1 Wi-Ji v J ! f V "f '? "I .1 1 . 1 5 ,11 s' '1 TAFT MEN CLAIMS IOWA! Preudent'i Supporters Say He Will - - CoBtrsl Stats CoBTcnttoa. TOTE "" WILL BE TEST CLOSE - CibbUi In Say Tlwr WtU Ban J Majority f Pasia OlMtiwttl J - Delegate Mar Held stale -- un of " (From a Sua Correspondent) 2 , DU MOUSES. April ll-iSpadaD-AB " of the covjuly' ooorsu lions (or tho Iowa ; retnbUcana have wow been held. .Th attoatioa baa km Ml to snea form that both tactions la the atata ara claiming to oa aaie to iwum ma su mmw - Prior ta the hoidmg of the last eaamaia - the claims vera tuamn and somewhat . - aoawataa, bat SMa recently thay hart beea aaodlOed (M bow botB siaes aamu. . " prrratery at least, that tba aoimntSoa Is as don that its eoorrot wul depend opoa la tha eooTontloB and tba of some of tha ualostrocted detection. It Is eialneed for Tift that bs - clear aaajsrtty at thirty or forty ta tha ccarewaitoa. aad tba elalaj i mad for - Senator Cumwane that ba baa a majority psrhapa aa high as a dose, not mora. , Nafta ski Is disposed to gn '" rata figure. Wanes of a feeSng that ta cs e woald draw tba ttia en sot " " rations watch ara jelaUnsd by both side Thsy prefer .to 1st tba aaatter rest anl wait ta aa what tha teaasattsa win da. Tha feature- tha- oarapalgn that la BMat striking hi tha fact that it waa a ' darted wltboat btttenas on atther aide and then war aa fierce contests for coa- P --nM,a 1 th HlAlS Hfii flOUBtV WSS 1 left to taka ear at Itself, with ealy such ' urging from- aantral, teadquartere aa " could bs dona biCconasfwadaaca. - There "" has heea disappearance of mor of the " " farawr strtfa aad in fssHat la lows, save r m a lew uiioiniss, aaa waww wm rw Z salt of the eoBTeattsB the Ioe iwpub Ucaaa will bs 'left In Chape to support the aewnea anltadty. Tha campaign for Prestdant Taft was ' ttractad by Jaha T, Adams front Du- - bonne. Mr. Adams will. If tha Taft faroaa aontral the convention, be V banted. tha Iowa member of tha ttoaa1 cents. UsW Tba, . jownpalca CumrnSssT as See a tnsrarwes- any. Jj dlrectad;by hts secretsnr. Mr IWar. wha baa be with hlm 'for nany rhr. There T. was prartliiallr a moepeatla the cempaJsn. onlr..snB .M tu oeaaaa ta pay fsMtaa-a od 4. few lsttaran tals- pheae.fin, ta a,fw 'loaders oh both ; ,''. s - hi.;. i leealU le taa . n'ls'trkZ The madpattera aow have iwerra dele aataa asiurad from six of tha leva d1 trtctay whUaithe prorreaHna afa Itha wtss assiira of tea daawmCM from the ether fjv Xttrtrlctik If the former rat ths fooy.hi larre ttrry wlH har srrtesa of tba tnty-shi detrtraleafrom Iowa: If tha lalter win s4 (Tooal-' tlaplis they will bavV feumrd ol tha rwnty-l dle catas. Tba con trot of ' the detsdaUon therefort depaod tt tjoa. y v v. v , ' Tha-OaramVas aMa hare not mad any slat fsr the atata oMaeattaa. tha .only' a una aoasltfered batne; that of aeoatsr Sammls of Plymouth. Tha. Taft mea are aadcrstood to hT arranf d that la esse they ran da so ths will name ad delecates, W. P. Hepbara. Lata TohC Oaorta Dl Peralas and B. K Carrel 1. It m aasared that as matter who amy be tba delaaaue la the aattonaf easvea twa sawcted at ths Camir RaiXdsoenvan ttoa the national anl state administra tions aad tha Iowa deletalloa la conjTaas wlU bs Indorsed and semmsnded. Thar baa been no disposition la Iowa to flcht or attack ths president and there has been aa ass mad of any of the various situauulxx addreews deanred la ether u taa. j Csateat tea ttata Of flees. One thla which helps greatly la tht sltuaUoa ta tha character of the contest for the. Mat etrices. Thar are thret candidates for avemor ea ths repubBoan tlekac ; Only one could be elsaaed aa a at riot ry factional candidate Proudfoot. Mr. Cbirko la recelirln quite as Irons' support- from one faction aa from tha ethe. I Prof. Heldea la tannine Inde pendent and does not area alalm to be a republican. 