By Hershfield .-'Claude Eol&lre Escapes the Russian Secret W Desperate Desmond: Police, bat Falls Into Even Worse Hands, w g I . rr. r i ft. J -aa. I . . I.-THB BROKEN TOOTH. Observe In th first plctur above, what look Ilk a caviar andwlch. Too may remember, however, that the sand wich tu mad of shot prepared by Desmond. Claud' enemy, as that when our hungry hero took a bit h chipped ob of his best teeth. Claud now haa a doubt reason for desiring to scape fear of the police and destr of a dentist. ; WANT ADS Want ads received at any time bwl to laaurw proper claeetflraltoa must b prrseated befog IS acsork oa. for Uvs netting adtUoa and befor TjSS p. m. for morning, and Sunday M don. Want ado received after sock noun will bar Chair first rwawtkm ader ths beadla "To Ul ta Ciaaalfl." CASH RATES FOR WANT AM. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION On iaaerUoa ltt tw-t rt. eatt per word for cb subse!"-' consecatlv Usertioa, Each tmttf Horn nude on odd days V" ward, IJMt P IU- r haa ad to nut without cbaaga al . j MABBJAOM LirCWUl. j'The following permit t wed hav Men laauea: , . Alexander J. MeColiutn. tewllla. Waah. m 11. Beast Snow, Beam, wssu - Jeas L. Carroll. Omaha. 'Emily Veale. Omaha " James F. Springer. Omaha over ;Edith H. Johnson, Omaha -ver 'Samuel Stephen. Wiwrly, la. Ada Taylor, C'larksville, In. Jame W. Meyers. lows, Fall. la Sarah Lser, Omaha .. Benjamin Jonea, Omaha... Jtlofln H. Wlngren. Omaha tvs-ren n. Reld. Omaha Blanch Marshall. Omaha 0NDERTAJUCR8. " AUtl-TKUoT CKDER1AKBR f ruw.i. u eruat ortc. Phon H. T. Braea Co. t F-iru. and save money. AMUSEMENTS UUAJiA FILM EX. ttettoa ploture maohjnaaod fllss fcf' ANNOVNCEMKKT9 ewibalmar. IB Chleere St. P. tam 8-ttae, rrhe "Wash Word" ! of the Home Household washings by th piece or pound. Clean, sanitary. No aour or soapy dor.1 Kimball Laundry BLU3 WAOONS. ' ftooa. tu: lnd. A-J Ull Jakn. VAnvil 1 S. Uth St. Eysrytning ftW In New Spring Styiaa. Kb CONTNTO HAUANA CUtAB. ikn . prepaid. .; try ." wot eatlifaotorr money refunded. USA- TON DBUU CO.. uet Farnam. Omaha. Alfred 0. Kennedy, snre. m First Nat Bit. Bldg. Doug. TB. mm irrjrtn Olinti Tally And Xflfi 1 Jjivinn. ojiui pir, carda Dinner Favors, Leather, Rrasa, Olsss snd flilvee Novelties: stationery. Baskets. Polls-Popular prices, Omaha's eicluelve gift etore. 13 ramam. Phone V. ia. GST your oiamonds at Brode-aard a. FREf OFFKRM AN. hath tuba. HfcaV NORTH RUP LKTTER DUPLICATING CO., tot Paxton Illk., clreular letters, any quanuty: oldest established oompeny; parts of Multigraph and Neoetylo. DEMOCRATS la th Fourth. Ssveath, ' Eighth and Eleventh wards are notified that Peter E. Klsaaoer'e nan. for County Commissioner of the First District Is al most the last on th Democratic Ticket. ' Peter would Uk to hav you vot for him. 2 M. It Morrill, clilna (Mint aa Brands! Th OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Bt Douflaa, Stevenson, carpenter, cool Buin vboaee. Upholterlng, piano turn, rep. San Far. , PARALYZED 11 YEARS For Lilt Bubacnptlona. TO Th Ladles' Horn Journal 41 W The baturday Kvanlng Poet I t The Country Gentleman 15 The publisher will deposit fj.oS) n .trust tor some publlo enantv, the In tenet of which will bring roe U a month ' for life. Must hav lit In April or th 3,000 prIM la lost. Your renewals count. . Rush them In. Phon Dourlae TUl ITlRriflM THE MAOAZ1NE MAM, ITUCXRJI go. 8U -OMAHA. it trasses renovated ' Ore. .- Pillow Co- 17a 'Urhaha B.ll Posting C. Ult Har. D. tttK EAT KOSHER HOME CCKIKI.tO. AP.rUNS. & Uth. UPSTAIH.t. CARL JARL Lockamltb. Laws Mowers Sharpeneu. IX1'(1LAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug vet. D. a. OrUflth. wig mfr 11 rYaeuMT Bik. MONEY fO LOAX-LOW rata, In sumo te tuit. tj Bee auag UNION LOAN CO. -HAZEL LEAF PILel CON - remedy tor Itching, aleedtng or protrud pUea. ttc postpaid, samples tree, herman A atcCucuteil Drug Co- Omaha, Wedding Announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. GlJiZlSd CARPENTER WORK . ULiAZtUvU AND REPAIRS. -A. C. Lesaard. Tyler-um 17M Leav. EDKOV.E. well bonne. IT IS A BEASTLY SHAME to take eandy from babies. But It Is a anas to buy Diamonds. Watches aad Jewelry at Fred Brodegaard A C.'s great sacrifice and removal