
movement active. Ewea sold from 15-
downward. There were no wethers, or
yearlings of consequence on- sa,e-
Compared with last week s does cur
rent price for fat sneep and lambs aver
age about steady, the general market
shewing few changes since last Fridtry.
Feeder and shearer output has been mou, amounting to a short la bead.
Quotations on sheep and tamos: Lamb5,
good to choice. r.xixJS.iA. lamb, fair K.
good. r..x5: lambs, shorn. M.aT.2:
fat shearing lambs. l7J(r7.5: yearlings,
handy. K.iS7.i: yearlings, heavy. M3
1,01: wethers, good to choice. M-IS 3. So;
wethers, fair to good, R.sT,8.: ewe,
good to choice, S.7t.0v, ewes, fair I?
good. 4-.xej2...
Is fed Imbs. culls
SbO shorn lambs
C fed lambs, culls
137 fed lambs, culls
II fed ewes....!
itt fed lambs ,
44 shearing lambs
,. SI
4 77,
4 7S
. 14
Deaaaad for tattle Steady Hess
, and Sheep Hiakrr.
ceipts. 2..W hesd: market, steady to aloe-;
beeves. JuevnlTI; Texas steers, a 'a.ii:
western steers, fctr7.: Mockers and
feeders, M..i .: cows and heifers, lito
J7.36: calves. liOOgl xx).
HUUfi-Keceipis, iwv ncao; marxex. ac
higher: light. C.H.4ni: mixed. K.TiHk
lli: heavy, CTSxiHiJO; rough, 7.7ii7.50;
pi,'. jT.OJXx7.S5; bulk of sales, !S."B10.
head; - market steady - to shade higher;
nstive. It-OofM-MI: western. 4.if7:
yearlings. Ji.!04r7.JS: Iambs, native, ta.2Ss
I.M;-wetern.- UDOttlJu.
SI. Uala Lire Stack Markrt.
ST. LOriS, ' April 11 CATTLE Re
ceipts, 2.4U0 head. Including COD head
Texans; market steady; native shipping
and export steers, $; dressed and
butcher steers, xo.dtstff.1,; steers under
l.orxy ti,s, 13.254135: atockers and feeders.
JiOJX.;.;:.: rows aod heifers. H
rannera. I'.5nu5.a): bulls. M OofflM: calvea,
IvOMVe-Ol: Texas and Indian steers, c.u
tf7.l: cows and laeirers, Ix-l'Ve.Ia. '
HOGS Receipts. IkH head; market
head: steady; nstfve muttons. sVOoeKTS;
Iambs. S.J"'S.3S: culls and bucks, tl.OOta
10: storkers. 3.734Jj.7R.
SHEEP AND LAMB? Receipts, 500
hesd: native muttons, li.nxpxi.75; lamhs,
11.; culls and bucks, tlOOtiti.ay,
stockers. P-7S4?171
Kauaaaa City Live Stock Markrt.
Reeelpa. S.PJ0 head. Including 201 head
southsrns: market steady to 10c lower;
calves, pOft'ac lower than yesterday ;
dressed beef and export steers, 17.764
IK; fair to good. pi. 50437.40; weisern
steers, X7aV9l.0u; stockers and feeder,
r.MWilOO; southern steers. K.0Mi.i;
southern coWs, 4.A)x$A2l; nstlvs cotvs, '
t4.aufr7.0: native heifers. SS.264jS.00; bulls,
M S"1rt S0; calves, AVOntjlOv.
HOOS-TVcelpts. .o04 head: market, tc
hlglier: bulk of sales. 7 i.i; heavy,
V.o: packers and butchers. 7.7M
10: lights,. i;.6og7.: pigs, KAitKuO.
SHEEP AND IA MBS Receipts, 100
head; market, lOrtl&c higher; Colorado
lambs. M-xa; lambs, pt-Vxtxs.oy; yearlings.
It. S0x7.Kl; wethers. M SOxSNVaO: ewes. M.wti
100; stockers and feeders. tXjOtjKH.
4, Jeeeph Live Stock Market.
BT. JOSEPH.- April 11-CATTLH-Receipts.
LMO head; market steady: steers,'
17G4SJft): cows and heifers, ft.Mtj7.7a:
calves. K50ei.l0. .
HOOS-Reoelpti 1E04 head: market
strong to ic higher; top, ty.OJ; bulk of
sales, r.lbtT! X
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 100
head; market, slow; lamb,,
lack la Sight.
Receipts ef Mrs stock at th five nrin.
eipal western markets yesterday: ,
t- attle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 170H k :
St. Joseph 1.50a 1V0 ,nm
Kansas City law . ion) lint
St. Louis ! l.'O) sm
Chicago ISM 18.001 ' 1.01x1
, MM 4,U 21, JUS
HOWARD, 8, D April H- Special.)
At an auction sale of school land held
at Howard, 8. D.. the county seat ot
Miner county on tha 11th of this month,
thirty-two forties of entirely raw land
were sold at an average price ot Ml. 17
per gen. The highest price paid was 11
per acre, and this was for a forty more
tnan tan mile distant from the county '
seal Th land was all bought by old
residents of th county and th splendid
price paid speaks well for land values In
this section of South Dakota.