80, also, for t'ntted Btstn ssnals.toUi candidal are counting open ' eupporv from both factions. Ksnyon, the Incumbent, waa lt by jvotss of both uadpeuers sod prorrenstraa, and has almost as many rtaadpat supportm ss pTocreaslT.'' Yoonf make an appeal to thd Volar without retard, to, factloa. Clean floors and floors with G91DBUST Add a llttlo Cold Itet to your crabbing water, and you can clean your floors, doors and wrxdworkina jiffy. Cold Dost is such a superior cleanser that it does the hardest part o( the work, and requires little Bcrubbin. It doea tba work; you simply eid vL Cold Dust will do the work better thar soap or any other cleans, making your wood work look Lie new. For cleaning anything and everything about the house nothing is so quickly effective as Gold D?2St. It's the cleans ing marvel of the age! Gold T3XOX is sold at 60 siss aad large pack-, ages. Tba large packet snaaaa memy. nsgtastrOUMOTnrtNSew MMMMMIttatMKM: A-HrJiIiFooa 1 rewsmnl f For state treasurer there Is bo one cant didate Brown. For secretary of atata all three candidates ara rlssinl aa aro- Cwjsrre. CVw auditor, tha areata la. cumbrnt. a stronf standpatter, la not balac opposed at aB. Tha htek of a eJeer faetieBal sjlfament oa the state fjefcat has made it easier to keep down feeoaf so to the ymldanual atattera. ; T aia Maka mtaaa. Concressmea Hsiiren. , Pepper., and Towner' bar filed their nomination petitions with tha secretary of PrsTwoaly the ftllnca bad bet Messrs Prouty. Good. StfUmaa aad Sestt. Tha flUnta ara comm la slowly, but s win be la durlnc the aext tea' days. The state railroad conuriaetoa Baa re- eetved request that tho Morth railroad bo required to ftrs better trafa aarvtoe for Blenooe and also to not atop uaffl la that town so oftea.. . Ketahka Trial to Oeauaoae, The trial In eourt of Emmet Flood for conspiracy ta eoflaectVm with ths strlka of button workers at Ifuacailna Is scheduled ta bs ostnmeaced very.oooa la Scott county. Flood la a Chlcaco elaUst who went to Muscatlpe and Uvered anarchlstio speeches; ta Incite tha strikers to violence and fallofflns; whoaa appearance the most serious trouble, brake out. He was a national organiser of tha American Federation a labor. ' Rail' trevlats lacrease. Tho reports ef the Iowa railroads as to business la tho past few years shows sa excellent eaadltloa of business. The receipts of the railroads on Iowa business repoTted for tha caiendsr year tm war t74..9 and tor, mi they had Increased to f7I.m.tlii Ths net earnings ales show a similar substantial mcresss as Indicat ing that ths expense sooount has been kept down. .The ml lease of Iowa roads Increased about ninety mUes. Peed Corn Maaees Cease Tree Me. The Stale Food and Dairy Department la still hearing from all over taa state aa to alleged misconduct oa the part of some of tba big houi making a specialty of selling seed corn. Tha most general complaint appears to bo that corn Is being sold to farmer at fancy prices when tha corn Is perhaps no better than that which can be secured. at homo of neighbors. Boms of the houses era de clared to be buying their seed corn of farmers who have cot kept It far seed and then ft f Imperfect sorting of the same, to sell It as letted seed. The stats authorities, are aceumulatlng Ininrveailoa wrdch may form a baa la for prosecution. PretMudna rrisoa Probe Report. Attorney General Cosson Is sngaged In preparing the report of tho commission which hs Inaugurated to maka Inveetl gatloa of Iowa prison conditions sad to recommend as to reforms. The Investi gation was carried an from time to time ha Included aa iavestigauoa at prisons In many states. Recommenda tions WlU be mad that will bring about la ho leglalatur a strong effort to piece Iowa prison management oa a modern basis..