saje gunng AprlL ANCHOB FEis'CE CO. Iron and wire fence cheaper than weed lest s lifetime, tin N. 17th. Phone Red Bt, a. K. Cole Sign Co. D. Cot, im raraaav Twenty per cent less than Omaha met HOMsi FL'RKITURE CO, Twenty-fourta sod f. Sts.. south Oeaaaa, Neb. Seed Ce. ust Jonea. Both paoaea PAPERHAXUERs use Sao w I lake Omaha Paste Co.. Tit S Uth. Both paoaea Bed W. IL-IN THE DENTISTS ROOM. Desmond, whose heartless scheme re culted In the damac to on of Claude's teeth, w shrewd enoufh to gusss that If our hero succeeds la breaking oat of the prison h will rush to the nearest den tist's. Bo Desmond hurries ther flnt and take possession of th plac to await th coming of th man he hates. Rosamond Is forced to attend th villein. AtrroMonrtxs. I VT T i Vf'F On automobiles, all liSOlJj.WiiN.Ci kmde, one policy. Is sued here, lowest rates. HARRY 8. BTRNK, MB City 1. if. . DRUMMOND Aula eenalra rubber' Urea, far carriages sad commercial trucks, Uth and Harpey. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Ca Murphy Didlt REPA1R1NO, TRIMMING. PAINTINO. Why not sen your aid automobile and buy a new eoe-er, mar be. you oaa use the money It sum other way-la either event Be want ad will th work. Rale 1 cents per word It I ua only one time, or 1 eeat per word If run two or more tune eonseeutlvl. Auto lamps, radiators repd., plating aU kinds. Neb. PI. Co.. lilt Howard. D. Pet. FIRST draft for Ufa) takes - my Reo runabout; will carry tour passengers and guaranteed per reel. BCgar ueiiy Palmer, Neb. ' FOR SALE At bargain, a lU Whit Steamer automobile, t paaaenger; In fleet class condition. Address W. K. Amos, Shelten. Neb. four TIRE EXPENSE cut In two. rnh...n ua before buvln new til AUTO TIKE RKPAIR CO.. Ita Karnam. Kriirria rarrlaa-a Works. Aula re pairs. th and Leavenworth. Doug, act FOR SALE "Chalmers roadster W In good order, c HI, oar me - mTlit.t I tUIV'A Dnll'l throw lUVrj IV to. .Viivi.xj .... urold lire. Ws mak them almost aa good as new. Nothing but ntgnast pnceo ana new materlale used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Store Auto Supply Co.,, Ml Far nam. FOR HAI.K (lood runabout In good con dition. Hsrialna for rash F M, Bee. SNAP. AUTOMOSII.B" SNAP. SVhoraepower, fully equipped, all In per- , . .....I.. ahI.. ... I M . In mnftA MAill. Hon. top, wind ahleld, latnpa, good tires. This le a snap, t am leaving town and mak this price for quick eej. Address HO ere, umana. ' Garage Buildings - Built to order. Wood or flrenrool steel. We match your home and erect complete (arsis, all alaea, types and price. Blue pnnte and epeclfloatlont en request. Klrklend-Wrken Co.. -M Brand els th'tr. HAVINQ dlaoontlnued handling AUTO- MOB1LKH, we offer oar remaining ItoCk consisting of three high jrrao Firestone touting cart st bargain prices. Kaolns Hattley Co., loth and Jonea Sea, . ; A HAFU1AIN-I have a fine Victoria Elect no In aplendld mndltloa. Reason for aelling aame. have four ,ln family, have bouaht larger oar. Eitra for ear. chains, atorm front, mnertubaa and oyclometar, cost H.TM.u. InnertUbe, chains. akOO; front, H.; cyclometer, imov;; win sell at once for ;W0. ("all Doaglas IMa. , aleteeeyetea,- . UA.nn.wl. MMlHn af eeat. TV tie eau "USED motorcycle Ncyele at bsrraia piicee. V. H. Rooa, i7t4 Lear so won a. SECOND HAND AtTOMOBIXES RtiNAROtT, m H. P., In fair condition, cheap if taken at tnce. Address E tisx car of Bee. t FOR SALE CHEAP A horse Bower second-hand five-pass anger touring car In good condition, owner wanta to buy a higher power machine. Address D Ist, car ox Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO ret In or out ef buainse eaS sa OANOYaTAD. M Be Bldg. Tel. D. MIL faf Wanted I? for the lletel Plata, tiavs far.ilttes for Ire. ana our guests, rlsner, Mar. Ktn and Howard. Wat fuH SALE One of the very beat gen eral merchandise boeifteaaee In the etale of Colorado, carrying grocerlea, hardware, shoes, dry goode and furnJhlnga,.meata farm Imptemenia, grain, feed, etc; this business Is the moat convenient More to a IX, tta) Irrigation project now sealing completion sou the business hers offered cannot helo but make money when nroo- erly handled; owner has other business and waata to dispose of It quick; If you