The Omaha Daily Bee Mutt and Jeff King Bees of Fun Making Every DT in The Bee. WEATHER FORECAST. Rain or Snow VOL. XLI-XO. 259. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1912 TEN rAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HERO RESCUES DROWNING GIRL Miss Gertrude Betsie Owei Her Life to Oliver 0. CoaUoa in Exit Omaha Sunday. TAILS FROM WEAK TRESTLE lit Jump Into Turbulent Flood and Sean Her Safely to Shore. JtAHY.wrnrESSEs to bravert Both on Way with Other Pleasure Seekers to See Torrents. GIRL SAO GONE DOWN TWICE AnliMt Oeeara While Threeee ( People Were Galas ta Illlaala Ceatral Irilge ta Watch the Tarhaleat lri. Whit a horror strikes crowd stood Immovable from fright as lt-year-old Gertrude Beesie struggled to the water . beneath the Illinois Central trestle In East Omaha, from which lb had fallen, I Oliver Coulson. a boiler maker living- at 111 South Twentr-flnt street, alone re- 1 talned hi presence of mind and boldly flung himself Into the swollen stream, swimming with his halt drowned burden Mo safety. I Utile Ocrtrud Feasle, who Is tns . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bes- I Bin. C3 North Thirty-third straet. was . looking at ths ba-kwater of tha Missouri river with her Utile brother, Edmund, : sued 10 years. Misr Pereeae Clasa By. Hundreds sf other persons wera dle I by shying stony sod sticks lata the I aster , ana iitti attention wss pain iv ! them. With childless enthusiasm the I pair started to walk over tha trestle, which on account of the high water was shaky and la a dangerous condition. When the two reached t:ie middle It be gan to ahak from aldi to Al. Both begsn to icream and tha little boy fell tc his stomach and clung lo the ties. The girl lost her balance an I tumbled into the swirling flood beneall and was .struggling helplessly to herself when her rescurer appeared. "Aayeae Weald Da It." . Coleman and a companion. Oust Dokolil. 1917 South Twenty-first street. war on the other sld of the river, at' teadlng to soma fish trsps and war returning when they war attraoted to . these scene by two little girl ec reams. With his wife and two small children , Coleman Uvea the quiet life of the work' man and the plaudits and praises ec corded him by the crowd that quickly regained their senses when the danger was over, was uovual to him. "It was only what anyone elee would neve .oop, 7 seiu voutson as- ne quwuy . tried ta avoid the crowd. . Hs wss ear tied to a nearby house and given warm clothing and later be went t his homo. greatly , mberrsesed because the wit nesses Insisted that n was a ntro. Grant's Body Taken y to Governor's Island NEW YORK. April M.-Ths body of General Frederick Dent Grant, lieutenant commander of the Department of th East, was removed this afternoon from the Hotel Buckingham to Governor's Is land, where It wss placed under a mili tary guard of honor, In th Chanel of 81. Cornelius th Centurion. Then It will It until th arrival her from Russia of Princess Cantscusene. General Grant's dsugbter, for whom th funeral services have bean delayed. Th princess' Journey will take at least ten days. Th removal of th body was accom panied by no military dlsplsy or cere mony, the honors being reserved for the funeral. Mrs. Grant entered her carrtags en the arm of her son. Captain U. 8. Orant, in, and In other carriages rod Mr, and Mrs. Potter Palmer, Jr., Mrs. Honor Palmar and th military aides. Captain Knowlee, Captain Thorn and Lieutenant Hows. New ft ate af Deehlev. DRESHLER, Neb.. April , K-iSpectatU -Krelmeyer snd Poppa are excavating for their new brick building. , Kasparek Bros., "who havs been operat ing a music store here, moved their stock to Mulligan Frldsy. James Hart, vet emery surgeon, made his, last trip through this section examln ' lng stations this week. At Deshler he examined four and paaed three. Horse dealers In Nebraska are the hardest knockers on the present stallion law, as they can no longer sail a grade for a pure bred or a blemished horse for sound. Local passenger business on tha fair-bury-Nelson branch of th Rock Island nas ucxeasea unui setter realities era needed. Superintendent Kelso hss re quested a new comb! nation mall, baggage and passenger coach to be placed on the local freight. The Weather Forecast for Monday: For Kebrasks Clearing. For Iowa Rain and cooler. For South Dakota Rain or snow, nigh northwest winds and colder. Tessperjutere at Osaka T seasides. CesBparatlvc Local Raeard. mt mi. in. ! Highest yesterday a M 74 Lowest yesterday ...... 