; Jeff Will Never Become an Augustus Mutt T TT- - -v r 1 ' JZ- ; , If T'U. sVaXftRY VOU 01 UN DOWN'S f f 1 CtMUB tuKAT I C&NstTlfJf a, UOI I'U. RiMfc, HER UP MCMT I I V y 46t AN( R0fOS6 J I FY r v ' OFFERED FOR SALE Fa rat tare. At Auction, a Snap At Omaha Van warehouse, MM P. 16th fit.. 1 lot of household gooda will be sold to the blgheat bidder Friday moraine at t s'clock. Maelcal laalraaueats. FOR KALE Square piano, cheap. Cail Web. I41l Typewriters. TTPEWRITERS, all makes and prices, Isigest and beat atock. Call or write lor larce llat. We ship on approval. B. F. 8waason Co., 1311 Far nam St., Omaha. VISIBLE typewriters and all othe: mekea. sold or rented anywhere at V. t H mfr's prices, allowing rental to appli on prloe; shipped on approval. Write lor circular. Iks Farnam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co. TYPEWRITERS fur rent; loweet figure over quoted; 1 monthi, to. Central Type writer Kxchsngs. 107 Farnam. Doug. Is. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Potigls PH. . . Mlaeellmmaoaa. POOL tables, itors, reataursnt futures bsught. aold. Levy, ll N. Ko. Omaha. v Snaps For Economy Buyers Dunham ' lawn rollers, taMS each. Pennsylvania lawn mowers, K 40 and up. Garden tools ilka finding them. Hoas raeis, U-uv value. Hue; 13.00 value, lou bat your money oouuts with us. Dunning Hardware Co. h19 Harney at. FOR FALE Two scholarships In tbe Omaha Cbmmerclal college and one in Uoylee collage. Business office, Omaha Bee. - OLD BAKES, ft, RIGHT, 11111 Farnam St. FOR 8ALK New and I second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix turea of all kinds; easy payments. The brunswIck-Baike-Collander Co., 407-401 6. Ma St. SAFES Overstocked alUl ascoud-hanu safes all ilses and makes; bargain. Amertrau 8upily Co.. 1110 -Farnam lit. STOCK of goo hay. Webster Ml. FOR 8ALE-Wh.lt tile (Inside and ouV refrigerator; used only M montlui; 4S Inches pish, ss Inches wide, tt Inches long, rnce. stxappiy aj uoggc at. CHOICE atrwbarry plants Ku per WO or tt per 1.0U0. Tel. Web. Z1. CINDERS fur aals cheap. Phona W. rut PERSONAL St-DAT BLOOD REMEDY. Gleoiau rbarmacy, Uth and Dodge. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers aru Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building V Seventeenth and 8t Marys Ave, where they will be directed la suitable - boarding . places, or otherwise saststed. Lcok fur our travelers aid at tba Union station. THE SALVATION ARMY sollclu csat oft clothing; in fact anything you do not need.- We collect, repair and sell at 114 N. Uth St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy piior. Phone Douglas 41ft and usgons will call. , Rittcr.house. M Old Boston Bid. SWEDISH massage for rheumatism, stomach trouble, poor circulation. Kars ta Tone in, graduate from Sweden, too Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Douglas BATHS, Swedish marssge. vibrator and radiator treatments Mrs. Snyder, apt. 3, bunaany. 10th and Pierce. Douglas 4380. . rkst bracer for men. Gray'a Nerve Food Pills, R per box, postpaid. 8herman ay MrConnell Drug Co.. Qinaha, Neb. T rSflI and china painting, firing LtCiOCTUii and CU0 or(iers. reasonable. Ruth Letchiord Studio, UJ & F.Ux. Red Vital massage. Anna Fleher. 401 Ware Blk. BABIES boarded. Phone Webster &O0. Snaps for Real Es tate Dealers & Others Best quality painted wire cloth by the roir, lc actuara foot. Heavy screen door spring binges, (to dosea. Best grade poultry Detune, by trie roll. Ho aquara foot. Dunning Hardware Co. KIS Harney St. WK RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing macnlrme. I rid. A1W; Douglaa IMC . . KttBRAFKA CYl'LK CO.. 1 15th end Harney Sis. ' MAiAdii treatment. Mrs. Steele, 401 Boyd Tneater Ulds, stair entrance on Harney; eleator in lobby; s to 9 dally and Sunday. LADIES save per cent. Penaell Mll llnery Co.. Paaton Blk. J steps upstairs. If IWlfiP Swedish movement. Apt. . sldiAUL jj,, Karnam. D. CM. MASS flE u"h- salt glow, aroma tie .U-AOkVYUrj tjitmeiit .Mme. Allen of Cbk-ago. ICS B. lilh St.. 1st floor. D. 76i Mrs. Steele, evl Boyd Theater Bldg. -Daily and Sunday. POVLTRy A.ND PET STOCK r SILKO CLQCK FOOD Is t!ia best in the market tor young chicken. Msds from para .grain. For sala by all dealers. A- W. W AGXER. AGENT. W N. Ittb St. Tel Doug. 1142. Ind. B-UX. ROSKCOMB .RHODE ISLAND RED EOOS for batching from trap-nested winter layers, t, for li F 8. King. Benson. -Neb. Tel. Benson XSW. Guaranteed fertile eegs. Buff Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons. Carson, California. ' THOROCGHBRED Brown Leghorn eggs snd pullets for sala Tel. Florence JtaV SINGLE Comb B. k Minorca egge. utility trapped layers. S3 par li, St per as; over V satisfied customers last season; satisfaction guaranteed. Fred Kelm. Seneca. Kaa. BARRED Plymeuth Rock, exclusively choice, pure bred stock. Selected gps, carefully packed. !') (or 4 . M for Satisfaction guaranteed. Aaam A Weir, day Center. Neb. WELL bred shepherd dogs. CI 8. Sd. Single Comb Watte Orpington egits and Barred Backa, 4, Ne svu or Web. iTIi POITITRT AND PET STOCK WHITE Plymouth Rock KHgs I1J0 for 15. from pri&e winning birds, j-'hoiie nor ence ITT. REAL ESTATB ABSTRACTS 4F TITLE. Reed Abstract Co., oldest sbstract of fice In Nebraska. 800 Brandeii Theater. NEALE CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam St. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. Electric, gas futures. Omaha Silver Co Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming Bis, Fuche. Son Blind, painting, decorating. H. Gross, lum. wreck g. plb. Paul. CITY PBOP1CBTY FOR SAL St Vacant Lots Low Prices IMO-Mxia ft. north front. on alanderson St., eaat of 90th, convenient to the cir line and in a good neighbor hood. VM-UnVA ft. east front, on 90th St. between Man deron and Mlrd 8I. Lota In this immediate neighbor hood have recently sold for tt0 to two. Nonresident owner anxious to sell at once. Reasonable terms. 1760 for eoxia ft. fronting south on Templeton St. at Xth St. Only south front vsrant on this street. t0O Hx233ria ft., fronting north on Evans St., near J6th. Adjoining lota In the neighborhood held for ll.A ' and 11100. It khtCTH ft., fronting esst on nth St, between California and Burt Sts., near Crelghton college snd convenient to oar Una. Good neighborhood. tL00O-47xia ft., fronting north on Evsni St., be tween 21st and &4 Sts. This price is &0 less then lots across the street th ssma slse. New and up-to-date neighborhood. II. too each foe five lots, SOxiM ft. each, with city ' uattr. sewer, gas and pav ing, located on Hanscom - Park ear line, at SJd ana Psolflc Sts. Easy terms. On all the above lota city ' water, sewer and gas ar In and paid for. GEOEGE & COMPANY, Phones-Douglas 7H. Inde pendent A-lTts. ' tot-11 City National Bank Building. M CASH. VX PER MO. Good t-r. mod. oottsga, corner lot, east front, 1 blocks to car. a bargain at .10. t-r. mod. cottage olt fronting on two Paved streets, with room for store nil Vinton, I9.0; rents! terms. RCSHKLL M'KITRICK TO.. 432 Rumge Bldg. Uth and Harney, . $1,000 Kountze Place Lot Tlila Is the lust lot for SLOW that we know of In Kountsa Place. It Is a full south front, on Evans street. Just west of list street, haa sewer, water, gaa and cement walks. Close to Kountse Park and !4th 81. car line, Lothrop school two blocks away. Fine new homes all around. Pick thl up. It won't last long. Norris & Martin 40 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4170. Close-In Bargain Capitol Ave., near 37th, almost new si room house, all modern. Threa bedrooms and bath, receiving hall, parlor, dining room and kltohen. Paved street. For tl.Us If sold In the next tea days. Birkett & Tebbens 48 Bee Bldg. Phones D. 4714, A-17M. Close-In Bungalow Nw 6-room, all modtra home, nearly all nwy deoormod. firm llch Una fu- turea, full baaement, fumaca boat, flna out I front tot, cio to croas-towo car. Prlca reduced to &ttX Kaajr terma. Rasp Bros. 10 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1M or A-3s5I. $600 Cash NEW. modern 7-rooms, aak finish, eaat front, dertrably located, on car line, large lot mruc cement waits, r-rice s&taa. It will py you to look this up. Benson & Carmichael HI Paxton Block. 