THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, APRIL 16. 1912. BIG MUDDY BOLSTERS AGAIN County Surveyor Believe Danger at Florence ii How Over. 3TT IS KADE OF DAMAGE ''Heel mm Caa risk reels that It Ceald Hare Stent a Heavier Flew lata Carter Lake Hum Welt Filled. . The "Blf Muddy" bolstered up again .yesterday and st'od at lu old mark of Saturday moraine of 1M feat. It dropped two or three inches Sunday Afternoon, but a fresh volume of water, .aided by high north wind, hai given new cauat tor uneasineis to property owners alone the river. The water t choppy and la coming down In a big torrent, making It impossible to get an exact reading ot the gauge. The new 'crest that came la but momentary, how ever, the water rapidly recedlns and wae again at IS feet at o'clock yesterday afternoon. County Surveyor UcBride believes all 'danger la over with, at least tor the time being, and that the repair done to the levee road along the south shore of Florence lake will be the only cost to the county. All points north ot' Omaha report the crest ot the present nigh water faUIng on an average ot a half foot to foot and a half a day and It Is believed further overflow "of the river In this vi cinity Is Improbable. Damage te C.saty. It hi estimated the cost to the count! by the flooding ot Florence lake will not reach mora than 1200. At the west end of Florence lake a sluice Is carrying oft water Into the bot toms north ot Carter lake. The Rod and Gun club only desires that mors water would overflow Into Carter laks and the levee was cut through to allow this very thing. A culvert was built Just east of "ninth street so as to allow travel along the road, Property Is Nat Damaged. With the water In the river rapidly re ceding the Omaha Street Railway oom aany finds Its property has come through the flood undamaged. On the line from Council Bluffs to Manawa the water from the river came up to the tracks, but the grade was not washed. In Manawa there Is the best stage ot water m years. The river overflowed the country to the west and swept over the 'lake; tilling it to the top et the banks. ADVERTISING EXPERT : TO TALK HERE THURSDAY ' 8. Roland Hall, former director of ad vertising for the International Corres pondence schools of Screnton, Pa., win address the Omaha Ad club at the Men shaw hotel Thursday noon. Hall was for eight years with the cor respondence schools and recently became associate editor of Printers' Ink. While at Scranton he taught advertising and errata business books, manuals and text books, The Ad club luncheon was postponed from Tuesday until Thursday noon In order to head the advertising authority, Hero and Girl He Saves OUVER O. ron.SOK SAVES GERTRUDE BESSIE FROM THE TURBO- 'BAKER FUNERAL HELD u FROM HOME ON SUNDAY Tha funeral ot R. W. Baker, late super Intandent of the Omaha Bee building, was held Sunday afternoon at o clock from the residence. XX Mason street The body was aent to New . Bedford Mass.. Mr. Baker's boyhood home, for burial. Sure, Safe Way To Cure Corns lMttdy tatr u. A Emf4tt Cere-tret a Fuss ao mors with bloody knives and rasors with slimy salves and sticky s ticking; plasters I Bother no mors with bulky straps, cotton wads, cloth dough gluts and similar nuisances! No mors need mAAtmm Inault til injury. Foot-torture days are over! Praise be to Bingo! Qrsat, wonderful, Cora-Con-a tiering Blngol Worst corns quickly yield to Its withering touch. Inflamma tion tM tia atoo "as if by mafic!" No barm te normal fleea. Cora or callous just fades away you peel It oft oast it from your elffhtfDvt trouble then Is soerely memory I , - Maks no mistake. It pestsred with cms, bunions, callouses, warts several ly or eollscUvslr-irs B1KOO you want. There an I anyuung -jusi as soo ai trass1. Ms. Or Street tsm noetst hebnalaoa Pharaecel Co.. Ill Ke. Dt Vn St. CtiMse. III. Ml ttu i tr sii Maw a MeOoaaeii ores t . ma f pees lea aaS 8niT. MS aai Fa.. all Unl m-t n. ivta st. iXX , .