47 34 18 as Mean temperature ..... S 4 M Precipitation . . T Temperature and preclpltaUoa esper- 1 f uree from the normal: r Normal temperature ... ti iDeflciency for the day...... S Total deficiency since March 1. 141 Normal precipitation .esinca .Deficiency for the day .asinch 1 Total rainfall since March 1... ITSInches . Excess since Si arch 1 flinch ' Xeficieney for car. period, 111. .el Inch 1 sTWharTify. fat cor. Period, J1M. t) Inches J, ,?v a. m.. ............ 7 It II Ta.m 47 QiV U S a. m as a. as as '7Sir u N a. m at ijS TV a. m. at f a ss, u , p. sa rr .. J 5i i s. au!!"ini!!i is l- VJl7f m - - x1- U Mann and Graham in Bitter Quarrel on Eoor of the House WASHINGTON, April H-The he wss passed upon the floor of the house yes tarday and a bitter debate was precipi tated between the minority leader. Mr. Mann, and Representative Graham of Illinois, chairman of the Interior depart ment expenditures committee, over the case of Mrs. Halan Pierce Graf, said to be a lobbyist oa Indian affairs. Mr. Mann said la lieu of an explanation an Investigation should be made of the case. Yesterday oa the floor Mr. Mann had declared that Mrs. Gray, upon the advice of Mr. Graham, had re fused to return to aa Indian client a protested fee. Today when Mr. Oraham discovered Mr. Mann's remarks In the record, the storm broke. Mr. Mann was la the chamber when Mr. Graham began a statement. In which he branded In bitter terms Mr. Mann's dec laration aa untrue. Representative Madden of Illinois tried In vain to halt Mr. Graham's remarks be causs of Mr. Mann a absence. In the height of his protest Mr. Msnn entered. Mr. Oraham called upon hint to produce ths proofs of his charge. The minority leader read a number of letters and tele grams bearing on the connection of Mrs. Gray with the committee. Mr. Oraham reiterated that Mrs. Gray waa not employed by th osmmttte and never had drawn a penny of public funds so far as his committee waa concerned. Mr. Mana retorted by reading a letter written recently by Mr. Graham to Sacra eery Fisher Introducing Mrs. Gray and asking that she be (Ivan access to eertaia files In the general land office for th purpose of gathering information "tor th committee." Candidates for the Legislature Have Platform Ready Following Is the platform adopted by the candidates for the legislature from Douglas county who have been endorsed byi the Fontenelle club. The eandMatea drew the platform themselves, after fat ting the endorsement of th executive ex mlttee of the club. It contains what they have agreed to pledge themselves to. and the understanding between ths candidate la that they will not make any other pledge: W favor th enactment Into law of the folowlng: First A provision for a Jury and elec tion eommisioner. Second A Brovtston for a stats In' stitutlon for first ofenders separate and alstlnct from the state penitentiary. Third A provlalon abollahlng contract convict labor ana providing tor its em nlnvment direct bv the stats. fourth A provision providing for the creation of a Board of Control or com- m lei oners, having charge of al slat la Btltstloas. Fifth A provision eonsolMating ail tax ana mesing in same payee in two Installments. Signed by: John T. Dillon, N. P. Dodge, S Uaa-man IHhw ' PnMt and Charles 1 Bounders, candidate tor ths republican nomination ror tns state sen ate: N'ela J. Anderson. John A. Dempster. Joe Kasper, Michael Lee, Fred O. Mower, ueorge . fowell ana nawsra nmon. candidates for the republican nomination for state representatives. College Men Confer . at Crete Session CRETE. Neb.. April li.-(Speclal Tele. gram.r The Nebraska Conference of College Men opened at Doane college Friday night with about IS delegates present. Dean Fordyee of the University of Nebraska, chairman of the confer ence, opened the masting and waa fol lowd by an address of welcome by Prof. Taylor of Doane. J. R. Dalley then spoke on hie belief In the Young Men's Christian, association, and "Dad', Elliott followed with a Ulk an student eondl tlona. Saturday morning "Dad" Elliott spent two hours and a half In a conference en Toang Men's Christian association math oda In general that waa extremely In etructtve. This wss followed by aa ax cellent address by Dr. La wren oe of Lin coln of efficiency and leadership. The afternoon seed on consisted of another address by Dr. Lawrence on "Th Price of Leadership," and a confersno on re ligious meetings by R. H. Garner of Mis souri Quy Aid rich of Iowa dosed the sloa with a conference oa extension work of the Toung Men's Christian aa elation. la tha evening a feed and exhibition of stunts was pulled off. followed by as evangelical masting led by "Dad" El Uott The conference so far baa bean a greet oceeaa. Ultimatum Issued to Mexican Forces WASHINGTON. April M.