1135 Georgia Ave. A alz-room cottaxe. with furtuce. raa. hot aisd coid water, lot fiaxLSO. fine shadts. pavnur tax all paid. Owner muat ae)l and will itUte aonta trade. Look at the prop erty, but do not disturb uiiaiu aod come In and ubtnU propoeiuoo. S. P. bostwick r. 8. 17th. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. 5-Room Bungalow A very deatrable S-room bunralow. two b. from l- nira car Use and one ml from Mh and Kasmam tka. Prices tLM, eaay terms. Thla house te aJ roout r.a?e. tvnd la fioa condition. 4ea ua at once it you want a barcaio- J. H. Dumont & Son Phone D. . M Fsmam St. Omaha. "APARTMENT CORNER." thre bio.k routh of court faou. A cnap for Xv". C. il. DICK.-ON. Ral Estate. Insurance. VS) Brandl Thatr H!dg. tut PRATT ST. 3-raom. all oouera hauae. coraar lot; large barn, see Veget. 4a swarbaca biock AltO THAT OuTNIfcMTi "OU Vie REAL ESTATB CITV PROPEnTV FOR LB A Home For You "Our Way is Easy to Pay" If you are renting we would like to tslk to you sbout building a house for you on one of our low priced lots, and selling tt to you on terms of One-Tenth Cash balance easy monthly payments, ssma ss building snd loan association ratee, or no mora probably than your monthly rent at the present time. You can select the plsn. our slm Is to suit our customers we have V plena in our office and can probably as'lst your In selecting what yon want. No charge for plana Monthly payments always ths same. Interest la ftguied so thst you pay It every month In order NOT TO HAVE double pey ments some months. It hss been right fully said by several hundred families that we have built for that "Our Way Is Easy to Pay" Tou should stsrt right now to plan where you would like to live. Wa have lots north, west and south and oao surely ault you. - HOMELY IIOMES. Let us show you something a little dif ferent from the ordinary bouse. It only ousts a little more to have your houee different tlutn dossna of other houses. Built-in bookcases, beamed celling: a, ex posed rattan, attractive windows, In fact, a dosen features that will make vour home attractive. Sea us, we csn show you HOW TO GET A PRETTY HOME THE EASY WAY. HASTINGS aV HEY TEN, 1414 Hsrney St. Non-Residenoe Owner Will Sacrifice New T room bungalow. Oak finish, com plete and modern In every raspsct. Cloas to ear lins. In fine location. $4,000 Address HARRY P. PRATT, Car TALLERTON eV WARFIELD, faioux City, Iowa. , North Side Cottage Owner Is anxious to gall and will make reasonable proposition on this 4-room aad bath boms; front room ltxli. dining roout 17x1s, with bay window; large kite Hen. with pantry: two bad rooms, with closet snaoa: attle floored anc makes good stor age; house hss gas In ssch room; tba wooawora in guoa conaiuou; i is si It, with cood shsds trees. Ssa OBORUgl R. WRIGHT. UZ7 NO. 11TH. three doora north of Madison Avs or poune was. BRAND NEW Sandstone bungalow eonlalalng recep tion ball, living room, dining room, kit chen, bath and two bed rooms. No. 1 furnace, combination gaa and electric tight fixtures, oolonads opening la re ception hall and dining room, cemented cellar and. sidewalks, large lot all nicely sodded, located In on of the beat dis tricts in the city, does to car, school and Field club, two cash, baianoe monthly. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. it-3tl Brandeto Theater 10 Acres $5,000 $5,000 Southwest of city, with good house. soma fruit, a good buy. S. P. Bostwick U 8. 