Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Georg L. Campea lelli How it Feels
". r to Be , Mj Foundering .Ship -
lt Was Afcor Ik Cola Faar
Vr in ".''new . 'Trpka .
smiHi Iki Boat la. West
George ll Ompen describes th hur
rlcaa weathered la September. t. br
the, steamship Colon with JOO passengers.
The boat. w off e West Indie.
'You can acareely realise '-what ll
( meant." (aid Mr. Campen. 'Ho b In a
' hJpwrerk at sea, looking every minute
at death as the ahln wallows in the
water. I was In one ana I know. And I
"bop I'll never be tn another.
j "Sunday maralnc at ' o clock. Sep
tember It. If, the Colon ran into a
ftypoon. The smokestack went over'
'boards the funnels' Were baltrred out of
Ishape, the wireless apparatua destroyed
jaad the lifeboats awl the raillnc carried
"Crew and. passengers Bay -up hop.
ut fought valiantly. All day ta storm
increaaed and the boat creVked and
groaned. At IS o'clock in Um evening
fa dead cala prevailed. We ceald see
land ahead and wer driving ' straight
taward It. which- meant destruction,
Typhava IkrUies acala. .
'The Colon was turned with It aoas
taward tbs open sea. At Va o'clock the
storm circled arsund ' ua and Main
struck. :... '-,
"Paoenlers and ere were lashed to
th broken mast, to the doors, to every-
f thine that gve Tiromiae of permanence,
fWa were bound tpf ether with rue. Tn
janptain himself wa lashrd'to a broten
.mast. Water poured continually, over
!the veseet j---. .. -
"At ocJock-'Maodsy vnlng the
storm had abated and we were safe. tLit
the eipertcnee had eooered us end tbvrs
htas llitl rejoicing.", ,
I Mr. Camaea draw on ills' Imaginative
I for a picture of th panic that must havs
followed oa,tn Ttianhv when. With Its
'heavy hums freight tr struck. the Ice
jberg ipid eresr asd passengers seed al
imoet certain death.'
iNeWjVqters MustBe -j
Registered "Again -r
. ' to Vote on Friday
Voter who secured a vo -of to prl.
marl with th aid of two freeholder
u their precinct must repeat these pie
eeedlnts in order to east a vote at th
primaries Friday. Tha registration1 tires
day doe not aaund over th approaching
primary. ......
i April 17 reel st ration board will sit ri
th several precinct of th atty sndvot'
ers who hsv moved since renlstrltM
day a year aio may register nIn then
This will be necessary to entitle them to
k vote at th spring election Mai 7.
i Five hundred voter were sworn IS) las
primary day. The must be sworn if
again, according to th city clerk., They
will be notified to appear Prtday at th
tlerk' office. ..- - '
j Candidate for eoundWaanlc . Job are
hlnkfi. nil m Itu mmhaI t. . i i j i
th primaries Friday. Th uiiuom o'
lb preferentlsl vote on etute and i-omity
pfflceseekera 1 absorbing ntttff all at
tention. , , -
Many Students Have
Failed at the H. S.
? vin Their Classes
Daring the first half school term Just
ndrd at th Omaha High school a total
of m students of th l.ttt enrolled bare
lulled, in from acw tn four ubcta, ao-
cordtng to a circular lannd by Principal
McHugh today.
-The numder of f sjroree is not wholly
confined to the boys as' Um glrta ale
cam In for their share of th low mark.
Only IJSt pupils were able te cart- all
their lesson with grades sbovs M per
eebt, th pamslnf mark.
In th circular letter Mis McHugh
urge upon th member at th senior
class th necessity of raisins their rec
ords, as a total of forty -three out of th
who czpsct to receive their diploma
m Jura hsv failed la work during th
first semester. Ob girl wot one boy
hav fallen below It la three subject.
seven boy and, two girls la two sub
jects, and twenty-ona girls and aleveu
boy la on subject.
4n some rase mark below T la sub
ject, if continued during th praaeat
term, will lower the student, estimates
so thst only a second class diploma win
b granted. Only flv weak now remain
until tha final examination.
Following la a tabulated form f th
failure for th first semester:
Boys. Olrla. Tatal
Failure In i aabjeet 11 I
Failure In I subjects an
failure In I auuject i7 . D . 174
Failure In 1 subject M
Total failure.
Henry Kemp, proprietor' of th Lyons
hotl, aiad a unique defense In oounty
court when U. dimming, th landlord,
ought to UM him. from the proimrty
for violating th term of th lease by
permitting Immoral practices. As re
sult f number of tempjslnl aglnt
th hotel managed by Kemp tti owner
and hi gnt th Peter Trust company,
btarted a'tyrclhl entry actio agaltun
Kemp. . Tan lease provide that nothing
hsil be don tn th hotel that will dam
g it reputation a a properly con
tlueted hoatelry.-' It wa cJIrged that
Kemp had permitted in lb plao men
and women Tar immoral purpose.