- ' ' - - Sadden Death) of Wossaa Alaa. Hrs. JU.A, Starkweather died at her homo la this etty lata last night Her huabaad ' n a travel lag man sad wail out of the oily- last Bight ho tslsphoaad to hi house, , Ha received aa answer sad lr. Qraham was asked to visit tha house and' learn why Mrs. Starkweather did not answsr tho phono. Dr. Ore earn found Mrs. sHarkwoathar dead ea tba floor of tha kathnseaa. Heart paralysis Is given, as ths fCapes, of tba death. Bh ana oeen sic iw or lore wee as. ROOSEVELT WINS " 65 VOTES IN 76 (Continued from First Page.) Boossveit strength aiU be five oat of a total of M delegate. Ksneae Coenatteo for T. R. KANtUB CUT, April 11 Both Booraoflj and Brown oountles Kan., yesterday voted to aead Boossveit delegate to tho state and oangreMlnnsI osavnalloa. lit arawa oouoty Boossveit carried twenty-twa at tha twenty-six precinct a, wall ta ooonty be carried thirteen at nineteen precincts. rioBT m iowa iuut tcr Cwaamlaa Ma Caatss ' Coatrat of tare remewattam. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOIMErV U, Aprfl Tt.-(peoleJ Telegram.) vnth the holdhit of omnty conventions la ! Muscaaast Marshaa, Cherokee, Floyd aad aama other counties la Iowa tha last of tha conventions for tha republican tte oonvetitioa ar dis posed of. All of the convention today war carried fay ths progisasUss and thay asnt delegates tor Cumrnlrav. Tms eanasd aa surprise slr.ee their action waa faro- shadowad ta caucosea, save as to Mus catine, where an effort bad been made ta sscnr a divided delegation. John Briar, aecrarsry te Benator Cma- mtns, stated tonight that this settlea M posttrealy that ths pi ogi leal i ta win at trot tho atata omrreatloB end cacoss four deaagsieasl-aarga who will be for Caxa mtns for ptestdent. Tho TsA people chum thay have a ana- JerTry of sbxhty. Tha tsaiisutloa Is aa- TRYOUTS DURING WEEK FOR AMES DUAL MEET LINCOLN. Neb., April It (Special. - Tryouts will be held sometime during ths present week tor the Ames dual meet which bj held In Lincoln April M. The exact day tor the preliminaries baa not set although It will pfobaMy be Wednesday. Tha probable Uneuy for tha Corah oak- er for ths season will bs aa follows: rW Tard tsh-May and Wherry. X3 Tard baeh-Christmea aad May. w Tard PaahMoOowan aad Hirtaer. Half Mite Mua McUowaa and Becker. kliie Baa Anderson aad Becker. Twa Mile Run Anderson aad Bates. Pete Vaule-Beavts. Shot Put-Rose and Herman. LXacuee Harmon aad Mayor. H ammer Harmon. High JumpHastings. Hrued Jump No entries. Hurdles Kussrll, Roberta and Leeee. Bttehm bsllovea that be has Worid beater la McOoweji far ths long ssymtor a autroanlag the rest of the field wltb oat practice. Tha squad la rapidly rounding Into farm and will be In excel lent snap tar the class meat best next Saturday. Bad BUs Beasoaa. A rural clergyman misled aa af his perishtonere several sun eealie Antonys from sis pmce ta enures, and wbeaae met in aosentee one oay na saat: -well, wuuam, 1 kavea t aeea yea at chorea tor seese time." "No, sir. 1 have reasons for staying away." Oh, yen have? And what may year ai a enow us expiaix them away, if poaatai." "Wen. str. I doubt you'll auuuum that. They are vary decided selections. The nrst m toat 1 eoso neiteve la bsm' wheee one does ell the epeekia'; the second is taat 1 swat oeueve in so mock eingtn' ss we set In rear charch: the thM. aad last, and most important reason af THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. APRIL 15, KNOTS MISSION A SUCCESS Secretary Ssilt for Bone inn Emu will Stained. 6X13 AJlTJBJEA'S OBUGATIOS Kepeeeeatatrvo of Waited, states Baa Prtewt Talk with President of Bach Be-pablle of Isa. parts at Character. airivt Aorll It. The American aserstary ef state sailed tor horns this veatng well satisfied, he says with his ttploasntis mtsstsn to tho Central Ameri can republics and tha countries In the Caribbean. "It was hardly to bs expected,'- ssid Mr. Knox today, "that wa 00a Id visit so many countries where there ara factional political disputes without being made the target of tome factional feeling.