want to go Into business, with a good .hit .4 tHrf. Knit .Md . mtA have the money le buy, answer thle, or mis ht consider one-half in gooa eastern land; th whole will Invoice about Hv to SV,aa; but don t anawer unieaa you mean business. Addresa uoca Box m. Meriiiur, voio. 1RSTLAH8 stock of hardware for aale: will lump or In vole for cash. In voice about B ae. northwest taaa. Ad' drove T 755, care Re. FOR SALE Twenty-eight shares of the Ideal Cement Stone Co. a stock will sell for stint. Reason tor aelling. death la family. Apply 711 Charles Bt. Our entire Block or any part thereof en sale at prices attractive to th Blue st surer. Dunning Hardware Co. MU Haraey Si Ed Rolhery. Bualneea and Real Eotale Eacnanse Co-Hoom Hi. alcCague Bldg. TO BUT. lease or sell theaters, new or second band machines, repairs and repair- in, vtne i neater ucnang ce-, Farnam St.. Doug. Mat. FOR SALE Paying drug stock and building; 71 call en th tL Small town. Addreaa I -791. care Bee. I caa use a good bualneea man f middle age In aaakln oxamlnation of buataees nterprteea. r.o investment reoutred. but you must have money or property so aa to be recaraea aa reeponstbie. Ernest Squire, itt Omaha National Bank Bldg Bums. Blinker at Co.. Omaha Nat'! Baak Bidg..mortgages for Investment. FOR SALE-Tho Franklin Moving Pic ture theater, on er the aest paying thee. ten la Omaha. Will etaad tavestigatloa. r. aw (sou. Tail rranauia a. III. THE SHUT-ETE SENTRY. . . In th meantime Claud has gained ac cess to the prison yen" and baa so far scaped the notice of th sen try who Is always on guard there. However, In the bright sunlight there seem to be Uttl chance of eluding the watchers much longer, and our hero Is as far from freedom as when cooped up In the dismal cell Into which he was thrust BtHHITSS CHANCES BLSl.MiSS PERSONALS atterura tietan L. HalL Lawyer. Wt Bran. Bldg. O. W. Shields, Attorney. aYT B. of Trade. ataa Jaaaalaciarere. BEMIS OMAHA BAO Cq. Omaha, Nsb. u aad raoautse atastaraaiarara. Wenden Bos at Paokage Co.. Ult M. Mtb. chtrwawateta. DR. ROT. IKS Farnam. Dsaglas , Clotalas Maaausianrs, Wear Meal dreoa shirts. M . Smith Ce. Cera see aaa St 1 CeUlaae. CARTER Sheet Metal Wot. Omaha. "Creaeaariee, WalrUo aad aapatlse. ratrment't tXaJem butter. Always good. DAVID COLMCREAMKHY COMPANY. NEBRASKA Detective Agency, the only beaded agency In Nebraska. All inter views and ni. Ill Brown Block. Phone Douglea etna. JAMKS ALLAN-Mvlll ftlk Kvtdeno aeeured In all cases. Tyler Ilia. L. W. LONONECKEH, HI Karbaah Bis. Omaha teeret aerv. SI Paaton bik. P.U1 Bailey, the dentist. CTty Wan. P. IMS. "Saoa dl Maoh. td floor Paatea. U. Uet, Tall denial room, ttll Doug. D ! Urawei Terry Premaknig colleg Uth a Far. eVitiuuinl. PHICES. plain fancy. dressmaking. M Su Mary's Ava nee DBKMMAKINa My day. Webetee Kit ' PLAlTi'iewlng. reasonable. Harney CO. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Hit Far nam SL Phone Douglas isua. Dressmaking -by day. Phon Doug. sW. hJ day. Mrs. Hartaa. Webster eKt D rasa lets. DRUdS at cut prices; freight paid oa 11. order; catalogue free. Sherman 4 MeCormell Prug Co.. Omaha. Nsb. , Kveeythlma . aMestrUab E!etrt iightlng fix., wholesai and retail Burgeea-aranrien ua.. isu wnwsra - Everythlaa Eleetrleal. erlsnien BU.erTRIC CO.. Talsphons Doug. KD. lit South Uth Bt, EDWARD, F. aCHUKIO. Mgr. 2d Hand Electrio Apparatus and repair. Le Bron. Ill a. uta ax a Everrihlas lew Weaaea. Willow nlumee made from your old and new. feathers, reaeoaabla. lsu S. 11. D. TU Df. Baooock Co, SU Wlthnell. IS A Har. Kubone Tailored Corset. ntiSMntssn Mnt in rust or break. ' Na Bone Curwei Shop, a Neville Bk. D. 117. MAYME KAUBElt '1. 