17th St., Oround Floor Bee Bldg. New House-Dundee for Inspection; s Urge roams, up-to-data arrangement, hard wood finish through out, with brick fireplace, bookcases and buffet built la; decorated throughout, hut water beat. If not sold st once, pnea will be raised, ft, MOO, and reasonau. terms, investigate. Ulover Realty Syndicate. Doug. 9M3 FOR SALE Share of atock re Seymour Lake Country club; atock carries with It title to fine building lot; a number of bungalowa building on park grounds this year; new club house near completion, finest golf Biike In lbs west, paved auto mobile drive to grounds. Ideal place for summer home, all modem convcniencea available. Address owner, sioom ssa, ex change Bklg., So. Omaha. IXtK SAL& My home. D14 So. J3d tit.. Sight rooms modem, terms to suit pur chaser. Price named to partlea Interested. Will sell at a bargain. Telephone Doug las W. Benson Vacant Lot Owner need tha money and will can ider any reaaocabl offer on thla aouta front lot on Lucas - bstwesn Liars an4 Burn bam; it la KxUM; not fsr from car and actioola. Can you beat It T Aidraa L Ha, Bee. or phona Wen. tat. Mew and Nifty Two modern cottages, rust completed, of I rooms esch; eveiy up-to-date con wenleaoe) full cement basement; beat make of furnsce; full lot. 'JnXto each, houses nicely decorated and snadea. riOs and 2"l Rugglea Su, To appreciate them you muat see tbem. Price itss each. C all Doug.as Uw. 8 Rooms Modern West Famam District. k!7 Howard. Only K080. Good House and Fine Location. Owner leaving city. If not sold soon will rent at tk-Os. W. H. GATES, 444 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. TO BUT, SELL OR RENT, FIRST SBK JOHN M. Hublll.vo. uau FAHNAM X HERB IS A SNAP. 3 fine residence or business lots on paved street; worth tl.t'W; will take troO each for quick sale Call owner. D. &07, Am ' HANSCOM park district. 7-room mod ern house for sale. Bsrgaln. Ownai staving city. Loratioa let booth 77th. Harney 142s. asm coraar sM. 21st. and laetvllar.f Tkl& ttht,: OMAHA, tKJDAV, VbU N6V6H M4 THAT TO WlP TM REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR a 4 IF DUNDEE LOT WELL LOCATED South front, Burt street, between 41st and SM. FELL eV PINKERTON CO.. til Board of Trade. STOP PAYING RENT IU0 cash. S3S monthly, buys brsnd new home. rooms, besides bath, den and sleeping porch. Full two stories, strictly modem, oak finish. Exceptlonslly asll built On large east front corner lot, near Kountse place. Plica tS.s. Also have some houses on Inside lot at 13.00. These sre bargains. Look Uiem up Phone Owner, Harney sZlla for more In formation. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE for sale at sacrifice, on account of sickness. Web. Tel REAL ESTATE ACRKAUa; FOR AI.K. Suburban Choice Five' acres, suburban home, with al most new 7-room house; choice location, with unsurpassed view, macadam road, handy to car line, (c fare, high school privilege, Al soil, plenty of grapea and many other talkable feat urea. This sill make you big money. Prtit. I4J00: ex- oeedlngly ajasy terms; tM cash, belanoe monthly. ORIN a MERRILL CO.. Rooms U1S-14, City Nat. Bank Bldg s A Bargain--20 Acres Bellevue M ACRES, partially In tha corporals limits of Bellevue and althln nice wslk Ing dlstsnce of Bellevue college; excellent view, the very best of soli snd lsnd Isvs good; slight Improvements; good plsos for stock feeding purposes (well sheltered) or for speculation. Tbla Is for Immediate sale, and tha price is MuRU THAN HI GUT. Think of It. i,7-only Ha per acre. Investigate. ORIN 8. MERRILL C, Rooms 1111-14. City Nat. Bank Bld REAL ESTATE FARM at RA.NCH LAM Oh FOR (ALK Arkaaaaa. K M PER ACRE-its acres In the fruit belt of Arkansas. N. W. Sec. ls-tl-4, sight miles northeast of Hardy. Sharp county. Neighbors engaged In farming. raising fruit, stock and poultry. Mild healthful climate: purs water. Suffic ient timber for home use. Terns cash. w. d. oirriN, Ml Brandela Bldg., Omaha. Neb. , California. . IF you are Interested In California land for fruit or chicken raising, asll on FIJuk at W&STBEHO. els Baa ttlrtg. Causae). THIRTY thousand acres, well drained black loam land, forty miles from Wlnnl peg, Canada, at t per acre. Worth Ills) in ten years, w. juar, nog ma, wiunipeg. esnsns. liesrala. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by tns ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC HA I ROAD. Lauds adapted to tha widest range of crops. All tha money cropa of tha south plentifully produced. For literature treat- Ins with this coming country, its aou. climate, church and sohoot sdvantagva, wma W. H- LEAHY. DEPT. K, Usneral Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. lawaw THE easiest way to find buyer toe your farm la to Insert a small want ad In tbe Dea Molnaa Capital. Largeet cir culation in tne state of Iowa, sj.ua) dally. The Capital la read by and believed la by the standpatters of Iowa, wno simply ref use te permit any auier paper ta timr homes. Ratea, 1 cent a word a day: 41.4 per line per month; eaunt six ordinary words to tne Una. Address Lea Mraliag Capital. Das Molnaa, lav BARGAINS In terma: writs far Its kanaaa Land Co.. Tataa Center, Kaa. Jaeaassatcj, BARGAIN. MO-acre farm adiomiag a goext railroad town. M miles' from Minneapolla, twe aeuses. ana large bara aud ether Vutid. lugs, buildings originally cost IMW; XM acres under culUvatloa. beuaaoa limber aad meadow land; no waste land- Prtcs HI par acre. t.fev cask, baaaaca easy, SCHWAB BROH. m Ouaraaty Lou Buwuna. atlai las. 2M ACRES, 4Vs miles from Benson, Mln neeots: las acres cultivated; seres meadow; drained by river; fine buildings; fenced with woven wire: assd aa stock farm: Ml acre. Morehart Atchison, Manksto, Minn. MlaswasL What'sThatYouSay? A cuntrsct for from N U Ml acres of fruit lands, three railroad lunette lou and Ea snares of stock la a l,uaacre orchard, all for C3e, payable US down and lis per month es Sir! snd M per cent of these lands sre less taan 2 milea from rauroad in Reynotua, Iton and Wayaa counties, lavntlgate. 'ihis Is sa Inveatmeat tnat may awaa much to you. REYNOLDS COL NTT fltl IT LANDS CO., aw Karbaca nioca. 'none Doug lae IU; Ind. A -2447. Xkebmsluu 40-BLSHEL WHRAT LAND, 13 to IS PER ACRE. We have for sala over 91.00 arras at Cheyenne county. Nabraakaa choicest fsrm tana, wnere tne crop ytejaa for u years. Including 19) and IIU, average with the best In tha state. Alfalfa, a. so a leading crop. Better soil, water and dtma'e cannot be found. Write for f uU lnlormauon today. Agente wanted every - wneie. FLNDIXG8LAND INVEHTMENT CO.. Kidney. Neb. FARM bargains near Omaha. Paassslus. Otia sV Maniil. iZU Out Ms. bIL. beig, j voice APRIL 19. Wli Drawn TO COfv6 TO REAL ESTATE FARM at RAXH I.AKDH FOR fltLI Sarpy Co. 40 Acres NIFTY 44 acres, avarv foot a farm; choice location, neat improvements. 2 miles out. If you do not want somethln. choice do not bother me on this. Poasra sion If takrn at once. Price, K.jOO; i.J or less casn. AUX-41 acres, eaay terms. Good buy. ORIN S. MH.RR1LL CO.. Rooms UuVIt City Nat. Bank Bldg FOR SALnVHomestesd rellnuulahment. Improvamenta, seven miles from Dunning, on the main line of B. A t . surrs, partly fenced; a new frame bouse l.xM; frame stable and granary; elegant well of water; on main county road. This Is a snap, aa It a a rins dairy, stock propo sition, covered with fine growth of grass. Immediate possssalon. Price only t.uuu. Address w. at. llover, uunrung. Neb. REAL ESTATE IOANS umaHa nrooertv and Nvarasaa iVKKtVs REAL KSTATsl COu Ids New Omaha Nat l buna Huuufag, mJ- a. I w vmm ' i i . a. snos aropartlea, U.4VS la (Mala W. M. t MOMAH. haj First Nai l Hank Bldg. WANIKD-Oty loans and warraaia. fv tarnaui ami'b si Cc. IMS Faraaaa at. lis la tlv.uvu made prampily. F, w, v .ad. Wead Bldg.. Uth and tarnans. uAitviNBRos. r.,.;a LOAfv Farma aud oliy prapeny. U. Dumoai nun, isut Sarnasa sic CITT LOANS. Bsmls-Carlbsig Cos siv-U slrandsis Theater Bldg. W ANifcU-tity Ivaua. Petara fruas Oa, 11KAL JbhTATE WANTED w K have customers galura fur scresge nmutir around Omaha and So. Omaha. For quick sals list your property with us i once. u'Nall s Meal aetata and In- aura ma Agstioy. 