-o y tr , i " J TUP.. , SI Gertrude Bessie Designing Sinner Touches Churcnmen At lesst three of the seven elders of Castallar Presbyterlsn church and no cos knows how many credulous laymen of that congregation are wondering what has become of such a nice, honest-raced sinner who visited tbelr place of worship and established a general acquaintance. The sinner borrowed money from thenv but he has not paid them back. He waa such a nice fellow, with curly hair and an open countenance. He at tended divine services about two weeks ago and the alders extended the warm hand of wslcoms to him. They introduced him around, and the visitor attended Christian Endeavor meetings. With his foundation thus well laid ths curly-headed stranger made the rounds of his new friends and touched each at them. He wss not a professional, though. for he only touched his victims tor apiece. , Uses Bad Judgment in Stealing a Kiss Because the ruby lips ot Miss Agnes Blund. an attractive blonde, appeared Ir resistible. A. Lanifelt, a cook living at M South Twenty-fifth avenue klased her at 1 o'clock In the morning wuie as- eomnanylng Mrs. Langfelt and Miss Blund horns from a dance. Ths kiss caused a quarrel between the three and the police were summoned and took ths trio to the police station. They nut ud cash bonds for appearance la police court. Judge Foster told them to settle their troubles outside of court. Ths three left the room smiling. Burglar Overlooks Big Bag of Silver A burglar visited tha room of E. L. Allen. sST Decatur street and found Allen's coat and vest upon a chair. The garments were taken upon the porch and stripped ot their belongings, S27 In money. Had ths thief looked about ths room he would have seen a bag containing about tio In sllvsr. Allen reported his loss to the police, but he Is not going to leave ths sack ot money where another noc turnal visitor can find it. Too MudrAqua Pura Drives Him to Drink "Who wouldn't get drunk when the floods wash you out of your homer asked W. P. Stan berry, who, with Tom Lawless and Oeorge Cleveland, former oc cupants of a houseboat near ths dog pound, were arrested by Of floor Brink tor being drunk. The three were found upon the property of tha city asphalt plant at Eleventh and Nicholas streets. The trio told Sergeant Marshall that then houseboat had been submerged with the flood water and that they were forced to get out or drown. - To drown their sorrows they, became Intoxicated. Army Notes fntin Halaev K. Yates, eommsndant st ths University of Nebraska at Lincoln, la relieved: from duty at that Institution, to take effect July L and assigned to the Thirteenth In an try. The leave of absence granted First Lieutenant Robert 1. Goodwin of the Fourth infantry has been extended three months. We first leave was for two months on ths surgeon's certificate of disability, ha going to us noma at viu cennes, lnd. Vator Benlamtn W. Atkinson. Fourth Infantry, well known socially In Omaha, Is detailed with twenty others to enter the nest class at the Army War college at Washington, D. C. General orders are received by the De partment of the Missouri maintaining the enlisted strength of the United States army for home and foreign service. The orders ssalgn the number of men to be detailed by each regiment, company and detachment and the rank which forms a composite part. Ths present strength of toe army will not bs materially affected, the purpose being to reconstruct the strength of the regiments now In service, keeping the number of men In companies and bat talions ths same and not exceeding the number designated by act of congress ROOSEYELT TOURS THE STATE Will Spend Wednesday ud Thurs day in Easter Hebruka. ttt;ht. WEDNESDAY SIGHT AaeMtarlaas Has Been EagagoeV To - Start at Haatlasrs Wedaeeaay Meralaa Will Ga te Kansas taay. Former President Theodora Roosevelt will speak at the Auditorium In Omaha Wednesday s veiling and la Lincoln at th Auditorium. Thursday evening, ac cording to announcement given out st the Roosevelt besdquarters in us noma noiw today. lir. Boeaavelt mill arrive la Hastings early Wednesday morning and begin a two day tour ot the state, the first speech being made at Hastings. Ths Itinerary for the two days will bs as follows: wA-.riav Haatlnxa. Grand Island. Central City, Clarke, Columbus, Schuy ler. North Bend. Fremont, Omaha. ThuraUv Nebraska City. Auburn, rails pitv Tahia Rork. Pawnee. Tecumssh. Beatrice, Wyniore. Pewit t, Crete, Lincoln. Mr. Roosevelt will reach umana tate Wednesday afternoon and will speak in ik. auditorium at t o'clock In the even ing. After the meeting he will go to hie car and during tha night will go to Nebraska City, there to begin Thursday's ttrt ri in the