14M S. Mth SC, I block south f William. CARPKTS and ruse cleaned on floor Without removal; free eatlmatee. The Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. IS ana us. DIICHS nleatlnza buttona covered, all ! and stylea. THE IDEAL PLBAT- l.Ntl CO.. w iougiaa ttioca. tsota pnonea. feed atUas aad . Feed, all kinds. Olencoa Ml! la, OO tsar. . t Viawtate. A. Donagtiu. laf Far. D, leOL A-awS, HESS A IWUMUUA. ItU Fl L. HKNDEKSur.. Isli Karnam. D. Us. BRAN DEIS FLAJHlal. BaodeM Bldg. BATH S FLORISTS, Boyd theater Bid. Ba-NNEIT a, cut tlowera. Deug. 11. arwaaaslse. MeDsaald brass and brons foundry, el. gelnern. On, lead caatinaa. law Jeekeoa . . Laaadrle. Ooaranta Laundry. Fin work. P. Q71 MRS. OKRTKUDE UARMEN, eunalae cleaned; sia rears' experience. Prices tee te ate per pair. Douglas fTO. Mavlma, Btwraae aad Cteaalng. SXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co. Maying furniture, sacking, fireproof storage. City trie. I US a Ilia sy wfc s-w FERRIN Vaa at sHorag. Tysar U B-lTel Fum. mevlag; I men. tl per hr. W. Wet ataaes. As. as Usnn. Vrohn lessen: ; Wm. L. Pstton, Web. SMS Piano Tuning f.r'iaTb Jarawrtea aad Sewda. Fruit Trees Shads trsea. ahruba OenrJ took, pnone J4.P.BYRD NURSERY CO.. We ertll ha at ths same eM stand, 1st aad Douglas Sts. CailD etig. eea; let aa he is you piaa your iiwbsii GATE City Nursery, all hlnda of tin nursery stock atapmyea at wrm jrwwnr rt. Day phone iMugtaa ase. avening phon Harney SHt. J. H. Marnetta. Mgr. STtWAKra. 8Kai)MaN. US M. HTM HAZEL DELL NUR8ERT. J. W. DAT. General Una nursery slock. Sttb aad Plnkney. Phone Y eb ia wattetaaa. It, r. Wwra. fmlrel an rep'g. U Brnaa tests osathr. Aiwa J eh neon. Save Brandets TTa BWg. Katberya Kicaess. an-s urandeta Tbeater Palate aaa tilaea. TOTJ are Invited to eoen la and gat olor card and talk over your painting ar,d decorating. Complete Hue sjharwia William aalnts and vamlahe. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. IV.-IN THE SHADOW. As the sentry begins his walk to th gat Claud gets a great Idea. Lying on th ground, he rolls along at the same rat as th sentry' march, and thus keeps hidden from whatever other eyes might be searching th prison year. It la a risky plan, but our hero must at all cost have his precious tooth attended to before It breaks off. BU8IXE88 PERSONALS . falcate. D. O. BamelL Paxton 61k. Tel. Red TUl. Wlllard Eddy. UJu Lit.- Nat. Bane BMW. fat tog raphes, tun eh art. photographers. Mtb. at Farnam Tiatlag. OMAHA SILVER CO.. til S. Uth. rinmawra. Is F. VALKENRBRO. Plumbing. W. W. Steel task aad talvcet CoaspaaleaT HEBRAOKA and lews Steel Tank Cass pany. Uth and Nicholas. O. UO. . f ralatiaeb Lew W.Rabir, Printer, Mf BBS BLDO. ' ENTRANCE ON COURT. Hlee-Hall Ptg. Vo.- lia S la, lnd. A-Jal. LET ths CENTRAL PRINTING CO. da your work. 1417 Douglas St. Tat, p. nea Le-nailed Printing Co.. uth and Capital Ava Tel. ina. A-es tor gooa pnniing. leaea'apkere aad teart Reawrtsra. Myrtle A. Kellsy. M Bran. Tha D. Itn Tailor lag. L Licf TAdlaf Ullor; tailored suits and fancy gowna. Rooms It. Waad Bldg. TeaU aad Awalaga. OMAHA TENT CO. TL M Douglaa Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Tranka aad salt Case a, Frellng aj Stelnla ucg Farnam St Win aad Llqaore. WrLLOTW ftDTinsi weer. liquor, ufxara, eendwlchea. Alex jetee. (01-1 s. Uth. 8b VIRGINIA DARE wine, etc s largs hot la. Klein Liquor House. IS N. Uth Sc EDCCATIONAL B0YLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCU00L ALL THE YEAR Comal ete eoursas la Business. Book- keening. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil service or Haieamansnip. i ne caiaiogue I fre for the asking. Call, writs or ohona for It at anoa. Addresa H. To. Bo visa. President. Boyle College, Omens. Neb. TDTOIUNO, let Is tth grade. H. Met, HEM WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. StenOBTaDher. high school education. Stenogranher. Smith Premier operator. t Btenograpnsr. .law axpenenca, pn. Bookkeeper, soms experience, . CO-OPERAT1VB REFERENCE CO, HW5-I City National Bank Bldg. Factory , aad Tradea, WANTED Four girls If years of age r over to melee elmple ribbon orna ments. Apply superintendent. Brandel Store. GIRL wanted for housework at Hen derson, th Florist, Mlt N. Mth St, South utnana. Hoae keep re aad Doaseetlca. THB SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domee tlo Help Wanted Ad FREE until you get the drat red results. Bring your ad to The Be office or telephone Tyler MOt, WANTED A woman for seneral house work on Nebraska ranch. Mrs. R. M. Ter rtll. Brownie, Neb. WANTED-EXberlenced whlU girl for general housework; must b neat and of good character; wages 17. Tel. Harney WANTED A Scandinavian girl to do general housework In Private hospital where she oaa also take training for practical nurse. Writ or call oa Onawa Hospital, Onawa. la WANTED A girl for general house references required. work; no cooking; I Dewey Are. CHAMBERMAID. Apply Omaha General hospital. WANTED A a experienced cook and laundress. Mra T. J. Mahonty, SU 6. 