1Mb Farnam St. P Bunas Tyler MBa, A-Sill VUK HALU OH UCHAKUH I handle tradea every wnere. 11 you west rrsulu oat! Dean, sil Hea stidg. U. !, 'LAND FOR AUTOilO- - BILE." ti. ... s un. of land clear la Rock ouuntv. Nebraska, that I will trade fur 1(11 machine. Prefer Hupmobllo. a., oars ureana. se. v.wmv. FJl 0AUI Or --"-""-. "r-. anguisameiii pi 1 --. - ... , . town. For psrtloulari wnts Cuss, Fields, ailswurtn, ivso. WAJfTaU TO BUT Hsusebold gas, clothes saoes-Dam B'ssl CASH FOR SILVER r lO'Sau guuus. Kleer. San eoler. D. seal WANT to buy second-hand bnilth Premier Typawntar. Address H 907. JMa. WAITED 8 rTTJATIO.ft WA8H1AU and joning aona. T . at. teas first-class, practical nurse. H Wl A-aWI Day work, IQo an hour. Harney HQs. BUNDLE washing, cents a dossn; rough dry. cents a due, Webster Pan Curtains laundrred. 0c up. Guar. W MdL Family and bunals lauadry. guar. W. IMS. CARPENTER repairing a specialty. Harney Mil. CARPENTER, repairing a specialty. Webeter 7L l.ilMiHV work taken home. W. 14SS. 1st clsss laundreea. Mary Hunter. W sVM. WIDOW with child would like position as housskreper In amall family. Phone Douglaa 4K1. WANTED, by English lady, position aa housekeeper ts gentleman in reiined home, aa objection to oars of children. Phono Douglaa Me. VAiav-we.wu . t ... i , him. fireman, U yeai ai per I elite. MO Cum ing at. r n RHT-CLARB laundress wishes a post tton two or threa daya week, tiii S. ith bl LACE curtain specialty work; guar, Web. IMP. COIAIRED girl wan la work aa house keeper or chambermaid. Phone tioug. ton EXPERIENCED cbambarmald would Uka to get work, to go home nights. B an. care Bee. MtTDLE-AUED woman wants position earing for one or two children ar an In valid. Mil Jsynea 9t COLORED girl desires work, sweeping or washing. Webster Jim. TOtTNCl lady wtsbea position ss strnog raphsr; experienced Address O S. Bra. "pOPinON aa housekeeper by a nice, re spectable Isdy. II years, for good re fined widower; must be reepectsble; otherwise don t answer. Address T Oi, Bee. .vn 1.- ..... ... H Saturday aiterwoona ana nunaaya. au dress O 441. care Bee. YOCNO ledv wants a position sa sten ographer; willing to start with small saiary. Address 8 Ml. Bee. WANTED Situation as bouaekea rer. Strtotly honest and rellaote. Call Har ney UM. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship yowr stock ta South Omaha. Bars anlaage aad sunafcaga T-ur eaasuisj. sxnu receive prompt and careful auea. Lrsw Stvek Casaaalealra Mesekaala Byera Broa k Ca. Strong and rsspoBslbin WOOD BROX B4-at Etehenge Bldg. Oraat Wear. Com. Co.. tunsa. al Deoye W. R. SMITH e DON Just handle sheepv Clay. Robinson k Co.. PX' 4:rnange Bldg Interstate Co. Better reaulta Bbic to aa CLIFTON Com Co. to kAcaanaa Bldg, Ceg 4 iones Com. Cc. bunch of hustlers L. E ROBERTS A CO. U kxcav kudg. Farsaara L. ft Cam. Co.. a Excb. B.og, Martin Broa. Co.. n-t Exoh. Bidg. TAOq BHDS, hsadle cattle, bora, eheep. Deposit process of sbtpnienta in Store tarda Nat l Leas, -aiiy naa at rarua OMAHA, THE CRAIS MARKET WEsTKS GRAIN CO, for The Bee by 1 I Taw I'll MtvCR. 1 I " (wriwytrwft LKGAL XOTICE8. suricsi for bii8 for btatb PRINTING. Kids will be rocelvcd by the Cvmmls aloner of Printing at the tiffloe of Ilia seciatary of atata at IJiiooIn, Nvbiaaks, ua or bxfors 4 P. in. Saturday. April 17, mt for i.ka) copies Report of Mate Board of Agriculture; t,u oous R.putt of Htaie Board of Horllcu.tuic; 1,000 copies Hrport of RtallloB Rlau.itloii Board; also atlscvlUinroits printing and aupptlss for the foliuwlug tiistltutlotis and de psrtmrnta: Attorney Ocnersl, ttuprerns trourt. Lincoln A.ylum. Board of Control for Dependant Children. Depaiimenl of Ranking. Penitentiary, Board of Irriga tion, iktldlera' Home. Burkett; Railway Commission; tlrhool for Deaf, Adjutant Osnersl, Nshraska Industrial Horns, blale Auditor, tirinopeaic Hospital. Hpeeltlratlr'ns for same can lie found an file In tbe office of lbs secretary of stste. All