morning. Ths colonel will reach Lincoln early Thursday even ing and the meeting In the Auoitonum there will begin at o'clock. Unmln.'Mr. Roosevelt will go to Kansas, where he will spend Friday making speeches. HOTEL OWNER IS GIVEN BIG FINE BY JUDGE FOSTER anting waa runs the St. Elmo hotel. WU-U Howsrd street, which waa raided Saturday night W Sergeants Cook- v..ou and Officer Cook, was nnsa and costs for running and Ill-governed place. One inmate was rmea s ana costs, two forefelted Bonds and three others AlaeNaread. Mrs. Stella Smith, colored, wss giving nartv Baturdsy night whsa several deputies raided her place, at IU North TMMh atreac A lot OI Doer wee w- ana admitted airing ths liquor away and was fined let and cast, but ths fine was suspended, sixteen inmates were discharged. Beefcneaaa Streaaly gMeaasmeadeel. At the primary election. April tl, com paratively taw ot the voters wUl be ac quainted with tha candidates for stats office, and the undersigned take this op portunity to ssy a few words In regard to Fred Beekmsnn, the only republican candidate from thla part of tha state for ths office as Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Mr. Beekmsnn ts well qualified. Is honest and conscientious. Ws have known him for many years. He eras for six years president of ths Bute As sociation ot County Commissioners and Supervisors, whsn we were Commission ers of Douglss county. Wc think Mr. Beckmann the right kind of man for the office. E. M. 8TENBERO, Adv. O. R. WILLIAMS. Taft is Strong in the Northern Part . of Antelope State According- to Frank Nelson. bankePand Influential politician ot Niobrara, aid a delegate to the national republican eon- ventlon In 19M. says there is very natch enthusiasm over the coming primaries. and hs Is of the belief thst Knox cotnty will go solid for President Taft. Ffcm all appearances, he ssys, Boyd cotnty will aleo go for Taft. Mr. Nelson has been on a short salt to Excelsior Springs snd stopped off tn Omaha for a couple of days. "It Is my opinion that President Tift will carry Nebraska st the primaries Frldsy b) a large majority," ssld Mr. Nelson. and took Murphy to Jail, ahere he was charged with Interrupting a religious meeting. The fight took place at tha Gospel mission, 106 South Fourteenth. INJUNCTION IS SECURED AGAINST LOAN SHARKS Temporary order restraining the Peo ple's Loan company from exscrlng al leged usurious Interest from him was se cured bv Thomas J. Hatch, a horse dealer. lin district court. He alleges he borAeed 11B from the company a few months sgo, snd whils he has paid !1!1.3 ths company still claims He tendered 81.7 la full settlement, he slleges, but the com pany refused to accept it and threatened to attach his household goods. Automobile Party 1 Target for Bullets While riding wtth his family In) his automobile through Millard Charles Cox, sat O street. South Omaha, the nrty was a target for two bullets flrej at him'wlth a long-range rifle.' The rVith Omaha pol os were notified, but they are helpless beoKuse the intended victim says he has no enemies nor any Idea of whom his woald-be assassinator la I MURPHY RESENTS BEING SUBJECT OF THE KING Pan Murphy, who takes pride In tie fart that he Is an Irishman born ri Dublin. Is languishing la the city Ml because a Norwegian scoffer Insulted hla by calling him a "blooming' Britisher, Murphy resented ths Insult In a flasl, and while the tight was at Its most Is t cresting point Officer Ferris eppeere DAVID COLE TO RETURN TO HIS DESK TODAY Pavld Cole, president of the Cole Creamery company, has recovered from the Illness which hss kept him at home for several weeks, snd will return to his office duties thla morning. Hla phyeiclsn gave Mm release today, but swing to the change ot weether. Mr. Cole remained at home, where he per sonally has been answering telephone cslls as to his condition. MRS. HORN'S CONDITION IS MORE ENCOURAGING Ths condition of Mrs. W. H. T. Horn, who Is In a critical condition at Clark- son hospital as the result of Injuries sus tained In an automobile accident, shows slight Improvement and Dr. Holllstsr, ths attending surgeon, feels much more hope ful then he did Sunday. However, Mrs Horn Is not out of danger, and It Is problematical whether or not she will survive. No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A