-The Mexican government was notified today that the United States will bold Mexico and the Mexican people "responsible for all wan ton or Illegal acta sacrificing or endan gering American Hfe or damaging Amer ican property or Interests." A similar notification has been sent to General Orosco, chief of the Insurrecto Wetea frees Table stack. TABLR ROCK. April M.-Speclal.)- here..JePols mg ETAOI SHRDIJ) Patron s week was observed In the schools here on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. The exhibitions In the various rooms were fine, and there wss quite a large attendance. It con cluded with a program yeaterday after noon la which papers were read by County Superintendent Lulu S. Wolford of Pawnee City, Rev. Wlmberly, Post master Frank Taylor, Dr. Cherry, Miss Enxberry and Miss Rokshr of the high school Grand Custodian Robert E. French of Kearney conducted a Masonic ached of tnet ruction for Masons at the Ma sonic hall In Table Rock Friday after noon snd evening at which there was a full attendance. At tha recent session of the drainage board beM at Fellers' ball la Table Reck. James Frttrh wss appointed aa a mem ber of the drainage board to fill the vacancy ceased by toe resignation of .WUBanvferaanske - ROOSEVELT WINS fo-WIstiS w Colonel Will Hare All B'Au Deleft tea from Pen&vffe. to OacM- PEDIAET A BLO- fEfl jTCXSOSE Kay Be Ouitet " -te Chairman and SationalNnmitteeinan. STATE COHVESTI05 FOB T. B. Politicians Surprised by Triumph of Former President WILSON HAS COMPLETE VICTORY Eleventh District Aloae Nassea Two De legs tee Favorable to Gov ernor Harases, bat Both Are t aplrdared. PHILADELPHIA, April 14Colonsl Theodore Roosevelt's sweeping victory In Pennsylvania at Saturday'a primary elec tion kept growing today aa the returns continued to come In. Incomplete returns from every district gave tne former president sixty-five of the states seventy-six delegate in ths republican convention. The Roosevelt supporters were claiming sixty-seven and later returns may carry the figures to that total. Cblond Roosevelt woo fifty three of the sixty-four district national delegate and his followers elected enough delegates to the state convention to give them control of that body. Ths stats convention will name twelve dele-gatee-at-largs. Oovernor Woodrow Wilson of Nsw Jer sey, who had no organised opposition, will have seventy-four of the sevsnty-slx delegate from Pennsylvania la th dem ocratic national convention. In the Elev enth congressional district the two demo cratic national delegates elected are fa vorable to Oovernor Judson Harmon, but they are nrt pledged. Politicians look upon the triumph of Colonel Roosevelt with astonishment. Ths supporters of the former president war without a state organisation or without an organisation In many of ths thirty-two congressional districts. Ths regular republioan organisation headed by United States Senator Boise Penrose, which has withstood ths fury of many a political storm, received a crushing defeat In the loss of control of the stats convention. It Is, ths first time In the present generation that It hss lost control of that body. The stats convention baa the power to elect a new stats chairman to succeed United States Senator Penrose and the national delegates can elect a new na tional committeeman from Pennsylvania to succeed Senator Penrose, who holds that position, Wllseai Heavy Wlaaer.- Ths - republican organisation " leaders wera stunned by tha overwhelming defeat of th Taft candidates and had nothing to say regarding the result. United States Senator Penrose, ths recognised leader of th republican organisation and the leading Taft boomer In this state, left ths city early in ths afternoon and boarded hie yacht at At tan tic City, where he Is aafs from Inter viewers. Whole State for Wlleoa. With the exception of one or two dis tricts In the state Woodrow Wilson will have a solid delegation from Penney! vanla to the democratic natlonsl con vsntlon. In this dty Tsft got seven of the twelve national delegates. Reuben A. Moon, who has been a leader on tha republican aids of congress for several sessions, wss decisively de feated tor renonunatlon. He la