Kecnp admlited accepting such guest.
ut defended with th allegation that tor
rear before be leesed the place It wa
conducted tn the . SWTS Improper snajrnar
knd had no reuittisa to- wa. In tup
port of thla coaUnlioo aoe Immoral
.Woman was placed on th ataad to bsslify
that shs patronised tit piaoa whaa .
ilucted by a former prourtltor. Tn
Voman wa uaabl to state whether or
hot the pls.c was oommonly patronisad
by Immoral woman at th time.
X Th Jury found for th plaintiff land
lord and Judge Crawford ordered Kemp
ka vacate th hotel. '
t V ' . ' . . .
; Th dug catcher la oa th Job. Owner
f blooded. r mongrel breed rave been
aoufled Our all animal caught without
aoilar will be (ummarlly executad.
When thla order got aolsed sround yes
terda ;Uier wap a rush for the, city
clerk's diflce and owner stood In Ins
for sc ersl mlpulea waiting to buy li
ainuilatc your Knurs by adrsrtlalng
tn The .e-tti gewspapar that react t
all of th buyera .
Brandeis Bringing
Important Papers
Back from Europe
CmU TJraadda, paasenger on tha Ill-
fated Titanic, for who safety ther atlll
clings, faint ray ot hop, had goa to
Europ ou business wtll a pieaaura.
Wlill In Iwltterland h closed a Im
portant Iramtactloa whaa h secured th
(Igiutiur of his sftter. Mrs. Herman
Cohn: to Instrument, giving her consent
to th eolaiseownt of the Layal hotel,
which I a part of th Cong tae.
It ha been th purpoee for Um
to buHd additional stories asd mas ether
improvement to the hotel, but th mur
der ot Mr. Cohn by aa anknawa aawall-
nt halted th plana tor about a year.
; Th scatter ot remodeling was agaia
taken up and Emll Bradi wa del,
sated to sacur Mra Cohn' slgnatur on
hi tour of Euros. Thoa valusbl papers
"ere In hi possession when he started oa
hi return voyag for bom.
"It Mr. Braadata ba gon deem with
th many other untortunat paasenters,
t I not likely that th matter of re
modeling th hotel wtu b take up tor
som tint to come.
Arbor Day is to Be
Observed in Omaha
as a Legal Holiday
Arbor day. eritinartng In Nebraska and
a legal holiday, will be observed in
Omaha April B by school children and a
host ot dttaaaa. Arrangements for plant
ing a great number of tree an being
Member of the Board ot Education will
parti cl pat la th tree-planting rttea.
They hav already provided for planting
eighteen tree at Corneal us sjid aa many
mora at Windsor school.
A this will be all th ahrubbery neces
sary an school ground the day will be
spent by school children In planting seeds
oa choej grounds and at home. Ground
are aow swing prepared.
Arbor day Is usually observed In th
city by tha closing of public office, and
there probably will be no departure from
thta custom thla year.
Liquor Laden Man
Bumped by a Car
Charles Brown, a laborer of tit North I
Twentieth treet. imbibed In alcoholic
beverages to uch aa extent that he waa
thrown oft hi feet by a Dodg street I
oar, itMtalnlng a severe shaking up. He I
endeavored to board th car at the cor-I
' ot Dodge and Sixteenth Streets, I
when a missed the step and Was swung I
t the platform. Th rear ot tha car I
eed. throwing him Into th Btreet I
where hs landed hard.' ft waa picked np I
and put oa th car daard. Whan asked
It ha was kart ha a:d: ' "top th car I
where t llv. I want to go horns."
A Prlahtfal Bapcrtoaoo ,
with biliousness, malaria and constipa
tion, la quickly ocaroom by taking Dr. j
King New Lit Pill. Only Sc For
sal by Beaten Drug Co.
Date is Set for the
. Dedication of the
ni Woodmen Building
Jury has been set aa the dat tor th
ldictl ot th new Woodmen ot th
World building. It win be a woodman'l
day, ther being about W.iM member of
th organisation sxptcted ker to take
pst in th osmnonl, which willsh un
der th auspice of th aovarelgn Offl.
Alpha camp ot Oman,, th prtginal
camp of th order, will be conspicuous
10 the dedicatory servloee. It will furnish
the, hug oomsrston and It drill team
will hav chargs of tho unveiling.
Datails of th ntertalnment for th
big day, have not been planned, but It 1
uUctpated that aoma very oetentatloue
ceremonies will mark th dedication.
Krarsaa cared In 10 to Days.
Th Part Mcdlclo Co. KM pin atreet.
8U Louis. Mo., manufacturer of Laxa
tive Bromo Qulnln. hav a new end
wonderful discovery. QROVK g gA-NARK
CUTIS, 'which guaranteed to cur any
oas of ECZEMA, no mstter ot how long
atsndlng, la M to day, and win re
fund money If It falls. GROVE'S BA-
MAKE CUTIS I perfectly dean ahd do
not sttln. If your druggist hasn't It,
send us Wo In atsmps and It will b sent
hr malV, , f , .
mm ?m
For Tender Faces'
Pl Indlspensahl for those subject to red
I. Sos. muchness, aad other IrrltaUas
oltheakm. A shaving luxury. Kbhi,
yJJ so sogry soap, a germs, a seals of
li limeoi aoaey.Inalckeledboi.Mcal
) Slows or by mail. Libfeslaample fras.