- But with the exception of a few owwapapor 1 11 1 1 1 ..inn, ta which I attach no great significance, we were honored with only tho moot oordlal rseoptiens.-' n-v emir WashinstoB with the Knox party aboard steamed out of Havana harbor at T o'clock bound for Norfolk. t will arrive there Tuesday night and the following morning the party will tranship to tha president's yacht Sylph, arriving at the capital Wednesday even ing. whiip, Im nan will begin another trip this Urns oa land. On April t ha will I peek at Nsw Orleans on ths occasion ef the nentennlal celebration of the ad. mission of Louisiana to statehood. He wlU thea (0 to Baa Francisco, where on u. t ha will aneak on the Panama canal. On slay t hs will deliver a political addrsss ta tha same city, tie w uso scheduled to address the newly organised Paa-AmsrlcaB society at New Tork oa asms data sftsr the middle of Msy. He will then make publlo the conclusions ret ok ad aa a result of his two months trip among ths neighboring republics. Obllgatlsae at Veiled ptates. It can be said with assurance that Mr. Knox returns mors determined then ever In the policy with which his name has been linked. 'Those who traveled with htm hsve received the impresstoa that be believe the United State la maintaining tha Monroe doctrine has assumed aa obligation It oaneot dodge, Havthg built a wall around these countries, making It Imposslbls for European of other power to step In for tba purpose of restoring order or earn palling these governments to fulfill their financial obligation, ha be lle vee It la incumbent upon tho United states to see ' that stable governments are maintained and that ths governments live up ta their International obligation. A feature of the latter upon which the secretary baa touched only guardedly Is tha possibility that unless the United Btates can bring about the desired con dition of affairs, some other country hav ing Interest at stake will make as Issue of whether the United Btatae has the right to defend the (overamenet un laas It Is ahls to guarantee their good behavior. There Is no doubt that oa af ths chief benefit at tha trip will bs derived from the personal contact the secretary bad with lbs heads of the state. At sack capital Mr. Knox bad a private talk with ths president While these conversations msy nvr become pub llo, their character waa tucb that they FOR ALL' MEM AND WOMEN f will gin ton tree a lample "of Dr. Pierce Pleasant Pellets, that have brought health and happiness to thousands also a book on any chronic disease you need. i ' " . The' story of my free offer to you is quickly told. - During my many years of practice I have used numerous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills. I have kept records of results in case after case, so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., are able to diagnose and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results. I am going to send you free a sample package of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which will relieve biliousness and ill health due to a disordered liver. Write at once for a sample or a book. ; " -- - " aa .a. a 1T I 1 i iNl HCt-al hAa'JO Dr. Pierce Croldea Medical Lhscovery in the cure or indigestion, v w'.ryw dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart I " burn, foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling in Stomach, biliousness and kindred derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. Ia coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung affections, except con umptron, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a most efficient remedy, especially in those obstinate, hang-on-coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bronchial mucous mem branes.' The "Discovery" is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor must it be. expected to