succesful opponent Is George W. Edmonds. republican-Keystone candidate. Congressman Michael Donah oe. demo crat, accomplished the remarkable feat of winning the republican as well as ths democratic and Keystone nominations la the Fifth Philadelphia district. This dis trict la largely peopled by worklngmen. Maeh latcwst Shaven. The Interest In the primary nearly equaled that ordtnsrily manifested In a general election. Polls opened at S and closed at S o'clock. Rain fell generally all over the state sad this to some extent kept ths vote down. In soma quarters claims were mads of unfslr treatment of Keystone party vot ers and It was apparent that the Roose velt leaders felt that the exclusion of Keystone votes had an unfavorable In fluence upon their favorite's chances. Nesalaeea tar Caagreea. All parties nominated candidates for congress In the thlrtyltwo congres sional districts of Pennsylvania. Re turns show the following were nomi nated: Tenth District-John 8. Farr, repub lican: M. A. McOlnley. democrat. First District William 8. Vara, repub lican. Secohd District Oeorge 8. Grahsm, re publican. Third District J. Hampton Moors, re publican, renominated. Ninth District W. W. Griest, repub lican, renominated. Eighth Dlstrict-Oa-r O. Bean, repub lican: Robert K. Diefenderfer. democrat, renominated. Seventeenth District B. K. FOcht. re publican, renominated. Eighteenth District William C. Free man, republican, renominated. Twenty-ninth District Stephen O. Por ter, republican, renominated. Thirty-first District James Francis Burke, renoffltnsted. Thirteenth District John H. Rothermel. renominated. Fourth District-George W. Edroonds, republican. Twenty-sixth Distrlct-A. Mitchell Pal Bier, democrat, renominated. Eighteenth District Milton H. Plans, democrat. Delaware far Taft. WILMINGTON. Det. April lt-Repub- llcan primaries were held In the three counties yesterday to elect detecatea to th stats convention, which will select six delegates to ths Chicago .convention. Taft leaders claim that while the na tional deJegatea will be nruastructed they will favor the nomination of President Taft. Four of the six will be United States Senators Richardson and Dnpont. Congressman Hsald and Oovernor Penne- wHl. The stats convention will meet In Dover next Thursday. ! According to to Taft leaders the total Continued, sa second Page Now that tho suffragist of New From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. POUTICIANS BUSY THIS WEEK Taft, La Follette . and Eooierelt Forces Beady for Primary, Mr-Tim. M'coaincK in nscoLN Clark Mea Shew Anxiety ta Carry Mneela and . Lancaster Coaaty for Sake sf Prevlag Few Thlaga ta Wlleea. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April li.-(Speclal.)-Th closing week of the primary campaign la to witness more political activity than had been anticipated a few weeks back. While La Folletts has departed for ths west after a tour of Nebraska, he has left a number of lieutenants behind who are speaking In hie behalf. W. B. An drews is the only epeaker tha Taft forces have billed, but th headquarter In this dty la busy sending ut literature. Roosevelt Is billed for a trip of two ays la th state, Wednesday and Thurs day, and Medtll MoCormick of Chloage la in th city making arrangements for the trip and ales looking after the send lng out of a large' amount of literature which preceded him. On the democratic Bids Champ Clark hss sent a corps of workers Into ths state and opened headquarters In this city at the Lincoln hotel. J. Fred Will- lama of Mssaarhusetts, ex-Senator Petti grew of South Dakota and other spell binders ars lo speak, a meeting In Lin coin to close the campaign being on th schedule, Clark Wsats Lancaster. Th C'.rk men are particularly anxious to carry Lincoln and Lancaster county, sa they aay to "dispell the Illusion" that Bryan la for Wilson. - The moral effect of carrying Lincoln, they aasert. will be worth as much to Clark aa ths delega tion from the atate, hence they are con centrating forces on Lancaster county. The Wilson men are active, though thsy have as yet announced no speaking dates. Not so much la heard of the Harmon campaign here? aa that Is being con ducted from Omaha. One of the prettiest little scraps that haa developed In the campaign Is now on between R. U Metcalfe and John H, Morehead, democratic candidates for ths nomination for governor. Circulars sent out among ths Germane urging them w work for Morehead on account of his po sition on the liquor question