strtMl msa is itroe all ever. N man can be stroaf whe is cVinf from weak staaisok with its soasaqusnt iodif ssttoo, or froa soma ctbsr disease i ttm stoasah aad its sssoeistsd crjass, which iss ssin difeetioa and Btitritioa. Fir whsi the stomach is weak or diseased than is loss of ths autritioa soatsiasd la rood, which is the sowrsc el sll physicsl strsalth. Whoa msa " doesn't fsd just right," whsa he docsa'l sleep wall, has aa aajoinlo ruble ( ia the stomach altar celiac. Is Imfuid, asrvwus, Irrltsblc aad oeepoad- mt, hs is hwiag the autritioa needed to aks strength. Sac a mam ; as Dr. ree'e Gafefea Wsdea Discorsry . n mm Cfssassa mi tarn efomc mm mtmrnr mrtm mf tffssrioei aaef aofrfrfs. It eartcaea Ma afeeef. faWforarea Me lrer, sfre-e-fbess Me kUmmym. mmmrimm Me serves, sss se GIVES HEALTH XHD BTMMMQTM TO TUB WHOLE BOOT. Yoe can't afford to accept utrit bos turn as substitala tot fhis aoa aleoholia medieiae or snown ooxrotmow, not even thou fa the srgaat scale my aherebt make little bi(fer prott. Inlrsdlents printed oa wrapper. ERUPTTQli CAUSED nri DR. BRADBURY. DENTIST IBM Fun an Be fV9 Phone Dong. 17M PUtas $a.00lp Extracting lot I'P l-U-sa OOc t Crowns ... ....SXMUp erldgework ...ta.MVp ao T s ssase. a ass asms Bmse r Missing Teeth supplied without Plates ot Bridge- stork. Kervee reasot without pain. Work S-s" snleed tea ysara, Call is Extended to Dr. FW. Leavitt A call to the pastorate ot Plymouth Congregational church has been extended to Dr. F. W. Leavitt, who resigned ths same charge four years ago to become president of Franklin academy. Such action waa taken Sunday by the congre gation, which has been without a pas tor since the first . of the year, when Dr. J. P. Clyde resigned to go to Ames. It Is felt that Dr. Leavrtt will look fa vorably upon the call. Whooping: Coueh C OVT ASTHMA COUGHS SROteCHTrtS CATARRH COLOS iH. ..! swirisg Vtf-isrfC riMtaeasa. a as hiSaSia tea A- 7 The aai immt maatraMto-. ea- -inn tas , "-- awieteiaaltS- '"' ALL MUCCST-. Try Cftmltmjtm beta TV-f re fc -e TWy hilmil an" m-eaa,asiiLUuaes Saiihi Of yeer u- S-aSHSas mm ft. Yeas On 1 II Co. dltassasX.ILT. RENO DIVORCEE REFUSED MARRIAGE LICENSE HERE William J. Hunter, official of a Cana dian railroad, and Mrs. Mlna O. Car- berry, crass widow ot a well known De troit dentist, were refused a marriage Bcenas by Charles A. Furay, bookkeeper and marriage license clerk to the county Judge's office. The Mcenso was refused when la answsr te the question of Mr. Furay, Huntsr said Mrs. Carberry was divorced In Reno. Nov.. only last week. Mr. Furay explained thst the Nebraska law prohibits the remarrtagea of divorced persons within six months after the granting of the divorce. Mr. Hunter aad Mrs. Carberry left for Kansas City, hoping they would find ths Missouri laws leas strict. A report froa Reno Is to the effect that Mr. Carberry soon la te wed aa Omaha woman. HAVE YwU A BAD BACK? Drive aeray your Backache, get today a package or Notner liray s Aromatic Leaf tor the kidneys and correcting thst lame, sore and all unstrung feeling ot the nervea. If your kidneys act too frequently, er actum Is painful and scanty. Aromatic esf la corrective ana it best ResTulaur. At Dnucsists or bv mall Sec Sample FR K. Address, The "Breakfast is Ready ! OMAHA COAL MAN WEDS ST. JOSEPH GIRL AT CHICAGO Bernard H. Kemper, secretary and manager of the Baum Coat company of thla city, surprised his friends by marry ing yesterday at Chicago. He left he Saturday eevnlng, saying he would be gone a week. Word wee received that he bad secured a license in Chicago to marry lUss Stella Jarvls of St. Joseph. Me. You don't believe it but It must be true, for the house , is filled with the pleasant aroma of something good to eat You don't believe any one could prepare . breakfast in so short a time. Of course it's a' Shredded Wheat Breakfast the kind that's so easily and quickly prepared and ' so appetizing and nourishing. Shredded Wheat is ready-cooked, ready-to-serve. For breakfast heat the biscuit in oven to restore its crispness, then pour hot milk over it, adding a little cream. Salt or sweeten to suit the taste. Nothing so warming and satisfying and . nothing so easy to prepare. A Shredded Wheat Breakfast Lets You Sleep M-d -tr THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, NIAGARA FALLS, N.T. . Births aad Deaths. . Births Morris aad Irene Mickleaen. 