cure consumption in its advanced stages no medicine will do that but for all the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consump tion, it is the best medicine that can be taken." Sold by all principal dealers in medicines. ' Tb find out more about the above mentioned diseases and all about the body in health and disease, get the Common Sense Medical Adviser the People's Schoolmaster in Medicine revised and up-to-date book of 1000 pages which treats of diseased conditions and the practical, successful treatment thereof. Cloth-bound sent post-paid on receipt of 31 cents in ,4rtceat stamps to pay cost of mailing s. Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. QlwV""elwl '' A" 'VV'mVw'11 " JV YSTREET CAR K I It mteht be well to remember that the i thing thatdiscnmmnHes vou s. the time being may respond lar needs and demands of a larger majority : ot thpassengers. : ! : V . ara act likely to be easily forgotten. me instance. It la believed that Ruatemala City Secretary Knox said J to President Cabrera la effect that in the future Guatemala, which has not been overscrupulous In adhering ta the Central America peace pact, would be Judged by ecu and not by words. Thers is also reason to believe that Cabrera re plied that Guatemala was willing to be so Judged. Aroseaaena Retire. In Panama. President Arosemena, who wss thea oa a wave of absence from hut official post, visited tha American secre tary, it was generally considered, for the purpose of making political capital. His re-election to tha presidency, as Panamans viewed It would have been a violation of at least the spirit of ths con stitution. A few dsys after Secretary Knox loft Panama, Arosemena eliminated himself aa a candidate. Mr. Knox takes as credit for this development, but the coincidence was noticeable. In Costa Rica tha secretary made a splendid Impression. Ha believes Us visit went far to remove suspicion that the United States wished to tore Costa Rica into tho Central American union. In Nicaragua the secretary gave no coat fort to General Mena, whose election by congress to tb presidency Is considered by other, factions a violation of tho Daw son convention, nor did bo takes sides with Diss or Chamorro, who would be glad of American support of their can didacy. He urged that, tha will of the people be respected and made It under stood that tho United Bute expected such to bs tho case. In Havana the secretary had a long talk with Senor Bangullly, tho .Cuban secretary of state, concerning ths ac quirement of additional land by the United State at Guantanamo. the mat ter of free sugar legislation aa affect ing Cuba and tha subject of the port concession held by ths Compenta da kn Puerto de Cuba, which has been mads a point ot attack by tha opposition to the government. It Is understood that Senor Sangullly requested Mr. Knox's good offices for a reduction ot the Brit ish, Oerman and French claims growing out ot tha war of Independence. Kxpeaera Nat High. Considerable has been said regarding the expense attendant upon tha secre tary's trip. It ha been estimated that mora ban half a million dollars has been expended on his entertainment. Thla es timate Is probsbly tar too greet. A third of that sum w,puld probably cover the bill, and It must be remembered that while tha governments wer entertaining the aecretsry they wer also entertain ing themeelva. In fact, tha secretary's reception at all points was In the nature of a national holiday. . Mr. Knox's expenses ara estimated at between ROM and HW. This a chiefly for gratulltlea, as he was allowed to pay but few bills. The cost of ths warship la not to be Included against tha aecretary'a account, aa tho ahlp would hsve bees burning coal and feeding the 1.000 officers and men If Mr. Knox and hie party had not bean aboard. Altogether tha reception verywhere waa most cordial and In not a single