havs stirred up Metcslfe snd his friends, snd Inci dentally caused a whole lot of worry to other democrats, for they have been striving desperately to keep the liquor question out of the present campaign. While thla circular may not develop so wordy a controversy aa the I. J. Duna- G member battle of words, democratic leaders really fear It will have a worse effect. Monday evening O. M. Hitchcock will carry the war into the enemy's country. being billed to apeak In tha ban of tne German Family club In this city. High" Army Positions Will Be Filled Soon WASHINGTON. April 14. President Taft soon will be called upon to select an officer of high rank to command the eastern division of the army, as well as to name an officer to the rank of major general to ajeceed General Frederick D. Grant, who died recently In New Tork. Three namee already have been sug gested as commanders of the eastern division. In the order of their chances they are: Major General Thomas H. Barry United States military sademy. superintendent: Major General William H. Carter, assistant chief of the general staff, and Brigadier General Tasker K Bliss, commanding the Department of the East st New Tork. General Carter had been picked to command the central divi sion, but these plana might be easily changed. Practically all the brigadier generals seem to be possibilities tot the promotion to the major generalship. Brigadier Gen eral Frederick Funston, commanding the Department of tha Luzon, la the senior among the brigadiers. Ha la only 47 years old and will not retire until- r2. This latter phase may serve to prevent his getting the position, sa that would tend to block the promotion of officers older than himself. Brigadier General Clarence R. Edwards chief of the Insular bureau. Is mentioned sa a possibility for the vacant brigadier generalship. Hs now boMa ths title through, big present offlca. York are going to butt the millinery offer a few suggestions. Republican National Ticket Msbraeka Mxaarlss April 1. For President: William Howard Taft, For United States Senator: Norris Brown. For National Committeeman:! Victor Bosewater. Delegate. Alternates-at-Large. at-Larg. ' Aura W. Field. O. E. Adam. i. I Webster. C. Hrnslnger. R. B. Hchneider. C. A. Srliappel. E. B. Perry. F. M. t'urrle. District District Delegates. Alternates. 1. Frank Kravls. H. R. Howe. P. P, Nheldoa. 1' i001, O. L. Saunders, M. P. Swansoa. V is i.i.i. vrr.. . ""r "spes. H. Clatieiter. Carl Kramer, "' ClTfr; W.M. Overs trex. K, J. K1J Patrick. J. p. Thlossnn. 8, A. O. Tlankln, J. B. McfJrew. I. N. Clarke. I. A. Andrews. 6. A. E. Cady. R. H. Harris. H. J. Wlsner. W. L. Stewart, Presidential Eleotors-at-Larga. K. O. HcGUtoo. JS. M. Pollard. District Presidential Electors. t. B. P. navldsea. 4. Lyaa H. Lyta. t. A. C. Keaaedr. S. ft. H. Haaala. 3. L. Saslthaeraer. O. W. T. Wllees FARMERS WELL" SATISFIED Besidents Along- Northwestern Are Pleated with Administration. SECOND TEBlf FOE GOOD UAH Persons Attraiptlag ta Make leaa try Believe Farmer against Presldeat Nat Sneceeafal la Tale Terrltery, DODGE), Neb, April M.-(Bpeclal.-Thc towne along the line of the Northwestern railroad from Leigh to this place seem to show no indications of anything but a tendency of republicans to vots th re publioan ticket. Certain Interests which have attempted to make the country be lieve that the farmers would not support President Tsft If he Is nominated have not semed to get In their work with very much success along this section. Nells Olson said that be was strongly In favor of President Taft, also that he had four boy who wrga with him on the proposition. He thought that It would be very foolish for sny farmer to vote any other way. Tfmee have been good," said Mr. Olson, "and I don't feel like taking any chances on a change. When we get a man Ilka the president I be lieve that we ought to give him a eecond term, for be can do a great deal more the ascend term than he can th first Taft haa made good and the country needs no change." Thomas Mortimer, who lives Just over the line In Stanton county but trades In Leigh, said: "President Tsft Is the only man who can be elected. He baa made a good president and on his record la en titled to soother nomination." Mark Moore of Howells. who farms a short distance from tho town, ssld: "I wss born and raised in Colfax county snd am a republican. . The administra tion of President Taft hss been a good business administration and one In which the farmer has been