17th. Phon Harney ML W ANTED Ol rl to assist with bouae- work. HI a 17 Jl St. WANTED Girl for general houaework. I la family; good wages. Phon Web- star BOX. WANTED-Competent cook, 40) N. Mth. Mra S. D. Barfcalow. Phon Harney 730. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. Wt N. Pith St. TaL Harney 17. Mra. W. H. Rhoadea WANTBD-Toung girl to aaalet In tak ing ear of child t year old. le) N. Est Ava WANTED A cook and housemaid. Phone Mrs. A.- L. Reed. Beneon IT ELDERLT lady to assist In taking cars of children, small pay wrtn Boaro. sirs. S. Milder. 17M Caea Douglas mt. mm, for aeneral housework. Kit N. Uth St.. Bo. Omaha Telephone So. lost. WANTED A girl for general houae work, small family. No washing. Mag So. 17th St. Phone Harney XI w. WANTED Oirl for general bouaswork. BS So. Mth Ave.' It. WANTK1-Taung airl to assist with children and housework. One la neigh borhood preferred, one woo go eouia go ones nights. Ha Bo. esta aw narney WANTED A cook kept. S So. h St. where td girl la ' OIRL for general houaework; family of three. Harney ma. WANTED Good girt for general hoose- wark. Mra c. F. Bnnkmaa narney not. WANTED Girl tor housework. Park Ave. Tel. Harney m IX WANTED Girl or woman to tak care of haby 1 yea 19 eld from . to t p. nv; call after o siork p. m. 1111 N. Cd St. WANTED A competent girt for gen eral housework, two in ramny. ara wage. WANTED Two sinters or competent girt for general housework. tO Cumins. fnene HimT mi ' WANTED An experienced whit girl for general housework, small family, na washing, wagie sr. sua. rrana v linen aa. Si-Harney.-Harney ZMe. HELP WANTED FEMALH . Jioasekvepera aad DoaBeetlea, OIRL for general housework. Harney JS1. Xlacellaaeoaa. TOUNQ women comng to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Women Christian association butldttig at St. Mary a Ave., and 17th St.. wnere they will be directed to sultabl hoarding place or otherwise aasiatea. , ixws tor our travelers' guide at ths Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Saieeeaea aad Solicitor. RELIABLE salesman able to give reference can obtain opportunity to con nect with hew concern of reputation. For particulars phone Douglas til. WANTED Experienced salesman to handle attractive fruit land acreage pro position. Big money for right man. Give references and addresa X 287. car of, Bee. k . WANTED Salesman, apedaliy gro cery line. On eatabliahed prim Nebraska territory; experienced man required. Ad dress T S. Bee. AOEKTH lie a week for hrs. a day. selling wonderful new household neces sity, new selling plan wllh fre advertis ing doe IL Collets Mfg. Co., Box H Amsterdam, N. . afirvTrt Our natented aoeclaltlea aell like wildfire; send for free catalogue and eample: sdrth 10c. Household Specialty Co.. I7 Warwick Blvd., Ksnnas City. Mo. . Clerical aad Of flee. BOOKKEEPER, must b AL .whole sale; tiou-tlffi per month. BnokkeeDer. hotel. Ku. board. Aaaistant bookkeeper and collector; IA CO-OPERATIVE RKrt.rlr.ri cr. IU, ln&- city in at i nana oms. FULL drees eults and party dresses for ale; also for rent. 11.00 to ll.W a night JOHN FRLDMAN. 808 N. 17th. P. 81M. Factory aad Trades. D'rii'g stors (snapl jobs. Knleat, Be Bldg. WAKTED-Carrtage painter at onco; muet be good man. no booser; atata wage. Norfolk Carriage Works, Nor folk, Neb.' (iood all around blacksmith. Inland Iav. flria nnrmrtunltv for ons With little money to get a good bualneea of his wn. Address Poetmaeter, Etna, neo. Safety Razors Gee Whiz! Like getting money from home. Regular 60s to .i valuea. now K-)-B- el.-ll.n. Dunning Hardware Company v 1611 Harney St. ' JSIseelUaeaaa.. TEI.ttORAPH noaltlona ruaranteed you by the Union Paclfio and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gain your training in our school. Practlcs on R. R. wire Ad dreaa for particulars. IL B. Boyle. Prea Boyle College, Omaha, Neb. STOP, READ! 3a Get Into a ng nrofeeslon. Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundreds of successful graduate. Complete equipment of auto mobiles and machinery. Addresa National Auto Training Asa'n. 9 Brandels Thea ter Bldg., Omaha, Neb. TOU are wanted for government loari W.oa month, send postal tor list of po sitions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. lit O, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED More people to relse poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write lor free catalogue, is. at. Johnson, Clay Center, Neb. U.S. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. GUARANTEED BEST IN WEST. WRITE FOR PROOF. M bi.N 10 to 40 rears old wanted at one for electric railway motormen and conauctors; ra to iw a month; no x- perienca necessary: fin opportunity; no etrlke; writ Immediately for application blank. Address T-I7t car of Bee. WANTED FOR IT. 8. ARM Y Able. bodied unmarried men between the agee of II and M; dtlsena of United States of good character and temperate habits who can apeak, read and writ th English language. - For Information apply to re cruiting officer. Uth and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 107 tth St. Sioux City, la.; ue n.- ivtn m., Lincoln, iteo. MEN WANTED Can qualify In te eeka for positions waiting. Tod waa-ea Ne prevloua experience necessary. Learn th barber trade. Everything In the bust noes taught practically. Toola given. rail at snc or write rrom country. MOier uarser conege, lie a. ittn t LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicle. RFTF.CE'S Brn- "d"" no farm "J-'v'Xj 0 mare for aale: draft and horses to let by the dev. SJ1 Sherman Ave. Phon Webster UK HORSES 10 lrt b v wek- Blr UUfiOliO man', hern. Sith ..H r-l.rW Horses and mares bought and sold. Black mare, wt l.eoa. Wagner, xoi N. It HORSES and work harnesa bought and sold, tl? N. 26. Harness of all kinds, ths tare ust stock in the city, at attractive price. Johnson. paniortn co. a. w. cor, wth and Jones. HEAT T arart norsaa for sale; aa our season Is nearly over, win sell a few of our rine .teams, see them st Kth snd starry, ttaveas-whlts coal ca, 171 Farnam. HORSES and cows. Hit Cuming St FOR RALE Two Missouri mules, four years old, medium else, for delivery work. Frits Muller. (Tie & ltth St NEARLY sew single harness; Wehter MTS. tng! top buggy and all in good condition. FOR SALE Buggy, flret-ciaaa condi tion,, only slightly used. Harney 43W. THREE mares and on gelding, weight from LlOt to LhS; one city broke driving hots. Coal office, 3Kb aad Lake. Web ster lest HORSE U spring wagon, harness, tea. 1114 8. ilBt Call H laeT. ONE-SEATED ton buggy. tH N. 17th St, V.-tHE ESCAPE. As th sentry truns to retrac his steps Claude quickly rolls through th gates and Is free. Free as the bounding deep or the bounding gaselle, or any .other, bounder. Free as air. free as New Jersey is free from Governor as a mosquito Is free from scruples. It Is a glorious feeling, especially when on wants to have a tooth fixed. , . ' LIVE STOCK; FOR BALE , Mar aad Vehicles. FOR SALE Team. Wagon and harness that haula buttermilk, and bunch of brood sows. WtU sell .the entire outfit on account of mdvtng to town. Mth St.. South Omaha. . mil south or county line. Csll South 30n. Homo Sundays. LOST AND afOOND PERSONS bavins last om artlcl would do well to call U ths office of th Omaha at Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether thay left U In the strset cart. Many articles each day are turned la and the company Is anxious to rosters them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. IIS IX. ; - V OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ' T?nTT'rMen s Suits Steamed, Pressed, r I'U.HL'rsniticM Clanr, 111 8. lath. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. R Tarry oUtea Plis,l Fistula, and other rectal diseases, without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write (or book oa Mffltl illMaMl arfth testimonials DR. E. R. TARRV. Pee. Bldg.(- Omaha un, iu.eopeviBiisu nervvue enu an chronic disease. Z3M Hatney. Doug. SMI Ladleg guarantetd remedies. 