311 Franklia street, girl; Mike aad lillle fXdefc. Sit Hick on- street, sir!: Edesr ami Collie ta Rocbeford. 218 South Seventeenth street, boy: M. snd Maria Petersen. S3 narney street, gin; c J. and Gertrude fchea, IX aird street, boy; Everett and Nellie Nelson. IRS Spruce street, boy; David and Jamas Canbv. Omaha rc. era! hospital, boy; Charles and May Otsen, un Ttana venerai nospitai. gKL Deaths si ante ret Savage. months im North Twentieth street: Jsmes Baker. K years. Fortieth and Poppirtoa avenue: Mrs. Mariara P. Westcott. U years, 1 llsdlson avenue: Mrs. Anna Inse. Ss years, ani Dorcss street: William Sullt vaa. it years. Fortieth snd foppieion avenue; Robert W. Baker, a years, tm Masoa. Uve wlrea smoke Permits, t ctnta $36,500 in Diamonds $20,700 in Watches S12,O00inSterlingSilver $8,000 in Gut Glass $11,500 in Plated Ware $26,300 in Gold Jewelry Sales Daily 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p. m. 11$ S. 16th St. 27 Tears ia Omaha Caused by removal to the new store at 16th and Douglas streets. Every article guaranteed. Valuable presents given away at each sale.. - Baby's Bsdy Covert, with Urge Sores.' Seemed to Itch ami Burn. Finnr Nails FeH Off. Little or No Sleep. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. In 6 Weeks Cured. Dodseo. Meat. "Wbea ay baby soy wss six most as eM, kls body wss completely covered with large aetas thai sssmsd te Itch aad bum, aad eauss terrible suffering. The eiuptiea be tas pi-alea which wmiM ' epaa ssd rua, maklag lergs ssres. Ha bstt csme out sad inrer sails fell c0, sad the sons wet. erar the satire body, earning lit Us ar as sleep for baby er myself, tireat scabs would come eg wbea I removed Us ihut-W. tried s greet sisoy remedies, but aottwg would kelp hla. tm a fftmd hdoeed as te try the Gutleara Ssap sad Omtaaat. I tasd the Cuti. . eura Seejp sad Otntaiaat bu a inert time briers I eeuld sss thst he wss ha sees lag. tad la six wasfcs' time be wss entirely cured. Be had suffered about six weeks before we tried Ike Cutature Soap aad Otataeat al though we had tried several ether things, aad doctors too. 1 Ihtek the Cutksira Rssssdlea wUl do sll that Is dahned for thea, aad a great deal mors." trussed) Mis. Nobis Tubman. January 3. lil. . For red. rough, chapped and blssdtag Bands, Itching, burning palms, aad aaafld atet-eads, a one-ait hi Cuttoua treatsaens works wonders. Soak heads, sa retiring, a bet water sad OtHacuia rJosp. Dry. anoint with Cutleuia Ointtaeat. aad weer eld. loam loves durlsg ths night. CuMcura Soap aad Ointment are said suse.hsis. Sample W each maUrd free, with M. book. Aedreas, CuUeura." Dept. T, Boatoa. Tatda-faced stta should IMS Ctttkura Soap Shavai Stick. Qeans like ill j Magic mi l VTOTHIG can eaual Abeorene for quick, eary and thorough deanrnf. It sets like mafic Dull, dark, grimy wall paper it made te look like nc Ire.h snd Inririnf. The soucd-darkenrd window shsdes that you ars about to throw away an be cleaned and aerd for s lonf urn to come. ' ' r & Wall Paper Cleaner ' &M VI 'WL tip ii 10 sully ustd limply wipe ths wall or shads once with Absoietn and the dirt aod irk" l bsorbsd. . Abaorsee is nady to use no mixlnf or ruwinf-snd it leaves no dirt er litter behind ru There is no hard work 0 drudgery no rubbing;. And Abeorene Ii absolutely harmless it . L.m , V. .! haiwla ne nift can w m '' . - dclicaM fabrics. AUrgeanciMUbutlOe. Far Sals If W U leuee Os.. f ''"" CMacll ' Sarle-Heal OrM Of-. JJ? (ft, H. swwies. ' AborenMfgCo. Sne r retat tt,L.-a,We. mm mf&tcsio I:: For the Imperial Coun cil, Mystic Sirine,'. at Los Angeles, the Santa Fe will sell ; first-class round-trip ' tickets to California at a very low fare. Anybody may go. Exact cost . from your startmg point given on request . , . Tickets en sale April 17 te May V inchnire. ' Good until June 27 returning. ' Liberal Mop-cvcra. ' Hoaercd ao our four Califonna through trains, including the lux urious Cafifora ia Limited, Fred Harvey aeab. - - Oa the way you may visit Craad Caaym i ef Arbeaa. - - . :: If yoe can't go thea, wart for ear daily CaCfornie Smmmmm acar aiaas, beginaing June 1. . tarn fans all suwver. nsc i or our roiaers descriptive n these outings. ' B Saemel Umrr, Ga. Aft. 9 la Tth at. Iks am, ktw . a, P-e,a-J- ItU i "s Jiotner -ray la, u sar, ji. .