is- stance wa thar any affront ta tha sec retary or any member of big party. . Faarfal flaachteo of deadly micro bee occur when throat and lung disease are treated with Dr. King's New Diaoovery. aOo and .. For sale by . Beaton Drug Co. - But for the permutnl reHef of can recommend my "Golden Medical Discovery " blood medicine wiwoui aiconoi, k. v. Nature's Way Is Bartcd eeep ia an Ameriosa forest w isd blood root, qoeea't root, mssdraks saw stoae root, goloea ssal, Orefoa rape' root sad cherry berk. Of thea Dr. R. V. Plarag mad a pur (ryeerio aitisol wMoh bee heea favorably knows lor over forty wan. Ha sailed It " GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY." Tkis " Die ao very " pa rites taa blood sad tons ap ths tromsca aad th satire system ta Natara't rwa wy. It's Joot the tissue builder and toaio yoo raqulra, - T)r Virrrm asve? ." falvcerine nlavi an Jmnnrranf narf in '" . . i. .. TU7 seyb 11 ttff, I Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company 1912. miTAFT DELEGATES TOTAL 341 Xiral Claim of Kin age rt Show Wide Divergence. C05CEDE 113 TO BOOSE VELT gtatesaeat leased by Celeael'e HeaeV aaartera Claims Haadred aad Ftfty-Oao aad Allows Taft Oaly Forty" lac WASHINGTON, April 14 -Wide di vergence In tha claims ot pledged dele- fa tee and a difference of sixteen between the totals of tho delegates selected up to date, exclusive of Pennsylvania, marked rival statements Issued by ths Taft and Roosevelt managers. The Taft headquarters claimed Ml for President Taft and conceded 111 to Colo nel Boossveit. The Boossveit managers claimed Ul and conceded t to Taft. In the Roose velt statement. M4 wer listed sa con tested and W aa tmlnstructed. - Ths total number of delegates selected up to data as presented by tho Roosevelt managers is hie, whlls tba Taft records show only tM. In Louisiana, the Taft beadquarUra claimed six delegates had been chosen, while tha Roosevelt mana gers took credit for a full delegation for the colonel. The Taft statement showed a tout of twenty-two delegates selected In Michi gan; the Roosevelt statement based on reports from But Chairman Frank Knox, gave tha total ot elected dele gate aa twenty-six. ROOSEVELT TO COME TO OMAHA Celoael Will Start Tear la Nebraska a Wednesday. MANCHESTER, N. H.. April 14.- Colonel Roosevelt carried his campaign for the presidential nomination Into New Hampahlr yesterday. Ha spoks to large crowds. In Nashua, Concord snd Man- cheater. Ib Concord, where less than a month ago President Taft spoke In defense ot tha arbitration treaties Colonel Roosevelt declared himself opposed to un restrained arbitration. Hs again denied that tha president Is a progressiva and directed criticism at Senator Galllnger of this state. 'On Monday ha will leave tor the west Departing from New Tork at 4 o'clock ta the afternoon on the New Tork Central ha will go direct to Hastings. Neb. He will speak In Hastlnga, Lincoln and Omaha on Wednesday and at several other potnu In Nebraska. Colonel Roose velt said bis western trip probably would extend over more than a week. His mevemenu after leaving Nebraska have not been decided upon. From South Dakota, Kansas and a number of other wsstara states have coma requests for speeches. Regarding arbitration Colonel Roosevelt said: 'In considering International peace I wish to look back to the seven and a halt years when I was president I said always Just what I Intended to do about peace and I did It I said I would never consent to the United Btates not acting toward other nations with scrupulous Jueloe. I lived up to It . Woald Mat Jewpardls Hsaer. "Understand, I would not have tha nation submit to a wrong-doing. I was blood disorders and impurities, I ritKtE, m. u., oujjaw, ";m The Best. r ,J -. r---. -. r - iirfjV at isrV r n astyWn hints somewhat for to the particu careful not to have a thing dona by the United States which was