71 Ware bik. Women's allm'ta. br-Burke, it Doug. Bik Dr. Babcock Co., KB Wlthnell Bldg. "MONEV tO LOAN. . Salary and Chattela. - ATTENTION. " Loan on REAL ESTATE FUR NITURE, PIANOP, wiRE HOI'8B RECEIPTS. SALA RIES, ETC. at usual rates. No red tape. Nd deley. BIGOKHTj BfisT AND . CHEAPEST. TtFt.TAHI.K CREDIT CO. M Floor, 107-1 Psxton Bik., 217 a Mth 8L Phones: Doug. Mil; A-nii, . MONEY TO LOAN To warktnr neonle ef Orntha ON JUST A PERSONAL NOTE. LOWEST RATES, TERMS TO SUIT. ... NATIONAL LOAN. CU, tot Bee Bulldlng Phon Douglas UU. Money en furniture, pianoa and real estste at a vary low rat of Interest Nebraska Loan Company, Doug. It. MO Bee Bldg. A-iasa MONET loaned larled people, women keeping house snd others, without Bo unty- sasy payments, viuvee in . viiu ctpal eltlee. Tolmao. eM- Omaha Nat l Baok B og., formerly N. TV Llle Bldg. "CHATTEL LOANS, M to fl SALART LOANS. You can get ft today of STAR LOAN CD., en nii ' DIAMOND LOANS at IVi nd I per eent FlJlTAII. Ult Dodge SI. Tel. Red. I Mia, OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. "TI1E ALLAN LtNE tinvll. MAtt. STEAMERS MONTREAL. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. Montreal, Mavia, rirmemn, uwnuwn. Th. nMnMuu St .Lawrcnc Route. vmi. Amvm on the ocean, three daya In river and gulf. Splendid new Turoin, Steamera Saloon, second-cabin and third class. Superior ona-claas raoin. aervloa Culsln unexcllent Courteou attenuon. b.nrt rn it n 1 1 : ara , rsiaa. umua, vtv. Allan at Co.. in N. Dearborn St.. Chicago Anchor Line Steamships New York. Londonderry nd Glasgow . New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for ticket between New York and all Scotch, English. Irish, Continental and Mediterranean polnia. Superior accommodations, excellent cu. .1,. .frident service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or itennerBon wrotueis. Asenta. Chicago, IS. - OFFERED FOB, RENT Board aad Roe ess. O. M. E haul 'trunks.' P.' til.' A-M1L ' M'RNISHED rooms, board. tM So. la, "RKST room and .hoard.. HO. Howard St 114 NORTH aSTil-S lrsi class ooaio sam .lain moms e.asT waisina Strictly modern, nmwr w. sin r msT ST Furnished- room and bnard: southeast sxnvjeure;. home cooking. o wtu ar ill The Pratt, east room, excellent board. ingi rooms u. sios. FarasaSed Sea ess. MM Dodga-Ftrrn, rom. frrlvate family. steam heat loo. mart ;.. ret. .iw i.... mitit room, a so aouineaat room, In mooern aetacoeu n" IBs tin LANDON-Striotly roooern, IU.8. Mth st . nve ham lianacom Park: ho other roomers. Tel. Harney 1 10. - V-,,-., v ,ni.heJ room with good board, reasonable. T4I. Doug. Tm. vicpi r furnished roosn. private home all conveniences, near ear line, residential section, w. esii; a wTti st Strictly modem rooms. 1 block three ear line; reasonable. Har ney asw.' TWO NICELY furnished rooma. strictly modern: wnams uuuam-i; rai able. Webster tUL raralafeed Heaeekeeplag See ess. THE MAN VEL-Two-room apartment m. Ths Howard. 1-room. prlvat bath. ta. Cat and Howard. ' ... HOUSEKEEPINO-Two nice room, furoished. convenient and res eonable, atl ltd street, - . TWO nicely furnished rooma. Mlt Davenport : boueakeeping . Ueteks aad A part ra ate. Dewey European hotel. Uth and Farnam. rii. U1tal Council Blnffa. Rooms Ogden llOtei to r per week. OXFORD and Arcada special wkly rata. Dodge, running hot aad cold water; tele phones tn every room; price th ma. T Asartaeeata aad Flat. DESIRABLE a-room arartment la ths Callfonua. sea janitor, wui. eae. - .ROOM apartment new, modern brick; steam heat; abort walking distance: gaa stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds: laundry, llna Janitor servtca Ijovgias Mas ... vi THE PAKE DENTIST. "I'm th boyskl'V cries Desperst Des mond, "and I'll make ClaudesU howl!" The scoundrel, posing as a dentist, haa th unsuspecting hero In the chair before him. quite at his mercy. Rosamond., bound and gagged, cannot aid her lover, no matter how he la tortured. Full de tlls will bo given la tomorrow pictures. OFFERED FOR RENT f Aaartsneata aad Flats, BEAUTIFUL t-roorn flat: easy walking distance; half block to car; f to adults. 2ti Popplston Ava t-ROOM apartment, new brick, $23. 