generally 'prosper ous. I know of no republican farmer but what believes as I do and President Taft will receive the vote of those of my ac quaintance." Joe Nykodlm, who Uvea near Howells, is very much in favor of President Tsft. J. M. Pokorny said that as tsr as he knew the termers of his acquaintance would, like him. vote for President Taft if be was nominated. P. A. B. HUMBOLDT WOMAN VICTIM OF PTOMAINE POISONING HUMBOLDT. April U (SpeclaD-Mra. Roy Reid was taken very fl Friday after noon, being poisoned. It Is presumed, from eating English walnuts that were used do lalad. While hopes are held for her recovery, ahe is still la a critical condition, J"''' T, trust by wearing SS-cent bats, ws LAND ENTRIESJEGIN TODAY Holders of Humbert in Fine Bidfe Lottery Will Hake Filings. OFFICE OPEN AT WHITE BTVEB Tewae Barderlag aa Cadesl Leads Tased far Several Weeks ta Car far Prospective Heaa calenders, BlOUjt FALLS, S. D.. April lX-lSp. clal r-Bverythlng I la readiness for ths commencement en Mondsy April 11 ef the work of making entries on several hun dred thousand aorss of thePlne Ridge and Rosebud Indian reservations la Mel lette and Dennett oounOe, which last year waa ceded by the Sioux Indiana and ordered thrown epen to whits settle ment. . NT1 Jirfet-tndf land Via olsnoswJ by a government land lottery, but tho who draw farms of 1l seres each thera will not b permuted to make formal home- steed entry of tnslr landa until April is. Commencing on that day a eertaia num bs) of numbers will be called each day. and those nhn bold the numbers, which wers riven out ss ths result ef the land lotte'y will be permitted to make home stead ertry of the farms drawn and so li, ted by thtin. All Tawaa Crowded. Fir sevrial weeks the holders of num bers have been gathering In tha .town a Jsrent to the tracts which are to be occupied In the two counties, and sines ths beginning of this week ths rush haa been unusually heavy. Ths towns border ing en the ceded lends are being taxed to their utmost lu csring for ths number holders. In order to reduce lawleesnsaa ti th minimi m al games of chance have birn trohiblteil In most of the towns during the ertry period, and those de tected gambling will be prosecuted under the ststs statutes and pnulshed to the full extent of the law. For tha convenience of those who were fortunate enough to draw farms automo bile lines havs been established from ths nearest railroad towns, and by this means the holders of numbers can easily reach ths ceded lands la the two counties. Inspect the opened territory and make their selections of farms. After they hsve done this thsy can officially hsvs their selected tracts set aside for them by appearing st a temporary United States land office which will be opened for business on Mondsy morning In the new town of White River, Mellette county. Although the new town le sltu sted at a point somewhat remote from the nearest railroad lines, the sutomo blle transportation linos will furnish aa easy means of reaching White River. Will Be Given Ortlfleatee. When the holders of numbers have their numbers called at the temporary land office at White River they will be permitted to make their selections, and the government officials In charge of ths temporary land office will give them a certificate, which will enable them to make formal entry on their farms at the United States land office st Cham berlain. Every provision has been made by the government to expedlate the work of having farms assigned to those who drew numbers, and the vast work Is expected lo progress without s hitch and without the slightest delay, so all the holders of numbers ran secure their farms In the shortest possible time after the tern; porary land office Is opened st White River on Monday morning. Peru Normal Wins , Debate from Wayne PERU. Neb.. April MtSpeclaLr-In a debate here last night on the Inltlstlve and referendum. Peru Normal won a unanlmoua decision over Wayne Normal Peru supporter the affirmative, Ita speakers being Cssstua' Kennedy, Miss Rene Keith and Arthur Anderson. Ths Wayne speakers were Jamas Brtttsln. O. K. Cress and Jesse Wlckman. Prof. J. G. W. Lewis waa la charge of the Wayne squad. The Judges were Prof. Jones of th Stat university history department. Judge Hastlnga, dean of th university law school, and Superintendent Graff of Omaha. Another Pern team supporting the negative at Kearney ea the earns evening waa defeated by a vote of 2 to L TWO LOSE LIVES IN APML STOBM Krs, Bichard Path