act Justified by ethics, but I waa not willing to ieopardlie tb national honor. That 1 did not favor and never will. Under my administration wa made Tha Hague court, which bad be come moribund, a live instrument tor promoting international peace. Every act that I could submit to arbitration I did. "I want to can your attention to the tact that I was th only president that got tho Nobel peace prise and I woo Id not have got it It I had wanted peace because I was afraid ot war. I will no more agree to arbitrating questions wbloh should act be arbitrated between nations than I would agree to arbitrate questions that should not be arbitrated between Individuals.'' In referring to President Taft'a posi tion tha colonel said that four year ago. the progressivea favored Mr. Taft and th reactionaries opposed him, but that aow thla position was reversed. Mrs. Jaae Oder. TECUMSEH, Neb, April K-SpedsJ.) Mrs. J. A. Dillon ot this city received news of the death of her mother, Mrs. Jane Oder, at Nashville, Tena., last even ing. Mrs. Oder waa aged sT years. Her husband. Jesse Oder, died tat Tecumsah ten yearn age. A son, D. R. Oder, will take the body from Nashville to the old family home at New Berlin. lav. and the funeral and burial will be held there. Mrs. Dillon has left for New Berlin. ALWAYS THE SAME GOOD OLD 'life i7l A beverage that should have a part In the household supplies. Its tonic and flood properties are a valned domestic asset. . BLATZ COMPANY dOSstanisli i San it, Binsii a. sjah, lbsasi Poaglaaaaga When von 1 When you visit . your ; dealer and b a y Tip-top you buy wisely and well and get purity, quality and food value. Tip-Top bread is a " baker's loaf" that ri vals and sur passes lie "borne made" kind. LAWN SEED LAWN DRESSING SHEEP MANURE DONT PUT BARNYARD MAN URE ON TOUR LAWN WHY? It eonttns aewdg of Dock, Plan tain, Dandelion, Soviel, Shepherds Purse. ALL NOXIOUS SEEDS. We can help you with intelligent, practical advice about tba ear ot your lawn. Coma in aad talk It over. Open Saturday Evening. Seed That Grew. Need Any? The Nebraska Seed Co. PtKena Il laai. ISIS Hoerard St. sgaa, Mrazy may Ida. sTvwry wga ailA AvrAJrcn TAtrBarzuB atlas Caeiam Loftae, Csarier Oraoe win. M alien aad oaogaa. ttinatlnt Brota re. Caraoa muUieas. A. O. Duncan. Tlii i enure etsv glimliiai isja Orphenm Concert Oiilsmlia. rranss: JTlsla. 10. MM MESS J 7i7i OCR HASTEIFIICE! NEW MODELS WITH C1EATLT IMFKOVavS lASTHOPS BAJfPLTJ I I II I ts!:'ij;;;i'iui;iHi I I II, I IASTKOPS -. At an aid ta HEALTH, ihtx conett rat teUh th greatest achloarKtitt bi fit, medical orld. HEAR MADAM Don't think that this corset is a surgical device juft because doctors every where are "pretcnbuig it (or women, Aout or slender, who need perfed hygienic' abdominal support Your dressmaker wul rec ommend it quite as ftrongry as your dodor, especially 3 you are stout and want to look slender without danger or discomfort It is per fed STYLE corset (or a flout figure. The improved eltA's BarxSet. made with slender fled wire springs, curves, snugly under the abdomen,' giving firm but easy support and freedom from that peril-, out bearing down serisanon which every woman dreads. No hose supporters attached to the BancHet it can't slip out of place, and the corset can't ride up. Two models: New No. 523 Jow awadj !s5 NewNojJJBj Very long skirt, which spreads comfortably when you sit down. Atk jour dealer to thow you' these perfrel new roodek COPS BROS, Mho, Nnr York niusssina fill a long felt want ia the aiada many who wish to forget tba busy ear m una, warn eaasaev ano themselves ta aaa the eid styVt of card ronarfcnOsTio and not effead, frlca i j.i, sm a THE OMAHA. BEE ; sX 6T IPs3Ifa eytap wut ol ts. aewa Out k. aawa. j r.ii K.B. tm , ail w teat 11 was m year church ta I got rar wlfa."-Phi&dlpUa Buttetla. lie. Me, na sfartwm: tec, except, fauaxdar aa a WWTTt inn iimJi