17M S. rih St. Harney KM. i-ROOM modern flat. Scargo Bldg . IWJ, N. Mth St., S. Omaha. Hall. 33 Rgmge.Bidg. u. iw. a-ww VErt fins duplex apartment. large rooms, first floor; large front porch, fire place; nlcs yard and corner lot. loot Geor- la Ave. ROOM mod, flat lilt S. Uth Su t-ROOM. partly modern flat. U3) N. Mth. tlKO. M rooms, partly mod. flat, 13H-H N. Mth, H. 11-roora modern flat, tit S. uth, sia. I and I room an suits, tit N. 17th. In quire of Janitor room 1 s tlUB, v. n A z, c . , mil airs ague, j: Doug. 1J0O. IS-g LARGE room apartment part mod. Near ltth and Vinton. Phon Harney 435. , . ll FARNAM 8T. A a-room, strictly modern, heatad apart ment, wtlh gas range, shades, curtain rods, hot and cold water the year around: team neat furnished, fa in summer ana 31 in winter. fAice, m ci.a 1 r-r Sol A tie. tth Fl. Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. FINE modern 7-room flat, Ms) Paclfio St.. 6. ONeir. 1M6 Farnam St Both phon; - L'afaralehed Reeasa, S3 PARK ATE. Harney le.' Very cbolot rooms. UNFURNISHED . ROOMS, modern house on car hue; arranged for housa- I keeping; 17 W and lit. Tel. Harney) tm. Dresemaking taught nights. 164 N. 2th. D. MU. ; Howeee aaa cettaaree. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold good, and pianoa la our business. Omaha. Van Storage Co., fireproof storage, M S. 16th, by th viaduct Branch dfflcV ICS 8. Uth St Tel. D. lid A-1S68. - LOW RENT for ?-room all modern house, I01J Jack eon St; 1 bedroom a, on etove; complete repair. Tel. Red tit. Good men are hard to get They don't wonder around th streets looking for signs In wlsdowa . - When you need good help advertise In The Bee, , Bea Went ad are read by keen, : energetic men who wish to better their condition. Rate le per word If run two or more time consecutively. Tele phone Tyler WOO. t-ROOM house. K4. (-room. 140. Modai-a. Haneorrm Park. Tel. Harney IM6. HflllRPS In all parts of the city. UUUSCa rrateh Sons A f Ha, WMa, HOI S FOR KENT. flt0 S-r. S1I Douxlaa St. partly i J 00 -r.. 1741 Burt St. modarn anart. ment, steam heat m.a--r.. 161 Madison Ava- modern except heat' flat lua Howard St. in on era heat. tv eo-ie-r., Burt St, modern flat rtO.OO 7-r.. MS No. Mth St modern, hot water heat teil.tlv-7-r.. IM No. lOth St. Dun dea. modern. tf.00-7-r. modern flat tM So. Mth Rl - team Stat!' - . , GEORGE ft COMPANT. D.- It or A-17M. 002-U City Nat. Bank. magoabd van and storage co.. pack, move, stor and ahlp H. H. goods snd. pianos; no charge for return drive to efllc. Doug. MM or B-MSt. Household goods necked and tor. warded; cheap freight ratea; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tot Douglas a, city elflce. tut a, 17th at. Bee Bldg. W. FARNAM. new brick t bedrooms. I bathe, til N. Mth Ave., . Red SM7. 131W PARK Ave . room, modern. " NEW a-room cottage, modern except heat Rent reasonable. 41M Erskin 8t Key st tit) Erskin. COTTAOE, 7 rooms; modern; MM Cald-rert- St.;- tiXM.v i-AOOM house, modern, tvi. Fin lawnT nt 8. rth St. Phene Web. tttt. t-ROOM .house, 1M Corby, modern ex- cept heat $17. Water paid. Inquire Sill N-. inn. -- - MODERN 7-room cottage; cloae in, oa good Btreet; adults only; lt. Apply, US 8 tsth Stc - - - . FOR RENT, tit ts-xm So. Mth Su new. t barn, chlciren house. f .OB-lfrd No. lth St.. mod. ex. heat, Kl Charles St.. 7-r.. modera, .io-M No. nik. -r.. modern. .tv-314 No. lth St.. t-r, modern. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1 ROOMS tnd bath. Decatur, lit. Ml FOR ItEKT-AU modem five room cottage- rail. Douglaa 47a. FOR ReJiT New e-room modern. Hi; wi-iar-i-, 4.19 (TO. sttn Ot. N IN KV ROOM, modern house, with lace. barn, close to car, best part Dundee: smL BfcNSO.N A CARMICHAEL. 4t Paxton Block. - aad Off ass. .- aTCAOUst SALDINO, isTH ft DODGE. Attractive offices, moderate nrtcee a o. PLT OMAHA' LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. U STORE ROOM. leK-a Uowsrd fee. xzg Ut, auitahle tor large butinaaa Inquire V, as. Fisher, Hotel Plaxa. FOR RENT Stor room at 411 8. Uth St; splendid aoatica; rent very reasonable. Remmgton Typewriter Co. No. tX S Uth St. MX45. Tec Doug.5' FINE PRIVATE OFFICE. In Cltr National Bank Bldg, with use of larra reception room and atenographer aervlcea" Hera k) your opportunity to get soma splendid offices st a BARGAIN. Aomv Wl City National Bank Bids. OFFERED FOR SALE Fara! tare. JH31?.8 sfa''w " Una furni ture la xt days. Bachm&n. lssc r- FINE furniture: OBJt and anah. aaejkg and case. DouaU KS. """J's