and Little Son Lost in Snow and Betcuera , Are Foiled. BODY OF XOTHEB IS FOUSD Neighbors Unable to Come TJpoa Trace of Chili LOSSES OF STOCK ABE HEAVY Ranchmen Unprepared for Bemark able Spring Disturbance. SUMMER SUSTST0R3C IN OMAHA FertyMlle Gale Caaaes Great Dta eemfart la Tale City Tas. aadla Starsaa la lawa aa4 Mtseeari Da Have. HEMINOFORD. Neb, April U-Tbe bllssard which raged In northwestern Ne braska Saturday afternoon and through the night claimed at least one victim and probably two. Mr. Richard Path, whs with bar little son. started out at tha beginning of the storm to bring th stork to shelter, waa lost In ths blinding snow and her body was found this morn ing not far from her home. Ths child baa not been found, but It la feared hs perished. -. Richard Path, the husband, waa at AL liance on a homestead. The Paths lived tea miles from hers. Neighbors searched all night tor ths woman and boy. The bllssard waa ths forst over ex. perlenced In this section at ss lets a say In spring, and ranchmen were entirely unprepared for It. The wind had the force almost of a tornado, driving a heavy snow before It and making It Im pose! bla to as not a few feet ahead. Many houses war unroofed and build ings damaged. Reports cam la today, of stock perishing In ths open. Ths storm extended as tar west aa Sheridan, Wyo.. and eastward nearly 10S miles, but with ktsssnsd ssvertty. Snow fell throughout the Black Hills, but there waa an absence of the high wind. Ranch men fear stock looses wlU be heavy, aa cattle were turned cut several weeks g for forage, and were without sbaltsr. Saaweet ta A bleosala' sou'wester cams up from Kansas way Saturday afternoon and blew down Farnaas street Ilk a goat of wood packers. Ths frailer human craft were hardly aba te weather the storm that tore their flying Hbs from their topmasts and swot thsia flying through the air. '1 Bven the mora worthy of the wayfarare had hard aalling la re pasted efforts to tack against tha gals, aad more than no sa a cruise sf a block or two tby ware eueassllsdvto uUla tar JhaUer at . earn friendly store-door sBtrsnoe, But . thsy wers brave, and with an "avast ye lubber" would reef their main courses, royals aad Bdssens te put est agala into the main while their apankara war whipped te shreds. Rut ths frailer erafta, poor things) Going with ths wind they did not find It so troublesome ss emharraaslng. How ever, the wind blew dust hi the naughty lubbers eyes, and they never did know how trail some ef their sister erefti wars. Colonel Welch's official whirligig en top) of Ihs federal building Indicated that the wind velocity at Ita highest .during the afternoon waa about forty miles aa hour. STLROIS, 8. D., April U-tSpeclal Telegram )-A heavy rain set In her yes terday morning, followed by snow and sleet and accompanied by . high wind, thunder and lightning. A large amount of moisture fell, creeks are filling rapidly ' and bumper crone are assured In Meade county. Farmers are seeding heavily. COUNTY JUDGES HOLD MEETING IN GRAND ISLAND GRAND ISLAND, Nb.. April li. -(Special.) The annual meeting of the Ne braska County Judges' association has adjourned after electing Judge Campbell ef Polk county as president, and Judge Kelso of Franklin county as secretary treasurer. Ths sttendsncs wss disap pointing, only about twenty-five of .the county Judges ef tha state attending. Ths following program, with a few ex ceptions, was. however, esrrlsd out: Address of Welcome... .Mayor C. C. Ryan Response Judge Rattermaa What It Meana to be a County Judge.. i. .Judge Button Civil Ceeee In County Court. Judse Mullln Criminal Practice .....Judse Hallowell Juvenile Court Judge Livingston Keee: Their Importance. ..Judge Campbell Matrimony, ss viewed by a Judge.... Judge Kelso The Relation of Judge and Attorney... Hon. W. Thompson Further Affiant Saysth Not . ..lion. W. A. Prince The program waa Interspersed with a general discussion of probata work and of matter of Interest to these particular officials. If .. . Who can tell who vitnnla wrniiss Pi All Cat sMCUiacs viu atvuavi farm or csttage for the coming season sf 1 II you oo not care x. laO io occupy iu Doubtless there are many desirable families vho would be glad of the op portunity to lease it if they only knew you would rent it Why not advertise in The Omaha Bee and allow others to enjoy the beau ties of the location of your place? Aa announcement In taa classified section wlU pat yon in touch with suitable porsoag. Tyler 1000 J i J