btrta must as accompanied by a bond ejual In amount to the probable oeet af ths work bid upon. Ths commissioner reserves tha rig lit to reject any ar ail bids. Lincoln, Nsbraaka, April IT. lLf. H. O. THOMAS, Deputy Commissioner of Printing. All-d-M 'ladVKltii MMSfTvOTlcidi : OFFICE OF THE QL'ARTERMASTKR. Fort Logan, Culorsdo, April IS, 11)11. Sealed prupusala In trlplicaia wii bg re ceived here until 10 a. m. May Ik till for furnlahlng Fuel Coal required during the fiscal year ending June k. till, al Fort Logan, Colorado. Information fur ilshed cn epplleellon here. Knveliiee to be marked "Propoaale for fuel cosl, Fort uugan. Colorado." T T. Frtssell, Cspula end wuartsi master, U. S. A. Alll-l-vnM-l1.1l BAlLWAi tl.Hh! CARD" liklOK gTA IIU.v leulk Bat) Maasa. talea Paellle - Dtstn. Arrlva Saa. Fraa. Ovarlasl Ualts4..a u am Itsra Cklas k Japaa last HaU....S I.St etl a I a as Atuntia Sisraaa a I 14 aa Otwa tasiaaa si I sat S l;U) pal U. AataMa Liautaa sil at sai llSia Onver Ssaalal ... llaia s I If aa Uaiiaslal Slau spMlal ail M sil k ssi Colorado gaproaa a t k aei sl.Msai Oreaoe-WaaMatua UsiKes....sll M sal 1 1 S a rtuth riatle bocsl llllia a 4:14 an aiast Man4 Uael a 4 IS aat alt aa UMSkerg laaal sal.41 sat s LSI sat Ckloaga, Raek I .lead 4 rmalfla BAST. Backr Meaetals Usiiua .art kj M m a ta Cbinas. Um roi iw a.a blt ttsei Csiaaae Lm txprmm... a 4 aa a I M sa CkiMo Eisraaa a 4.14 sol slate) pat fetutaM Meal raasasatr.a a n sal su 11 s Calsast-Nssiaau LM 4lS s l.tt eat WEST. CaMea-Nek UA ta Uaauis.4 I N ass Slat sa CbUato-Cawrado KifrM. .. a 1 ii pa s 4-tt sa (MlaSoaa k Taasa a..A I at aa sil k sa Beasr Meaelale Uaiu4....ei.t! sa eil.k)aa Ckicaga, Mllwaakea el St. Paal unriud LuskaS ilksa a I tt aa Perrr Lcai .a 4. a) aa aU:ei aa t-awraee kaaraat. 4. at sa a 4.14 aa Cr4a Ssaiai , ,.,,,. a 1:41 aa sl:waa rarry UeU ,1 1.14 sat su.e) sa HUaels Ceatral . M t a aa s Ms aa lik) est aldaa caiaaaja k arts, wee t era . HOKTUSOIUru, Mlsaaasslls-St Paal kasraa. I4S sa) . anaaiwa-el. raol Uawt.t I at aa s I S ta Teis cur kasreat. 4 tits aa ait a aa Stout CUT laieal lI SM ll sa kinsas.ua a Dakota bjs-.,.s Im s 1 14 aa Tela uty kuaitae .m.sUw st slta atuaswu Issraas ali.a aa kABTBOUKD. Carroll Lacai s I at a s till sa uuiism cauaae a I a aa uailigal CSImm s):aa calno bal -all SI sa al ga csiaeionss a a .a aa CaiMss ssotal 4 I si mi its aa r-ealtla CwMl-Cbieass e I St Mm a 1:14 pa u Aaauaa UouiM a i s sa all a. aa UnrUae UalleS s 1:14 sa. a I U aa Cairail Lnal el staa alt a aa fast sun a l a sa alislsa laai lUfMa lieu Ctty esd Oaats S Ilk) sa Csaieseial aula Uaius U a tt Ujl aa WSSTBOUNO. lees rise slkta atiittsa kortais-Paltaa 4 I S Ma elt:CSa Uoas riaa-Ueeets ...lHa a I a aa kaetitts-saaarM I U ra s I It sa Uoaeee-H anal ........ .:a pa e a a sa OaaaofUsser 41 alt u aa ai.M.al-Aipae av e . -a aa t akaak oaaka-u. Ueis kipca....s las sa slkta stall aa kiaras I H aa all 14 aa Suatarrs ImI Urea C. B-l-k ISM ait.lt aa Mlseaarl Pacific KCtS Ualt Baeraaa. e I k) sa iT Ia k. C a St. Usia kasraes. sUia) sa a i Jt sa ckicaga Great Weetera lait cm Uaiiee a la aa a M aa Tow Cur kasrea s Ma 1 1. aa -..A isa al.asa Barliagrtea gtattea 1 Teatk at , barllagrtea Oepan. tits sa .A t it aa .a aa ..a 4 it sa ..b I t pa ..ell a pa ... I U aa ..s i.a sa '.A lit'tis .Ail S) pa. A 1 It pa .All M pa A lit ..a t.ty p.. .lists . .a 4 a pa . .alt pa ..a .U asa . peaver k Cslllersis.. ....... rasa sosds sasrea , N.sraaka Pwau Uaaels Uall l.Mtseaa aaprMa ..H.. lakarUe-rialuaMMalk U.UVOIB lKtl ' - ......... Soilovat-rialivaoatb CSHaao asocuu Poar ItMlal Ckiaeo kavrea ctaaai t'aa Basraaa...- Claaliit tla I Lmmi SL laala gapraea. W.uu 1 A at. Joaoh. aaasas CUT k It. ImtS Wa barter Stat IStk aak Wckatsr Mia eri Paolfla Desert. Aebare CoMl ksAssas sua aa O 1 lAt pa sua pa SlJksa MSta klcasa, St. F. M aAix criy Bxpraw...... Stoaa Cur rtMOngar...., els cny ni.