Ln'fJ Address "Cuiicur,' Dep I . xa, fioatoa.
4ih$l StJ'',li
; Vote for ROOSEVELT
" C.i " . . and His . '
2 d Pis trie t Delegates
Toothache Gum
" UeJWMJIioeatke WeHdOves.
'- AJlsWaaafeeerbyaaea.Iss ',
4 . 1. Dear 4 6.. Orrsarr, Mich.
State Treasurer
Mr. Earner is asking for the Eepublican nomination
for State Treasurer on the ground,that he is capable of
bringing to an office of vast importance the experience
that it deserves. ' .'
He is skilled along investment UneS and is prepared
to give the people of the State of Nebraska the same de
gree of service that he has given'to individuals in the
direction of their financial affairs. ..
. -
Mr. Hamer is a native of Nebraska knoW the
people of the state, their requirements and desires. This
is true along both financial and agricultural lines.
Voters of Nebraska who are desirous of having the
important duties of the Btate Treasurer looked after by
a man who knows the investment business as a result of
a life-long experience ia it, are asked to support Mr.
. . .i - , .. ..
Earner at the primary election, April 19.
- He is standing on a platform of BUSINESS, and
not of partisan politics.; He pledges the people of the
state that, if he is elected, the interests of all the people
and not those of a few shall be served.
v -'-: I .. --"...i a
A v.7 I
Mr. Hamer has the cordial support of. those who '.,
know him best lnd those who know him say 'that he is ?
entitled to the support of others, who can best judge him. '
by the reputation he has established. , .T
Republican Candidate for Congress
Judge Baker is endorsed by the Republican County Central
Committee. He has earned the nomination by hard and effi
cient party wort Vote for him April 19th.
I Thos.
' . :" '-w- i''"'1 ,
Well known lawyer, candidate for the . reDublican
nomination for congress, has resided in Douglas county .'
oo years. Capable and courageous and , absolutely un-
trammelled. No corporation . controls him; no political;
boss has ever directed his .movements;- No political'
,uuiuuic ia ucmim uiiu, anu no irusi magnate is writing
JpftPrC in Vl1 tlAr-lllf T-TtC nnmfte!tn !a menaXeJ L. U !
awatai. A A AO ,CUllJUgia . IS tlldllctCU U iillll
self. He is not lavishing money on handsome orintt or 1
hiring workers to peddle his tickets. Everybody knows ' 4
'1tw'' avasv1-.a4.. 1 1 ' I ' 1 e I a f
AiuAi, cvciyuuuy iirvcs mm a square man wiin convic
tions, courage to expreis them and ability to defend them.
Primaries Friday, April 19th, 1912
W j
Prominent speakers ' will . address the . meeting.
Governor A. M. Dockery of Missouri, Hon. George Fred
WiUiams, Massachusetts, and Judge. W. D. Oldham,
Kearney, Neb. - ----- -
frEvcrybody Invited r
t - if -
if' inr-i 1 ' -;.. -
Republican CancUdatt j ; ,
, a . a see -- ; .(
35 yeart in Douglas County.
County Atttuor 1904 to 1908.
City Board of Review 1897,
1898,1903. :; ...
Fortune or" success have often
' come through a little want ad.
Have you read the want ads
'yet today? j :
- Ash your support at tha April Republican primaries for nomination lor second tern
. "2???l&,t. ourlty atata Bask f Broken Bow, sal also Berwya atass Bank at Barerem. sr..
aswot OaetOT oeaatT tan term, aa a4 two Urma aa Oeaaty Traaaurer. tVasaisaS2is , ls
twsat rears. Si aop mj Neat a lut Treasurer merits 7 oar eoaWn. - aw lag
- . sTwasev af
. ." " ' levied of laaa -General
Juad aajil S2,i,jikHl.M
vnivrnijL anu unnai inawrwn iiaot . ,Ihk
1 euiporary rthool r und , jj
htate anu orraal Ltbiarlra Funds ...... Sit
lu.t.'ltutlon Cab Fund 1,119
ro.rst licserte Fund .................. 4
Flra Commlsaloa Fund 190
Arrrate umber of runMi per month
Average cxpenditnre per month
.Average number per dajr, l workinf dar
areragei rvpeaanure per oar
. - 2,088.
Proceeds of Sale of load of other fctates rc-inrested in
.etraka iloal aa ma o.. nn
Pmninai received on sales .
Increase oa Interest rate oa rr-tnrrst stent .;.....
Increase ia annual Interest Income on re-lnTNtmrat. . -
Arerage Interest rate oa Investment asade darinf th)
last blennlua ,
Average interest rate oa all tareataMsiU nude alnc) be
ginning of present Meaniiua ...-a
Inrreaso la interest rat ,".. ............
. lotal lnvestntcnt niado .$iJB9t,984M
Inrrease la annual Int. income dwe to increase la raw ,78M
Total school rane) invested in bonds .$8,103.3 08. 03
Everybody reads Bee want ads