-.rt UJ Saiir, tat Sailr Doaaap. tat Ssseay k 1 a aa ilia OcAha Ui.:al Watclimaker Hurt in Fall 011 Stairs P. P. Larson, a watenmaker living at afI Broadway avenue. Council Bluffs, waa probably fatally Injured early last night when be fell uowa a cailarway at el Soutk Nlneteeatb street- Larson was visiting k friend at that number and aa he was leaving clipped and fall down J:e stairs. . lis was takes to St- Josephs hospital snd placed under tha care of Dr. laag. dun who says tka victim haa about as even chance for his Ufa, as he sustained sever Internal Injuries and k fractured skull la th tall 11 "Bud" Fisher KTiAN STEAMSHIPS. HAMBURG AMERICAN Ik tka Wert !,al)4M reag. LaritstS aV.0. OTIS Victoria Lalae, Msy T, II A.M. tuiii ..II At Rotiloarua. Second cabin only. SPECIAL H.4.ILINT.9 9, H. VICTOHIA LIIHR MAV 7. JTNE 6 rrya Haaseri-Aasrleaa Us stla aUd uaeaa Craatug yeast sgas TWO IDEAL CIDISEt AROUND TUB W0KL8 UU 9 BZCVBBIOsll Asjo susa TBirk. Optiaaal I II BATS IsT JAP All TOUTS I v waa a mm He. IB, 111 1 Fee. if. lsia. . n.w voiii Irtoa San rriaoa at VirTIIDIl I liter (" si .... llvivatasvaueTa..! IM H1T1UN SAt.'H ICUSI '1680' LHtlllB IIS DA IS IscleSUuj all settaatry sssaesi . astart ssi tktn: nlleay, kaut, tsert esrariMas. MmtaM. mlM. tea, ait. SUAAtK CJtUIS.S a. tha LABD OF B ktTB. mams bum. ivight dsiignttui cruises uurlng guaa, Jauy tod Aagwst, from Mambarr to as, way, aattk Caps, Spiuletgea. lntlBBBi liv syurauwai as to 41 say a , Cost J62.5 aal ip . Iplaall asrviae, itrsa ZKSUM CSClUk' aM HAMBOKI-AMEBICAJ Ltata IN W. aaaaolph tt, CaKako. as aoeal Ctpyrlgk) UU, TAFT HEAR M HOJdATION One-Third of Delegates Tat te be 8e koled Will be Inoogh. F&ESIDESl1 STBOUGEST EYES Nw Yark, ladlaaa, IIHaala was) Praasylvaata t-rva klak sug Tiaaea Ik Sappart ml Fw .' , . , l'sara Age, WIIHsm Howard Taft needs but 141 votes to ss nomuuted cn tba Orst kallol IS tbs convention at Chicago next June. Roossvslt must bavs IM In addlUoa ta those hs has already secured. Four hun dred and slxty-flvs dalegalaa rsmaln 14 se elected. Including those from Ne braska. Victor Roaewater, acting chair man of th repubkoan national com rait tee, received lb following mttaaga (rata Congrsasman McKlnley, wha IS pjanagina ths Taft campaign: - WASHINGTON. AprU 17.-To Hoo. Victor Roaewater, Omaha. Taft today hag M delegates. Doa t forget that la IM he only had twenty from New York. Indiana, llunoia and Pennsylvania com bined, whereas now hs will bavs Us from thee states. "WILLIAM B. M KINLET.- Ftobi Taft beadquartsrx at Llncola tM following stslement was given ul Wednesday: ' "In spits of tha claima mads by Madill McCormlck, and la spite of tba state, ments mad by tha opposition every, where, based oa th etatAment ef tka Record-Herald of Chlckg, which I par bap the bast authority w bavs on tha question. Taft had on Monday night tut votes; Rsosavelt. 177; Cummin. 4; La Follette. M. Tuesdays slsction gave left six dslegatea from Delaware, tw from Kansas and four from Hawaii, making a total ef 174 delegates for Taft. 17 for Rocaavelt, I for Cummins, M for Lk Follette and II undecided. BU ban. dred and eleven delegates have beet elected, out of which 1 order ta eecure his som! nation oa the first ballot Roose velt must sacur SSS votes, but aut of thla number in order to secure his nom ination on th first ballot Taft require! only Hi. Tba coming of Colonel Roosevelt witk his special tram and a carload af re porters will not change any rots In K. braaka. Our people have mads up tbelr minds and cannot bs stampeded by spe cial train and brass bands snd varnished car.' KILUAN MADE MANAGER OF HIGH BASKET BALL TEAM Charles Kltlian, U. wa elected mana ger of th Omaha High baa ball equad for thl season by th athletto board ef th Khool yesterday afternoon. KUllau will have charge of lbs kicker roem gad equipment oa practice days and will ac cpmpaay tk team oa Ell eut-of-toaq tdna. , I Atlantic Servic m ix)!mox U ' M rAKIS HAHBIRQ U . Frea. s.lkalB April SS, W Xals'a Aag.' Wis. Apr. SS, I A.M. - Unv a. 11 noon 11